コード例 #1
def draw_acc(index, boundary, dx):
  acc = acc_array()
  acc1 = acc[0:18,:]
  acc2 = acc[19:,:]
  print acc1
  print acc2
  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'ACC')

  index.start = index.point + 1
  loopstartpoint = index.start
  for i in range(len(acc1[:,0])):
    index.point += 1
    location = project(acc1[i,:])
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, location, 0.0)
  index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, False, True)

  #index.start = index.point + 1
  #loopstartpoint = index.start
  for i in range(len(acc2[:,0])):
    index.point += 1
    location = project(acc2[i,:])
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, location, 0.0)
  index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, True, True)

  return index
コード例 #2
def draw_acc(index, boundary, dx):
  acc = acc_array()
  acc1 = acc[0:18,:]
  acc2 = acc[19:,:]
  print acc1
  print acc2
  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'ACC')

  index.start = index.point + 1
  loopstartpoint = index.start
  for i in range(len(acc1[:,0])):
    index.point += 1
    location = project(acc1[i,:])
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, location, 0.0)
  index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, False, True)

  #index.start = index.point + 1
  #loopstartpoint = index.start
  for i in range(len(acc2[:,0])):
    index.point += 1
    location = project(acc2[i,:])
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, location, 0.0)
  index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, True, True)

  return index
コード例 #3
def draw_acc_old(index, boundary, dx):
  acc = acc_array()
  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'ACC')
  index.start = index.point + 1
  loopstartpoint = index.start
  for i in range(len(acc[:,0])):
    index.point += 1
    location = project(acc[i,:])
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, location, 0.0)

  for i in range(len(acc[:,0])):
    a = index.start + i
    b = a + 1
    if (a == index.point):
      b = index.start
    output.write('Line(%i) = {%i,%i};\n' % (i + 100000, a, b  ))
  output.write('Line Loop(999999) = { %i : %i};\n' % ( index.start, index.point ))
  return index
コード例 #4
def draw_acc_old(index, boundary, dx):
  acc = acc_array()
  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'ACC')
  index.start = index.point + 1
  loopstartpoint = index.start
  for i in range(len(acc[:,0])):
    index.point += 1
    location = project(acc[i,:])
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, location, 0.0)

  for i in range(len(acc[:,0])):
    a = index.start + i
    b = a + 1
    if (a == index.point):
      b = index.start
    output.write('Line(%i) = {%i,%i};\n' % (i + 100000, a, b  ))
  output.write('Line Loop(999999) = { %i : %i};\n' % ( index.start, index.point ))
  return index
コード例 #5
def draw_parallel_explicit(start, end, index, latitude_max, dx):

  #print start, end, index.point
  # Note start is actual start - 1
  if (latitude_max is None):
    latitude_max = max(start[1], end[1])
    latitude_max = max(latitude_max, start[1], end[1])
  current = start
  tolerance = dx * 0.6

  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Closing path with parallels and merdians, from (%.8f, %.8f) to  (%.8f, %.8f)' % ( start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1] ) )

  if (compare_points(current, end, dx)):
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Points already close enough, no need to draw parallels and meridians after all')
    return index

  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Drawing meridian to max latitude index %s at %f.2, %f.2 (to match %f.2)' % (index.point, current[0], current[1], latitude_max))
  while (current[1] != latitude_max):
    if (current[1] < latitude_max):
      current[1] = current[1] + dx
      current[1] = current[1] - dx
    if (abs(current[1] - latitude_max) < tolerance): current[1] = latitude_max
    if (compare_points(current, end, dx)): return index
    index.point += 1
    printvv('Drawing meridian to max latitude index %s at %f.2, %f.2 (to match %f.2)' % (index.point, current[0], current[1], latitude_max))
    loc = project(current)
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, loc, 0.0)

  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Drawing parallel index %s at %f.2 (to match %f.2), %f.2' % (index.point, current[0], end[0], current[1]))
  while (current[0] != end[0]):
    if (current[0] < end[0]):
      current[0] = current[0] + dx
      current[0] = current[0] - dx
    if (abs(current[0] - end[0]) < tolerance): current[0] = end[0]
    if (compare_points(current, end, dx)): return index
    index.point += 1
    printvv('Drawing parallel index %s at %f.2 (to match %f.2), %f.2' % (index.point, current[0], end[0], current[1]))
    loc = project(current)
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, loc, 0.0)

  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Drawing meridian to end index %s at %f.2, %f.2 (to match %f.2)' % (index.point, current[0], current[1], end[1]))
  while (current[1] != end[1]):
    if (current[1] < end[1]):
      current[1] = current[1] + dx
      current[1] = current[1] - dx
    if (abs(current[1] - end[1]) < tolerance): current[1] = end[1]
    if (compare_points(current, end, dx)): return index
    index.point += 1
    printvv('Drawing meridian to end index %s at %f.2, %f.2 (to match %f.2)' % (index.point, current[0], current[1], end[1]))
    loc = project(current)
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, loc, 0.0)

  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Closed path with parallels and merdians, from (%.8f, %.8f) to  (%.8f, %.8f)' % ( start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1] ) )

  return index
コード例 #6
def printv(text):
  if (arguments.verbose):
    print text
  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, text)
コード例 #7
def array_to_gmsh_points(num, index, location, minarea, region, dx, latitude_max):
  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Ice-Land mass number %s' % (num))
  count = 0 
  pointnumber = len(location[:,0])
  valid = [False]*pointnumber
  validnumber = 0

  loopstart = None
  loopend = None
  flag = 0
  #location[:, 0] = - location[:, 0] - 90.0
  for point in range(pointnumber):
    longitude = location[point, 0]
    latitude  = location[point, 1]
    if ( check_point_required(region, location[point, :]) ):
      valid[point] = True
      validnumber += 1
      if (flag == 0):
        loopstart = point
        flag = 1
      elif (flag == 1):
        loopend = point
    #print latitude, valid[point]
  if (loopend is None):
    printvv('Path %i skipped (no points found in region)' % ( num ))
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '  Skipped (no points found in region)\n')
    return index
  if (compare_points(location[loopstart,:], location[loopend,:], dx)):
    # Remove duplicate line at end
    # Note loopend no longer valid
    valid[loopend] = False
    validnumber -= 1

  validlocation = zeros( (validnumber, 2) )
  close = [False]*validnumber
  count = 0
  closingrequired = False
  closingrequirednumber = 0
  for point in range(pointnumber):
    if (valid[point]):
      validlocation[count,:] = location[point,:]
      if ((closingrequired) and (count > 0)):
        if (compare_points(validlocation[count-1,:], validlocation[count,:], dx)):
          closingrequired = False
      close[count] = closingrequired
      count += 1
      closingrequired = False
      if (not closingrequired):
        closingrequired = True
        closingrequirednumber += 1

  if (closelast):
    close[-1] = True
    closingrequirednumber += 1

  if (closingrequirednumber == 0): 
    closingtext = ''
  elif (closingrequirednumber == 1): 
    closingtext = ' (required closing in %i part of the path)' % (closingrequirednumber)
    closingtext = ' (required closing in %i parts of the path)' % (closingrequirednumber)
  area = area_enclosed(validlocation)
  if (area < minarea):
    printvv('Path %i skipped (area too small)' % ( num ))
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '  Skipped (area too small)\n')
    return index

  printv('Path %i points %i/%i area %g%s' % ( num, validnumber, pointnumber, area_enclosed(validlocation), closingtext ))
  # if (closingrequired and closewithparallel):
  #   latitude_max = None
  #   index_start = index + 1
  #   for point in range(validnumber - 1):
  #     longitude = validlocation[point,0]
  #     latitude  = validlocation[point,1]
  #     index += 1
  #     loc = project(longitude, latitude)
  #     gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index, loc, 0) )
  #     if (latitude_max is None):
  #       latitude_max = latitude
  #     else:
  #       latitude_max = max(latitude_max, latitude)
  #   gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_parallel(output, index, index_start, [ validlocation[point,0], max(latitude_max, validlocation[point,1]) ], [ validlocation[0,0], max(latitude_max, validlocation[0,1]) ], points=200)
  #   index += 200
  #   index += 1
  #   gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index, project(validlocation[0,0], validlocation[0,1]), 0) )
  # else:
  if (close[0]):
    close[-1] = close[0]
  index.start = index.point + 1
  loopstartpoint = index.start
  for point in range(validnumber):
    #longitude = validlocation[point,0]
    #latitude  = validlocation[point,1]
    if ((close[point]) and (point == validnumber - 1) and (not (compare_points(validlocation[point], validlocation[0], dx)))):
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '**** END ' + str(point) + '/' + str(validnumber-1) + str(close[point]))
      index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, False, False)
      index = draw_parallel_explicit(validlocation[point], validlocation[0], index, latitude_max, dx)
      index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, True, True)
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '**** END end of loop ' + str(closelast) + str(point) + '/' + str(validnumber-1) + str(close[point]))
    elif ((close[point]) and (point > 0) and (not (compare_points(validlocation[point], validlocation[0], dx)))):
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '**** NOT END ' + str(point) + '/' + str(validnumber-1) + str(close[point]))
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, str(validlocation[point,:]) + str(validlocation[point,:]))
      index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, False, False)
      index = draw_parallel_explicit(validlocation[point - 1], validlocation[point], index, latitude_max, dx)
      index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, False, True)
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '**** NOT END end of loop ' + str(point) + '/' + str(validnumber-1) + str(close[point]))
      index.point += 1
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, project(validlocation[point,:]), 0)

  index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, (closelast and (point == validnumber - 1)), False)

  return index
コード例 #8
  elif (argument == '-vv'): arguments.verbose = True; arguments.debug = True; 
  elif (argument == '-q'): arguments.verbose = False
  elif (argument == '-p'):
    while ((len(argv) > 0) and (argv[0][0] != '-')):
  elif (argument == '-b'):
    while ((len(argv) > 0) and ((argv[0][0] != '-') or ( (argv[0][0] == '-') and (argv[0][1].isdigit()) ))):

arguments.region = expand_boxes(arguments.region, arguments.box)

source = file(arguments.input,'r')
output = file(arguments.output,'w')

gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Arguments: ' + arguments.call)
printv('Source netCDF located at ' + arguments.input)
printv('Output to ' + arguments.output)
if (len(arguments.boundaries) > 0):
  printv('Boundaries restricted to ' + str(arguments.boundaries))
if (arguments.region is not 'True'):
  printv('Region defined by ' + str(arguments.region))
if (arguments.dx != dx_default):
  printv('Open contours closed with a line formed by points spaced %g degrees apart' % (arguments.dx))
if (arguments.extendtolatitude is not None):
  printv('Extending region to meet parallel on latitude ' + str(arguments.extendtolatitude))

gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '')

def smoothGaussian(list,degree,strippedXs=False):
  list = list.tolist()
コード例 #9
def printv(text):
  if (arguments.verbose):
    print text
  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, text)
コード例 #10
def draw_parallel_explicit(start, end, index, latitude_max, dx):

  #print start, end, index.point
  # Note start is actual start - 1
  if (latitude_max is None):
    latitude_max = max(start[1], end[1])
    latitude_max = max(latitude_max, start[1], end[1])
  current = start
  tolerance = dx * 0.6

  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Closing path with parallels and merdians, from (%.8f, %.8f) to  (%.8f, %.8f)' % ( start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1] ) )

  if (compare_points(current, end, dx)):
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Points already close enough, no need to draw parallels and meridians after all')
    return index

  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Drawing meridian to max latitude index %s at %f.2, %f.2 (to match %f.2)' % (index.point, current[0], current[1], latitude_max))
  while (current[1] != latitude_max):
    if (current[1] < latitude_max):
      current[1] = current[1] + dx
      current[1] = current[1] - dx
    if (abs(current[1] - latitude_max) < tolerance): current[1] = latitude_max
    if (compare_points(current, end, dx)): return index
    index.point += 1
    printvv('Drawing meridian to max latitude index %s at %f.2, %f.2 (to match %f.2)' % (index.point, current[0], current[1], latitude_max))
    loc = project(current)
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, loc, 0.0)

  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Drawing parallel index %s at %f.2 (to match %f.2), %f.2' % (index.point, current[0], end[0], current[1]))
  while (current[0] != end[0]):
    if (current[0] < end[0]):
      current[0] = current[0] + dx
      current[0] = current[0] - dx
    if (abs(current[0] - end[0]) < tolerance): current[0] = end[0]
    if (compare_points(current, end, dx)): return index
    index.point += 1
    printvv('Drawing parallel index %s at %f.2 (to match %f.2), %f.2' % (index.point, current[0], end[0], current[1]))
    loc = project(current)
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, loc, 0.0)

  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Drawing meridian to end index %s at %f.2, %f.2 (to match %f.2)' % (index.point, current[0], current[1], end[1]))
  while (current[1] != end[1]):
    if (current[1] < end[1]):
      current[1] = current[1] + dx
      current[1] = current[1] - dx
    if (abs(current[1] - end[1]) < tolerance): current[1] = end[1]
    if (compare_points(current, end, dx)): return index
    index.point += 1
    printvv('Drawing meridian to end index %s at %f.2, %f.2 (to match %f.2)' % (index.point, current[0], current[1], end[1]))
    loc = project(current)
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, loc, 0.0)

  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Closed path with parallels and merdians, from (%.8f, %.8f) to  (%.8f, %.8f)' % ( start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1] ) )

  return index
コード例 #11
def array_to_gmsh_points(num, index, location, minarea, region, dx, latitude_max):
  gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Ice-Land mass number %s' % (num))
  count = 0 
  pointnumber = len(location[:,0])
  valid = [False]*pointnumber
  validnumber = 0

  loopstart = None
  loopend = None
  flag = 0
  #location[:, 0] = - location[:, 0] - 90.0
  for point in range(pointnumber):
    longitude = location[point, 0]
    latitude  = location[point, 1]
    if ( check_point_required(region, location[point, :]) ):
      valid[point] = True
      validnumber += 1
      if (flag == 0):
        loopstart = point
        flag = 1
      elif (flag == 1):
        loopend = point
    #print latitude, valid[point]
  if (loopend is None):
    printvv('Path %i skipped (no points found in region)' % ( num ))
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '  Skipped (no points found in region)\n')
    return index
  if (compare_points(location[loopstart,:], location[loopend,:], dx)):
    # Remove duplicate line at end
    # Note loopend no longer valid
    valid[loopend] = False
    validnumber -= 1

  validlocation = zeros( (validnumber, 2) )
  close = [False]*validnumber
  count = 0
  closingrequired = False
  closingrequirednumber = 0
  for point in range(pointnumber):
    if (valid[point]):
      validlocation[count,:] = location[point,:]
      if ((closingrequired) and (count > 0)):
        if (compare_points(validlocation[count-1,:], validlocation[count,:], dx)):
          closingrequired = False
      close[count] = closingrequired
      count += 1
      closingrequired = False
      if (not closingrequired):
        closingrequired = True
        closingrequirednumber += 1

  if (closelast):
    close[-1] = True
    closingrequirednumber += 1

  if (closingrequirednumber == 0): 
    closingtext = ''
  elif (closingrequirednumber == 1): 
    closingtext = ' (required closing in %i part of the path)' % (closingrequirednumber)
    closingtext = ' (required closing in %i parts of the path)' % (closingrequirednumber)
  area = area_enclosed(validlocation)
  if (area < minarea):
    printvv('Path %i skipped (area too small)' % ( num ))
    gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '  Skipped (area too small)\n')
    return index

  printv('Path %i points %i/%i area %g%s' % ( num, validnumber, pointnumber, area_enclosed(validlocation), closingtext ))
  # if (closingrequired and closewithparallel):
  #   latitude_max = None
  #   index_start = index + 1
  #   for point in range(validnumber - 1):
  #     longitude = validlocation[point,0]
  #     latitude  = validlocation[point,1]
  #     index += 1
  #     loc = project(longitude, latitude)
  #     gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index, loc, 0) )
  #     if (latitude_max is None):
  #       latitude_max = latitude
  #     else:
  #       latitude_max = max(latitude_max, latitude)
  #   gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_parallel(output, index, index_start, [ validlocation[point,0], max(latitude_max, validlocation[point,1]) ], [ validlocation[0,0], max(latitude_max, validlocation[0,1]) ], points=200)
  #   index += 200
  #   index += 1
  #   gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index, project(validlocation[0,0], validlocation[0,1]), 0) )
  # else:
  if (close[0]):
    close[-1] = close[0]
  index.start = index.point + 1
  loopstartpoint = index.start
  for point in range(validnumber):
    #longitude = validlocation[point,0]
    #latitude  = validlocation[point,1]
    if ((close[point]) and (point == validnumber - 1) and (not (compare_points(validlocation[point], validlocation[0], dx)))):
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '**** END ' + str(point) + '/' + str(validnumber-1) + str(close[point]))
      index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, False, False)
      index = draw_parallel_explicit(validlocation[point], validlocation[0], index, latitude_max, dx)
      index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, True, True)
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '**** END end of loop ' + str(closelast) + str(point) + '/' + str(validnumber-1) + str(close[point]))
    elif ((close[point]) and (point > 0) and (not (compare_points(validlocation[point], validlocation[0], dx)))):
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '**** NOT END ' + str(point) + '/' + str(validnumber-1) + str(close[point]))
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, str(validlocation[point,:]) + str(validlocation[point,:]))
      index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, False, False)
      index = draw_parallel_explicit(validlocation[point - 1], validlocation[point], index, latitude_max, dx)
      index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, False, True)
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '**** NOT END end of loop ' + str(point) + '/' + str(validnumber-1) + str(close[point]))
      index.point += 1
      gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_point(output, index.point, project(validlocation[point,:]), 0)

  index = gmsh.gmsh_geo_draw_loop(output, boundary, index, loopstartpoint, (closelast and (point == validnumber - 1)), False)

  return index
コード例 #12
  elif (argument == '-vv'): arguments.verbose = True; arguments.debug = True; 
  elif (argument == '-q'): arguments.verbose = False
  elif (argument == '-p'):
    while ((len(argv) > 0) and (argv[0][0] != '-')):
  elif (argument == '-b'):
    while ((len(argv) > 0) and ((argv[0][0] != '-') or ( (argv[0][0] == '-') and (argv[0][1].isdigit()) ))):

arguments.region = expand_boxes(arguments.region, arguments.box)

source = file(arguments.input,'r')
output = file(arguments.output,'w')

gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, 'Arguments: ' + arguments.call)
printv('Source netCDF located at ' + arguments.input)
printv('Output to ' + arguments.output)
if (len(arguments.boundaries) > 0):
  printv('Boundaries restricted to ' + str(arguments.boundaries))
if (arguments.region is not 'True'):
  printv('Region defined by ' + str(arguments.region))
if (arguments.dx != dx_default):
  printv('Open contours closed with a line formed by points spaced %g degrees apart' % (arguments.dx))
if (arguments.extendtolatitude is not None):
  printv('Extending region to meet parallel on latitude ' + str(arguments.extendtolatitude))

gmsh.gmsh_geo_comment(output, '')

def smoothGaussian(list,degree,strippedXs=False):
  list = list.tolist()