def get_injections(injfnames, FAR, zero_lag_segments, verbose = False): """ """ def injection_was_made(geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns, zero_lag_segments = zero_lag_segments): """ return True if injection was made in the given segmentlist """ return lsctables.LIGOTimeGPS(geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns) in zero_lag_segments found = [] missed = [] print("", file=sys.stderr) for cnt, f in enumerate(injfnames): print("getting injections below FAR: " + str(FAR) + ":\t%.1f%%\r" % (100.0 * cnt / len(injfnames),), end=' ', file=sys.stderr) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(f, tmp_path = None, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) connection.create_function("injection_was_made", 2, injection_was_made) make_sim_inspiral = lsctables.SimInspiralTable.get_table(dbtables.get_xml(connection))._row_from_cols for values in connection.cursor().execute(""" SELECT sim_inspiral.*, -- true if injection matched a coinc below the false alarm rate threshold EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM coinc_event_map AS mapa JOIN coinc_event_map AS mapb ON ( mapa.coinc_event_id == mapb.coinc_event_id ) JOIN coinc_inspiral ON ( mapb.table_name == "coinc_event" AND mapb.event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id ) WHERE mapa.table_name == "sim_inspiral" AND mapa.event_id == sim_inspiral.simulation_id AND coinc_inspiral.combined_far < ? ) FROM sim_inspiral WHERE -- only interested in injections that were injected injection_was_made(sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time, sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time_ns) """, (FAR,)): sim = make_sim_inspiral(values) if values[-1]: found.append(sim) else: missed.append(sim) # done connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose = verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) print("\nFound = %d Missed = %d" % (len(found), len(missed)), file=sys.stderr) return found, missed
def get_far_threshold_and_segments(zerofname, live_time_program, instruments, verbose = False): """ return the false alarm rate of the most rare zero-lag coinc, and a dictionary of the thinca segments indexed by instrument. """ # open database working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(zerofname, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) # extract false alarm rate threshold query = 'SELECT MIN(coinc_inspiral.combined_far) FROM coinc_inspiral JOIN coinc_event ON (coinc_event.coinc_event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id) WHERE (coinc_event.instruments == "' + str(instruments) + '") AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM time_slide WHERE time_slide.time_slide_id == coinc_event.time_slide_id AND time_slide.offset != 0);' print(query) far, = connection.cursor().execute(query).fetchone() # extract segments. seglists = db_thinca_rings.get_thinca_zero_lag_segments(connection, program_name = live_time_program) # done connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(zerofname, working_filename, verbose = verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) print("WARNING replacing far with 10^-7", file=sys.stderr) far = 1.0e-7 return far, seglists
def get_far_threshold_and_segments(zerofname, live_time_program, instruments, verbose=False): """ return the false alarm rate of the most rare zero-lag coinc, and a dictionary of the thinca segments indexed by instrument. """ # open database working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(zerofname, verbose=verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) # extract false alarm rate threshold query = 'SELECT MIN(coinc_inspiral.combined_far) FROM coinc_inspiral JOIN coinc_event ON (coinc_event.coinc_event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id) WHERE (coinc_event.instruments == "' + str( instruments ) + '") AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM time_slide WHERE time_slide.time_slide_id == coinc_event.time_slide_id AND time_slide.offset != 0);' print(query) far, = connection.cursor().execute(query).fetchone() # extract segments. seglists = db_thinca_rings.get_thinca_zero_lag_segments( connection, program_name=live_time_program) # done connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(zerofname, working_filename, verbose=verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) print("WARNING replacing far with 10^-7", file=sys.stderr) far = 1.0e-7 return far, seglists
def get_far_threshold_and_segments(zerofname, instruments, live_time_program, veto_seg_name="vetoes", verbose=True): """ return the false alarm rate of the most rare zero-lag coinc, and a dictionary of the thinca segments indexed by instrument. """ # open database working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(zerofname, verbose=verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) # extract false alarm rate threshold query = 'SELECT MIN(coinc_inspiral.false_alarm_rate) FROM coinc_inspiral JOIN coinc_event ON (coinc_event.coinc_event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id) WHERE ( coinc_event.instruments = "' + instruments + '" AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM time_slide WHERE time_slide.time_slide_id == coinc_event.time_slide_id AND time_slide.offset != 0) );' print("\n", query) far, = connection.cursor().execute(query).fetchone() # extract segments. seglists = db_thinca_rings.get_thinca_zero_lag_segments( connection, program_name=live_time_program) # done connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(zerofname, working_filename, verbose=verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) return far, seglists
def get_injections(injfnames, FAR, zero_lag_segments, verbose = False): """ """ def injection_was_made(geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns, zero_lag_segments = zero_lag_segments): """ return True if injection was made in the given segmentlist """ return lsctables.LIGOTimeGPS(geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns) in zero_lag_segments found = [] missed = [] print >>sys.stderr, "" for cnt, f in enumerate(injfnames): print >>sys.stderr, "getting injections below FAR: " + str(FAR) + ":\t%.1f%%\r" % (100.0 * cnt / len(injfnames),), working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(f, tmp_path = None, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) connection.create_function("injection_was_made", 2, injection_was_made) make_sim_inspiral = lsctables.table.get_table(dbtables.get_xml(connection), lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName)._row_from_cols for values in connection.cursor().execute(""" SELECT sim_inspiral.*, -- true if injection matched a coinc below the false alarm rate threshold EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM coinc_event_map AS mapa JOIN coinc_event_map AS mapb ON ( mapa.coinc_event_id == mapb.coinc_event_id ) JOIN coinc_inspiral ON ( mapb.table_name == "coinc_event" AND mapb.event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id ) WHERE mapa.table_name == "sim_inspiral" AND mapa.event_id == sim_inspiral.simulation_id AND coinc_inspiral.combined_far < ? ) FROM sim_inspiral WHERE -- only interested in injections that were injected injection_was_made(sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time, sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time_ns) """, (FAR,)): sim = make_sim_inspiral(values) if values[-1]: found.append(sim) else: missed.append(sim) # done connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose = verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) print >>sys.stderr, "\nFound = %d Missed = %d" % (len(found), len(missed)) return found, missed
def get_vetoes(fname, veto_segments_name = "vetoes", verbose=True): working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(fname, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) veto_segments = db_thinca_rings.get_veto_segments(connection, veto_segments_name) connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(fname, working_filename, verbose = verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) return veto_segments
def get_vetoes(fname, veto_segments_name="vetoes", verbose=True): working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(fname, verbose=verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) veto_segments = db_thinca_rings.get_veto_segments(connection, veto_segments_name) connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(fname, working_filename, verbose=verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) return veto_segments
def measure_efficiency(filenames, threshold, live_time_program = "lalapps_power", upper_limit_scale = "E", tmp_path = None, verbose = False): # FIXME: instruments are hard-coded. bad bad bad. sigh... if upper_limit_scale == "E": efficiency = EfficiencyData(("H1", "H2", "L1"), (lambda sim, instrument: sim.egw_over_rsquared), r"Equivalent Isotropic Energy ($M_{\odot} / \mathrm{pc}^{2}$)", 0.1) elif upper_limit_scale == "hrss": efficiency = EfficiencyData(("H1", "H2", "L1"), (lambda sim, instrument: sim.hrss), r"$h_{\mathrm{rss}}$", 0.1) else: raise ValueError("bad upper_limit_scale %s" % repr(upper_limit_scale)) # # Iterate over injection files. # for n, filename in enumerate(filenames): # # Open the database file. # if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "%d/%d: %s" % (n + 1, len(filenames), filename) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(filename, tmp_path = tmp_path, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) connection.create_function("coinc_detection_statistic", 2, coinc_detection_statistic) database = SnglBurstUtils.CoincDatabase(connection, live_time_program) if verbose: SnglBurstUtils.summarize_coinc_database(database) # # Process database contents. # efficiency.add_contents(database, threshold) # # Done with this file. # database.connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(filename, working_filename, verbose = verbose) # # Compute efficiency from the data that have been collected # if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "binning and smoothnig efficiency data ..." efficiency.finish(threshold) # # Done # return efficiency
def measure_threshold(filenames, n_survivors, live_time_program = "lalapps_power", tmp_path = None, open_box = False, verbose = False): # # Initialize the book-keeping object. # rate_vs_threshold_data = RateVsThresholdData() # # Iterate over non-injection files. # for n, filename in enumerate(filenames): # # Open the database file. # if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "%d/%d: %s" % (n + 1, len(filenames), filename) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(filename, tmp_path = tmp_path, verbose = verbose) database = SnglBurstUtils.CoincDatabase(sqlite3.connect(working_filename), live_time_program) if verbose: SnglBurstUtils.summarize_coinc_database(database) # # Process database contents. # rate_vs_threshold_data.update_from(database, filename = filename, verbose = verbose) # # Done with this file. # database.connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(filename, working_filename, verbose = verbose) # # Determine likelihood threshold. # if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "finishing rate vs. threshold measurement ..." rate_vs_threshold_data.finish(n_survivors, open_box = open_box, verbose = verbose) # # Done. # return rate_vs_threshold_data
def process_file(filename, products, live_time_program, tmp_path = None, veto_segments_name = None, verbose = False): # # connect to database and summarize contents # working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(filename, tmp_path = tmp_path, verbose = verbose) contents = SnglBurstUtils.CoincDatabase(sqlite3.connect(working_filename), live_time_program, search = "StringCusp", veto_segments_name = veto_segments_name) if verbose: SnglBurstUtils.summarize_coinc_database(contents, filename = working_filename) # # augment summary with extra stuff we need. the filename # is recorded for dumping debuggin information related to # missed injections. if burca was run with the # --coincidence-segments option then the value is copied # into a segmentlistdict to facilitate the computation of # livetime # contents.filename = filename contents.coincidence_segments = ligolwprocess.get_process_params(contents.xmldoc, "lalapps_burca", "--coincidence-segments") if contents.coincidence_segments: # as a side-effect, this enforces the rule that # burca has been run on the input file exactly once contents.coincidence_segments, = contents.coincidence_segments contents.coincidence_segments = segments.segmentlistdict.fromkeys(contents.seglists, segmentsUtils.from_range_strings(contents.coincidence_segments.split(","), boundtype = dbtables.lsctables.LIGOTimeGPS).coalesce()) else: contents.coincidence_segments = None # # process contents # for n, product in enumerate(products): if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "%s: adding to product %d ..." % (working_filename, n) product.add_contents(contents, verbose = verbose) # # close # contents.connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(filename, working_filename, verbose = verbose)
def update_coincs(self, fnames): """ This function iterates over the databases and updates the the likelihood column with the proper lv stat """ for f in fnames: working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(zerofname, verbose = True) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) connection.create_function("lvstat", 3, self.lvstat) query = "UPDATE coinc_event SET likelihood = (SELECT lvstat(coinc_event.instruments, coinc_inspiral.ifos, coinc_inspiral.false_alarm_rate) FROM coinc_inspiral WHERE coinc_event.coinc_event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id)" print query connection.cursor().execute(query) connection.commit() connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(zerofname, working_filename, verbose = True) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None)
def get_ifos(zerofname, verbose=True): # open database working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(zerofname, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) # extract false alarm rate threshold # FIXME This may not be robust if triggers are missing from a given category, for # example no triples in zero lag or time slides. query = 'SELECT distinct(ifos) FROM coinc_inspiral' ifo_list = [] for i in connection.cursor().execute(query): ifo_list.append(i) # done connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(zerofname, working_filename, verbose = verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) return ifo_list
def update_coincs(self, fnames): """ This function iterates over the databases and updates the the likelihood column with the proper lv stat """ for f in fnames: working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(zerofname, verbose=True) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) connection.create_function("lvstat", 3, self.lvstat) query = "UPDATE coinc_event SET likelihood = (SELECT lvstat(coinc_event.instruments, coinc_inspiral.ifos, coinc_inspiral.false_alarm_rate) FROM coinc_inspiral WHERE coinc_event.coinc_event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id)" print(query) connection.cursor().execute(query) connection.commit() connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(zerofname, working_filename, verbose=True) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None)
def get_ifos(zerofname, verbose=True): # open database working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(zerofname, verbose=verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) # extract false alarm rate threshold # FIXME This may not be robust if triggers are missing from a given category, for # example no triples in zero lag or time slides. query = 'SELECT distinct(ifos) FROM coinc_inspiral' ifo_list = [] for i in connection.cursor().execute(query): ifo_list.append(i) # done connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(zerofname, working_filename, verbose=verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) return ifo_list
def get_far_threshold_and_segments(zerofname, instruments, live_time_program, veto_seg_name="vetoes", verbose = True): """ return the false alarm rate of the most rare zero-lag coinc, and a dictionary of the thinca segments indexed by instrument. """ # open database working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(zerofname, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) # extract false alarm rate threshold query = 'SELECT MIN(coinc_inspiral.false_alarm_rate) FROM coinc_inspiral JOIN coinc_event ON (coinc_event.coinc_event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id) WHERE ( coinc_event.instruments = "' + instruments + '" AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM time_slide WHERE time_slide.time_slide_id == coinc_event.time_slide_id AND time_slide.offset != 0) );' print "\n", query far, = connection.cursor().execute(query).fetchone() # extract segments. seglists = db_thinca_rings.get_thinca_zero_lag_segments(connection, program_name = live_time_program) # done connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(zerofname, working_filename, verbose = verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) return far, seglists
def get_injections(self, instruments, FAR=float("inf")): injfnames = self.inj_fnames zero_lag_segments = self.zero_lag_segments[instruments] verbose = self.opts.verbose found = [] missed = [] print("", file=sys.stderr) for cnt, f in enumerate(injfnames): print("getting injections below FAR: " + str(FAR) + ":\t%.1f%%\r" % (100.0 * cnt / len(injfnames), ), end=' ', file=sys.stderr) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename( f, tmp_path=opts.tmp_space, verbose=verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection) # DON'T BOTHER CONTINUING IF THE INSTRUMENTS OF INTEREST ARE NOT HERE instruments_in_this_file = [] for i in connection.cursor().execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT(instruments) FROM coinc_event'): if i[0]: instruments_in_this_file.append( frozenset(lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos(i[0]))) if instruments not in instruments_in_this_file: connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose=verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) continue # WORK OUT CORRECT SEGMENTS FOR THIS FILE WHERE WE SHOULD SEE INJECTIONS segments = self.get_segments(connection, xmldoc) segments -= self.veto_segments #print thincasegments zero_lag_segments = segments.intersection( instruments) - segments.union( set(segments.keys()) - instruments) ############### # DEFINE THE INJECTION WAS MADE FUNCTION def injection_was_made(geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns, zero_lag_segments=zero_lag_segments): """ return True if injection was made in the given segmentlist """ return lsctables.LIGOTimeGPS( geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns) in zero_lag_segments connection.create_function("injection_was_made", 2, injection_was_made) make_sim_inspiral = lsctables.SimInspiralTable.get_table( dbtables.get_xml(connection)).row_from_cols # INSPIRAL if self.coinc_inspiral_table: for values in connection.cursor().execute( """ SELECT sim_inspiral.*, -- true if injection matched a coinc below the false alarm rate threshold EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM coinc_event_map AS mapa JOIN coinc_event_map AS mapb ON ( mapa.coinc_event_id == mapb.coinc_event_id ) JOIN coinc_inspiral ON ( mapb.table_name == "coinc_event" AND mapb.event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id ) WHERE mapa.table_name == "sim_inspiral" AND mapa.event_id == sim_inspiral.simulation_id AND coinc_inspiral.combined_far < ? ) FROM sim_inspiral WHERE -- only interested in injections that were injected injection_was_made(sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time, sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time_ns) """, (FAR, )): sim = make_sim_inspiral(values) if values[-1]: found.append(sim) else: missed.append(sim) # BURSTS if self.multi_burst_table: for values in connection.cursor().execute( """ SELECT sim_inspiral.*, -- true if injection matched a coinc below the false alarm rate threshold EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM coinc_event_map AS mapa JOIN coinc_event_map AS mapb ON ( mapa.coinc_event_id == mapb.coinc_event_id ) JOIN multi_burst ON ( mapb.table_name == "coinc_event" AND mapb.event_id == multi_burst.coinc_event_id ) WHERE mapa.table_name == "sim_inspiral" AND mapa.event_id == sim_inspiral.simulation_id AND multi_burst.false_alarm_rate < ? ) FROM sim_inspiral WHERE -- only interested in injections that were injected injection_was_made(sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time, sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time_ns) """, (FAR, )): sim = make_sim_inspiral(values) if values[-1]: found.append(sim) else: missed.append(sim) # done dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose=verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) print("\nFound = %d Missed = %d" % (len(found), len(missed)), file=sys.stderr) return found, missed
def __init__(self, opts, flist): self.segments = segments.segmentlistdict() self.non_inj_fnames = [] self.inj_fnames = [] self.found = {} self.missed = {} self.opts = opts self.veto_segments = segments.segmentlistdict() self.zero_lag_segments = {} self.instruments = [] self.livetime = {} self.multi_burst_table = None self.coinc_inspiral_table = None for f in flist: if opts.verbose: print("Gathering stats from: %s...." % (f, ), file=sys.stderr) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename( f, tmp_path=opts.tmp_space, verbose=opts.verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection) # look for a sim table try: sim_inspiral_table = dbtables.lsctables.SimInspiralTable.get_table( xmldoc) self.inj_fnames.append(f) sim = True except ValueError: self.non_inj_fnames.append(f) sim = False # FIGURE OUT IF IT IS A BURST OR INSPIRAL RUN try: self.multi_burst_table = dbtables.lsctables.MultiBurstTable.get_table( xmldoc) except ValueError: self.multi_burst_table = None try: self.coinc_inspiral_table = dbtables.lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.get_table( xmldoc) except ValueError: self.coinc_inspiral_table = None if self.multi_burst_table and self.coinc_inspiral_table: print("both burst and inspiral tables found. Aborting", file=sys.stderr) raise ValueError if not sim: self.get_instruments(connection) self.segments += self.get_segments(connection, xmldoc) #FIXME, don't assume veto segments are the same in every file! self.veto_segments = self.get_veto_segments(connection) dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose=opts.verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) # remove redundant instruments self.instruments = list(set(self.instruments)) # FIXME Do these have to be done by instruments? self.segments -= self.veto_segments # segments and livetime by instruments for i in self.instruments: self.zero_lag_segments[i] = self.segments.intersection( i) - self.segments.union(set(self.segments.keys()) - i) self.livetime[i] = float(abs(self.zero_lag_segments[i]))
max_mtotal = 100 mass_bins = 11 dist_bins = 50 opts, filenames = parse_command_line() if opts.veto_segments_name is not None: working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(opts.full_data_file, verbose=opts.verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) veto_segments = db_thinca_rings.get_veto_segments(connection, opts.veto_segments_name) connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(opts.full_data_file, working_filename, verbose=opts.verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) else: veto_segments = segments.segmentlistdict() if not opts.burst_found and not opts.burst_missed: FAR, seglists = get_far_threshold_and_segments( opts.full_data_file, opts.live_time_program, instruments=lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(opts.instruments), verbose=opts.verbose) # times when only exactly the required instruments are on seglists -= veto_segments zero_lag_segments = seglists.intersection(
def __init__(self, filelist, live_time_program = None, veto_segments_name = None, data_segments_name = "datasegments", tmp_path = None, verbose = False): self.segments = segments.segmentlistdict() self.instruments = set() self.table_name = None self.found_injections_by_instrument_set = {} self.missed_injections_by_instrument_set = {} self.total_injections_by_instrument_set = {} self.zerolag_fars_by_instrument_set = {} self.ts_fars_by_instrument_set = {} self.numslides = set() for f in filelist: if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "Gathering stats from: %s...." % (f,) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(f, tmp_path = tmp_path, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection) sim = False # look for a sim inspiral table. This is IMR work we have to have one of these :) try: sim_inspiral_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, dbtables.lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) sim = True except ValueError: pass # look for the relevant table for analyses for table_name in allowed_analysis_table_names(): try: setattr(self, table_name, table.get_table(xmldoc, table_name)) if self.table_name is None or self.table_name == table_name: self.table_name = table_name else: raise ValueError("detected more than one table type out of " + " ".join(allowed_analysis_table_names())) except ValueError: setattr(self, table_name, None) # the non simulation databases are where we get information about segments if not sim: self.numslides.add(connection.cursor().execute('SELECT count(DISTINCT(time_slide_id)) FROM time_slide').fetchone()[0]) [self.instruments.add(ifos) for ifos in get_instruments_from_coinc_event_table(connection)] # save a reference to the segments for this file, needed to figure out the missed and found injections self.this_segments = get_segments(connection, xmldoc, self.table_name, live_time_program, veto_segments_name, data_segments_name = data_segments_name) # FIXME we don't really have any reason to use playground segments, but I put this here as a reminder # self.this_playground_segments = segmentsUtils.S2playground(self.this_segments.extent_all()) self.segments += self.this_segments # get the far thresholds for the loudest events in these databases for (instruments_set, far, ts) in get_event_fars(connection, self.table_name): if not ts: self.zerolag_fars_by_instrument_set.setdefault(instruments_set, []).append(far) else: self.ts_fars_by_instrument_set.setdefault(instruments_set, []).append(far) # get the injections else: # We need to know the segments in this file to determine which injections are found self.this_injection_segments = get_segments(connection, xmldoc, self.table_name, live_time_program, veto_segments_name, data_segments_name = data_segments_name) self.this_injection_instruments = [] distinct_instruments = connection.cursor().execute('SELECT DISTINCT(instruments) FROM coinc_event WHERE instruments!=""').fetchall() for instruments, in distinct_instruments: instruments_set = frozenset(lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos(instruments)) self.this_injection_instruments.append(instruments_set) segments_to_consider_for_these_injections = self.this_injection_segments.intersection(instruments_set) - self.this_injection_segments.union(set(self.this_injection_segments.keys()) - instruments_set) found, total, missed = get_min_far_inspiral_injections(connection, segments = segments_to_consider_for_these_injections, table_name = self.table_name) if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "%s total injections: %d; Found injections %d: Missed injections %d" % (instruments, len(total), len(found), len(missed)) self.found_injections_by_instrument_set.setdefault(instruments_set, []).extend(found) self.total_injections_by_instrument_set.setdefault(instruments_set, []).extend(total) self.missed_injections_by_instrument_set.setdefault(instruments_set, []).extend(missed) # All done dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose = verbose) if len(self.numslides) > 1: raise ValueError('number of slides differs between input files') elif self.numslides: self.numslides = min(self.numslides) else: self.numslides = 0
distributions.numerator.increment( weight=weight_func(sim), **distributions.coinc_params([ event for event in events if event.ifo not in contents.vetoseglists or event.peak not in contents.vetoseglists[event.ifo] ], offsetvector)) # # Clean up. # contents.xmldoc.unlink() connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(filename, working_filename, verbose=options.verbose) # # Output. # ligolw_search_summary.append_search_summary(xmldoc, process, ifos=segs.keys(), inseg=segs.extent_all(), outseg=segs.extent_all()) xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild( distributions.to_xml(u"string_cusp_likelihood")) ligolw_process.set_process_end_time(process)
def dump_confidence_likelihood_scatter_data(globs, live_time_program = "lalapps_power", tmp_path = None, verbose = False): # # Collect file names. # if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "building file list ..." filenames = sorted(filename for g in globs for filename in glob.glob(g)) # # Initialize storage. # injections = [] background = [] zero_lag = [] # # Iterate over files. # for n, filename in enumerate(filenames): # # Open the database file. # if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "%d/%d: %s" % (n + 1, len(filenames), filename) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(filename, tmp_path = tmp_path, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) connection.create_function("coinc_detection_statistic", 2, coinc_detection_statistic) database = SnglBurstUtils.CoincDatabase(connection, live_time_program) if verbose: SnglBurstUtils.summarize_coinc_database(database) # # Process database contents. Assume all files with # sim_burst tables are the outputs of injection runs, and # others aren't. # if database.sim_burst_table is None: # non-injections for id, l, c, is_background in bb_id_likelihood_confidence_background(database): record = (coinc_detection_statistic(l, c), l, c) if is_background: if len(background) < 1e6: heapq.heappush(background, record) else: heapq.heappushpop(background, record) else: if len(zero_lag) < 1e6: heapq.heappush(zero_lag, record) else: heapq.heappushpop(zero_ag, record) else: # injections create_sim_coinc_map_view(database.connection) for a, l, c in database.connection.cursor().execute(""" SELECT burst_coinc_amplitude, burst_coinc_likelihood, burst_coinc_confidence FROM sim_coinc_map WHERE sim_coinc_def_id == ? """, (database.sce_definer_id,)): record = (-a, l, c) if len(injections) < 1e6: heapq.heappush(injections, record) else: heapq.heappushpop(injections, record) # # Done with this file. # database.connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(filename, working_filename, verbose = verbose) # # Dump scatter plot data. # if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "writing scatter plot data ..." f = file("lalapps_excesspowerfinal_background_scatter.dat", "w") for a, l, c in background: print >>f, "%.16g %.16g" % (l, c) f = file("lalapps_excesspowerfinal_zero_lag_scatter.dat", "w") for a, l, c in zero_lag: print >>f, "%.16g %.16g" % (l, c) f = file("lalapps_excesspowerfinal_injections_scatter.dat", "w") for a, l, c in injections: print >>f, "%.16g %.16g" % (l, c) if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "done."
def get_injections(injfnames, zero_lag_segments, ifos="H1,H2,L1", FAR=1.0, verbose=True): """ The LV stat uses simulations above threshold, not some IFAR of the loudest event, so the default should be "inf" """ def injection_was_made(geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns, zero_lag_segments=zero_lag_segments): """ return True if injection was made in the given segmentlist """ return lsctables.LIGOTimeGPS(geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns) in zero_lag_segments found = [] missed = [] print("", file=sys.stderr) for cnt, f in enumerate(injfnames): print("getting injections: " + str(FAR) + ":\t%.1f%%\r" % (100.0 * cnt / len(injfnames), ), end=' ', file=sys.stderr) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(f, tmp_path=None, verbose=verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) connection.create_function("injection_was_made", 2, injection_was_made) make_sim_inspiral = lsctables.SimInspiralTable.get_table( dbtables.get_xml(connection))._row_from_cols # FIXME may not be done correctly if injections are done in timeslides # FIXME may not be done correctly if injections aren't logarithmic in d # do we really want d^3 waiting? # FIXME do we really want injections independent of their FAR for values in connection.cursor().execute( """ SELECT sim_inspiral.*, -- true if injection matched a coinc below the false alarm rate threshold EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM coinc_event_map AS mapa JOIN coinc_event_map AS mapb ON ( mapa.coinc_event_id == mapb.coinc_event_id ) JOIN coinc_inspiral ON ( mapb.table_name == "coinc_event" AND mapb.event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id ) WHERE mapa.table_name == "sim_inspiral" AND mapa.event_id == sim_inspiral.simulation_id AND coinc_inspiral.false_alarm_rate < ? AND coinc_inspiral.ifos == ? ) FROM sim_inspiral WHERE -- only interested in injections that were injected injection_was_made(sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time, sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time_ns) """, ( FAR, ifos, )): sim = make_sim_inspiral(values) if values[-1]: found.append(sim) else: missed.append(sim) # done connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose=verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) print("\nFound = %d Missed = %d" % (len(found), len(missed)), file=sys.stderr) return found, missed
def __init__(self, flist, opts): self.far = {} self.segments = segments.segmentlistdict() self.non_inj_fnames = [] self.inj_fnames = [] #self.der_fit = None self.twoDMassBins = None #self.dBin = {} = None self.found = {} self.missed = {} self.wnfunc = None self.opts = opts if opts.bootstrap_iterations: self.bootnum = int(opts.bootstrap_iterations) else: self.bootnum = 100 self.veto_segments = segments.segmentlistdict() self.zero_lag_segments = {} self.instruments = [] self.livetime = {} self.minmass = None self.maxmass = None self.mintotal = None self.maxtotal = None for f in flist: if opts.verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "Gathering stats from: %s...." % (f,) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(f, verbose = opts.verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection) # look for a sim table try: sim_inspiral_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, dbtables.lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) self.inj_fnames.append(f) sim = True except ValueError: self.non_inj_fnames.append(f) sim = False if not sim: if opts.veto_segments_name is not None: self.veto_segments = db_thinca_rings.get_veto_segments(connection, opts.veto_segments_name) self.get_instruments(connection) self.segments += db_thinca_rings.get_thinca_zero_lag_segments(connection, program_name = opts.live_time_program) self.get_far_thresholds(connection) else: self.get_mass_ranges(connection) #connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose = opts.verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) # FIXME Do these have to be done by instruments? self.segments -= self.veto_segments # compute far, segments and livetime by instruments for i in self.instruments: self.far[i] = min(self.far[i]) # FIXME this bombs if any of the FARS are zero. maybe it should continue # and just remove that instrument combo from the calculation if self.far[i] == 0: print >> sys.stderr, "Encountered 0 FAR in %s, ABORTING" % (i,) sys.exit(1) self.zero_lag_segments[i] = self.segments.intersection(i) - self.segments.union(set(self.segments.keys()) - i) # Livetime must have playground removed self.livetime[i] = float(abs(self.zero_lag_segments[i] - segmentsUtils.S2playground(self.segments.extent_all()))) if opts.verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "%s FAR %e, livetime %f" % (",".join(sorted(list(i))), self.far[i], self.livetime[i]) # get a 2D mass binning self.twoDMassBins = self.get_2d_mass_bins(self.minmass, self.maxmass, opts.mass_bins)
max_mass = 99 min_mtotal = 25 max_mtotal = 100 mass_bins = 11 dist_bins = 50 opts, filenames = parse_command_line() if opts.veto_segments_name is not None: working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(opts.full_data_file, verbose = opts.verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) veto_segments = db_thinca_rings.get_veto_segments(connection, opts.veto_segments_name) connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(opts.full_data_file, working_filename, verbose = opts.verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) else: veto_segments = segments.segmentlistdict() if not opts.burst_found and not opts.burst_missed: FAR, seglists = get_far_threshold_and_segments(opts.full_data_file, opts.live_time_program, instruments=lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(opts.instruments),verbose = opts.verbose) # times when only exactly the required instruments are on seglists -= veto_segments zero_lag_segments = seglists.intersection(opts.instruments) - seglists.union(set(seglists.keys()) - opts.instruments) live_time = float(abs(zero_lag_segments)) print(FAR, live_time)
def get_injections(injfnames, zero_lag_segments, ifos="H1,H2,L1", FAR=1.0, verbose = True): """ The LV stat uses simulations above threshold, not some IFAR of the loudest event, so the default should be "inf" """ def injection_was_made(geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns, zero_lag_segments = zero_lag_segments): """ return True if injection was made in the given segmentlist """ return lsctables.LIGOTimeGPS(geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns) in zero_lag_segments found = [] missed = [] print >>sys.stderr, "" for cnt, f in enumerate(injfnames): print >>sys.stderr, "getting injections: " + str(FAR) + ":\t%.1f%%\r" % (100.0 * cnt / len(injfnames),), working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(f, tmp_path = None, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) connection.create_function("injection_was_made", 2, injection_was_made) make_sim_inspiral = lsctables.table.get_table(dbtables.get_xml(connection), lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName)._row_from_cols # FIXME may not be done correctly if injections are done in timeslides # FIXME may not be done correctly if injections aren't logarithmic in d # do we really want d^3 waiting? # FIXME do we really want injections independent of their FAR for values in connection.cursor().execute(""" SELECT sim_inspiral.*, -- true if injection matched a coinc below the false alarm rate threshold EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM coinc_event_map AS mapa JOIN coinc_event_map AS mapb ON ( mapa.coinc_event_id == mapb.coinc_event_id ) JOIN coinc_inspiral ON ( mapb.table_name == "coinc_event" AND mapb.event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id ) WHERE mapa.table_name == "sim_inspiral" AND mapa.event_id == sim_inspiral.simulation_id AND coinc_inspiral.false_alarm_rate < ? AND coinc_inspiral.ifos == ? ) FROM sim_inspiral WHERE -- only interested in injections that were injected injection_was_made(sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time, sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time_ns) """, (FAR,ifos,)): sim = make_sim_inspiral(values) if values[-1]: found.append(sim) else: missed.append(sim) # done connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose = verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) print >>sys.stderr, "\nFound = %d Missed = %d" % (len(found), len(missed)) return found, missed
def get_injections(self, instruments, FAR=float("inf")): injfnames = self.inj_fnames zero_lag_segments = self.zero_lag_segments[instruments] verbose = self.opts.verbose found = [] missed = [] print >>sys.stderr, "" for cnt, f in enumerate(injfnames): print >>sys.stderr, "getting injections below FAR: " + str(FAR) + ":\t%.1f%%\r" % (100.0 * cnt / len(injfnames),), working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(f, tmp_path = opts.tmp_space, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection) # DON'T BOTHER CONTINUING IF THE INSTRUMENTS OF INTEREST ARE NOT HERE instruments_in_this_file = [] for i in connection.cursor().execute('SELECT DISTINCT(instruments) FROM coinc_event'): if i[0]: instruments_in_this_file.append(frozenset(lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos(i[0]))) if instruments not in instruments_in_this_file: connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose = verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) continue # WORK OUT CORRECT SEGMENTS FOR THIS FILE WHERE WE SHOULD SEE INJECTIONS segments = self.get_segments(connection, xmldoc) segments -= self.veto_segments #print thincasegments zero_lag_segments = segments.intersection(instruments) - segments.union(set(segments.keys()) - instruments) ############### # DEFINE THE INJECTION WAS MADE FUNCTION def injection_was_made(geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns, zero_lag_segments = zero_lag_segments): """ return True if injection was made in the given segmentlist """ return lsctables.LIGOTimeGPS(geocent_end_time, geocent_end_time_ns) in zero_lag_segments connection.create_function("injection_was_made", 2, injection_was_made) make_sim_inspiral = lsctables.SimInspiralTable.get_table(dbtables.get_xml(connection)).row_from_cols # INSPIRAL if self.coinc_inspiral_table: for values in connection.cursor().execute(""" SELECT sim_inspiral.*, -- true if injection matched a coinc below the false alarm rate threshold EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM coinc_event_map AS mapa JOIN coinc_event_map AS mapb ON ( mapa.coinc_event_id == mapb.coinc_event_id ) JOIN coinc_inspiral ON ( mapb.table_name == "coinc_event" AND mapb.event_id == coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id ) WHERE mapa.table_name == "sim_inspiral" AND mapa.event_id == sim_inspiral.simulation_id AND coinc_inspiral.combined_far < ? ) FROM sim_inspiral WHERE -- only interested in injections that were injected injection_was_made(sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time, sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time_ns) """, (FAR,)): sim = make_sim_inspiral(values) if values[-1]: found.append(sim) else: missed.append(sim) # BURSTS if self.multi_burst_table: for values in connection.cursor().execute(""" SELECT sim_inspiral.*, -- true if injection matched a coinc below the false alarm rate threshold EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM coinc_event_map AS mapa JOIN coinc_event_map AS mapb ON ( mapa.coinc_event_id == mapb.coinc_event_id ) JOIN multi_burst ON ( mapb.table_name == "coinc_event" AND mapb.event_id == multi_burst.coinc_event_id ) WHERE mapa.table_name == "sim_inspiral" AND mapa.event_id == sim_inspiral.simulation_id AND multi_burst.false_alarm_rate < ? ) FROM sim_inspiral WHERE -- only interested in injections that were injected injection_was_made(sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time, sim_inspiral.geocent_end_time_ns) """, (FAR,)): sim = make_sim_inspiral(values) if values[-1]: found.append(sim) else: missed.append(sim) # done dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose = verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) print >>sys.stderr, "\nFound = %d Missed = %d" % (len(found), len(missed)) return found, missed
# if the database contains a sim_inspiral table then it is assumed # to represent an injection run. its rings must not added to the # livetime, and it cannot provide background coincs, so it is just # skipped altogether in this first pass. # if "sim_ringdown" in dbtables.get_table_names(connection): if options.verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "\tdatabase contains sim_ringdown table, skipping ..." # # close the database # connection.close() dbtables.discard_connection_filename(filename, working_filename, verbose = options.verbose) continue # # compute and record background livetime # background.add_livetime(connection, options.live_time_program, veto_segments_name = options.veto_segments_name, verbose = options.verbose) # # count background coincs # if options.verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "\tcollecting background statistics ..." for on_instruments, participating_instruments, frequency, snr, uncombined_ifar, likelihood in connection.cursor().execute("""
def __init__(self, opts, flist): self.segments = segments.segmentlistdict() self.non_inj_fnames = [] self.inj_fnames = [] self.found = {} self.missed = {} self.opts = opts self.veto_segments = segments.segmentlistdict() self.zero_lag_segments = {} self.instruments = [] self.livetime = {} self.multi_burst_table = None self.coinc_inspiral_table = None for f in flist: if opts.verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "Gathering stats from: %s...." % (f,) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(f, tmp_path=opts.tmp_space, verbose = opts.verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection) # look for a sim table try: sim_inspiral_table = dbtables.lsctables.SimInspiralTable.get_table(xmldoc) self.inj_fnames.append(f) sim = True except ValueError: self.non_inj_fnames.append(f) sim = False # FIGURE OUT IF IT IS A BURST OR INSPIRAL RUN try: self.multi_burst_table = dbtables.lsctables.MultiBurstTable.get_table(xmldoc) except ValueError: self.multi_burst_table = None try: self.coinc_inspiral_table = dbtables.lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.get_table(xmldoc) except ValueError: self.coinc_inspiral_table = None if self.multi_burst_table and self.coinc_inspiral_table: print >>sys.stderr, "both burst and inspiral tables found. Aborting" raise ValueError if not sim: self.get_instruments(connection) self.segments += self.get_segments(connection,xmldoc) #FIXME, don't assume veto segments are the same in every file! self.veto_segments = self.get_veto_segments(connection) dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose = opts.verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) # remove redundant instruments self.instruments = list(set(self.instruments)) # FIXME Do these have to be done by instruments? self.segments -= self.veto_segments # segments and livetime by instruments for i in self.instruments: self.zero_lag_segments[i] = self.segments.intersection(i) - self.segments.union(set(self.segments.keys()) - i) self.livetime[i] = float(abs(self.zero_lag_segments[i]))