def extract_random_features(inshp, nfeat, outshp, is_percentage=None): """ Extract Random features from one Feature Class and save them in a new file """ import numpy as np from glass.g.rd.shp import shp_to_obj from glass.g.wt.shp import obj_to_shp from glass.g.prop.prj import get_shp_epsg # Open data df = shp_to_obj(inshp) # Get number of random features n = int(round(nfeat * df.shape[0] / 100, 0)) if is_percentage else nfeat # Get random sample df['idx'] = df.index rnd = np.random.choice(df.idx, n, replace=False) # Filter features rnd_df = df[df.idx.isin(rnd)] rnd_df.drop('idx', axis=1, inplace=True) # Save result epsg = get_shp_epsg(inshp) return obj_to_shp(rnd_df, 'geometry', epsg, outshp)
def otp_closest_facility(incidents, facilities, hourday, date, output): """ Closest Facility using OTP """ import os from glass.g.rd.shp import shp_to_obj from glass.g.prop.prj import get_shp_epsg from glass.g.wt.shp import obj_to_shp from glass.pys.oss import fprop from glass.g.prj.obj import df_prj from glass.g.mob.otp.log import clsfacility # Open Data incidents_df = df_prj(shp_to_obj(incidents), 4326) facilities_df = df_prj(shp_to_obj(facilities), 4326) # Run closest facility out_epsg = get_shp_epsg(incidents) res, logs = clsfacility(incidents_df, facilities_df, hourday, date, out_epsg=out_epsg) # Export result obj_to_shp(res, "geom", out_epsg, output) # Write logs if len(logs): with open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), fprop(output, 'fn') + '_log.txt'), 'w') as txt: for i in logs: txt.write(("Incident_id: {}\n" "Facility_id: {}\n" "ERROR message:\n" "{}\n" "\n\n\n\n\n\n").format(str(i[0]), str(i[1]), str(i[2]))) return output
def count_pntinpol(inpnt, inpoly, cntcol, out): """ Count points inside polygons """ from import count_pnt_inside_poly from glass.g.rd.shp import shp_to_obj from glass.g.wt.shp import obj_to_shp from glass.g.prop.prj import get_shp_epsg # Open data pnt_df = shp_to_obj(inpnt) pol_df = shp_to_obj(inpoly) # Count points pol_df = count_pnt_inside_poly(pnt_df, cntcol, pol_df) # Export to file obj_to_shp(pol_df, "geometry", get_shp_epsg(inpoly), out) return out
def points_by_polutation(pnt, mapunits, popcol, outcol, output, count_pnt=None, inhabitants=1000, pntattr=None): """ Useful to calculate pharmacies by 1000 inabitants """ import geopandas as gp from glass.g.rd.shp import shp_to_obj from glass.g.prop.prj import get_shp_epsg from glass.g.wt.shp import obj_to_shp from import count_pnt_inside_poly # Open Data pnt_df = shp_to_obj(pnt) units_df = shp_to_obj(mapunits) cpnt = 'count_pnt' if not count_pnt else count_pnt pntattr = None if not pntattr else pntattr \ if pntattr in list(pnt_df.columns.values) else None inhabitants = 1 if not inhabitants else inhabitants units_df = count_pnt_inside_poly(pnt_df, cpnt, units_df, pntattr=pntattr) units_df[outcol] = (units_df[count_pnt] / units_df[popcol]) * inhabitants if not count_pnt: units_df.drop([cpnt], axis=1, inplace=True) obj_to_shp(units_df, "geometry", get_shp_epsg(mapunits), output) return output
def otp_cf_based_on_rel(incidents, group_incidents_col, facilities, facilities_id, rel_inc_fac, sheet, group_fk, facilities_fk, hour, day, output): """ Calculate time travel considering specific facilities for each group of incidents Relations between incidents and facilities are in a auxiliar table (rel_inc_fac). Auxiliar table must be a xlsx file """ import os import pandas as pd from import tbl_to_obj from glass.g.rd.shp import shp_to_obj from glass.g.wt.shp import obj_to_shp from glass.g.mob.otp.log import clsfacility from glass.g.prop.prj import get_shp_epsg from import merge_df from glass.pys.oss import fprop from glass.g.prj.obj import df_prj # Avoid problems when facilities_id == facilities_fk facilities_fk = facilities_fk + '_fk' if facilities_id == facilities_fk else \ facilities_fk # Open data idf = df_prj(shp_to_obj(incidents), 4326) fdf = df_prj(shp_to_obj(facilities), 4326) rel_df = tbl_to_obj(rel_inc_fac, sheet=sheet) oepsg = get_shp_epsg(incidents) # Relate facilities with incidents groups fdf = fdf.merge(rel_df, how='inner', left_on=facilities_id, right_on=facilities_fk) # List Groups grp_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'cnttemp': idf.groupby([group_incidents_col])[group_incidents_col].agg('count') }).reset_index() # Do calculations res = [] logs = [] for idx, row in grp_df.iterrows(): # Get incidents for that group new_i = idf[idf[group_incidents_col] == row[group_incidents_col]] # Get facilities for that group new_f = fdf[fdf[group_fk] == row[group_incidents_col]] # calculate closest facility cfres, l = clsfacility(new_i, new_f, hour, day, out_epsg=oepsg) res.append(cfres) logs.extend(l) # Merge results out_df = merge_df(res) # Recovery facility id fdf.drop([c for c in fdf.columns.values if c != facilities_id], axis=1, inplace=True) out_df = out_df.merge(fdf, how='left', left_on='ffid', right_index=True) # Export result obj_to_shp(out_df, "geom", oepsg, output) # Write logs if len(logs) > 0: with open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), fprop(output, 'fn') + '_log.txt'), 'w') as txt: for i in logs: txt.write(("Incident_id: {}\n" "Facility_id: {}\n" "ERROR message:\n" "{}\n" "\n\n\n\n\n\n").format(str(i[0]), str(i[1]), str(i[2]))) return output
def otp_servarea(facilities, hourday, date, breaks, output, vel=None): """ OTP Service Area """ import requests import os from glass.cons.otp import ISO_URL from glass.g.rd.shp import shp_to_obj from glass.g.prj.obj import df_prj from glass.g.prop.prj import get_shp_epsg from glass.g.wt.shp import obj_to_shp from glass.pys.oss import fprop from import json_obj_to_geodf from import merge_df from glass.pys import obj_to_lst breaks = obj_to_lst(breaks) # Open Data facilities_df = df_prj(shp_to_obj(facilities), 4326) # Place request parameters get_params = [('mode', 'WALK,TRANSIT'), ('date', date), ('time', hourday), ('maxWalkDistance', 50000), ('walkSpeed', 3 if not vel else vel)] breaks.sort() for b in breaks: get_params.append(('cutoffSec', b)) # Do the math error_logs = [] results = [] for i, r in facilities_df.iterrows(): fromPlace = str(r.geometry.y) + ',' + str(r.geometry.x) if not i: get_params.append(('fromPlace', fromPlace)) else: get_params[-1] = ('fromPlace', fromPlace) resp = requests.get(ISO_URL, get_params, headers={'accept': 'application/json'}) try: data = resp.json() except: error_logs.append([i, 'Cannot retrieve JSON Response']) continue gdf = json_obj_to_geodf(data, 4326) gdf['ffid'] = i results.append(gdf) # Merge all Isochrones df_res = merge_df(results) out_epsg = get_shp_epsg(facilities) if out_epsg != 4326: df_res = df_prj(df_res, out_epsg) obj_to_shp(df_res, "geometry", out_epsg, output) # Write logs if len(error_logs): with open( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), fprop(output, 'fn') + '.log.txt'), 'w') as txt: for i in error_logs: txt.write(("Facility_id: {}\n" "ERROR message:\n" "{}\n" "\n\n\n\n\n\n").format(str(i[0]), i[1])) return output
def pop_within_area(mapunits, mapunits_id, outcol, subunits, subunits_id, pop_col, mapunits_fk, area_shp, output, res_areas=None, res_areas_fk=None): """ Used to calculate % pop exposta a ruidos superiores a 65db Useful to calculate population a menos de x minutos de um tipo de equipamento Retuns population % living inside some polygons """ import os import pandas as pd from glass.g.rd.shp import shp_to_obj from glass.g.wt.rst import shpext_to_rst from glass.g.wt.shp import obj_to_shp from glass.pys.oss import mkdir, fprop from import grsintersection from glass.g.prop.prj import get_epsg from glass.g.wenv.grs import run_grass # Prepare GRASS GIS Workspace configuration oname = fprop(output, 'fn') gw = mkdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), 'ww_' + oname), overwrite=True) # Boundary to Raster w_epsg = get_epsg(area_shp) ref_rst = shpext_to_rst(mapunits, os.path.join(gw, 'extent.tif'), cellsize=10, epsg=w_epsg) # Create GRASS GIS Session loc = 'loc_' + oname gbase = run_grass(gw, location=loc, srs=ref_rst) import grass.script as grass import grass.script.setup as gsetup gsetup.init(gbase, gw, loc, 'PERMANENT') from import shp_to_grs, grs_to_shp # Send data to GRASS GIS grs_res = shp_to_grs( res_areas if res_areas and res_areas_fk else subunits, fprop(res_areas if res_areas and res_areas_fk else subunits, 'fn'), asCMD=True) grs_ash = shp_to_grs(area_shp, fprop(area_shp, 'fn'), asCMD=True) # Run intersection int_ = grsintersection(grs_res, grs_ash, f'i_{grs_res}_{grs_ash}', api='grass') # Export result res_int = grs_to_shp(int_, os.path.join(gw, int_ + '.shp'), 'area') # Compute new indicator mapunits_df = shp_to_obj(mapunits) subunits_df = shp_to_obj(subunits) if res_areas and res_areas_fk: resareas_df = shp_to_obj(res_areas) int______df = shp_to_obj(res_int) # For each bgri, get hab area with population if res_areas and res_areas_fk: resareas_df['gtarea'] = resareas_df.geometry.area # Group By respop = pd.DataFrame({ 'areav': resareas_df.groupby([res_areas_fk])['gtarea'].agg('sum') }).reset_index() # Join with subunits df respop.rename(columns={res_areas_fk: 'jtblfid'}, inplace=True) subunits_df = subunits_df.merge(respop, how='left', left_on=subunits_id, right_on='jtblfid') subunits_df.drop(['jtblfid'], axis=1, inplace=True) else: subunits_df['areav'] = subunits_df.geometry.area # For each subunit, get area intersecting area_shp int______df['gtarea'] = int______df.geometry.area int_id = 'a_' + res_areas_fk if res_areas and res_areas_fk else \ 'a_' + subunits_id area_int = pd.DataFrame({ 'areai': int______df.groupby([int_id])['gtarea'].agg('sum') }).reset_index() # Join with main subunits df area_int.rename(columns={int_id: 'jtblfid'}, inplace=True) subunits_df = subunits_df.merge(area_int, how='left', left_on=subunits_id, right_on='jtblfid') subunits_df.drop(['jtblfid'], axis=1, inplace=True) subunits_df.areai = subunits_df.areai.fillna(0) subunits_df.areav = subunits_df.areav.fillna(0) subunits_df['pop_af'] = (subunits_df.areai * subunits_df[pop_col]) / subunits_df.areav subunits_pop = pd.DataFrame( subunits_df.groupby([mapunits_fk]).agg({ pop_col: 'sum', 'pop_af': 'sum' })) subunits_pop.reset_index(inplace=True) # Produce final table - mapunits table with new indicator subunits_pop.rename(columns={mapunits_fk: 'jtblid'}, inplace=True) mapunits_df = mapunits_df.merge(subunits_pop, how='left', left_on=mapunits_id, right_on='jtblid') mapunits_df[outcol] = (mapunits_df.pop_af * 100) / mapunits_df[pop_col] mapunits_df.drop(['jtblid', pop_col, 'pop_af'], axis=1, inplace=True) obj_to_shp(mapunits_df, 'geometry', w_epsg, output) return output
def shparea_by_mapunitpopulation(polygons, mapunits, units_id, outcol, output, units_pop=None, areacol=None): """ Polygons area by mapunit or by mapunit population """ import os import pandas as pd from glass.g.wt.rst import shpext_to_rst from glass.pys.oss import mkdir, fprop from import grsintersection from glass.g.prop.prj import get_epsg from glass.g.wenv.grs import run_grass from glass.g.rd.shp import shp_to_obj from glass.g.wt.shp import obj_to_shp delareacol = 1 if not areacol else 0 areacol = outcol if not units_pop else areacol if areacol else 'areav' # Prepare GRASS GIS Workspace configuration oname = fprop(output, 'fn') gw = mkdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), 'ww_' + oname), overwrite=True) # Boundary to raster w_epsg = get_epsg(mapunits) ref_rst = shpext_to_rst(mapunits, os.path.join(gw, 'extent.tif'), cellsize=10, epsg=w_epsg) # Sanitize columns popunits_df_tmp = shp_to_obj(mapunits) drop_cols = [ c for c in popunits_df_tmp.columns.values if c != units_id and c != 'geometry' ] popunits_df_tmp.drop(drop_cols, axis=1, inplace=True) popunits_i = obj_to_shp(popunits_df_tmp, 'geometry', w_epsg, os.path.join(gw, 'popunits.shp')) # Create GRASS GIS Session _l = 'loc_' + oname gbase = run_grass(gw, location=_l, srs=ref_rst) import grass.script as grass import grass.script.setup as gsetup gsetup.init(gbase, gw, _l, 'PERMANENT') from import shp_to_grs, grs_to_shp # Data to GRASS GIS g_popunits = shp_to_grs(popunits_i, fprop(mapunits, 'fn'), asCMD=True) g_polygons = shp_to_grs(polygons, fprop(polygons, 'fn'), asCMD=True) # Run intersection i_shp = grsintersection(g_popunits, g_polygons, f'i_{g_popunits[:5]}_{g_polygons[:5]}', cmd=True) # Export result i_res = grs_to_shp(i_shp, os.path.join(gw, i_shp + '.shp'), 'area') # Open intersection result and mapunits mapunits_df = shp_to_obj(mapunits) int_df = shp_to_obj(i_res) int_df['garea'] = int_df.geometry.area int_gp = pd.DataFrame({ areacol: int_df.groupby(['a_' + units_id])['garea'].agg('sum') }).reset_index() mapunits_df = mapunits_df.merge(int_gp, how='left', left_on=units_id, right_on='a_' + units_id) if units_pop: mapunits_df[outcol] = mapunits_df[areacol] / mapunits_df[units_pop] dc = ['a_' + units_id, areacol ] if units_pop and delareacol else ['a_' + units_id] mapunits_df.drop(dc, axis=1, inplace=True) obj_to_shp(mapunits_df, 'geometry', w_epsg, output) return output
def exp_by_group_relfeat(shp, group_col, relfeat, relfeat_id, reltbl, reltbl_sheet, group_fk, relfeat_fk, out_folder, out_tbl): """ Identify groups in shp, get features related with these groups and export group features and related features to new file """ import os import pandas as pd from import tbl_to_obj from import obj_to_tbl from glass.g.rd.shp import shp_to_obj from glass.g.wt.shp import obj_to_shp from glass.g.prop.prj import get_shp_epsg epsg = get_shp_epsg(shp) # Open data shp_df = shp_to_obj(shp) rel_df = shp_to_obj(relfeat) # Get table with relations N-N nn_tbl = tbl_to_obj(reltbl, sheet=reltbl_sheet) # Relate relfeat with shp groups rel_df = rel_df.merge(nn_tbl, how='inner', left_on=relfeat_id, right_on=relfeat_fk) # List Groups grp_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'cnttemp': shp_df.groupby([group_col])[group_col].agg('count') }).reset_index() ntbls = [] # Filter and export for idx, row in grp_df.iterrows(): # Get shp_df filter new_shp = shp_df[shp_df[group_col] == row[group_col]] # Get relfeat filter new_relf = rel_df[rel_df[group_fk] == row[group_col]] # Export shp_i = obj_to_shp( new_shp, 'geometry', epsg, os.path.join(out_folder, 'lyr_{}.shp'.format(row[group_col]))) rel_i = obj_to_shp( new_relf, 'geometry', epsg, os.path.join(out_folder, 'rel_{}.shp'.format(row[group_col]))) ntbls.append([row[group_col], shp_i, rel_i]) ntbls = pd.DataFrame(ntbls, columns=['group_id', 'shp_i', 'rel_i']) obj_to_tbl(ntbls, out_tbl) return out_tbl
def cf_based_on_relations(incidents, incidents_id, group_incidents_col, facilities, facilities_id, rel_inc_fac, sheet, group_fk, facilities_fk, output, impedante='TravelTime'): """ Calculate time travel considering specific facilities for each group of incidents Relations between incidents and facilities are in a auxiliar table (rel_inc_fac). Auxiliar table must be a xlsx file """ import os import pandas as pd from import tbl_to_obj from glass.g.rd.shp import shp_to_obj from glass.g.wt.shp import obj_to_shp from glass.g.prop.prj import get_shp_epsg from glass.pys.oss import mkdir, fprop from glass.g.dp.mge import shps_to_shp # Avoid problems when facilities_id == facilities_fk facilities_fk = facilities_fk + '_fk' if facilities_id == facilities_fk else \ facilities_fk # Open data incidents_df = shp_to_obj(incidents) facilities_df = shp_to_obj(facilities) rel_df = tbl_to_obj(rel_inc_fac, sheet=sheet) # Get SRS epsg = get_shp_epsg(incidents) # Create dir for temporary files tmpdir = mkdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output), fprop(output, 'fn')), overwrite=True) # Relate facilities with incidents groups facilities_df = facilities_df.merge(rel_df, how='inner', left_on=facilities_id, right_on=facilities_fk) # List Groups grp_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'cnttemp': incidents_df.groupby([group_incidents_col ])[group_incidents_col].agg('count') }).reset_index() # Do the calculations res = [] for idx, row in grp_df.iterrows(): # Get incidents for that group new_i = incidents_df[incidents_df[group_incidents_col] == row[group_incidents_col]] new_i = obj_to_shp( new_i, 'geometry', epsg, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'i_{}.shp'.format(row[group_incidents_col]))) # Get facilities for that group new_f = facilities_df[facilities_df[group_fk] == row[group_incidents_col]] new_f = obj_to_shp( new_f, 'geometry', epsg, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'f_{}.shp'.format(row[group_incidents_col]))) # calculate closest facility cf = closest_facility( new_i, incidents_id, new_f, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'cf_{}.shp'.format(row[group_incidents_col]))) res.append(cf) # Produce final result shps_to_shp(res, output, api="pandas") return output
# Do it for each reference feature in ref_geom for idx, row in ref_df.iterrows(): e = 1 # Export Reference Feature to file # Reference = level 1 nutdf = gp.GeoDataFrame(pd.DataFrame( [[1, 1, row.geometry, row[idcol]]], columns=cols), crs='EPSG:{}'.format(str(epsg)), geometry="geom") # Add level 1 feature to main table main_df = main_df.append(nutdf, ignore_index=True, sort=False) nutshp = obj_to_shp( nutdf, 'geom', epsg, os.path.join(workspace, 'fgrid_{}_1.shp'.format(row[idcol]))) # Create Reference raster rref = shp_to_rst( nutshp, None, 10, 0, os.path.join(workspace, 'rnut_{}.tif'.format(row[idcol]))) # Create GRASS GIS Session loc_name = 'loc' + row[idcol] gbase = run_grass(workspace, location=loc_name, srs=rref) import grass.script.setup as gsetup gsetup.init(gbase, workspace, loc_name, 'PERMANENT')