コード例 #1
def elemop(N=1000):
    (Takes about 40ms on a first-generation Macbook Pro)
    for i in range(N):
        assert a+b == 579
        assert a-b == -333
        assert b*a == a*b == 56088
        assert b%a == 87
        assert divmod(a, b) == (0, 123)
        assert divmod(b, a) == (3, 87)
        assert -a == -123
        assert pow(a, 10) == 792594609605189126649
        assert pow(a, 7, b) == 99
        assert cmp(a, b) == -1
        assert '7' in str(c)
        assert '0' not in str(c)
        assert a.sqrt() == 11
        assert _g.lcm(a, b) == 18696
        assert _g.fac(7) == 5040
        assert _g.fib(17) == 1597
        assert _g.divm(b, a, 20) == 12
        assert _g.divm(4, 8, 20) == 3
        assert _g.divm(4, 8, 20) == 3
        assert _g.mpz(20) == 20
        assert _g.mpz(8) == 8
        assert _g.mpz(4) == 4
        assert a.invert(100) == 87
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, n, n_party, n_threshold, combineShareConstant):
     self.n, self.l, self.w, self.combineShareConstant = n, n_party, n_threshold, combineShareConstant
     self.n2 = n**2
     self.max_int = n // 3 - 1
     self.k = n.bit_length()
     self.delta = gmpy2.fac(n_party)
コード例 #3
def factor_prime(prime):

    # p - 1 is 37-smooth
    base = 2
    k_sm = 37

    # pow(base,k_sm!) mod prime
    a = gmpy2.powmod(base, gmpy2.fac(k_sm), prime)

    # gcd(r_k - 1, prime)
    p = gmpy2.gcd(a-1, prime)

    # get second factor of prime
    q = (prime / p)

    # make sure factors (pq) are prime
    if (gmpy2.is_prime(p) and gmpy2.is_prime(q)):
        print "p = ", p
        print "q = ", q

        # make sure n = p*q = prime number
        n = gmpy2.mul(p,q)

        if (n == prime):
            print "n = ", gmpy2.mul(p,q)

コード例 #4
def perm(n, k):
    # k = float(k)
    # n = float(n)
    # if k > n:
    #     return 0
    # if k < 0:
    #     raise ValueError("k must be non-negative")
    # return float(fac(n)) / float(fac(n - k))
    if k > n:
        return 0
    if k < 0:
        raise ValueError("k must be non-negative")
    return gmp.fac(n) / (fac(k) * fac(n - k))
コード例 #5
ファイル: 024.py プロジェクト: Alschain/ProjectEuler
def get_ith(n):
    n = n - 1
    result = ''
    while n != 0:
        size = len(NUMS) - 1
        div, mod = divmod(n, gmpy2.fac(size))
        result += str(NUMS[div])
        n = mod
        del (NUMS[div])

    for i in range(len(NUMS)):
        result += str(NUMS[i])

    return result
コード例 #6
ファイル: numeric.py プロジェクト: jmikulka/hpni
def fac(num):
    Cached frequently computed factorial.

    num : int
        Number of which the factorial is computed.

        Very precise factorial of `num`.


    return gmpy2.fac(misc._int(num))
コード例 #7
def william_p1(n, process_id):
    # this algorithm technically works but literally none of the modulos were p+1 so idk
    # choose a B (work limit) to start with
    if gmpy2.bit_length(gmpy2.mpz(n)) <= 2044:
        work_limit = pow(n, (1 / 6))
        work_limit = gmpy2.div(n, 27)
    threshold = 3
    previous_sub2 = 2
    # A needs to be greater than 2 to start with so we therefore start with 3
    A = process_id + 3
    previous = A

    counter = 0
    # if the counter ever reaches m, terminate
    while counter != threshold:
        counter += 1
        # current = (a^(current-1) - current-2) % n)
        current = (((A**previous) - previous_sub2) % n)
        # move the previous variables forward
        previous_sub2 = previous
        previous = current

        d = gmpy2.gcd(current - 2, n)
        if d != 1 and d != n:
            # calculate the factorial of m
            mult = gmpy2.fac(threshold)
            if DEBUG:
                print(d, mult)
            # check to see if we've found the terminating conditions for p + 1
            if gmpy2.f_mod(mult, d):
                return d
            # increment threshold by 1 if we haven't found anything
            threshold += 1
        if threshold > work_limit:
            return 1

    return 1
コード例 #8
import gmpy2 as _g
import time

print "Typical expected results would be:", """
D:\PySym>python timing.py
Factorial of 10000 took 0.0619989238859 (35660 digits)
Fibonacci of 10000 took 0.000744228458022 (2090 digits)
Factorial of 100000 took 4.44311764676 (456574 digits)
Fibonacci of 100000 took 0.022344453738 (20899 digits)
Factorial of 1000000 took 152.151135367 (5565709 digits)
Fibonacci of 1000000 took 0.670207059778 (208988 digits)

print "Actual timings and results...:"
for i in (10000, 100000, 1000000):
    start = time.clock()
    x = _g.fac(i)
    stend = time.clock()
    print "Factorial of %d took %s (%d digits)" % (i, stend - start,

    start = time.clock()
    x = _g.fib(i)
    stend = time.clock()
    print "Fibonacci of %d took %s (%d digits)" % (i, stend - start,
コード例 #9
ファイル: p20.py プロジェクト: daedalus/project_euler
def p19(n):
    return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, list(map(int, list(str(fac(n))))))
コード例 #10
ファイル: problem015.py プロジェクト: djcomidi/projecteuler
from gmpy2 import fac

w, h = 20, 20
result = fac(w + h) / (fac(w) * fac(h))
コード例 #11
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: Captaincheq/tools
def big_num():
    operator = request.values.get('operator')
    result = '1'

        if operator == 'FACT' or operator == 'isPrime':
            p = gmpy2.mpz(int(request.values.get('p')))
            if not p:
                resu = {'code': 10001, 'message': '参数不能为空!'}
                return json.dumps(resu, ensure_ascii=False)
            if operator == 'FACT':  #p的阶层
                result = gmpy2.fac(p)
            elif operator == 'isPrime':  #判断p是否是素数
                result = gmpy2.is_prime(p)
        elif operator == 'MULMN' or operator == 'POWMN':
            p = gmpy2.mpz(int(request.values.get('p')))
            q = gmpy2.mpz(int(request.values.get('q')))
            n = gmpy2.mpz(int(request.values.get('n')))
            if not p and not q and not n:
                resu = {'code': 10001, 'message': '参数不能为空!'}
                return json.dumps(resu, ensure_ascii=False)
            if operator == 'POWMN':  #计算p**q mod n
                result = gmpy2.powmod(p, q, n)
            elif operator == 'MULMN':  #计算p*q mod n
                result = gmpy2.modf(gmpy2.mul(p, q), n)
            p = gmpy2.mpz(int(request.values.get('p')))
            q = gmpy2.mpz(int(request.values.get('q')))
            if not p and not q:
                resu = {'code': 10001, 'message': '参数不能为空!'}
                return json.dumps(resu, ensure_ascii=False)
            if operator == 'ADD':  #相加
                result = gmpy2.add(p, q)
            elif operator == 'SUB':  #相减
                result = gmpy2.sub(p, q)
            elif operator == 'MUL':  #相乘
                result = gmpy2.mul(p, q)
            elif operator == 'DIV':  #相除
                result = gmpy2.div(p, q)
            elif operator == 'MOD':  #取余
                result = gmpy2.f_mod(p, q)
            elif operator == 'POW':
                result = gmpy2.powmod(p, q)
            elif operator == 'GCD':  #最大公因数
                result = gmpy2.gcd(p, q)
            elif operator == 'LCM':
                result = gmpy2.lcm(p, q)
            elif operator == 'OR':  #或
                result = p | q
            elif operator == 'AND':  #与
                result = p & q
            elif operator == 'XOR':  #抑或
                result = p ^ q
            elif operator == 'SHL':  #左移
                result = p << q
            elif operator == 'SHR':  #右移
                result = p >> q
        resu = {'code': 200, 'result': str(result)}
        return json.dumps(resu, ensure_ascii=False)
        resu = {'code': 10002, 'message': '异常。'}
        return json.dumps(resu, ensure_ascii=False)
コード例 #12
def search(f, box, n, m, batch, resfile,
           rho0=0.5, p=1.0,
    Minimize given expensive black-box function and save results into text file.

    f : callable
        The objective function to be minimized.
    box : list of lists
        List of ranges for each parameter.
    n : int
        Number of initial function calls.
    m : int
        Number of subsequent function calls.
    batch : int
        Number of function calls evaluated simultaneously (in parallel).
    resfile : str
        Text file to save results.
    rho0 : float, optional
        Initial "balls density".
    p : float, optional
        Rate of "balls density" decay (p=1 - linear, p>1 - faster, 0<p<1 - slower).
    executor : callable, optional
        Should have a map method and behave as a context manager.
        Allows the user to use various parallelisation tools
        as dask.distributed or pathos.
    # space size
    d = len(box)

    # adjusting the number of function calls to the batch size
    if n % batch != 0:
        n = n - n % batch + batch

    if m % batch != 0:
        m = m - m % batch + batch

    # go from normalized values (unit cube) to absolute values (box)
    def cubetobox(x):
        return [box[i][0]+(box[i][1]-box[i][0])*x[i] for i in range(d)]

    # generating R-sequence
    points = np.zeros((n, d+1))
    points[:, 0:-1] = rseq(n, d)

    # initial sampling
    for i in range(n//batch):
        with executor() as e:
            points[batch*i:batch*(i+1), -1] = list(e.map(f, list(map(cubetobox, points[batch*i:batch*(i+1), 0:-1]))))

    # normalizing function values
    fmax = max(abs(points[:, -1]))
    points[:, -1] = points[:, -1]/fmax

    # volume of d-dimensional ball (r = 1)
    if mpz(d) % 2 == 0:
        v1 = np.pi**(d/2)/fac(d/2)
        v1 = 2*(4*np.pi)**((d-1)/2)*fac((d-1)/2)/fac(d)

    # subsequent iterations (current subsequent iteration = i*batch+j)

    for i in range(m//batch):

        # sampling next batch of points
        fit = rbf(points)
        points = np.append(points, np.zeros((batch, d+1)), axis=0)

        for j in range(batch):
            r = ((rho0*((m-1.-(i*batch+j))/(m-1.))**p)/(v1*(n+i*batch+j)))**(1./d)
            cons = [{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x, localk=k: np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(x, points[localk, 0:-1])) - r}
                    for k in range(n+i*batch+j)]
            while True:
                minfit = op.minimize(fit, np.random.rand(d), method='SLSQP', bounds=[[0., 1.]]*d, constraints=cons)
                if np.isnan(minfit.x)[0] == False:
            points[n+i*batch+j, 0:-1] = np.copy(minfit.x)

        with executor() as e:
            points[n+batch*i:n+batch*(i+1), -1] = list(e.map(f, list(map(cubetobox, points[n+batch*i:n+batch*(i+1), 0:-1]))))/fmax

    # saving results into text file
    points[:, 0:-1] = list(map(cubetobox, points[:, 0:-1]))
    points[:, -1] = points[:, -1]*fmax
    points = points[points[:, -1].argsort()]

    labels = [' par_'+str(i+1)+(7-len(str(i+1)))*' '+',' for i in range(d)]+[' f_value    ']
    np.savetxt(resfile, points, delimiter=',', fmt=' %+1.4e', header=''.join(labels), comments='')
コード例 #13
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import gmpy2

from decimal import Decimal

N = int(gmpy2.fac(333))
#N = 10334465434588059156093965538297516550622260041682062823432902469783188597914276568552700194849877929894375950252570477080418352732597658745665925604704669227133726477243854317836635130694123893711638533001980496229875665476598568821806170303765540489814402234159901540440432134155844542962445153646330595588291605924429211352279943471372817279938720974895260387784578239150931816946786416232516666251965421919651838044618050991294403546958930745419743836966520198735201123255884089263272829846640538826979843642885775791641575109178753509580001660392092396798648924375401024147883702298145910046889402880394195369984000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
sN = int(gmpy2.isqrt(N))
#sN = 3214726338988757399964463840205273148284735043324463579894976679845078166928105412104944973948893914339037572694382785661727648297539107767478128297633669341356440278480314502443731079340424764653103468238563073341496690901434197268615240607985890327844073738551115260849983966971570699838147501655616953786428037017304945538845583678438817092853062

k = int(input("Enter number: "))

goodness = Decimal(abs(k - sN)) / sN

if k and N % k == 0 and goodness < 1e-8:
elif k and N % k == 0 and goodness < 1e-4:
    print("Good work! You're getting there.")
コード例 #14
ファイル: problem074.py プロジェクト: djcomidi/projecteuler
from gmpy2 import fac

FACS = [int(fac(i)) for i in range(10)]
memochains = {}

def sum_fac_digits(num):
    return sum(FACS[int(c)] for c in str(num))

def make_key(num):
    return ''.join(sorted(str(num).replace('0', '1')))

def chain_length(num):
    key = make_key(num)
    if key in memochains:
        return memochains[key]
    chain = []
    while (num not in chain) and (len(chain) <= 60):
        num = sum_fac_digits(num)
    memochains[key] = len(chain)
    return len(chain)

chain_count = 0
for n in range(1, 10**6):
    if chain_length(n) == 60:
        chain_count += 1
コード例 #15
 def __call__(self, i):
     return gmpy2.fac(i)
コード例 #16
def gen_key(bitlen, n_party, n_threshold, saveToFile=False, verbose=False):
    assert math.log2(
        bitlen) >= 8, "Bit-length of n should not be less than 256."
    bitlen >>= 1
    if verbose:
            "Start generating public and private keys for threshold Paillier ...",
            end=" ")
    res = {}

    def __getSafePrimes(n_len):
        rng = secrets.SystemRandom()
        prime_ = gmpy2.mpz(rng.getrandbits(n_len - 1))
        prime_ = gmpy2.bit_set(prime_, n_len - 2)
        while True:
            prime_ = gmpy2.next_prime(prime_)
            prime = 2 * prime_ + 1
            if gmpy2.is_prime(prime, 25):
        return prime_, prime

    start = time.process_time()
    p1, p = __getSafePrimes(bitlen)
    while True:
        q1, q = __getSafePrimes(bitlen)
        if p1 != q1 and p1 != q and q1 != p:
    n, m = p * q, p1 * q1
    nm = n * m
    d = m * gmpy2.invert(m, n)
    a = [d]
    a = a + [
                         nm) for i in range(1, n_threshold)
    delta = gmpy2.fac(n_party)
    combineShareConstant = gmpy2.invert((4 * delta**2) % n, n)
    shares = [gmpy2.mpz(0)] * n_party
    for index in range(n_party):
        fx = [a[i] * ((index + 1)**i) for i in range(n_threshold)]
        shares[index] += sum(fx) % nm
    for i in range(n_party):
        res[i + 1] = PaillierThresholdPrivateKey(n, n_party, n_threshold,
                                                 combineShareConstant, i + 1,
    end = time.process_time()

    if verbose:
        print("finished. Time elapsed: %g seconds." % (end - start))
    if saveToFile:
        if verbose:
            print("Saving keys to files ...")
        keys = {
            'n': str(n),
            'l': n_party,
            'w': n_threshold,
            'combineShareConstant': str(combineShareConstant)
        for i in range(n_party):
            keys.update({'si': str(shares[i]), 'id': i + 1})
            if not os.path.isdir("encryption/keys/"):
            with open("encryption/keys/" + str(i + 1) + ".key", 'w') as f:
                json.dump(keys, f)
    return res
コード例 #17
def wilson_is_prime(n):
  return ((fac(n-1)+1) % n) == 0
コード例 #18
ファイル: cert.py プロジェクト: abojchevski/sparse_smoothing
def regions_discrete(ra, rd, rc, k, pf_plus, pf_minus, precision=1000):
    Construct (px, px_tilde, px/px_tilde) regions used to find the certified radius for general discrete data.

    Note: if pf_plus = pf_minus any combination of ra+rd+rc=r gives the same result.

    ra: int
        Number of zeros changed to non-zeros from x to x_tilde.
    rd : int
        Number of non-zeros changed to zeros from x to x_tilde.
    rc : int
        Number of non-zeros changed to other non-zero values from x to x_tilde.
    k: int
        Number of discrete categories.
    pf_plus : float, 0 <= p_plus <= 1
        The probability to flip a zero to a non-zero.
    pf_minus: float, 0 <= p_plus <= 1
        The probability to flip a non-zero to a zero.
    precision: int
        Numerical precision for floating point calculations.
    with gmpy2.context(precision=precision):
        pf_plus, pf_minus = gmpy2.mpfr(pf_plus), gmpy2.mpfr(pf_minus)
        one = gmpy2.mpfr(1)

    ra, rd, rc = int(ra), int(rd), int(rc)

    a0 = (one - pf_plus)
    b0 = pf_plus / (k - 1)
    c0 = one - a0 - b0
    dist_0 = [a0, b0, c0]

    a1 = (one - pf_minus)
    b1 = pf_minus / (k - 1)
    c1 = one - a1 - b1
    dist_1 = [a1, b1, c1]

    regions = defaultdict(float)
    for triplet in product(triplets(ra, k), triplets(rd, k), triplets(rc, k)):
        q0, p0, m0 = triplet[0]
        q1, p1, m1 = triplet[1]
        q2, p2, m2 = triplet[2]

        ratio = 1
        ratio *= (a0 / b1)**(q0 - p1)
        ratio *= (b0 / a1)**(p0 - q1)
        ratio *= (c0 / c1)**(m0 - m1)
        ratio *= (a1 / b1)**(q2 - p2)

        # compute the product of three multinomial distributions
        px = 1
        for (qi, pi, mi), ri, dist in zip(triplet, [ra, rd, rc],
                                          [dist_0, dist_1, dist_1]):
            px *= dist[0]**qi
            px *= dist[1]**pi
            px *= dist[2]**mi
            px *= gmpy2.fac(ri) / gmpy2.fac(qi) / gmpy2.fac(pi) / gmpy2.fac(mi)

        regions[float(ratio)] += px

    regions = np.array(list(regions.items()))
    srt = regions[:, 0].argsort()[::-1]

    return np.column_stack(
        (regions[srt, 1], regions[srt, 1] / regions[srt, 0], regions[srt, 0]))
コード例 #19
def digit_fac(n):
    n = str(n)
    temp = 0
    for i in range(len(n)):
        temp += gmpy2.fac(int(n[i]))
    return temp
コード例 #20
from gmpy2 import fac

# starting from index 0, so millionth perm has index 999999
n = 10 ** 6 - 1
s = list("0123456789")
perm = ""
while len(perm) < 10:
    d = fac(len(s) - 1)
    pos, n = divmod(n, d)
    perm += s[pos]
コード例 #21
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import gmpy2
from decimal import Decimal

N = int(gmpy2.fac(333))
sN = int(gmpy2.isqrt(N))

lastgoodness = 2**32

for i in range(333):
    k = int(gmpy2.fac(i))
    goodness = Decimal(abs(k - sN)) / sN
    if goodness > lastgoodness:
        i = i - 1
    lastgoodness = goodness

k = int(gmpy2.fac(i))
factor = i - 1
direction = 0

while not (N % k == 0 and goodness < 1e-8):
    x = int(gmpy2.fac(factor))

    if direction == 0:
        k = k + x
        k = k - x
コード例 #22
ファイル: timing3.py プロジェクト: dgquintas/my-code-samples
import gmpy2 as _g
import time

print("Typical expected results would be:","""
D:\PySym>python timing.py
Factorial of 10000 took 0.0619989238859 (35660 digits)
Fibonacci of 10000 took 0.000744228458022 (2090 digits)
Factorial of 100000 took 4.44311764676 (456574 digits)
Fibonacci of 100000 took 0.022344453738 (20899 digits)
Factorial of 1000000 took 152.151135367 (5565709 digits)
Fibonacci of 1000000 took 0.670207059778 (208988 digits)

print("Actual timings and results...:")
for i in (10000,100000,1000000):
    print("Factorial of %d took %s (%d digits)" % (
        i, stend-start, x.numdigits()))

    print("Fibonacci of %d took %s (%d digits)" % (
        i, stend-start, x.numdigits()))

コード例 #23
ファイル: problem020.py プロジェクト: djcomidi/projecteuler
from gmpy2 import fac

digits = [int(t, 10) for t in str(fac(100))]
total = sum(digits)