def restore_map(self, from_detection_checkpoint=True, restore_box_predictor=False): """Returns a map of variables to load from a foreign checkpoint. See parent class for details. Args: from_detection_checkpoint: whether to restore from a full detection checkpoint (with compatible variable names) or to restore from a classification checkpoint for initialization prior to training. restore_box_predictor: Whether to restore the weights of box predictor. Returns: A dict mapping variable names (to load from a checkpoint) to variables in the model graph. """ variables_to_restore = {} for variable in tf.global_variables(): var_name = if if not from_detection_checkpoint: var_name = (re.split( '^' + self._extract_features_scope + '/', var_name)[-1]) log.infov(' Restore [%s]', var_name) variables_to_restore[var_name] = variable elif var_name.startswith(self._box_predictor_scope): if not from_detection_checkpoint: var_name = (re.split('^' + self._box_predictor_scope + '/', var_name)[-1]) if restore_box_predictor: log.infov(' Restore [%s]', var_name) variables_to_restore[var_name] = variable else: log.warn(' Skip [%s]', var_name) continue return variables_to_restore
def build(init_file): """Build initializers based on the init file""" initial_values = joblib.load(init_file) initializers = {} for name, values_dict in initial_values.iteritems(): log.infov('Build initializer for layer [%s].', name) initializers[name] = build_layer_initializers(values_dict) return initializers
def write_metrics(metrics, global_step, summary_dir, eval_config=None): """Write metrics to a summary directory. Args: metrics: A dictionary containing metric names and values. global_step: Global step at which the metrics are computed. summary_dir: Directory to write tensorflow summaries to. """ log.infov('Writing metrics to tf summary.') summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(summary_dir) if eval_config is not None: str_list = get_string_list_for_nms(eval_config.nms_type, eval_config.nms_threshold, eval_config.soft_nms_sigma) nms_str = ' / '.join(str_list).upper() log.warn('[Post Process: %s]', nms_str) for key in sorted(metrics): summary = tf.Summary(value=[ tf.Summary.Value(tag=key, simple_value=metrics[key]), ]) summary_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step)'%s: %f', key, metrics[key]) summary_writer.close() log.infov('Metrics written to tf summary.')
def train(train_op, logdir, train_step_fn=train_step, train_step_kwargs=_USE_DEFAULT, log_every_n_steps=1, graph=None, master='', is_chief=True, global_step=None, number_of_steps=None, init_op=_USE_DEFAULT, init_feed_dict=None, local_init_op=_USE_DEFAULT, init_fn=None, ready_op=_USE_DEFAULT, summary_op=_USE_DEFAULT, save_summaries_secs=600, summary_writer=_USE_DEFAULT, startup_delay_steps=0, saver=None, save_interval_secs=600, sync_optimizer=None, session_config=None, session_wrapper=None, trace_every_n_steps=None, batch_size=1, num_examples=None, config_summary_list=None): """Runs a training loop using a TensorFlow supervisor. When the sync_optimizer is supplied, gradient updates are applied synchronously. Otherwise, gradient updates are applied asynchronous. Args: train_op: A `Tensor` that, when executed, will apply the gradients and return the loss value. logdir: The directory where training logs are written to. If None, model checkpoints and summaries will not be written. train_step_fn: The function to call in order to execute a single gradient step. The function must have take exactly four arguments: the current session, the `train_op` `Tensor`, a global step `Tensor` and a dictionary. train_step_kwargs: A dictionary which is passed to the `train_step_fn`. By default, two `Boolean`, scalar ops called "should_stop" and "should_log" are provided. log_every_n_steps: The frequency, in terms of global steps, that the loss and global step and logged. graph: The graph to pass to the supervisor. If no graph is supplied the default graph is used. master: The address of the tensorflow master. is_chief: Specifies whether or not the training is being run by the primary replica during replica training. global_step: The `Tensor` representing the global step. If left as `None`, then slim.variables.get_or_create_global_step() is used. number_of_steps: The max number of gradient steps to take during training, as measured by 'global_step': training will stop if global_step is greater than 'number_of_steps'. If the value is left as None, training proceeds indefinitely. init_op: The initialization operation. If left to its default value, then the session is initialized by calling `tf.global_variables_initializer()`. init_feed_dict: A feed dictionary to use when executing the `init_op`. local_init_op: The local initialization operation. If left to its default value, then the session is initialized by calling `tf.local_variables_initializer()` and `tf.tables_initializer()`. init_fn: An optional callable to be executed after `init_op` is called. The callable must accept one argument, the session being initialized. ready_op: Operation to check if the model is ready to use. If left to its default value, then the session checks for readiness by calling `tf.report_uninitialized_variables()`. summary_op: The summary operation. save_summaries_secs: How often, in seconds, to save summaries. summary_writer: `SummaryWriter` to use. Can be `None` to indicate that no summaries should be written. If unset, we create a SummaryWriter. startup_delay_steps: The number of steps to wait for before beginning. Note that this must be 0 if a sync_optimizer is supplied. saver: Saver to save checkpoints. If None, a default one will be created and used. save_interval_secs: How often, in seconds, to save the model to `logdir`. sync_optimizer: an instance of tf.train.SyncReplicasOptimizer, or a list of them. If the argument is supplied, gradient updates will be synchronous. If left as `None`, gradient updates will be asynchronous. session_config: An instance of `tf.ConfigProto` that will be used to configure the `Session`. If left as `None`, the default will be used. session_wrapper: A function that takes a `tf.Session` object as the only argument and returns a wrapped session object that has the same methods that the original object has, or `None`. Iff not `None`, the wrapped object will be used for training. trace_every_n_steps: produce and save a `Timeline` in Chrome trace format and add it to the summaries every `trace_every_n_steps`. If None, no trace information will be produced or saved. batch_size: batch size. num_examples: The number of examples in dataset for training. dubug_tensors: Additional tensors to run for debugging. Returns: the value of the loss function after training. Raises: ValueError: if `train_op` is empty or if `startup_delay_steps` is non-zero when `sync_optimizer` is supplied, if `number_of_steps` is negative, or if `trace_every_n_steps` is not `None` and no `logdir` is provided. """ if train_op is None: raise ValueError('train_op cannot be None.') if not isinstance(train_op, list): train_op = [train_op] # Allocate log function to each step. log_fn_list = [, log.infov] def _iter_log_fn(): for log_fn in log_fn_list: yield log_fn it = itertools.cycle(_iter_log_fn()) current_log_fn = if logdir is None: if summary_op != _USE_DEFAULT: raise ValueError('Cannot provide summary_op because logdir=None') if saver is not None: raise ValueError('Cannot provide saver because logdir=None') if trace_every_n_steps is not None: raise ValueError('Cannot provide trace_every_n_steps because ' 'logdir=None') if isinstance(sync_optimizer, sync_replicas_optimizer.SyncReplicasOptimizer): sync_optimizer = [sync_optimizer] if sync_optimizer is not None and startup_delay_steps > 0: raise ValueError( 'startup_delay_steps must be zero when sync_optimizer is supplied.' ) if number_of_steps is not None and number_of_steps <= 0: raise ValueError( '`number_of_steps` must be either None or a positive number.') graph = graph or ops.get_default_graph() with graph.as_default(): if global_step is None: global_step = training_util.get_or_create_global_step() saver = saver or tf_saver.Saver() if sync_optimizer is not None: for opt in sync_optimizer: if not isinstance( opt, sync_replicas_optimizer.SyncReplicasOptimizer): raise ValueError( '`sync_optimizer` must be a tf.train.SyncReplicasOptimizer.' ) with ops.name_scope('init_ops'): if init_op == _USE_DEFAULT: init_op = variables.global_variables_initializer() if ready_op == _USE_DEFAULT: ready_op = variables.report_uninitialized_variables() if local_init_op == _USE_DEFAULT: local_init_op = variables.local_variables_initializer(), lookup_ops.tables_initializer()) if sync_optimizer is not None and isinstance(sync_optimizer, list): with ops.control_dependencies( [local_init_op] if local_init_op is not None else []): if is_chief: local_init_op = *[opt.chief_init_op for opt in sync_optimizer]) else: local_init_op = * [opt.local_step_init_op for opt in sync_optimizer]) ready_for_local_init_op = *[opt.ready_for_local_init_op for opt in sync_optimizer]) else: ready_for_local_init_op = None if summary_op == _USE_DEFAULT: summary_op = summary.merge_all() if summary_writer == _USE_DEFAULT: summary_writer = supervisor.Supervisor.USE_DEFAULT if is_chief and sync_optimizer is not None: # Need to create these BEFORE the supervisor finalizes the graph: init_tokens_op = [ opt.get_init_tokens_op() for opt in sync_optimizer ] chief_queue_runner = [ opt.get_chief_queue_runner() for opt in sync_optimizer ] if train_step_kwargs == _USE_DEFAULT: with ops.name_scope('train_step'): train_step_kwargs = {} if number_of_steps: should_stop_op = math_ops.greater_equal( global_step, number_of_steps) else: should_stop_op = constant_op.constant(False) train_step_kwargs['should_stop'] = should_stop_op if log_every_n_steps > 0: train_step_kwargs['should_log'] = math_ops.equal( math_ops.mod(global_step, log_every_n_steps), 0) if is_chief and trace_every_n_steps is not None: train_step_kwargs['should_trace'] = math_ops.equal( math_ops.mod(global_step, trace_every_n_steps), 0) train_step_kwargs['logdir'] = logdir sv = supervisor.Supervisor(graph=graph, is_chief=is_chief, logdir=logdir, init_op=init_op, init_feed_dict=init_feed_dict, local_init_op=local_init_op, ready_for_local_init_op=ready_for_local_init_op, ready_op=ready_op, summary_op=summary_op, summary_writer=summary_writer, global_step=global_step, saver=saver, save_summaries_secs=save_summaries_secs, save_model_secs=save_interval_secs, init_fn=init_fn) if summary_writer is not None: train_step_kwargs['summary_writer'] = sv.summary_writer steps_in_epoch = int(num_examples / batch_size) total_loss = 0.0 should_retry = True while should_retry: try: should_retry = False with sv.managed_session(master, start_standard_services=False, config=session_config) as sess: log.infov('Starting Session.') if session_wrapper is not None:'Wrapping session with wrapper function: %s', session_wrapper) sess = session_wrapper(sess) if is_chief: if logdir: sv.start_standard_services(sess) elif startup_delay_steps > 0: _wait_for_step( sess, global_step, min(startup_delay_steps, number_of_steps or sys.maxint)) threads = sv.start_queue_runners(sess) log.infov('Starting Queues.') if is_chief and sync_optimizer is not None: sv.start_queue_runners(sess, chief_queue_runner) sess.graph.finalize() # try: if config_summary_list is not None: for config_summary in config_summary_list: sv.summary_writer.add_summary( config_summary.eval(session=sess)) while not sv.should_stop(): for _train_op in train_op: total_loss, should_stop, np_global_step = train_step_fn( sess, _train_op, global_step, train_step_kwargs, batch_size, steps_in_epoch, current_log_fn) if should_stop: log.infov('Stopping Training.') sv.request_stop() break # except errors.OutOfRangeError: # # OutOfRangeError is thrown when epoch limit per # # tf.train.limit_epochs is reached. # log.warn('Caught OutOfRangeError. Stopping Training.') if logdir and sv.is_chief: log.warn('Finished training! Saving model to disk.'), sv.save_path, global_step=sv.global_step) sv.stop(threads, close_summary_writer=True) def _last_checkpoint_path(sv_save_path, additional_dir_name='last'): dir_list = sv_save_path.split('/') dir_list.insert(-1, 'last') last_checkpoint_dir_path = '/'.join(dir_list[:-1]) last_checkpoint_path = '/'.join(dir_list) return last_checkpoint_dir_path, last_checkpoint_path # Save the last checkpoint again to a 'last' directory for the next training with # different configuration. last_checkpoint_dir_path, last_checkpoint_path = _last_checkpoint_path( sv.save_path, 'last') if os.path.exists(last_checkpoint_dir_path): shutil.rmtree(last_checkpoint_dir_path) os.makedirs(last_checkpoint_dir_path), last_checkpoint_path, global_step=sv.global_step) except errors.AbortedError: # Always re-run on AbortedError as it indicates a restart of one of the # distributed tensorflow servers. log.warn('Retrying training!') should_retry = True return total_loss
def train_step(sess, train_op, global_step, train_step_kwargs, batch_size, steps_in_epoch, log_fn): """Function that takes a gradient step and specifies whether to stop. Args: sess: The current session. train_op: An `Operation` that evaluates the gradients and returns the total loss. global_step: A `Tensor` representing the global training step. train_step_kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments. batch_size: batch size. steps_in_epoch: The number of steps in one epoch. Returns: The total loss and a boolean indicating whether or not to stop training. Raises: ValueError: if 'should_trace' is in `train_step_kwargs` but `logdir` is not. """ start_time = time.time() trace_run_options = None run_metadata = None if 'should_trace' in train_step_kwargs: if 'logdir' not in train_step_kwargs: raise ValueError( 'logdir must be present in train_step_kwargs when ' 'should_trace is present') if['should_trace']): trace_run_options = config_pb2.RunOptions( trace_level=config_pb2.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) run_metadata = config_pb2.RunMetadata() out =[train_op, global_step], options=trace_run_options, run_metadata=run_metadata) total_loss, np_global_step = out[:2] time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time if run_metadata is not None: tl = timeline.Timeline(run_metadata.step_stats) trace = tl.generate_chrome_trace_format() trace_filename = os.path.join(train_step_kwargs['logdir'], 'tf_trace-%d.json' % np_global_step) log.infov('Writing trace to %s', trace_filename) file_io.write_string_to_file(trace_filename, trace) if 'summary_writer' in train_step_kwargs: train_step_kwargs['summary_writer'].add_run_metadata( run_metadata, 'run_metadata-%d' % np_global_step) if 'should_log' in train_step_kwargs: if['should_log']): log_fn(( "[train step {step:4d} / epoch {epoch:.2f}] " + "loss: {loss:.5f} " + "({sec_per_batch:.3f} sec/batch, {images_per_sec:.3f} instances/sec)" ).format(epoch=float(np_global_step) / steps_in_epoch, step=np_global_step, loss=total_loss, sec_per_batch=time_elapsed, images_per_sec=batch_size / time_elapsed)) # TODO(nsilberman): figure out why we can't put this into The # issue right now is that the stop check depends on the global step. The # increment of global step often happens via the train op, which used # created using optimizer.apply_gradients. # # Since running `train_op` causes the global step to be incremented, one # would expected that using a control dependency would allow the # should_stop check to be run in the same call: # # with ops.control_dependencies([train_op]): # should_stop_op = ... # # However, this actually seems not to work on certain platforms. if 'should_stop' in train_step_kwargs: should_stop =['should_stop']) else: should_stop = False return total_loss, should_stop, np_global_step
def run_checkpoint_once(tensor_dict, update_op, summary_dir, aggregated_result_processor=None, batch_processor=None, checkpoint_dirs=None, variables_to_restore=None, restore_fn=None, num_batches=1, master='', save_graph=False, save_graph_dir='', metric_names_to_values=None, keys_to_exclude_from_results=(), eval_config=None, gpu_fraction=0.0, categories=[]): """Evaluates both python metrics and tensorflow slim metrics. Python metrics are processed in batch by the aggregated_result_processor, while tensorflow slim metrics statistics are computed by running metric_names_to_updates tensors and aggregated using metric_names_to_values tensor. Args: tensor_dict: a dictionary holding tensors representing a batch of detections and corresponding groundtruth annotations. update_op: a tensorflow update op that will run for each batch along with the tensors in tensor_dict.. summary_dir: a directory to write metrics summaries. aggregated_result_processor: a function taking one arguments: 1. result_lists: a dictionary with keys matching those in tensor_dict and corresponding values being the list of results for each tensor in tensor_dict. The length of each such list is num_batches. batch_processor: a function taking four arguments: 1. tensor_dict: the same tensor_dict that is passed in as the first argument to this function. 2. sess: a tensorflow session 3. batch_index: an integer representing the index of the batch amongst all batches 4. update_op: a tensorflow update op that will run for each batch. and returns result_dict, a dictionary of results for that batch. By default, batch_processor is None, which defaults to running: return To skip an image, it suffices to return an empty dictionary in place of result_dict. checkpoint_dirs: list of directories to load into an EnsembleModel. If it has only one directory, EnsembleModel will not be used -- a DetectionModel will be instantiated directly. Not used if restore_fn is set. variables_to_restore: None, or a dictionary mapping variable names found in a checkpoint to model variables. The dictionary would normally be generated by creating a tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage object and calling its variables_to_restore() method. Not used if restore_fn is set. restore_fn: None, or a function that takes a tf.Session object and correctly restores all necessary variables from the correct checkpoint file. If None, attempts to restore from the first directory in checkpoint_dirs. num_batches: the number of batches to use for evaluation. master: the location of the Tensorflow session. save_graph: whether or not the Tensorflow graph is stored as a pbtxt file. save_graph_dir: where to store the Tensorflow graph on disk. If save_graph is True this must be non-empty. metric_names_to_values: A dictionary containing metric names to tensors which will be evaluated after processing all batches of [tensor_dict, update_op]. If any metrics depend on statistics computed during each batch ensure that `update_op` tensor has a control dependency on the update ops that compute the statistics. keys_to_exclude_from_results: keys in tensor_dict that will be excluded from results_list. Note that the tensors corresponding to these keys will still be evaluated for each batch, but won't be added to results_list. gpu_fraction: GPU memory fraction for evaluation. Raises: ValueError: if restore_fn is None and checkpoint_dirs doesn't have at least one element. ValueError: if save_graph is True and save_graph_dir is not defined. """ if save_graph and not save_graph_dir: raise ValueError('`save_graph_dir` must be defined.') tf_config = tf.ConfigProto() if gpu_fraction == 0.0: tf_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True else: tf_config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = gpu_fraction sess = tf.Session(master, graph=tf.get_default_graph(), config=tf_config) if restore_fn: checkpoint_file = restore_fn(sess) else: if not checkpoint_dirs: raise ValueError('`checkpoint_dirs` must have at least one entry.') checkpoint_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dirs[0]) saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_file) if save_graph: tf.train.write_graph(sess.graph_def, save_graph_dir, 'eval.pbtxt') valid_keys = list( set(tensor_dict.keys()) - set(keys_to_exclude_from_results)) if eval_config.submission_format_output: for key in tensor_dict.keys(): if not key in valid_keys: del tensor_dict[key] result_lists = {key: [] for key in valid_keys} counters = {'skipped': 0, 'success': 0} other_metrics = None with tf.contrib.slim.queues.QueueRunners(sess): try: for batch in range(int(num_batches)): if (batch + 1) % 100 == 0:'Running eval ops batch %d/%d', batch + 1, num_batches) if not batch_processor: try: (result_dict, _) =[tensor_dict, update_op]) counters['success'] += 1 except tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError: log.warn('Skipping image') counters['skipped'] += 1 result_dict = {} else: result_dict = batch_processor(tensor_dict, sess, batch, counters, update_op) for key in result_dict: if key in valid_keys: result_lists[key].append(result_dict[key])'Running eval ops batch %d/%d', batch + 1, num_batches) # print final loop also if metric_names_to_values is not None: other_metrics = log.infov('Running eval batches done.') except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: log.warn('Done evaluating -- epoch limit reached') finally: # Save raw detection results detection_results = {} for idx, image_id in enumerate(result_lists['image_id']): box = result_lists['detection_boxes'][idx] converted_boxes = np.column_stack([ (box[:, 3] + box[:, 1]) / 2, # cx (box[:, 2] + box[:, 0]) / 2, # cy box[:, 3] - box[:, 1], # w box[:, 2] - box[:, 0], # h ]) det = np.hstack([ converted_boxes, np.expand_dims(result_lists['detection_scores'][idx], 1) ]) detection_results[image_id.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]] \ = np.array(sorted(det, key=lambda x: x[4])) result_path = os.path.join(summary_dir, 'detection_results') if not os.path.exists(result_path): os.makedirs(result_path) # Save detection results for submission if eval_config.submission_format_output: save_detection_results_for_submission(result_lists, categories, summary_dir, eval_config.metrics_set) else: # checkpoint_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dirs[0]) last_step = checkpoint_file.split('-')[-1] if last_step.find('/') != -1: last_step = '0' # result_path = os.path.join(result_path, 'detection_result_' + last_step) # with open(result_path, 'w') as f: # pickle.dump(detection_results, f) #'Detection results saved to %s' % result_path) # evaluate results metrics = aggregated_result_processor(result_lists, sess) mtl_metrics = mtl_util.get_mtl_metrics(result_lists) metrics.update(mtl_metrics) if other_metrics is not None: metrics.update(other_metrics) # Loss if eval_config.calc_loss: losses = aggregated_loss(result_lists) metrics.update(losses) global_step = tf.train.global_step(sess, slim.get_global_step()) write_metrics(metrics, global_step, summary_dir, eval_config) # save best ckpt save_best_ckpt(sess, metrics, variables_to_restore, checkpoint_file, eval_config) log.warn('# success: %d', counters['success']) log.warn('# skipped: %d', counters['skipped']) sess.close()
def visualize_detection_results(result_dict, tag, global_step, categories, summary_dir='', export_dir='', agnostic_mode=False, show_groundtruth=False, min_score_thresh=.5, max_num_predictions=20): """Visualizes detection results and writes visualizations to image summaries. This function visualizes an image with its detected bounding boxes and writes to image summaries which can be viewed on tensorboard. It optionally also writes images to a directory. In the case of missing entry in the label map, unknown class name in the visualization is shown as "N/A". Args: result_dict: a dictionary holding groundtruth and detection data corresponding to each image being evaluated. The following keys are required: 'original_image': a numpy array representing the image with shape [1, height, width, 3] 'detection_boxes': a numpy array of shape [N, 4] 'detection_scores': a numpy array of shape [N] 'detection_classes': a numpy array of shape [N] The following keys are optional: 'groundtruth_boxes': a numpy array of shape [N, 4] 'groundtruth_keypoints': a numpy array of shape [N, num_keypoints, 2] Detections are assumed to be provided in decreasing order of score and for display, and we assume that scores are probabilities between 0 and 1. tag: tensorboard tag (string) to associate with image. global_step: global step at which the visualization are generated. categories: a list of dictionaries representing all possible categories. Each dict in this list has the following keys: 'id': (required) an integer id uniquely identifying this category 'name': (required) string representing category name e.g., 'cat', 'dog', 'pizza' 'supercategory': (optional) string representing the supercategory e.g., 'animal', 'vehicle', 'food', etc summary_dir: the output directory to which the image summaries are written. export_dir: the output directory to which images are written. If this is empty (default), then images are not exported. agnostic_mode: boolean (default: False) controlling whether to evaluate in class-agnostic mode or not. show_groundtruth: boolean (default: False) controlling whether to show groundtruth boxes in addition to detected boxes min_score_thresh: minimum score threshold for a box to be visualized max_num_predictions: maximum number of detections to visualize Raises: ValueError: if result_dict does not contain the expected keys (i.e., 'original_image', 'detection_boxes', 'detection_scores', 'detection_classes') """ if not set([ 'original_image', 'detection_boxes', 'detection_scores', 'detection_classes' ]).issubset(set(result_dict.keys())): raise ValueError('result_dict does not contain all expected keys.') if show_groundtruth and 'groundtruth_boxes' not in result_dict: raise ValueError( 'If show_groundtruth is enabled, result_dict must contain ' 'groundtruth_boxes.') log.infov('Creating detection visualizations.') category_index = label_map_util.create_category_index(categories) image = np.squeeze(result_dict['original_image'], axis=0) detection_boxes = result_dict['detection_boxes'] detection_scores = result_dict['detection_scores'] detection_classes = np.int32((result_dict['detection_classes'])) detection_keypoints = result_dict.get('detection_keypoints', None) detection_masks = result_dict.get('detection_masks', None) # Plot groundtruth underneath detections if show_groundtruth: groundtruth_boxes = result_dict['groundtruth_boxes'] boxes_area = (groundtruth_boxes[:, 2] - groundtruth_boxes[:, 0]) * ( groundtruth_boxes[:, 3] - groundtruth_boxes[:, 1]) area_index_total = np.argsort(boxes_area) # ascending order groundtruth_boxes_ordered = np.array( [groundtruth_boxes[i] for i in area_index_total]) groundtruth_keypoints = result_dict.get('groundtruth_keypoints', None) vis_utils.visualize_boxes_and_labels_on_image_array( image, groundtruth_boxes_ordered, None, None, category_index, keypoints=groundtruth_keypoints, use_normalized_coordinates=False, max_boxes_to_draw=None) vis_utils.visualize_boxes_and_labels_on_image_array( image, detection_boxes, detection_classes, detection_scores, category_index, instance_masks=detection_masks, keypoints=detection_keypoints, use_normalized_coordinates=False, max_boxes_to_draw=max_num_predictions, min_score_thresh=min_score_thresh, agnostic_mode=agnostic_mode) if export_dir: export_path = os.path.join(export_dir, 'export-{}.png'.format(tag)) vis_utils.save_image_array_as_png(image, export_path) summary_value = [ tf.Summary.Value( tag=tag + '/image', image=tf.Summary.Image(encoded_image_string=vis_utils. encode_image_array_as_png_str(image))) ] summary = tf.Summary(value=summary_value) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(summary_dir) summary_writer.add_summary(summary, global_step) summary_writer.close() time.sleep(1) log.warn('Detection visualizations written to summary with tag %s.', tag)
def evaluate_detection_results_coco(result_lists, categories, label_id_offset=1, iou_thres=0.5, corloc_summary=False, nms_type='standard', nms_thres=1.0, soft_nms_sigma=0.5, global_step=0, eval_dir='', eval_config=None): """Computes MS-COCO detection metrics given groundtruth and detections. This function computes MS-COCO metrics. This function by default takes detections and groundtruth boxes encoded in result_lists and writes evaluation results to tf summaries which can be viewed on tensorboard. Args: result_lists: a dictionary holding lists of groundtruth and detection data corresponding to each image being evaluated. The following keys are required: 'image_id': a list of string ids 'detection_boxes': a list of float32 numpy arrays of shape [N, 4] 'detection_scores': a list of float32 numpy arrays of shape [N] 'detection_classes': a list of int32 numpy arrays of shape [N] 'groundtruth_boxes': a list of float32 numpy arrays of shape [M, 4] 'groundtruth_classes': a list of int32 numpy arrays of shape [M] and the remaining fields below are optional: 'difficult': a list of boolean arrays of shape [M] indicating the difficulty of groundtruth boxes. Some datasets like PASCAL VOC provide this information and it is used to remove difficult examples from eval in order to not penalize the models on them. Note that it is okay to have additional fields in result_lists --- they are simply ignored. categories: a list of dictionaries representing all possible categories. Each dict in this list has the following keys: 'id': (required) an integer id uniquely identifying this category 'name': (required) string representing category name e.g., 'cat', 'dog', 'pizza' label_id_offset: an integer offset for the label space. iou_thres: float determining the IoU threshold at which a box is considered correct. Defaults to the standard 0.5. corloc_summary: boolean. If True, also outputs CorLoc metrics. nms_type: type of NMS (standard|soft-linear|soft_gaussian) nms_thres: iou threshold for non maximum suppression. soft_nms_sigma: Soft NMS sigma. Returns: A dictionary of metric names to scalar values. Raises: ValueError: if the set of keys in result_lists is not a superset of the expected list of keys. Unexpected keys are ignored. ValueError: if the lists in result_lists have inconsistent sizes. """ # check for expected keys in result_lists expected_keys = [ 'detection_boxes', 'detection_scores', 'detection_classes', 'image_id' ] expected_keys += ['groundtruth_boxes', 'groundtruth_classes'] if not set(expected_keys).issubset(set(result_lists.keys())): raise ValueError('result_lists does not have expected key set.') num_results = len(result_lists[expected_keys[0]]) for key in expected_keys: if len(result_lists[key]) != num_results: raise ValueError('Inconsistent list sizes in result_lists') categories = copy.deepcopy(categories) for idx in range(len(categories)): categories[idx]['id'] -= label_id_offset # num_classes (maybe encoded as categories) num_classes = max([cat['id'] for cat in categories]) + 1 log.infov('Computing COCO metrics on results.') if all(image_id.isdigit() for image_id in result_lists['image_id']): image_ids = [int(image_id) for image_id in result_lists['image_id']] else: image_ids = range(num_results) evaluator = object_detection_evaluation.CocoEvaluation( num_classes, matching_iou_threshold=iou_thres, nms_type=nms_type, nms_iou_threshold=nms_thres, soft_nms_sigma=soft_nms_sigma) for idx, image_id in enumerate(image_ids): evaluator.add_single_ground_truth_image_info( image_id, result_lists['groundtruth_boxes'][idx], result_lists['groundtruth_classes'][idx] - label_id_offset) evaluator.add_single_detected_image_info( image_id, result_lists['detection_boxes'][idx], result_lists['detection_scores'][idx], result_lists['detection_classes'][idx] - label_id_offset) metric_names = [ 'AP', 'AP_IoU50', 'AP_IoU75', 'AP_small', 'AP_medium', 'AP_large', 'AR_max1', 'AR_max10', 'AR_max100', 'AR_small', 'AR_medium', 'AR_large' ] metrics = dict() if eval_config is None: eval_metric_index = [0] eval_class_type = 1 eval_ann_filename = '../data/mscoco/annotations/instances_eval2014.json' else: eval_metric_index = eval_config.coco_eval_options.eval_metric_index eval_class_type = eval_config.coco_eval_options.eval_class_type eval_ann_filename = eval_config.coco_eval_options.eval_ann_filename if len(eval_metric_index) == 0: eval_metric_index = [0] if eval_ann_filename == '': eval_ann_filename = '../data/mscoco/annotations/instances_eval2014.json' if min(eval_metric_index) < 0 or max(eval_metric_index) > 11: raise ValueError('eval_metric_index') return metrics if eval_class_type < 0 or eval_class_type > 1: raise ValueError('eval_class_type') return metrics if eval_class_type == 0: eval_cat_index = [0] else: eval_cat_index = range(num_classes + 1) coco_metrics = evaluator.evaluate( eval_cat_index, eval_ann_filename) # coco_metrics[num_classes+1(all)][12] if coco_metrics is None: return metrics category_index = label_map_util.create_category_index(categories) for cat_id in range(num_classes + 1): if cat_id == 0: class_name = 'All' elif cat_id - 1 in category_index.keys(): class_name = category_index[cat_id - 1]['name'] else: continue if not cat_id in eval_cat_index: continue for metric_id, metric_name in enumerate(metric_names): if not metric_id in eval_metric_index: continue display_name = 'COCO_Eval/%s/%s' % (class_name, metric_name) metrics[display_name] = coco_metrics[cat_id][metric_id] return metrics
def evaluate_detection_results_pascal_voc(result_lists, categories, label_id_offset=1, iou_thres=0.5, corloc_summary=False, nms_type='standard', nms_thres=1.0, soft_nms_sigma=0.5, global_step=0, eval_dir='', eval_config=None): """Computes Pascal VOC detection metrics given groundtruth and detections. This function computes Pascal VOC metrics. This function by default takes detections and groundtruth boxes encoded in result_lists and writes evaluation results to tf summaries which can be viewed on tensorboard. Args: result_lists: a dictionary holding lists of groundtruth and detection data corresponding to each image being evaluated. The following keys are required: 'image_id': a list of string ids 'detection_boxes': a list of float32 numpy arrays of shape [N, 4] 'detection_scores': a list of float32 numpy arrays of shape [N] 'detection_classes': a list of int32 numpy arrays of shape [N] 'groundtruth_boxes': a list of float32 numpy arrays of shape [M, 4] 'groundtruth_classes': a list of int32 numpy arrays of shape [M] and the remaining fields below are optional: 'difficult': a list of boolean arrays of shape [M] indicating the difficulty of groundtruth boxes. Some datasets like PASCAL VOC provide this information and it is used to remove difficult examples from eval in order to not penalize the models on them. Note that it is okay to have additional fields in result_lists --- they are simply ignored. categories: a list of dictionaries representing all possible categories. Each dict in this list has the following keys: 'id': (required) an integer id uniquely identifying this category 'name': (required) string representing category name e.g., 'cat', 'dog', 'pizza' label_id_offset: an integer offset for the label space. iou_thres: float determining the IoU threshold at which a box is considered correct. Defaults to the standard 0.5. corloc_summary: boolean. If True, also outputs CorLoc metrics. nms_type: type of NMS (standard|soft-linear|soft_gaussian) nms_thres: iou threshold for non maximum suppression. soft_nms_sigma: Soft NMS sigma. Returns: A dictionary of metric names to scalar values. Raises: ValueError: if the set of keys in result_lists is not a superset of the expected list of keys. Unexpected keys are ignored. ValueError: if the lists in result_lists have inconsistent sizes. """ # check for expected keys in result_lists expected_keys = [ 'detection_boxes', 'detection_scores', 'detection_classes', 'image_id' ] expected_keys += ['groundtruth_boxes', 'groundtruth_classes'] if not set(expected_keys).issubset(set(result_lists.keys())): raise ValueError('result_lists does not have expected key set.') num_results = len(result_lists[expected_keys[0]]) for key in expected_keys: if len(result_lists[key]) != num_results: raise ValueError('Inconsistent list sizes in result_lists') if 'groundtruth_subset' in result_lists.keys(): subset_list = result_lists['groundtruth_subset'] subset_names = set() for subset in subset_list: for subset2 in subset: for subset3 in subset2.split('|'): subset_names.add(subset3) if not subset_names: subset_names.add('default') # Pascal VOC evaluator assumes foreground index starts from zero. categories = copy.deepcopy(categories) for idx in range(len(categories)): categories[idx]['id'] -= label_id_offset # num_classes (maybe encoded as categories) num_classes = max([cat['id'] for cat in categories]) + 1 log.infov('Computing Pascal VOC metrics on results.') if all(image_id.isdigit() for image_id in result_lists['image_id']): image_ids = [int(image_id) for image_id in result_lists['image_id']] else: image_ids = range(num_results) evaluator = object_detection_evaluation.ObjectDetectionEvaluation( num_classes, matching_iou_threshold=iou_thres, nms_type=nms_type, nms_iou_threshold=nms_thres, soft_nms_sigma=soft_nms_sigma, subset_names=subset_names) difficult_lists = None if 'difficult' in result_lists and result_lists['difficult']: difficult_lists = result_lists['difficult'] for idx, image_id in enumerate(image_ids): subset = None if len(result_lists['groundtruth_subset']) > 0 and \ result_lists['groundtruth_subset'][idx].shape[0] \ == result_lists['groundtruth_boxes'][idx].shape[0]: subset = result_lists['groundtruth_subset'][idx] if difficult_lists is not None \ and difficult_lists[idx].size: # build subset using difficult difficult = difficult_lists[idx].astype(np.bool) if subset is None: subset = np.where(difficult, '', 'default') else: subset = np.where(difficult, '', subset) evaluator.add_single_ground_truth_image_info( image_id, result_lists['groundtruth_boxes'][idx], result_lists['groundtruth_classes'][idx] - label_id_offset, subset) evaluator.add_single_detected_image_info( image_id, result_lists['detection_boxes'][idx], result_lists['detection_scores'][idx], result_lists['detection_classes'][idx] - label_id_offset) if idx % 500 == 0: log.infov('idx(%d)/total(%d)' % (idx, len(image_ids))) per_class_ap, mean_ap, per_class_precisions, per_class_recalls, per_class_corloc, mean_corloc = ( evaluator.evaluate()) visualize_pr_curve(per_class_precisions, per_class_recalls, global_step, eval_dir, nms_type=nms_type, nms_iou_threshold=nms_thres, soft_nms_sigma=soft_nms_sigma) metrics = { 'Subset {:10} mAP@{}IOU'.format(s, iou_thres): mean_ap[s] for s in mean_ap } category_index = label_map_util.create_category_index(categories) for subset in per_class_ap: for idx in range(per_class_ap[subset].size): if idx in category_index: display_name = ('Subset {:10} mAP@{}IOU/{}'.format( subset, iou_thres, category_index[idx]['name'])) metrics[display_name] = per_class_ap[subset][idx] if corloc_summary: metrics['CorLoc/CorLoc@{}IOU'.format(iou_thres)] = mean_corloc for idx in range(per_class_corloc.size): if idx in category_index: display_name = ('PerformanceByCategory/CorLoc@{}IOU/{}'.format( iou_thres, category_index[idx]['name'])) metrics[display_name] = per_class_corloc[idx] return metrics
def repeated_checkpoint_run(tensor_dict, update_op, summary_dir, aggregated_result_processor=None, batch_processor=None, checkpoint_dirs=None, variables_to_restore=None, restore_fn=None, num_batches=1, eval_interval_secs=120, max_number_of_evaluations=None, master='', save_graph=False, save_graph_dir='', metric_names_to_values=None, keys_to_exclude_from_results=(), eval_config=None, gpu_fraction=0.0, categories=[]): """Periodically evaluates desired tensors using checkpoint_dirs or restore_fn. This function repeatedly loads a checkpoint and evaluates a desired set of tensors (provided by tensor_dict) and hands the resulting numpy arrays to a function result_processor which can be used to further process/save/visualize the results. Args: tensor_dict: a dictionary holding tensors representing a batch of detections and corresponding groundtruth annotations. update_op: a tensorflow update op that will run for each batch along with the tensors in tensor_dict. summary_dir: a directory to write metrics summaries. aggregated_result_processor: a function taking one argument: 1. result_lists: a dictionary with keys matching those in tensor_dict and corresponding values being the list of results for each tensor in tensor_dict. The length of each such list is num_batches. batch_processor: a function taking three arguments: 1. tensor_dict: the same tensor_dict that is passed in as the first argument to this function. 2. sess: a tensorflow session 3. batch_index: an integer representing the index of the batch amongst all batches 4. update_op: a tensorflow update op that will run for each batch. and returns result_dict, a dictionary of results for that batch. By default, batch_processor is None, which defaults to running: return checkpoint_dirs: list of directories to load into a DetectionModel or an EnsembleModel if restore_fn isn't set. Also used to determine when to run next evaluation. Must have at least one element. variables_to_restore: None, or a dictionary mapping variable names found in a checkpoint to model variables. The dictionary would normally be generated by creating a tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage object and calling its variables_to_restore() method. Not used if restore_fn is set. restore_fn: a function that takes a tf.Session object and correctly restores all necessary variables from the correct checkpoint file. num_batches: the number of batches to use for evaluation. eval_interval_secs: the number of seconds between each evaluation run. max_number_of_evaluations: the max number of iterations of the evaluation. If the value is left as None the evaluation continues indefinitely. master: the location of the Tensorflow session. save_graph: whether or not the Tensorflow graph is saved as a pbtxt file. save_graph_dir: where to save on disk the Tensorflow graph. If store_graph is True this must be non-empty. metric_names_to_values: A dictionary containing metric names to tensors which will be evaluated after processing all batches of [tensor_dict, update_op]. If any metrics depend on statistics computed during each batch ensure that `update_op` tensor has a control dependency on the update ops that compute the statistics. keys_to_exclude_from_results: keys in tensor_dict that will be excluded from results_list. Note that the tensors corresponding to these keys will still be evaluated for each batch, but won't be added to results_list. gpu_fraction: GPU memory fraction for evaluation. Raises: ValueError: if max_num_of_evaluations is not None or a positive number. ValueError: if checkpoint_dirs doesn't have at least one element. """ if max_number_of_evaluations and max_number_of_evaluations <= 0: raise ValueError( '`number_of_steps` must be either None or a positive number.') if not checkpoint_dirs: raise ValueError('`checkpoint_dirs` must have at least one entry.') last_evaluated_model_path = None number_of_evaluations = 0 while True: start = time.time() log.infov('Starting evaluation at ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime())) model_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dirs[0]) if not model_path: log.warn('No model found in %s. Will try again in %d seconds', checkpoint_dirs[0], eval_interval_secs) elif model_path == last_evaluated_model_path: log.warn( 'Found already evaluated checkpoint. Will try again in %d ' 'seconds', eval_interval_secs) else: last_evaluated_model_path = model_path run_checkpoint_once(tensor_dict, update_op, summary_dir, aggregated_result_processor, batch_processor, checkpoint_dirs, variables_to_restore, restore_fn, num_batches, master, save_graph, save_graph_dir, metric_names_to_values, keys_to_exclude_from_results, eval_config, gpu_fraction, categories) number_of_evaluations += 1 if (max_number_of_evaluations and number_of_evaluations >= max_number_of_evaluations): log.infov('Finished evaluation!') break time_to_next_eval = start + eval_interval_secs - time.time() if time_to_next_eval > 0: time.sleep(time_to_next_eval)