コード例 #1
ファイル: glaccount.py プロジェクト: Mholscher/gledger
class CloseDates(db.Model):
    """ This is the history of closed accounting periods.
    The Close Dates have the following field:
        :closing_date: The first date of the new accounting

    __tablename__ = 'closedats'
    closing_date = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, primary_key=True)

    def add(self):
        """ Add this date to the session """

コード例 #2
ファイル: glposting.py プロジェクト: Mholscher/gledger
class Journals(db.Model):
    """ The journal is the way postings are delivered by clients.

    The journal consists of an unknown number of postings. It must be at least
    two, because the total balance (debit +, credit -) must be zero.
    The journal controls the way the postings are grouped, all postings
    or none are posted by the system. To that purpose the Journals
    have a flag journalstat that tells the system its status.

    Journals have the following fields :
        :id: the system generated sequence number
        :extkey: the key to the callings systems object, this is optional
        :journalstat: the status of the journal
        :updated_at: The timestamp of the last update

    __tablename__ = 'journals'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.Sequence('journal_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
    extkey = db.Column(db.String(150), nullable=True)
    journalpostings = db.relationship('Postings', backref='journal')
    journalstat = db.Column(db.String(1), nullable=False)
    updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False)

    FAILED = 'F'

    def get_by_id(cls, requested_id):
        """ Return the journal row for requested_id

            journal = query(Journals).filter_by(id=requested_id).first()
            if not journal:
                raise NoJournalError('No journal for id ' + str(requested_id))
            return journal
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NoJournalError('No journal for id ' + str(requested_id))

    def create_from_dict(cls, journdict):
        """Creates a new journal including posting from
        a dictionary created from json

        if 'postings' not in journdict['journal']\
                or journdict['journal']['postings'] is None:
            raise NoPostingInJournal('Empty journal')
        newjournal = cls(journalstat=cls.UNPROCESSED,
        for posting in journdict["journal"]["postings"]:
                Postings.create_from_dict(posting, newjournal)
            except NoAccountError as exc:
                raise InvalidJournalError(str(exc)) from exc
        return newjournal

    def postings_for_id(cls, journal_id):
        """ Assemble the postings in journal with id journal_id

        posts = query(Postings).filter_by(journals_id=journal_id).all()
        if posts == []:
            raise NoJournalError('Journal ' + str(journal_id) +
                                 ' does not exist')
        return posts

    def get_by_key(self, extkey=None):
        """ Get the journal data without postings by the supplied extkey

        if extkey is None:
            raise NoJournalError('An external key is required')
        journal = query(Journals).filter_by(extkey=extkey).first()
        if not journal:
            raise NoJournalError('No journal with key ' + extkey)
        return journal

    def journals_for_search(cls, search_string=None, page=1, pagelength=25):
        """ Return journals that have the search string
        in their key. Uphold paging attributes.

        if search_string is None or search_string == '':
            return JournalList([],
        if len(search_string) < 3:
            raise ShortSearchStringError('Search string ' + search_string +
                                         ' too short')
        journals = query(Journals).order_by(Journals.extkey.desc())
        if search_string:
            journals = journals.filter(
                Journals.extkey.like('%' + search_string + '%'))
        if page > 1:
            skip_records = (page - 1) * pagelength
            journals = journals.offset(skip_records)
        journals = journals.limit(pagelength)
        logging.debug('Journals SQL is: :' + str(journals))
        journals = journals.all()
        q = query(Journals)
        if search_string:
            q = q.filter(Journals.extkey.like('%' + search_string + '%'))
        num_records = q.count()
        return JournalList(journals,

    def postings_for_key(self, journal_key):
        """ Assemble the posting in the journal by the external key

        journal = query(Journals).filter_by(extkey=journal_key).first()
        if not journal:
            raise NoJournalError('No journal for key ' + str(journal_key))
        return journal.journalpostings

    def validate_status(self, id, journalstat):
        """ Check if the status is valid

        if journalstat not in [self.UNPROCESSED, self.PROCESSED, self.FAILED]:
            raise InvalidJournalError('Status ' + str(journalstat) +
                                      ' is invalid')
        return journalstat

    def add(self):
        """ Add this journal to the session

        Make sure it is timestamped

        self.updated_at = datetime.today()

    def post_journal(self):
        """ Post the posting of this journal to the accounts.

        The journal is first checked to balance. If it doesn't
        balance, it is marked for being unprocessable.

        journal_balance = 0
        if self.journalpostings:
            firstpostingccy = self.journalpostings[0].currency
        for posting in self.journalpostings:
            if not posting.currency == firstpostingccy:
            if posting.is_debit():
                journal_balance += posting.amount
                journal_balance -= posting.amount
        if not journal_balance == 0:
            raise JournalBalanceError('Journal balance = ' +
        for posting in self.journalpostings:
            except NoAccountError as exc:
                raise InvalidJournalError(str(exc)) from exc
        self.journalstat = self.PROCESSED
コード例 #3
ファイル: glposting.py プロジェクト: Mholscher/gledger
class Postings(db.Model):
    """ The individual postings.

    Postings have the following fields :
        :id: the system generated sequence number
        :account_id: the account the posting is to be applied to
        :journals_id: the sequence number of the journal the posting is in
        :postmonth: The accounting month the posting was posted in
        :currency: The currency of the posting
        :amount: the posted amount in the smallest unit
        :debcred: if the account is to be debited or credited
        :value_date: the date the posting should take effect
        :updated_at: The timestamp of the last update

    __tablename__ = 'postings'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.Sequence('posting_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
    accounts_id = db.Column(db.Integer,
    journals_id = db.Column(db.Integer,
    postmonth = db.Column(db.Numeric(precision=6))
    currency = db.Column(db.String(3), nullable=False, default='EUR')
    amount = db.Column(db.Numeric(precision=14), nullable=False)
    debcred = db.Column(db.String(2), nullable=False)
    db.CheckConstraint("debcred in ('Db', 'Cr')", name='debcredval'),
    value_date = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False)
    updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False)

    def create_from_dict(cls, posting, for_journal):
        """Create a posting from a dictionary with the applicable fields.

        TODO This routine leaks info of the json to the model. Wants

        value_date = datetime(int(posting["valuedate"][0:4]),
        newposting = cls(postmonth=postmonth_for(value_date),
        newposting.accounts_id = newposting._id_for_account(posting["account"])
        newposting.journal = for_journal
        return newposting

    def postings_for_account(cls, account, pagelength=25, page=1, month=None):
        """ This method gets a list of postings for the account passed.

        It has a pagelength for the number of postings. -1 is unlimited
        (warning: That may return very many postings!

        posts = query(Postings).filter_by(accounts_id=account.id)
        posts = posts.order_by(Postings.updated_at.desc())
        if month:
            posts = posts.filter_by(postmonth=Postmonths.internal(month))
        if not pagelength == -1:
            posts = posts.limit(pagelength)
        if page is None:
            page = 1
        if not page == 1:
            posts = posts.offset((page - 1) * pagelength)
        posts = posts.all()
        num_posts = query(Postings).filter_by(accounts_id=account.id)
        num_posts = num_posts.count()
        return PostingList(posts,

    def _id_for_account(self, from_name):
        """ Get an ID for an account for which we only have the name

        account = Accounts.get_by_name(from_name)
        return account.id

    def get_by_id(cls, posting_id):
        """ Get a posting from its id """

        return query(Postings).filter_by(id=posting_id).first()

    def add(self):
        """ Add this posting to the session

        Make sure it is timestamped

        self.updated_at = datetime.today()

    def validate_debcred(self, id, debitcredit):
        """ Check if debit/credit indicator has a valid value

        if debitcredit not in ['Db', 'Cr']:
            raise InvalidDebitCreditError('Debit credit indicator ' +
                                          debitcredit + 'is invalid')
        return debitcredit

    def is_debit(self):

        return (self.debcred == 'Db')

    def is_credit(self):

        return (self.debcred == 'Cr')

    def apply(self):
        """ Apply this posting to its account.

        Applying means adjusting the balance with the amount of
        the posting

        account = Accounts.get_by_id(self.accounts_id)
        account.post_amount(self.debcred, self.amount, self.value_date)
コード例 #4
ファイル: glaccount.py プロジェクト: Mholscher/gledger
class Accounts(db.Model):
    """ Accounts models the "immutable" properties of an account

    Accounts have the following fields:
        :id: a sequence number
        :name: the accounts account "number" as the user wants to see it
        :role: asset, liability, income, expense
        :parent_id: its place in the hierarchy, like an adjacency list
        :children: the list of dependents
        :balances: the balances for the account

    VALID_ROLES = ['I', 'E', 'A', 'L']
    ROLE_NAME = {'I': 'Income', 'E': 'Expense', 'A': 'Asset', 'L': 'Liability'}
    """ The list of valid roles.

        :I: Income
        :E: Expense
        :A: Asset
        :L: Liability

    __tablename__ = 'accounts'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.Sequence('account_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(15), nullable=False, unique=True)
    role = db.Column(db.String(1))
    parent_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('accounts.id'), index=True)
    children = db.relationship('Accounts')
    balances = db.relationship('Balances', backref='accounts')
    updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime)
    __table_args__ = (db.Index('byparent', 'parent_id', 'id'), )

    def validate_role(self, id, role):
        if role not in self.VALID_ROLES:
            raise ValueError('Account role invalid')
        return role

    def get_by_id(cls, requested_id):
        """ Get an account form the database by id """

            account = query(Accounts).filter_by(id=requested_id).first()
            if not account:
                raise NoAccountError('No account for id ' + str(requested_id))
            return account
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NoAccountError('No account for id ' + str(requested_id))

    def get_by_name(cls, requested_name):
        """ Get an account from the database by name

        The name of an account is pointing to a single account row."""

            account = query(Accounts).filter_by(name=requested_name).first()
            if not account:
                raise NoAccountError('No account for ' + str(requested_name))
            return account
        except NoResultFound:
            raise NoAccountError('No account for ' + str(requested_name))

    def create_account(cls,
        """Create an account and add it as a child.

        This scripts all things to be done for adding an account
        while also attaching it in the structure. If either
        parent_id or parent_name is filled, the method adds the
        account created to the children.

        Checks are made:

            1.   the account to be added doesn't exist
            2.   the parent account does exist; if not, an exception will be

        if not name:
            raise ValueError('name cannot be None')
        if cls.account_exists(requested_name=name):
            raise AccountAlreadyExistsError('Account with name ' + str(name) +
                                            ' already exists')
        account = cls(name=name, role=role)
        parent = None
        if parent_id:
            parent = cls.get_by_id(parent_id)
        if parent_name and not parent_id:
            parent = cls.get_by_name(parent_name)
        if parent:
        return account

    def account_exists(cls, requested_id=None, requested_name=None):
        """ Return if an account exists, presented with an ID or
        an account name

        if requested_id:
            return not (query(Accounts).filter_by(id=requested_id).all() == [])
        if requested_name:
            return not (query(Accounts).filter_by(name=requested_name).all()
                        == [])
        raise NoAccountError('An account id or name is mandatory')

    def _balance_for(self):
        """ Set up a query for the balance(s) of this account """

        return query(Balances).filter_by(accounts=self)

    def parentaccount(self):
        """ Get the parent of this account as an account """

        if hasattr(self, 'parent_account'):
            return self.parent_account
            parent_accounts = query(Accounts).filter_by(id=self.parent_id)\
            if len(parent_accounts) > 0:
                self.parentaccount = parent_accounts[0]
                return parent_accounts[0]
                return None

    def __repr__(self):
        displayStr = 'Account(name = {}'.format(self.name, )
        if self.role:
            displayStr = displayStr + ', role = {}'.format(self.role) + ')'
        return displayStr

    def add(self):
        """ Add this account to the session """

        self.updated_at = datetime.today()

    def update_role_or_parent(self, new_role=None, new_parent=None):
        """ Update the parent and or role attribute.

        These are the only attributes that may be updated.

        if new_parent:
            parent = Accounts.get_by_name(new_parent)
            if parent:
                self.parent_id = parent.id
                self.updated_at = datetime.today()
                raise ValueError('Account ' + repr(new_parent) +
                                 ' (new parent) does not exist')
        if new_role:
            self.role = new_role
            self.updated_at = datetime.today()

    def current_balance(self):
        """ Return the last known balance of the account """

        balance_last_known = self._balance_for().order_by(Balances.postmonth.desc())\
        if balance_last_known == []:
            return 0
        return balance_last_known[0].amount

    def balance_ultimo(self, postmonth, balance_so_far=0):
        """ Return the balance of the account at the end of the postmonth """

        balance_requested = self._balance_for().filter(
            Balances.postmonth <= postmonth).order_by(
        if balance_requested != []:
            balance_so_far += balance_requested[0].amount
        for child in self.children:
            balance_so_far = child.balance_ultimo(postmonth, balance_so_far)
        return balance_so_far

    def debit_credit(self):
        """ Return a debit/credit indicator for the account.

        The indicator is returned from the role.

        if self.role == 'A' or self.role == 'E':
            return 'Db'
        if self.role == 'L' or self.role == 'I':
            return 'Cr'
        # Come here, unknown role: crash
        raise ValueError(f'Unknown role {role} in account {name}')

    def is_debit(self):
        """ Is this account a debit account? """

        return (self.debit_credit() == 'Db')

    def is_credit(self):
        """ Is this account a credit account? """

        return (self.debit_credit() == 'Cr')

    def post_amount(self, debit_credit, post_amount, value_date):
        """Post an amount to this account.

        This is a transaction script. The script runs as follows:
        1. Get the balance row for the postmonth
        2. apply the amount (using a function) to this row
        3. return the new balance

        postmonth = postmonth_for(value_date)
        balance_requested = self._balance_for().\
        if balance_requested is None:
            balance_requested = Balances(account_id=self.id,
        balance_requested.update_with(debit_credit, post_amount)
        return balance_requested.amount
コード例 #5
ファイル: glaccount.py プロジェクト: Mholscher/gledger
class Postmonths(db.Model):

    __tablename__ = 'postmnths'
    postmonth = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    monthstat = db.Column(db.String(1), nullable=False)

    ACTIVE = 'a'
    CLOSED = 'c'

    def add(self):
        """ Add this postmonth to the session

        self.updated_at = datetime.today()

    def close(self):
        """ Close the postmonth for posting
        This will make sure that no more postings are made to this
        period, like after you have closed the books.

        self.monthstat = self.CLOSED

    def validate_monthstat(self, id, monthstat):
        if (monthstat != self.ACTIVE) and (monthstat != self.CLOSED):
            raise InvalidPostmonthError('Invalid status in postmonth')
        return monthstat

    def internal(month_string):
        """ Return an internally formatted postmonth for the passed in
        edited month string.

        The edited string has the format mm-yyyy.

        # Check the format
        if (not month_string[0:2].isdigit() or not month_string[3:7].isdigit()
                or month_string[2:3] != '-' or len(month_string) != 7):
            raise InvalidPostmonthError(
                'The postmonth {0} could not be converted'.format(
        month = int(month_string[0:2])
        year = int(month_string[3:7])
        return 100 * year + month

    def external(postmonth):
        """ Return a string for a 6 digit postmonth integer"""

        return "{0:02}-{1}".format(postmonth % 100, int(postmonth / 100))

    def list_to_update(postmonths):
        """ Return a list of Postmonths instances for the list passed
        The list is assumed to consist of tuples where the first element
        of the tuple is a postmonth in internal format
        def validate_month(postmonth_string):

            if hasattr(postmonth_string, 'len') and len(postmonth_string) > 6:
                raise InvalidPostmonthError('Postmonth to long')
                postmonth = int(postmonth_string)
            except ValueError as ve:
                raise InvalidPostmonthError('Postmonth must be a number')
            _, monthno = divmod(postmonth, postmonth / 100)
            if monthno > 12 or monthno == 0:
                raise InvalidPostmonthError('Month must be from 1 to 12')
            return True

        keylist = [x for (x, _) in postmonths if validate_month(x)]
        q = query(Postmonths).filter(Postmonths.postmonth.in_(keylist)).all()
        if len(q) != len(keylist):
            raise InvalidPostmonthError(
                'There was an invalid postmonth in the list')
        return q

    def update_from_list(postmonths):
        """ Update postmonths from a list of changes
        The list is assumed to consist of tuples where the first element
        of the tuple is a postmonth in internal format and the second is
        the desired monthstat (active, closed, ...)

        for postmonth in Postmonths.list_to_update(postmonths):
            for newdata in postmonths:
                if int(newdata[0]) == postmonth.postmonth \
                    and not newdata[1] == postmonth.monthstat:
                    postmonth.monthstat = newdata[1]

    def update_from_dict(postmonthdict):
        """ Update postmonths for a dict of postmonths and statuses.
        Keys are internal postmonth keys (int with form yyyymm) and
        a status as value. 

        postmonthlist = [(k, v) for k, v in postmonthdict.items()]

    def get_postmonths_between_dates(from_date, to_date, monthstat=None):
        """ Get postmonths between between two dates.
        The from_date is included (if it is 2016-01-01 2016-01 is included)
        and the to_date is not (if it is 2016-01-01 2016-01 is excluded). 
        monthstat is none means "don't care",any value is considered to be a 
        selection criterion.

        Although named "date", both dates are datetime instances

        from_pm = postmonth_for(from_date)
        to_pm = postmonth_for(to_date)
        pmlist = query(Postmonths).\
            filter(Postmonths.postmonth >= from_pm).\
            filter(Postmonths.postmonth < to_pm)
        if monthstat:
            pmlist = pmlist.filter(Postmonths.monthstat == monthstat)
        return pmlist.all()

    def status_can_post(self):
        """ Returns True if the status of this postmonth
        is active, i.e. posting in it is permitted.

        return self.monthstat == self.ACTIVE

    def str(self):
        """ Returns the postmonth key as a formatted string

        return "{0:02}-{1}".format(self.postmonth % 100,
                                   int(self.postmonth / 100))

    def __repr__(self):
        """ Returns the postmonth key as a formatted string

        return self.str()
コード例 #6
ファイル: glaccount.py プロジェクト: Mholscher/gledger
class Balances(db.Model):
    """Balances model the balances at different moments in time

    A balance is created for each accounting period of a month.
    After the end of the month it retains the ultimo balance
    for further reference. During the accounting month it contains the
    current balance.

    A balance is made upon receiving the first posting of the accounting
    month. If a record for an older month is returned, that is the current
    balance; no postings for the current month have been received.

    Balances have the following fields:
        :id: a sequence number
        :account_id: the sequence number of the account this is the balance of
        :postmonth: the postmonth in the format yyyymm
        :currency: the currency code (preferably: use ISO)
        :amount: the amount

    __tablename__ = 'balances'
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.Sequence('balance_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
    account_id = db.Column(db.Integer,
    postmonth = db.Column(db.Numeric(precision=6))
    value_date = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False)
    amount = db.Column(db.Numeric(precision=14))
    updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime)
    __table_args__ = (db.Index('bymonth', 'account_id', 'postmonth'), )

    def validate_postmonth(self, id, postmonth):
        """ the post month can only be the current or an existing, active

        months_db = query(Postmonths).filter_by(postmonth=postmonth).all()
        if (months_db != []):
            if months_db[0].status_can_post():
                return postmonth
            raise ValueError('Postmonth not active')
        current_postmonth = postmonth_for(date.today())
        if postmonth != current_postmonth:
            raise ValueError('Post month must exist or be current month')
        return postmonth

    def add(self):
        self.updated_at = datetime.today()

    def update(self):
        self.updated_at = datetime.today()

    def update_with(self, debit_credit, post_amount):
        """ Update the balance with the amount to be applied. """

        account = Accounts.get_by_id(self.account_id)
        if account.debit_credit() == debit_credit:
            self.amount += post_amount
            self.amount -= post_amount

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Balances(amount = {}, postmonth = {}, account {})'.\
            format(self.amount, self.postmonth, self.account_id)