def main(): sudoku_files = {"simple": "sudokus/50_simple_sudokus.txt", "easy": "sudokus/50_easy_sudokus.txt", "intermediate": "sudokus/50_intermediate_sudokus.txt", "expert": "sudokus/50_expert_sudokus.txt"} #sudoku_files = {"intermediate": "sudokus/50_intermediate_sudokus.txt", # "expert": "sudokus/50_expert_sudokus.txt"} # UNCOMMENT FOR TEST #sudoku_files = {"expert": "sudokus/50_expert_sudokus.txt"} #sudoku_files = {"intermediate": "sudokus/50_intermediate_sudokus.txt"} for level, sudoku_file_path in sudoku_files.items(): collected_data = [] # determine number of sudokus in file (always 50 in this case) with open(sudoku_file_path, 'r') as sudokus_file: number_of_sudokus = len( # UNCOMMENT FOR TEST #number_of_sudokus = 5 # go over each sudoku in the current file for sudoku_nr in range(number_of_sudokus): print(sudoku_nr, level) # write current sudoku from .txt file in DIMACS format sud2sat_experiments(sudoku_file_path, sudoku_nr) # run the SAT solver on the current sudoku for the give number of replicates replicates = [] for i in range(NR_REPLICATES): # create new data storage globals.initialize() globals.experiment_data["level"] = level globals.experiment_data["sudoku_nr"] = sudoku_nr startTime = time.time() SATsolver("sudoku_DIMACS_format.txt", "sudoku-rules.txt") # store runtime globals.experiment_data["runtime"] = time.time() - startTime #print(globals.experiment_data) # DEBUG replicates.append(globals.experiment_data) collected_data.append(replicates) data_filename = METHOD + "_" + level pickle.dump(collected_data, open("data/" + data_filename + ".p", "wb"))
def run(): globals.initialize() G = cargarGrafo('archivos/test1.txt', True) testUtils.test("Componente conexa empezando de 0: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5]", componenteConexa(G, 0), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5]) testUtils.test("Componente conexa empezando de 1: [1, 0, 3, 4, 6, 2, 5]", componenteConexa(G, 1), [1, 0, 3, 4, 6, 2, 5]) testUtils.test("Componente conexa empezando de 2: [2, 0, 4, 3, 6, 5, 1]", componenteConexa(G, 2), [2, 0, 4, 3, 6, 5, 1]) testUtils.test("Componente conexa empezando de 3: [3, 1, 4, 6, 0, 2, 5]", componenteConexa(G, 3), [3, 1, 4, 6, 0, 2, 5]) testUtils.test("Componente conexa empezando de 4: [4, 2, 3, 6, 5, 0, 1]", componenteConexa(G, 4), [4, 2, 3, 6, 5, 0, 1]) testUtils.test("Componente conexa empezando de 5: [5, 2, 0, 4, 3, 6, 1]", componenteConexa(G, 5), [5, 2, 0, 4, 3, 6, 1]) testUtils.test("Componente conexa empezando de 6: [6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 0]", componenteConexa(G, 6), [6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 0]) testUtils.test("Componente conexa empezando de 7: [7, 8]", componenteConexa(G, 7), [7, 8]) testUtils.test("Componente conexa empezando de 8: [8, 7]", componenteConexa(G, 8), [8, 7]) testUtils.test("Componentes conexas de G: [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5], [7, 8]]", componentesConexas(G), [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5], [7, 8]]) globals.initialize() G3 = cargarGrafo('archivos/test3.txt', True) testUtils.test( "Componentes conexas de G3: [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]", componentesConexas(G3), [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9], [10, 11, 12]])
def run(): globals.initialize() G = cargarGrafo('archivos/test2.txt', True) testUtils.test("G es dirigido", G.esDirigido(), True) testUtils.test("Nombres e indices", G.getNames(), { 'A': 0, 0: 'A', 'C': 2, 'B': 1, 'D': 3, 1: 'B', 2: 'C', 3: 'D' }) testUtils.test("G tiene 4 nodos", G.cantidadNodos(), 4) testUtils.test("G tiene 4 aristas", G.cantidadAristas(), 4) testUtils.test("G: adyacentes a A = [B]", G.adyacenciasA(0), [1]) # Indices de los nombres testUtils.test("G: adyacentes a B = [C]", G.adyacenciasA(1), [2]) # Indices de los nombres testUtils.test("G: adyacentes a C = [A]", G.adyacenciasA(2), [0]) # Indices de los nombres testUtils.test("G: adyacentes a D = [C]", G.adyacenciasA(3), [2]) # Indices de los nombres testUtils.test("G: tiene grado de entradas", G.getGradoEntradas(), [1, 1, 2, 0])
def smoothMove(mouseCoords, options): globals.initialize() mouseCt = 0 # 0: not moving down, 1: started to move down or moving down t_start = time.time() t_end = time.time() + options.seconds lastMouseCTime = time.time() while time.time() < t_end: try: curMouseCTime = time.time() curMouseC = mouseCoords.get(True, options.seconds) #continue except queue.Empty: # this will be thrown when the timeout is hit #break print("mouse except") continue else: # mouse if curMouseC[2]:[0], y=curMouseC[1]) continue cursorX, cursorY = pyautogui.position() #print("Z: ", curMouseC[2]) # For black spots, or setecting far off back ground object, skip # Mouse move pyautogui.move((curMouseC[0] - cursorX) / 2, (curMouseC[1] - cursorY) / 2)
def main(): globals.initialize() #Initialize the globals file op1 = ["16S", "Ile_AUC", "Ala_GCA", "23S", "5S"] op2 = ["16S", "Ala_GCA", "23S", "5S"] op3 = ["16S", "Gln_CAA", "Ala_GCA", "23S", "5S", "16S"] performMultiSequenceAlignment(op1, op2, op3)
def main(argv): globals.initialize() buddy_manager.init_buddy() #ws_client.stsrv() buddy_manager.panic(10)
def usr_sign_up(): globals.initialize() try: with open(\"usrs_info.pickle\", \"rb\") as usr_file: usrs_info = pickle.load(usr_file) except FileNotFoundError: with open(\"usrs_info.pickle\", \"wb\") as usr_file: usrs_info = {\"admin\": \"admin\"} pickle.dump(usrs_info, usr_file)
def main(): banner = """ ██╗ ██╗████████╗████████╗██████╗ ██╗███████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗███████╗██╗ ██╗███████╗██╗ ██╗ ██║ ██║╚══██╔══╝╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗ ██╔╝██╔════╝ ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██║██╔════╝██║ ██║██╔════╝██║ ██║ ███████║ ██║ ██║ ██████╔╝██╔╝ ███████╗ ██████╔╝█████╗ ██║ ██║███████╗███████║█████╗ ██║ ██║ ██╔══██║ ██║ ██║ ██╔═══╝██╔╝ ╚════██║ ██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ╚██╗ ██╔╝╚════██║██╔══██║██╔══╝ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██╔╝ ███████║ ██║ ██║███████╗ ╚████╔╝ ███████║██║ ██║███████╗███████╗███████╗ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚═══╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝ By: 3v4Si0N """ print(Color.F_Yellow + banner + Color.reset) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.') parser.add_argument('host', help='Listen Host', type=str) parser.add_argument('port', help='Listen Port', type=int) parser.add_argument('--ssl', default=False, action="store_true", help='Send traffic over ssl') parser.add_argument('--autocomplete', default=False, action="store_true", help='Autocomplete powershell functions') args = parser.parse_args() try: HOST = PORT = args.port server = HTTPServer((HOST, PORT), myHandler) print(time.asctime(), 'Server UP - %s:%s' % (HOST, PORT)) globals.initialize() if (args.ssl): cert = certificate.Certificate() if ((cert.checkCertPath() == False) or cert.checkCertificateExpiration()): cert.genCertificate() server.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(server.socket, certfile='certificate/cacert.pem', keyfile='certificate/private.pem', server_side=True) if (args.autocomplete): globals.AUTOCOMPLETE = True else: readline.set_completer_delims(" ") readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print(' received, shutting down the web server') server.socket.close()
def findMotif(sequences, motifLength, iterations): # initialize global sequence and motif variables globals.initialize(sequences, motifLength) # choose a random motif position for each unchosen sequence positions = chooseMotifPositions() # initialize iteration variables currentInformationContent = 0.0 bestInformationContent = 0.0 profileMatrix = [] probabilityMatrix = [] positionWeights = [] normalizedPositionWeights = [] bestPositions = [] bestProfileMatrix = [] for iteration in range(0, iterations): for unchosenSequenceIndex in range(0, len(sequences)): # count residue and background occurences for each position for all unchosen sequences profileMatrix = profile_matrix.createProfileMatrix(positions, unchosenSequenceIndex) # determine residue and background probabilities probabilityMatrix = probability_matrix.createProbabilityMatrix(profileMatrix) # calculate weight for each possible motif position in the chosen sequence positionWeights = position_weights.calculatePositionWeights(probabilityMatrix) # normalize position weights normalizedPositionWeights = position_weights.normalizePositionWeights(positionWeights) # randomly choose position based on normalized probabilities positions[unchosenSequenceIndex] = position_weights.choosePosition(normalizedPositionWeights) # recalculate profile and probability matrix profileMatrix = profile_matrix.createProfileMatrix(positions, -1) probabilityMatrix = probability_matrix.createProbabilityMatrix(profileMatrix) # calculate information content of current sample currentInformationContent = probability_matrix.calculateInformationContent(probabilityMatrix, positions) # update best sample if current has greater information content if currentInformationContent > bestInformationContent: bestInformationContent = currentInformationContent bestPositions = list(positions) bestProfileMatrix = list(profileMatrix) # update unchosen sequence value for next iteration if unchosenSequenceIndex < (len(sequences) - 1): globals.unchosenSequence = sequences[unchosenSequenceIndex + 1] return [bestPositions, bestProfileMatrix, bestInformationContent]
async def update_stats(): globals.initialize() await bot.wait_until_ready() while not bot.is_closed(): try: if globals.err: with open("log/stats.txt", "a") as f: f.write( f"Time: {int(time.time())}, Command: {globals.last_cmd}, Error message: {globals.err_msg}\n" ) globals.err = False await asyncio.sleep(5) except Exception as e: print(e) await asyncio.sleep(5)
def main(): # if len(sys.argv) != 2: # sys.stdout.write("Usage: SAT -Sn inputfile\n " #TODO geef juiste Usage info # "*n = 1 for DP\n*n = 2 for MOM\n*n = 3 for JW *n = 4 for x-wing\n*n = 5 for y-wing") # sys.exit(1) #TODO make code run with commandline globals.initialize() startTime = time.time() SATsolver("output.txt", "sudoku-rules.txt") print('The script took {0} seconds!'.format(time.time() - startTime)) print(globals.experiment_data['splits'])
def beginProcessing(): done = deleteFrames() globals.initialize() print(done) global filename filename = "" if request.method == 'POST': # check if the post request has the file part if 'file' not in request.files: flash('No file part') return redirect(request.url) file = request.files['file'] # if user does not select file, browser also # submit a empty part without filename if file.filename == '': flash('No selected file') return redirect(request.url) if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename)['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) processing() return redirect(url_for('displayResult'))
def main(): # failsafe, to check if user inserted correct input if ARGS.sudoku_files == None: raise ImportError( "Please insert a .txt file that consists of a concatenation of the sudoku-rules \ and the sudoku in DIMACS format (in that order)") # check for heuristic input if ARGS.heuristic == "S1": print("Running DP algorithm.") elif ARGS.heuristic == "S2": print("Running DP algorithm with JW heuristic.") elif ARGS.heuristic == "S3": print("Running DP algorithm with MOM heuristic.") else: raise ImportError( "Please insert any of these options to run a heuristic: S1, S2, S3" ) # check for strategy input if ARGS.strategy == "naked-pairs": print("Using naked-pairs human strategy.") elif ARGS.strategy == "naked-triples": print("Using naked-triples human strategy.") elif ARGS.strategy == "x-wings": print("Using x-wing human strategy.") elif ARGS.strategy == "all": print("Using all human strategies.") elif ARGS.strategy == None: pass else: raise ImportError( "Please insert any of these options to run a human-strategy: naked-pairs, naked-triples, \ x-wings, all") globals.initialize() SATsolver(None, ARGS.sudoku_files, ARGS)
#Case 3: Only the right sibling exists so return it elif rightSibling != None and rightSibling.genomeFragments != None and len( rightSibling.genomeFragments) > 0: return rightSibling #Case 4: None of the siblings exist so return NULL else: return None ###################################################### # main ###################################################### print('Starting application...') startTime = time.time() globals.initialize() #Initialize the globals file if globals.printToConsole: print('Reading newick tree from file: %s...' % (newickFileName)) newickTree =, 'newick') if globals.printToConsole: Phylo.draw(newickTree) globals.strains = strains #Assign pointer to the global strains array so we can access it anywhere createFile(outputFileName, newickTree) #Creates file where data will be output #Traverses the newick tree recursively reconstructing ancestral genomes if globals.printToConsole: print('Traversing newick tree...') result = traverseNewickTree(newickTree.clade, None)
import globals from Case import Case from Grid import Grid from Visual import Visual globals.initialize() grid = Grid([[Case() for i in range(globals.sizeOfGrid)] for j in range(globals.sizeOfGrid)]) visual = Visual(grid)
def main(): globals.initialize() #Initialize the globals file global newickFileName global outputFileName global testFileName if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "WARNING: Must provide a Newick tree and test folder name. Exiting..." sys.exit(0) newickFileName = sys.argv[1] if newickFileName == "tree2LeafNeighbour.dnd": outputFileName = sys.argv[2] + "/ApplicationNeighbourOutput.txt" else: outputFileName = sys.argv[2] + "/ApplicationOutput.txt" testFileName = sys.argv[2] + '/' print('Starting application...') startTime = time.time() if globals.printToConsole: print('Reading newick tree from file: %s...' % (newickFileName)) newickTree =, 'newick') if globals.printToConsole: Phylo.draw(newickTree) globals.strains = strains #Assign pointer to the global strains array so we can access it anywhere createFile(outputFileName, newickTree) #Creates file where data will be output #Traverses the newick tree recursively reconstructing ancestral genomes if globals.printToConsole: print('Traversing newick tree...') result = traverseNewickTree(newickTree.clade, None) endTime = time.time() totalTime = endTime - startTime #Output ancestral genome to console if globals.printToConsole: print('This is the root ancestral genome!') root = newickTree.clade rootGenome = [] if newickFileName == "tree2LeafNeighbour.dnd": if len(root.clades) == 2: child = root.clades[0] if len(child.clades) != 2: child = root.clades[1] neighbour = root.clades[0] else: neighbour = root.clades[1] if != None and len( > 0: filteredList = iter( filter(lambda x: ==, strains)) foundStrain = next(filteredList, None) if foundStrain != None: ancestralFragments = foundStrain.genomeFragments rootGenome = ', '.join(fragment.originalSequence for fragment in ancestralFragments) with open(testFileName + "appNeighbourRoot.txt", "w+") as f: f.write(rootGenome) = '' = '' else: if != None and len( > 0: filteredList = iter(filter(lambda x: ==, strains)) foundStrain = next(filteredList, None) if foundStrain != None: ancestralFragments = foundStrain.genomeFragments rootGenome = ', '.join(fragment.originalSequence for fragment in ancestralFragments) with open(testFileName + "appRoot.txt", "w+") as f: f.write(rootGenome) if globals.printToConsole: #Output newick tree after the ancestors have been added to it Phylo.draw(newickTree) #Need to traverse tree to ouput appropriate content to file = '' #Make sure that the output for the root is not output traverseNewickTreeAndOutputToFile(newickTree.clade) #Output the totals for the computation to console and file outputTotalsToFile(outputFileName, totalTime) #TODO compute lineage #target = 'NC_014019' #print('Computing lineage cost for: %s' % (target)) #lineageCost = computeLineageCost(newickTree.clade, target, None) #if lineageCost != None: #print('Successfully found and computed the lineage for: %s' % (target)) #Output Bar graphs of each event if globals.printToConsole: createBarGraph(globals.deletionSizeCounter, 'Distribution of Deletions') createBarGraph(globals.duplicationSizeCounter, 'Distribution of Duplications') createBarGraph(globals.inversionSizeDistributionCounter, 'Distribution of Inversions') createBarGraph(globals.transpositionSizeDistributionCounter, 'Distribution of Transpositions') createBarGraph(globals.invertedTranspositionSizeDistributionCounter, 'Distribution of Inverted Transpositions') print('Total time (in seconds): %s' % (totalTime)) print('Ending application...')
def voice(): excel.popen1() globals.initialize() import PyAutoGUI winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/vcmode.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) while globals.var==1: r = sr.Recognizer() try: with sr.Microphone() as source: print(\"Speak:\") r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) audio = r.listen(source, timeout=10,phrase_time_limit=3) data = r.recognize_google(audio, language='zh-TW') print(\"您所說的話: \" + data ) def listen(): try: with sr.Microphone() as source: print(\"請說出您的帳戶名稱:\") winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/username.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) audio = r.listen(source, timeout=20, phrase_time_limit=3) speak = r.recognize_google(audio,language='zh-EN') print(\"User name: \" + speak) PyAutoGUI.write(speak) winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) except: return listen() if '註冊' in data: PyAutoGUI.sign_up() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) elif '錄音' in data: PyAutoGUI.record() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) elif '開始' in data: PyAutoGUI.recording() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) elif '波形' in data: PyAutoGUI.wave() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) elif '關閉' in data: PyAutoGUI.close() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) elif '寫入' in data: PyAutoGUI.insert() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) elif '結束' in data: PyAutoGUI.record_finish() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) elif '訓練' in data: PyAutoGUI.train() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) elif '完成' in data: PyAutoGUI.sign_finish() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) elif '驗證' in data: PyAutoGUI.user_ver() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) elif '登入' in data: globals.var==0 PyAutoGUI.log_in() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) excel.pclose() elif '確定' in data: PyAutoGUI.confirm() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) elif '使用者' in data: PyAutoGUI.user_name() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) listen() elif '帳號' in data: PyAutoGUI.account() winsound.PlaySound(\"audio/dong.wav\", winsound.SND_FILENAME) listen() except sr.UnknownValueError: print(\"Could not understand audio\") except sr.RequestError as e: print(\"Could not request results; {0}\".format(e)) except: pass
def procPip(frames, mouseCoords, options): globals.initialize() # Setup processing directories for pool of processes # Setup tmp image dir try: if (not os.path.isdir(globals.tmpDir)): os.mkdir(globals.tmpDir) except OSError as error: print("Could not make: " + globals.tmpDir) # Setup temp dir for pool of processes tmpImageDir = [ globals.tmpDir + "proc_" + str(i) + "/" for i in range(globals.threadPoolSize) ] for i in range(globals.threadPoolSize): #print (tmpImageDir[i]) try: if (not os.path.isdir(tmpImageDir[i])): os.mkdir(tmpImageDir[i]) except OSError as error: print("Could not make dir: " + tmpImageDir[i]) #pPool = multiprocessing.Pool(globals.threadPoolSize) backArr, backgroundZValue = getBackground(frames, options, globals.tmpDir) backgroundZValue -= globals.zNoiseThr zChangeState = 0 zMoveDownStart = 0 zMoveDownEnd = zMoveDownStart # Both equal is reset state lx, ly, lz = (0, 0, backgroundZValue + 100) ct = 0 t_end = time.time() + options.seconds while time.time() < t_end: #listOfArgs = [] #ct += globals.threadPoolSize #ct += 1 try: # try to retrieve an item from the queue. # this will block until an item can be retrieved # or the timeout of 1 second is hit item = frames.get(True) #for fId in range(globals.threadPoolSize): # item = frames.get(True, 1) # listOfArgs.append([tmpImageDir[fId], item, backArr, backgroundZValue, options.debug, ct+fId, globals.xM, globals.yM]) except queue.Empty: # this will be thrown when the timeout is hit #print("pipeline except") continue else: # stTime = time.time() (x, y, z) = pipeline(globals.tmpDir, item, backArr, backgroundZValue, options.debug, ct, globals.xM, globals.yM) currX, currY = pyautogui.position() #print ("curMouseC, lastMouseC :", (x, y, z), (lx, ly, lz)) #curMouseCArray = pPool.starmap(pipeline, listOfArgs) #print ("curMouseCArray :", curMouseCArray) #print("Pip time: ", (time.time() - stTime)) #for (x, y, z) in curMouseCArray: # if any of x, y or z in None, skip the frame if x is None or y is None or z is None: continue # Got a valid frame, first check whether click is being made, if clicking, stablize x, y and do not move the cursor dZ = z - lz zMoveDiff = zMoveDownEnd - zMoveDownStart #print(dZ) if (dZ > globals.zMoveDownThr): # mouse is moving down #print("Mouse moving down. frames: " + str(zChangeState) + " Z: ", str(z) + " dZ: " + str(dZ)) if (zMoveDiff == 0): zMoveDownStart = lz zMoveDownEnd = z # z - lz must be postive as dZ is positive, so this loop will not be executed next time #print("Click down started. Start Z: " + str(zMoveDownStart) + " End Z: " + str(zMoveDownEnd)) else: # It is moving down, record last coordintates zMoveDownEnd = z #print("Click down continued. Start Z: " + str(zMoveDownStart) + " End Z: " + str(zMoveDownEnd)) lz = z # keep lx and ly unchanged to stabilize cursor continue # click stated or in progress so check next frame without moving mouse elif (zMoveDiff > globals.clickZThr): # Mouse is not moving down now but had moved right before by click threshold print("Clicked. distance: " + str(zMoveDiff)) mouseCoords.put( (lx, ly, True)) # Use lx, ly to keep mouse where click was started #lx, ly, lz = x, y, z # update to new location to keep subsequent movement smooth lx, ly, lz = currX, currY, z # Reset and tracking of downward movement zMoveDownEnd = zMoveDownStart continue # If control come here, mouse is not moving down and it was not a click # Reset and tracking of downward movement zMoveDownEnd = zMoveDownStart dX = abs(x - lx) dY = abs(y - ly) # ignore jitter and out of range if (dX < globals.dXMin or dX > globals.dXMax or dY < globals.dYMin or dY > globals.dYMax): #print("dX and dY out of range or jittering") continue if (z == 0) or (z > backgroundZValue): #print("Put prematurely") # do not update z #lx, ly = x, y lx, ly = currX, currY else: #lx, ly, lz = x, y, z lx, ly, lz = currX, currY, z # no click, just move mouse #print("x:" + str(x) + "y: " + str(y)) mouseCoords.put((x, y, False))
def main(token: str, language: str, options_path: str): """Main Milton subroutine. Loads all modules, memory, and handles incoming messages. Also detects and responds to changes in user and guild joining. Args: token: str Discord token to allow logging in. language: str Default language to use in guilds where no language setting is applied. options_path: str Path to options.json file Returns: None """ print("This is Milton, and I'm initializing.") client = ds.Client() # Initialize global variables and commands G.initialize(options_path) commands.make_commands() achieves.make_achievements() idle.make_commands() items.make_commands() # Completed loading of Milton message + preliminary activity @client.event async def on_ready(): """Preliminary activity Checks all guilds for all users and initializes them in memory. """ print('We have logged in as {0.user}.'.format(client)) print('I will be speaking "{0}" as default.'.format(language)) print("Looking for new members/guilds while I was away...") # We search all guilds and users Milton can see and initialize them. i = 0 for guild in client.guilds: # Add new guilds if str( not in G.GLD.keys(): default_dict = {"language": language} G.GLD[str(] = mun.DefaultMunch().fromDict(default_dict, 0), G.GLD) # Add new members for member in guild.members: if str( not in G.USR.keys(): i += 1 G.USR[str(] = mun.DefaultMunch(0) G.USR[str(].name = tools.save_users() print(f"Found {i} new members") game = ds.Game("with myself.") # Update "playing" message, for fun. print("Ready!") await client.change_presence(, activity=game) # On message @client.event async def on_message(message): """Handles parsing and responding to all incoming messages Milton can see.""" # Special checks on the message before parsing commands # Don't reply to yourself if == client.user: return # Update locale for current guild G.update_loc(G.GLD[str(].language) # Randomly throw out an insult, for fun if message.content.startswith(G.OPT.prefix) is False and\ G.OPT.insult_threshold is not False and\ != client.user: if G.OPT.insult_threshold == random.randint(0, G.OPT.insult_threshold): await # Don't compute further if it isn't directed to Milton. if message.content.startswith(G.OPT.prefix) is False: return # Count the number of times this person typed a command. tools.update_user(, stat="commandCount", increase=1) # Update total joules (remove in a while?): if G.USR[str(].lifetime_joules == 0 and \ G.USR[str(].joules > 0: stats = idle.make_all_stats(str( min_joules = G.USR[str(].joules for stat in stats.values(): min_joules += stat.recalculate_price(-1) tools.update_user(str(, stat="lifetime_joules", set=min_joules) # Run normal commands for command in G.COMMANDS: if command.permission(message) is True: if command.where == "channel": for string in command.logic(message): await elif command.where == "user": if is None: await for string in command.logic(message): await await message.delete() # Achievements that contain strings: if message.content.startswith(G.OPT.prefix + "^^vv<><>ba"): tools.update_user(str(, "konami", set=True) await message.delete() if message.content.startswith(G.OPT.prefix + "cheat"): tools.update_user(str(, "cheat", set=True) await message.delete() # Check Achievements achieve_intro = True for achieve in G.ACHIEVES: if achieve.status == "legacy": continue if G.USR[str(].epoch < achieve.epoch: continue if achieve.check_trigger(str( is True: out = tools.MsgBuilder() if achieve_intro: out.add(G.LOC.msg.on_award) achieve_intro = False out.add(achieve.award( for string in out.parse(): await @client.event async def on_member_join(member): """Handles when new members join guilds""" # Update locale for current guild G.update_loc(G.GLD[str(].language) if is True: # We don't do anything with bot accounts return for channel in member.server.channels: if str( in ['casa', 'general']: line = tools.get_random_line(G.LOC.hello_path) await channel.send(line.format( if not in G.USR.keys(): G.USR[str(] = mun.DefaultMunch(0) G.USR[str(].name = tools.save_users() @client.event async def on_guild_join(guild): """Handles when Milton joins a guild""" if str( not in G.GLD.keys(): default_dict = {"language": language} G.GLD[str(] = mun.DefaultMunch().fromDict(default_dict, 0), G.GLD) # Add new members for member in guild.members: if str( not in G.USR.keys(): G.USR[str(] = mun.DefaultMunch(0) G.USR[str(].name = tools.save_users() async def generate_titan(): """Subroutine to check when to spawn titans""" await client.wait_until_ready() while True: now = time.time() to_hour = G.OPT.titanhours * 3600 - (now % 3600)"I checked when to spawn titans.")"I'll check when to spawn titans again in {to_hour / 60} minutes.") for guild_id, guild in G.GLD.items(): if guild.titan_status is not True: G.update_loc(G.GLD[str(guild_id)].language) level = idle.spawn_titan(guild_id) titan = idle.Titan(level) channel = client.get_channel(guild.notification_channel) if guild.notification_channel != 0: await channel.send(G.LOC.msg.generated_titan.format( level, tools.fn(titan.hp), round((1 - titan.armor) * 100, 2) )) await asyncio.sleep(to_hour) client.loop.create_task(generate_titan()) return None
def deleteFrames(): folder = 'E:/BE PROJECT/Flask/static/frames' for the_file in os.listdir(folder): file_path = os.path.join(folder, the_file) #print(file_path) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) #elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) except Exception as e: print(e) return("Frames Deleted") if __name__ == '__main__': initialize() result1 = VideoToFrames('query') result2 = createFeatureVectors() result3 = AutomateDBParameters() result4 = generateKeyFrames() yoloR = yoloCall() print(globals.keys) print(globals.values2) result5 = DatabaseVideoIDExtraction() img = generateClusterImages() #list of all images to generate thumbnails #print(img) #print("generateClusterImages done") result7 = createThumbnail(img) print( globals.df_storeImageThumbnailQuery ) result6 = findSimilarityMatrix()
from gui import GUI from gui import print_message from gui import InventoryMenu from random import randint import colors from ressources import resources_init #import Profile import cProfile import pstats # Initialize globals g.initialize() # Initialize Clock FPS = 120 # 60 g.clock = pygame.time.Clock() """PERFORMANCE""" # TODO PFERFORMANCE: map blit # TODO PFERFORMANCE: gui # TODO PFERFORMANCE: append to list? # Are you repeatedly adding sprites to a list without realising? # Maybe you're creating a new font object everytime in a loop? # Maybe you're not killing sprites that are off-screen? #Well, you could try rendering in layers, and keeping some layers constant. # Basically, you blit your background images onto one common surface once* # and then just blit the common surface to the window surface;