def append_likelihood_result_to_xmldoc(xmldoc, loglikelihood, neff=0, converged=False,**cols): try: si_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) new_table = False # NOTE: MultiInspiralTable has no spin columns #si_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.MultiInspiralTable.tableName) # Warning: This will also get triggered if there is *more* than one table except ValueError: si_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglInspiralTable, sngl_valid_cols + cols.keys()) new_table = True # NOTE: MultiInspiralTable has no spin columns #si_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.MultiInspiralTable, multi_valid_cols + cols.keys()) # Get the process # FIXME: Assumed that only we have appended information procid = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName)[-1].process_id # map the samples to sim inspiral rows si_table.append(likelihood_to_snglinsp_row(si_table, loglikelihood, neff, converged,**cols)) si_table[-1].process_id = procid if new_table: xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(si_table) return xmldoc
def append_samples_to_xmldoc(xmldoc, sampdict): try: si_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) new_table = False # Warning: This will also get triggered if there is *more* than one table except ValueError: si_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SimInspiralTable, sim_valid_cols) new_table = True keys = sampdict.keys() # Just in case the key/value pairs don't come out synchronized values = numpy.array([sampdict[k] for k in keys], object) # Flatten the keys keys = reduce(list.__add__, [list(i) if isinstance(i, tuple) else [i] for i in keys]) # Get the process # FIXME: Assumed that only we have appended information procid = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName)[-1].process_id # map the samples to sim inspiral rows # NOTE :The list comprehension is to preserve the grouping of multiple # parameters across the transpose operation. It's probably not necessary, # so if speed dictates, it can be reworked by flattening before arriving # here for vrow in numpy.array(zip(*[vrow_sub.T for vrow_sub in values]), dtype=numpy.object): #si_table.append(samples_to_siminsp_row(si_table, **dict(zip(keys, vrow.flatten())))) vrow = reduce(list.__add__, [list(i) if isinstance(i, Iterable) else [i] for i in vrow]) si_table.append(samples_to_siminsp_row(si_table, **dict(zip(keys, vrow)))) si_table[-1].process_id = procid if new_table: xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(si_table) return xmldoc
def coinc_and_sngl_inspirals_for_xmldoc(xmldoc): """Retrieve (as a generator) all of the (sngl_inspiral, sngl_inspiral, ... sngl_inspiral) tuples from coincidences in a LIGO-LW XML document.""" # Look up necessary tables. coinc_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincTable.tableName) coinc_def_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincDefTable.tableName) coinc_map_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincMapTable.tableName) sngl_inspiral_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) # Look up coinc_def id. sngl_sngl_coinc_def_ids = set(row.coinc_def_id for row in coinc_def_table if (, row.search_coinc_type) == (, ligolw_thinca.InspiralCoincDef.search_coinc_type)) # Indices to speed up lookups by ID. key = operator.attrgetter('coinc_event_id') coinc_maps_by_coinc_event_id = dict((coinc_event_id, tuple(coinc_maps)) for coinc_event_id, coinc_maps in itertools.groupby(sorted(coinc_map_table, key=key), key=key)) sngl_inspirals_by_event_id = dict((sngl_inspiral.event_id, sngl_inspiral) for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspiral_table) # Loop over all sngl_inspiral <-> sngl_inspiral coincs. for coinc in coinc_table: if coinc.coinc_def_id in sngl_sngl_coinc_def_ids: coinc_maps = coinc_maps_by_coinc_event_id[coinc.coinc_event_id] yield coinc, tuple(sngl_inspirals_by_event_id[coinc_map.event_id] for coinc_map in coinc_maps)
def drop_segment_tables(xmldoc, verbose = False): """ Drop the segment, segment_definer & segment_summary tables from the xmldoc. In addition, remove the rows in the process & process_params tables that have process_ids found in the segment_definer table. """ seg_tbl = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentTable.tableName) seg_sum_tbl = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentSumTable.tableName) seg_def_tbl = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentDefTable.tableName) # determine the unique process_ids for the segment tables sd_pids = set(seg_def_tbl.getColumnByName("process_id")) if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "Depopulate process tables of segment process_ids" remove_process_rows(xmldoc, sd_pids, verbose=verbose) # remove segment, segment_definer & segment_summary tables from xmldoc xmldoc.childNodes[0].removeChild(seg_tbl) seg_tbl.unlink() xmldoc.childNodes[0].removeChild(seg_sum_tbl) seg_sum_tbl.unlink() xmldoc.childNodes[0].removeChild(seg_def_tbl) seg_def_tbl.unlink() if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "segment, segment-definer & segment-summary tables dropped from xmldoc"
def find_segments(doc, key, use_segment_table=True): key_pieces = key.split(":") while len(key_pieces) < 3: key_pieces.append("*") filter_func = ( lambda x: str(x.ifos) == key_pieces[0] and (str( == key_pieces[1] or key_pieces[1] == "*") and (str(x.version) == key_pieces[2] or key_pieces[2] == "*") ) # Find all segment definers matching the critieria seg_def_table = table.get_table(doc, lsctables.SegmentDefTable.tableName) seg_defs = filter(filter_func, seg_def_table) seg_def_ids = map(lambda x: str(x.segment_def_id), seg_defs) # Find all segments belonging to those definers if use_segment_table: seg_table = table.get_table(doc, lsctables.SegmentTable.tableName) seg_entries = filter(lambda x: str(x.segment_def_id) in seg_def_ids, seg_table) else: seg_sum_table = table.get_table(doc, lsctables.SegmentSumTable.tableName) seg_entries = filter(lambda x: str(x.segment_def_id) in seg_def_ids, seg_sum_table) # Combine into a segmentlist ret = segmentlist(map(lambda x: segment(x.start_time, x.end_time), seg_entries)) ret.coalesce() return ret
def coinc_to_triggers(xmldoc, trigger_types): """ Function returns list of glitch-trigger(s) coincident events. Coincident event in the list is represented by tuple (glitch_object, [trigger1, trigger2, ...]). trigger_types is the list of trigger type names corresponding to "search" column of the sngl_burst table """ # get necessary tables from xmldoc coinc_def_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincDefTable.tableName) coinc_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincTable.tableName) coinc_map_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincMapTable.tableName) idq_glitch_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.IDQGlitchTable.tableName) sngl_burst_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SnglBurstTable.tableName) # get coinc_def_id #coinc_def_id = coinc_def_table.get_coinc_def_id( # search = IDQCoincDef['idq_glitch<-->sngl_burst'][0], # search_coinc_type = IDQCoincDef['idq_glitch<-->sngl_burst'][1], # create_new = False, # description = 'idq_glitch<-->sngl_burst') coinc_def_ids = [row.coinc_def_id for row in coinc_def_table if row.description == 'idq_glitch<-->sngl_burst'] # use this id to get all coinc_event ids trig_coinc_ids = [coinc.coinc_event_id for coinc in coinc_table if coinc.coinc_def_id in coinc_def_ids] # convert idq_glitch and sngl_burst tables into dictionaries for a quick lookup glitches = dict([ (glitch.event_id, glitch) for glitch in idq_glitch_table]) triggers = dict([ (row.event_id, row) for row in sngl_burst_table if in trigger_types]) # create dictionary of connected events using coinc_event_map. # We can not assume any specific order of rows in the table. connected_events_dict = {} for row in coinc_map_table: try: connected_events_dict[row.coinc_event_id].append(row) except: connected_events_dict[row.coinc_event_id] = [row] glitch_table_name = lsctables.IDQGlitchTable.tableName sngl_burst_table_name = lsctables.SnglBurstTable.tableName glitch_trig_tuples = [] for coinc_id in trig_coinc_ids: # get connectected events for this id connected_events = connected_events_dict[coinc_id] connected_trigs = [] if len(connected_events) >= 2: for event in connected_events: if event.table_name == glitch_table_name: glitch_event = glitches[event.event_id] elif event.table_name == sngl_burst_table_name: try: connected_trigs.append(triggers[event.event_id]) except: # no trigger with that id, it is probably of different type. pass else: raise ValueError("Event is not the row of either " + \ glitch_table_name + " or " + sngl_burst_table_name ) else: raise Exception("Glitch-Triggers coincidences must contain at least 2 events. " \ + str(len(connected_events))+ " events are found instead." ) glitch_trig_tuples.append((glitch_event, connected_trigs)) return glitch_trig_tuples
def coinc_to_ovl_data(xmldoc): """Function returns list of (idq_glitch_object, ovl_data_object) tuples where objects in the tuple are mapped to each other via coinc tables. """ # get necessary tables from xmldoc coinc_def_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincDefTable.tableName) coinc_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincTable.tableName) coinc_map_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincMapTable.tableName) idq_glitch_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.IDQGlitchTable.tableName) ovl_data_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.OVLDataTable.tableName) # get coinc_def_ids #coinc_def_id = coinc_def_table.get_coinc_def_id( # search = IDQCoincDef['idq_glitch<-->ovl_data'][0], # search_coinc_type = IDQCoincDef['idq_glitch<-->ovl_data'][1], # create_new = False, # description = 'idq_glitch<-->ovl_data') coinc_def_ids = [row.coinc_def_id for row in coinc_def_table if row.description == 'idq_glitch<-->ovl_data'] # use this id to get all coinc_event ids ovl_coinc_ids = [coinc.coinc_event_id for coinc in coinc_table if coinc.coinc_def_id in coinc_def_ids] # convert idq_glitch and ovl tables into dictionaries for a quick lookup glitches = dict([(glitch.event_id, glitch) for glitch in idq_glitch_table]) ovl_data = dict([(row.event_id, row) for row in ovl_data_table]) # create dictionary of connected events in coinc_event_map. # We can not assume any specific order of rows in the table. connected_events_dict = {} for row in coinc_map_table: try: connected_events_dict[row.coinc_event_id].append(row) except: connected_events_dict[row.coinc_event_id] = [row] glitch_table_name = lsctables.IDQGlitchTable.tableName ovl_data_table_name = lsctables.OVLDataTable.tableName glitch_ovl_pairs = [] for coinc_id in ovl_coinc_ids: # get connectected events for this id connected_events = connected_events_dict[coinc_id] if len(connected_events) == 2: for event in connected_events: if event.table_name == glitch_table_name: glitch_event = glitches[event.event_id] elif event.table_name == ovl_data_table_name: ovl_event = ovl_data[event.event_id] else: print event.table_name raise ValueError("Event is not the row of either " + \ glitch_table_name + \ " or " + ovl_data_table_name ) else: raise Exception("Glitch-OVL coincidence must contain exactly 2 events. "\ + str(len(connected_events))+ " events are found instead." ) glitch_ovl_pairs.append((glitch_event, ovl_event)) return glitch_ovl_pairs
def fromsegmentxml(file, dict=False, id=None): """ Read a glue.segments.segmentlist from the file object file containing an xml segment table. Arguments: file : file object file object for segment xml file Keyword Arguments: dict : [ True | False ] returns a glue.segments.segmentlistdict containing coalesced glue.segments.segmentlists keyed by for each entry in the contained segment_def_table. Default False id : int returns a glue.segments.segmentlist object containing only those segments matching the given segment_def_id integer """ # load xmldocument and SegmentDefTable and SegmentTables xmldoc, digest = utils.load_fileobj(file,".gz")) seg_def_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentDefTable.tableName) seg_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentTable.tableName) if dict: segs = segments.segmentlistdict() else: segs = segments.segmentlist() seg_id = {} for seg_def in seg_def_table: seg_id[int(seg_def.segment_def_id)] = str( if dict: segs[str(] = segments.segmentlist() for seg in seg_table: if dict: segs[seg_id[int(seg.segment_def_id)]]\ .append(segments.segment(seg.start_time, seg.end_time)) continue if id and int(seg.segment_def_id)==id: segs.append(segments.segment(seg.start_time, seg.end_time)) continue segs.append(segments.segment(seg.start_time, seg.end_time)) if dict: for seg_name in seg_id.values(): segs[seg_name] = segs[seg_name].coalesce() else: segs = segs.coalesce() xmldoc.unlink() return segs
def gracedb_sky_map( coinc_file, psd_file, waveform, f_low, min_distance=None, max_distance=None, prior_distance_power=None, nside=-1): # LIGO-LW XML imports. from . import ligolw from glue.ligolw import table as ligolw_table from glue.ligolw import utils as ligolw_utils from glue.ligolw import lsctables import lal.series # Determine approximant, amplitude order, and phase order from command line arguments. approximant, amplitude_order, phase_order = \ timing.get_approximant_and_orders_from_string(waveform) # Read input file. xmldoc, _ = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj( coinc_file, contenthandler=ligolw.LSCTablesContentHandler) # Locate the tables that we need. coinc_inspiral_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.tableName) coinc_map_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincMapTable.tableName) sngl_inspiral_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) # Locate the sngl_inspiral rows that we need. coinc_inspiral = coinc_inspiral_table[0] coinc_event_id = coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id event_ids = [coinc_map.event_id for coinc_map in coinc_map_table if coinc_map.coinc_event_id == coinc_event_id] sngl_inspirals = [(sngl_inspiral for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspiral_table if sngl_inspiral.event_id == event_id).next() for event_id in event_ids] instruments = set(sngl_inspiral.ifo for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals) # Read PSDs. if psd_file is None: psds = None else: xmldoc, _ = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj( psd_file, contenthandler=lal.series.PSDContentHandler) psds = lal.series.read_psd_xmldoc(xmldoc) # Rearrange PSDs into the same order as the sngl_inspirals. psds = [psds[sngl_inspiral.ifo] for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals] # Interpolate PSDs. psds = [timing.InterpolatedPSD(filter.abscissa(psd), for psd in psds] # TOA+SNR sky localization prob, epoch, elapsed_time = ligolw_sky_map(sngl_inspirals, approximant, amplitude_order, phase_order, f_low, min_distance, max_distance, prior_distance_power, nside=nside, psds=psds) return prob, epoch, elapsed_time, instruments
def gracedb_sky_map( coinc_file, psd_file, waveform, f_low, min_distance=None, max_distance=None, prior_distance_power=None, method="toa_phoa_snr", nside=-1, chain_dump=None, phase_convention='antifindchirp', f_high_truncate=1.0, enable_snr_series=False): # Read input file. xmldoc, _ = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj( coinc_file, contenthandler=ligolw.LSCTablesAndSeriesContentHandler) # Locate the tables that we need. coinc_inspiral_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.tableName) coinc_map_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincMapTable.tableName) sngl_inspiral_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) # Locate the sngl_inspiral rows that we need. coinc_inspiral = coinc_inspiral_table[0] coinc_event_id = coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id event_ids = [coinc_map.event_id for coinc_map in coinc_map_table if coinc_map.coinc_event_id == coinc_event_id] sngl_inspirals = [next((sngl_inspiral for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspiral_table if sngl_inspiral.event_id == event_id)) for event_id in event_ids] instruments = {sngl_inspiral.ifo for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals} # Try to load complex SNR time series. snrs = ligolw.snr_series_by_sngl_inspiral_id_for_xmldoc(xmldoc) try: snrs = [snrs[sngl.event_id] for sngl in sngl_inspirals] except KeyError: snrs = None # Read PSDs. xmldoc, _ = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj( psd_file, contenthandler=lal.series.PSDContentHandler) psds = lal.series.read_psd_xmldoc(xmldoc, root_name=None) # Rearrange PSDs into the same order as the sngl_inspirals. psds = [psds[sngl_inspiral.ifo] for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals] # Interpolate PSDs. psds = [timing.InterpolatedPSD(filter.abscissa(psd),, f_high_truncate=f_high_truncate) for psd in psds] # Run sky localization prob, epoch, elapsed_time = ligolw_sky_map(sngl_inspirals, waveform, f_low, min_distance, max_distance, prior_distance_power, method=method, nside=nside, psds=psds, phase_convention=phase_convention, chain_dump=chain_dump, snr_series=snrs, enable_snr_series=enable_snr_series) return prob, epoch, elapsed_time, instruments
def get_coincs_from_coinctable(self,files): """ read data from coinc tables (xml format) FIXME: currently assumes one coinc per file!!! """ for file in files: coinc = CoincData() xmldoc = utils.load_filename(file) sngltab = tab.get_table(xmldoc,lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) coinc.set_snr(dict((row.ifo, row.snr) for row in sngltab)) coinc.set_gps(dict((row.ifo, LIGOTimeGPS(row.get_end())) for row in sngltab)) #FIXME: this is put in place to deal with eff_distance = 0 # needs to be fixed upstream in the pipeline effDs = list((row.ifo,row.eff_distance) for row in sngltab) for eD in effDs: if eD[1] == 0.: effDs.append((eD[0],1.)) effDs.remove(eD) coinc.set_effDs(dict(effDs)) # coinc.set_effDs(dict((row.ifo,row.eff_distance) for row in sngltab)) coinc.set_masses(dict((row.ifo, row.mass1) for row in sngltab), \ dict((row.ifo, row.mass2) for row in sngltab)) ctab = tab.get_table(xmldoc,lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.tableName) #FIXME: ignoring H2 for now, but should be dealt in a better way allifos = list(ctab[0].get_ifos()) try: allifos.remove('H2') except ValueError: pass coinc.set_ifos(allifos) if ctab[0].false_alarm_rate is not None: coinc.set_FAR(ctab[0].false_alarm_rate) try: simtab = tab.get_table(xmldoc,lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) row = siminsptab[0] effDs_inj = {} for ifo in coinc.ifo_list: if ifo == 'H1': effDs_inj[ifo] = row.eff_dist_h elif ifo == 'L1': effDs_inj[ifo] = row.eff_dist_l elif ifo == 'V1': effDs_inj[ifo] = row.eff_dist_v dist_inj = row.distance coinc.set_inj_params(row.latitude,row.longitude,row.mass1,row.mass2, \ dist_inj,effDs_inj) coinc.is_injection = True #FIXME: name the exception! except: pass self.append(coinc)
def ligolw_copy_process(xmldoc_src, xmldoc_dest): """ We want to copy over process and process_params tables to eventually merge them. """ proc = table.get_table(xmldoc_src, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName) pp = table.get_table(xmldoc_src, lsctables.ProcessParamsTable.tableName) xmldoc_dest.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) xmldoc_dest.childNodes[-1].appendChild(proc) xmldoc_dest.childNodes[-1].appendChild(pp)
def get_segment_summary_times(scienceFile, segmentName): """ This function will find the times for which the segment_summary is set for the flag given by segmentName. Parameters ----------- scienceFile : SegFile The segment file that we want to use to determine this. segmentName : string The DQ flag to search for times in the segment_summary table. Returns --------- summSegList : glue.segments.segmentlist The times that are covered in the segment summary table. """ # Parse the segmentName segmentName = segmentName.split(':') if not len(segmentName) in [2,3]: raise ValueError("Invalid channel name %s." %(segmentName)) ifo = segmentName[0] channel = segmentName[1] version = '' if len(segmentName) == 3: version = int(segmentName[2]) # Load the filename xmldoc = utils.load_filename(scienceFile.cache_entry.path, gz=scienceFile.cache_entry.path.endswith("gz"), contenthandler=ContentHandler) # Get the segment_def_id for the segmentName segmentDefTable = table.get_table(xmldoc, "segment_definer") for entry in segmentDefTable: if (entry.ifos == ifo) and ( == channel): if len(segmentName) == 2 or (entry.version==version): segDefID = entry.segment_def_id break else: raise ValueError("Cannot find channel %s in segment_definer table."\ %(segmentName)) # Get the segmentlist corresponding to this segmentName in segment_summary segmentSummTable = table.get_table(xmldoc, "segment_summary") summSegList = segments.segmentlist([]) for entry in segmentSummTable: if entry.segment_def_id == segDefID: segment = segments.segment(entry.start_time, entry.end_time) summSegList.append(segment) summSegList.coalesce() return summSegList
def gracedb_sky_map( coinc_file, psd_file, waveform, f_low, min_distance=None, max_distance=None, prior_distance_power=None, method="toa_phoa_snr", nside=-1, chain_dump=None, phase_convention='antifindchirp', f_high_truncate=1.0): # LIGO-LW XML imports. from . import ligolw from glue.ligolw import table as ligolw_table from glue.ligolw import utils as ligolw_utils from glue.ligolw import lsctables import lal.series # Read input file. xmldoc, _ = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj( coinc_file, contenthandler=ligolw.LSCTablesContentHandler) # Locate the tables that we need. coinc_inspiral_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.tableName) coinc_map_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincMapTable.tableName) sngl_inspiral_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) # Locate the sngl_inspiral rows that we need. coinc_inspiral = coinc_inspiral_table[0] coinc_event_id = coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id event_ids = [coinc_map.event_id for coinc_map in coinc_map_table if coinc_map.coinc_event_id == coinc_event_id] sngl_inspirals = [next((sngl_inspiral for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspiral_table if sngl_inspiral.event_id == event_id)) for event_id in event_ids] instruments = set(sngl_inspiral.ifo for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals) # Read PSDs. xmldoc, _ = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj( psd_file, contenthandler=lal.series.PSDContentHandler) psds = lal.series.read_psd_xmldoc(xmldoc) # Rearrange PSDs into the same order as the sngl_inspirals. psds = [psds[sngl_inspiral.ifo] for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals] # Interpolate PSDs. psds = [timing.InterpolatedPSD(filter.abscissa(psd),, f_high_truncate=f_high_truncate) for psd in psds] # Run sky localization prob, epoch, elapsed_time = ligolw_sky_map(sngl_inspirals, waveform, f_low, min_distance, max_distance, prior_distance_power, method=method, nside=nside, psds=psds, phase_convention=phase_convention, chain_dump=chain_dump) return prob, epoch, elapsed_time, instruments
def do_summary_table(xmldoc, sim_tree, liv_tree): try: search_summary = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.tableName) except ValueError: search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable, ["process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time", "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns", "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time", "out_end_time_ns"]) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(search_summary) process_id_type = type(table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName).next_id) runids = set() for i in range(0, sim_tree.GetEntries()) : sim_tree.GetEntry(i) # Id for the run processed by WaveBurst -> process ID if in runids : continue row = search_summary.RowType() row.process_id = process_id_type( runids.add( # Search Summary Table # events found in the run -> nevents setattr(row, "nevents", sim_tree.GetEntries()) # Imstruments involved in the search row.ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list ( sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim ) ) ) setattr(row, "comment", "waveburst") # Begin and end time of the segment # TODO: This is a typical offset on either side of the job for artifacts # It can, and probably will change in the future, and should not be hardcoded # TODO: Make this work properly. We need a gps end from the livetime waveoffset = 8 livetime = 600 #live_entries = live_tree.GetEntries() # This is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too slow #for l in range(0, live_entries): #liv_tree.GetEntry(l) #livetime = max(livetime, #if livetime < 0: #sys.exit("Could not find livetime, cannot fill all of summary table.") # in -- with waveoffset # out -- without waveoffset row.set_in(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps - waveoffset), LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps + livetime + waveoffset))) row.set_out(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps), LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps + livetime))) search_summary.append(row)
def do_summary_table_from_segment(self, xmldoc, segment, sim_tree, jobid=-1): """ Create the search_summary table for a cWB from a segment specified from the command line. The function will try to determine the proper job intervals from the waveoffset, if specified. """ try: search_summary = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.tableName) except ValueError: search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable, ["process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time", "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns", "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time", "out_end_time_ns"]) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(search_summary) process_id_type = type(table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName).next_id) sim_tree.GetEntry(0) if(jobid < 0): run = else: run = jobid seg = segment # Search Summary Table # events found in the run -> nevents row = search_summary.RowType() row.process_id = process_id_type(run) row.nevents = sim_tree.GetEntries() ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list ( sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim ) ) ) # Imstruments involved in the search if( ifos == None or len(ifos) == 0 ): if( self.instruments ): ifos = self.instruments else: # Not enough information to completely fill out the table sys.exit("Found a job with no IFOs on, or not enough to determine IFOs. Try specifying instruments directly.") row.ifos = ifos row.comment = "waveburst" # Begin and end time of the segment waveoffset = self.waveoffset if waveoffset == None: waveoffset = 0 # in -- with waveoffset row.set_in(seg) # out -- without waveoffset waveoffset = LIGOTimeGPS(waveoffset) row.set_out(segments.segment(seg[0]+waveoffset, seg[1]-waveoffset)) search_summary.append(row)
def sim_coinc_and_sngl_inspirals_for_xmldoc(xmldoc): """Retrieve (as a generator) all of the (sim_inspiral, coinc_event, (sngl_inspiral, sngl_inspiral, ... sngl_inspiral) tuples from found coincidences in a LIGO-LW XML document.""" # Look up necessary tables. coinc_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincTable.tableName) coinc_def_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincDefTable.tableName) coinc_map_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincMapTable.tableName) # Look up coinc_def ids. sim_coinc_def_id = coinc_def_table.get_coinc_def_id(, ligolw_inspinjfind.InspiralSCExactCoincDef.search_coinc_type, create_new=False) def events_for_coinc_event_id(coinc_event_id): for coinc_map in coinc_map_table: if coinc_map.coinc_event_id == coinc_event_id: for row in ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, coinc_map.table_name): column_name = coinc_map.event_id.column_name if getattr(row, column_name) == coinc_map.event_id: yield coinc_map.event_id, row # Loop over all coinc_event <-> sim_inspiral coincs. for sim_coinc in coinc_table: # If this is not a coinc_event <-> sim_inspiral coinc, skip it. if sim_coinc.coinc_def_id != sim_coinc_def_id: continue # Locate the sim_inspiral and coinc events. sim_inspiral = None coinc = None for event_id, event in events_for_coinc_event_id(sim_coinc.coinc_event_id): if event_id.table_name == ligolw_table.StripTableName(lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName): if sim_inspiral is not None: raise RuntimeError("Found more than one matching sim_inspiral entry") sim_inspiral = event elif event_id.table_name == ligolw_table.StripTableName(lsctables.CoincTable.tableName): if coinc is not None: raise RuntimeError("Found more than one matching coinc entry") coinc = event else: raise RuntimeError("Did not expect coincidence to contain an event of type '%s'" % event_id.table_name) sngl_inspirals = tuple(event for event_id, event in events_for_coinc_event_id(coinc.coinc_event_id)) yield sim_inspiral, coinc, sngl_inspirals
def generate_experiment_tables(xmldoc, **cmdline_opts): """ Create or adds entries to the experiment table and experiment_summ table using instruments pulled from the search summary table and offsets pulled from the time_slide table. """ if cmdline_opts["verbose"]: print >> sys.stderr, "Populating the experiment and experiment_summary tables using " + \ "search_summary and time_slide tables..." # Get the instruments that were on instruments = get_on_instruments(xmldoc, cmdline_opts["trigger_program"]) # find the experiment & experiment_summary table or create one if needed try: table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.ExperimentSummaryTable.tableName) except ValueError: xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.ExperimentSummaryTable)) try: table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.ExperimentTable.tableName) except ValueError: xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.ExperimentTable)) # Populate the experiment table experiment_ids = populate_experiment_table( xmldoc, cmdline_opts["search_group"], cmdline_opts["trigger_program"], cmdline_opts["lars_id"], instruments, comments = cmdline_opts["comment"], add_inst_subsets = True, verbose = cmdline_opts["verbose"] ) # Get the time_slide table as dict time_slide_dict = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.TimeSlideTable.tableName).as_dict() # Populate the experiment_summary table for instruments in experiment_ids: populate_experiment_summ_table( xmldoc, experiment_ids[instruments], time_slide_dict, cmdline_opts["vetoes_name"], verbose = cmdline_opts["verbose"] )
def get_tables(doc): snglinspiraltable = table.get_table( doc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) input_times = None output_times = None try: searchsummtable = table.get_table( doc, lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.tableName) input_times = searchsummtable.get_inlist().extent() output_times = searchsummtable.get_outlist().extent() except ValueError: pass return input_times, output_times, snglinspiraltable
def events_for_coinc_event_id(coinc_event_id): for coinc_map in coinc_map_table: if coinc_map.coinc_event_id == coinc_event_id: for row in ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, coinc_map.table_name): column_name = coinc_map.event_id.column_name if getattr(row, column_name) == coinc_map.event_id: yield coinc_map.event_id, row
def write_coinc_tables( vetotrigs, xmldoc, refchannel, twind, time_slide_id=None): """ Write a set of coinc tables for this round. We only write coincidences for coincs with refchannel. Note: This is probably gonna be slow... aaaand that's why we implemented the real algorithm in C. """ # Retrieve process information process = [ p for p in table.get_table( xmldoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName ) if p.program == "laldetchar-hveto" ][0] process_id = process.process_id # Insert a time slide ID. It's not yet really necessary if time_slide_id is None: timeslidetable = lsctables.New(lsctables.TimeSlideTable) time_slide = timeslidetable.RowType time_slide.process_id = process_id time_slide.time_slide_id = time_slide_id = ilwd.ilwdchar( "time_slide:time_slide_id:0" ) time_slide.instrument = opt.instrument time_slide.offset = 0.0 timeslidetable.append(time_slide) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild( timeslidetable ) # Set up coinc tables coinc_def = HVetoBBCoincDef coincdeftable = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincDefTable) coinc_def.coinc_def_id = coinc_def_id = coincdeftable.get_next_id() coincdeftable.append( coinc_def ) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild( coincdeftable ) coinc_def = HVetoCoincTables( xmldoc ) reftrigs = [ (segment( sb.get_peak()-twind/2.0, sb.get_peak()+twind/2.0 ), sb) for sb in vetotrigs if == refchannel ] for vt in vetotrigs: if == refchannel: continue for (s, t) in reftrigs: if vt.get_peak() in s: coinc_def.append_coinc( process_id, time_slide_id, coinc_def_id, (t, vt)) return xmldoc
def add_to_segment_summary_ns(xmldoc, proc_id, seg_def_id, sgmtlist, comment=''): try: seg_sum_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentSumTable.tableName) except: seg_sum_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SegmentSumTable, columns = ["process_id", "segment_def_id", "segment_sum_id", "start_time", "start_time_ns", "end_time", "end_time_ns", "comment"]) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(seg_sum_table) for seg in sgmtlist: segment_sum = lsctables.SegmentSum() segment_sum.process_id = proc_id segment_sum.segment_def_id = seg_def_id segment_sum.segment_sum_id = seg_sum_table.get_next_id() seconds,nanoseconds=output_microseconds(seg[0]) segment_sum.start_time = seconds segment_sum.start_time_ns = nanoseconds seconds,nanoseconds=output_microseconds(seg[1]) segment_sum.end_time = seconds segment_sum.end_time_ns = nanoseconds #segment_sum.start_time = seg[0] #segment_sum.start_time_ns = 0 #segment_sum.end_time = seg[1] #segment_sum.end_time_ns = 0 segment_sum.comment = comment seg_sum_table.append(segment_sum)
def loadSingleBurst( files, trigs_dict=None): """ loads snglburst tables (produced by Omicron) into trgdict object files - is the list of file names """ if type(files) is str: files = [files] if trigs_dict is None: trigs_dict = trigdict() for file in files: for row in table.get_table( ligolw_utils.load_filename(file, contenthandler=lsctables.use_in(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)), lsctables.SnglBurstTable.tableName ): channel = "%s-%s_%s"%(row.ifo,"-","_"), tcent = row.peak_time + 1e-9*row.peak_time_ns tstart = row.start_time + 1e-9*row.start_time_ns dur = row.duration fpeak = row.peak_frequency fcent = row.central_freq bndwth = row.bandwidth amp = row.amplitude snr = row.snr conf = row.confidence chi2 = row.chisq chi2_dof = row.chisq_dof trigger = [tstart, dur, tcent, fpeak, fcent, bndwth, amp, snr, conf, chi2, chi2_dof] if channel in trigs_dict.channels(): trigs_dict[channel].append( trigger ) ### SingleBurst trigger structure else: trigs_dict[channel] = [ trigger ] return trigs_dict
def get_on_instruments(xmldoc, trigger_program): process_tbl = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName) instruments = set([]) for row in process_tbl: if row.program == trigger_program: instruments.add(row.ifos) return instruments
def append_summ_vars(xmldoc, procid, **summvars): """ Append round information in the form of SummVars. """ try: summtable = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SearchSummVarsTable.tableName) procid = summtable[0].process_id except ValueError: summtable = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummVarsTable, lsctables.SearchSummVarsTable.validcolumns.keys()) for name, value in summvars.iteritems(): summvar = summtable.RowType() = name if isinstance(value, str): summvar.string = str(value) summvar.value = -1.0 else: summvar.string = str(value) summvar.value = float(value) summvar.process_id = procid summvar.search_summvar_id = summtable.get_next_id() summtable.append(summvar) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(summtable)
def add_to_segment(xmldoc, proc_id, seg_def_id, sgmtlist): try: segtable = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentTable.tableName) except: segtable = lsctables.New( lsctables.SegmentTable, columns=[ "process_id", "segment_def_id", "segment_id", "start_time", "start_time_ns", "end_time", "end_time_ns", ], ) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(segtable) for seg in sgmtlist: segment = lsctables.Segment() segment.process_id = proc_id segment.segment_def_id = seg_def_id segment.segment_id = segtable.get_next_id() segment.start_time = seg[0] segment.start_time_ns = 0 segment.end_time = seg[1] segment.end_time_ns = 0 segtable.append(segment)
def getAuxChannels(self, inputList): intermediateTable = { "type": [], "ifo": [], "qscan_time": [], "qscan_dir": [], "channel_name": [], "peak_time": [], "peak_frequency": [], "peak_q": [], "peak_significance": [], "peak_amplitude": [], } try: doc = utils.load_filename( inputList[0] + "/summary.xml", verbose=True, gz=False, xmldoc=None, contenthandler=None ) qscanTable = table.get_table(doc, "qscan:summary:table") except: print >> sys.stderr, "failed to read" + inputList[0] + "/summary.xml" return intermediateTable for channel in qscanTable: for param in self.paramMaps: intermediateTable[param[0]].append(eval("channel." + param[1])) intermediateTable["qscan_dir"].append(inputList[0]) # if len(inputList) == 4: intermediateTable["qscan_time"].append(inputList[1]) intermediateTable["type"].append(inputList[2]) intermediateTable["ifo"].append(inputList[3]) return intermediateTable
def add_to_segment_summary(xmldoc, proc_id, seg_def_id, sgmtlist, comment=""): try: seg_sum_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentSumTable.tableName) except: seg_sum_table = lsctables.New( lsctables.SegmentSumTable, columns=[ "process_id", "segment_def_id", "segment_sum_id", "start_time", "start_time_ns", "end_time", "end_time_ns", "comment", ], ) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(seg_sum_table) for seg in sgmtlist: segment_sum = lsctables.SegmentSum() segment_sum.process_id = proc_id segment_sum.segment_def_id = seg_def_id segment_sum.segment_sum_id = seg_sum_table.get_next_id() segment_sum.start_time = seg[0] segment_sum.start_time_ns = 0 segment_sum.end_time = seg[1] segment_sum.end_time_ns = 0 segment_sum.comment = comment seg_sum_table.append(segment_sum)
def check_segment_availability(grb_name, grb_time, query_start, query_end, offset, ifo, segmentName): ''' Searches +/- offset from GRB time to download the latest segment lists then extracts times and puts them into a txt file. ''' args = {'grb_name' : grb_name, 'query_start' : query_start, 'query_end' : query_end, 'ifo' : ifo, 'segmentName' : segmentName} cmd = "ligolw_segment_query --database --query-segments --include-segments '{segmentName}' --gps-start-time {query_start} --gps-end-time {query_end} > ./segments{ifo}_grb{grb_name}.xml".format(**args) print '>>',cmd print process = subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output,err = process.communicate() # try to open the file try: doc = utils.load_filename("segments{ifo}_grb{grb_name}.xml".format(**args), contenthandler = lsctables.use_in(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)) except: raise IOError, "Error reading file: segments{ifo}_grb{grb_name}.xml".format(**args) # extract the segment list from segment:table and store in a txt file segs = table.get_table(doc, "segment") seglist = segments.segmentlist(segments.segment(s.start_time, s.end_time) for s in segs) segmentsUtils.tosegwizard(file("{ifo}-science_grb{grb_name}.txt".format(**args),'w'),seglist,header = True) print ">> %s segments +/-%ds from %ds found:"%(ifo,offset,grb_time) for s in segs: print "Start:",s.start_time,"End:",s.end_time,"Duration:",s.end_time-s.start_time print return
def get_segment_definer_comments(xml_file, include_version=True): """Returns a dict with the comment column as the value for each segment""" from glue.ligolw.ligolw import LIGOLWContentHandler as h lsctables.use_in(h) # read segment definer table xmldoc, _ = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj(xml_file,".gz"), contenthandler=h) seg_def_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentDefTable.tableName) # put comment column into a dict comment_dict = {} for seg_def in seg_def_table: if include_version: full_channel_name = ':'.join([str(seg_def.ifos), str(, str(seg_def.version)]) else: full_channel_name = ':'.join([str(seg_def.ifos), str(]) comment_dict[full_channel_name] = seg_def.comment return comment_dict
def _make_events(self, doc, psd_file, coinc_def): # Look up necessary tables. coinc_table = get_table(doc, CoincTable.tableName) coinc_map_table = get_table(doc, CoincMapTable.tableName) sngl_inspiral_table = get_table(doc, SnglInspiralTable.tableName) try: time_slide_table = get_table(doc, TimeSlideTable.tableName) except ValueError: offsets_by_time_slide_id = None else: offsets_by_time_slide_id = time_slide_table.as_dict() # Indices to speed up lookups by ID. key = operator.attrgetter('coinc_event_id') event_ids_by_coinc_event_id = { coinc_event_id: tuple(coinc_map.event_id for coinc_map in coinc_maps) for coinc_event_id, coinc_maps in groupby( sorted(coinc_map_table, key=key), key=key) } sngl_inspirals_by_event_id = { row.event_id: row for row in sngl_inspiral_table } # Filter rows by coinc_def if requested. if coinc_def is not None: coinc_def_table = get_table(doc, CoincDefTable.tableName) coinc_def_ids = { row.coinc_def_id for row in coinc_def_table if (, row.search_coinc_type) == (, coinc_def.search_coinc_type) } coinc_table = (row for row in coinc_table if row.coinc_def_id in coinc_def_ids) snr_dict = dict(self._snr_series_by_sngl_inspiral(doc)) process_table = get_table(doc, ProcessTable.tableName) program_for_process_id = { row.process_id: row.program for row in process_table } try: process_params_table = get_table(doc, ProcessParamsTable.tableName) except ValueError: psd_filenames_by_process_id = {} else: psd_filenames_by_process_id = { process_param.process_id: process_param.value for process_param in process_params_table if process_param.param == '--reference-psd' } for coinc in coinc_table: coinc_event_id = coinc.coinc_event_id coinc_event_num = int(coinc_event_id) sngls = [ sngl_inspirals_by_event_id[event_id] for event_id in event_ids_by_coinc_event_id[coinc_event_id] ] if offsets_by_time_slide_id is None and coinc.time_slide_id == TimeSlideID( 0): log.warn( 'Time slide record is missing for %s, ' 'guessing that this is zero-lag', coinc.time_slide_id) offsets = defaultdict(float) else: offsets = offsets_by_time_slide_id[coinc.time_slide_id] template_args = [{ key: getattr(sngl, key) for key in self._template_keys } for sngl in sngls] if any(d != template_args[0] for d in template_args[1:]): raise ValueError( 'Template arguments are not identical for all detectors!') template_args = template_args[0] invert_phases = self._phase_convention( program_for_process_id[coinc.process_id]) if invert_phases: log.warn(PHASE_CONVENTION_WARNING) singles = tuple( LigoLWSingleEvent( self, sngl.ifo, sngl.snr, sngl.coa_phase, float(sngl.end + offsets[sngl.ifo]), float(sngl.end), psd_file or psd_filenames_by_process_id.get(sngl.process_id), snr_dict.get(sngl.event_id), invert_phases) for sngl in sngls) event = LigoLWEvent(coinc_event_num, singles, template_args) yield coinc_event_num, event
signal_sample_rate = options.signal_sample_rate if options.psd and options.asd_file: parser.error("PSD and asd-file options are mututally exclusive") if options.use_cuda: ctx = CUDAScheme else: ctx = DefaultScheme print "STARTING THE BANKSIM" # Load in the template bank file indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(options.bank_file, False) try : template_table = table.get_table(indoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) except ValueError: template_table = table.get_table(indoc, lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) # open the output file where the max overlaps over the bank are stored fout = open(options.out_file, "w") fout2 = open(options.out_file+".found", "w") print "Writing matches to " + options.out_file print "Writing recovered template in " + options.out_file+".found" # Load in the simulation list indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(options.sim_file, False) try: signal_table = table.get_table(indoc, lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) except ValueError:
def __init__(self, filename, approximant=None, parameters=None, load_compressed=True, load_compressed_now=False, **kwds): ext = os.path.basename(filename) self.compressed_waveforms = None if ext.endswith(('.xml', '.xml.gz', '.xmlgz')): self.filehandler = None self.indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename( filename, False, contenthandler=LIGOLWContentHandler) self.table = table.get_table( self.indoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) self.table =, columns=parameters) # inclination stored in xml alpha3 column names = list(self.table.dtype.names) names = tuple([n if n != 'alpha3' else 'inclination' for n in names]) # low frequency cutoff in xml alpha6 column names = tuple([n if n!= 'alpha6' else 'f_lower' for n in names]) self.table.dtype.names = names elif ext.endswith(('hdf', '.h5')): self.indoc = None f = h5py.File(filename, 'r') self.filehandler = f try: fileparams = map(str, f.attrs['parameters']) except KeyError: # just assume all of the top-level groups are the parameters fileparams = map(str, f.keys())"WARNING: no parameters attribute found. " "Assuming that %s " %(', '.join(fileparams)) + "are the parameters.") # use WaveformArray's syntax parser to figure out what fields # need to be loaded if parameters is None: parameters = fileparams common_fields = list(, names=parameters).fieldnames) add_fields = list(set(parameters) & (set(fileparams) - set(common_fields))) # load dtype = [] data = {} for key in common_fields+add_fields: data[str(key)] = f[key][:] dtype.append((str(key), data[key].dtype)) num = f[fileparams[0]].size self.table =, dtype=dtype) for key in data: self.table[key] = data[key] # add the compressed waveforms, if they exist if load_compressed and 'compressed_waveforms' in f: self.compressed_waveforms = {} for tmplt_hash in self.table['template_hash']: self.compressed_waveforms[tmplt_hash] = \ pycbc.waveform.compress.CompressedWaveform.from_hdf(f, tmplt_hash, load_now=load_compressed_now) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported template bank file extension %s" %( ext)) # if approximant is specified, override whatever was in the file # (if anything was in the file) if approximant is not None: # get the approximant for each template apprxs = self.parse_approximant(approximant) if 'approximant' not in self.table.fieldnames: self.table = self.table.add_fields(apprxs, 'approximant') else: self.table['approximant'] = apprxs self.extra_args = kwds self.ensure_hash()
action="store_true", help="print extra debugging information", default=False) parser.add_option("-e", "--named", help="Starting string in the names of final XMLs") options, argv_frame_files = parser.parse_args() print(options.named) print(options.named) indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(options.tmplt_bank, contenthandler=mycontenthandler) try: template_bank_table = table.get_table( indoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) tabletype = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable except BaseException: template_bank_table = table.get_table(indoc, lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) tabletype = lsctables.SimInspiralTable # print tabletype length = len(template_bank_table) num_files = int(round(length / options.num + .5)) for num in range(num_files): # create a blank xml document and add the process id outdoc = ligolw.Document() outdoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW())
if cnt == 0: new_point = get_new_sample_point() new_point.bandpass = cnt new_point.process_id = out_proc_id new_points_table.append(new_point) cnt += 1 continue k = 0 new_point = get_new_sample_point() while reject_new_sample_point(new_point, new_points_table, MM, psd, f_min, dt, N, options.mchirp_window): print("Rejecting sample %d" % k) k += 1 new_point = get_new_sample_point() new_point.bandpass = cnt new_point.process_id = out_proc_id new_points_table.append(new_point) cnt += 1 #}}} ############## Write the new sample points to XML ############# print("Writing %d new points to %s" % (len(new_points_table), new_file_name)) sys.stdout.flush() new_points_proctable = table.get_table(new_points_doc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName) new_points_proctable[0].end_time = gpstime.GpsSecondsFromPyUTC(time.time()) ligolw_utils.write_filename(new_points_doc, new_file_name)
#process = ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc(fake_xmldoc, "lalapps_cbc_sbank_sim", FIXME # opts_dict, version=git_version.tag or, FIXME # cvs_repository="sbank", FIXME process = ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc( fake_xmldoc, "lalapps_cbc_sbank_sim", opts_dict, version="no version", cvs_repository="sbank", cvs_entry_time=strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) h5file = H5File("%s.h5" % usertag, "w") # load templates xmldoc = utils.load_filename(tmplt_file, contenthandler=ContentHandler) ligolw_copy_process(xmldoc, fake_xmldoc) sngls = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) bank = Bank.from_sngls(sngls, tmplt_approx, noise_model, flow, use_metric=False, cache_waveforms=opts.cache_waveforms, nhood_size=opts.neighborhood_size, nhood_param=opts.neighborhood_param) # write bank to h5 file, but note that from_sngls() has resorted the # bank by neighborhood_param sngls = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable() for s in bank._templates: sngls.append(s.to_sngl()) h5file.create_dataset("/sngl_inspiral", data=ligolw_table_to_array(sngls),
def get_columns_to_print(xmldoc, tableName, with_sngl=False): """ Retrieves canonical columns to print for the given tableName. Returns a columnList, row_span and rspan_break lists. @with_sngl: for the loudest_events table, if with_sngl turned on, will print sngl_ifo end_times """ tableName = tableName.endswith( ":table") and tableName or tableName + ":table" summTable = table.get_table(xmldoc, tableName) # get rankname rankname = [ col.getAttribute("Name").split(":")[-1] for col in summTable.getElementsByTagName(u'Column') if "rank" in col.getAttribute("Name") ][0] if tableName == "loudest_events:table" and not with_sngl: durname = [ col.getAttribute("Name").split(":")[-1] for col in summTable.getElementsByTagName(u'Column') if "_duration__Px_" in col.getAttribute("Name") and not col.getAttribute("Name").split(":")[-1].startswith('sngl_') ][0] columnList = [ rankname, 'combined_far', 'fap', 'fap_1yr', 'snr', 'end_time', 'gps_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_', 'ifos__Px_click_for_elog_xP_', 'instruments_on', 'mass', 'mchirp', 'mini_followup', 'omega_scan', durname ] row_span_columns = rspan_break_columns = [durname] elif tableName == "loudest_events:table" and with_sngl: durname = [ col.getAttribute("Name").split(":")[-1] for col in summTable.getElementsByTagName(u'Column') if "_duration__Px_" in col.getAttribute("Name") and not col.getAttribute("Name").split(":")[-1].startswith(u'sngl_') ][0] columnList = [ rankname, 'combined_far', 'fap', 'fap_1yr', 'snr', 'mass', 'mchirp', 'instruments_on', 'sngl_ifo__Px_click_for_elog_xP_', 'sngl_end_time', 'sngl_event_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_', 'mini_followup', 'omega_scan', durname ] row_span_columns = rspan_break_columns = \ [col for col in summTable.columnnames if not col.startswith('sngl_')] elif tableName == "selected_found_injections:table": durname = [ col.getAttribute("Name").split(":")[-1] for col in summTable.getElementsByTagName(u'Column') if "_duration__Px_" in col.getAttribute("Name") ][0] columnList = [ rankname, 'injected_gps_time', 'injected_event_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_', 'elogs', 'mini_followup', 'omega_scan', 'sim_tag', 'injected_decisive_distance', 'injected_mchirp', 'injected_mass1', 'injected_mass2', 'recovered_match_rank', 'recovered_ifos', 'recovered_combined_far', 'recovered_fap', 'recovered_fap_1yr', 'recovered_snr', 'recovered_gps_time', 'recovered_mchirp', 'recovered_mass' ] row_span_columns = rspan_break_columns = [ rankname, 'injected_gps_time', 'injected_event_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_', 'elogs', 'mini_followup', 'omega_scan', 'sim_tag', 'injected_decisive_distance', 'injected_mchirp', 'injected_mass1', 'injected_mass2' ] if with_sngl: row_span_columns.extend([ col for col in summTable.columnnames if col.startswith('recovered_') ]) elif tableName == "close_missed_injections:table": columnList = [ 'rank', 'decisive_distance', 'gps_time', 'injection_time_utc__Px_click_for_daily_ihope_xP_', 'elogs', 'mchirp', 'mass1', 'mass2', 'eff_dist_h', 'eff_dist_l', 'eff_dist_v', 'sim_tag', 'mini_followup', 'omega_scan' ] row_span_columns = rspan_break_columns = [] else: # unrecognized table, just return all the columns in the table columnList = [ col.getAttribute("Name").split(":")[-1] for col in summTable.getElementsByTagName(u'Column') ] row_span_columns = rspan_break_columns = [] return columnList, row_span_columns, rspan_break_columns
def output_sngl_inspiral_table(outputFile, tempBank, metricParams, ethincaParams, programName="", optDict=None, outdoc=None, **kwargs): """ Function that converts the information produced by the various pyCBC bank generation codes into a valid LIGOLW xml file containing a sngl_inspiral table and outputs to file. Parameters ----------- outputFile : string Name of the file that the bank will be written to tempBank : iterable Each entry in the tempBank iterable should be a sequence of [mass1,mass2,spin1z,spin2z] in that order. metricParams : metricParameters instance Structure holding all the options for construction of the metric and the eigenvalues, eigenvectors and covariance matrix needed to manipulate the space. ethincaParams: {ethincaParameters instance, None} Structure holding options relevant to the ethinca metric computation including the upper frequency cutoff to be used for filtering. NOTE: The computation is currently only valid for non-spinning systems and uses the TaylorF2 approximant. programName (key-word-argument) : string Name of the executable that has been run optDict (key-word argument) : dictionary Dictionary of the command line arguments passed to the program outdoc (key-word argument) : ligolw xml document If given add template bank to this representation of a xml document and write to disk. If not given create a new document. kwargs : key-word arguments All other key word arguments will be passed directly to ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc """ if optDict is None: optDict = {} if outdoc is None: outdoc = ligolw.Document() outdoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) # get IFO to put in search summary table ifos = [] if 'channel_name' in optDict.keys(): if optDict['channel_name'] is not None: ifos = [optDict['channel_name'][0:2]] proc_id = ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc(outdoc, programName, optDict, ifos=ifos, **kwargs).process_id sngl_inspiral_table = convert_to_sngl_inspiral_table(tempBank, proc_id) # Calculate Gamma components if needed if ethincaParams is not None: if ethincaParams.doEthinca: for sngl in sngl_inspiral_table: # Set tau_0 and tau_3 values needed for the calculation of # ethinca metric distances (sngl.tau0, sngl.tau3) = pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3( sngl.mass1, sngl.mass2, metricParams.f0) fMax_theor, GammaVals = calculate_ethinca_metric_comps( metricParams, ethincaParams, sngl.mass1, sngl.mass2, spin1z=sngl.spin1z, spin2z=sngl.spin2z, full_ethinca=ethincaParams.full_ethinca) # assign the upper frequency cutoff and Gamma0-5 values sngl.f_final = fMax_theor for i in xrange(len(GammaVals)): setattr(sngl, "Gamma" + str(i), GammaVals[i]) # If Gamma metric components are not wanted, assign f_final from an # upper frequency cutoff specified in ethincaParams elif ethincaParams.cutoff is not None: for sngl in sngl_inspiral_table: sngl.f_final = pnutils.frequency_cutoff_from_name( ethincaParams.cutoff, sngl.mass1, sngl.mass2, sngl.spin1z, sngl.spin2z) outdoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(sngl_inspiral_table) # get times to put in search summary table start_time = 0 end_time = 0 if 'gps_start_time' in optDict.keys() and 'gps_end_time' in optDict.keys(): start_time = optDict['gps_start_time'] end_time = optDict['gps_end_time'] # make search summary table search_summary_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable) search_summary = return_search_summary(start_time, end_time, len(sngl_inspiral_table), ifos, **kwargs) search_summary_table.append(search_summary) outdoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(search_summary_table) # write the xml doc to disk proctable = table.get_table(outdoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName) ligolw_utils.write_filename(outdoc, outputFile, gz=outputFile.endswith('.gz'))
def __init__(self, opts, flist): self.segments = segments.segmentlistdict() self.non_inj_fnames = [] self.inj_fnames = [] self.found = {} self.missed = {} self.opts = opts self.veto_segments = segments.segmentlistdict() self.zero_lag_segments = {} self.instruments = [] self.livetime = {} self.multi_burst_table = None self.coinc_inspiral_table = None for f in flist: if opts.verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "Gathering stats from: %s...." % (f, ) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename( f, tmp_path=opts.tmp_space, verbose=opts.verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(connection) xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection) # look for a sim table try: sim_inspiral_table = table.get_table( xmldoc, dbtables.lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) self.inj_fnames.append(f) sim = True except ValueError: self.non_inj_fnames.append(f) sim = False # FIGURE OUT IF IT IS A BURST OR INSPIRAL RUN try: self.multi_burst_table = table.get_table( xmldoc, dbtables.lsctables.MultiBurstTable.tableName) except ValueError: self.multi_burst_table = None try: self.coinc_inspiral_table = table.get_table( xmldoc, dbtables.lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.tableName) except ValueError: self.coinc_inspiral_table = None if self.multi_burst_table and self.coinc_inspiral_table: print >> sys.stderr, "both burst and inspiral tables found. Aborting" raise ValueError if not sim: self.get_instruments(connection) self.segments += self.get_segments(connection, xmldoc) #FIXME, don't assume veto segments are the same in every file! self.veto_segments = self.get_veto_segments(connection) dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose=opts.verbose) dbtables.DBTable_set_connection(None) # remove redundant instruments self.instruments = list(set(self.instruments)) # FIXME Do these have to be done by instruments? self.segments -= self.veto_segments # segments and livetime by instruments for i in self.instruments: self.zero_lag_segments[i] = self.segments.intersection( i) - self.segments.union(set(self.segments.keys()) - i) self.livetime[i] = float(abs(self.zero_lag_segments[i]))
L1_eras = [L1_gps_era_start] # Grab all relevant Omicron trigger files H1_omicron_times = [] H1_omicron_snr = [] H1_omicron_freq = [] for era in H1_eras: # Generate list of all Omicron SnglBurst xml trigger files H1_file_list = glob.glob(args.H1_omicron_dir + '/GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_Omicron/%s/H1-GDS_CALIB_STRAIN_Omicron-*.xml.gz' %(era)) # Parse trigger files into SNR, time, and frequency for Omicron triggers for file in H1_file_list: omicron_xml = utils.load_filename(file, contenthandler=DefaultContentHandler) H1snglburst_table = table.get_table(omicron_xml, lsctables.SnglBurstTable.tableName) for row in H1snglburst_table: if (row.snr > args.omicron_snr_thresh and H1_omicron_start_time < row.peak_time < H1_omicron_end_time): H1_omicron_times.append(row.peak_time + row.peak_time_ns * 10**(-9)) H1_omicron_snr.append(row.snr) H1_omicron_freq.append(row.peak_frequency) L1_omicron_times = [] L1_omicron_snr = [] L1_omicron_freq = [] for era in L1_eras: # Generate list of all Omicron SnglBurst xml trigger files
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args() # generate an injection file command = "lalapps_bbhinj --seed " + str(opts.seed) command = command + " --min-distance " + str(1.0e3 * opts.min_distance) command = command + " --max-distance " + str(1.0e3 * opts.max_distance) command = command + " --d-distr 2" os.system(command) # read the injection file and create a list of galaxies from it bbhinjFile = "HL-INJECTIONS_123-729273613-5094000.xml" doc = utils.load_filename(bbhinjFile) sims = None try: simInspiralTable = \ table.get_table(doc, lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) sims = simInspiralTable except: simInspiralTable = None sims.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.distance, b.distance)) # make distance, latitute, longitude arrays distance = sims.getColumnByName('distance').asarray() latitude = sims.getColumnByName('latitude').asarray() longitude = sims.getColumnByName('longitude').asarray() ngalaxies = float(len(longitude)) figure() plot(longitude, sin(latitude), 'bx') xlabel(r'Longitude') ylabel(r'Sin(Latitude)')
def __init__(self, filelist, live_time_program = None, veto_segments_name = None, data_segments_name = "datasegments", tmp_path = None, verbose = False): self.segments = segments.segmentlistdict() self.instruments = set() self.table_name = None self.found_injections_by_instrument_set = {} self.missed_injections_by_instrument_set = {} self.total_injections_by_instrument_set = {} self.zerolag_fars_by_instrument_set = {} self.ts_fars_by_instrument_set = {} self.numslides = set() for f in filelist: if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "Gathering stats from: %s...." % (f,) working_filename = dbtables.get_connection_filename(f, tmp_path = tmp_path, verbose = verbose) connection = sqlite3.connect(working_filename) xmldoc = dbtables.get_xml(connection) sim = False # look for a sim inspiral table. This is IMR work we have to have one of these :) try: sim_inspiral_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, dbtables.lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) sim = True except ValueError: pass # look for the relevant table for analyses for table_name in allowed_analysis_table_names(): try: setattr(self, table_name, table.get_table(xmldoc, table_name)) if self.table_name is None or self.table_name == table_name: self.table_name = table_name else: raise ValueError("detected more than one table type out of " + " ".join(allowed_analysis_table_names())) except ValueError: setattr(self, table_name, None) # the non simulation databases are where we get information about segments if not sim: self.numslides.add(connection.cursor().execute('SELECT count(DISTINCT(time_slide_id)) FROM time_slide').fetchone()[0]) [self.instruments.add(ifos) for ifos in get_instruments_from_coinc_event_table(connection)] # save a reference to the segments for this file, needed to figure out the missed and found injections self.this_segments = get_segments(connection, xmldoc, self.table_name, live_time_program, veto_segments_name, data_segments_name = data_segments_name) # FIXME we don't really have any reason to use playground segments, but I put this here as a reminder # self.this_playground_segments = segmentsUtils.S2playground(self.this_segments.extent_all()) self.segments += self.this_segments # get the far thresholds for the loudest events in these databases for (instruments_set, far, ts) in get_event_fars(connection, self.table_name): if not ts: self.zerolag_fars_by_instrument_set.setdefault(instruments_set, []).append(far) else: self.ts_fars_by_instrument_set.setdefault(instruments_set, []).append(far) # get the injections else: # We need to know the segments in this file to determine which injections are found self.this_injection_segments = get_segments(connection, xmldoc, self.table_name, live_time_program, veto_segments_name, data_segments_name = data_segments_name) self.this_injection_instruments = [] distinct_instruments = connection.cursor().execute('SELECT DISTINCT(instruments) FROM coinc_event WHERE instruments!=""').fetchall() for instruments, in distinct_instruments: instruments_set = frozenset(lsctables.instrument_set_from_ifos(instruments)) self.this_injection_instruments.append(instruments_set) segments_to_consider_for_these_injections = self.this_injection_segments.intersection(instruments_set) - self.this_injection_segments.union(set(self.this_injection_segments.keys()) - instruments_set) found, total, missed = get_min_far_inspiral_injections(connection, segments = segments_to_consider_for_these_injections, table_name = self.table_name) if verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "%s total injections: %d; Found injections %d: Missed injections %d" % (instruments, len(total), len(found), len(missed)) self.found_injections_by_instrument_set.setdefault(instruments_set, []).extend(found) self.total_injections_by_instrument_set.setdefault(instruments_set, []).extend(total) self.missed_injections_by_instrument_set.setdefault(instruments_set, []).extend(missed) # All done dbtables.discard_connection_filename(f, working_filename, verbose = verbose) if len(self.numslides) > 1: raise ValueError('number of slides differs between input files') elif self.numslides: self.numslides = min(self.numslides) else: self.numslides = 0
def parse_veto_definer(veto_def_filename): """ Parse a veto definer file from the filename and return a dictionary indexed by ifo and veto definer category level. Parameters ---------- veto_def_filename: str The path to the veto definer file Returns: parsed_definition: dict Returns a dictionary first indexed by ifo, then category level, and finally a list of veto definitions. """ from glue.ligolw import table, lsctables, utils as ligolw_utils from glue.ligolw.ligolw import LIGOLWContentHandler as h lsctables.use_in(h) indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(veto_def_filename, False, contenthandler=h) veto_table = table.get_table(indoc, 'veto_definer') ifo = veto_table.getColumnByName('ifo') name = veto_table.getColumnByName('name') version = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('version')) category = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('category')) start = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('start_time')) end = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('end_time')) start_pad = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('start_pad')) end_pad = numpy.array(veto_table.getColumnByName('end_pad')) data = {} for i in range(len(veto_table)): if ifo[i] not in data: data[ifo[i]] = {} # The veto-definer categories are weird! Hardware injections are stored # in "3" and numbers above that are bumped up by one (although not # often used any more). So we remap 3 to H and anything above 3 to # N-1. 2 and 1 correspond to 2 and 1 (YAY!) if category[i] > 3: curr_cat = "CAT_{}".format(category[i] - 1) elif category[i] == 3: curr_cat = "CAT_H" else: curr_cat = "CAT_{}".format(category[i]) if curr_cat not in data[ifo[i]]: data[ifo[i]][curr_cat] = [] veto_info = { 'name': name[i], 'version': version[i], 'full_name': name[i] + ':' + str(version[i]), 'start': start[i], 'end': end[i], 'start_pad': start_pad[i], 'end_pad': end_pad[i], } data[ifo[i]][curr_cat].append(veto_info) return data
'templates are supported'.format(attr)) return super(TaylorF2RedSpinIntrinsicParams, cls).__new__( cls, *(getattr(sim_inspiral, field) for field in cls._fields)) @property def chi(self): return lalsimulation.SimInspiralTaylorF2ReducedSpinComputeChi( self.mass1, self.mass2, self.spin1z, self.spin2z) # Read injection file. xmldoc, _ = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj( opts.input, contenthandler=ligolw_bayestar.LSCTablesContentHandler) # Extract simulation table from injection file. sim_inspiral_table = ligolw_table.get_table( xmldoc, lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) # Get just the intrinsic parameters from the sim_inspiral table. sim_inspiral_intrinsic_params = { TaylorF2RedSpinIntrinsicParams(sim_inspiral) for sim_inspiral in sim_inspiral_table } if opts.low_frequency_cutoff is None: # Get the low-frequency cutoffs from the sim_inspiral table. f_lows = {sim_inspiral.f_lower for sim_inspiral in sim_inspiral_table} # There can be only one! try: f_low, = f_lows except ValueError:
# if .sqlite extension if fExtension == "sqlite": samples = xmlutils.db_to_samples( fname, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable, ['mass1', 'mass2', 'snr', 'tau0', 'event_duration']) for row in samples: # print each individual row, don't reweight yet if not (data_at_intrinsic.has_key((row.mass1, row.mass2))): data_at_intrinsic[(row.mass1, row.mass2)] = [[ row.snr, row.tau0, row.event_duration ]] else: data_at_intrinsic[(row.mass1, row.mass2)].append( [row.snr, row.tau0, row.event_duration]) # otherwise xml: could have just used ligolw_print elif fExtension == "xml" or fExtension == "gz": samples = table.get_table(utils.load_filename(fname), lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) for row in samples: # print each individual row, don't reweight yet if not (data_at_intrinsic.has_key((row.mass1, row.mass2))): data_at_intrinsic[(row.mass1, row.mass2)] = [[ row.snr, row.tau0, row.event_duration ]] else: data_at_intrinsic[(row.mass1, row.mass2)].append( [row.snr, row.tau0, row.event_duration]) # Loop over each key and print out for intrinsic in data_at_intrinsic.keys(): lnL, neff, sigmaOverL = np.transpose(data_at_intrinsic[intrinsic]) lnLmax = np.max(lnL) sigma = sigmaOverL * np.exp( lnL - lnLmax
else: smplpt.alpha3 = -1 if options.sample_lambda2: smplpt.alpha4 = sample_range(options.lambda2_min, options.lambda2_max) else: smplpt.alpha4 = -1 # Get the inclination angle if options.inclination is not None: smplpt.inclination = options.inclination else: smplpt.inclination = sample_inc() # Get the polarization angle if options.polarization is not None: smplpt.polarization = options.polarization else: smplpt.polarization = sample_pol() smplpt.latitude = 0. smplpt.longitude = 0. # sim_inspiral_table.append(smplpt) #print smplpt.spin1z, smplpt.spin2z # Store the samples in the output file proctable = table.get_table(outdoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName) proctable[0].end_time = gpstime.GpsSecondsFromPyUTC(time.time()) outname = 'TestPoints.xml' ligolw_utils.write_filename(outdoc, outname)
default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # }}} if options.input_bank is None or options.output_bank is None: raise IOError("PLease give input AND output bank names") if options.strict_region_alignedspin is False and options.mtotal_cut is None and options.mchirp_cut is None and options.eta_cut is None and options.mass_cut is None and options.extract_eta is None and options.extract_q is None and not options.strict_region and options.insert_q is None and options.insert_eta is None: raise IOError("Please specify one cut to apply") ################### Read in the bank file, and get the sim table ############ bank_file_name = options.input_bank in_bank_doc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(bank_file_name, options.verbose) try: in_bank_table = table.get_table(in_bank_doc, lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) except ValueError: in_bank_table = table.get_table(in_bank_doc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) ################### Cut the bank amd write it to disk ############ subfile_name = options.output_bank print("Writing sub-bank file %s" % subfile_name) out_subbank_doc = ligolw.Document() out_subbank_doc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) out_proc_id = ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc( out_subbank_doc, PROGRAM_NAME, options.__dict__, comment=options.comment,,
def __init__(self, sim_file, **kwds): self.indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename( sim_file, False, contenthandler=LIGOLWContentHandler) self.table = table.get_table( self.indoc, lsctables.SimBurstTable.tableName) self.extra_args = kwds
condor_commands = None if opts.condor_command is not None: condor_commands = dict([c.split("=") for c in opts.condor_command]) # # Get trigger information from coinc xml file # # FIXME: CML should package this for us # Get end time from coinc inspiral table or command line xmldoc = None if opts.coinc_xml is not None: xmldoc = utils.load_filename(opts.coinc_xml, contenthandler=ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler) coinc_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.tableName) assert len(coinc_table) == 1 coinc_row = coinc_table[0] event_time = coinc_row.get_end() print "Coinc XML loaded, event time: %s" % str(coinc_row.get_end()) elif opts.event_time is not None: event_time = glue.lal.LIGOTimeGPS(opts.event_time) print "Event time from command line: %s" % str(event_time) else: raise ValueError( "Either --coinc-xml or --event-time must be provided to parse event time." ) xmldoc, tmplt_bnk = utils.load_filename( opts.template_bank_xml, contenthandler=ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler), None try:
def createInjectionFile(hipe_dir, cp, cpinj, injrun, injection_segment, source_file, ipn_gps=None, usertag=None, verbose=False): """ Creates an master injection file containing all injections for this run. Also reads the file and returns its contents """ cpinj = copy.deepcopy(cpinj) # get the number of injections to be made for opt in ['exttrig-inj-start','exttrig-inj-stop']: value = int(cpinj.get(injrun,opt)) cpinj.remove_option(injrun,opt) if 'start' in opt: injStart = value else: injEnd = value seed = hash_n_bits(hipe_dir, 31) numberInjections = injEnd - injStart + 1 # e.g., 1 through 5000 inclusive # get the jitter parameters if cpinj.has_option(injrun, "jitter-skyloc"): jitter_sigma_deg = cpinj.getfloat(injrun, "jitter-skyloc") cpinj.remove_option(injrun, "jitter-skyloc") else: jitter_sigma_deg = None # check if the specific Fermi systematic error needs to # be added to the location jittering if cpinj.has_option(injrun, "jitter-skyloc-fermi"): jitter_skyloc_fermi = cpinj.getboolean(injrun, "jitter-skyloc-fermi") cpinj.remove_option(injrun, "jitter-skyloc-fermi") else: jitter_skyloc_fermi = False # check if we should align the total angular momentum if cpinj.has_option(injrun, "align-total-spin"): align_total_spin = cpinj.getboolean(injrun, "align-total-spin") cpinj.remove_option(injrun, "align-total-spin") else: align_total_spin = False # set all the arguments argument = [] for (opt,value) in cpinj.items(injrun): argument.append("--%s %s" % (opt, value) ) # add arguments on times and time-intervals interval = abs(injection_segment) injInterval = interval / numberInjections argument.append(" --gps-start-time %d" % injection_segment[0] ) argument.append(" --gps-end-time %d" % injection_segment[1] ) argument.append(" --time-interval %f" % injInterval ) argument.append(" --time-step %f" % injInterval ) argument.append(" --seed %d" % seed ) argument.append(" --user-tag %s" % usertag) # set output file as exttrig-file or IPN file with IPN GPS time if ipn_gps: argument.append(" --ipn-gps-time %d" % ipn_gps ) else: argument.append(" --exttrig-file %s" % source_file ) # execute the command executable = cp.get("condor", "inspinj") arguments = " ".join(argument) inspiralutils.make_external_call(executable + " " + arguments, show_command=verbose) # recreate the output filename injFile = "HL-INJECTIONS_" + str(seed) if usertag is not None: injFile += "_" + usertag injFile += "-%d-%d.xml" % (injection_segment[0], abs(injection_segment)) # move it into the GRB directory to avoid clutter new_injFile = hipe_dir + "/" + injFile os.rename(injFile, new_injFile) # jitter the sky locations of the injections if jitter_sigma_deg is not None: # rename the original, then have ligolw_cbc_jitter_skyloc create a new one os.rename(new_injFile, new_injFile + ".prejitter") cmd = ["ligolw_cbc_jitter_skyloc"] if jitter_skyloc_fermi: cmd.append("--apply-fermi-error") cmd.extend(["--jitter-sigma-deg", str(jitter_sigma_deg), "--output-file", new_injFile, new_injFile + ".prejitter"]) if verbose: print " ".join(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, "%s: %s" % (" ".join(cmd), err)) # rotate the binary so that total angular momentum has the current inclination if align_total_spin: # rename the original then have ligolw_cbc_align_total_spin create a new one os.rename(new_injFile, new_injFile + ".prealign") cmd = ["ligolw_cbc_align_total_spin", "--output-file", new_injFile, new_injFile + ".prealign"] if verbose: print " ".join(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, "%s: %s" % (" ".join(cmd), err)) # read in the file and the tables doc = utils.load_filename(new_injFile, contenthandler = lsctables.use_in(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)) sims = table.get_table(doc, lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) return sims, injInterval, numberInjections, new_injFile
def sim_coinc_and_sngl_inspirals_for_xmldoc(xmldoc): """Retrieve (as a generator) all of the (sim_inspiral, coinc_event, (sngl_inspiral, sngl_inspiral, ... sngl_inspiral) tuples from found coincidences in a LIGO-LW XML document.""" # Look up necessary tables. coinc_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincTable.tableName) coinc_def_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincDefTable.tableName) coinc_map_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincMapTable.tableName) # Look up coinc_def ids. sim_coinc_def_id = coinc_def_table.get_coinc_def_id(, InspiralSCExactCoincDef.search_coinc_type, create_new=False) def events_for_coinc_event_id(coinc_event_id): for coinc_map in coinc_map_table: if coinc_map.coinc_event_id == coinc_event_id: for row in ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, coinc_map.table_name): column_name = coinc_map.event_id.column_name if getattr(row, column_name) == coinc_map.event_id: yield coinc_map.event_id, row # Loop over all coinc_event <-> sim_inspiral coincs. for sim_coinc in coinc_table: # If this is not a coinc_event <-> sim_inspiral coinc, skip it. if sim_coinc.coinc_def_id != sim_coinc_def_id: continue # Locate the sim_inspiral and coinc events. sim_inspiral = None coinc = None for event_id, event in events_for_coinc_event_id( sim_coinc.coinc_event_id): if event_id.table_name == ligolw_table.StripTableName( lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName): if sim_inspiral is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Found more than one matching sim_inspiral entry") sim_inspiral = event elif event_id.table_name == ligolw_table.StripTableName( lsctables.CoincTable.tableName): if coinc is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Found more than one matching coinc entry") coinc = event else: raise RuntimeError( "Did not expect coincidence to contain an event of type '%s'" % event_id.table_name) sngl_inspirals = tuple(event for event_id, event in events_for_coinc_event_id(coinc.coinc_event_id)) yield sim_inspiral, coinc, sngl_inspirals
#deal with the glob files = [] if opts.glob is not None: for gl in opts.glob.split(" "): files.extend(glob.glob(gl)) if len(files) < 1: print >> sys.stderr, "The glob for " + opts.glob + " returned no files" sys.exit(1) else: print >> sys.stderr, "Need to specify a glob" sys.exit(1) for file in files: xmldoc = utils.load_filename(file) try: sltab = table.get_table(xmldoc, skylocutils.SkyLocInjTable.tableName) if sltab[0].grid: print "injection" inj = True else: print "no injection" sltab = table.get_table(xmldoc, skylocutils.SkyLocTable.tableName) inj = False except: print "no injection" sltab = table.get_table(xmldoc, skylocutils.SkyLocTable.tableName) inj = False print "Plotting " + file for row in sltab: for fname in [row.grid, row.galaxy_grid]:
def create_tables(xmldoc, rootfiles): sim_tree = TChain("waveburst") liv_tree = TChain("liveTime") for rootfile in rootfiles: sim_tree.Add(rootfile) liv_tree.Add(rootfile) # Define tables sngl_burst_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglBurstTable, [ "peak_time_ns", "start_time_ns", "stop_time_ns", "process_id", "ifo", "peak_time", "start_time", "stop_time", "duration", "time_lag", "peak_frequency", "search", "flow", "fhigh", "bandwidth", "tfvolume", "hrss", "event_id" ]) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(sngl_burst_table) sngl_burst_table.sync_next_id() coinc_event_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincTable, [ "process_id", "coinc_event_id", "nevents", "instruments", "time_slide_id", "coinc_def_id" ]) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(coinc_event_table) coinc_event_table.sync_next_id() multi_burst_table = lsctables.New( lsctables.MultiBurstTable, ["process_id", "peak_time", "peak_time_ns", "coinc_event_id"]) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(multi_burst_table) coinc_event_map_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincMapTable) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(coinc_event_map_table) do_process_table(xmldoc, sim_tree, liv_tree) process_index = dict( (int(row.process_id), row) for row in table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName)) do_summary_table(xmldoc, sim_tree, liv_tree) # create coinc_definer row row = get_coinc_def_row(sim_tree) coinc_def_id = llwapp.get_coinc_def_id(xmldoc,, row.search_coinc_type, description=row.description) for i in range(0, sim_tree.GetEntries()): sim_tree.GetEntry(i) offset_vector = dict( (get_ifos_from_index(instrument_index), offset) for instrument_index, offset in zip(sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.lag)) coinc_event = coinc_event_table.RowType() coinc_event.process_id = process_index[].process_id coinc_event.coinc_event_id = coinc_event_table.get_next_id() coinc_event.coinc_def_id = coinc_def_id coinc_event.nevents = sim_tree.ndim coinc_event.instruments = get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list(sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim)) coinc_event.time_slide_id = llwapp.get_time_slide_id( xmldoc, offset_vector, process_index[]) coinc_event_table.append(coinc_event) for d in range(0, sim_tree.ndim): sngl_burst = get_sngl_burst_row(sngl_burst_table, sim_tree, d) sngl_burst.process_id = coinc_event.process_id sngl_burst.event_id = sngl_burst_table.get_next_id() sngl_burst_table.append(sngl_burst) coinc_event_map = coinc_event_map_table.RowType() coinc_event_map.event_id = sngl_burst.event_id coinc_event_map.table_name = sngl_burst.event_id.table_name coinc_event_map.coinc_event_id = coinc_event.coinc_event_id coinc_event_map_table.append(coinc_event_map) multi_burst = get_multi_burst_row(multi_burst_table, sim_tree) multi_burst.process_id = coinc_event.process_id multi_burst.coinc_event_id = coinc_event.coinc_event_id multi_burst_table.append(multi_burst)
def exttrig_dataquery(grb_name, grb_time, grb_ra, grb_dec, offset, config_file, extend=False, useold=False, make_plots=False, make_xml=False): ''' Finds science time of all available IFOs. ''' ############################################################################## # get segment duration and minimum amount of science time ############################################################################## # read the configuration file cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() # define hardcoded variables basic_ifolist = ifolist = ['H1', 'H2', 'L1', 'V1'] catlist = [1, 2, 3] sensitivity_dict = {"H1": 1, "L1": 2, "H2": 3, "V1": 4, "G1": 5} # get segment length from configuration file pad_data = int(cp.get('data', 'pad-data')) if cp.has_option('data', 'segment-duration'): blockDuration = segmentDuration = psdDuration = int( cp.get('data', 'segment-duration')) elif cp.has_option('data', 'segment-length'): blockDuration = segmentDuration = psdDuration = int( cp.get('data', 'segment-length')) / int( cp.get('data', 'sample-rate')) else: raise ValueError, "EXIT: Cannot find segment-duration in [data] section of configuration file!" # get sample rate if cp.has_option('data', 'sample-rate'): sampleRate = int(cp.get('data', 'sample-rate')) print ">> Sample rate has been set to: %d" % sampleRate print else: print ">> ERROR: Need to specify sample-rate in [data] section of configuration file in order to calculate inputs for downstream processes." sys.exit() # if not extend option then need to get block duration if not extend: if cp.has_option('data', 'block-duration'): blockDuration = int(cp.get('data', 'block-duration')) elif cp.has_option('data', 'segment-length'): s_length = int(cp.get('data', 'segment-length')) s_num = int(cp.get('data', 'number-of-segments')) s_rate = int(cp.get('data', 'sample-rate')) s_overlap = int(cp.get('inspiral', 'segment-overlap')) # calculate blockDuration blockDuration = (s_length * s_num - (s_num - 1) * s_overlap) / s_rate else: raise ValueError, "EXIT: Cannot find block-duration in [data] section of configuration file! Either set block-duration or use --extend option." # calculate the minimum amount of science time need and how the length of quanta to be added on both ends of the analysis time minscilength = blockDuration + 2 * pad_data quanta = segmentDuration / 2 # if extend beyond minscilength; add segments of quanta length to each end of segment print ">> Minimum science segment length is: %ss" % minscilength print if extend: print ">> Will extend minimum science segment by quanta of: %ss" % quanta print ############################################################################## # get list of segments for each IFO and put in science txt file ############################################################################## if not useold: # external call to ligolw_segment_query query_start = int(grb_time - offset) query_end = int(grb_time + offset) for ifo in ifolist: if cp.has_option('segments', '%s-segments' % ifo.lower()): segmentName = cp.get('segments', '%s-segments' % ifo.lower()) check_segment_availability(grb_name, grb_time, query_start, query_end, offset, ifo, segmentName) ############################################################################## # get veto files ############################################################################## if not useold: # get and read veto definer file veto_file_url = cp.get('exttrig', 'cvs_veto_definer') veto_file_path, headers = urllib.urlretrieve( veto_file_url, os.path.basename(veto_file_url)) # do ligolw_segments_from_cats deltat = 500 args = { 'start_time': int(grb_time - offset - deltat), 'end_time': int(grb_time + offset + deltat), 'veto_file_path': veto_file_path } cmd = "ligolw_segments_from_cats --database --veto-file={veto_file_path} --separate-categories --gps-start-time {start_time} --gps-end-time {end_time} --output-dir=. --individual-results".format( **args) print '>>', cmd print process = subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, err = process.communicate() # Rename the veto files for easier handling veto_files = glob.glob( './*VETOTIME_CAT*{start_time}*xml'.format(**args)) for filename in veto_files: p = filename.split('-') newname = "%s-%s_grb%s.xml" % (p[0], p[1], grb_name) shutil.move(filename, newname) ############################################################################## # look in txt files and find segment with onsource and minscilength ############################################################################## # create segment that is +/- offset of GRB time onsource = [grb_time - int(cp.get('exttrig','onsource_left')),\ grb_time + int(cp.get('exttrig','onsource_right'))] onSourceSegment = segments.segment(onsource[0], onsource[1]) # get segments in science txt files; see if segments length at least minscilength # if no then discard them; if yes then put in segdict[ifo] and ifo in ifolist basic_segdict = segdict = segments.segmentlistdict() for ifo in ifolist: # check configuration file if not cp.has_option('segments', '%s-segments' % ifo.lower()): continue # find segment with onsource and check it is at least minscilength ifo_segfile = '%s-science_grb%s.txt' % (ifo, grb_name) if os.path.exists(ifo_segfile): tmplist = segmentsUtils.fromsegwizard(open(ifo_segfile)) try: s = tmplist.find(onSourceSegment) except ValueError: # if onsource not in segments then move on to next IFO continue if abs(tmplist[s]) >= minscilength: segdict[ifo] = segments.segmentlist([tmplist[s]]) basic_segdict[ifo] = segments.segmentlist([s for s in tmplist]) ifolist = segdict.keys() if len(ifolist) < 2: print "EXIT: Less than 2 interferometers have available data!" sys.exit() ############################################################################## # apply vetoes ############################################################################## # apply print ">> Vetoes that overlap with science segments:" for ifo in ifolist: # flag; True if IFO not vetoed cat_flag = True for cat in catlist: # create list and check for overlaps xmlsegfile = "./%s-VETOTIME_CAT%s_grb%s.xml" % (ifo, cat, grb_name) if os.path.exists(xmlsegfile) and cat_flag: testseg = segments.segment( [segdict[ifo][0][0], segdict[ifo][0][1]]) list_overlaps = [] # load the content of the veto-file xmldoc = utils.load_filename(xmlsegfile, gz=False, contenthandler=lsctables.use_in( ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)) segs = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentTable.tableName) segdefs = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentDefTable.tableName) # create a mapping between the segments and their definitions defdict = {} for segdef in segdefs: defdict[segdef.segment_def_id] = # find veto segments that intersect science segment of IFO with onsource for seg in segs: s = segments.segment(seg.start_time, seg.end_time) if testseg.intersects(s): id = seg.segment_def_id list_overlaps.append( [defdict[id], seg.start_time, seg.end_time]) # cut veto CAT1 segments out of science segment; CAT1,2,3 veto IFO if in onsource will veto IFO for name, segstart, segend in list_overlaps: print "CAT%s IFO %s, Start: %d End: %d because %s" % ( cat, ifo, segstart, segend, name) s = segments.segment(segstart, segend) if onSourceSegment.intersects(s): segdict.pop(ifo, None) cat_flag = False break if cat == 1: vetoes = segments.segmentlist( segments.segment(s[1], s[2]) for s in list_overlaps) segdict[ifo] -= vetoes # get list of IFOs ifolist = segdict.keys() print if len(ifolist) < 2: print "EXIT: After vetoes, less than 2 interferometers have available data!" sys.exit() ############################################################################## # determine segment to be analyzed ############################################################################## # sort from most sensitive to least sensitive def sensitivity_cmp(ifo1, ifo2): return cmp(sensitivity_dict[ifo1], sensitivity_dict[ifo2]) ifolist.sort(sensitivity_cmp) # compares IFOs and finds the segment to analyze # now try getting off-source segments # start trying with all IFOs # work our way through subsets; beginning with most sensitive combinations test_combos = itertools.chain(*itertools.imap( lambda n: iterutils.choices(ifolist, n), xrange(len(ifolist), 1, -1))) off_source_segment = None the_ifo_combo = [] for ifo_combo in test_combos: # find conincident science time of IFOs trial_seglist = segdict.intersection(ifo_combo) if abs(trial_seglist) < minscilength: print "EXIT: IFOs do not overlap enough for minscilength", abs( trial_seglist) sys.exit() else: pass # find segment with grb_time inside try: super_seg = trial_seglist[trial_seglist.find( onSourceSegment)].contract(pad_data) except ValueError: print "EXIT: ValueError with super_seg" sys.exit() if onSourceSegment not in super_seg: print "EXIT: onsource not in super_seg" sys.exit() # find int division of onsource time intervals before and after grb tplus = (super_seg[1] - onSourceSegment[1]) tminus = (onSourceSegment[0] - super_seg[0]) # get minimum number of onsource time intervals in offsource tmin = (minscilength - 2 * pad_data - abs(onSourceSegment)) # cut to get minscilength if tplus + tminus > tmin: half_max = tmin // 2 if tplus < half_max: print ">> Left sticks out so cut it." remainder = tmin - tplus tminus = min(remainder, tminus) elif tminus < half_max: print ">> Right sticks out so cut it." remainder = tmin - tminus tplus = min(remainder, tplus) else: print ">> Both sides stick out so cut as symmetrically as possible." tminus = half_max tplus = tmin - half_max # odd trial sticks out on right if tplus + tminus < tmin: offsource = None temp_segment = segments.segment( (onSourceSegment[0] - tminus - pad_data, onSourceSegment[1] + tplus + pad_data)) if temp_segment is not None: offsource = temp_segment ifolist = list(ifo_combo) if extend: # extend as many adjacent 128 second blocks as possible begin_time = offsource[0] - quanta * ( abs(super_seg[0] - offsource[0]) // quanta) end_time = offsource[1] + quanta * ( abs(super_seg[1] - offsource[1]) // quanta) offsource = segments.segment((begin_time, end_time)) break print # check length at least minscilength if abs(offsource) < minscilength: print abs(offsource), minscilength print "EXIT: Calculated offsource segment but less than minscilength!" sys.exit() # check if no detectors can be used then exit if len(ifolist) < 2: print "EXIT: Calculated offsource segment but less than two IFOs!" sys.exit() # check edge case if abs(offsource[0] - onsource[0]) < pad_data or abs(offsource[1] - onsource[1]) < pad_data: print "WARNING: GRB time close to edge of offsource. Its within the padding time." # concatenate "H1L1V1", etc. ifolist.sort() ifotag = "".join(ifolist) print ">> Offsource segment for %s GRB is:" % ifotag print "Start:", offsource[0], "End:", offsource[1], "Duration:", offsource[ 1] - offsource[0], "Left:", grb_time - offsource[ 0], "Right:", offsource[1] - grb_time print ############################################################################## # output ############################################################################## # write analyse txt files for ifo in basic_ifolist: if ifo in ifolist: analysisFP = open('%s-analyse_grb%s.txt' % (ifo, grb_name), 'w') analysisFP.write('# seg\t start \t stop \t duration\n') analysisFP.write( '0\t %d\t %d\t %d\n' % (offsource[0], offsource[1], offsource[1] - offsource[0])) else: analysisFP = open('%s-analyse_grb%s.txt' % (ifo, grb_name), 'w') analysisFP.write('# seg\t start \t stop \t duration\n') # calculate blockDuration blockDuration = int(abs(offsource[0] - offsource[1])) - 2 * pad_data # calculate psdDuration # gets largest power of two such that blockDuration/psdDuration = psdRatio # could have done a binary & operator that is faster but this is more user-friendly I believe min_psdDuration = int(cp.get('exttrig', 'min-psd-length')) psdRatio = int(cp.get('exttrig', 'psd-ratio')) psdDuration = 2**int(numpy.log2(blockDuration / psdRatio)) if psdDuration < min_psdDuration: print "EXIT: PSD segment duration is too short. It is %ds but needs to be at least %ds in length." % ( psdDuration, min_psdDuration) sys.exit() # some downstream processes (e.g. lalapps_tmpltbank) cannot handle these inputs if cp.has_option('data', 'segment-duration'): cp.remove_option('data', 'segment-duration') cp.remove_option('data', 'block-duration') # some downstream processes (e.g. lalapps_tmpltbank) requires these options to run print ">> Using sample rate of %d to calculate inputs for downstream processes." % sampleRate print segmentLength = segmentDuration * sampleRate segmentCount = blockDuration / ( segmentDuration / 2) - 1 # subtract 1 because one segment length is overlapped segmentOverlap = segmentLength / 2 cp.set('data', 'segment-length', segmentLength) cp.set('data', 'number-of-segments', segmentCount) cp.set('inspiral', 'segment-overlap', segmentOverlap) # set values for [coh_PTF_inspral] section in configuration file cp.set('coh_PTF_inspiral', 'block-duration', blockDuration) cp.set('coh_PTF_inspiral', 'segment-duration', segmentDuration) cp.set('coh_PTF_inspiral', 'psd-segment-duration', psdDuration) cp.set('coh_PTF_inspiral', 'pad-data', pad_data) f = open('grb%s.ini' % grb_name, 'w') cp.write(f) f.close() print ">> The [data] section of the configuration file has been edited with the following values:" print "sample-rate=", sampleRate print "segment-length=", segmentLength print "number-of-segments=", segmentCount print "segment-overlap=", segmentOverlap print print ">> The [coh_PTF_inspiral] section of the configuration file has been edited with the following values:" print "block-duration =", blockDuration print "segment-duration =", segmentDuration print "psd-segment-duration =", psdDuration print "pad-data =", pad_data print # plot segments offSourceSegment = segments.segment(offsource[0], offsource[1]) plot_window = segments.segment(grb_time - offset, grb_time + offset) plot_segments(basic_segdict, onSourceSegment, offSourceSegment, grb_time, plot_window, "segment_plot_%s.png" % grb_name, grb_name) # make xml file if make_xml: # create a new xml document with an ExtTriggers Table xmldoc = ligolw.Document() xmldoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) tbl = lsctables.New(lsctables.ExtTriggersTable) xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(tbl) # set the values we need row = lsctables.ExtTriggersTable() row.process_id = None row.det_alts = None row.det_band = None row.det_fluence = None row.det_fluence_int = None row.det_name = None row.det_peak = None row.det_peak_int = None row.det_snr = '' row.email_time = 0 row.event_dec = float(grb_dec) row.event_dec_err = 0.0 row.event_epoch = '' row.event_err_type = '' row.event_ra = float(grb_ra) row.event_ra_err = 0.0 row.start_time = grb_time row.start_time_ns = 0 row.event_type = '' row.event_z = 0.0 row.event_z_err = 0.0 row.notice_comments = '' row.notice_id = '' row.notice_sequence = '' row.notice_time = 0 row.notice_type = '' row.notice_url = '' row.obs_fov_dec = 0.0 row.obs_fov_dec_width = 0.0 row.obs_fov_ra = 0.0 row.obs_fov_ra_width = 0.0 row.obs_loc_ele = 0.0 row.obs_loc_lat = 0.0 row.obs_loc_long = 0.0 row.ligo_fave_lho = 0.0 row.ligo_fave_llo = 0.0 row.ligo_delay = 0.0 row.event_number_gcn = 9999 row.event_number_grb = grb_name row.event_status = 0 # insert into the table and write file tbl.extend([row]) filename = 'grb%s.xml' % grb_name utils.write_filename(xmldoc, filename) # plot all vetoes if make_plots: vetodict = segments.segmentlistdict() for cat in catlist: for ifo in ifolist: vetofile = "%s-VETOTIME_CAT%s_grb%s.xml" % (ifo, cat, grb_name) xmldoc = utils.load_filename(vetofile, gz=False, contenthandler=lsctables.use_in( ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)) segs = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentTable.tableName) segdefs = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.SegmentDefTable.tableName) vetodict[ifo] = segments.segmentlist( segments.segment(s.start_time, s.end_time) for s in segs) if vetodict: plot_segments(vetodict, onSourceSegment, offSourceSegment, grb_time, plot_window, "veto_plot_CAT%s_%s.png" % (cat, grb_name), "%s CAT%s" % (grb_name, cat)) # return return 'grb%s.ini' % grb_name, ifolist, onSourceSegment, offSourceSegment
def do_summary_table(xmldoc, sim_tree, liv_tree): try: search_summary = table.get_table( xmldoc, lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.tableName) except ValueError: search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable, [ "process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time", "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns", "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time", "out_end_time_ns" ]) xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(search_summary) process_id_type = type( table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.ProcessTable.tableName).next_id) runids = set() for i in range(0, sim_tree.GetEntries()): sim_tree.GetEntry(i) # Id for the run processed by WaveBurst -> process ID if in runids: continue row = search_summary.RowType() row.process_id = process_id_type( runids.add( # Search Summary Table # events found in the run -> nevents setattr(row, "nevents", sim_tree.GetEntries()) # Imstruments involved in the search row.ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set( get_ifos_from_index( branch_array_to_list(sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim))) setattr(row, "comment", "waveburst") # Begin and end time of the segment # TODO: This is a typical offset on either side of the job for artifacts # It can, and probably will change in the future, and should not be hardcoded # TODO: Make this work properly. We need a gps end from the livetime waveoffset = 8 livetime = 600 #live_entries = live_tree.GetEntries() # This is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too slow #for l in range(0, live_entries): #liv_tree.GetEntry(l) #livetime = max(livetime, #if livetime < 0: #sys.exit("Could not find livetime, cannot fill all of summary table.") # in -- with waveoffset # out -- without waveoffset row.set_in( segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps - waveoffset), LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps + livetime + waveoffset))) row.set_out( segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps), LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps + livetime))) search_summary.append(row)
# return return 'grb%s.ini' % grb_name, ifolist, onSourceSegment, offSourceSegment if __name__ == "__main__": # get the command line arguments opts, args = parse_args() # get time, RA, DEC and name of GRB; get offset to search from GRB time if opts.grb_file: xmldoc = utils.load_filename(opts.grb_file, gz=opts.grb_file.endswith('.gz'), contenthandler=lsctables.use_in( ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)) ext_table = table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.ExtTriggersTable.tableName) grb_time = ext_table[0].start_time grb_name = os.path.basename(opts.grb_file)[3:-4] grb_ra = ext_table[0].event_ra grb_dec = ext_table[0].event_dec else: grb_name = grb_time = int(opts.time) grb_ra = float(opts.ra) grb_dec = float(opts.dec) # run exttrig_dataquery(grb_name, grb_time, grb_ra, grb_dec, opts.offset, opts.config_file, opts.extend, opts.useold, opts.make_plots, opts.make_xml)
print "Sim XML loaded, event time: %s" % str(sim_row.get_end()) elif opts.event_time is not None: event_time = glue.lal.LIGOTimeGPS(opts.event_time) print "Event time from command line: %s" % str(event_time) else: raise ValueError( "Either --coinc-xml or --event-time must be provided to parse event time." ) # get masses from sngl_inspiral_table if opts.mass1 is not None and opts.mass2 is not None: m1, m2 = opts.mass1, opts.mass2 elif sim_row: m1, m2 = sim_row.mass1, sim_row.mass2 elif xmldoc is not None: sngl_inspiral_table = table.get_table( xmldoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) assert len(sngl_inspiral_table) == len(coinc_row.ifos.split(",")) m1, m2 = None, None for sngl_row in sngl_inspiral_table: # NOTE: gstlal is exact match, but other pipelines may not be assert m1 is None or (sngl_row.mass1 == m1 and sngl_row.mass2 == m2) m1, m2 = sngl_row.mass1, sngl_row.mass2 else: raise ValueError( "Need either --mass1 --mass2 or --coinc-xml to retrieve masses.") m1_SI = m1 * lal.MSUN_SI m2_SI = m2 * lal.MSUN_SI print "Computing marginalized likelihood in a neighborhood about intrinsic parameters mass 1: %f, mass 2 %f" % ( m1, m2)
def gracedb_sky_map(coinc_file, psd_file, waveform, f_low, min_distance=None, max_distance=None, prior_distance_power=None, nside=-1): # LIGO-LW XML imports. from . import ligolw from glue.ligolw import table as ligolw_table from glue.ligolw import utils as ligolw_utils from glue.ligolw import lsctables import lal.series # Determine approximant, amplitude order, and phase order from command line arguments. approximant, amplitude_order, phase_order = \ timing.get_approximant_and_orders_from_string(waveform) # Read input file. xmldoc, _ = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj( coinc_file, contenthandler=ligolw.LSCTablesContentHandler) # Locate the tables that we need. coinc_inspiral_table = ligolw_table.get_table( xmldoc, lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.tableName) coinc_map_table = ligolw_table.get_table(xmldoc, lsctables.CoincMapTable.tableName) sngl_inspiral_table = ligolw_table.get_table( xmldoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) # Locate the sngl_inspiral rows that we need. coinc_inspiral = coinc_inspiral_table[0] coinc_event_id = coinc_inspiral.coinc_event_id event_ids = [ coinc_map.event_id for coinc_map in coinc_map_table if coinc_map.coinc_event_id == coinc_event_id ] sngl_inspirals = [(sngl_inspiral for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspiral_table if sngl_inspiral.event_id == event_id).next() for event_id in event_ids] instruments = set(sngl_inspiral.ifo for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals) # Read PSDs. if psd_file is None: psds = None else: xmldoc, _ = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj( psd_file, contenthandler=lal.series.PSDContentHandler) psds = lal.series.read_psd_xmldoc(xmldoc) # Rearrange PSDs into the same order as the sngl_inspirals. psds = [psds[sngl_inspiral.ifo] for sngl_inspiral in sngl_inspirals] # Interpolate PSDs. psds = [ timing.InterpolatedPSD(filter.abscissa(psd), for psd in psds ] # TOA+SNR sky localization prob, epoch, elapsed_time = ligolw_sky_map(sngl_inspirals, approximant, amplitude_order, phase_order, f_low, min_distance, max_distance, prior_distance_power, nside=nside, psds=psds) return prob, epoch, elapsed_time, instruments
lsctables.use_in(LIGOLWContentHandler) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--injection-file', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--trigger-glob', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--plot-file', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--sens-plot-file', type=str) parser.add_argument('--x-axis', type=str, choices=['time', 'mchirp'], required=True) args = parser.parse_args() # read injections doc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(args.injection_file, False, contenthandler=LIGOLWContentHandler) sim_table = table.get_table(doc, lsctables.SimInspiralTable.tableName) injections = [] for sim in sim_table: injections.append((float(sim.get_time_geocent()), sim.mchirp, sim.alpha1, sim.alpha2, sim.alpha3)) del doc print('{} injections'.format(len(injections))) # read triggers triggers = [] for file_path in tqdm.tqdm(glob.glob(args.trigger_glob)): doc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(file_path, False, contenthandler=LIGOLWContentHandler)
# This script reads a template bank, sets the f_final to zero for all # templates and writes it to a new bank. This is needed when banks # created by Sbank with ROMs are used with TaylorF2 terminating at ISCO. import sys from glue.ligolw import ligolw from glue.ligolw import table from glue.ligolw import lsctables from glue.ligolw import utils as ligolw_utils from glue import git_version class ContentHandler(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler): pass lsctables.use_in(ContentHandler) indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(sys.argv[1], verbose=True, contenthandler=ContentHandler) template_bank_table = table.get_table(indoc, lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.tableName) for template in template_bank_table: template.f_final = 0 ligolw_utils.write_filename(indoc, sys.argv[2], gz=sys.argv[2].endswith('.gz'))