def lookforurl(username, task_id): """ Uses module global API client instance. """ activer=[username,"-c",os.getcwd()+"/credential-"+username+".pem"] global api api, _ = create_client_from_args(activer) #print " Here: ",api.task_list() # See what is in the account before we make any submissions. #print "=== Before transfer ===" #display_tasksummary(); print #display_task_list(); print #display_endpoint_list(); print #status, reason, result = api.task(task_id) oldstdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull,'w') status, reason, result = api.task(task_id) sys.stdout = oldstdout # enable output if result["status"] != "SUCCEEDED": print "The process is not finished yet." print "Its status is "+result["status"]; print sys.exit(0) #else: #print "The task succeeded" #status, reason, result = api.subtask_list(task_id) destendpoint = [] status, reason, result = api.get("/task/%s" % task_id) #print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++ " #print result["source_endpoint"], result["destination_endpoint"] #print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++ " try: destendpoint.append(re.split("#",result["destination_endpoint"])[1]) except: destendpoint.append(result["destination_path"]) inurllist = [] outurllist = [] status, reason, result = api.task_successful_transfers(task_id) for subtask in result["DATA"]: #print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++ " #print subtask["source_path"], subtask["destination_path"], subtask["destination_endpoint"] #print " ++++++++++++++++++++++++ " inurllist.append(subtask["source_path"]) outurllist.append(subtask["destination_path"]) while result["next_marker"] != [] and result["next_marker"] != None: #print result["next_marker"] #print "There are more pid..." status, reason, result = api.task_successful_transfers(task_id, marker=result["next_marker"]) for subtask in result["DATA"]: #print subtask #print subtask["source_path"], subtask["destination_path"], subtask["destination_endpoint"] inurllist.append(subtask["source_path"]) outurllist.append(subtask["destination_path"]) return inurllist, outurllist, destendpoint
def defineurlendpoint(username): """ Uses module global API client instance. """ activer=[username,"-c",os.getcwd()+"/credential-"+username+".pem"] global api api, _ = create_client_from_args(activer) urlendpoint={} #print; print "============= Retrieving endpoint-list ==============" status, message, data = api.endpoint_list(filter="username:"******"99") for ep_data in data["DATA"]: value = ep_data["canonical_name"] key = ep_data["DATA"][0]["hostname"] urlendpoint[key]=value #print "============= endpoint-list retrivied ==============" return urlendpoint
def detailsoftask(username, task_id): """ Uses module global API client instance. """ activer=[username,"-c",os.getcwd()+"/credential-"+username+".pem"] global api global interactivity api, _ = create_client_from_args(activer) oldstdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull,'w') status, reason, result = api.task(task_id) sys.stdout = oldstdout # enable output if result["status"] != "SUCCEEDED": print "The process is not finished yet: its status is "+result["status"]; print status, reason, result = api.task_event_list(task_id) #print "====== File info ======" #print result #for data in result["DATA"]: r'(.*)Command(.*) .*',data["details"]) #if matchObj: #break #filename=containingfilename.split()[2] #print filename #api.file_list(filename) #print "====== File info end ======"; print print "The operation has the following details:"; print try: data=result["DATA"][0] except: print "The data are not available yet. Try in a few seconds again." sys.exit(0) for key, value in data.iteritems(): print key, value; print print if not interactivity: full_exit("Done!") else: print "The task already succeeded" if not interactivity: full_exit("Done!")
def canceltask(username, task_id): """ Uses module global API client instance. """ activer=[username,"-c",os.getcwd()+"/credential-"+username+".pem"] global api global interactivity api, _ = create_client_from_args(activer) oldstdout=sys.stdout sys.stdout = open(os.devnull,'w') status, reason, result = api.task(task_id) sys.stdout = oldstdout # enable output if result["status"] != "SUCCEEDED": print "The process is not finished yet: its status is "+result["status"]; print print "It is going to be cancelled."; print status, reason, result = api.task_cancel(task_id) print "The cancel operation exited with the following message from GO:" print result["message"]; print if not interactivity: full_exit("Done!") else: print "The task already succeeded" if not interactivity: full_exit("Done!")
def globus_transfer(image_id, cfg): packages_directory = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".gdclient","packages") package_directory = os.path.join(packages_directory, image_id) if not os.path.isdir(package_directory): print "Cannot find image "+image_id+" for transfer; please run --package level collaboration" return if not cfg.config['GLOBUS']['local-folder']: print "Cannot obtain from config file: local folder shared in GLOBUS " return if not cfg.config['GLOBUS']['local-endpoint']: print "Cannot obtain from config file: GLOBUS local endpoint" return if not cfg.config['GLOBUS']['remote-endpoint']: print "Cannot obtain from config file: GLOBUS remote endpoint" return if not cfg.config['GLOBUS']['globus-remote-folder']: print "Cannot obtain from config file: globus folder shared in remote GLOBUS endpoint" return if not cfg.config['GLOBUS']['globus-local-folder']: print "Cannot obtain from config file: globus folder shared in local GLOBUS endpoint" return print "Please wait. Saving image ..." short_image_name = image_id.strip()+".tgz" image_file = cfg.config['GLOBUS']['local-folder']+"/"+short_image_name command = "cd "+packages_directory+";tar czf "+image_file+" "+ image_id # print "will run: ",command run_command(command) source_endpoint = cfg.config['GLOBUS']['local-endpoint'] # 'globuspublish#cirlab' source_folder= cfg.config['GLOBUS']['globus-local-folder'] # '/globuspublication_52/' remote_endpoint = cfg.config['GLOBUS']['remote-endpoint'] # 'globuspublish#cirlab' remote_folder= cfg.config['GLOBUS']['globus-remote-folder'] # '/globuspublication_52/' # # command = "ssh [email protected] scp cvlaescx#test_2:/docker_image/dockeraf8db02049ae25d3e64436769411206258b3b003.tar cvlaescx#test:/home/cristian/Installs/new3.tar" # source = "%s%s%s" %(source_endpoint,source_folder, short_image_name) # destination = "%s%s%s" %(remote_endpoint,remote_folder, short_image_name) # command = "ssh %[email protected] transfer -- %s %s" % (cfg.config['Default']['uname'], source, destination) # # print "will run: ",command # run_command(command) # #print "USAGE: transfer [destination_endpoint:destination_folder]" transfer_args = [cfg.config['Default']['uname'], '-g', cfg.config['Default']['goauth-token']] TransferAPIClient, _ = create_client_from_args(transfer_args) activate_endpoint(TransferAPIClient, source_endpoint) activate_endpoint(TransferAPIClient, remote_endpoint) # submit the transfer code, message, data = TransferAPIClient.transfer_submission_id() submission_id = data["value"] deadline = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=10) t = Transfer(submission_id, source_endpoint, remote_endpoint, deadline) source_image_name = "%s%s"%(source_folder,short_image_name) destination_image_name = "%s%s"%(remote_folder,short_image_name) t.add_item(source_image_name, destination_image_name) code, reason, data = TransferAPIClient.transfer(t) task_id = data["task_id"] print "Submitted transfer id: ", task_id return "globus://%s%s%s"%(remote_endpoint,remote_folder,short_image_name)
print " (%s)" % s["subject"] else: print def unicode_(data): """ Coerce any type to unicode, assuming utf-8 encoding for strings. """ if isinstance(data, unicode): return data if isinstance(data, str): return unicode(data, "utf-8") else: return unicode(data) def display_ls(endpoint_name, path=""): code, reason, data = api.endpoint_ls(endpoint_name, path) # Server returns canonical path; "" maps to the users default path, # which is typically their home directory "/~/". path = data["path"] print "Contents of %s on %s:" % (path, endpoint_name) headers = "name, type, permissions, size, user, group, last_modified" headers_list = headers.split(", ") print headers for f in data["DATA"]: print ", ".join([unicode_(f[k]) for k in headers_list]) if __name__ == '__main__': api, _ = create_client_from_args() tutorial()
The credential passed as the third argument is what is used to activate the endpoint, and may be the same or different from the credential used to authenticate to the API (passed with -k/-c). The endpoint name may contain a # which is a shell comment, so be sure to quote the endpoint name. """ import sys from globusonline.transfer.api_client import create_client_from_args from globusonline.transfer.api_client import x509_proxy if __name__ == '__main__': api, args = create_client_from_args() if len(args) < 2: sys.stderr.write( "username, endpoint, cred_file arguments are required") sys.exit(1) ep = args[0] cred_file = args[1] print "Using x509_proxy implementation '%s'" % x509_proxy.implementation _, _, reqs = api.endpoint_activation_requirements(ep, type="delegate_proxy") public_key = reqs.get_requirement_value("delegate_proxy", "public_key") proxy = x509_proxy.create_proxy_from_file(cred_file, public_key) reqs.set_requirement_value("delegate_proxy", "proxy_chain", proxy)
def unicode_(data): """ Coerce any type to unicode, assuming utf-8 encoding for strings. """ if isinstance(data, unicode): return data if isinstance(data, str): return unicode(data, "utf-8") else: return unicode(data) def display_ls(endpoint_name, path=""): code, reason, data = api.endpoint_ls(endpoint_name, path) # Server returns canonical path; "" maps to the users default path, # which is typically their home directory "/~/". path = data["path"] print "Contents of %s on %s:" % (path, endpoint_name) headers = "name, type, permissions, size, user, group, last_modified" headers_list = headers.split(", ") print headers for f in data["DATA"]: print ", ".join([unicode_(f[k]) for k in headers_list]) if __name__ == '__main__': api, _ = create_client_from_args() tutorial()