コード例 #1
    def build(self):

        files = self.options.files
        editables = self.options.edit
        globs = {f: files[f] for f in files if glob.has_magic(f)}
        filepaths = {os.path.join(self.builddir, f): files[f] for f in files
                     if not glob.has_magic(f)}

        for edit in editables:
            fpath = os.path.join(self.builddir, edit)
            if os.path.exists(fpath):
                for regex in editables[edit]:
                    for line in fileinput.input([fpath], inplace=True):
                        r = re.compile(regex)
                        print (r.sub(editables[edit][regex], line.rstrip()))

        for src in globs:
            paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.builddir, src))
            if not paths:
                raise EnvironmentError('no matches for {!r}'.format(src))
            for path in paths:
                    {os.path.join(self.builddir, path): globs[src]})

        for src in sorted(filepaths):
            dst = os.path.join(self.installdir, filepaths[src].lstrip('/'))
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True)
            _recursively_link(src, dst, self.installdir)
コード例 #2
ファイル: misc.py プロジェクト: seblin/shcol
def get_filenames(path=os.curdir):
    Return an iterator of the filenames in `path`. If this function could not
    retrieve any filename due to access errors then the iterator will be empty
    (i.e. yielding no items).

    Note that shell-like globbing is performed if `path` contains wildcard
    symbols such as "*" or "?". The function will then return all names that
    match the given pattern instead of their directory contents. If you need the
    contents then you should put the platform's path separator at the end of
    your pattern. In other words (on Windows):

    r'Python27'   => Content of "Python27"-folder
    r'Py*'        => Names starting with "Py" (e.g. "Python27", "Python34", ...)
    r'Py*\\'      => Contents of directories starting with "Py"
    r'Py*\*.txt'  => E.g. all text files in all Python folders

    To make life easier, you are free to use alternative path separators if
    they are supported by your platform (e.g. "/" instead of "\" on Windows).
    Additionally, the "~"-symbol will be expanded to the user's home directory.
    path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(path))
    if os.altsep is not None:
        path = path.replace(os.altsep, os.sep)
    if not glob.has_magic(path) or path.endswith(os.sep):
        path = os.path.join(path, '*')
    filenames = (fn.rstrip(os.sep) for fn in glob.iglob(path))
    if not glob.has_magic(os.path.dirname(path)):
        filenames = (os.path.basename(fn) for fn in filenames)
    return filenames
コード例 #3
ファイル: setup.py プロジェクト: unix86/colony
def find_data_files(source_path, target_path, patterns):
    Finds data files in the given source path and maps them
    into the target path.
    The list of patterns in glob format represents the filters.

    @type source_path: String
    @param source_path: The source path to find the data files.
    @type target_path: String
    @param target_path: The target path to the data files.
    @type patterns: List
    @param patterns: The list of patterns for file matching.
    @rtype: List
    @return: The list of data file references.

    # in case the source path or the target path contain
    # a glob pattern
    if glob.has_magic(source_path) or glob.has_magic(target_path):
        # raises an exception
        raise ValueError("magic not allowed in source and target")

    # creates the data files map, responsible for mapping
    # the various directories with the existent data files
    data_files_map = {}

    # iterates over all the patterns to be able to filter
    # the file that match the provided patterns
    for pattern in patterns:
        # joins the source path and the pattern
        # to create the "complete" pattern
        pattern = os.path.join(source_path, pattern)

        # iterates over all the filenames in the
        # glob pattern
        for file_name in glob.glob(pattern):
            # in case there is no file to be read
            # must skip the current loop
            if not os.path.isfile(file_name): continue

            # retrieves the relative file path between
            # the source path and the file name
            relative_file_path = os.path.relpath(file_name, source_path)

            # creates the target file path using the
            # target path and the relative path and then
            # retrieves its directory name as the path
            target_file_path = os.path.join(target_path, relative_file_path)
            path = os.path.dirname(target_file_path)

            # adds the filename to the data files map
            data_files_map.setdefault(path, []).append(file_name)

    # retrieves the data files items and then sorts
    # them according to the default order
    data_files_items = data_files_map.items()
    data_files_items = sorted(data_files_items)

    # returns the data files items
    return data_files_items
コード例 #4
ファイル: globbedpaths.py プロジェクト: datalad/datalad
    def _get_sub_patterns(self, pattern):
        """Extract sub-patterns from the leading path of `pattern`.

        The right-most path component is successively peeled off until there
        are no patterns left.
        if pattern in self._paths["sub_patterns"]:
            return self._paths["sub_patterns"][pattern]

        head, tail = op.split(pattern)
        if not tail:
            # Pattern ended with a separator. Take the first directory as the
            # base.
            head, tail = op.split(head)

        sub_patterns = []
        seen_magic = glob.has_magic(tail)
        while head:
            new_head, tail = op.split(head)
            if seen_magic and not glob.has_magic(head):
            elif not seen_magic and glob.has_magic(tail):
                seen_magic = True

            if seen_magic:
                sub_patterns.append(head + op.sep)
            head = new_head
        self._paths["sub_patterns"][pattern] = sub_patterns
        return sub_patterns
コード例 #5
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fauziharoon/metapathways2
 def iglob(self, pathname):
     Return an iterator which yields the paths matching a pathname pattern.
     The pattern may contain simple shell-style wildcards a la fnmatch.
     if not glob.has_magic(pathname):
         if self.ssh.lpath_exists(pathname):
             yield pathname
     dirname, basename = posixpath.split(pathname)
     if not dirname:
         for name in self.glob1(posixpath.curdir, basename):
             yield name
     if glob.has_magic(dirname):
         dirs = self.iglob(dirname)
         dirs = [dirname]
     if glob.has_magic(basename):
         glob_in_dir = self.glob1
         glob_in_dir = self.glob0
     for dirname in dirs:
         for name in glob_in_dir(dirname, basename):
             yield posixpath.join(dirname, name)
コード例 #6
def find_data_files(source, target, patterns):
    Locates the specified data-files and returns the matches in a data_files
    compatible format.

    source is the root of the source data tree.
        Use '' or '.' for current directory.
    target is the root of the target data tree.
        Use '' or '.' for the distribution directory.
    patterns is a sequence of glob-patterns for the
        files you want to copy.

    Modified slightly from http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/data_files
    if glob.has_magic(source) or glob.has_magic(target):
        raise ValueError("Magic not allowed in src, target")
    ret = defaultdict(list)
    for pattern in patterns:
        pattern = os.path.join(source, pattern)
        for filename in glob.glob(pattern):
            if os.path.isfile(filename):
                targetpath = os.path.join(target, os.path.relpath(filename,
    return sorted(ret.items())
コード例 #7
ファイル: command_shell.py プロジェクト: 007jasonsmith/behave
def path_glob(command, cmdargs, cwd="."):
    import glob
    if not glob.has_magic(command):
        return cmdargs

    assert os.path.isdir(cwd)
        current_cwd = os.getcwd()
        new_cmdargs = []
        for cmdarg in cmdargs:
            if not glob.has_magic(cmdarg):

            more_args = glob.glob(cmdarg)
            if more_args:
                # -- BAD-CASE: Require at least one match.
                # Otherwise, restore original arg.

        cmdargs = new_cmdargs
    return cmdargs
コード例 #8
ファイル: setup.py プロジェクト: Gemini2015/markdown-editor
def find_data_files(source, target, patterns):
    Locates the specified data-files and returns the matches
    in a data_files compatible format.

    source is the root of the source data tree.
         Use '' or '.' for current directory.
    target is the root of the target data tree.
        Use '' or '.' for the distribution directory.
    patterns is a sequence of glob-patterns for the
        files you want to copy.
    if glob.has_magic(source) or glob.has_magic(target):
        raise ValueError("Magic not allowed in src, target")
    ret = {}
    while len(patterns) > 0:
        pattern = patterns.pop(0)
        pattern = os.path.join(source, pattern)
        for filename in glob.glob(pattern):
            if os.path.isfile(filename):
                targetpath = os.path.join(target, os.path.relpath(filename, source))
                path = os.path.dirname(targetpath)
                ret.setdefault(path, []).append(filename)
            if os.path.isdir(filename):
                new_pattern = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(filename, source), "*")
    return sorted(ret.items())
コード例 #9
ファイル: setup.py プロジェクト: SagesWang/pasta
 def find_data_files(source,target,patterns):
     if glob.has_magic(source) or glob.has_magic(target):
         raise ValueError("Magic not allowed in src, target")
     ret = {}
     for pattern in patterns:
         pattern = os.path.join(source,pattern)
         for filename in glob.glob(pattern):
             if os.path.isfile(filename):
                 targetpath = os.path.join(target,os.path.relpath(filename,source))
                 path = os.path.dirname(targetpath)
     return sorted(ret.items())
コード例 #10
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: M4rtinK/oscap-anaconda-addon
def universal_copy(src, dst):
    Function that copies the files or directories specified by the src argument
    to the destination given by the dst argument. It should follow the same
    rules as the standard 'cp' utility.

    :param src: source to copy -- may be a glob, file path or a directory path
    :type src: str
    :param dst: destination to copy to
    :type src: str


    if glob.has_magic(src):
        # src is a glob
        sources = glob.glob(src)
        # not a glob
        sources = [src]

    for item in sources:
        if os.path.isdir(item):
            if os.path.isdir(dst):
                item = item.rstrip("/")
                dirname = item.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
                shutil.copytree(item, join_paths(dst, dirname))
                shutil.copytree(item, dst)
            shutil.copy2(item, dst)
コード例 #11
    def filename_matches(self, text, line):
        """return matching filenames unless text contains wildcard characters"""
        if glob.has_magic(text): return []
        # look for IRAF virtual filenames
        #XXX This might be simplified if '$' and '/' were added to the set
        #XXX of characters permitted in words.  Can't do that now, as
        #XXX far as I can tell, but Python 1.6 should allow it.

        #XXX Need to improve this for filenames that include characters
        #XXX not included in the spanned text.  E.g. .csh<TAB> does not
        #XXX work because the '.' is not part of the name, and filenames
        #XXX with embedded '-' or '+' do not work.

        if line[-1] == '$':
            # preceded by IRAF environment variable
            m = re.search(r'\w*\$$', line)
            dir = iraf.Expand(m.group())
        elif line[-1] == os.sep:
            # filename is preceded by path separator
            # match filenames with letters, numbers, $, ~, ., -, +,  and
            # directory separator
            m = re.search(r'[\w.~$+-%s]*$' % os.sep, line)
            dir = iraf.Expand(m.group())
            dir = ''
        return self._dir_matches(text, dir)
コード例 #12
ファイル: get.py プロジェクト: JohnCEarls/StarCluster
 def execute(self, args):
     if len(args) < 3:
         self.parser.error("please specify a cluster, remote file or " +
                           "directory, and a local destination path")
     ctag = args[0]
     lpath = args[-1]
     rpaths = args[1:-1]
     cl = self.cm.get_cluster(ctag, load_receipt=False)
         node = cl.get_node(self.opts.node)
     except exception.InstanceDoesNotExist as ide:
         if self.opts.node == "master":
             #may have happened because master node is clustername-master
             #i.e. dns_prefix = True in config
             #lets check
                 node = cl.get_node('%s-%s' % (ctag, self.opts.node) )
             except exception.InstanceDoesNotExist as ide2:
                 #k, master is just not there, raise original error
                 log.debug("Neither master nor %s-%s exist." % (ctag, 
                 raise( ide )
             #node name was provided
     if self.opts.user:
     for rpath in rpaths:
         if not glob.has_magic(rpath) and not node.ssh.path_exists(rpath):
             raise exception.BaseException(
                 "Remote file or directory does not exist: %s" % rpath)
     node.ssh.get(rpaths, lpath)
コード例 #13
def extract_features(recording_files, nr_ceps=12):
    print("skipping features")
    return  Ceps()(range(100))
    nr_utt_in_ubm = 300

    win_length_ms = 25  # The window length of the cepstral analysis in milliseconds
    win_shift_ms = 10  # The window shift of the cepstral analysis in milliseconds
    nr_filters = 24  # NOTSURE The number of filter bands
    nr_ceps = nr_ceps  # The number of cepstral coefficients
    f_min = 0.  # NOTSURE The minimal frequency of the filter bank
    f_max = 4000.  # NOTSURE The maximal frequency of the filter bank
    delta_win = 2  # NOTSURE The integer delta value used for computing the first and second order derivatives
    pre_emphasis_coef = 0.97  # NOTSURE The coefficient used for the pre-emphasis
    dct_norm = True  # NOTSURE A factor by which the cepstral coefficients are multiplied
    mel_scale = True  # Tell whether cepstral features are extracted on a linear (LFCC) or Mel (MFCC) scale
    # TODO add feature wrapping

    if glob.has_magic(recording_files):
        recording_files = glob.glob(recording_files)

    rate, ubm_wav = wavfile.read(recording_files.pop())
    for recording_file in recording_files:
        rate, signal = wavfile.read(recording_file)
        ubm_wav = np.append(ubm_wav, signal)
    c = Ceps(rate, win_length_ms, win_shift_ms, nr_filters, nr_ceps, f_min, f_max, delta_win, pre_emphasis_coef,
                    mel_scale, dct_norm)
    ubm_wav = np.cast['float'](ubm_wav)  # vector should be in **float**
    mfcc = c(ubm_wav)
    return mfcc
コード例 #14
ファイル: ext_glob.py プロジェクト: ndawe/rootpy
def root_glob(pathname):
    # Split the pathname into a directory and basename
    # (which should include the wild-card)
    dirs, basename = os.path.split(pathname)

    if gl.has_magic(dirs):
        dirs = root_glob(dirs)
        dirs = [dirs]

    files = []
    for dirname in dirs:
        # Uses `TSystem` to open the directory.
        # TSystem itself wraps up the calls needed to query xrootd.
        dirname = gSystem.ExpandPathName(dirname)
        directory = gSystem.OpenDirectory(dirname)

        if directory:
            for file in __directory_iter(directory):
                if file in [".", ".."]:
                if not fnmatch.fnmatchcase(file, basename):
                files.append(os.path.join(dirname, file))
            except TypeError:
    return files
コード例 #15
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fauziharoon/metapathways2
 def get(self, remotepaths, localpath=''):
     Copies one or more files from the remote host to the local host.
     remotepaths = self._make_list(remotepaths)
     localpath = localpath or os.getcwd()
     globs = []
     noglobs = []
     for rpath in remotepaths:
         if glob.has_magic(rpath):
     globresults = [self.glob(g) for g in globs]
     remotepaths = noglobs
     for globresult in globresults:
     recursive = False
     for rpath in remotepaths:
         if not self.path_exists(rpath):
             raise exception.BaseException(
                 "Remote file or directory does not exist: %s" % rpath)
     for rpath in remotepaths:
         if self.isdir(rpath):
             recursive = True
     self.scp.get(remotepaths, localpath, recursive=recursive)
コード例 #16
ファイル: bundle.py プロジェクト: lyschoening/webassets
 def resolve_contents(self, env):
     """Returns contents, with globbed patterns resolved to actual
     # TODO: We cache the values, which in theory is problematic, since
     # due to changes in the env object, the result of the globbing may
     # change. Not to mention that a different env object may be passed
     # in. We should find a fix for this.
     if not getattr(self, '_resolved_contents', None):
         l = []
         for item in self.contents:
             if isinstance(item, basestring):
                 # We only go through glob() if this actually is a
                 # pattern; this means that invalid filenames will
                 # remain in the content set, and only raise an error
                 # at a later point in time.
                 # TODO: This is possible a good place to check for
                 # a file's existance though; currently, when in debug
                 # mode, no error would be raised at all, and simply a
                 # broken url sent to the browser.
                 if glob.has_magic(item):
                     path = env.abspath(item)
                     for f in glob.glob(path):
         self._resolved_contents = l
     return self._resolved_contents
コード例 #17
def _glib_regex(pathname_pattern):
    Helper for taking pathname patterns and converting them into Python regexes with Unix pathname matching behavior.

    :param pathname_pattern: String pathname
    :return: Compiled Regex
    # First escape '.'
    pathname_pattern.replace('.', '\.')

    if has_magic(pathname_pattern):
        # Replace unspecific '*' and '?' regex appropriate specifiers ('.')
        for special_char in ('*', '?'):
            split_pattern = pathname_pattern.split(special_char)

            new_split_pattern = []
            # For each section, if there is no regex appropriate closure, add a generic catch.
            for bucket in split_pattern:
                if bucket:
                    # If previous character is not regex closure and is not end of string, then add char...
                    if bucket[-1] != ']' and split_pattern.index(bucket) != len(split_pattern) - 1:
                        bucket += '.'
                elif split_pattern.index(bucket) == 0:
                    # If match char was beginning of string, add regex char...
                    bucket += '.'


            # Rejoin on special characters
            pathname_pattern = special_char.join(new_split_pattern)

    return re.compile(pathname_pattern)
コード例 #18
ファイル: CLI.py プロジェクト: kdart/pycopia3
def globargv(argv):
    if len(argv) > 2:
        import glob
        l = []
        map(lambda gl: l.extend(gl), map(lambda arg: glob.has_magic(arg) and glob.glob(arg) or [arg], argv[2:]))
        argv = argv[0:2] + l
    return argv[1:]
コード例 #19
ファイル: pydevd_filtering.py プロジェクト: ku5ic/dotfiles
def _check_matches(patterns, paths):
    if not patterns and not paths:
        # Matched to the end.
        return True

    if (not patterns and paths) or (patterns and not paths):
        return False

    pattern = patterns[0]
    path = paths[0]

    if not glob.has_magic(pattern):

        if pattern != path:
            return False

    elif pattern == '**':
        if len(patterns) == 1:
            return True  # if ** is the last one it matches anything to the right.

        for i in xrange(len(paths)):
            # Recursively check the remaining patterns as the
            # current pattern could match any number of paths.
            if _check_matches(patterns[1:], paths[i:]):
                return True

    elif not fnmatch.fnmatch(path, pattern):
        # Current part doesn't match.
        return False

    return _check_matches(patterns[1:], paths[1:])
コード例 #20
ファイル: img2dcm.py プロジェクト: archeos/img2dcm-archeos
def main():
    options = parse_cmd_line()

    input_file = options.input
    output = options.output
    spacing = options.spacing
    modality = options.modality
    image_type = options.type
    patient = options.patient
    serie = options.serie
    institution = options.institution
    # patient_id = gdcm.UIDGenerator().Generate() #int(random.random() * 10000)
    # study_uid = #int(random.random() * 10000)

    converter = Img2Dcm(patient, institution, modality, serie, spacing)

    if os.path.isfile(input_file):
        converter.img2dcm(input_file, output, image_type, 0)
        c_re = re.compile('\d+')

        if glob.has_magic(input_file):
            files = glob.glob(input_file)
            files = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(input_file, '*')) \
                    if c_re.findall(f)]
        files.sort(key = lambda x: c_re.findall(x)[-1])

        if not os.path.exists(output):

        for image_number, f in enumerate(files):
            output_file = os.path.join(output, "%04d.dcm" % image_number)
            converter.img2dcm(f, output_file, image_type, image_number)
コード例 #21
ファイル: fitsdiff.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/PyFITS
def match_files(paths):
    filelists = []

    for path in paths:
        if glob.has_magic(path):
            files = [os.path.abspath(f) for f in glob.glob(path)]
            if not files:
                    'Wildcard pattern %r did not match any files.' % path)
        elif os.path.isdir(path):
            filelists.append([os.path.abspath(f) for f in os.listdir(path)])
        elif os.path.isfile(path):
                '%r is not an existing file, directory, or wildcard pattern; '
                'see `fitsdiff --help` for more usage help.' % path)


    for a, b in [(0, 1), (1, 0)]:
        if len(filelists[a]) > len(filelists[b]):
            for extra in filelists[a][len(filelists[b]):]:
                log.warning('%r has no match in %r' % (extra, paths[b]))
            filelists[a] = filelists[a][:len(filelists[b])]

    return zip(*filelists)
コード例 #22
ファイル: glob_funcs.py プロジェクト: ellert/xrootd
def xrootd_iglob(pathname, raise_error):
    """Handles the actual interaction with xrootd

    Provides a python generator over files that match the wild-card expression.
    # Split the pathname into a directory and basename
    dirs, basename = os.path.split(pathname)

    if gl.has_magic(dirs):
        dirs = list(xrootd_iglob(dirs, raise_error))
        dirs = [dirs]

    for dirname in dirs:
        host, path = split_url(dirname)
        query = FileSystem(host)

        if not query:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot prepare xrootd query")

        status, dirlist = query.dirlist(path)
        if status.error:
            if not raise_error:
            raise RuntimeError("'{!s}' for path '{}'".format(status, dirname))

        for entry in dirlist.dirlist:
            filename = entry.name
            if filename in [".", ".."]:
            if not fnmatch.fnmatchcase(filename, basename):
            yield os.path.join(dirname, filename)
コード例 #23
ファイル: gui.py プロジェクト: B-Rich/epydoc
 def _entry_module(self, *e):
     modules = [self._module_entry.get()]
     if glob.has_magic(modules[0]):
         modules = glob.glob(modules[0])
     for name in modules:
         self.add_module(name, check=1)
     self._module_entry.delete(0, 'end')
コード例 #24
ファイル: sshutils.py プロジェクト: autopilot-paas/autopilot
 def get(self, remotepaths, localpath=''):
     Copies one or more files from the remote host to the local host.
     remotepaths = self._make_list(remotepaths)
     localpath = localpath or os.getcwd()
     globs = []
     noglobs = []
     for rpath in remotepaths:
         if glob.has_magic(rpath):
     globresults = [self.glob(g) for g in globs]
     remotepaths = noglobs
     for globresult in globresults:
     recursive = False
     for rpath in remotepaths:
         if not self.path_exists(rpath):
             raise exception.BaseException(
                 "Remote file or directory does not exist: %s" % rpath)
     for rpath in remotepaths:
         if self.isdir(rpath):
             recursive = True
         self.scp.get(remotepaths, local_path=localpath,
     except Exception, e:
         log.debug(source="sshutils", msg="get failed: remotepaths=%s, localpath=%s" % (str(remotepaths), localpath))
         raise exception.SCPException(str(e))
コード例 #25
ファイル: runner_util.py プロジェクト: behave/behave
    def parse(text, here=None):
        Parse contents of a features list file as text.

        :param text: Contents of a features list(file).
        :param here: Current working directory to use (optional).
        :return: List of FileLocation objects
        locations = []
        for line in text.splitlines():
            filename = line.strip()
            if not filename:
                continue    # SKIP: Over empty line(s).
            elif filename.startswith('#'):
                continue    # SKIP: Over comment line(s).

            if here and not os.path.isabs(filename):
                filename = os.path.join(here, line)
            filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
            if glob.has_magic(filename):
                # -- WITH WILDCARDS:
                for filename2 in glob.iglob(filename):
                    location = FileLocationParser.parse(filename2)
                location = FileLocationParser.parse(filename)
        return locations
コード例 #26
ファイル: distribution.py プロジェクト: strub/ssr-collections
def _exclude(x):
    exclm = re.search("^exclude:(.+)$", x)
    if exclm is not None:
        exclm = exclm.group(1)
        if not hasattr(glob, "has_magic") or glob.has_magic(exclm):
            return glob.glob(exclm)
        return [exclm]

    return []
コード例 #27
ファイル: distribution.py プロジェクト: strub/ssr-collections
def _expand(x):
    if re.search("^.+:", x) is not None:
        findm = re.search(r"^find:(.*?):(.*$)$", x)
        if findm is not None:
            return list(_find(findm.group(1), findm.group(2)))
        return []

    if not hasattr(glob, "has_magic") or glob.has_magic(x):
        return glob.glob(x)
    return [x]
コード例 #28
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: SunriseChen/BuildLibrary
def clean_files(*args):
	import glob

	for path in _args_to_list(args):
		if glob.has_magic(path):
		elif os.path.isfile(path):
		elif os.path.isdir(path):
コード例 #29
ファイル: pyshell.py プロジェクト: animeshinvinci/pycopia
def do_command(argv):
    newargv = argv[:1]
    for arg in argv[1:]:
        if glob.has_magic(arg):
    proc = PM.spawnprocess(SubProcess, newargv, logfile=None, env=None,
                callback=_child_exited, persistent=0, merge=1, async=0)
コード例 #30
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: QuLogic/obspy
def _generic_reader(pathname_or_url=None, callback_func=None,
    if not isinstance(pathname_or_url, (str, native_str)):
        # not a string - we assume a file-like object
            # first try reading directly
            generic = callback_func(pathname_or_url, **kwargs)
        except TypeError:
            # if this fails, create a temporary file which is read directly
            # from the file system
            with NamedTemporaryFile() as fh:
                generic = callback_func(fh.name, **kwargs)
        return generic
    elif isinstance(pathname_or_url, bytes) and \
        # XML string
        return callback_func(io.BytesIO(pathname_or_url), **kwargs)
    elif "://" in pathname_or_url[:10]:
        # URL
        # extract extension if any
        suffix = os.path.basename(pathname_or_url).partition('.')[2] or '.tmp'
        with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=sanitize_filename(suffix)) as fh:
            download_to_file(url=pathname_or_url, filename_or_buffer=fh)
            generic = callback_func(fh.name, **kwargs)
        return generic
        pathname = pathname_or_url
        # File name(s)
        pathnames = sorted(glob.glob(pathname))
        if not pathnames:
            # try to give more specific information why the stream is empty
            if glob.has_magic(pathname) and not glob.glob(pathname):
                raise Exception("No file matching file pattern: %s" % pathname)
            elif not glob.has_magic(pathname) and not os.path.isfile(pathname):
                raise IOError(2, "No such file or directory", pathname)

        generic = callback_func(pathnames[0], **kwargs)
        if len(pathnames) > 1:
            for filename in pathnames[1:]:
                generic.extend(callback_func(filename, **kwargs))
        return generic
コード例 #31
def globfix(files):
    # expand wildcards where necessary
    if sys.platform == "win32":
        out = []
        for file in files:
            if glob.has_magic(file):
        return out
    return files
コード例 #32
ファイル: exclude.py プロジェクト: HALFpipe/HALFpipe
    def add_file(self, file_path: str) -> None:
        if has_magic(file_path):
            for e in glob(file_path, recursive=True):

            with open(file_path, "r") as file_handle:
                entries = json.load(file_handle)

            for entry in entries:
コード例 #33
def GetUnknownIncompatibleDirectories():
  """Gets a list of third-party directories which use licenses incompatible
  with Android which are not present in the known_issues.py file.
  This is used by the AOSP bot.
    A list of directories.
  incompatible_directories = frozenset(GetIncompatibleDirectories())
  known_incompatible = []
  for path, exclude_list in known_issues.KNOWN_INCOMPATIBLE.iteritems():
    for exclude in exclude_list:
      if glob.has_magic(exclude):
        exclude_dirname = os.path.dirname(exclude)
        if glob.has_magic(exclude_dirname):
          print ('Exclude path %s contains an unexpected glob expression,' \
                 ' skipping.' % exclude)
        exclude = exclude_dirname
      known_incompatible.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, exclude)))
  known_incompatible = frozenset(known_incompatible)
  return incompatible_directories.difference(known_incompatible)
コード例 #34
def glob(pathname):
    # Let normal python glob try first
    try_glob = gl.glob(pathname)
    if try_glob:
        return try_glob

    # If pathname does not contain a wildcard:
    if not gl.has_magic(pathname):
        return [pathname]

    # Else try xrootd instead
    return xrootd_glob(pathname)
コード例 #35
ファイル: ext_glob.py プロジェクト: zhufengGNSS/rootpy
def glob(pathname):
    # Let normal python glob try first
    try_glob = gl.glob(pathname)
    if try_glob:
        return try_glob

    # If pathname does not contain a wildcard:
    if not gl.has_magic(pathname):
        return [pathname]

    # Else use ROOT's remote system querying
    return root_glob(pathname)
コード例 #36
    def glob(self, path, **kwargs):
        Find files by glob-matching.

        If the path ends with '/' and does not contain "*", it is essentially
        the same as ``ls(path)``, returning only files.

        We support ``"**"``,
        ``"?"`` and ``"[..]"``.

        kwargs are passed to ``ls``.
        import re
        from glob import has_magic

        ends = path.endswith("/")
        path = self._strip_protocol(path)
        indstar = path.find("*") if path.find("*") >= 0 else len(path)
        indques = path.find("?") if path.find("?") >= 0 else len(path)
        indbrace = path.find("[") if path.find("[") >= 0 else len(path)

        ind = min(indstar, indques, indbrace)

        if not has_magic(path):
            root = path
            depth = 1
            if ends:
                path += "/*"
            elif self.exists(path):
                return [path]
                return []  # glob of non-existent returns empty
        elif "/" in path[:ind]:
            ind2 = path[:ind].rindex("/")
            root = path[:ind2 + 1]
            depth = 20 if "**" in path else path[ind2 + 1:].count("/") + 1
            root = ""
            depth = 20 if "**" in path else 1
        allpaths = self.find(root, maxdepth=depth, withdirs=True, **kwargs)
        pattern = ("^" + (path.replace(
            "\\", r"\\").replace(".", r"\.").replace("+", r"\+").replace(
                "//", "/").replace("(", r"\(").replace(")", r"\)").replace(
                    "|", r"\|").rstrip("/").replace("?", ".")) + "$")
        pattern = re.sub("[*]{2}", "=PLACEHOLDER=", pattern)
        pattern = re.sub("[*]", "[^/]*", pattern)
        pattern = re.compile(pattern.replace("=PLACEHOLDER=", ".*"))
        out = {
            for p in allpaths
            if pattern.match(p.replace("//", "/").rstrip("/"))
        return list(sorted(out))
コード例 #37
    def get_stat_dir(self, rawline, datacr):
        """Return an iterator object that yields a list of files
        matching a dirname pattern non-recursively in a form
        suitable for STAT command.

         - (str) rawline: the raw string passed by client as command
        ftppath = self.ftpnorm(rawline)
        if not glob.has_magic(ftppath):
            return self.get_list_dir(self.ftp2fs(rawline, datacr))
            basedir, basename = os.path.split(ftppath)
            if glob.has_magic(basedir):
                return iter(['Directory recursion not supported.\r\n'])
                basedir = self.ftp2fs(basedir, datacr)
                listing = self.glob1(basedir, basename)
                if listing:
                return self.format_list(basedir, listing)
コード例 #38
    def _list_part_files(path, filesystem=None):
        if filesystem is None:
            isdir = os.path.isdir
            glob_iter = glob.glob
            path_sep = os.path.sep
            isdir = filesystem.isdir
            glob_iter = filesystem.glob
            is_local = type(filesystem).__name__.lower().find('local') >= 0
            path_sep = os.path.sep if is_local else '/'

        if not glob.has_magic(path) and isdir(path):
            path = path.rstrip(path_sep) + f'{path_sep}*.parquet'

        if glob.has_magic(path):
            files = list(glob_iter(path))
            files = [path]

        return files
コード例 #39
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fgs76100/gman
def iglob(pathname, yield_even_not_exists=False):

    pathname = os.path.expandvars(pathname)
    dirname, basename = os.path.split(pathname)

    assert dirname != pathname, pathname

    if not glob.has_magic(pathname):
        if yield_even_not_exists:
            yield pathname
        elif basename:
            if os.path.lexists(pathname):
                yield pathname
            if os.path.isdir(dirname):
                yield dirname

    if dirname == "":
        dirname = os.curdir

    if glob.has_magic(dirname):
        dirs = set(iglob(dirname))
        dirs = [dirname]

    if basename == "**":
        glob_in_dir = _iglobstar
    elif glob.has_magic(basename):
        glob_in_dir = _glob1
        glob_in_dir = glob.glob0

    for dirname in dirs:
        for name in glob_in_dir(dirname, basename):
            if glob_in_dir is _iglobstar:
                f = name
                f = os.path.join(dirname, name)
            yield f
コード例 #40
    def resolve_contents(self, env=None, force=False):
        """Convert bundle contents into something that can be easily

        - Glob patterns are resolved
        - Validate all the source paths to complain about
          missing files early.
        - Third party extensions get to hook into this to
          provide a basic virtualized filesystem.

        The return value is a list of 2-tuples (relpath, abspath).
        The first element is the path that is assumed to be relative
        to the ``Environment.directory`` value. We need it to construct
        urls to the source files.
        The second element is the absolute path to the actual location
        of the file. Depending on the magic a third party extension
        does, this may be somewhere completely different.

        URLs and nested Bundles are returned as a 2-tuple where
        both items are the same.

        Set ``force`` to ignore any cache, and always re-resolve
        glob patterns.
        env = self._get_env(env)

        # TODO: We cache the values, which in theory is problematic, since
        # due to changes in the env object, the result of the globbing may
        # change. Not to mention that a different env object may be passed
        # in. We should find a fix for this.
        if getattr(self, '_resolved_contents', None) is None or force:
            l = []
            for item in self.contents:
                if isinstance(item, Bundle):
                    l.append((item, item))
                    if is_url(item):
                        # Is a URL
                        l.append((item, item))
                    elif isinstance(item, basestring) and has_magic(item):
                        # Is globbed pattern
                        path = env.abspath(item)
                        for f in glob.glob(path):
                            l.append((f[len(path) - len(item):], f))
                        # Is just a normal path; Send it through
                        # _normalize_source_path().
                            l.append((item, env._normalize_source_path(item)))
                        except IOError, e:
                            raise BundleError(e)
            self._resolved_contents = l
コード例 #41
ファイル: pyc2py.py プロジェクト: tieugene/tipython
def globargs(args=None):

    if args is None:
        args = sys.argv[1:]
    l = []
    for arg in args:
        if glob.has_magic(arg):
            # Glob pattern
            # Regular filename
    return l
コード例 #42
    def build(self):

        files = self.options.files
        globs = {f: files[f] for f in files if glob.has_magic(f)}
        filepaths = {
            os.path.join(self.builddir, f): files[f]
            for f in files if not glob.has_magic(f)

        for src in globs:
            paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.builddir, src))
            if not paths:
                raise EnvironmentError('no matches for {!r}'.format(src))
            for path in paths:
                    {os.path.join(self.builddir, path): globs[src]})

        for src in sorted(filepaths):
            dst = os.path.join(self.installdir, filepaths[src].lstrip('/'))
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True)
            _recursively_link(src, dst, self.installdir)
コード例 #43
    def consider_single_directory(self, directory, item):
        """Resolve ``item`` within ``directory``, glob or non-glob style

        Primarily to be called from subclasses rather than overridden.
        expr = path.join(directory, item)
        if has_magic(expr):
            # Note: No error if glob returns an empty list
            return list(self.glob(directory, item))
            if path.exists(expr):
                return expr
            raise IOError("'%s' does not exist" % expr)
コード例 #44
    def __init__(self, pattern, case_sensitive, inclusive):
        pattern = self.norm_path(pattern, ispattern=True)
        assert not glob.has_magic(pattern)

        if not case_sensitive:
            pattern = self.norm_case(pattern)

        # Ensure we match the full name of the first part to match in the path
        if pattern[0] != os.sep:
            pattern = os.sep + pattern

        super().__init__(pattern, case_sensitive, inclusive)
        self.seps_count = self.pattern.count(os.sep)
コード例 #45
def gen_dump_files(dump_files: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) -> Iterator[str]:
    """Generate files potentially resolving glob patterns if any"""
    if isinstance(dump_files, str):
        dump_files = [dump_files]
    for dump_file in dump_files:
        if glob.has_magic(dump_file):
            # if the dump_file is a glob pattern one, resolve it
            yield from (
                fname for fname in sorted(glob.glob(dump_file), key=basename_sortkey)
            # otherwise, just return the filename
            yield dump_file
コード例 #46
def find_files(source, target, patterns):
    """Locates the specified data-files and returns the matches
    in a data_files compatible format.

    source is the root of the source data tree.
        Use '' or '.' for current directory.
    target is the root of the target data tree.
        Use '' or '.' for the distribution directory.
    patterns is a sequence of glob-patterns for the
        files you want to copy.
    if glob.has_magic(source) or glob.has_magic(target):
        raise ValueError("Magic not allowed in src, target")
    ret = {}
    for pattern in patterns:
        pattern = os.path.join(source, pattern)
        for filename in glob.glob(pattern):
            if os.path.isfile(filename):
                targetpath = os.path.join(target, os.path.relpath(filename, source))
                path = os.path.dirname(targetpath)
                ret.setdefault(path, []).append(filename)
    return sorted(ret.items())
コード例 #47
def my_glob(pathname):
    """Like glob.glob, but doesn't filter out invalid file names.
  We want to catch that error explicitly to avoid user confusion."""
    if not glob.has_magic(pathname):
        yield pathname
    dirname, basename = os.path.split(pathname)
    if not dirname:
        for name in glob.glob1(os.curdir, basename):
            yield name
    if glob.has_magic(dirname):
        dirs = my_glob(dirname)
        dirs = [dirname]
    if glob.has_magic(basename):
        glob_in_dir = glob.glob1
        glob_in_dir = glob.glob0
    for dirname in dirs:
        for name in glob_in_dir(dirname, basename):
            yield os.path.join(dirname, name)
コード例 #48
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: pycopia/elicit
def globargv(argv):
    """Expand all arguments in argv, all of glob charaters, environment
    variables, and user shorthand. Return a new list with what can be exanded so
    expanded, and those that can't are added as-is.
    if len(argv) > 1:
        newargv = [argv[0]]
        for rawarg in argv[1:]:
            arg = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(rawarg))
            gl = glob.has_magic(arg) and glob.glob(arg) or [arg]
        return newargv
        return argv
コード例 #49
def match_files(paths):
    if os.path.isfile(paths[0]) and os.path.isfile(paths[1]):
        # shortcut if both paths are files
        return [paths]

    dirnames = [None, None]
    filelists = [None, None]

    for i, path in enumerate(paths):
        if glob.has_magic(path):
            files = [os.path.split(f) for f in glob.glob(path)]
            if not files:
                log.error('Wildcard pattern %r did not match any files.', path)

            dirs, files = list(zip(*files))
            if len(set(dirs)) > 1:
                    'Wildcard pattern %r should match only one '
                    'directory.', path)

            dirnames[i] = set(dirs).pop()
            filelists[i] = sorted(files)
        elif os.path.isdir(path):
            dirnames[i] = path
            filelists[i] = [
                f for f in sorted(os.listdir(path))
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))
        elif os.path.isfile(path):
            dirnames[i] = os.path.dirname(path)
            filelists[i] = [os.path.basename(path)]
                '%r is not an existing file, directory, or wildcard '
                'pattern; see `fitsdiff --help` for more usage help.', path)

        dirnames[i] = os.path.abspath(dirnames[i])

    filematch = set(filelists[0]) & set(filelists[1])

    for a, b in [(0, 1), (1, 0)]:
        if len(filelists[a]) > len(filematch) and not os.path.isdir(paths[a]):
            for extra in sorted(set(filelists[a]) - filematch):
                log.warning('%r has no match in %r', extra, dirnames[b])

    return [(os.path.join(dirnames[0], f), os.path.join(dirnames[1], f))
            for f in filematch]
コード例 #50
    def search_for_source(self, item):
        if not self.use_staticfiles:
            return Resolver.search_for_source(self, item)

        # Use the staticfiles finders to determine the absolute path
        if finders:
            if has_magic(item):
                return list(self.glob_staticfiles(item))
                f = finders.find(item)
                if f is not None:
                    return f

        raise IOError("'%s' not found (using staticfiles finders)" % item)
コード例 #51
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: kant/frictionless-py
def validate(source, source_type=None, **options):
    """Validate resource

    API      | Usage
    -------- | --------
    Public   | `from frictionless import validate`

        source (dict|str): a data source
        source_type (str): source type - inquiry, package, resource, schema or table
        **options (dict): options for the underlaying function

        Report: validation report
    module = import_module("frictionless.validate")

    # Normalize source
    # NOTE: move to lower-levels
    if isinstance(source, Path):
        source = str(source)

    # Detect source type
    # NOTE: move to helpers
    if not source_type:
        if source and isinstance(source, list) and isinstance(source[0], str):
            basepath = options.pop("basepath", None)
            trusted = options.pop("trusted", False)
            package = Package(basepath=basepath, trusted=trusted)
            source = package
            source_type = "package"
        if isinstance(source, str):
            if glob.has_magic(source):
                package = Package()
                source = package
                source_type = "package"
            elif os.path.isdir(source):
                package = Package()
                source = package
                source_type = "package"
        if not source_type:
            source_type = helpers.detect_source_type(source)

    # Validate source
    validate = getattr(module, "validate_%s" % source_type)
    return validate(source, **options)
コード例 #52
def main():

    args = vars(parse_arguments(sys.argv[1:]))

    if args['dir'] is None and args['swc'] is None and args['marker'] is None:
        print "You need to provide one of the following arguments: directory, swc file, marker file"

    reconstruction_files = []
    swc_file = None
    marker_file = None
    if args['dir']:
        for file_name in args['dir']:
            if glob.has_magic(file_name):
                reconstruction_files += glob.glob(file_name)

        swc_files = [f for f in reconstruction_files if f.endswith('.swc')]
        marker_files = [
            f for f in reconstruction_files if f.endswith('.marker')

        if len(swc_files) > 1 or len(marker_files) > 1:
            print "You cannot choose a directory with more than one swc or marker file"
            if len(swc_files) == 0:
                print "No swc file in the directory. No swc validation was done."
                matching_morphology_name = marker_files[0].replace(
                    '.marker', '.swc')
                if matching_morphology_name != swc_files[0]:
                    print "No matching .swc file found. No marker validation was done for:\n %s \n\n" % marker_files[
        swc_file = swc_files[0]
        marker_file = marker_files[0]
        swc_file = args['swc']
        marker_file = args['marker']

    report = Report()
        swc.read_swc(swc_file, strict_validation=True)
        report.add_swc_results(swc_file, [])
    except InvalidMorphology, im:
        report.add_swc_results(swc_file, im.validation_errors)
コード例 #53
ファイル: toolbox.py プロジェクト: lixfz/Hypernets
    def load_data(data_path,
        import os.path as path
        import glob

        if reader_mapping is None:
            reader_mapping = {
                'csv': partial(pd.read_csv, low_memory=False),
                'txt': partial(pd.read_csv, low_memory=False),
                'parquet': pd.read_parquet,
                'par': pd.read_parquet,
                'json': pd.read_json,
                'pkl': pd.read_pickle,
                'pickle': pd.read_pickle,

        def get_file_format(file_path):
            return path.splitext(file_path)[-1].lstrip('.')

        def get_file_format_by_glob(data_pattern):
            for f in glob.glob(data_pattern, recursive=True):
                fmt_ = get_file_format(f)
                if fmt_ in reader_mapping.keys():
                    return fmt_
            return None

        if glob.has_magic(data_path):
            fmt = get_file_format_by_glob(data_path)
        elif not path.exists(data_path):
            raise ValueError(f'Not found path {data_path}')
        elif path.isdir(data_path):
            path_pattern = f'{data_path}*' if data_path.endswith(
                path.sep) else f'{data_path}{path.sep}*'
            fmt = get_file_format_by_glob(path_pattern)
            fmt = path.splitext(data_path)[-1].lstrip('.')

        if fmt not in reader_mapping.keys():
            raise ValueError(f'Not supported data format{fmt}')
        fn = reader_mapping[fmt]
        df = fn(data_path, **kwargs)

        if reset_index:
            df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

        return df
コード例 #54
ファイル: setup.py プロジェクト: ruatm/pyFAI
    def expand(self, path_list):
        """Expand a list of path using glob magic.

        :param list[str] path_list: A list of path which may contains magic
        :rtype: list[str]
        :returns: A list of path without magic
        path_list2 = []
        for path in path_list:
            if glob.has_magic(path):
                iterator = glob.iglob(path)
        return path_list2
コード例 #55
ファイル: setup.py プロジェクト: astromancer/mCV
    def __init__(self, path='.gitignore'):
        self.names = self.patterns = ()
        path = Path(path)
        if not path.exists():

        # read .gitignore patterns
        lines = path.read_text().splitlines()
        lines = (_.strip().rstrip('/') for _ in lines if not _.startswith('#'))
        items = names, patterns = [], []
        for line in filter(None, lines):

        self.names = tuple(names)
        self.patterns = tuple(patterns)
コード例 #56
ファイル: convert.py プロジェクト: vestigegroup/fabio
def expand_args(args):
    Takes an argv and expand it (under Windows, cmd does not convert *.tif into
    a list of files.

    :param list args: list of files or wildcards
    :return: list of actual args
    new = []
    for afile in args:
        if glob.has_magic(afile):
            new += glob.glob(afile)
    return new
コード例 #57
ファイル: env.py プロジェクト: Alcarinq/ProjeciLaTI
    def consider_single_directory(self, directory, item):
        """Searches for ``item`` within ``directory``. Is able to
        resolve glob instructions.

        Subclasses can call this when they have narrowed done the
        location of a bundle item to a single directory.
        expr = path.join(directory, item)
        if has_magic(expr):
            # Note: No error if glob returns an empty list
            return list(self.glob(directory, item))
            if path.exists(expr):
                return expr
            raise IOError("'%s' does not exist" % expr)
コード例 #58
 def _resolve_include(self, source_filename, include_spec, fileconfig,
     dirname = os.path.dirname(source_filename)
     include_spec = include_spec.strip()
     include_glob = os.path.join(dirname, include_spec)
     include_filenames = glob.glob(include_glob)
     if not include_filenames and not glob.has_magic(include_glob):
         # Empty set is OK if wildcard but not for direct file reference
         raise error("Include file '%s' does not exist" % (include_glob,))
     for include_filename in include_filenames:
         include_data = self._read_config_file(include_filename)
         self._parse_config(include_data, include_filename, fileconfig,
     return include_filenames
コード例 #59
    def _glob(self, pattern):  # type: (Text) -> List[Text]
        if pattern.endswith("/."):
            pattern = pattern[:-1]
        dirname, basename = pattern.rsplit('/', 1)
        if not glob.has_magic(pattern):
            if basename:
                if self.exists(pattern):
                    return [pattern]
            else:  # Patterns ending in slash should match only directories
                if self.isdir(dirname):
                    return [pattern]
            return []
        if not dirname:
            return self._glob1(basename)

        dirs = self._glob(dirname)
        if glob.has_magic(basename):
            glob_in_dir = self._glob1
            glob_in_dir = self._glob0
        results = []
        for dirname in dirs:
            results.extend(glob_in_dir(basename, dirname))
        return results
コード例 #60
def extract(source,
    """Extract resource rows

    API      | Usage
    -------- | --------
    Public   | `from frictionless import extract`

        source (dict|str): data source
        source_type (str): source type - package, resource or table
        process? (func): a row processor function
        stream? (bool): return a row stream(s) instead of loading into memory
        **options (dict): options for the underlaying function

        Row[]|{path: Row[]}: rows in a form depending on the source type
    module = import_module("frictionless.extract")

    # Normalize source
    # NOTE: move to lower-levels
    if isinstance(source, Path):
        source = str(source)

    # Detect source type
    # NOTE: move to helpers
    if not source_type:
        if not callable(source):
            if hasattr(source, "read"):
                source_type = "resource"
            elif isinstance(source, list) or glob.has_magic(source):
                package = Package()
                source = package
            elif os.path.isdir(source):
                package = Package()
                source = package
        source_type = helpers.detect_source_type(source)

    # Extract source
    extract = getattr(module, "extract_%s" % source_type)
    return extract(source, process=process, stream=stream, **options)