コード例 #1
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def bulk_user(file):
    Decode a csv file as user data (with headings u_name and email). Enter these users to the database. Roll back on any
    failure. Must pass a text stream file (not binary stream)
    :param file: the csv file data
    :return: string describing successful inserts
    # create the dictionary from csv file
    dict_reader = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
    tuples = [(entry['u_name'], entry['email']) for entry in dict_reader]
    # make sure all emails are actually emails
    for t in tuples:
        if (not re.match(r'[a-z0-9_]+', t[0])) or len(t[0]) > 40:
            raise KeyError('username not alphanumberic/underscore or greater than 40 characters (' + t[0] + ')')
        if not validate_email(t[1]):
            raise KeyError('email not email format (' + t[1] + ')')
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    # try to enter the data
        # try to insert all the users (execute automatically creates a begin transaction at start of execute)
        curs.executemany("INSERT INTO USER VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, strftime('%s', 'now'))", tuples)
        # get the number of rows affected
        num_rows = curs.rowcount
        # commit the changes
        # return the success message
        return 'bulk user entry success, inserted ' + str(num_rows) + ' rows'
    except sqlite3.Error as err:
        # rollback changes, close the connection, then pass the error onto caller
        raise err
コード例 #2
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def bulk_admin(file):
    Decode a csv file as admin data (with headings uid and position). Enter these admins to the database. Roll back on
    any failure. Must pass a text stream file (not binary stream)
    :param file: the csv file data
    :return: string describing successful inserts
    # create the dictionary from csv file
    dict_reader = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
    tuples = [(entry['uid'], entry['position']) for entry in dict_reader]
    for t in tuples:
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', t[0]):
            # ensure uid is numeric
            raise KeyError('uid not numeric (' + t[0] + ')')
        if (not re.match(r'[a-zA-z_]+', t[1])) or len(t[1]) > 20:
            # ensure position is only alphanumeric/underscore and less than 21 characters
            raise KeyError('position must be alpha characters and underscores and at most 20 characters')
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    # try to enter the data
        # try to insert all the admins (execute automatically creates a begin transaction at start of execute)
        curs.executemany("INSERT INTO ADMIN VALUES (?, ?)", tuples)
        # get the number of rows affected
        num_rows = curs.rowcount
        # commit the changes
        # return the success message
        return 'bulk admin entry success, inserted ' + str(num_rows) + ' rows'
    except sqlite3.Error as err:
        # rollback changes, close the connection, then pass the error onto caller
        raise err
コード例 #3
def make_review(mid):
    # first check that mid is an int
        mid = int(mid)
    except ValueError:

    if session['uid'] is None:
        return redirect(

    # check if the movie is in the database
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
        'SELECT MID, director_UID, title, release_date FROM MOVIE WHERE MID = ?',
        (mid, ))
    movie_row = curs.fetchone()
    # if not found, then don't render
    if movie_row is None:
        # TODO: render a 404

        text = request.form['text']
        rating = int(request.form['rating'])
    except KeyError:

    if not re.match(r'[0-9a-zA-Z_.,"\'()!@$*=\-+&:]*', text):
        # test for text matching only alphanumeric and punctuation
        message = 'text must be alphanumeric with punctuation (no carats, braces, or octothorpes)'
        return render_template('movie.html', message=message), 400
    if rating < 0 or rating > 5:
        # make sure rating is [0:5]
        message = 'rating must be from zero to five'
        return render_template('movie.html', message=message), 400

        uid = session['uid']
        # try to insert the new review entry
        # pass now as created date for this review
            "INSERT INTO REVIEW VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, strftime('%s', 'now'))",
            (mid, uid, text, rating))
        # commit changes
        return redirect(url_for('view_movie', mid=mid))
    except sqlite3.Error as err:
        # handle sql errors (probably mid, uid already existing)
        # show error message on bad value
        message = 'error inserting tuple (' + str(err) + ')'
        return render_template('movie.html', message=message), 400
コード例 #4
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def admin_entry():
    Handle admin entry requests. Post request must contain uid and position fields. UID must be in the user relation.
    :return: Rendered template of admin entry page.
    # check user authorization, abort if not valid
    if not check_admin():
        # deny access if not allowed
        return redirect(url_for('accounts_api.forbidden', account_type='admin', resource='/entry/admin'))
    # default empty message
    message = None
    # get all users who are not already admins to prompt entry form
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # respond to get requests with blank message
        return render_template('entry/admin.html', message=message)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        # handle post requests as entered admin data
            # get form data
            uid = request.form['uid']
            position = request.form['position']
        except KeyError:
            # show error if form doesn't contain required fields
            message = 'bad form data'
            return render_template('entry/admin.html', message=message), 400
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', uid):
            # make sure that uid is just numbers
            message = "uid must be numeric"
            return render_template('entry/admin.html', message=message), 400
        if (not re.match(r'[a-zA-z_]+', position)) or len(position) > 20:
            # ensure position is only alphanumeric/underscore and less than 21 characters
            message = "position must be alpha characters and underscores and at most 20 characters"
            return render_template('entry/admin.html', message=message), 400
            # try to insert new admin
            curs.execute("INSERT INTO ADMIN VALUES (?, ?)", (uid, position))
            # get UID of inserted admin for displaying result
            uid = curs.lastrowid
            # get the inserted admin row based on UID
            inserted_row = curs.execute("SELECT * FROM ADMIN WHERE UID=?", (uid,))
            # show success message with inserted admin data
            message = 'inserted new admin successfully: ' + str(inserted_row.fetchone())
            # show success message and new list of users
            return render_template('entry/admin.html', message=message), 201
        except sqlite3.Error as err:
            # catch errors (like existing uids in admin and nonexistant uids from user)
            message = 'error inserting tuple (' + str(err) + ')'
            return render_template('entry/admin.html', message=message), 400
        # if not get or post, abort (should never happen, but just in case)
コード例 #5
def login():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # post requests perform login
        if 'username' in request.form:
            # get the username field
            username = request.form['username']
            # abort if field not present
        if 'password' in request.form:
            # get the password field
            password = request.form['password']
            # abort if field not present
        # have username and password, check for validity
        curs = db_connection.cursor()
        # lookup user and hashed password based on username
            'SELECT USER.UID, u_name, pass_hash FROM USER, PASSWORD WHERE u_name==? AND USER.UID==PASSWORD.UID',
            (username, ))
        uid_rows = curs.fetchall()
        if len(uid_rows) != 1:
            # user not found (or if greater than zero, some bigger problems are happening)
            message = 'Username or Password Incorrect'
            return render_template('accounts/login.html', message=message)
        # have user info, check password
        uid, u_name, pass_hash = uid_rows[0]
        # using bcrypt to store passwords (see account creation page)
        if bcrypt.checkpw(password.encode('utf-8'), pass_hash):
            # password match, set session variables
            session['uid'] = uid
            session['u_name'] = u_name
            session['login_time'] = datetime.now()
            session.logged_in = True
            return redirect(url_for('index'))
            # password didn't match
            message = 'Username or Password Incorrect'
            return render_template('accounts/login.html', message=message)
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        # get requests serve login page
        return render_template('accounts/login.html', message=None)
        # not get or post (shouldn't happen) abort
コード例 #6
def check_admin():
    Check session for admin status.
    :return: true iff the request came from a user with moderator or admin status
    if 'uid' in session:
        curs = db_connection.cursor()
        curs.execute('SELECT UID, position FROM ADMIN WHERE UID==?',
                     (session['uid'], ))
        rows = curs.fetchall()
        if len(rows) == 1:
            uid, position = rows[0]
            if uid == session['uid'] and position == 'admin':
                return True
    return False
コード例 #7
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def bulk_review(file):
    Decode a csv file as movie data (with headings mid, uid, text, rating). Enter these
    movies to the database. Roll back on any failure. Must pass a text stream file (not binary stream).
    :param file: the csv file data
    :return: string describing successful inserts
    # create the dictionary from csv file
    dict_reader = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
        # trying for chance that date format is bad
        tuples = [(entry['mid'], entry['uid'], entry['text'], int(entry['rating'])) for entry in dict_reader]
    except ValueError:
        # show error for bad formatted date
        raise KeyError('bad rating format in csv, must be int')
    for t in tuples:
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', t[0]):
            # ensure mid is numeric
            raise KeyError('mid not numeric (' + t[0] + ')')
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', t[1]):
            # ensure uid is numeric
            raise KeyError('uid not numeric (' + t[1] + ')')
        if not re.match(r'[0-9a-zA-Z_.,"\'()!@$*=\-+&:]*', t[2]):
            # test for text matching only alphanumeric and punctuation
            raise KeyError('text must be alphanumeric with punctuation (no carats, braces, or octothorpes)')
        if t[3] < 0 or t[3] > 5:
            # ensure rating is between 0 and 5
            raise KeyError('rating must be between [0:5] (' + t[0] + ')')
    # get a connection without isolation level or autocommit
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    # try to enter the data
        # try to insert all the users
        curs.executemany("INSERT INTO REVIEW VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, strftime('%s', 'now'))", tuples)
        # get the number of rows affected
        num_rows = curs.rowcount
        # commit the changes
        # return the success message
        return 'bulk admin entry success, inserted ' + str(num_rows) + ' rows'
    except sqlite3.Error as err:
        # rollback changes, close the connection, then pass the error onto caller
        raise err
コード例 #8
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def bulk_movie(file):
    Decode a csv file as movie data (with headings mid, director_uid, title, release_date, entered_by). Enter these
    movies to the database. Roll back on any failure. Must pass a text stream file (not binary stream).
    :param file: the csv file data
    :return: string describing successful inserts
    # create the dictionary from csv file
    dict_reader = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
        # trying for chance that date format is bad
        tuples = [(entry['director_uid'], entry['title'],
                   unix_time(datetime.strptime(entry['release_date'], '%Y-%m-%d')),
                   entry['entered_by']) for entry in dict_reader]
    except ValueError:
        # show error for bad formatted date
        raise KeyError('bad date format in csv, must be YYYY-mm-dd')
    for t in tuples:
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', t[0]):
            # ensure uid is numeric
            raise KeyError('director uid not numeric (' + t[0] + ')')
        if len(t[1]) < 1 or len(t[1]) > 40:
            # show error message if title is empty or longer than 40 characters
            raise KeyError('title must be between 1 and 40 characters long (inclusive)')
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', t[3]):
            # ensure uid is numeric
            raise KeyError('entered by uid not numeric (' + t[0] + ')')
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    # try to enter the data
        # try to insert all the movies
        curs.executemany("INSERT INTO MOVIE VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, strftime('%s', 'now'))", tuples)
        # get the number of rows affected
        num_rows = curs.rowcount
        # commit the changes
        # return the success message
        return 'bulk admin entry success, inserted ' + str(num_rows) + ' rows'
    except sqlite3.Error as err:
        # rollback changes, close the connection, then pass the error onto caller
        raise err
コード例 #9
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def bulk_actor(file):
    Decode a csv file as actor data (with headings uid, stage_name, given_name, and DoB). Enter these actors to the
    database. Roll back on any failure. Must pass a text stream file (not binary stream).
    :param file: the csv file data
    :return: string describing successful inserts
    # create the dictionary from csv file
    dict_reader = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
        # trying for chance that date format is bad
        tuples = [(entry['uid'], entry['name'], unix_time(datetime.strptime(entry['DoB'], '%Y-%m-%d')))
                  for entry in dict_reader]
    except ValueError:
        # show error for bad formatted date
        raise KeyError('bad date format in csv, must be YYYY-mm-dd')
    for t in tuples:
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', str(t[0])):
            # ensure uid is numeric
            raise KeyError('uid not numeric (' + t[0] + ')')
        if (not re.match(r'[a-zA-z ]*', str(t[1]))) or len(t[1]) > 40:
            # check validation on given name too
            raise KeyError('name must be alpha characters and spaces and at most 40 characters')
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    # try to enter the data
        # try to insert all the actors
        curs.executemany("INSERT INTO ACTOR VALUES (?, ?, ?)", tuples)
        # get the number of rows affected
        num_rows = curs.rowcount
        # commit the changes
        # return the success message
        return 'bulk admin entry success, inserted ' + str(num_rows) + ' rows'
    except sqlite3.Error as err:
        # rollback changes, close the connection, then pass the error onto caller
        raise err
コード例 #10
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def bulk_acted(file):
    Decode a csv file as acted_in data (with headings mid, uid, character_role). Enter these acted_in entries to the
    database. Roll back on any failure. Must pass a text stream file (not binary stream).
    :param file: the csv file data
    :return: string describing successful inserts
    # create the dictionary from csv file
    dict_reader = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
    tuples = [(entry['mid'], entry['uid'], entry['character_role']) for entry in dict_reader]
    for t in tuples:
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', t[0]):
            # ensure mid is numeric
            raise KeyError('mid not numeric (' + t[0] + ')')
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', t[1]):
            # ensure uid is numeric
            raise KeyError('uid not numeric (' + t[1] + ')')
        if (not re.match(r'[0-9a-zA-Z\'\- ]+', t[2])) or len(t[2]) > 20:
            # test character role for being alphanumeric with spaces, apostrophes, hyphens, or spaces
            raise KeyError('character_role must be alphanumeric with spaces, apostrophes, hyphens, or spaces less '
                           'than 20 characters')
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    # try to enter the data
        # try to insert all the acted_in entries
        curs.executemany("INSERT INTO ACTED_IN VALUES (?, ?, ?)", tuples)
        # get the number of rows affected
        num_rows = curs.rowcount
        # commit the changes
        # return the success message
        return 'bulk admin entry success, inserted ' + str(num_rows) + ' rows'
    except sqlite3.Error as err:
        # rollback changes, close the connection, then pass the error onto caller
        raise err
コード例 #11
def view_movie(mid):
    View a movie's details.
    :param mid: movie id to lookup
    :return: rendered template with movie name, director, poster, reviews, etc.
    # first check that mid is an int
        mid = int(mid)
    except ValueError:

    # check if the movie is in the database
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
        'SELECT MID, director_UID, title, release_date FROM MOVIE WHERE MID = ?',
        (mid, ))
    movie_row = curs.fetchone()
    # if not found, then don't render
    if movie_row is None:
        # TODO: render a 404
    # otherwise, get other info, starting with poster
    curs.execute('SELECT img FROM POSTER WHERE MID = ?', (mid, ))
    poster_row = curs.fetchone()
    if poster_row is None:
        poster_name = None
        poster_name = poster_row[0]

    # now get director
    if movie_row[1] is None:
        director_name = 'n/a'
        curs.execute('SELECT given_name FROM DIRECTOR WHERE UID = ?',
                     (movie_row[1], ))
        director_name = curs.fetchone()[0]

    # now set title
    title = movie_row[2]

    # set release date
    if movie_row[3] is None:
        released = 'n/a'
        released = from_unix_time(movie_row[3])

    # get actors
    curs.execute('SELECT UID, character_role FROM ACTED_IN WHERE MID = ?',
                 (mid, ))
    character_rows = curs.fetchall()
    actors = []
    characters = []
    for row in character_rows:
        curs.execute('SELECT name FROM ACTOR WHERE UID = ?', (row[0], ))

    # get reviews
        'SELECT UID, text, rating, created_date FROM REVIEW WHERE MID = ? ORDER BY created_date DESC ',
        (mid, ))
    review_rows = curs.fetchall()
    usernames = []
    reviews = []
    ratings = []
    dates = []
    for row in review_rows:
        curs.execute('SELECT u_name FROM USER WHERE UID = ?', (row[0], ))

    movie_info = {
        'mid': mid,
        'title': title,
        'director': director_name,
        'released': released,

    character_info = [{
        'actor': actors[i],
        'character': characters[i]
    } for i in range(0, len(actors))]

    review_info = [{
        'username': usernames[i],
        'text': reviews[i],
        'rating': ratings[i],
        'date': dates[i]
    } for i in range(0, len(reviews))]

    # render the template with this data
    return render_template('movie.html',
コード例 #12
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def movie_entry():
    Handle requests for movie entries. Post requests must have fields: director_uid, title, release_date, and
    entered_uid. release_date must be in the form of YYYY-mm-dd. Uses dbms default next MID for primary key, uses now
    for the entered date.
    :return: rendered template, including list of potential directors and entered_by values
    # check user authorization
    if not check_moderator():
        # deny access if not allowed
        return redirect(url_for('accounts_api.forbidden', account_type='moderator', resource='/entry/moderator'))
    # default empty message
    message = None
    # get potential directors for listing in form
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    directors = curs.fetchall()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # handle get requests with empty message and list of directors and admins
        return render_template('entry/movie.html', directors=directors, message=message)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        # handle post requests as data entry
            # try to get required form fields
            director_uid = request.form['director_uid']
            title = request.form['title']
            # parse date into datetime object
            release_date = datetime.strptime(request.form['release_date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
            entered_uid = session['uid']
        except KeyError:
            # show error message if any fields missing
            message = 'bad form data'
            return render_template('entry/movie.html', directors=directors, message=message), 400
        except ValueError:
            # show error message if unable to parse date
            message = 'bad date format'
            return render_template('entry/movie.html', directors=directors, message=message), 400
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', director_uid):
            # show error message if director uid is not strictly numeric
            message = "director uid must be numeric"
            return render_template('entry/movie.html', directors=directors, message=message), 400
        if len(title) < 1 or len(title) > 40:
            # show error message if title is empty or longer than 40 characters
            message = "title must be between 1 and 40 characters long (inclusive)"
            return render_template('entry/movie.html', directors=directors, message=message), 400
            # try to insert the new movie entry
            # pass null into MID to let dbms decide next value
            curs.execute("INSERT INTO MOVIE VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, strftime('%s', 'now'))",
                         (director_uid, title, unix_time(release_date), entered_uid))
            # get the movie ID of the recently added movie
            mid = curs.lastrowid
            # get the inserted row for success message
            inserted_row = curs.execute("SELECT * FROM MOVIE WHERE MID=?", (mid,))
            message = 'inserted new movie successfully: ' + str(inserted_row.fetchone())
            # display success message and already found list of admins and directors
            return render_template('entry/movie.html', directors=directors, message=message), 201
        except sqlite3.Error as err:
            # handle error (like director foreign key constraint or entered_by foreign key)
            # show error message on bad value
            message = 'error inserting tuple (' + str(err) + ')'
            return render_template('entry/movie.html', directors=directors, message=message), 400
        # if not get or post, abort (should never happen, but just in case)
コード例 #13
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def director_entry():
    Handle requests for director entries. Displays available users and movies for potential directors and movies that
    made him/her famous. Post request must have form fields: uid, mid, given_name, dob. dob must be in the form of
    :return: Rendered template, including lists of user and movie ids
    # check for user authorization
    if not check_moderator():
        # deny access if not moderator
        return redirect(url_for('accounts_api.forbidden', account_type='moderator', resource='/entry/director'))
    # default empty message
    message = None
    # get users who are not already directors for prompting form
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # handle get requests with blank message and potential users/movies
        return render_template('entry/director.html', message=message)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        # handle post requests as data entry
            # try to get required form fields
            uid = request.form['uid']
            famous_for = request.form['mid']
            given_name = request.form['given_name']
            # cast dob to a datetime object (later converted to unix time)
            dob = datetime.strptime(request.form['dob'], '%Y-%m-%d')
        except KeyError:
            # show error message if any form fields are missing
            message = 'bad form data'
            return render_template('entry/director.html', message=message), 400
        except ValueError:
            # show error message if the date formatting fails
            message = 'bad date format'
            return render_template('entry/director.html', message=message), 400
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', uid):
            # check that uid is just numbers, show error if not
            message = "uid must be numeric"
            return render_template('entry/director.html', message=message), 400
        if not (famous_for is None or re.match(r'[0-9]+', famous_for) or famous_for == ""):
            # check that famous_for is a proper MID or NULL, show error if not
            message = "famous for mid must be numeric or empty"
            return render_template('entry/director.html', message=message), 400
        if (not re.match(r'[a-zA-z ]+', given_name)) or len(given_name) > 40:
            # check that given name contains only letters and spaces and is no more than 40 characters
            message = "name must be alpha characters and spaces and at most 40 characters"
            return render_template('entry/director.html', message=message), 400
            # try to insert the director values
            if famous_for == "NULL":
                # insert with null MID (most cases)
                curs.execute("INSERT INTO DIRECTOR VALUES (?, NULL, ?, ?)", (uid, given_name, unix_time(dob)))
                # insert with given MID (not really sure when this would be possible)
                curs.execute("INSERT INTO DIRECTOR VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (uid, famous_for, given_name, unix_time(dob)))
            # get the user id of the added director
            uid = curs.lastrowid
            # get the inserted director
            inserted_row = curs.execute("SELECT * FROM DIRECTOR WHERE UID=?", (uid,))
            # create success message with inserted data
            message = 'inserted new director successfully: ' + str(inserted_row.fetchone())
            # show the template with potential users, movie ids, and with success message
            return render_template('entry/director.html', message=message), 201
        except sqlite3.Error as err:
            # catch sql errors, usually the foreign key constraint and unique constraint
            # show error message
            message = 'error inserting tuple (' + str(err) + ')'
            return render_template('entry/director.html', message=message), 400
        # if not get or post, abort (should never happen, but just in case)
コード例 #14
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def actor_entry():
    Handle actor entry requests. Post form must contain uid, and dob. dob must be in format of
    YYYY-mm-dd for parsing. Generates list of potential users for promotion to actor.
    :return: rendered template including list of users who are not actors
    # check for authorization
    if not check_moderator():
        # deny access if not allowed
        return redirect(url_for('accounts_api.forbidden', account_type='moderator', resource='/entry/actor'))
    # default empty message
    message = None
    # get list of users who are not already actors for prompting form
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # handle get requests with empty message and list of users
        return render_template('entry/actor.html', message=message)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        # handle post requests as data entry
            # try to get the required field forms
            uid = request.form['uid']
            name = request.form['name']
            # cast dob to datetime for later converting to unix time
            dob = datetime.strptime(request.form['dob'], '%Y-%m-%d')
        except KeyError:
            # show error on missing field forms
            message = 'bad form data'
            return render_template('entry/actor.html', message=message), 400
        except ValueError:
            # show error for bad date formatting
            message = 'bad date format'
            return render_template('entry/actor.html', message=message), 400
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', uid):
            # check that user id is only numeric
            message = "uid must be numeric"
            return render_template('entry/actor.html', message=message), 400
        if (not re.match(r'[a-zA-z ]+', name)) or len(name) > 40:
            # check validation on given name too
            message = "name must be alpha characters and spaces and at most 40 characters"
            return render_template('entry/actor.html', message=message), 400
            # try to insert actor
            # insert on case that given name is same as stage name
            curs.execute("INSERT INTO ACTOR VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (uid, name, unix_time(dob)))
            # get the uid of the newly added actor
            uid = curs.lastrowid
            # get the newly added row
            inserted_row = curs.execute("SELECT * FROM ACTOR WHERE UID=?", (uid,))
            # success message with added row
            message = 'inserted new actor successfully: ' + str(inserted_row.fetchone())
            # show success message and new list of users
            return render_template('entry/actor.html', message=message), 201
        except sqlite3.Error as err:
            # handle errors for key constraint (foreign and unique)
            message = 'error inserting tuple (' + str(err) + ')'
            return render_template('entry/actor.html', message=message), 400
        # if not get or post, abort (should never happen, but just in case)
コード例 #15
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def poster_entry():
    Handle file uploads for poster data entry. POST request must contain fields mid and img. mid must be present in
    movies relation and img must be an openable image file.
    :return: rendered template including list of movies ids
    # check for authorization
    if not check_moderator():
        # deny access if not allowed
        return redirect(url_for('accounts_api.forbidden', account_type='moderator', resource='/entry/poster'))
    # get the list of movies for dropdown
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # handle get requests with blank message and movie dropdown
        return render_template('entry/poster.html', message=None, image_name=None)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        # handle post requests as upload
        if 'img' not in request.files:
            # show error if no file in post data
            message = 'no file uploaded'
            return render_template('entry/poster.html', message=message, image_name=None), 400
            # try to get field and file
            mid = request.form['mid']
            img = request.files['img']
        except KeyError:
            # show error if file not uploaded, or form data bad
            message = 'bad form data'
            return render_template('entry/poster.html', message=message, image_name=None), 400
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', mid):
            # test for mid being strictly numeric
            message = 'mid must be numeric'
            return render_template('entry/poster.html', message=message, image_name=None), 400
        # check for file validity
        if img.filename == '':
            # show error for empty filename
            message = 'no file selected'
            return render_template('entry/poster.html', message=message, image_name=None), 400
        # check that it is an image file
        if not allowed_file(img.filename, IMAGES):
            # not image file
            message = 'must be one of these filetypes: ' + str(IMAGES)
            return render_template('entry/poster.html', message=message, image_name=None), 400
            # create new filename
            filename = mid_filename(mid)
            # try to enter new filename in database
            curs.execute('REPLACE INTO POSTER VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (mid, filename, session['uid']))
            # don't commit yet, wait until file saves
        except sqlite3.Error as err:
            # should update if exists, so this is a real problem
            # show error message on bad value
            message = 'error inserting tuple (' + str(err) + ')'
            return render_template('entry/poster.html', message=message, image_name=None), 400
        if img:
            # save the file
            img.save(os.path.join(POSTER_DIR, filename))
            # get the tuple
            curs.execute('SELECT img FROM POSTER WHERE MID==?', (mid,))
            filename = str(curs.fetchone()[0])
            # show success message
            message = 'successfully added poster file for movie id: ' + str(mid)
            return render_template('entry/poster.html', message=message, image_name=filename), 201
            # image not saved, so rollback the database entry
            # image not allowed
            message = 'file must be png'
            return render_template('entry/poster.html', message=message, image_name=None), 400
        # if not get or post, abort (should never happen, but just in case)
コード例 #16
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def acted_entry():
    Handle requests for entry into ACTED_IN relation. Post requests must have fields mid, uid, and character_role. MID
    and UID must be present in MOVIE and USER. Must not be present already in the relation (i.e., no actors playing
    multiple roles in the same movie).
    :return: rendered template including dropdowns for mid and uid of movies and actors
    # check user authorization
    if not check_moderator():
        # deny access if not allowed
        return redirect(url_for('accounts_api.forbidden', account_type='moderator', resource='/entry/acted'))
    # default empty message
    message = None
    # get movies for mid dropdown
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    curs.execute("SELECT MID, title FROM MOVIE ORDER BY MID")
    movies = curs.fetchall()
    # get users for uid dropdown
    users = curs.fetchall()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # handle get requests with empty message and movie/user dropdowns
        return render_template('entry/acted.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        # handle post requests as data entry
            # get required form fields
            mid = request.form['mid']
            uid = request.form['uid']
            character_role = request.form['character_role']
        except KeyError:
            # show error message for missing fields
            message = 'bad form data'
            return render_template('entry/acted.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 400
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', mid):
            # test for mid being strictly numeric
            message = 'mid must be numeric'
            return render_template('entry/acted.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 400
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', uid):
            # test for uid being strictly numeric
            message = 'uid must be numeric'
            return render_template('entry/acted.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 400
        if (not re.match(r'[0-9a-zA-Z\'\- ]+', character_role)) or len(character_role) > 20:
            # test character role for being alphanumeric with spaces, apostrophes, hyphens, or spaces
            message = 'character_role must be alphanumeric with spaces, apostrophes, hyphens, or spaces less than 20 ' \
            return render_template('entry/acted.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 400
            # try to enter the new role
            curs.execute('INSERT INTO ACTED_IN VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (mid, uid, character_role))
            # get the newly entered row
            inserted_row = curs.execute("SELECT * FROM ACTED_IN WHERE MID == ? AND UID == ?", (mid, uid))
            # show success message
            message = 'inserted new role successfully: ' + str(inserted_row.fetchone())
            return render_template('entry/acted.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 201
        except sqlite3.Error as err:
            # handle sql errors (probably mid, uid already existing)
            # show error message on bad value
            message = 'error inserting tuple (' + str(err) + ')'
            return render_template('entry/acted.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 400
        # if not get or post, abort (should never happen, but just in case)
コード例 #17
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def user_entry():
    Handles entering a new user. Post request must have u_name and email. Adds user with database default next UID and
    sets the created_date to now.
    :return: rendered template of user entry page
    # check that the user is allowed access to entry subsystem
    if not check_admin():
        # deny access if not admin
        return redirect(url_for('accounts_api.forbidden', account_type='admin', resource='/entry/user'))
    # default empty message
    message = None
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # handle get request with form page (no message)
        return render_template('entry/user.html', message=message)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        # handle post request as entry of new user
            # get the username and email from the form
            u_name = request.form['u_name']
            email = request.form['email']
            password = request.form['password']
        except KeyError:
            # respond with error if form entries are not available
            message = 'bad form data'
            return render_template('entry/user.html', message=message), 400
        if (not re.match(r'[a-z0-9_]+', u_name)) or len(u_name) > 40:
            # check that username is only alphanumeric/underscore characters and no more than 40 characters
            # display error if not
            message = "u_name must be alphanumeric or underscore and at most 40 characters"
            return render_template('entry/user.html', message=message), 400
        if not validate_email(email):
            # validate the email format, error if not valid
            message = "invalid email format"
            return render_template('entry/user.html', message=message), 400
        if password is None or password == "":
            # must provide a password
            message = "must provide password"
            return render_template('entry/user.html', message=message)
        # get cursor for insert and select
        cur = db_connection.cursor()
            # try to insert the new user
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO USER VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, strftime('%s', 'now'))", (u_name, email))
            # get the new user's id to display inserted result
            uid = cur.lastrowid
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO PASSWORD VALUES (?, ?)", (uid, bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'),
            # now commit after user and password are stored
            # get the inserted row to display back to user
            inserted_row = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM USER WHERE UID=?", (uid,))
            # return a success message with added data
            message = 'inserted new user successfully: ' + str(inserted_row.fetchone())
            return render_template('entry/user.html', message=message), 201
        except sqlite3.Error as err:
            # catch sql errors (probably unique constraint or bad format)
            # display error message
            message = 'error inserting tuple (' + str(err) + ')'
            return render_template('entry/user.html', message=message), 400
        # if not get or post, abort (should never happen, but just in case)
コード例 #18
ファイル: entry.py プロジェクト: jeichenhofer/wmdb
def review_entry():
    Handle review entry requests. Post requests must have fields: MID, UID, text, and rating. Uses current time as
    created date. MID and UID must exist in movies and users respectively. Text can be empty, but must only contain
    letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation. Rating must be between 0 and 5.
    :return: rendered template including list of movies and users
    # check that user is authorized
    if not check_moderator():
        # deny access if not allowed
        return redirect(url_for('accounts_api.forbidden', account_type='moderator', resource='/entry/review'))
    # default empty message
    message = None
    # get movies for mid dropdown
    curs = db_connection.cursor()
    curs.execute("SELECT MID, title FROM MOVIE ORDER BY MID")
    movies = curs.fetchall()
    # get users for uid dropdown
    curs.execute("SELECT UID, u_name FROM USER ORDER BY UID")
    users = curs.fetchall()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # handle get requests with empty message and movie/user dropdowns
        return render_template('entry/review.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        # handle post requests as data entry
            mid = request.form['mid']
            uid = request.form['uid']
            text = request.form['text']
            rating = int(request.form['rating'])
        except KeyError:
            # show error message for missing fields
            message = 'bad form data'
            return render_template('entry/review.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 400
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', mid):
            # test for mid being strictly numeric
            message = 'mid must be numeric'
            return render_template('entry/review.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 400
        if not re.match(r'[0-9]+', uid):
            # test for uid being strictly numeric
            message = 'uid must be numeric'
            return render_template('entry/review.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 400
        if not re.match(r'[0-9a-zA-Z_.,"\'()!@$*=\-+&:]*', text):
            # test for text matching only alphanumeric and punctuation
            message = 'text must be alphanumeric with punctuation (no carats, braces, or octothorpes)'
            return render_template('entry/review.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 400
        if rating < 0 or rating > 5:
            # make sure rating is [0:5]
            message = 'rating must be from zero to five'
            return render_template('entry/review.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 400
            # try to insert the new review entry
            # pass now as created date for this review
            curs.execute("INSERT INTO REVIEW VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, strftime('%s', 'now'))",
                         (mid, uid, text, rating))
            # commit changes
            # get the newly entered row
            inserted_row = curs.execute("SELECT * FROM REVIEW WHERE MID == ? AND UID == ?", (mid, uid))
            # show success message
            message = 'inserted new review successfully: ' + str(inserted_row.fetchone())
            return render_template('entry/review.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 201
        except sqlite3.Error as err:
            # handle sql errors (probably mid, uid already existing)
            # show error message on bad value
            message = 'error inserting tuple (' + str(err) + ')'
            return render_template('entry/review.html', movies=movies, users=users, message=message), 400
        # if not get or post, abort (should never happen, but just in case)
コード例 #19
def signup():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        # get requests server signup page
        return render_template('accounts/signup.html', message=None)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        # post requests create account
        # try to get each parameter
            # get the username field if it's there
            username = request.form['username']
            # get the email if exists
            email = request.form['email']
            # get password from form
            password = request.form['password']
            # get repassword from form
            repassword = request.form['repassword']
        except KeyError as err:
            # bad form if any key not present
            message = 'bad form data, missing ' + str(err)
            return render_template('accounts/signup.html',
                                   message=message), 400
        if not re.match(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', username) or len(username) > 20:
            # bad username
            message = 'username must only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters, less than 20 long'
            return render_template('accounts/signup.html',
                                   message=message), 400
        if not validate_email(email):
            # bad email
            message = 'invalid email format'
            return render_template('accounts/signup.html',
                                   message=message), 400
        if len(password) < 12:
            # short password
            # TODO: make better password requirements
            message = 'password must be at least 12 characters long'
            return render_template('accounts/signup.html',
                                   message=message), 400
        if password != repassword:
            # passwords don't match
            message = 'passwords do not match'
            return render_template('accounts/signup.html',
                                   message=message), 400
        # all fields validated, check for existing username or email
        curs = db_connection.cursor()
        curs.execute('SELECT UID FROM USER WHERE u_name==? OR email==?',
                     (username, email))
        existing = curs.fetchall()
        if len(existing) != 0:
            # email or username already in database
            message = 'username or email is already taken'
            return render_template('accounts/signup.html',
                                   message=message), 400
        # username and email are good, add user
            # don't commit until user and password are set
                "INSERT INTO USER VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, strftime('%s', 'now'))",
                (username, email))
            uid = curs.lastrowid
                'INSERT INTO PASSWORD VALUES (?, ?)',
                (uid, bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'),
            session['uid'] = uid
            session['u_name'] = username
            session['login_time'] = datetime.now()
            session.logged_in = True
            return redirect(url_for('index'))
        except sqlite3.Error as err:
            # couldn't insert, rollback and log issue
            current_app.logger.info('failure to insert new user: '******'could not create account'
            return render_template('accounts/signup.html',
                                   message=message), 400