コード例 #1
def wind_ts(rq_wind):
    setup a wind timeseries - uses the rq_wind fixture to get the
    wind values used for conversions
    - returns a dict with the expected datetime_rq, datetime_uv
      and time_value_pair objects
    date_times = ([sec_to_date(zero_time())] * len(rq_wind['rq']))
    dtv_rq = (np.array(zip(date_times, rq_wind['rq']), dtype=datetime_value_2d)

    date_times = ([sec_to_date(zero_time())] * len(rq_wind['uv']))
    dtv_uv = (np.array(zip(date_times, rq_wind['uv']), dtype=datetime_value_2d)

    date_times = ([zero_time()] * len(rq_wind['uv']))
    tv = (np.array(zip(date_times, rq_wind['uv']), dtype=time_value_pair)

    print 'Test Case - actual values:'
    print 'datetime_value_2d: datetime, (r, theta):'
    print dtv_rq.time
    print dtv_rq.value

    print '----------'
    print 'datetime_value_2d: datetime, (u, v):'
    print dtv_uv.time
    print dtv_uv.value

    print '----------'
    print 'time_value_pair: time, (u, v):'
    print tv.time
    print tv.value.reshape(len(tv.value), -1)

    return {'dtv_rq': dtv_rq, 'dtv_uv': dtv_uv, 'tv': tv}
コード例 #2
    def test_variable_wind_after_model_time(self):
            test to make sure the wind mover is behaving properly with
            out-of-bounds winds.
            A variable wind should not extrapolate if it is out of bounds,
            so prepare_for_model_step() should fail with an exception
            in this case.
        wind_time = datetime(2012, 8, 21, 13)  # one day after model time

        time_series = (np.zeros((3, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
        time_series.time = [sec_to_date(date_to_sec(wind_time) +
                                        self.time_step * i)
                            for i in range(3)]
        time_series.value = np.array(((2., 25.), (2., 25.), (2., 25.)))

        wind = Wind(timeseries=time_series.reshape(3),
                    units='meter per second')

        wm = WindMover(wind)

        for ix in range(2):
            curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) +
                                    self.time_step * ix)

            with raises(RuntimeError):
                wm.prepare_for_model_step(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)
コード例 #3
def _convert(x):
    helper method for the next 4 tests
    y = date_to_sec(x)

    return sec_to_date(y)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_wind_mover.py プロジェクト: JamesMakela/GNOME2
 def test_get_move_exceptions(self):
     curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) + self.time_step)
     tmp_windages = self.sc._data_arrays['windages']
     del self.sc._data_arrays['windages']
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
         self.wm.get_move(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)
     self.sc._data_arrays['windages'] = tmp_windages
コード例 #5
def test_prepare_for_model_step():
    explicitly test to make sure windages are being updated for persistence
    != 0 and windages are not being changed for persistance == -1
    time_step = 15 * 60  # seconds
    model_time = datetime(2012, 8, 20, 13)  # yyyy/month/day/hr/min/sec
    sc = sample_sc_release(5, (3., 6., 0.), model_time)
    sc['windage_persist'][:2] = -1
    wind = Wind(timeseries=np.array((model_time, (2., 25.)),
                units='meter per second')

    wm = WindMover(wind)

    for ix in range(2):
        curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(model_time) + time_step * ix)
        old_windages = np.copy(sc['windages'])
        wm.prepare_for_model_step(sc, time_step, curr_time)

        mask = [sc['windage_persist'] == -1]
        assert np.all(sc['windages'][mask] == old_windages[mask])

        mask = [sc['windage_persist'] > 0]
        assert np.all(sc['windages'][mask] != old_windages[mask])
コード例 #6
ファイル: convert.py プロジェクト: NOAA-ORR-ERD/PyGnome
def to_datetime_value_1d(time_value_pair):
    converts a numpy array containing basic_types.time_value_pair to a
    numpy array containing basic_types.datetime_value_1d. It simply drops the
    2nd component of value: eg:

      time_value_pair[0] = ((datetime), (val_0, val_1))

    becomes: output = ((datetime), (val_0,))
    This is partly used for timeseries for Tide data and in this case, the
    v-component of velocity (u, v) is 0.0

    This function does not perform a check to see if 2nd component is 0.0, it
    simply drops it.

    :param time_value_pair: numpy array of type basic_types.time_value_pair
    if time_value_pair.dtype != basic_types.time_value_pair:
        raise ValueError('Method expects a numpy array containing '

    datetime_value_1d = np.zeros((len(time_value_pair), ),

    datetime_value_1d['time'] = time_utils.sec_to_date(time_value_pair['time'])
    datetime_value_1d['value'][:] = time_value_pair['value']['u']

    return datetime_value_1d
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_wind.py プロジェクト: NOAA-ORR-ERD/PyGnome
def test_default_init():
    wind = Wind()

    assert wind.timeseries == np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()),
                                         [0.0, 0.0])],
    assert wind.units == 'mps'
コード例 #8
    def test_get_move(self):
        Test the get_move(...) results in WindMover match the expected delta
        for ix in range(2):
            curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) +
                                    self.time_step * ix)
            self.wm.prepare_for_model_step(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)

            delta = self.wm.get_move(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)
            actual = self._expected_move()

            # the results should be independent of model time
            tol = 1e-8

            msg = ('{0} is not within a tolerance of '
                   '{1}'.format('WindMover.get_move()', tol))
            np.testing.assert_allclose(delta, actual, tol, tol, msg, 0)

            assert self.wm.active

            ts = date_to_sec(curr_time) - date_to_sec(self.model_time)
            print ('Time step [sec]:\t{0}'
                   'C++ delta-move:\n{1}'
                   'Expected delta-move:\n{2}'
                   ''.format(ts, delta, actual))

コード例 #9
    def test_constant_wind_after_model_time(self):
            test to make sure the wind mover is behaving properly with
            out-of-bounds winds.
            A constant wind should extrapolate if it is out of bounds,
            so prepare_for_model_step() should not fail.

            We are testing that the wind extrapolates properly, so the
            windages should be updated in the same way as the in-bounds test
        wind_time = datetime(2012, 8, 21, 13)  # one day after model time

        wind = Wind(timeseries=np.array((wind_time, (2., 25.)),
                    units='meter per second')

        wm = WindMover(wind)

        for ix in range(2):
            curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) +
                                    self.time_step * ix)
            print 'curr_time = ', curr_time

            old_windages = np.copy(self.sc['windages'])
            wm.prepare_for_model_step(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] == -1
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] == old_windages[mask])

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] > 0
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] != old_windages[mask])
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_time_utils.py プロジェクト: satcomlabs/PyGnome
def _convert(x):
    helper method for the next 4 tests
    y = time_utils.date_to_sec(x)

    return time_utils.sec_to_date(y)
コード例 #11
def test_to_date_dst_transition_fall():
    seconds = [1478419200, 1478421000, 1478422800, 1478424600, 1478426400, 1478428200]

    dates = sec_to_date(seconds)
    diff = np.diff(dates).astype(np.int64)

    # checks that the interval is constant -- i.e. no repeated or skipped times
    assert not np.any(np.diff(diff))
コード例 #12
ファイル: convert.py プロジェクト: JamesMakela-NOAA/PyGnome
def to_datetime_value_2d(time_value_pair, out_ts_format):
    converts a numpy array containing basic_types.time_value_pair to a
    numpy array containing basic_types.datetime_value_2d in user specified

    :param time_value_pair: numpy array of type basic_types.time_value_pair
    :param out_ts_format: desired format of the array defined by one of the
                          options given in basic_types.ts_format

    if time_value_pair.dtype != basic_types.time_value_pair:
        raise ValueError('Method expects a numpy array containing basic_types.time_value_pair'

    datetime_value_2d = np.zeros((len(time_value_pair), ),

    if isinstance(out_ts_format, basestring):
        out_ts_format = tsformat(out_ts_format)

    # convert time_value_pair to datetime_value_2d in desired output format

    if out_ts_format == basic_types.ts_format.magnitude_direction:
        datetime_value_2d['time'] = \

        uv = np.zeros((len(time_value_pair), 2), dtype=np.double)
        uv[:, 0] = time_value_pair['value']['u']
        uv[:, 1] = time_value_pair['value']['v']

        datetime_value_2d['value'] = transforms.uv_to_r_theta_wind(uv)
    elif out_ts_format == basic_types.ts_format.uv:

        datetime_value_2d['time'] = \
        datetime_value_2d['value'][:, 0] = time_value_pair['value']['u']
        datetime_value_2d['value'][:, 1] = time_value_pair['value']['v']

        raise ValueError('out_ts_format is not one of the two supported types: basic_types.ts_format.magnitude_direction, basic_types.ts_format.uv'

    return datetime_value_2d
コード例 #13
def test_to_time_value_pair_from_1d():
    length_of_dim1 = 4
    zero_times = [sec_to_date(zero_time())] * length_of_dim1
    rand_data = np.random.uniform(1, 10, length_of_dim1)

    data = np.array(zip(zero_times, rand_data), dtype=datetime_value_1d)
    out_tv = to_time_value_pair(data)

    assert np.all(out_tv['value']['v'] == 0.0)
    assert np.all(out_tv['value']['u'] == data['value'])
コード例 #14
def to_datetime_value_2d(time_value_pair, out_ts_format):
    converts a numpy array containing basic_types.time_value_pair to a
    numpy array containing basic_types.datetime_value_2d in user specified

    :param time_value_pair: numpy array of type basic_types.time_value_pair
    :param out_ts_format: desired format of the array defined by one of the
                          options given in basic_types.ts_format
    if time_value_pair.dtype != basic_types.time_value_pair:
        raise ValueError('Method expects a numpy array containing '

    datetime_value_2d = np.zeros((len(time_value_pair), ),

    if isinstance(out_ts_format, basestring):
        out_ts_format = tsformat(out_ts_format)

    # convert time_value_pair to datetime_value_2d in desired output format
    if out_ts_format == basic_types.ts_format.magnitude_direction:
        datetime_value_2d['time'] = \

        uv = np.zeros((len(time_value_pair), 2), dtype=np.double)
        uv[:, 0] = time_value_pair['value']['u']
        uv[:, 1] = time_value_pair['value']['v']

        datetime_value_2d['value'] = transforms.uv_to_r_theta_wind(uv)
    elif out_ts_format == basic_types.ts_format.uv:
        datetime_value_2d['time'] = \
        datetime_value_2d['value'][:, 0] = time_value_pair['value']['u']
        datetime_value_2d['value'][:, 1] = time_value_pair['value']['v']
        raise ValueError('out_ts_format is not one of the two supported '
                         'types: '
                         'basic_types.ts_format.magnitude_direction, '

    return datetime_value_2d
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_time_utils.py プロジェクト: govtmirror/PyGnome
def test_to_date_dst_transition_spring():
    # these are hard coded from what was generated by date_to_sec
    # they cross the spring transition, and caused a problem.
    seconds = np.array([1457857800, 1457859600, 1457861400,
                        1457863200, 1457865000, 1457866800],

    dates = sec_to_date(seconds)
    diff = np.diff(dates).astype(np.int64)
    # checks that the interval is constant -- i.e. no repeated or skipped times
    assert not np.any(np.diff(diff))
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_cy_helpers.py プロジェクト: JamesMakela/GNOME2
    def test_sec_to_date(self):
        Uses time_utils.secondsToDate_noDST to
        convert the time in seconds back to a datetime object and make

        tgt = time_utils.round_time(dt=self.now, roundTo=1)
        act = time_utils.sec_to_date(self.pySec)
        print 'expected:\t' + str(tgt)
        print 'actual:  \t' + str(act)
        assert tgt == act
コード例 #17
    def test_sec_to_date(self):
        Uses time_utils.secondsToDate_noDST to
        convert the time in seconds back to a datetime object and make

        tgt = time_utils.round_time(dt=self.now, roundTo=1)
        act = time_utils.sec_to_date(self.pySec)
        print 'expected:\t' + str(tgt)
        print 'actual:  \t' + str(act)
        assert tgt == act
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_wind_mover.py プロジェクト: MustiDarsh/PyGnome
    def test_variable_wind_after_model_time_with_extrapolation(self):
            test to make sure the wind mover is behaving properly with
            out-of-bounds winds.
            A variable wind can extrapolate if it is configured to do so,
            so prepare_for_model_step() should succeed in this case.

            We are testing that the wind extrapolates properly, so the
            windages should be updated in the same way as the in-bounds test
        wind_time = datetime(2012, 8, 21, 13)  # one day after model time

        time_series = (np.zeros((3, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
        time_series.time = [sec_to_date(date_to_sec(wind_time) +
                                        self.time_step * i)
                            for i in range(3)]
        time_series.value = np.array(((2., 25.), (2., 25.), (2., 25.)))

        wind = Wind(timeseries=time_series.reshape(3),
                    units='meter per second')

        wm = WindMover(wind)

        for ix in range(2):
            curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) +
                                    self.time_step * ix)

            old_windages = np.copy(self.sc['windages'])
            wm.prepare_for_model_step(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] == -1
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] == old_windages[mask])

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] > 0
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] != old_windages[mask])
コード例 #19
    def test_variable_wind_after_model_time_with_extrapolation(self):
            test to make sure the wind mover is behaving properly with
            out-of-bounds winds.
            A variable wind can extrapolate if it is configured to do so,
            so prepare_for_model_step() should succeed in this case.

            We are testing that the wind extrapolates properly, so the
            windages should be updated in the same way as the in-bounds test
        wind_time = datetime(2012, 8, 21, 13)  # one day after model time

        time_series = (np.zeros((3, ), dtype=datetime_value_2d)
        time_series.time = [sec_to_date(date_to_sec(wind_time) +
                                        self.time_step * i)
                            for i in range(3)]
        time_series.value = np.array(((2., 25.), (2., 25.), (2., 25.)))

        wind = Wind(timeseries=time_series.reshape(3),
                    units='meter per second')

        wm = WindMover(wind)

        for ix in range(2):
            curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) +
                                    self.time_step * ix)

            old_windages = np.copy(self.sc['windages'])
            wm.prepare_for_model_step(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] == -1
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] == old_windages[mask])

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] > 0
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] != old_windages[mask])
コード例 #20
def wind_ts(rq_wind):
    setup a wind timeseries - uses the rq_wind fixture to get the
    wind values used for conversions
    - returns a dict with the expected datetime_rq, datetime_uv
      and time_value_pair objects
    date_times = ([sec_to_date(zero_time())] * len(rq_wind['rq']))
    dtv_rq = (np.array(zip(date_times, rq_wind['rq']),

    date_times = ([sec_to_date(zero_time())] * len(rq_wind['uv']))
    dtv_uv = (np.array(zip(date_times, rq_wind['uv']),

    date_times = ([zero_time()] * len(rq_wind['uv']))

    values = zip(date_times, (tuple(w) for w in rq_wind['uv']))
    tv = (np.array(values, dtype=time_value_pair).view(dtype=np.recarray))

    # print 'Test Case - actual values:'
    # print 'datetime_value_2d: datetime, (r, theta):'
    # print dtv_rq.time
    # print dtv_rq.value

    # print '----------'
    # print 'datetime_value_2d: datetime, (u, v):'
    # print dtv_uv.time
    # print dtv_uv.value

    # print '----------'
    # print 'time_value_pair: time, (u, v):'
    # print tv.time
    # print tv.value.reshape(len(tv.value), -1)

    return {'dtv_rq': dtv_rq, 'dtv_uv': dtv_uv, 'tv': tv}
コード例 #21
    def __init__(self, wind=None, timeseries=None, past_hours_to_average=3,
        Initializes a running average object from a wind and past hours
        to average

        If no wind is given, timeseries gets initialized as:

            timeseries = np.zeros((1,), dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d)
            units = 'mps'
        (note: probably should be an error)

        All other keywords are optional. Optional parameters (kwargs):

        :param past_hours_to_average: default is 3

        self.units = 'mps'
        self.format = 'uv'
        self._past_hours_to_average = past_hours_to_average
        self.wind = wind

        if (wind is None and timeseries is None):
            mvg_timeseries = np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])],
            moving_timeseries = self._convert_to_time_value_pair(mvg_timeseries)

            if wind is not None:
                moving_timeseries = wind.ossm.create_running_average(self._past_hours_to_average)
                self.wind = Wind(timeseries, units='mps', format='uv')
                moving_timeseries = self.wind.ossm.create_running_average(self._past_hours_to_average)

        # print "moving_timeseries"
        # print moving_timeseries

        self.ossm = CyTimeseries(timeseries=moving_timeseries)

        super(RunningAverage, self).__init__(**kwargs)
コード例 #22
    def __init__(self, wind=None, timeseries=None, past_hours_to_average=3,
        Initializes a running average object from a wind and past hours
        to average

        If no wind is given, timeseries gets initialized as:

            timeseries = np.zeros((1,), dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d)
            units = 'mps'
        (note: probably should be an error)

        All other keywords are optional. Optional parameters (kwargs):

        :param past_hours_to_average: default is 3

        self.units = 'mps'
        self.format = 'uv'
        self._past_hours_to_average = past_hours_to_average
        self.wind = wind

        if (wind is None and timeseries is None):
            mvg_timeseries = np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])],
            moving_ts = self._convert_to_time_value_pair(mvg_timeseries)
        elif wind is not None:
            moving_ts = (wind.ossm
            self.wind = Wind(timeseries, units='mps', coord_sys='uv')
            moving_ts = (self.wind.ossm

        self.ossm = CyTimeseries(timeseries=moving_ts)

        super(RunningAverage, self).__init__(**kwargs)
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_wind_mover.py プロジェクト: JamesMakela/GNOME2
    def test_get_move(self):
        Test the get_move(...) results in WindMover match the expected delta

        self.wm.prepare_for_model_step(self.sc, self.time_step,

        for ix in range(2):
            curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) +
                                    self.time_step * ix)
            delta = self.wm.get_move(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)
            actual = self._expected_move()

            # the results should be independent of model time

            tol = 1e-8

            msg = '{0} is not within a tolerance of {1}'
                msg.format('WindMover.get_move()', tol),

            assert self.wm.active == True

            ts = date_to_sec(curr_time) - date_to_sec(self.model_time)
            print 'Time step [sec]:\t%s' % ts
            print 'C++ delta-move:\n%s' % str(delta)
            print 'Expected delta-move:\n%s' % str(actual)

コード例 #24
ファイル: test_wind_mover.py プロジェクト: MustiDarsh/PyGnome
    def test_windages_updated(self):
            explicitly test to make sure:
            - windages are being updated for persistence != 0 and
            - windages are not being changed for persistance == -1
        wind = Wind(timeseries=np.array((self.model_time, (2., 25.)),
                    units='meter per second')

        wm = WindMover(wind)

        for ix in range(2):
            curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) +
                                    self.time_step * ix)
            old_windages = np.copy(self.sc['windages'])
            wm.prepare_for_model_step(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] == -1
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] == old_windages[mask])

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] > 0
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] != old_windages[mask])
コード例 #25
    def test_windages_updated(self):
            explicitly test to make sure:
            - windages are being updated for persistence != 0 and
            - windages are not being changed for persistance == -1
        wind = Wind(timeseries=np.array((self.model_time, (2., 25.)),
                    units='meter per second')

        wm = WindMover(wind)

        for ix in range(2):
            curr_time = sec_to_date(date_to_sec(self.model_time) +
                                    self.time_step * ix)
            old_windages = np.copy(self.sc['windages'])
            wm.prepare_for_model_step(self.sc, self.time_step, curr_time)

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] == -1
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] == old_windages[mask])

            mask = self.sc['windage_persist'] > 0
            assert np.all(self.sc['windages'][mask] != old_windages[mask])
コード例 #26
    assert unknown not in refs  # check __contains__

Run the following save/load test on multiple pygnome objects so collect tests
here and parametrize it by the objects

base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# For WindMover test_save_load in test_wind_mover
g_objects = (environment.Tide(testdata['CatsMover']['tide']),
             environment.Wind(timeseries=(sec_to_date(24 * 60 * 60),
                                          (0, 0)), units='mps'),
             movers.SimpleMover(velocity=(10.0, 10.0, 0.0)),
             map.MapFromBNA(testdata['MapFromBNA']['testmap'], 6),
             outputters.NetCDFOutput(os.path.join(base_dir, u'xtemp.nc')),
                                 os.path.join(base_dir, 'output_dir')),
コード例 #27
def test_default_init():
    av = RunningAverage()

    assert av.timeseries == np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])],
    assert av.units == 'mps'
コード例 #28
Run the following save/load test on multiple pygnome objects so collect tests
here and parametrize it by the objects

base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# For WindMover test_save_load in test_wind_mover
g_objects = (
    Wind(timeseries=(sec_to_date(24 * 60 * 60),
                     (0, 0)), units='mps'),

    SimpleMover(velocity=(10.0, 10.0, 0.0)),

    map.MapFromBNA(testdata['MapFromBNA']['testmap'], 6),
    NetCDFOutput(os.path.join(base_dir, u'xtemp.nc')),
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_time_utils.py プロジェクト: govtmirror/PyGnome
def test_round_trip_dst(dt):
    # does it round-trip?
    assert dt == sec_to_date(date_to_sec(dt))
コード例 #30
    nw = ShipDriftMover(wind_file, topology_file, grid_type=2)
    print '======================'
    print 'repr(ShipDriftMover): '
    print repr(nw)
    print 'str(ShipDriftMover): '
    print str(nw)
    assert True

num_le = 4
start_pos = (-123.57152, 37.369436, 0.0)
rel_time = datetime.datetime(2006, 3, 31, 21, 0)
time_step = 30 * 60  # seconds
model_time = time_utils.sec_to_date(time_utils.date_to_sec(rel_time))

def test_loop():
    test one time step with no uncertainty on the spill
    checks there is non-zero motion.
    also checks the motion is same for all LEs

    pSpill = sample_sc_release(num_le, start_pos, rel_time)
    wind = ShipDriftMover(wind_file, topology_file, grid_type=2)
    delta = _certain_loop(pSpill, wind)

コード例 #31

Run the following save/load test on multiple pygnome objects so collect tests
here and parametrize it by the objects

base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# For WindMover test_save_load in test_wind_mover
g_objects = (
    environment.Wind(timeseries=(sec_to_date(24 * 60 * 60), (0, 0)),
    movers.SimpleMover(velocity=(10.0, 10.0, 0.0)),
    map.MapFromBNA(testdata['MapFromBNA']['testmap'], 6),
    outputters.NetCDFOutput(os.path.join(base_dir, u'xtemp.nc')),
コード例 #32
    def __init__(self, timeseries=None, filename=None, format='uv'):
        Initializes a timeseries object from either a timeseries or datafile
        containing the timeseries. If both timeseries and file are given,
        it will read data from the file

        If neither are given, timeseries gets initialized as:

            timeseries = np.zeros((1,), dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d)

        If user provides timeseries, the default format is 'uv'. The C++
        stores the data in 'uv' format - transformations are done in this
        Python code (set_timeseries(), get_timeseries()).

        C++ code only transforms the data from 'r-theta' to 'uv' format if
        data is read from file. And this happens during initialization because
        C++ stores data in 'uv' format internally.

        Units option are not included - let derived classes manage units since
        the units for CyTimeseries (OSSMTimeValue_c) are limited. No unit
        conversion is performed when get_timeseries, set_timeseries is invoked.
        It does, however convert between 'uv' and 'r-theta' depending on format
        specified. Choose format='uv' if no transformation is desired.

        .. note:: For the Wind datafiles, the units will get read from the
        file. These are stored in ossm.user_units. It would be ideal to remove
        units and unit conversion from here, but can't completely do away with
        it since C++ file reading uses/sets it. But, managing units is
        responsibility of derived objects.

        All other keywords are optional

        :param timeseries: numpy array containing time_value_pair
        :type timeseries: numpy.ndarray containing
            basic_types.datetime_value_2d or basic_types.datetime_value_1d. It
            gets converted to an array containging basic_types.time_value_pair
            datatype since that's what the C++ code expects
        :param filename: path to a timeseries file from which to read data.
            Datafile must contain either a 3 line or a 5 line header with
            following info:

            1. Station Name: name of the station as a string
            2. (long, lat, z): station location as tuple containing floats
            3. units: for wind this is knots, meteres per second
            or miles per hour. For datafile containing something other than
            velocity, this should be 'undefined'

        Optional parameters (kwargs):

        :param format: (Optional) default timeseries format is
            magnitude direction: 'r-theta'
        :type format: string 'r-theta' or 'uv'. Default is 'r-theta'.
            Converts string to integer defined by
            TODO: 'format' is a python builtin keyword.  We should
            not use it as an argument name
        if (timeseries is None and filename is None):
            timeseries = np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])],

        self._filename = filename

        if filename is None:
            # will raise an Exception if it fails

            datetime_value_2d = self._xform_input_timeseries(timeseries)
            time_value_pair = to_time_value_pair(datetime_value_2d, format)

            self.ossm = CyTimeseries(timeseries=time_value_pair)
            ts_format = tsformat(format)
            self.ossm = CyTimeseries(filename=self._filename,
コード例 #33
ファイル: timeseries.py プロジェクト: liuy0813/PyGnome
    def __init__(self, timeseries=None, filename=None, format='uv'):
        Initializes a timeseries object from either a timeseries or datafile
        containing the timeseries. If both timeseries and file are given,
        it will read data from the file

        If neither are given, timeseries gets initialized as:

            timeseries = np.zeros((1,), dtype=basic_types.datetime_value_2d)

        If user provides timeseries, the default format is 'uv'. The C++
        stores the data in 'uv' format - transformations are done in this
        Python code (set_timeseries(), get_timeseries()).

        C++ code only transforms the data from 'r-theta' to 'uv' format if
        data is read from file. And this happens during initialization because
        C++ stores data in 'uv' format internally.

        Units option are not included - let derived classes manage units since
        the units for CyTimeseries (OSSMTimeValue_c) are limited. No unit
        conversion is performed when get_timeseries, set_timeseries is invoked.
        It does, however convert between 'uv' and 'r-theta' depending on format
        specified. Choose format='uv' if no transformation is desired.

        .. note:: For the Wind datafiles, the units will get read from the
        file. These are stored in ossm.user_units. It would be ideal to remove
        units and unit conversion from here, but can't completely do away with
        it since C++ file reading uses/sets it. But, managing units is
        responsibility of derived objects.

        All other keywords are optional

        :param timeseries: numpy array containing time_value_pair
        :type timeseries: numpy.ndarray containing
            basic_types.datetime_value_2d or basic_types.datetime_value_1d. It
            gets converted to an array containging basic_types.time_value_pair
            datatype since that's what the C++ code expects
        :param filename: path to a timeseries file from which to read data.
            Datafile must contain either a 3 line or a 5 line header with
            following info:

            1. Station Name: name of the station as a string
            2. (long, lat, z): station location as tuple containing floats
            3. units: for wind this is knots, meteres per second
            or miles per hour. For datafile containing something other than
            velocity, this should be 'undefined'

        Optional parameters (kwargs):

        :param format: (Optional) default timeseries format is
            magnitude direction: 'r-theta'
        :type format: string 'r-theta' or 'uv'. Default is 'r-theta'.
            Converts string to integer defined by
            TODO: 'format' is a python builtin keyword.  We should
            not use it as an argument name
        if (timeseries is None and filename is None):
            timeseries = np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])],

        self._filename = filename

        if filename is None:
            if self._check_timeseries(timeseries):
                datetime_value_2d = self._xform_input_timeseries(timeseries)

                time_value_pair = to_time_value_pair(datetime_value_2d, format)
                self.ossm = CyTimeseries(timeseries=time_value_pair)
                raise ValueError('Bad timeseries as input')
            ts_format = tsformat(format)
            self.ossm = CyTimeseries(filename=self._filename,
コード例 #34
def test_default_init():
    av = RunningAverage()

    assert av.timeseries == np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])],
    assert av.units == 'mps'
コード例 #35
ファイル: test_wind.py プロジェクト: simomartini/PyGnome
def test_default_init():
    wind = Wind()

    assert wind.timeseries == np.array(
        [(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])], dtype=datetime_value_2d)
    assert wind.units == 'mps'
コード例 #36
    assert unknown not in refs  # check __contains__

Run the following save/load test on multiple pygnome objects so collect tests
here and parametrize it by the objects

base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

# For WindMover test_save_load in test_wind_mover
g_objects = (
    Wind(timeseries=(sec_to_date(24 * 60 * 60), (0, 0)), units='mps'),
    SimpleMover(velocity=(10.0, 10.0, 0.0)),
    map.MapFromBNA(testdata['MapFromBNA']['testmap'], 6),
    NetCDFOutput(os.path.join(base_dir, u'xtemp.nc')),
             os.path.join(base_dir, 'output_dir')),
コード例 #37
ファイル: wind.py プロジェクト: simomartini/PyGnome
    def __init__(self,
        todo: update docstrings!
        self._timeseries = np.array([(sec_to_date(zero_time()), [0.0, 0.0])],
        self.updated_at = kwargs.pop('updated_at', None)
        self.source_id = kwargs.pop('source_id', 'undefined')

        self.longitude = longitude
        self.latitude = latitude

        self.description = kwargs.pop('description', 'Wind Object')
        self.speed_uncertainty_scale = speed_uncertainty_scale

        # TODO: the way we are doing this, super() is not being used
        #       effectively.  We should tailor kwargs in a way that we can
        #       just pass it into the base __init__() function.
        #       As it is, we are losing arguments that we then need to
        #       explicitly handle.
        if filename is not None:
            self.source_type = kwargs.pop('source_type', 'file')

            super(Wind, self).__init__(filename=filename,

            self.name = kwargs.pop('name', os.path.split(self.filename)[1])
            # set _user_units attribute to match user_units read from file.
            self._user_units = self.ossm.user_units
            self._timeseries = self.get_wind_data(units=self._user_units)

            if units is not None:
                self.units = units
            if kwargs.get('source_type') in wind_datasources._attr:
                self.source_type = kwargs.pop('source_type')
                self.source_type = 'undefined'

            # either timeseries is given or nothing is given
            # create an empty default object
            super(Wind, self).__init__(coord_sys=coord_sys, **kwargs)

            self.units = 'mps'  # units for default object

            if timeseries is not None:
                if units is None:
                    raise TypeError('Units must be provided with timeseries')
                self.units = units
                self.new_set_timeseries(timeseries, coord_sys)

        self.extrapolation_is_allowed = extrapolation_is_allowed
        self.time = kwargs.pop('time', None)
コード例 #38
ファイル: test_ice_mover.py プロジェクト: satcomlabs/PyGnome
#         # file does not exist
#         IceMover(os.path.join('./', 'ChesBay.CUR'))
#     with pytest.raises(OSError):
#         IceMover(testdata['CurrentCycleMover']['curr_bad_file'])
#     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
#         IceMover(curr_file, topology_file=10)

num_le = 4
start_pos = (-164.01696, 72.921024, 0)
rel_time = datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 14, 0)
time_step = 15 * 60  # seconds
test_time = time_utils.date_to_sec(rel_time)
model_time = time_utils.sec_to_date(time_utils.date_to_sec(rel_time))

def test_loop():
    test one time step with no uncertainty on the spill
    checks there is non-zero motion.
    also checks the motion is same for all LEs

    pSpill = sample_sc_release(num_le, start_pos, rel_time)
    ice_mover = IceMover(ice_file, topology_file)
    delta = _certain_loop(pSpill, ice_mover)

コード例 #39
ファイル: environment.py プロジェクト: JamesMakela/GNOME2
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Initializes a wind object. It only takes keyword arguments as input,
        these are defined below.

        Invokes super(Wind,self).__init__(\*\*kwargs) for parent class

        It requires one of the following to initialize:
              1. 'timeseries' along with 'units' or
              2. a 'filename' containing a header that defines units amongst
                 other meta data

        All other keywords are optional.
        Optional parameters (kwargs):

        :param timeseries: (Required) numpy array containing time_value_pair
        :type timeseries: numpy.ndarray[basic_types.time_value_pair, ndim=1]

        :param filename: path to a long wind file from which to read wind data
        :param units: units associated with the timeseries data. If 'filename'
                      is given, then units are read in from the file.
                      get_timeseries() will use these as default units to
                      output data, unless user specifies otherwise.
                      These units must be valid as defined in the hazpy
                      unit_conversion module:
        :type units:  string, for example: 'knot', 'meter per second',
                      'mile per hour' etc.
                      Default units for input/output timeseries data

        :param format: (Optional) default timeseries format is
                       magnitude direction: 'r-theta'
        :type format: string 'r-theta' or 'uv'. Converts string to integer
                      defined by gnome.basic_types.ts_format.*
                      TODO: 'format' is a python builtin keyword
        :param name: (Optional) human readable string for wind object name.
                     Default is filename if data is from file or "Wind Object"
        :param source_type: (Optional) Default is undefined, but can be one of
                            the following:
                              ['buoy', 'manual', 'undefined', 'file', 'nws']
                            If data is read from file, then it is 'file'
        :param latitude: (Optional) latitude of station or location where
                         wind data is obtained from NWS
        :param longitude: (Optional) longitude of station or location where
                         wind data is obtained from NWS

        Remaining kwargs ('id' if present) are passed onto Environment's
                          __init__ using super.
        See base class documentation for remaining valid kwargs.

        if 'timeseries' in kwargs and 'filename' in kwargs:
            raise TypeError('Cannot instantiate Wind object with both timeseries and file as input'

        if 'timeseries' not in kwargs and 'filename' not in kwargs:
            raise TypeError('Either provide a timeseries or a wind file with a header, containing wind data'

        # default lat/long - can these be set from reading data in the file?

        self.longitude = None
        self.latitude = None

        # format of data 'uv' or 'r-theta'. Default is 'r-theta'
        # TODO: 'format' is a python builtin keyword

        format = kwargs.pop('format', 'r-theta')
        self.description = kwargs.pop('description', 'Wind Object')
        if 'timeseries' in kwargs:
            if 'units' not in kwargs:
                raise TypeError("Provide 'units' argument with the 'timeseries' input"
            timeseries = kwargs.pop('timeseries')
            units = kwargs.pop('units')

            self._check_timeseries(timeseries, units)

            timeseries['value'] = self._convert_units(timeseries['value'
                    ], format, units, 'meter per second')

            # ts_format is checked during conversion

            time_value_pair = convert.to_time_value_pair(timeseries,

            # this has same scope as CyWindMover object

            self.ossm = CyOSSMTime(timeseries=time_value_pair)

            # do not set ossm.user_units since that only has a subset of
            # possible units

            self._user_units = units

            self.name = kwargs.pop('name', 'Wind Object')
            self.source_type = (kwargs.pop('source_type'
                                ) if kwargs.get('source_type')
                                in basic_types.wind_datasource._attr else 'undefined'
            ts_format = convert.tsformat(format)
            self.ossm = CyOSSMTime(filename=kwargs.pop('filename'),
            self._user_units = self.ossm.user_units

            self.name = kwargs.pop('name',
            self.source_type = 'file'  # this must be file

        # For default: if read from file and filename exists,
        #                  then use last modified time of file
        #              else
        #                  default to datetime.datetime.now
        # not sure if this should be datetime or string

        self.updated_at = kwargs.pop('updated_at',
                (time_utils.sec_to_date(os.path.getmtime(self.ossm.filename)) if self.ossm.filename else datetime.datetime.now()))
        self.source_id = kwargs.pop('source_id', 'undefined')
        self.longitude = kwargs.pop('longitude', self.longitude)
        self.latitude = kwargs.pop('latitude', self.latitude)
        super(Wind, self).__init__(**kwargs)