コード例 #1
 def delete(self, request):
     user_id = get_logged_in_user_id(request)
     if user_id:
         review_object = PartnerReview.objects.get(id=request.data['id'])
         if (user_id
                 == review_object.submitted_by_account_id) or user_id == -1:
             review_object.status = 'Deleted'
         serializer = PartnerReviewSerializer(review_object)
         return Response(serializer.data)
         return Response(status=403, data="SSO cookie not set")
コード例 #2
 def patch(self, request):
     review_object = PartnerReview.objects.get(id=request.data['id'])
     serializer = PartnerReviewSerializer(
         review_object, data=request.data,
         partial=True)  # set partial=True to update a data partially
     if serializer.is_valid():
         # set review status to Edited so it will reenter the review queue
         review_object.status = 'Edited'
         return JsonResponse(status=201, data=serializer.data)
     return JsonResponse(status=400, data="wrong parameters")
コード例 #3
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # update instance dates
        if self.resolution:
            self.resolution_date = timezone.now()
        if self.status == "Reviewed":
            self.reviewed_date = timezone.now()
        if self.status == "Completed" and self.resolution != "Will Not Fix":
            self.corrected_date = timezone.now()
            # book updated field is being used front-end to show google the content is being maintained

        # prefill resolution notes based on certain status and resolutions
        if self.resolution == "Duplicate" and not self.resolution_notes:
            self.resolution_notes = "This is a duplicate of report <a href='https://openstax.org/errata/" + str(
                self.duplicate_id.id) + "'>" + str(
                    self.duplicate_id.id) + "</a>."
        if self.resolution == "Not An Error" and not self.resolution_notes:
            self.resolution_notes = "Our reviewers determined this was not an error."
        if self.resolution == "Will Not Fix" and not self.resolution_notes:
            self.resolution_notes = "Our reviewers determined the textbook meets scope, sequence, and accuracy requirements as is.  No change will be made."
        if self.resolution == "Major Book Revision" and not self.resolution_notes:
            self.resolution_notes = "Our reviewers determined this would require a significant book revision.  While we cannot make this change at this time, we will consider it for future editions of this book."
        if (self.status == "Reviewed" or self.status == "Completed"
            ) and self.resolution == "Approved" and not self.resolution_notes:
            self.resolution_notes = "Our reviewers accepted this change."
        if self.status == "Completed" and self.resolution == "Sent to Customer Support" and not self.resolution_notes:
            self.resolution_notes = "Thank you for this feedback. Your report has been escalated to our Support team. A member of the Support team will contact you with further details."
        if self.resolution == 'Technical Error' and not self.resolution_notes:
            self.resolution_notes = 'This a technical error and the proper departments have been notified so that it can be fixed. Thank you for your submission.'
        if self.resolution == 'More Information Requested' and not self.resolution_notes:
            self.resolution_notes = 'Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately, our reviewers were unable to locate this error. Please submit a new report with additional information, such as a link to the relevant content, or a screenshot.'
        if self.resolution == 'Partner Product' and not self.resolution_notes:
            self.resolution_notes = 'This issue is occurring on a platform that is not managed by OpenStax. We will make our best efforts to get this resolved; however, we suggest reporting this issue within the platform you are using.'

        #auto filling a couple of fields if it is clear that it is an assessment errata based on the text that tutor fills into the additional_location_information field
        if self.additional_location_information and self.resource == 'OpenStax Tutor' and (
                '@' in self.additional_location_information.split()[0]):
            self.is_assessment_errata = 'Yes'
            self.assessment_id = self.additional_location_information.split(
                '@', )[0]

        # set to archived if user is shadow banned
        if (is_user_shadow_blocked(self.submitted_by_account_id)):
            self.archived = True

        # invalidate cloudfront cache so FE updates (remove when errata is no longer in CMS)

        super(Errata, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #4
 def post(self, request):
             review_object = PartnerReview.objects.get(
         except MultipleObjectsReturned:  # just in case they somehow were able to create more than 1
             review_object = PartnerReview.objects.filter(
         serializer = PartnerReviewSerializer(review_object)
         return Response(serializer.data)
     except PartnerReview.DoesNotExist:
         serializer = PartnerReviewSerializer(data=request.data)
         if serializer.is_valid():
             return JsonResponse(status=201, data=serializer.data)
     return JsonResponse(status=400, data="wrong parameters")
コード例 #5
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        with Salesforce() as sf:

            # To update the existing reviews with Partner responses and approved reviews.
            command = "Select Id, Status__c, Approved_Customer_Review__c, Pending_Customer_Review__c, Partner_Response__c, Partner_Response_Date__c, Partner__c, Contact__c, Score__c, OS_Accounts_ID__c FROM Partner_Review__c WHERE Status__c = 'Approved' OR Status__c = 'Responded'"
            response = sf.query_all(command)
            sf_reviews = response['records']

            for record in sf_reviews:
                    review = PartnerReview.objects.get(review_salesforce_id=record['Id'])
                    if review.status != 'Edited':
                        review.review = record['Approved_Customer_Review__c']
                        review.partner_response = record['Partner_Response__c']
                        review.partner_response_date = record['Partner_Response_Date__c']
                        review.status = 'Approved'
                except PartnerReview.DoesNotExist:
                    print('Review does not exist for SF ID: {}'.format(record['Id']))

            # Update rejected reviews
            command = "Select Id, Status__c, Approved_Customer_Review__c, Pending_Customer_Review__c, Partner_Response__c, Partner_Response_Date__c, Partner__c, Contact__c, Score__c, OS_Accounts_ID__c FROM Partner_Review__c WHERE Status__c = 'Rejected'"
            response = sf.query_all(command)
            sf_reviews = response['records']

            for record in sf_reviews:
                    review = PartnerReview.objects.get(review_salesforce_id=record['Id'])
                    review.status = 'Rejected'
                except PartnerReview.DoesNotExist:
                    print('Review does not exist for SF ID: {}'.format(record['Id']))

            # If a review does not have a Salesforce ID, it must be new. We'll upload those to SF and assign a SF ID.
            new_reviews = PartnerReview.objects.filter(review_salesforce_id__isnull=True)
            for review in new_reviews:
                data = {
                    'Status__c': 'New',
                    'Pending_Customer_Review__c': review.review,
                    'Partner__c': review.partner.salesforce_id,
                    'OS_Accounts_ID__c': review.submitted_by_account_id,
                    'Score__c': review.rating,
                    response = sf.Partner_Review__c.create(data)
                    review.review_salesforce_id = response['id']
                except SalesforceGeneralError:
                    print('Failed to create review in Salesforce - are you sure the partner exists?')

            # If a review is in the Edited state, it needs to be reuploaded to SF and set to 'New'
            update_reviews = PartnerReview.objects.filter(status='Edited')
            for review in update_reviews:
                data = {
                    'Status__c': 'New',
                    'Pending_Customer_Review__c': review.review,
                    'OS_Accounts_ID__c': review.submitted_by_account_id,
                    'Score__c': review.rating,
                    response = sf.Partner_Review__c.update(data=data, record_id=review.review_salesforce_id)
                    review.status = 'Awaiting Approval'
                except SalesforceGeneralError:
                    print('Failed to update review in Salesforce')

            # Finally, if a review was deleted by a user, let's delete it from Salesforce.
            reviews_to_delete = PartnerReview.objects.filter(status='Deleted')
            for review in reviews_to_delete:
                if review.review_salesforce_id:

            response = self.style.SUCCESS("Successfully updated partner reviews")