コード例 #1
                                                'FROM ticket_change WHERE field="comment" AND ticket=%s' % tid):
            body = body.strip()
            if not body:
            comment_count += 1
            body = convert_wikiformat(rev_mapping.convert(body))
            if timestamp:
                timestamp = epoch_to_iso(timestamp)
            logging.debug(u'  comment: {0}'.format(body[:70].replace(u'\r\n', u'\\n').replace(u'\n', u'\\n')))
            # Don't worry about escaping--GitHub will handle these with Markdown formatter.
            comment_data.append(u'<tr><th style="text-align:left">Comment {2} by {0} at {1}</th></tr>'.format(
                author_mapping(author)['login'], timestamp, comment_count
        issue['body'] += u'\n' + u'\n'.join(comment_data)

        # Save the issue.
        # NOTE: we cannot set the issue number when creating.
            result = github.issues(data=issue)
            logging.debug('New issue no.: {0} => {1}'.format(tid, result['number']))
            if status == 'closed':
                # Unfortunately, we should use another query to close it.
                github.issues(result['number'], data={'state': 'closed'})
        except ValueError as e:
            logging.error(e)  # TEMPORARY

コード例 #2
	issue['created_at'] = epoch_to_iso(created_at)
    if updated_at:
	issue['updated_at'] = epoch_to_iso(updated_at)
    issue['labels'] = []
    if keywords:
        issue['labels'].extend([{'name' : keyword} for keyword in keywords])
    if severity:
	issue['labels'].append({'name' : severity})
    if priority:
	issue['labels'].append({'name' : priority})
    if resolution:
	issue['labels'].append({'name' : resolution})
    if type:
        issue['labels'].append({'name' : type})
    # save issue
    github.issues(tid, data=issue)
    # Add comments
    comment_data = []
    comments = trac.sql('SELECT author, newvalue, time AS body FROM ticket_change WHERE field="comment" AND ticket=%s' % tid)
    for author, body, timestamp in comments:
        body = body.strip()
        if body:
            # replace svn commit with git one
	    if options.checkout:
                # search for [12345], r12345 changeset formats
                body = re.sub(r'[r\[](\d+)[\W]', svn_to_git_mapper, body)
            # prefix comment with author as git doesn't keep them separate
            if author:
                body = "%s: %s" % (author, body)
	    if timestamp:
		timestamp = epoch_to_iso(timestamp)