def makewindow(self): x, y = self.maxx, self.maxy gl.foreground() gl.maxsize(x, y) gl.keepaspect(x, y) gl.stepunit(8, 6) width = self.curx height = self.cury if width and height: # Place the window at (150, 150) from top left # (the video board likes this location...) x1 = 150 x2 = x1+width-1 SCRHEIGHT = 768 y2 = SCRHEIGHT-1-150 y1 = y2-height+1 gl.prefposition(x1, x2, y1, y2) self.window = gl.winopen('Vb video') self.settitle() if width: gl.maxsize(x, y) gl.keepaspect(x, y) gl.stepunit(8, 6) gl.winconstraints() gl.qdevice(DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT)
def __init__(self, pktmax, vw, vh, type): self.pktmax = pktmax self.realwidth, self.realheight = vw, vh if type <> 'rgb': raise 'Incorrent video data type', type self.type = type self.width = vw self.height = vh # # Open dummy window # gl.foreground() gl.noport() self.wid = gl.winopen('DisplayVideoIn') self.x0 = 0 self.x1 = self.x0 + self.width - 1 self.y0 = 0 self.y1 = self.y0 + self.height - 1 # Compute # full lines per packet self.lpp = pktmax / self.linewidth() if self.lpp <= 0: raise 'No lines in packet', self.linewidth() self.pktsize = self.lpp*self.linewidth() = None self.old_data = None self.dataoffset = 0 self.lpos = 0 self.hints = 0
def remotedialog(): gl.foreground() gl.ringbell() m1 = user + ' wants to talk to you over the audio channel.' m2 = 'If it\'s OK, put on your headset and click Yes.' m3 = 'If you\'re too busy, click No.' return fl.show_question(m1, m2, m3)
def show(file): import gl, GL, DEVICE jpegdata = open(file, 'r').read() imgdata, width, height, bytesperpixel = decompress(jpegdata) gl.foreground() gl.prefsize(width, height) win = gl.winopen(file) if bytesperpixel == 1: gl.cmode() gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 8) gl.gconfig() for i in range(256): gl.mapcolor(i, i, i, i) else: gl.RGBmode() gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 32) gl.gconfig() gl.qdevice(DEVICE.REDRAW) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT) gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, imgdata) while 1: dev, val = gl.qread() if dev in (DEVICE.ESCKEY, DEVICE.WINSHUT, DEVICE.WINQUIT): break if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW: gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, imgdata) gl.winclose(win) newjpegdata = compress(imgdata, width, height, bytesperpixel) open('/tmp/j.jpg', 'w').write(newjpegdata)
def test(): import gl gl.foreground() gl.winopen('test watchcursor') defwatch(1) gl.setcursor(1, 0, 0) import time time.sleep(10)
def main(): gl.foreground() gl.noport() #gl.prefposition(700, 850, 950, 970) wid = gl.winopen('audio demo') # panels = panel.defpanellist('apanel.s') # XXX p = panels[0] p.playbackbutton.back = p p.recordbutton.back = p p.sample = '' # def quit(a): sys.exit(0) # p.quitbutton.downfunc = quit # def playback(a): p = a.back gain = int(255.0 * p.outputgain.val) a.val = 1.0 a.fixact() panel.drawpanel() audio.setoutgain(gain) audio.write(p.sample) audio.setoutgain(0) a.val = 0.0 a.fixact() # p.playbackbutton.downfunc = playback # def record(a): p = a.back size = int(10.0 * 8192.0 * p.recordsize.val) a.val = 1.0 a.fixact() panel.drawpanel() audio.setoutgain(0) p.sample = a.val = 0.0 a.fixact() # p.recordbutton.downfunc = record # while 1: act = panel.dopanel()
def show(self): if self.wid < 0: gl.foreground() gl.prefsize(self.vout.width, self.vout.height) self.wid = gl.winopen(self.title) gl.clear() self.vout.initcolormap() gl.winset(self.wid) if not self.queue: self.vout.clear() return dt, d, cd = self.queue[-1] self.vout.showframe(d, cd)
def show(self): if self.wid < 0: gl.foreground() gl.prefsize(, self.wid = gl.winopen(self.title) gl.clear() gl.winset(self.wid) if self.qindex >= self.qsize: return dt, d, cd =, cd)
def __init__(self, filename, title, qsize): try: self.vout = VFile.VoutFile(filename) except (EOFError, VFile.Error): raise IOError, 'bad video output file' if not title: title = os.path.split(filename)[1] self.filename = filename self.title = title self.qsize = qsize gl.foreground() self.wid = -1 self.reset()
def __init__(self, filename, title, *args): try: = VFile.VinFile(filename) except (EOFError, VFile.Error): raise IOError, 'bad video input file' if not title: title = os.path.split(filename)[1] self.filename = filename self.title = title self.qsize = len( gl.foreground() gl.prefsize(, self.wid = -1 self.reset()
def main(): gl.foreground() gl.prefsize(SV.PAL_XMAX, SV.PAL_YMAX) win = gl.winopen('video test') v = sv.OpenVideo() params = [SV.VIDEO_MODE, SV.COMP, SV.BROADCAST, SV.PAL] v.SetParam(params) v.BindGLWindow(win, SV.IN_REPLACE) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT) while 1: dev, val = gl.qread() if dev in (DEVICE.ESCKEY, DEVICE.WINSHUT, DEVICE.WINQUIT): v.CloseVideo() gl.winclose(win) return
def main(): format = SV.RGB8_FRAMES requestedwidth = SV.PAL_XMAX queuesize = 30 if sys.argv[1:]: queuesize = eval(sys.argv[1]) v = sv.OpenVideo() svci = (format, requestedwidth, 0, queuesize, 0) go = raw_input('Press return to capture ' + `queuesize` + ' frames: ') result = v.CaptureBurst(svci) svci, buffer, bitvec = result ## svci, buffer = result # XXX If bit vector not yet implemented print 'Captured', svci[3], 'frames, i.e.', len(buffer)/1024, 'K bytes' w, h = svci[1:3] framesize = w * h gl.prefposition(300, 300+w-1, 100, 100+h-1) gl.foreground() win = gl.winopen('Burst Capture') gl.RGBmode() gl.gconfig() gl.qdevice(DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY) print 'Click left mouse for next frame' for i in range(svci[3]): inverted_frame = sv.RGB8toRGB32(1, \ buffer[i*framesize:(i+1)*framesize], w, h) gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, w-1, h-1, inverted_frame) while 1: dev, val = gl.qread() if dev == DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE and val == 1: break if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW: gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, w-1, h-1, inverted_frame) if dev == DEVICE.ESCKEY: v.CloseVideo() gl.winclose(win) return v.CloseVideo() gl.winclose(win)
def main(): format = SV.RGB8_FRAMES requestedwidth = SV.PAL_XMAX queuesize = 30 if sys.argv[1:]: queuesize = eval(sys.argv[1]) v = sv.OpenVideo() svci = (format, requestedwidth, 0, queuesize, 0) go = raw_input('Press return to capture ' + ` queuesize ` + ' frames: ') result = v.CaptureBurst(svci) svci, buffer, bitvec = result ## svci, buffer = result # XXX If bit vector not yet implemented print 'Captured', svci[3], 'frames, i.e.', len(buffer) / 1024, 'K bytes' w, h = svci[1:3] framesize = w * h gl.prefposition(300, 300 + w - 1, 100, 100 + h - 1) gl.foreground() win = gl.winopen('Burst Capture') gl.RGBmode() gl.gconfig() gl.qdevice(DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY) print 'Click left mouse for next frame' for i in range(svci[3]): inverted_frame = sv.RGB8toRGB32(1, \ buffer[i*framesize:(i+1)*framesize], w, h) gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1, inverted_frame) while 1: dev, val = gl.qread() if dev == DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE and val == 1: break if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW: gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1, inverted_frame) if dev == DEVICE.ESCKEY: v.CloseVideo() gl.winclose(win) return v.CloseVideo() gl.winclose(win)
def main(): gl.foreground() gl.prefposition(500, 900, 500, 900) w = gl.winopen('CrissCross') gl.ortho2(0.0, 400.0, 0.0, 400.0) gl.color(GL.WHITE) gl.clear() gl.color(GL.RED) gl.bgnline() gl.v2f(0.0, 0.0) gl.v2f(400.0, 400.0) gl.endline() gl.bgnline() gl.v2f(400.0, 0.0) gl.v2f(0.0, 400.0) gl.endline() time.sleep(5)
def gltest(): import gl, fm gl.foreground() W, H = 1000, 800 gl.prefsize(W, H) wid = gl.winopen('gltest') gl.ortho2(0, W, H, 0) gl.color(7) gl.clear() gl.color(0) fp = openfile() TSTART() fmt = GLFormatter().init(5, 0, W) feedfile(fp, fmt) fmt.flush() TSTOP() import time time.sleep(5)
def test(): import time if sys.argv[1:]: filename = sys.argv[1] else: filename = '' vin = VinFile(filename) vin.printinfo() gl.foreground() gl.prefsize(vin.getsize()) wid = gl.winopen(filename) vin.initcolormap() t0 = time.time() while 1: try: t, data, cdata = vin.getnextframe() except EOFError: break dt = t0 + t - time.time() if dt > 0: time.time(dt) vin.showframe(data, cdata) time.sleep(2)
def imageview(file): import cl, CL, gl, GL, DEVICE filep = open(file, 'r') header = scheme = cl.QueryScheme(header) decomp = cl.OpenDecompressor(scheme) headersize = cl.QueryMaxHeaderSize(scheme) header = headersize = decomp.ReadHeader(header) width = decomp.GetParam(CL.IMAGE_WIDTH) height = decomp.GetParam(CL.IMAGE_HEIGHT) params = [CL.ORIGINAL_FORMAT, CL.RGBX, \ CL.ORIENTATION, CL.BOTTOM_UP, \ CL.FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE, width*height*CL.BytesPerPixel(CL.RGBX)] decomp.SetParams(params) image = decomp.Decompress(1, filep.close() decomp.CloseDecompressor() gl.foreground() gl.prefsize(width, height) win = gl.winopen(file) gl.RGBmode() gl.pixmode(GL.PM_SIZE, 32) gl.gconfig() gl.qdevice(DEVICE.REDRAW) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT) gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, width-1, height-1, image) while 1: dev, val = gl.qread() if dev in (DEVICE.ESCKEY, DEVICE.WINSHUT, DEVICE.WINQUIT): break if dev == DEVICE.REDRAW: gl.lrectwrite(0, 0, width-1, height-1, image) gl.winclose(win)
def testGL(): import gl, GL, fmt if sys.argv[1:]: file = sys.argv[1] else: file = 'test.html' data = open(file, 'r').read() W, H = 600, 600 gl.foreground() gl.prefsize(W, H) wid = gl.winopen('testGL') gl.ortho2(0, W, H, 0) gl.color(GL.WHITE) gl.clear() gl.color(GL.BLACK) b = fmt.GLBackEnd(wid) f = fmt.BaseFormatter(b.d, b) p = FormattingParser(f, GLStylesheet) p.feed(data) p.close() b.finish() # import time time.sleep(5)
#! /usr/bin/env python # Send live video UDP packets. # Usage: Vsend [-b] [-h height] [-p port] [-s size] [-t ttl] [-w width] # [host] .. import sys import time import struct import string import math from socket import * from SOCKET import * import gl, GL, DEVICE sys.path.append('/ufs/guido/src/video') import DisplayVideoIn import LiveVideoOut import SV import getopt from IN import * from senddefs import * def usage(msg): print msg print 'usage: Vsend [-b] [-h height] [-p port] [-s size] [-t ttl] [-c type] [-m]', print '[-w width] [host] ...' print '-b : broadcast on local net' print '-h height : window height (default ' + `DEFHEIGHT` + ')' print '-p port : port to use (default ' + `DEFPORT` + ')' print '-t ttl : time-to-live (multicast only; default 1)' print '-s size : max packet size (default ' + `DEFPKTMAX` + ')' print '-S size : use this packet size/window size' print '-w width : window width (default ' + `DEFWIDTH` + ')'
v = sv.OpenVideo() # Determine maximum window size based on signal standard param = [SV.BROADCAST, 0] v.GetParam(param) if param[1] == SV.PAL: x = SV.PAL_XMAX y = SV.PAL_YMAX elif param[1] == SV.NTSC: x = SV.NTSC_XMAX y = SV.NTSC_YMAX else: print 'Unknown video standard', param[1] sys.exit(1) gl.foreground() gl.maxsize(x, y) gl.keepaspect(x, y) gl.stepunit(8, 6) if width: height = width * 3 / 4 x1 = 150 x2 = x1 + width - 1 y2 = 768 - 150 y1 = y2 - height + 1 gl.prefposition(x1, x2, y1, y2) win = gl.winopen(filename) if width: gl.maxsize(x, y) gl.keepaspect(x, y) gl.stepunit(8, 6)
#! /usr/bin/env python # Play CMIF movie files # Help function def help(): print 'Usage: Vplay [options] [file] ...' print print 'Options:' print '-M magnify : magnify the image by the given factor' print '-d : write some debug stuff on stderr' print '-l : loop, playing the movie over and over again' print '-m delta : drop frames closer than delta seconds (default 0.)' print '-n : don\'t wait after each file' print '-q : quiet, no informative messages' print '-r delta : regenerate input time base delta seconds apart' print '-s speed : speed change factor (default 1.0)' print '-t : use a 2nd thread for read-ahead' print '-x left : window offset from left of screen' print '-y top : window offset from top of screen' print '-w width : window width' print '-h height : window height' print '-b color : background color (white,black or (r,g,b))' print 'file ... : file(s) to play; default' print print 'User interface:' print 'Press the left mouse button to stop or restart the movie.' print 'Press ESC or use the window manager Close or Quit command' print 'to close the window and play the next file (if any).' # Imported modules
def main(): format = SV.RGB8_FRAMES rate = 1 width = 0 drop = 0 mono = 0 grey = 0 greybits = 0 monotreshold = -1 fields = 0 number = 60 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'r:w:dg:mM:Gfn:') for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-r': rate = string.atoi(arg) if rate < 2: sys.stderr.write('-r rate must be >= 2\n') sys.exit(2) elif opt == '-w': width = string.atoi(arg) elif opt == '-d': drop = 1 elif opt == '-g': grey = 1 greybits = string.atoi(arg) if not greybits in (2, 4, 8): print 'Only 2, 4 or 8 bit greyscale supported' elif opt == '-G': grey = 1 greybits = -2 elif opt == '-m': mono = 1 elif opt == '-M': mono = 1 monotreshold = string.atoi(arg) elif opt == '-f': fields = 1 elif opt == '-n': number = string.atoi(arg) if args[2:]: sys.stderr.write('usage: Vrec [options] [file]\n') sys.exit(2) if args: filename = args[0] else: filename = '' v = sv.OpenVideo() # Determine maximum window size based on signal standard param = [SV.BROADCAST, 0] v.GetParam(param) if param[1] == SV.PAL: x = SV.PAL_XMAX y = SV.PAL_YMAX elif param[1] == SV.NTSC: x = SV.NTSC_XMAX y = SV.NTSC_YMAX else: print 'Unknown video standard', param[1] sys.exit(1) gl.foreground() gl.maxsize(x, y) gl.keepaspect(x, y) gl.stepunit(8, 6) if width: gl.prefsize(width, width * 3 / 4) win = gl.winopen(filename) if width: gl.maxsize(x, y) gl.keepaspect(x, y) gl.stepunit(8, 6) gl.winconstraints() x, y = gl.getsize() print x, 'x', y v.SetSize(x, y) if drop: param = [SV.FIELDDROP, 1, SV.GENLOCK, SV.GENLOCK_OFF] else: param = [SV.FIELDDROP, 0, SV.GENLOCK, SV.GENLOCK_ON] if mono or grey: param = param + [SV.COLOR, SV.MONO, SV.INPUT_BYPASS, 1] else: param = param + [SV.COLOR, SV.DEFAULT_COLOR, SV.INPUT_BYPASS, 0] v.SetParam(param) v.BindGLWindow(win, SV.IN_REPLACE) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY) print 'Press left mouse to start recording' while 1: dev, val = gl.qread() if dev == DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE: if val == 1: info = format, x, y, number, rate record(v, info, filename, mono, grey, \ greybits, monotreshold, fields) elif dev == DEVICE.REDRAW: # Window resize (or move) x, y = gl.getsize() print x, 'x', y v.SetSize(x, y) v.BindGLWindow(win, SV.IN_REPLACE) elif dev in (DEVICE.ESCKEY, DEVICE.WINQUIT, DEVICE.WINSHUT): # Quit v.CloseVideo() gl.winclose(win) break
def main(): # insure that we at least have an X display before continuing. import os try: display = os.environ['DISPLAY'] except: # Raise ImportError because handles it specially. raise ImportError, "No $DISPLAY -- skipping gl test" # touch all the attributes of gl without doing anything if verbose: print 'Touching gl module attributes...' for attr in glattrs: if verbose: print 'touching: ', attr getattr(gl, attr) # create a small 'Crisscross' window if verbose: print 'Creating a small "CrissCross" window...' print 'foreground' gl.foreground() if verbose: print 'prefposition' gl.prefposition(500, 900, 500, 900) if verbose: print 'winopen "CrissCross"' w = gl.winopen('CrissCross') if verbose: print 'clear' gl.clear() if verbose: print 'ortho2' gl.ortho2(0.0, 400.0, 0.0, 400.0) if verbose: print 'color WHITE' gl.color(GL.WHITE) if verbose: print 'color RED' gl.color(GL.RED) if verbose: print 'bgnline' gl.bgnline() if verbose: print 'v2f' gl.v2f(0.0, 0.0) gl.v2f(400.0, 400.0) if verbose: print 'endline' gl.endline() if verbose: print 'bgnline' gl.bgnline() if verbose: print 'v2i' gl.v2i(400, 0) gl.v2i(0, 400) if verbose: print 'endline' gl.endline() if verbose: print 'Displaying window for 2 seconds...' time.sleep(2) if verbose: print 'winclose' gl.winclose(w)
#! /usr/bin/env python #! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/python-405 # Capture a CMIF movie using the Indigo video library and board # The CMIF video file format is documented in # Audio data is recorded in AIFF format, using the input sampling # rate, source and volume set by the audio panel, in mono, 8 # bits/sample. # Usage and help functions (keep this up-to-date if you change the program!) def usage(): print 'Usage: Vrec [options] [moviefile [audiofile]]' print print 'Options:' print '-a : record audio as well' print '-q queuesize : set the capture queue size (default 2)' print '-r rate : capture 1 out of every "rate" frames', \ '(default and min 2)' print '-w width : initial window width', \ '(default 256, use 0 for interactive placement)' print '-n : Don\'t write to file, only timing info' print '-d : drop fields if needed' print '-g bits : greyscale (2, 4 or 8 bits)' print '-G : 2-bit greyscale dithered' print '-m : monochrome dithered' print '-M value : monochrome thresholded with value' print '-f : Capture fields (in stead of frames)' print '-P frames : preallocate space for "frames" frames' print 'moviefile : here goes the movie data (default' print 'audiofile : with -a, here goes the audio data', \ '(default film.aiff)'
# Live video input from display class.
# Implement 'jpeg' interface using SGI's compression library
#! /usr/bin/env python
#! /usr/bin/env python # Play synchronous video and audio. # Highly experimental! import sys import getopt import string import os import VFile import aifc import gl, GL, DEVICE import al, AL def usage(): sys.stderr.write( \ 'usage: aplay [-o offset] [-q qsize] videofile audiofile\n') sys.exit(2) def main(): offset = 0 qsize = 0 # This defaults to 1/10 second of sound videofile = '' audiofile = 'film.aiff' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'o:q:') except getopt.error, msg: sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n') usage() try: for o, a in opts: if o == '-o': offset = string.atoi(a)
# intercom -- use mike and headset to *talk* to a person on another host.
import gl, GL
# Open video v = sv.OpenVideo() # Determine maximum window size based on signal standard param = [SV.BROADCAST, 0] v.GetParam(param) if param[1] == SV.PAL: x = SV.PAL_XMAX y = SV.PAL_YMAX elif param[1] == SV.NTSC: x = SV.NTSC_XMAX y = SV.NTSC_YMAX else: print 'Unknown video standard', param[1] sys.exit(1) gl.foreground() gl.maxsize(x, y) gl.keepaspect(x, y) gl.stepunit(8, 6) if width: height = width*3/4 x1 = 150 x2 = x1 + width-1 y2 = 768-150 y1 = y2-height+1 gl.prefposition(x1, x2, y1, y2) win = gl.winopen(filename) if width: gl.maxsize(x, y) gl.keepaspect(x, y) gl.stepunit(8, 6)
import sys
def main(): QSIZE = 16 TIME = 5 audio = 0 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'aq:t:') for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-a': audio = 1 elif opt == '-q': QSIZE = string.atoi(arg) elif opt == '-t': TIME = string.atoi(arg) if args: filename = args[0] else: filename = '' if audio: if args[1:]: audiofilename = args[1] else: audiofilename = 'film.aiff' gl.foreground() x, y = SV.PAL_XMAX / 4, SV.PAL_YMAX / 4 print x, 'x', y gl.minsize(40, 30) gl.stepunit(8, 6) gl.maxsize(SV.PAL_XMAX, SV.PAL_YMAX) gl.keepaspect(SV.PAL_XMAX, SV.PAL_YMAX) win = gl.winopen(filename) x, y = gl.getsize() print x, 'x', y v = sv.OpenVideo() v.BindGLWindow(win, SV.IN_REPLACE) v.SetSize(x, y) v.BindGLWindow(win, SV.IN_REPLACE) v.SetCaptureFormat(SV.RGB_FRAMES) v.SetCaptureMode(SV.BLOCKING_CAPTURE) v.SetQueueSize(QSIZE) v.InitCapture() if v.GetQueueSize() != QSIZE: QSIZE = v.GetQueueSize() print 'Warning: QSIZE reduced to', QSIZE gl.qdevice(DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINQUIT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.WINSHUT) gl.qdevice(DEVICE.ESCKEY) print 'Click left mouse to start recording', TIME, 'seconds' ofile = None afile = None # Mouse down opens the file & freezes window # Mouse up starts recording frames while 1: dev, val = gl.qread() if dev == DEVICE.LEFTMOUSE: # Start recording if val == 1: # Mouse down -- preparations if ofile == None: ofile = VFile.VoutFile().init(filename) ofile.format = 'rgb8' ofile.width = x ofile.height = y ofile.writeheader() # XXX other format bits? # The window can't be resized from now gl.prefsize(x, y) gl.winconstraints() gl.wintitle('* ' + filename) if audio: afile = initaudio(audiofilename) continue # Mouse up -- start actual recording global recording, stop_recording if audio: stop_recording = 0 recording.release() t0 = time.millitimer() v.StartCapture() while 1: t = time.millitimer() - t0 if t >= TIME*1000: break if v.GetCaptured() > 2: doframe(v, ofile, x, y, t) v.StopCapture() stop_recording = 1 while v.GetCaptured() > 0: doframe(v, ofile, x, y, t) t = time.millitimer() - t0 gl.wintitle(filename) elif dev == DEVICE.REDRAW: # Window resize (or move) x, y = gl.getsize() print x, 'x', y v.SetSize(x, y) v.BindGLWindow(win, SV.IN_REPLACE) elif dev in (DEVICE.ESCKEY, DEVICE.WINQUIT, DEVICE.WINSHUT): # Quit if ofile: ofile.close() if afile: afile.destroy() posix._exit(0) # EndCapture dumps core... v.EndCapture() v.CloseVideo() gl.winclose(win)
#! /usr/bin/env python # Send live video UDP packets. # Usage: Vsend [-b] [-h height] [-p port] [-s size] [-t ttl] [-w width] # [host] .. import sys import time import struct import string from socket import * from SOCKET import * import gl, GL, DEVICE sys.path.append('/ufs/guido/src/video') import LiveVideoIn import LiveVideoOut import SV import getopt from IN import * from senddefs import * def usage(msg): print msg print 'usage: Vsend [-b] [-h height] [-p port] [-s size] [-t ttl] [-c type] [-m]', print '[-w width] [host] ...' print '-b : broadcast on local net' print '-h height : window height (default ' + ` DEFHEIGHT ` + ')' print '-p port : port to use (default ' + ` DEFPORT ` + ')' print '-t ttl : time-to-live (multicast only; default 1)' print '-s size : max packet size (default ' + ` DEFPKTMAX ` + ')' print '-w width : window width (default ' + ` DEFWIDTH ` + ')' print '-c type : Type: rgb8, mono or grey (default rgb8)'
# Define a 16x16 cursor looking like a watch