コード例 #1
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: geohot/gpysieve
def getd(n):
  D = 5
  #while legendre(D, n) != n-1:

  # ahh, i think this fails iff n is a perfect square
  # clearly, no perfect squares are prime
  if int(math.sqrt(n))**2 == n:
    return False

  #print n
  while gmpy.jacobi(D,n) != -1:
    #print "    %4d %5d %2d %2d" % (D, n, jacobi(D, n), gmpy.jacobi(D,n))
    if jacobi(D, n) != gmpy.jacobi(D, n):
      print "FAILED AT",D,n
    if D > 0:
      D += 2
      D -= 2
    D *= -1
    if D > 100:
      print "FAILURE"

  return D
コード例 #2
def getd(n):
    D = 5
    #while legendre(D, n) != n-1:

    # ahh, i think this fails iff n is a perfect square
    # clearly, no perfect squares are prime
    if int(math.sqrt(n))**2 == n:
        return False

    #print n
    while gmpy.jacobi(D, n) != -1:
        #print "    %4d %5d %2d %2d" % (D, n, jacobi(D, n), gmpy.jacobi(D,n))
        if jacobi(D, n) != gmpy.jacobi(D, n):
            print "FAILED AT", D, n
        if D > 0:
            D += 2
            D -= 2
        D *= -1
        if D > 100:
            print "FAILURE"

    return D
コード例 #3
ファイル: ShoupProtocol.py プロジェクト: vs-uulm/PriCloud
    def resp(publickey, secretkey, r, challenge):
        """is a probabilistic algorithm run by the prover to generate
        the third message. The input is the public key, the secret
        key, as well as a nonce r and the challenge itself, generated
        by genChallenge.
        The result of this function is the response as well as the
        modulus n.

        >>> import os
        >>> (publickey, secretkey) = ShoupProtocol.setup()
        >>> r = os.urandom(2048)
        >>> challenge = ShoupProtocol.genChallenge(os.urandom(32))
        >>> ShoupProtocol.resp(publickey, secretkey, r, challenge) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
        (mpz(...), ...)
        (y, n) = publickey
        (p, q) = secretkey
        # We output a random 2^(3*5)th root of +- r * y ^challenge, where
        # the sign is chosen such that a root exists.
        r = pow(int.from_bytes(r, "little"), 2, n)
        base = r * pow(y, challenge, n)
        # Choose the sign accordingly
        if gmpy.jacobi(base, n) <= 0:
            base = (n - base) % n
        s = gmpy.invert(p, q)
        t = gmpy.invert(q, p)
        for i in range(3 * 5):  # 5 is the security parameter
            # In this loop we compute modular roots
            # Since p,q = 3 mod 4, a root mod p is just pow(a, (p + 1) / 4, p)
            # but we need to use the chinese remainder theorem to lift
            # if to mod n
            # compute mod p
            ap = base % p
            ap = pow(base, (p + 1) // 4, p)
            # choose the one which is a quadratic residue
            if gmpy.jacobi(ap, p) <= 0:
                ap = (p - ap) % p
            # compute mod q
            aq = base % q
            aq = pow(base, (q + 1) // 4, q)
            # choose the one which is a quadratic residue
            if gmpy.jacobi(aq, q) <= 0:
                aq = (q - aq) % q
            # we have s, t, such that sp+tq = 1
            # so the solution is simply ap*t*q + aq*s*p
            base = ap * t * q + aq * s * p
        return (base, n)
コード例 #4
ファイル: num.py プロジェクト: taixujianyi/scryptoslib
def jacobi_symbol(a, n):
  Calculate Jacobi Symbol
    a : An element of Z/nZ
    n : A number
    a is quadratic residue : 1
    a is non-quadratic residue : -1
    a is factor of n : 0
    return int(gmpy.jacobi(a, n))
コード例 #5
    def check_g(self, results):
        self.function_count[10] += 1
        #print "g = " + str(results[0].value)
        self.g = results[0].value
        jacobi = gmpy.jacobi(self.g, self.n_revealed) % self.n_revealed
        #print "jacobi = " + str(jacobi)

        if jacobi == 1:
            if self.runtime.id == 1:
                self.phi_i = self.n_revealed - self.p - self.q + 1
                print "((N)): " + str(self.n_revealed)
                print "((p)): " + str(self.p)
                print "((q)): " + str(self.q)
                print "<<phi_i>>: " + str(self.phi_i)
                base = gmpy.mpz(self.g)
                power = gmpy.mpz(self.phi_i / 4)
                print "<<power>>: " + str(power)
                modulus = gmpy.mpz(self.n_revealed)
                self.v = int(pow(base, power, modulus))
                #self.v = self.powermod(self.g, (self.n_revealed - self.p - self.q + 1) / 4, self.n_revealed)

                self.phi_i = -(self.p + self.q)
                self.inverse_v = int(gmpy.divm(1, self.g, self.n_revealed))

                base = gmpy.mpz(self.inverse_v)
                power = gmpy.mpz(-self.phi_i / 4)
                modulus = gmpy.mpz(self.n_revealed)
                self.v = int(pow(base, power, modulus))

            #print "self.phi_i = " + str(self.phi_i)


        #print "self.v = " + str(self.v)

        v1, v2, v3 = self.runtime.shamir_share([1, 2, 3], self.Zp, self.v)

        v_tot = v1 * v2 * v3
        self.open_v = self.runtime.open(v_tot)
        results = gather_shares([self.open_v])
コード例 #6
ファイル: ss.py プロジェクト: nadvornix/prime-testing
def is_prime_ss(n,s): #n,s prirozena, n>3 liche
	return (rounds, res):
	- rounds is -1 if it passed all tests (ie: probably prime)
	for i in xrange(0, s): # 0,1,...,s-1
		a = random.randint(2,n-2) #nah. c. mezi 2 a n-2

		if gmpy.gcd(a,n) != 1:
			return (i, 0) #je slozene

		p = pow(a,(n-1)/2,n)
		if p == n-1: 
			p = -1

		if not gmpy.jacobi(a,n) == p:
			return (i, 0) #je slozene
	return (-1, 1) #n proslo testem
コード例 #7
def is_prime_ss(n, s):  #n,s prirozena, n>3 liche
	return (rounds, res):
	- rounds is -1 if it passed all tests (ie: probably prime)
    for i in xrange(0, s):  # 0,1,...,s-1
        a = random.randint(2, n - 2)  #nah. c. mezi 2 a n-2

        if gmpy.gcd(a, n) != 1:
            return (i, 0)  #je slozene

        p = pow(a, (n - 1) / 2, n)
        if p == n - 1:
            p = -1

        if not gmpy.jacobi(a, n) == p:
            return (i, 0)  #je slozene

    return (-1, 1)  #n proslo testem
コード例 #8
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: geohot/gpysieve
# Carmichael numbers
#   that are also strong base 2 psuedoprimes
#   jacobi(5, n) == -1

# condition b
for pp in P1:
  p = pp*2+1
  # half of condition a
  if p%8 != 3:
  # condition c
  if (p+1)/4 not in P2:
  # other half of condition a
  if gmpy.jacobi(5, p) != -1:
  # prime
  if not gmpy.is_prime(p):
  print p

# half of condition a
for p in xrange(T, pow(T, k), 8):
  # prime
  if not gmpy.is_prime(p):
  # other half of condition a
  if gmpy.jacobi(5, p) != -1:
コード例 #9
ファイル: primefac.py プロジェクト: goulu/Goulib
def isprime(n, tb=(3,5,7,11), eb=(2,), mrb=()):      # TODO: more streamlining
    # tb: trial division basis
    # eb: Euler's test basis
    # mrb: Miller-Rabin basis
    # This test suite's first false positve is unknown but has been shown to be greater than 2**64.
    # Infinitely many are thought to exist.
    if n%2 == 0 or n < 13 or n == isqrt(n)**2: return n in (2, 3, 5, 7, 11) # Remove evens, squares, and numbers less than 13
    if any(n%p == 0 for p in tb): return n in tb                            # Trial division
    for b in eb:                                                            # Euler's test
        if b >= n: continue
        if not pow(b, n-1, n) == 1: return False
        r = n - 1
        while r%2 == 0: r /= 2
        c = pow(b, r, n)
        if c == 1: continue
        while c != 1 and c != n-1: c = pow(c, 2, n)
        if c == 1: return False
    s, d = pfactor(n)
    if not sprp(n, 2, s, d): return False
    if n < 2047: return True
    if n >= 3825123056546413051: # BPSW has two phases: SPRP with base 2 and SLPRP.  We just did the SPRP; now we do the SLPRP:
        d = 5
        while True:
            if gcd(d, n) > 1:
                p, q = 0, 0
            if jacobi(d, n) == -1:
                p, q = 1, (1 - d) / 4
            d = -d - 2*d/abs(d)
        if p == 0: return n == d
        s, t = pfactor(n + 2)
        u, v, u2, v2, m = 1, p, 1, p, t/2
        k = q
        while m > 0:
            u2, v2, q = (u2*v2)%n, (v2*v2-2*q)%n, (q*q)%n
            if m%2 == 1:
                u, v = u2*v+u*v2, v2*v+u2*u*d
                if u%2 == 1: u += n
                if v%2 == 1: v += n
                u, v, k = (u/2)%n, (v/2)%n, (q*k)%n
            m /= 2
        if (u == 0) or (v == 0): return True
        for i in xrange(1, s):
            v, k = (v*v-2*k)%n, (k*k)%n
            if v == 0: return True
        return False
    if not mrb:
        if   n <             1373653: mrb = [3]
        elif n <            25326001: mrb = [3,5]
        elif n <          3215031751: mrb = [3,5,7]
        elif n <       2152302898747: mrb = [3,5,7,11]
        elif n <       3474749660383: mrb = [3,5,6,11,13]
        elif n <     341550071728321: mrb = [3,5,7,11,13,17]   # This number is also a false positive for primes(19+1).
        elif n < 3825123056546413051: mrb = [3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23]   # Also a false positive for primes(31+1).
    return all(sprp(n, b, s, d) for b in mrb)                               # Miller-Rabin
コード例 #10
# Carmichael numbers
#   that are also strong base 2 psuedoprimes
#   jacobi(5, n) == -1

# condition b
for pp in P1:
    p = pp * 2 + 1
    # half of condition a
    if p % 8 != 3:
    # condition c
    if (p + 1) / 4 not in P2:
    # other half of condition a
    if gmpy.jacobi(5, p) != -1:
    # prime
    if not gmpy.is_prime(p):
    print p
# half of condition a
for p in xrange(T, pow(T, k), 8):
  # prime
  if not gmpy.is_prime(p):
  # other half of condition a
  if gmpy.jacobi(5, p) != -1:
  # condition b and c