コード例 #1
ファイル: music.py プロジェクト: shmaz1/geemusic
class GMusicWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, username, password, logger=None):
        self._api = Mobileclient()
        self.logger = logger
        success = self._api.login(
            username, password,
            getenv('ANDROID_ID', Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS))

        if not success:
            raise Exception("Unsuccessful login. Aborting!")

        # Populate our library
        self.library = {}
        self.indexing_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.index_library)

    def log(self, log_str):

    def _search(self, query_type, query):
            results = self._api.search(query)
        except CallFailure:
            return []

        hits_key = "%s_hits" % query_type

        if hits_key not in results:
            return []

        # Ugh, Google had to make this schema nonstandard...
        if query_type == 'song':
            query_type = 'track'

        return [x[query_type] for x in results[hits_key]]

    def is_indexing(self):
        return self.indexing_thread.is_alive()

    def index_library(self):
        Downloads the a list of every track in a user's library and populates
        self.library with storeIds -> track definitions
        self.log('Fetching library...')

        tracks = self.get_all_songs()

        for track in tracks:
            song_id = track['id']
            self.library[song_id] = track

        self.log('Fetching library...')

    def get_artist(self, name):
        Fetches information about an artist given its name
        search = self._search("artist", name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        return self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],

    def get_album(self, name, artist_name=None):
        if artist_name:
            name = "%s %s" % (name, artist_name)

        search = self._search("album", name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        return self._api.get_album_info(search[0]['albumId'])

    def get_latest_album(self, artist_name=None):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],
        album_info = artist_info['albums']
        sorted_list = sorted(album_info.__iter__(),
                             key=lambda s: s['year'],

        for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list):
            album_info = self._api.get_album_info(
                album_id=sorted_list[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True)
            if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5:
                return album_info

        return False

    def get_album_by_artist(self, artist_name, album_id=None):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)
        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],
        album_info = artist_info['albums']

        for index, val in enumerate(album_info):
            album = self._api.get_album_info(
                album_id=album_info[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True)
            if album['albumId'] != album_id and len(album['tracks']) >= 5:
                return album

        return False

    def get_song(self, name, artist_name=None, album_name=None):
        if artist_name:
            name = "%s %s" % (artist_name, name)
        elif album_name:
            name = "%s %s" % (album_name, name)

        search = self._search("song", name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        if album_name:
            for i in range(0, len(search) - 1):
                if album_name in search[i]['album']:
                    return search[i]
        return search[0]

    def get_promoted_songs(self):
        return self._api.get_promoted_songs()

    def get_station(self, title, track_id=None, artist_id=None, album_id=None):
        if artist_id is not None:
            if album_id is not None:
                if track_id is not None:
                    return self._api.create_station(title, track_id=track_id)
                return self._api.create_station(title, album_id=album_id)
            return self._api.create_station(title, artist_id=artist_id)

    def get_station_tracks(self, station_id):
        return self._api.get_station_tracks(station_id)

    def get_google_stream_url(self, song_id):
        return self._api.get_stream_url(song_id)

    def get_stream_url(self, song_id):
        return "%s/alexa/stream/%s" % (getenv('APP_URL'), song_id)

    def get_thumbnail(self, artist_art):
        return artist_art.replace("http://", "https://")

    def get_all_user_playlist_contents(self):
        return self._api.get_all_user_playlist_contents()

    def get_all_songs(self):
        return self._api.get_all_songs()

    def rate_song(self, song, rating):
        return self._api.rate_songs(song, rating)

    def extract_track_info(self, track):
        # When coming from a playlist, track info is nested under the "track"
        # key
        if 'track' in track:
            track = track['track']

        if 'storeId' in track:
            return track, track['storeId']
        elif 'trackId' in track:
            return self.library[track['trackId']], track['trackId']
            return None, None

    def get_artist_album_list(self, artist_name):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)
        if len(search) == 0:
            return "Unable to find the artist you requested."

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],
        album_list_text = "Here's the album listing for %s: " % artist_name

        counter = 0
        for index, val in enumerate(artist_info['albums']):
            if counter > 25:  # alexa will time out after 10 seconds if the list takes too long to iterate through
            album_info = self._api.get_album_info(
            if len(album_info['tracks']) > 5:
                counter += 1
                album_list_text += (
                    artist_info['albums'][index]['name']) + ", "
        return album_list_text

    def get_latest_artist_albums(self, artist_name):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],
        album_list = artist_info['albums']

        sorted_list = sorted(album_list.__iter__(),
                             key=lambda s: s['year'],

        speech_text = 'The latest albums by %s are ' % artist_name

        counter = 0
        for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list):
            if counter > 5:
                album_info = self._api.get_album_info(
                if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5:
                    counter += 1
                    album_name = sorted_list[index]['name']
                    album_year = sorted_list[index]['year']
                    speech_text += '%s, released in %d, ' % (album_name,

        return speech_text

    def closest_match(self,
        # Give each match a score based on its similarity to the requested
        # name
        self.log('Fetching library...')

        request_name = request_name.lower() + artist_name.lower()
        scored_matches = []
        for i, match in enumerate(all_matches):
                name = match['name'].lower()
            except (KeyError, TypeError):
                i = match
                name = all_matches[match]['title'].lower()
                if artist_name != "":
                    name += all_matches[match]['artist'].lower()

                'index': i,
                'name': name,
                'score': fuzz.ratio(name, request_name)

        sorted_matches = sorted(scored_matches,
                                key=lambda a: a['score'],
        top_scoring = sorted_matches[0]
        self.log('Fetching library...')

        best_match = all_matches[top_scoring['index']]

        # Make sure we have a decent match (the score is n where 0 <= n <= 100)
        if top_scoring['score'] < minimum_score:
            return None

        return best_match

    def get_genres(self, parent_genre_id=None):
        return self._api.get_genres(parent_genre_id)

    def increment_song_playcount(self, song_id, plays=1, playtime=None):
        return self._api.increment_song_playcount(song_id, plays, playtime)

    def get_song_data(self, song_id):
        return self._api.get_track_info(song_id)

    def generate_api(cls, **kwargs):
        return cls(getenv('GOOGLE_EMAIL'), getenv('GOOGLE_PASSWORD'), **kwargs)
コード例 #2
ファイル: music.py プロジェクト: TheModdersDen/geemusic
class GMusicWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, username, password, logger=None):
        self._api = Mobileclient()
        self.logger = logger
        success = self._api.login(
            username, password,
            environ.get('ANDROID_ID', Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS))

        if not success:
            raise Exception("Unsuccessful login. Aborting!")

        # Populate our library
        self.library = {}
        self.indexing_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.index_library)

    def populate_library(
    ):  #TODO: Use this as a function to refresh the library with Alexa via voice commands.
        # Populate our library
        self.library = {}
        self.indexing_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.index_library)

    def _search(self, query_type, query):
            results = self._api.search(query)
        except CallFailure:
            return []

        hits_key = "%s_hits" % query_type

        if hits_key not in results:
            return []

        # Ugh, Google had to make this schema nonstandard...
        if query_type == 'song':
            query_type = 'track'

        return [x[query_type] for x in results[hits_key]]

    def _search_library_for_first(self, query_type, query):
        #try searching the library instead of the api
        for trackid, trackdata in self.library.items():
            if query_type in trackdata:
                if query.lower() in trackdata[query_type].lower():
                    return trackdata
        return None

    def _search_library(self, query_type, query):
        #try searching the library instead of the api
        found = []
        for trackid, trackdata in self.library.items():
            if query_type in trackdata:
                if query.lower() in trackdata[query_type].lower():
        if not found:
            return None
        return found

    def is_indexing(self):
        return self.indexing_thread.is_alive()

    def index_library(self):
        Downloads the a list of every track in a user's library and populates
        self.library with storeIds -> track definitions
        self.logger.debug('Fetching library...')
        tracks = self.get_all_songs()

        for track in tracks:
            song_id = track['id']
            self.library[song_id] = track

        self.logger.debug('Done! Discovered %d tracks.' % len(self.library))

    def get_artist(self, name):
        Fetches information about an artist given its name
        search = self._search("artist", name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            search_lib = self._search_library("artist", name)
            if search_lib is not None:
                return search_lib
            return False

        return self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],

    def get_album(self, name, artist_name=None):
        if artist_name:
            name = "%s %s" % (name, artist_name)

        search = self._search("album", name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            search_lib = self._search_library("album", name)
            if search_lib is not None:
                return search_lib
            return False

        return self._api.get_album_info(search[0]['albumId'])

    def get_latest_album(self, artist_name=None):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],
        album_info = artist_info['albums']
        sorted_list = sorted(album_info.__iter__(),
                             key=lambda s: s['year'],

        for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list):
            album_info = self._api.get_album_info(
                album_id=sorted_list[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True)
            if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5:
                return album_info

        return False

    def get_album_by_artist(self, artist_name, album_id=None):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)
        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],
        album_info = artist_info['albums']

        for index, val in enumerate(album_info):
            album = self._api.get_album_info(
                album_id=album_info[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True)
            if album['albumId'] != album_id and len(album['tracks']) >= 5:
                return album

        return False

    def get_song(self, song_name, artist_name=None, album_name=None):
        if artist_name:
            name = "%s %s" % (artist_name, song_name)
        elif album_name:
            name = "%s %s" % (album_name, song_name)

        self.logger.debug("get_song() : name: %s" % (name))

        search = self._search("song", name)

        self.logger.debug("result length: %d" % len(search))

        if len(search) == 0:
            search_lib = self._search_library_for_first("title", name)
            if search_lib is not None:
                return search_lib
            return False

        if album_name:
            for i in range(0, len(search) - 1):
                if album_name in search[i]['album']:
                    return search[i]
        return search[0]

    def get_station(self, title, track_id=None, artist_id=None, album_id=None):
        if artist_id is not None:
            if album_id is not None:
                if track_id is not None:
                    return self._api.create_station(title, track_id=track_id)
                return self._api.create_station(title, album_id=album_id)
            return self._api.create_station(title, artist_id=artist_id)

    def get_station_tracks(self, station_id):
        return self._api.get_station_tracks(station_id)

    def get_google_stream_url(self, song_id):
        return self._api.get_stream_url(song_id)

    def get_stream_url(self, song_id):
        return "%s/alexa/stream/%s" % (environ['APP_URL'], song_id)

    def get_thumbnail(self, artist_art):
        # return artist_art.replace("http://", "https://") //OLD
        artistArtKey = 'artistArtRef'
        albumArtKey = 'albumArtRef'
        if artist_art is None:
            return self.default_thumbnail()
        elif artistArtKey in artist_art:
            artist_art = artist_art[artistArtKey]
        elif albumArtKey in artist_art:
            artist_art = artist_art[albumArtKey]
            return self.default_thumbnail()
        if type(artist_art) is list:
            if type(artist_art[0]) is dict:
                artUrl = artist_art[0]['url']
        elif type(artist_art) is dict:
            artUrl = artist_art['url']
            artUrl = artist_art
        return self.urlReplaceWithSecureHttps(artUrl)

    def urlReplaceWithSecureHttps(self, url):
        return url.replace("http://", "https://")

    def default_thumbnail(self):
        return 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/gdBHEk-u3YRDtuCU3iDTQ52nZd1t4GPmldYaT26Jh6EhXgp1mlhQiuLFl4eXDAXzDig5'

    def get_all_user_playlist_contents(self):
        return self._api.get_all_user_playlist_contents()

    def get_all_songs(self):
        return self._api.get_all_songs()

    def rate_song(self, song, rating):
        return self._api.rate_songs(song, rating)

    def extract_track_info(self, track):
        # When coming from a playlist, track info is nested under the "track"
        # key
        if 'track' in track:
            track = track['track']

        if 'trackId' in track:
            return (self.library[track['trackId']], track['trackId'])

        if self.use_library_first():
            #Using free version track id first
            if 'id' in track:
                return (track, track['id'])
        if 'storeId' in track:
            return track, track['storeId']
        return (None, None)

    def get_artist_album_list(self, artist_name):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)
        if len(search) == 0:
            return "Unable to find the artist you requested."

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],
        album_list_text = "Here's the album listing for %s: " % artist_name

        counter = 0
        for index, val in enumerate(artist_info['albums']):
            if counter > 25:  # alexa will time out after 10 seconds if the list takes too long to iterate through
            album_info = self._api.get_album_info(
            if len(album_info['tracks']) > 5:
                counter += 1
                album_list_text += (
                    artist_info['albums'][index]['name']) + ", "
        return album_list_text

    def get_latest_artist_albums(self, artist_name):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],
        album_list = artist_info['albums']

        sorted_list = sorted(album_list.__iter__(),
                             key=lambda s: s['year'],

        speech_text = 'The latest albums by %s are ' % artist_name

        counter = 0
        for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list):
            if counter > 5:
                album_info = self._api.get_album_info(
                if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5:
                    counter += 1
                    album_name = sorted_list[index]['name']
                    album_year = sorted_list[index]['year']
                    speech_text += '%s, released in %d, ' % (album_name,

        return speech_text

    def closest_match(self,
        # Give each match a score based on its similarity to the requested
        # name
        self.logger.debug("The artist name is " + str(artist_name))
        request_name = request_name.lower() + artist_name.lower()
        scored_matches = []
        for i, match in enumerate(all_matches):
                name = match['name'].lower()
            except (KeyError, TypeError):
                i = match
                name = all_matches[match]['title'].lower()
                if artist_name != "":
                    name += all_matches[match]['artist'].lower()

                'index': i,
                'name': name,
                'score': fuzz.ratio(name, request_name)

        sorted_matches = sorted(scored_matches,
                                key=lambda a: a['score'],
        top_scoring = sorted_matches[0]
        self.logger.debug("The top scoring match was: " + str(top_scoring))
        best_match = all_matches[top_scoring['index']]

        # Make sure the score is at least the min score value
        if top_scoring['score'] < minimum_score:
            return None

        return best_match

    def get_genres(self, parent_genre_id=None):
        return self._api.get_genres(parent_genre_id)

    def increment_song_playcount(self, song_id, plays=1, playtime=None):
        return self._api.increment_song_playcount(song_id, plays, playtime)

    def get_song_data(self, song_id):
        return self._api.get_track_info(song_id)

    def use_library_first(self):
        return environ['USE_LIBRARY_FIRST'].lower() == 'true'

    def generate_api(cls, **kwargs):
        return cls(environ['GOOGLE_EMAIL'], environ['GOOGLE_PASSWORD'],
コード例 #3
ファイル: music.py プロジェクト: troycurtisjr/geemusic
class GMusicWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, username, password, logger=None):
        self._api = Mobileclient()
        self.logger = logger
        success = self._api.login(username, password, getenv('ANDROID_ID', Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS))

        if not success:
            raise Exception("Unsuccessful login. Aborting!")

            assert literal_eval(getenv("DEBUG_FORCE_LIBRARY", "False"))
            self.use_store = False
        except (AssertionError, ValueError):  # AssertionError if it's False, ValueError if it's not set / not set to a proper boolean string
            self.use_store = self._api.is_subscribed
        # Populate our library

    def start_indexing(self):
        self.library = {}
        self.albums = set([])
        self.artists = set([])
        self.indexing_thread = threading.Thread(

    def log(self, log_str):
        if self.logger != None:

    def _search(self, query_type, query):
            results = self._api.search(query)
        except CallFailure:
            return []

        hits_key = "%s_hits" % query_type

        if hits_key not in results:
            return []

        # Ugh, Google had to make this schema nonstandard...
        if query_type == 'song':
            query_type = 'track'

        return [x[query_type] for x in results[hits_key]]

    def is_indexing(self):
        return self.indexing_thread.is_alive()

    def index_library(self):
        Downloads the a list of every track in a user's library and populates
        self.library with storeIds -> track definitions
        self.log('Fetching library...')

        tracks = self.get_all_songs()

        for track in tracks:
            song_id = track['id']
            self.library[song_id] = track

        self.log('Fetching library complete.')

    def get_artist(self, name):
        Fetches information about an artist given its name
        if self.use_store:
            search = self._search("artist", name)

            if len(search) == 0:
                return False

            return self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],
            search = {}
            search['topTracks'] = []
            # Find the best artist we have, and then match songs to that artist
            likely_artist, score = process.extractOne(name, self.artists)
            if score < 70:
                return False
            for song_id, song in self.library.items():
                if 'artist' in song and song['artist'].lower() == likely_artist.lower() and 'artistId' in song:
                    if not search['topTracks']:  # First entry
                        # Copy artist details from the first song into the general artist response
                            search['artistArtRef'] = song['artistArtRef'][0]['url']
                        except KeyError:
                        search['name'] = song['artist']
                        search['artistId'] = song['artistId']
            random.shuffle(search['topTracks'])  # This is all music, not top, but the user probably would prefer it shuffled.
            if not search['topTracks']:
                return False

            return search

    def get_album(self, name, artist_name=None):
        if self.use_store:
            if artist_name:
                name = "%s %s" % (name, artist_name)

            search = self._search("album", name)

            if len(search) == 0:
                return False

            return self._api.get_album_info(search[0]['albumId'])
            search = {}
            search['tracks'] = []
            if artist_name:
                artist_name, score = process.extractOne(artist_name, self.artists)
                if score < 70:
                    return False
            name, score = process.extractOne(name, self.albums)
            if score < 70:
                return False
            for song_id, song in self.library.items():
                if 'album' in song and song['album'].lower() == name.lower():
                    if not artist_name or ('artist' in song and song['artist'].lower() == artist_name.lower()):
                        if not search['tracks']:  # First entry
                            search['albumArtist'] = song['albumArtist']
                            search['name'] = song['album']
                                search['albumId'] = song['albumId']
                            except KeyError:

            if not search['tracks']:
                return False

            return search

    def get_latest_album(self, artist_name=None):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True)
        album_info = artist_info['albums']
        sorted_list = sorted(album_info.__iter__(), key=lambda s: s['year'], reverse=True)

        for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list):
            album_info = self._api.get_album_info(album_id=sorted_list[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True)
            if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5:
                return album_info

        return False

    def get_album_by_artist(self, artist_name, album_id=None):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)
        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True)
        album_info = artist_info['albums']

        for index, val in enumerate(album_info):
            album = self._api.get_album_info(album_id=album_info[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True)
            if album['albumId'] != album_id and len(album['tracks']) >= 5:
                return album

        return False

    def get_song(self, name, artist_name=None, album_name=None):
        if self.use_store:
            if artist_name:
                name = "%s %s" % (artist_name, name)
            elif album_name:
                name = "%s %s" % (album_name, name)

            search = self._search("song", name)

            if len(search) == 0:
                return False

            if album_name:
                for i in range(0, len(search) - 1):
                    if album_name in search[i]['album']:
                        return search[i]
            return search[0]
            search = {}
            if not name:
                return False
            if artist_name:
                artist_name, score = process.extractOne(artist_name, self.artists)
                if score < 70:
                    return False
            if album_name:
                album_name, score = process.extractOne(album_name, self.albums)
                if score < 70:
                    return False
            possible_songs = {song_id: song['title'] for song_id, song in self.library.items() if (not artist_name or ('artist' in song and song['artist'].lower() == artist_name.lower())) and (not album_name or ('album' in song and song['album'].lower() == album_name.lower()))}
            song, score, song_id = process.extractOne(name.lower(), possible_songs)
            if score < 70:
                return False
                return self.library[song_id]

    def get_promoted_songs(self):
        return self._api.get_promoted_songs()

    def get_station(self, title, track_id=None, artist_id=None, album_id=None):
        if artist_id is not None:
            if album_id is not None:
                if track_id is not None:
                    return self._api.create_station(title, track_id=track_id)
                return self._api.create_station(title, album_id=album_id)
            return self._api.create_station(title, artist_id=artist_id)

    def get_station_tracks(self, station_id):
        return self._api.get_station_tracks(station_id)

    def get_google_stream_url(self, song_id):
        return self._api.get_stream_url(song_id)

    def get_stream_url(self, song_id):
        return "%s/alexa/stream/%s" % (getenv('APP_URL'), song_id)

    def get_thumbnail(self, artist_art):
        return artist_art.replace("http://", "https://")

    def get_all_user_playlist_contents(self):
        return self._api.get_all_user_playlist_contents()

    def get_all_songs(self):
        return self._api.get_all_songs()

    def rate_song(self, song, rating):
        return self._api.rate_songs(song, rating)

    def extract_track_info(self, track):
        # When coming from a playlist, track info is nested under the "track"
        # key
        if 'track' in track:
            track = track['track']

        if self.use_store and 'storeId' in track:
            return track, track['storeId']
        elif 'id' in track:
            return self.library[track['id']], track['id']
        elif 'trackId' in track:
            return self.library[track['trackId']], track['trackId']
            return None, None

    def get_artist_album_list(self, artist_name):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)
        if len(search) == 0:
            return "Unable to find the artist you requested."

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True)
        album_list_text = "Here's the album listing for %s: " % artist_name

        counter = 0
        for index, val in enumerate(artist_info['albums']):
            if counter > 25:  # alexa will time out after 10 seconds if the list takes too long to iterate through
            album_info = self._api.get_album_info(album_id=artist_info['albums'][index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True)
            if len(album_info['tracks']) > 5:
                counter += 1
                album_list_text += (artist_info['albums'][index]['name']) + ", "
        return album_list_text

    def get_latest_artist_albums(self, artist_name):
        search = self._search("artist", artist_name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True)
        album_list = artist_info['albums']

        sorted_list = sorted(album_list.__iter__(), key=lambda s: s['year'], reverse=True)

        speech_text = 'The latest albums by %s are ' % artist_name

        counter = 0
        for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list):
            if counter > 5:
                album_info = self._api.get_album_info(album_id=sorted_list[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True)
                if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5:
                    counter += 1
                    album_name = sorted_list[index]['name']
                    album_year = sorted_list[index]['year']
                    speech_text += '%s, released in %d, ' % (album_name, album_year)

        return speech_text

    def closest_match(self, request_name, all_matches, artist_name='', minimum_score=70):
        # Give each match a score based on its similarity to the requested
        # name
        self.log('Finding closest match...')

        best_match = None

        request_name = request_name.lower() + artist_name.lower()
        scored_matches = []
        for i, match in enumerate(all_matches):
                name = match['name'].lower()
            except (KeyError, TypeError):
                i = match
                name = all_matches[match]['title'].lower()
                if artist_name != "":
                    name += all_matches[match]['artist'].lower()

                'index': i,
                'name': name,
                'score': fuzz.ratio(name, request_name)

        sorted_matches = sorted(scored_matches, key=lambda a: a['score'], reverse=True)

            top_scoring = sorted_matches[0]
            # Make sure we have a decent match (the score is n where 0 <= n <= 100)
            if top_scoring['score'] >= minimum_score:
                best_match = all_matches[top_scoring['index']]
        except IndexError:

        self.log('Found %s...' % best_match)
        return best_match

    def get_genres(self, parent_genre_id=None):
        return self._api.get_genres(parent_genre_id)

    def increment_song_playcount(self, song_id, plays=1, playtime=None):
        return self._api.increment_song_playcount(song_id, plays, playtime)

    def get_song_data(self, song_id):
        return self._api.get_track_info(song_id)

    def generate_api(cls, **kwargs):
        return cls(getenv('GOOGLE_EMAIL'), getenv('GOOGLE_PASSWORD'),
コード例 #4
ファイル: syncratings.py プロジェクト: nikp/fivestarman
	print("logged-in = " + str(logged_in))
	return logged_in

def searchSong(artist, album, title):
	search_str = artist + " " + album + " " + title
	results = gmusic.search(search_str, 10)
	print(json.dumps(results, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
	song_hits = results["song_hits"]
	print("Found " + str(len(song_hits)) + " results")
	if (not song_hits):
		print("Unable to find ANY search results :(")
	for song in song_hits:
		track = song["track"]
		if (track["title"].lower() == title and \
			track["artist"].lower() == artist and \
			track["album"].lower() == album):
			print("Found!: " + track)
			return track
	print("No matches found for title/artist/album!")

if (not login()):

track = searchSong("led zeppelin", "houses of holy", "the song remains the same")

if (track):
	songs = [{'nid':track["nid"], 'trackType': track["trackType"]}]
	gmusic.rate_songs(songs, 5)
コード例 #5
ファイル: music.py プロジェクト: vothanhkiet/geemusic
class GMusicWrapper:
    def __init__(self, username, password, logger=None):
        self._api = Mobileclient()
        self.logger = logger
        success = self._api.login(
            username, password,
            environ.get('ANDROID_ID', Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS))

        if not success:
            raise Exception("Unsuccessful login. Aborting!")

        # Populate our library
        self.library = {}
        self.indexing_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.index_library)

    def _search(self, query_type, query):
            results = self._api.search(query)
        except CallFailure:
            return []

        hits_key = "%s_hits" % query_type

        if hits_key not in results:
            return []

        # Ugh, Google had to make this schema nonstandard...
        if query_type == 'song':
            query_type = 'track'

        return map(lambda x: x[query_type], results[hits_key])

    def is_indexing(self):
        return self.indexing_thread.is_alive()

    def index_library(self):
        Downloads the a list of every track in a user's library and populates
        self.library with storeIds -> track definitions
        self.logger.debug('Fetching library...')
        tracks = self.get_all_songs()

        for track in tracks:
            song_id = track['id']
            self.library[song_id] = track

        self.logger.debug('Done! Discovered %d tracks.' % len(self.library))

    def get_artist(self, name):
        Fetches information about an artist given its name
        search = self._search("artist", name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        return self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'],

    def get_album(self, name, artist_name=None):
        if artist_name:
            name = "%s %s" % (name, artist_name)

        search = self._search("album", name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        return self._api.get_album_info(search[0]['albumId'])

    def get_song(self, name, artist_name=None):
        if artist_name:
            name = "%s %s" % (artist_name, name)

        search = self._search("song", name)

        if len(search) == 0:
            return False

        return search[0]

    def get_station(self, title, artist_id=None):
        if artist_id != None:
            return self._api.create_station(title, artist_id=artist_id)

    def get_station_tracks(self, station_id):
        return self._api.get_station_tracks(station_id)

    def get_google_stream_url(self, song_id):
        return self._api.get_stream_url(song_id)

    def get_stream_url(self, song_id):
        return "%s/stream/%s" % (environ['APP_URL'], song_id)

    def get_all_user_playlist_contents(self):
        return self._api.get_all_user_playlist_contents()

    def get_all_songs(self):
        return self._api.get_all_songs()

    def rate_song(self, song, rating):
        return self._api.rate_songs(song, rating)

    def extract_track_info(self, track):
        # When coming from a playlist, track info is nested under the "track"
        # key
        if 'track' in track:
            track = track['track']

        if 'storeId' in track:
            return (track, track['storeId'])
        elif 'trackId' in track:
            return (self.library[track['trackId']], track['trackId'])
            return (None, None)

    def increment_song_playcount(self, song_id, plays=1, playtime=None):
        return self._api.increment_song_playcount(song_id, plays, playtime)

    def get_song_data(self, song_id):
        return self._api.get_track_info(song_id)

    def generate_api(cls, **kwargs):
        return cls(environ['GOOGLE_EMAIL'], environ['GOOGLE_PASSWORD'],
コード例 #6
class Gpm:
    def __init__(self):
        self.client = Mobileclient()
        # self.client.perform_oauth()

    def fetchCollection(self):
        songs = self.__makeSongSet(self.client.get_all_songs())

        playlists = list()
        for playlistData in self.client.get_all_user_playlist_contents():
            playlist = self.__makePlaylist(playlistData)
            if playlist is not None:

        return Collection(songs, playlists, self)

    def __makePlaylist(self, playlistData):
        if playlistData["deleted"] == "True":
            return None

        title = playlistData["name"]
        description = playlistData[
            "description"] if "description" in playlistData else None
        serviceId = playlistData["id"]
        songs = self.__makeSongSet(playlistData["tracks"])
        return Playlist(title, description, songs, serviceId)

    def __makeSongSet(self, songSetData):
        songs = list()
        for songData in songSetData:
            song = self.__makeSong(songData)
            if song is not None:
        return SongSet(songs)

    def __makeSong(self, songData):
        if songData["kind"] == "sj#playlistEntry":
            if songData["deleted"] == "True" or not "track" in songData:
                return None
            songData = songData["track"]

        isDeleted = songData["deleted"] if "deleted" in songData else False
        if isDeleted:
            return None

        title = songData["title"]
        artist = songData["artist"]
        album = songData["album"]
        rating = int(songData["rating"]) if "rating" in songData else 0
        serviceId = songData["id"] if "id" in songData else songData["storeId"]

        return Song(title, artist, album, rating, serviceId)

    def loadTakeoutExport(exportPath):
        songsPath = os.path.join(exportPath, "Tracks")
        songs = Gpm.loadTakeoutSongSet(songsPath)

        playlists = list()
        playlistsPath = os.path.join(exportPath, "Playlists")
        for playlistFileName in sorted(os.listdir(playlistsPath)):
            if playlistFileName != "Thumbs Up":
                playlist = Gpm.loadTakeoutPlaylist(
                    os.path.join(playlistsPath, playlistFileName))
                if playlist is not None:

        return Collection(songs, playlists, NullService())

    def loadTakeoutPlaylist(exportPath):
        title = os.path.basename(exportPath)
        description = ""
        isDeleted = False

        metadataPath = os.path.join(exportPath, "Metadata.csv")
        with open(metadataPath) as metadataFile:
            metadata = next(csv.DictReader(metadataFile))
            title = metadata["Title"]
            description = metadata["Description"]
            isDeleted = (metadata["Deleted"] == "Yes")

        if isDeleted:
            return None

        songs = Gpm.loadTakeoutSongSet(os.path.join(exportPath, "Tracks"))
        return Playlist(title, description, songs, None)

    def loadTakeoutSongSet(exportPath):
        songs = list()
        for songFileName in sorted(os.listdir(exportPath)):
            song = Gpm.loadTakeoutSong(os.path.join(exportPath, songFileName))
            if song is not None:
        return SongSet(songs)

    def loadTakeoutSong(exportPath):
        with open(exportPath) as songFile:
            metadata = next(csv.DictReader(songFile))
            title = html.unescape(metadata["Title"].strip(" "))
            artist = html.unescape(metadata["Artist"].strip(" "))
            album = html.unescape(metadata["Album"].strip(" "))
            rating = int(metadata["Rating"])
            isDeleted = (metadata["Removed"] == "Yes")

        if isDeleted or (title == "" and artist == "" and album == ""):
            return None

        return Song(title, artist, album, rating, None)

    def addPlaylist(self, title, description):
        playlistId = self.client.create_playlist(title, description)
        return Playlist(title, description, list(), playlistId)

    def addSongFromSearchResults(self, song):
        trackId = self.client.add_store_tracks([song.serviceId])
        return Song(song.title, song.artist, song.album, song.rating, trackId)

    def addSongToPlaylist(self, song, playlist):
        self.client.add_songs_to_playlist(playlist.serviceId, song.serviceId)

    def likeSong(self, song):
        self.client.rate_songs({"id": song.serviceId}, "5")

    def search(self, query):
        matches = list()
        searchResults = self.client.search(query)
        for songHit in searchResults["song_hits"]:
            song = self.__makeSong(songHit["track"])
        return matches