def test_image_get_all_marker_deleted_showing_deleted(self): """Specify a deleted image as a marker if showing deleted images.""" db_api.image_destroy(self.adm_context, UUID1) filters = {'deleted': True} images = db_api.image_get_all(self.context, marker=UUID1, filters=filters) self.assertEquals(len(images), 0)
def delete(self, req, id): """ Deletes an existing image with the registry. :param req: wsgi Request object :param id: The opaque internal identifier for the image :retval Returns 200 if delete was successful, a fault if not. """ if req.context.read_only: raise exc.HTTPForbidden() try: db_api.image_destroy(req.context, id) except exception.ForbiddenPublicImage: # If it's private and doesn't belong to them, don't let on # that it exists msg = _("Access by %(user)s to delete public image %(id)s denied") args = {'user': req.context.user, 'id': id} % args) raise exc.HTTPForbidden() except exception.Forbidden: msg = _("Access by %(user)s to delete private image %(id)s denied") args = {'user': req.context.user, 'id': id} % args) return exc.HTTPNotFound() except exception.NotFound: return exc.HTTPNotFound()
def delete(self, req, id): """ Deletes an existing image with the registry. :param req: wsgi Request object :param id: The opaque internal identifier for the image :retval Returns 200 if delete was successful, a fault if not. """ if req.context.read_only: raise exc.HTTPForbidden() try: db_api.image_destroy(req.context, id) except exception.NotFound: return exc.HTTPNotFound() except exception.NotAuthorized: # If it's private and doesn't belong to them, don't let on # that it exists msg = _("Access by %(user)s to image %(id)s " "denied") % ({ 'user': req.context.user, 'id': id }) raise exc.HTTPNotFound()
def test_image_get_all_marker_deleted(self): """Cannot specify a deleted image as a marker.""" db_api.image_destroy(self.adm_context, UUID1) filters = {'deleted': False} self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, db_api.image_get_all, self.context, marker=UUID1, filters=filters)
def delete(self, req, id): """ Deletes an existing image with the registry. :param req: Request body. Ignored. :param id: The opaque internal identifier for the image :retval Returns 200 if delete was successful, a fault if not. """ context = None try: db_api.image_destroy(context, id) except exception.NotFound: return exc.HTTPNotFound()
def delete(self, req, id): """ Deletes an existing image with the registry. :param req: wsgi Request object :param id: The opaque internal identifier for the image :retval Returns 200 if delete was successful, a fault if not. """ if req.context.read_only: raise exc.HTTPForbidden() try: db_api.image_destroy(req.context, id) except exception.NotFound: return exc.HTTPNotFound() except exception.NotAuthorized: # If it's private and doesn't belong to them, don't let on # that it exists"Access by %s to image %s denied" % (req.context.user, id)) raise exc.HTTPNotFound()
def test_image_get_all_marker_deleted_showing_deleted_as_admin(self): """Specify a deleted image as a marker if showing deleted images.""" db_api.image_destroy(self.adm_context, UUID1) images = db_api.image_get_all(self.adm_context, marker=UUID1) self.assertEquals(len(images), 0)
def test_image_get_force_allow_deleted(self): db_api.image_destroy(self.adm_context, UUID1) image = db_api.image_get(self.context, UUID1, force_show_deleted=True) self.assertEquals(image['id'], self.fixtures[0]['id'])
def test_image_get_disallow_deleted(self): db_api.image_destroy(self.adm_context, UUID1) self.assertRaises(exception.NotFound, db_api.image_get, self.context, UUID1)
def test_image_get_force_allow_deleted(self): db_api.image_destroy(self.adm_context, UUID1) image = db_api.image_get(self.context, UUID1, force_show_deleted=True) self.assertEquals(image['id'], FIXTURES[0]['id'])
def test_image_get_allow_deleted(self): db_api.image_destroy(self.adm_context, UUID1) image = db_api.image_get(self.adm_context, UUID1) self.assertEquals(image['id'], FIXTURES[0]['id'])
def test_image_get_allow_deleted(self): db_api.image_destroy(self.adm_context, UUID1) image = db_api.image_get(self.adm_context, UUID1) self.assertEquals(image['id'], self.fixtures[0]['id'])