コード例 #1
    GN4124_CSR = 0x0

    DEBUG = 0

    # Objects declaration
    spec = rr.Gennum() # bind to the SPEC board
    gn4124 = gn4124.CGN4124(spec, GN4124_CSR)

    print '\nGet physical memory pages address list'
    pages = gn4124.get_physical_addr()
    if DEBUG != 0:
        for i in range(10):
            print("Host DMA pages %3d: %.8X") % (i, pages[i])

    print '\nInitialise memory pages'
    gn4124.set_memory_page(0, 0x0)
    gn4124.set_memory_page(1, 0xC0FFEE11)
    gn4124.set_memory_page(2, 0xDEADBABE)
    gn4124.set_memory_page(3, 0x0)
    gn4124.set_memory_page(4, 0x0)

    print '\nReading data from memory page 2 (before DMA)'
    page2_data_before = gn4124.get_memory_page(2)

    print '\nPreparing DMA'
    dma_length = 0x100 # DMA length in bytes
    gn4124.add_dma_item(0, pages[1], dma_length, 1, 1) # write from page 1 to SPEC memory
    gn4124.add_dma_item(0, pages[2], dma_length, 0, 0) # read from SPEC memory to page 2

    print '\nPage 0 data - DMA next items'
    page0_data = gn4124.get_memory_page(0)
コード例 #2

    # Objects declaration
    spec = rr.Gennum() # bind to the SPEC board
    gn4124 = gn4124.CGN4124(spec, GN4124_CSR)
    adc_csr = csr.CCSR(spec, CSR)

    print '\n### Configuration ###'

    # Set local bus frequency
    print("GN4124 local bus frequency: %d") % gn4124.get_local_bus_freq()

    pages = gn4124.get_physical_addr()
    gn4124.set_memory_page(0, 0x0)
    gn4124.set_memory_page(1, 0x0)
    gn4124.set_memory_page(2, 0x0)
    gn4124.set_memory_page(3, 0x0)
    gn4124.set_memory_page(4, 0x0)

    #print 'Write debugging data (address) to DPRAM'
    #adc_csr.wr_reg(CSR_CTRL, 0x2)

    # reset acquisition
    adc_csr.wr_reg(CSR_CTRL, 0x0)
    print("Command:%.8X") % adc_csr.rd_reg(CSR_CTRL)

    # Acquire data