コード例 #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.attachments = []
     self.data_cache = DataCache()
     self.client = GMusicClient(self.data_cache)
コード例 #2
class ContentHandler(EventHandler, ContentConsumer):
    def __init__(self):
        self.attachments = []
        self.data_cache = DataCache()
        self.client = GMusicClient(self.data_cache)

    def launch(self):

    def get_url(self, nid):
        '''Get URL for an nid'''
        return self.client.get_stream_url(nid)

    def lookup_nid(self, nid):
        '''Try to get information about an nid'''
        # Check to see if it's in our library
        if self.data_cache.has_track(nid):
            return self.data_cache.get_item_from_id('track', nid)

        # Not in cache; need to look it up
        return self.client.lookup(nid)

    def increment_song_playcount(self, track):
        if 'id' in track:

    def create_radio(self, seed_type, id, name):
        '''Create a radio from an id, then add it to cache'''
        radio_id = self.client.create_radio(seed_type, id, name)
        return radio_id

    def search_radios(self, query):
        self.search_radio_or_playlist(query, 'radios')

    def search_playlists(self, query):
        self.search_radio_or_playlist(query, 'playlists')

    def search_radio_or_playlist(self, query, type):
        method_name = 'get_{0}_list'.format(type[:-1])
        search = getattr(self.client, method_name)

        title = self.format_title(type, query)
        command = 'PlaylistSongs'
        if 'radio' in type:
            command = 'PlayRadio'

        items = [MenuElement(r['name'], r['id'], command) for r in search(query)]
        state = State(title, "{0}".format(type.capitalize()), items)
        self.notify_attachments('PushState', event_parameters={"state": state})

    def format_title(self, search_type, query=""):
        '''Format a title which had no preceding search'''
        if query is not "":
            return '{0} matching "{1}"'.format(search_type.capitalize(), query)
        return '{0}'.format(search_type.capitalize())

    def format_title_specific(self, from_type, from_id):
        '''Format a title from a sub-items search'''
        if "playlist" not in from_type.lower():
            info = self.client.get_information_about(from_type, from_id)
            info = self.data_cache.get_item_from_id(from_type, from_id)

        return info[self.get_name(from_type)]

    def search_items(self, search_type, query):
        '''Master Search Method'''
        found_items = self.data_cache.get_items(search_type, query)

        if query is not '':
            all_access = self.client.search_items_all_access(search_type, query)
            found_items += all_access

        # Prepare to send
        title = self.format_title(search_type, query)
        self.package_and_notify(title, search_type, found_items)

    def search_sub_items(self, type_from, from_id):
        '''Works for getting a specific artist's albums, or an album's tracks'''
        search_type = 'songs'
        if type_from is 'artist':
            search_type = 'albums'

        found_items = self.client.get_sub_items(type_from, search_type, from_id)
        title = self.format_title_specific(type_from, from_id)
        self.package_and_notify(title, search_type, found_items)

    def get_suggested(self):
        '''Gets a list of tracks that the user might be interested in'''
        suggested_tracks = self.client.get_suggested()
        self.package_and_notify('Suggested Tracks', 'songs', suggested_tracks)

    def recently_added(self):
        tracks = self.data_cache.recently_added()
        self.package_and_notify('Recently Added Tracks', 'songs', tracks)

    def package_and_notify(self, title, search_type, found_items):
        '''Stores in data cache if it's a song, then packages and notifies'''
        if 'song' in search_type:
            self.data_cache.recently_searched_songs = [x[1] for x in found_items]

        items = [MenuElement(*s) for s in found_items]
        if len(items) > 0:
            state = State(title, "{0}".format(search_type.capitalize()), items)
            self.notify_attachments('PushState', event_parameters={"state": state})