コード例 #1
ファイル: test_html.py プロジェクト: pranjalpatil/web2py
    def test_DIV(self):
        # Empty DIV()
        self.assertEqual(DIV().xml(), b'<div></div>')
        self.assertEqual(DIV('<>', _a='1', _b='2').xml(),
                         b'<div a="1" b="2">&lt;&gt;</div>')
        # attributes can be updated like in a dict
        div = DIV('<>', _a='1')
        div['_b'] = '2'
                         b'<div a="1" b="2">&lt;&gt;</div>')
        # also with a mapping
        div.update(_b=2, _c=3)
                         b'<div a="1" b="2" c="3">&lt;&gt;</div>')
        # length of the DIV is the number of components
        self.assertEqual(len(DIV('a', 'bc')), 2)
        # also if empty, DIV is True in a boolean evaluation
        self.assertTrue(True if DIV() else False)
        # parent and siblings
        a = DIV(SPAN('a'), DIV('b'))
        s = a.element('span')
        d = s.parent
        d['_class'] = 'abc'
        self.assertEqual(a.xml(), b'<div class="abc"><span>a</span><div>b</div></div>')
        self.assertEqual([el.xml() for el in s.siblings()], [b'<div>b</div>'])
        self.assertEqual(s.sibling().xml(), b'<div>b</div>')
        # siblings with wrong args
        self.assertEqual(s.siblings('a'), [])
        # siblings with good args
        self.assertEqual(s.siblings('div')[0].xml(), b'<div>b</div>')
        # Check for siblings with wrong kargs and value
        self.assertEqual(s.siblings(a='d'), [])
        # Check for siblings with good kargs and value
        # Can't figure this one out what is a right value here??
        # Commented for now...
        # self.assertEqual(s.siblings(div='<div>b</div>'), ???)
        # No other sibling should return None
        self.assertEqual(DIV(P('First element')).element('p').sibling(), None)
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # This use unicode to hit xmlescape() line :
        #     """
        #     elif isinstance(data, unicode):
        #         data = data.encode('utf8', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
        #     """
        self.assertEqual(DIV(u'Texte en français avec des caractères accentués...').xml(),
                         b'<div>Texte en fran\xc3\xa7ais avec des caract\xc3\xa8res accentu\xc3\xa9s...</div>')
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        self.assertEqual(DIV('Test with an ID', _id='id-of-the-element').xml(),
                         b'<div id="id-of-the-element">Test with an ID</div>')
        self.assertEqual(DIV().element('p'), None)

        # Corner case for raise coverage of one line
        # I think such assert fail cause of python 2.6
        # Work under python 2.7
        # with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError) as cm:
        #     DIV(BR('<>')).xml()
        # self.assertEqual(cm.exception[0], '<br/> tags cannot have components')

        # test .get('attrib')
        self.assertEqual(DIV('<p>Test</p>', _class="class_test").get('_class'), 'class_test')
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_html.py プロジェクト: fc7/web2py
    def test_DIV(self):
        # Empty DIV()
        self.assertEqual(DIV().xml(), b'<div></div>')
        self.assertEqual(DIV('<>', _a='1', _b='2').xml(),
                         b'<div a="1" b="2">&lt;&gt;</div>')
        # attributes can be updated like in a dict
        div = DIV('<>', _a='1')
        div['_b'] = '2'
                         b'<div a="1" b="2">&lt;&gt;</div>')
        # also with a mapping
        div.update(_b=2, _c=3)
                         b'<div a="1" b="2" c="3">&lt;&gt;</div>')
        # length of the DIV is the number of components
        self.assertEqual(len(DIV('a', 'bc')), 2)
        # also if empty, DIV is True in a boolean evaluation
        self.assertTrue(True if DIV() else False)
        # parent and siblings
        a = DIV(SPAN('a'), DIV('b'))
        s = a.element('span')
        d = s.parent
        d['_class'] = 'abc'
        self.assertEqual(a.xml(), b'<div class="abc"><span>a</span><div>b</div></div>')
        self.assertEqual([el.xml() for el in s.siblings()], [b'<div>b</div>'])
        self.assertEqual(s.sibling().xml(), b'<div>b</div>')
        # siblings with wrong args
        self.assertEqual(s.siblings('a'), [])
        # siblings with good args
        self.assertEqual(s.siblings('div')[0].xml(), b'<div>b</div>')
        # Check for siblings with wrong kargs and value
        self.assertEqual(s.siblings(a='d'), [])
        # Check for siblings with good kargs and value
        # Can't figure this one out what is a right value here??
        # Commented for now...
        # self.assertEqual(s.siblings(div='<div>b</div>'), ???)
        # No other sibling should return None
        self.assertEqual(DIV(P('First element')).element('p').sibling(), None)
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # This use unicode to hit xmlescape() line :
        #     """
        #     elif isinstance(data, unicode):
        #         data = data.encode('utf8', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
        #     """
        self.assertEqual(DIV(u'Texte en français avec des caractères accentués...').xml(),
                         b'<div>Texte en fran\xc3\xa7ais avec des caract\xc3\xa8res accentu\xc3\xa9s...</div>')
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        self.assertEqual(DIV('Test with an ID', _id='id-of-the-element').xml(),
                         b'<div id="id-of-the-element">Test with an ID</div>')
        self.assertEqual(DIV().element('p'), None)

        # Corner case for raise coverage of one line
        # I think such assert fail cause of python 2.6
        # Work under python 2.7
        # with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError) as cm:
        #     DIV(BR('<>')).xml()
        # self.assertEqual(cm.exception[0], '<br/> tags cannot have components')

        # test .get('attrib')
        self.assertEqual(DIV('<p>Test</p>', _class="class_test").get('_class'), 'class_test')
コード例 #3
    def xml(self):
        """ XML """

        self.components = []

        return DIV.xml(self)
コード例 #4
ファイル: navigation.py プロジェクト: mycguo/instantpress
    def xml(self):
        """ XML """

        self.components = []

        return DIV.xml(self)