def get_capabilities(): """ Get GetCapabilities XML Data """ import os import xmltodict from glass.pys.web import get_file from glass.cons.gsrv import con_gsrv from glass.pys.char import random_str from glass.pys.oss import del_file conparam = con_gsrv() url = ("{}://{}:{}/geoserver/wms?request=GetCapabilities" "&service=WMS&version=1.1.1").format(conparam["PROTOCOL"], conparam["HOST"], conparam["PORT"]) xml = get_file( url, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), random_str(10) + '.xml')) with open(xml) as xmlf: xmld = xmltodict.parse( del_file(xml) return xmld
def pub_rst_lyr(layername, datastore, workspace, epsg_code): """ Publish a Raster layer """ import os import requests from glass.pys.char import random_str from glass.pys.Xml import write_xml_tree from glass.pys.oss import mkdir, del_folder from glass.g.prop.prj import epsg_to_wkt from glass.cons.gsrv import con_gsrv conf = con_gsrv() url = ('{pro}://{host}:{port}/geoserver/rest/workspaces/{work}/' 'coveragestores/{storename}/coverages').format(host=conf['HOST'], port=conf['PORT'], work=workspace, storename=datastore, pro=conf['PROTOCOL']) # Create obj with data to be written in the xml xmlTree = { "coverage": { "name": layername, "title": layername, "nativeCRS": str(epsg_to_wkt(epsg_code)), "srs": 'EPSG:{}'.format(str(epsg_code)), } } # Write XML wTmp = mkdir( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), random_str(7))) xml_file = write_xml_tree(xmlTree, os.path.join(wTmp, 'rst_lyr.xml')) # Create layer with open(xml_file, 'rb') as f: r =, data=f, headers={'content-type': 'text/xml'}, auth=(conf['USER'], conf['PASSWORD'])) del_folder(wTmp) return r
def pub_pglyr(workspace, store, pg_table, title=None): """ Publish PostGIS table in geoserver """ import os import requests from glass.pys.char import random_str from glass.pys.Xml import write_xml_tree from glass.pys.oss import mkdir, del_folder from glass.cons.gsrv import con_gsrv gs_con = con_gsrv() # Create folder to write xml wTmp = mkdir( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), random_str(7))) # Create obj with data to be written in the xml lyr_title = "Title {}".format(pg_table) if not title else title elements = {"featureType": {"name": pg_table, "title": lyr_title}} # Write the xml xml_file = write_xml_tree(elements, os.path.join(wTmp, '{}.xml'.format(pg_table))) # Create Geoserver Layer url = ('{pro}://{host}:{port}/geoserver/rest/workspaces/{wname}/' 'datastores/{store_name}/featuretypes').format( host=gs_con['HOST'], port=gs_con['PORT'], wname=workspace, store_name=store, pro=gs_con['PROTOCOL']) with open(xml_file, 'rb') as __xml: r =, data=__xml, headers={'content-type': 'text/xml'}, auth=(gs_con['USER'], gs_con['PASSWORD'])) __xml.close() del_folder(wTmp) return r
def get_rst_report_data(rst, UNITS=None): """ Execute and get reported data """ import os from glass.pys.char import random_str from glass.pys.oss import del_file REPORT_PATH = raster_report(rst, os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "{}.txt".format(random_str(6))), _units=UNITS) report_data = sanitize_report(REPORT_PATH) del_file(REPORT_PATH) return report_data
def create_pgstore(store, workspace, db, dbset='default'): """ Create a store for PostGIS data """ import os import requests from glass.pys.char import random_str from glass.pys.Xml import write_xml_tree from glass.pys.oss import mkdir, del_folder from glass.cons.gsrv import con_gsrv from glass.cons.psql import con_psql gs_con = con_gsrv() pg_con = con_psql(db_set=dbset) # Create folder to write xml wTmp = mkdir( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), random_str(7))) # Create obj with data to be written in the xml tree_order = { "dataStore": [ "name", "type", "enabled", "workspace", "connectionParameters", "__default" ], "connection:Parameters": [("entry", "key", "port"), ("entry", "key", "user"), ("entry", "key", "passwd"), ("entry", "key", "dbtype"), ("entry", "key", "host"), ("entry", "key", "database"), ("entry", "key", "schema")] } xml_tree = { "dataStore": { "name": store, "type": "PostGIS", "enabled": "true", "workspace": { "name": workspace }, "connectionParameters": { ("entry", "key", "port"): pg_con["PORT"], ("entry", "key", "user"): pg_con["USER"], ("entry", "key", "passwd"): pg_con["PASSWORD"], ("entry", "key", "dbtype"): "postgis", ("entry", "key", "host"): pg_con["HOST"], ("entry", "key", "database"): db, ("entry", "key", "schema"): "public" }, "__default": "false" } } # Write xml xml_file = write_xml_tree(xml_tree, os.path.join(wTmp, 'pgrest.xml'), nodes_order=tree_order) # Create Geoserver Store url = ('{pro}://{host}:{port}/geoserver/rest/workspaces/{wname}/' 'datastores.xml').format(host=gs_con['HOST'], port=gs_con['PORT'], wname=workspace, pro=gs_con['PROTOCOL']) with open(xml_file, 'rb') as f: r =, data=f, headers={'content-type': 'text/xml'}, auth=(gs_con['USER'], gs_con['PASSWORD'])) f.close() del_folder(wTmp) return r