def operation(self): """ Goal of this function is to check all the submission not finalized, and, if the expiration time sets in the context has been reached, then clean the submission_id along with the fields, and, if present, the uploaded folder/files. Second goal of this function, is to check all the InternalTip(s) and their expiration date, if match, remove that, all the folder, comment and tip related. Third goal of this function is to reset the exception counter that acts as limit for mail storm """ try: # First Goal submissions = yield get_tiptime_by_marker( InternalTip._marker[0]) # Submission log.debug( "(Cleaning routines) %d unfinished Submission are check if expired" % len(submissions)) for submission in submissions: if is_expired(ISO8601_to_datetime(submission['creation_date']), GLSetting.defaults.submission_seconds_of_life): "Deleting an unfinalized Submission (creation %s expiration %s) files %d" % (submission['creation_date'], submission['expiration_date'], submission['files'])) yield itip_cleaning(submission['id']) # Second Goal tips = yield get_tiptime_by_marker(InternalTip._marker[2]) # First log.debug( "(Cleaning routines) %d Tips stored are check if expired" % len(tips)) for tip in tips: if is_expired(ISO8601_to_datetime(tip['expiration_date'])): "Deleting an expired Tip (creation date: %s, expiration %s) files %d comments %d" % (tip['creation_date'], tip['expiration_date'], tip['files'], tip['comments'])) yield itip_cleaning(tip['id']) # Third Goal: Reset of GLSetting.exceptions GLSetting.exceptions = {} except Exception as excep: log.err( "Exception failure in submission/tip cleaning routine (%s)" % excep.message) sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info())
def test_put_postpone(self): now = datetime_now() yield self.force_itip_expiration() rtip_descs = yield self.get_rtips() for rtip_desc in rtip_descs: self.assertTrue(rtip_desc['expiration_date'] == '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z') operation = { 'operation': 'postpone', 'args': {} } handler = self.request(operation, role='receiver', user_id = rtip_desc['receiver_id']) yield handler.put(rtip_desc['id']) self.assertEqual(handler.request.code, 200) rtip_descs = yield self.get_rtips() for rtip_desc in rtip_descs: self.assertTrue(ISO8601_to_datetime(rtip_desc['expiration_date']) >= now)
def ExpirationWatch(self): missing_time = ISO8601_to_datetime(['tip']['expiration_date']) - datetime_now() missing_hours = int(divmod(missing_time.total_seconds(), 3600)[0]) return str(missing_hours)
def ExpirationDate(self): date = ISO8601_to_datetime(['signup']['registration_date']) + timedelta(days=30) return datetime_to_pretty_str(date)