コード例 #1
 def test_srau_seatbelt_goes_to_100(self):
     def gen_test_username():
         for i in range(100):
             yield 'deadbeef'
     def reserve(cursor, username):
         raise IntegrityError
     with self.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
         with pytest.raises(RanOutOfUsernameAttempts):
             safely_reserve_a_username(cursor, gen_test_username, reserve)
コード例 #2
 def test_srau_wears_a_seatbelt(self):
     def gen_test_username():
         for i in range(101):
             yield 'deadbeef'
     def reserve(cursor, username):
         raise IntegrityError
     with self.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
         with pytest.raises(FailedToReserveUsername):
             safely_reserve_a_username(cursor, gen_test_username, reserve)
コード例 #3
    def test_srau_seatbelt_goes_to_100(self):
        def gen_test_username():
            for i in range(100):
                yield 'deadbeef'

        def reserve(cursor, username):
            raise IntegrityError

        with self.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
            with pytest.raises(RanOutOfUsernameAttempts):
                safely_reserve_a_username(cursor, gen_test_username, reserve)
コード例 #4
    def test_srau_wears_a_seatbelt(self):
        def gen_test_username():
            for i in range(101):
                yield 'deadbeef'

        def reserve(cursor, username):
            raise IntegrityError

        with self.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
            with pytest.raises(FailedToReserveUsername):
                safely_reserve_a_username(cursor, gen_test_username, reserve)
コード例 #5
 def test_srau_inserts_a_participant_by_default(self):
     def gen_test_username():
         yield 'deadbeef'
     with self.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
         username = safely_reserve_a_username(cursor, gen_test_username)
     assert username == 'deadbeef'
     assert self.db.one('SELECT username FROM participants') == 'deadbeef'
コード例 #6
    def test_srau_inserts_a_participant_by_default(self):
        def gen_test_username():
            yield 'deadbeef'

        with self.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
            username = safely_reserve_a_username(cursor, gen_test_username)
        assert username == 'deadbeef'
        assert self.db.one('SELECT username FROM participants') == 'deadbeef'
コード例 #7
    def upsert(cls, i):
        """Insert or update a user's info.

        # Clean up avatar_url
        if i.avatar_url:
            scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(i.avatar_url)
            fragment = ''
            if netloc.endswith('githubusercontent.com') or \
                query = 's=128'
            i.avatar_url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))

        # Serialize extra_info
        if isinstance(i.extra_info, ET.Element):
            i.extra_info = xmltodict.parse(ET.tostring(i.extra_info))
        i.extra_info = json.dumps(i.extra_info)

        cols, vals = zip(*i.__dict__.items())
        cols = ', '.join(cols)
        placeholders = ', '.join(['%s'] * len(vals))

            # Try to insert the account
            # We do this with a transaction so that if the insert fails, the
            # participant we reserved for them is rolled back as well.
            with cls.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
                username = safely_reserve_a_username(cursor)
                    INSERT INTO elsewhere
                                (participant, {0})
                         VALUES (%s, {1})
                """.format(cols, placeholders), (username, ) + vals)
                # Propagate elsewhere.is_team to participants.number
                if i.is_team:
                        UPDATE participants
                           SET number = 'plural'::participant_number
                         WHERE username = %s
                    """, (username, ))
        except IntegrityError:
            # The account is already in the DB, update it instead
            username = cls.db.one(
                UPDATE elsewhere
                   SET ({0}) = ({1})
                 WHERE platform=%s AND user_id=%s
             RETURNING participant
            """.format(cols, placeholders), vals + (i.platform, i.user_id))
            if not username:

        # Return account after propagating avatar_url to participant
        account = AccountElsewhere.from_user_id(i.platform, i.user_id)
        return account
コード例 #8
 def test_srau_safely_reserves_a_username(self):
     def gen_test_username():
         yield 'deadbeef'
     def reserve(cursor, username):
         return 'deadbeef'
     with self.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
         username = safely_reserve_a_username(cursor, gen_test_username, reserve)
     assert username == 'deadbeef'
     assert self.db.one('SELECT username FROM participants') is None
コード例 #9
 def test_srau_retries_work_with_db(self):
     # XXX This is raising InternalError because the transaction is ended or something.
     def gen_test_username():
         yield 'deadbeef'
         yield 'deafbeef'
     with self.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
         username = safely_reserve_a_username(cursor, gen_test_username)
         assert username == 'deafbeef'
コード例 #10
    def test_srau_retries_work_with_db(self):
        # XXX This is raising InternalError because the transaction is ended or something.

        def gen_test_username():
            yield 'deadbeef'
            yield 'deafbeef'

        with self.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
            username = safely_reserve_a_username(cursor, gen_test_username)
            assert username == 'deafbeef'
コード例 #11
    def test_srau_safely_reserves_a_username(self):
        def gen_test_username():
            yield 'deadbeef'

        def reserve(cursor, username):
            return 'deadbeef'

        with self.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
            username = safely_reserve_a_username(cursor, gen_test_username,
        assert username == 'deadbeef'
        assert self.db.one('SELECT username FROM participants') is None
コード例 #12
    def upsert(cls, i):
        """Insert or update a user's info.

        # Clean up avatar_url
        if i.avatar_url:
            scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(i.avatar_url)
            fragment = ""
            if netloc.endswith("githubusercontent.com") or netloc.endswith("gravatar.com"):
                query = "s=128"
            i.avatar_url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))

        # Serialize extra_info
        if isinstance(i.extra_info, ET.Element):
            i.extra_info = xmltodict.parse(ET.tostring(i.extra_info))
        i.extra_info = json.dumps(i.extra_info)

        cols, vals = zip(*i.__dict__.items())
        cols = ", ".join(cols)
        placeholders = ", ".join(["%s"] * len(vals))

            # Try to insert the account
            # We do this with a transaction so that if the insert fails, the
            # participant we reserved for them is rolled back as well.
            with cls.db.get_cursor() as cursor:
                username = safely_reserve_a_username(cursor)
                    INSERT INTO elsewhere
                                (participant, {0})
                         VALUES (%s, {1})
                        cols, placeholders
                    (username,) + vals,
                # Propagate elsewhere.is_team to participants.number
                if i.is_team:
                        UPDATE participants
                           SET number = 'plural'::participant_number
                         WHERE username = %s
        except IntegrityError:
            # The account is already in the DB, update it instead
            username = cls.db.one(
                UPDATE elsewhere
                   SET ({0}) = ({1})
                 WHERE platform=%s AND user_id=%s
             RETURNING participant
                    cols, placeholders
                vals + (i.platform, i.user_id),
            if not username:

        # Return account after propagating avatar_url to participant
        account = AccountElsewhere.from_user_id(i.platform, i.user_id)
        return account