コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        # Replace the objects attributes with the original
        #  attributes and data.
        self.__dict__ = DataStore._shared_state

        # Make sure that the DataStore object is only initialized once.
        if not DataStore._initialized:
            # Allocate a lock that will be used by all threads
            #  that are reading or writing to the data store.
            self.lock = thread.allocate_lock()
            self.rootElement = None
            # Initialize the data store with the GANGLIA_XML and GRID tags.
            # Data store should never be completely empty.  Even if there are
            # no reporting data sources the web front end depends on having
            # at least a GANGLIA_XML tag and a nested GRID tag.
            cfg = getConfig()
            self.setNode(Element('GANGLIA_XML', {'VERSION':cfg.VERSION, 'SOURCE':'gmetad'}))
            self.setNode(Element('GRID', {'NAME':cfg[GmetadConfig.GRIDNAME], 'AUTHORITY':cfg[GmetadConfig.AUTHORITY], 'LOCALTIME':'%d' % time.time()}), self.rootElement)

            # Start up the grid summary thread. 
            self.gridSummary = DataStoreGridSummary()

            # Start up the plugin notifier.
            self.notifier = GmetadNotifier()
            DataStore._initialized = True