コード例 #1
    def _validate_error_in_mount_log(self, pattern, exp_pre=True):
        Validate type of error from mount log on setting quota
        assert_method = self.assertTrue
        assert_msg = ('Fail: Not able to validate presence of "{}" '
                      'in mount log'.format(pattern))
        if not exp_pre:
            assert_method = self.assertFalse
            assert_msg = ('Fail: Not able to validate absence of "{}" '
                          'in mount log'.format(pattern))
        ret = search_pattern_in_file(self.client, pattern, self.logpath,
                                     self.bp_text + str(self.bp_count - 2),
                                     self.bp_text + str(self.bp_count - 1))
        assert_method(ret, assert_msg)

        # Validate against `quota list` command
        if 'quota' in pattern.lower():
            dir_path = '/dir/dir1'
            ret = quota_fetch_list(self.mnode, self.volname)
                'Not able to get quota list for the path {}'.format(dir_path))
            ret = ret.get(dir_path)
            verified = False
            if ret['sl_exceeded'] is exp_pre and ret['hl_exceeded'] is exp_pre:
                verified = True
                verified, 'Failed to validate Quota list command against '
                'soft and hard limits')
コード例 #2
    def test_alert_time_out(self):
        Verifying directory quota functionality with respect to
        alert-time, soft-timeout and hard-timeout.

        * Enable quota
        * Set limit on '/'
        * Set default-soft-limit to 50%
        * Set alert time to 1 sec
        * Set soft-timeout to 0 sec
        * Set hard timeout to 0 sec
        * Check quota list
        * Perform some IO such that soft limit is not exceeded
        * Check for alert message in brick logfile (NO alert present)
        * Perform IO and exceed the soft limit
        * Check for alert message in brick logfile (Alert present)
        * Remove some files so that usage falls below soft limit
        * Create some files such that hard limit is exceeded
        * Check for alert message in brick logfile
        * Remove some files so that usage falls below soft limit
        * Check for alert message in brick logfile (NO alert present)


        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
        # Enable Quota
        g.log.info("Enabling quota on the volume %s", self.volname)
        ret, _, _ = quota_enable(self.mnode, self.volname)
            ret, "Failed to enable quota on the volume %s" % self.volname)
        g.log.info("Successfully enabled quota on the volume %s", self.volname)

        # Path to set quota limit
        path = "/"

        # Create a directory from mount point
        mount_obj = self.mounts[0]
        mount_dir = mount_obj.mountpoint
        client = mount_obj.client_system

        g.log.info("Creating dir named 'foo' from client %s", client)
        ret = mkdir(client, "%s/foo" % mount_dir)
            ret, "Failed to create dir under %s-%s" % (client, mount_dir))
        g.log.info("Directory 'foo' created successfully")

        # Set Quota limit on the root of the volume
        g.log.info("Set Quota Limit on the path %s of the volume %s", path,
        ret, _, _ = quota_limit_usage(self.mnode,
        self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to set quota limit on path %s of "
                                  " the volume %s", path, self.volname))
        g.log.info("Successfully set the Quota limit on %s of the volume %s",
                   path, self.volname)

        # Set default soft limit to 50%
        g.log.info("Set default soft limit:")
        ret, _, _ = quota_set_default_soft_limit(self.mnode, self.volname,
        self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to set quota default soft limit"))
        g.log.info("Quota default soft limit set successfully")

        # Check quota list to validate limits
        g.log.info("List all files and directories:")
        ret = quota_validate(self.mnode,
        self.assertTrue(ret, "Failed to validate Quota list")
        g.log.info("Quota List successful")

        # Set alert time to 1 second
        g.log.info("Set quota alert timeout:")
        ret, _, _ = quota_set_alert_time(self.mnode, self.volname, '1sec')
        self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to set alert timeout"))
        g.log.info("Quota alert time set successful")

        # Set soft timeout to 0 second
        g.log.info("Set quota soft timeout:")
        ret, _, _ = quota_set_soft_timeout(self.mnode, self.volname, '0sec')
        self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to set soft timeout"))
        g.log.info("Quota soft timeout set successful")

        # Set hard timeout to 0 second
        g.log.info("Set quota hard timeout:")
        ret, _, _ = quota_set_hard_timeout(self.mnode, self.volname, '0sec')
        self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to set hard timeout"))
        g.log.info("Quota hard timeout set successful")

        # Get the brick log file path for a random node
        bricks = get_all_bricks(self.mnode, self.volname)
        selected_node, brick_path = random.choice(bricks[0:6]).split(':')
        brickpath = str.replace(brick_path, '/', '-')
        brickpathfinal = brickpath[1:]
        brick_log = "/var/log/glusterfs/bricks/%s.log" % brickpathfinal

        # Append unique string to the brick log
        g.log.info("Appending string 'appended_string_1' to the log:")
        append_string_to_file(selected_node, brick_log, "appended_string_1")

        # Starting IO on the mounts without crossing the soft limit
        # file creation should be normal
        g.log.info("Creating Files on %s:%s", client, mount_dir)
        cmd = ("cd %s/foo ; "
               "for i in `seq 1 9` ; "
               "do dd if=/dev/urandom of=file$i "
               "bs=5M "
               "count=1 ; "
               "done" % mount_dir)
        ret, _, _ = g.run(client, cmd)
        self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to create files on mountpoint"))
        g.log.info("Files created succesfully on mountpoint")

        # Append unique string to the brick log
        g.log.info("Appending string 'appended_string_2' to the log:")
        append_string_to_file(selected_node, brick_log, "appended_string_2")

        # Soft limit not crossed
        # Check if alert message is logged in the brick (shouldn't be logged)
        g.log.info("Check for alert message in logfile:")
        ret = search_pattern_in_file(selected_node, "120004", brick_log,
                                     "appended_string_1", "appended_string_2")
        self.assertFalse(ret, "Found unnecessary alert in logfile")
        g.log.info("Alert message not seen before crossing soft limit")

        # Continue IO on the mounts to exceed soft limit
        g.log.info("Creating Files on %s:%s", client, mount_dir)
        cmd = ("cd %s/foo ; "
               "for i in `seq 1 200` ; "
               "do dd if=/dev/urandom of=foo$i "
               "bs=100K "
               "count=1 ; "
               "done" % mount_dir)
        ret, _, _ = g.run(client, cmd)
        self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to create files on mountpoint"))
        g.log.info("Files created succesfully on mountpoint and "
                   "exceed soft limit")

        # Check if quota soft limit exceeded
        g.log.info("Check soft limit:")
        ret = quota_validate(self.mnode,
        self.assertTrue(ret, "Failed: soft limit not exceeded")
        g.log.info('Quota soft limit exceeded')

        # Inserting sleep of 2 seconds so the alert message gets enough time
        # to be logged

        # Append unique string to the brick log
        g.log.info("Appending string 'appended_string_3' to the log:")
        append_string_to_file(selected_node, brick_log, "appended_string_3")

        # Check if alert message logged in the brick
        g.log.info("Check for message:")
        ret = search_pattern_in_file(selected_node, "120004", brick_log,
                                     "appended_string_2", "appended_string_3")
        self.assertTrue(ret, "Alert message not found")
        g.log.info("Pattern Found: got alert message")

        # Append unique string to the brick log
        g.log.info("Appending string 'appended_string_4' to the log:")
        append_string_to_file(selected_node, brick_log, "appended_string_4")

        # Continue IO on the mounts by removing data
        g.log.info("Removing Files on %s:%s", client, mount_dir)
        cmd = ("rm -rfv %s/foo/foo* " % mount_dir)
        ret, _, _ = g.run(client, cmd)
        self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to delete files on mountpoint"))
        g.log.info("Files removed succesfully from mountpoint and reached "
                   "below soft limit")

        # Check if quota soft limit exceeded
        g.log.info("Check soft limit:")
        ret = quota_validate(self.mnode,
        self.assertTrue(ret, "Failed: soft limit exceeded")
        g.log.info('Quota soft limit not exceeded')

        # Inserting sleep of 2 seconds so the alert message gets enough time
        # to be logged

        # Append unique string to the brick log
        g.log.info("Appending string 'appended_string_5' to the log:")
        append_string_to_file(selected_node, brick_log, "appended_string_5")

        # Check if alert message is logged in the brick
        g.log.info("Check for message:")
        ret = search_pattern_in_file(selected_node, "120004", brick_log,
                                     "appended_string_4", "appended_string_5")
        self.assertFalse(ret, "Found unnecessary alert message in logfile")
        g.log.info("Alert message not seen before crossing soft limit")

        # Continue IO on the mounts to exceed hard limit
        g.log.info("Creating Files on %s:%s", client, mount_dir)
        cmd = ("cd %s/foo ; "
               "for i in `seq 11 20` ; "
               "do dd if=/dev/urandom of=file$i "
               "bs=10M "
               "count=1 ; "
               "done" % mount_dir)
        ret, _, _ = g.run(client, cmd)
        self.assertEqual(ret, 1, ("Failed: Files created successfully inspite "
                                  "of crossing hard-limit"))
        g.log.info("Files creation stopped on mountpoint once exceeded "
                   "hard limit")

        # Inserting sleep of 6 seconds so the alert message gets enough time
        # to be logged

        # Append unique string to the brick log
        g.log.info("Appending string 'appended_string_6' to the log:")
        append_string_to_file(selected_node, brick_log, "appended_string_6")

        # Check if alert message is logged in the brick
        g.log.info("Check for message:")
        ret = search_pattern_in_file(selected_node, "120004", brick_log,
                                     "appended_string_5", "appended_string_6")
        self.assertTrue(ret, "Alert message not seen in logfile")
        g.log.info("Pattern Found: got alert message")

        # Append unique string to the brick log
        g.log.info("Appending string 'Done_with_alert_check_7' to the log:")
        append_string_to_file(selected_node, brick_log,

        # Continue IO on the mounts by removing data to come below hard limit
        g.log.info("Removing Files on %s:%s", client, mount_dir)
        cmd = ("rm -rfv %s/foo/file{11..20}" % mount_dir)
        ret, _, _ = g.run(client, cmd)
        self.assertEqual(ret, 0, ("Failed to delete files on mountpoint"))
        g.log.info("Files removed succesfully on mountpoint and "
                   "reached below soft limit")

        # Inserting sleep of 2 seconds so the alert message gets enough time
        # to be logged

        # Append unique string to the brick log
        g.log.info("Appending string 'Done_with_alert_check_8' to the log:")
        append_string_to_file(selected_node, brick_log,

        # Check if alert message is logged in the brick
        g.log.info("Check for message:")
        ret = search_pattern_in_file(selected_node, "120004", brick_log,
        self.assertFalse(ret, "Found unnecessary alert in logfile")
        g.log.info("EXPECTED: Alert message not seen before crossing "
                   "soft limit")

        # have got below the soft and hard limit
        # check quota list
        g.log.info("List all files and directories:")
        ret = quota_validate(self.mnode,
            ret, "Failed to validate Quota list with "
            "soft and hard limits")
        g.log.info("Quota List validated successfully")
コード例 #3
    def test_enabling_brick_mux(self):
        Test case:
        - check if brick multiplex is disable by default
        - check for warning message triggering by setting brick-multiplex and
        choosing 'n' in y/n
        - check if brick multiplex is disabled after triggering warning message
        - check brick multiplex for all possible statuses
        (positive and negative)
        - check for brick multiplex status in /var/lib/glusterd/options file
        # Check if brickmux is disabled by default
        g.log.info('Checking if brick multiplex operation is disabled...')
                         "Brick multiplex is not disabled by default")

        # Check for warning message while changing status
        warning_message = ("Brick-multiplexing is supported only for "
                           "OCS converged or independent mode. Also it is "
                           "advised to make sure that either all volumes are "
                           "in stopped state or no bricks are running before "
                           "this option is modified."
                           "Do you still want to continue? (y/n)")

        g.log.info('Triggering warning message...')
        cmd = "gluster v set all cluster.brick-multiplex enable"
        _, out, _ = g.run(self.mnode, cmd)

        g.log.info('Checking for warning message in output...')
        if "volume set: success" not in out:
            self.assertIn(warning_message, out,
                          'There is no warning message in '
                          'output or message is incorrect.')
            g.log.info('Warning message is correct.')

            g.log.info('Skipped warning message check.')

            # If brick-mux is enabled then disabling it.
            if is_brick_mux_enabled(self.mnode):
                if not disable_brick_mux(self.mnode):
                    g.log.info("Disabling brick multiplexing as it"
                               " was enabled due to no warning message.")

        # Check if brickmux is still disabled
        g.log.info('Checking if brick multiplex is still disabled')
                         "Brick multiplex operation is not disabled")

        # Enable brick multiplex with all possible statuses
        statuses = ['on', 'enable', '1', 'true',
                    'off', 'disable', '0', 'false']
        for status in statuses:
            g.log.info('Enabling brick multiplex with %s status...',
            cmd = ("yes | gluster v set all cluster.brick-multiplex %s"
                   % status)
            _, out, _ = g.run(self.mnode, cmd)
            self.assertIn('success', out,
                          'Failed on enabling brick multiplexing')

            # Check if brick multiplex status is correct
            g.log.info('Checking if brick multiplexing status is correct...')
            gluster_status = get_brick_mux_status(self.mnode)
            self.assertEqual(status, gluster_status,
                             "Brick multiplex status is not correct")
            g.log.info('Brick multiplex status "%s" is correct',

            # Check for brick multiplexing status in file 'options'
            g.log.info("Checking for brick multiplexing status '%s' in file "
                       "'/var/lib/glusterd/options'...", status)
            search_pattern = 'cluster.brick-multiplex=%s' % status
            self.assertTrue(search_pattern_in_file(self.mnode, search_pattern,
                                                   '', ''))
            g.log.info("Brick multiplexing status '%s' in file "
                       "'/var/lib/glusterd/options' is correct", status)

        # Check brick multiplex with incorrect status
        g.log.info('Checking brick multiplex with incorrect status...')
        cmd = "yes | gluster v set all cluster.brick-multiplex incorrect"
        ret, _, _ = g.run(self.mnode, cmd)
        self.assertEqual(ret, 1, 'Incorrect status has passed')