def test_date2gpswd(self): """Test date2gpswd function, use date: 2017-5-17, GPS week: 1949, day of week: 3. """ date =, 5, 17) gpsweek, dayofweek = gnsscal.date2gpswd(date) self.assertEqual(gpsweek, 1949) self.assertEqual(dayofweek, 3) date =, 1, 1) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): gnsscal.date2gpswd(date)
def parse(date, receiver_name, constellations, input_folder='', output_folder=''): # Print a message. date = date_type(int(date[:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:])) # Define PRNs. PRNs_to_parse = [] if 'G' in constellations: PRNs_to_parse.extend(['G' + str(i) for i in range(1, 33)]) if 'R' in constellations: PRNs_to_parse.extend(['R' + str(i) for i in range(1, 25)]) if 'E' in constellations: PRNs_to_parse.extend(['E' + str(i) for i in range(1, 31)]) # Define parsing parameters. parameters = ParseSettings() parameters.binary_dir = input_folder + filesep + receiver_name parameters.CSV_dir = output_folder + filesep + receiver_name + filesep + 'CSV_FILES' parameters.receiver_name = receiver_name parameters.date_range = False parameters.start_date = [date.year, date.month,] parameters.end_date = [date.year, date.month,] parameters.reduced = True parameters.raw = False parameters.PRNs_to_parse = PRNs_to_parse parameters.set_time_range = False # Binary dir and file. binary_file = str(date2gpswd(date)[0]) + '_' + str( date2gpswd(date)[1]) + '_00_' + receiver_name + '.GPS' binary_dir = parameters.binary_dir + filesep + str( date2gpswd(date)[0]) + filesep + binary_file # If the binary file exists, parse. if os.path.exists(binary_dir): # Print status to command window. print( "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print( "PART 1: EISA PARSING. Receiver: {}. Date: ({}, {}, {})\n".format( receiver_name, date.year, date.month, # Parse. run_parsing(parameters, cwd + filesep + "Parsing") else: print("The following binary file does not exist: {}. Receiver: {}.". format(binary_dir, receiver_name))
def run_parsing(model, exe_dir): # Process the dates. Obtain the names of the binary files. start_year, start_month, start_day = model.start_date end_year, end_month, end_day = model.end_date number_of_days = (date(end_year, end_month, end_day) - date(start_year, start_month, start_day)).days if number_of_days < 0: print('Error: The selected end date must be after the start date.') days = [date(start_year, start_month, start_day) + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(number_of_days + 1)] binary_files = [str(date2gpswd(day)[0]) + '_' + str(date2gpswd(day)[1]) + '_00_' + model.receiver_name + '.GPS' for day in days] # Parse the binary files. for binary_file in binary_files: # Parse file. success, error = parse_binary_file(binary_file, exe_dir, model) if not success: print(error)
def __init__(self, dt): self.__dt = dt self._year = self.__dt.year self._month = self.__dt.month self._day = self._doy = dt.timetuple().tm_yday gpswd = date2gpswd(date(self._year, self._month, self._day)) self._gpsweek = gpswd[0] self._gpsweekday = gpswd[1]
def download_corr_files(out_path, base_stn, obs, nav, sevenzip): """ This function downloads the necessary base station and satellite files (broadcast/orbits) for correcting raw rinex files using rtkpost. """ # file root name name = obs.split('.obs')[0] # first we need the year, doy, and GPS week from the observations file f = open(out_path + obs, 'r').read() print("Downloading correction data for {}".format(obs)) lines = f.strip().splitlines() for l in lines: # read from RINEX header if l.endswith('TIME OF FIRST OBS'): var = l.split() yr = var[0] # use datetime and gnsscal to convert the date to doy and gps week date =, int(var[1]), int(var[2])) doy = str(gnsscal.date2doy(date)) if not len(doy) == 3: # add the leading 0 if DOY is < 3 digits doy = '0' + doy week = str(gnsscal.date2gpswd(date)[0]) + str( gnsscal.date2gpswd(date)[1]) # create a new folder to hold the correction data and move the rinex files into it path = out_path + yr + doy + '_' + name + '/' if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) shutil.move(out_path + obs, path + obs) shutil.move(out_path + nav, path + nav) # download the base station observations, broadcast navigation, and satellite orbital clocks # NOTE: we log into and out of the FTP server each time to avoid some hang-ups in downloading # also this could allow for replacement of the server to different locations for each file # connect to the FTP for getting the base station observations f = ftp.FTP('') try: f.login() print('logged into ftp') except: print('hmm couldn\'t connect to base station ftp. no internet?') sys.exit() # navigate to the directory f.cwd('/pub/igs/data/' + yr + '/' + doy + '/') # download the base station using the leading identifier and wildcards # note we use the 30 second decimated data (*30S* wildcard below), this is # available for most sites filematch = base_stn + '*30S*.crx.gz' for filename in f.nlst(filematch): target_file_name = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(filename)) with open(target_file_name, 'wb') as fhandle: f.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, fhandle.write) # quit and close server connection f.quit() f.close() #also unzip the file with 7zip cmd = '"' + sevenzip + '"' + ' e ' + path + filename + ' -o' + path, shell=False) # change the file name and convert to rinex with crnx2rnx shutil.move(path + filename.split('.gz')[0], path + filename.split('crx')[0] + yr[2:] + 'd') cmd = crnx2rnx + ' ' + path + filename.split('crx')[0] + yr[2:] + 'd', shell=False) # final filename baseSTN = path + filename.split('crx')[0] + yr[2:] + 'o' # grab the broadcast navigation data from the same directory f = ftp.FTP('') try: f.login() print('logged into ftp') except: print('hmm couldn\'t connect to base station ftp. no internet?') sys.exit() # navigate to the directory f.cwd('/pub/igs/data/' + yr + '/' + doy + '/') # get the filematch filename = 'brdc' + doy + '0.' + yr[2:] + 'n.Z' target_file_name = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(filename)) with open(target_file_name, 'wb') as fhandle: f.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, fhandle.write) # quit and close server connection f.quit() f.close() # unzip with 7zip cmd = '"' + sevenzip + '"' + ' e ' + path + filename + ' -o' + path, shell=False) # final filename brdc = target_file_name.split('.Z')[0] # finally grab the satellite precise orbits from a different directory f = ftp.FTP('') try: f.login() print('logged into ftp') except: print('hmm couldn\'t connect to base station ftp. no internet?') sys.exit() # navigate to the directory f.cwd('/pub/igs/products/' + week[0:4] + '/') # we try with the rapid orbits, if they're available try: filename = 'igr' + week + '.sp3.Z' target_file_name = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(filename)) with open(target_file_name, 'wb') as fhandle: f.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, fhandle.write) # retry with the ultra-rapid orbits if that didn't work except: filename = 'igu' + week + '_18.sp3.Z' # arbitrarily taking the final ultra-rapid file (18:00) target_file_name = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(filename)) with open(target_file_name, 'wb') as fhandle: f.retrbinary('RETR %s' % filename, fhandle.write) # unzip with 7zip cmd = '"' + sevenzip + '"' + ' e ' + path + filename + ' -o' + path, shell=False) # final filename orbits = target_file_name.split('.Z')[0] # quit and close server connection for good f.quit() f.close() return yr, doy, week, baseSTN, brdc, orbits
def ML_event_detection(date, receiver_name, constellations, threshold, location, input_folder='', output_folder=''): # Determine the date, CSV dir, and GRAPHS dir. year, month, day = date[:4], date[4:6], date[6:] binary_dir = input_folder + filesep + receiver_name CSV_dir = output_folder + filesep + receiver_name + filesep + 'CSV_FILES' graphs_dir = output_folder + filesep + receiver_name + filesep + 'GRAPHS' # Define PRNs. PRNs_to_process = [] if 'G' in constellations: PRNs_to_process.extend(['G' + str(i) for i in range(1, 33)]) if 'R' in constellations: PRNs_to_process.extend(['R' + str(i) for i in range(1, 25)]) if 'E' in constellations: PRNs_to_process.extend(['E' + str(i) for i in range(1, 31)]) # Continue only if the path containing the csv files of the corresponding date exists. if os.path.exists(CSV_dir + filesep + date): # Print status to command window. print( "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("PART 3: EISA ML MODULE. Receiver: {}. Date: ({}, {}, {})\n". format(receiver_name, year, month, day)) # Create S4 Neural Network, and load the weights. S4_model = NNModel('S4') S4_model.load_weights('ML' + filesep + 's4_scintillation.h5') # Create sigma Neural Network, and load the weights. sigma_model = NNModel('sigma') sigma_model.load_weights('ML' + filesep + 'sigma_scintillation.h5') # Identify binary file name. day = date_type(int(year), int(month), int(day)) week_number, week_day_number = int(date2gpswd(day)[0]), int( date2gpswd(day)[1]) binary_file_name = "{}_{}_00_{}.GPS".format(str(week_number), str(week_day_number), receiver_name) binary_file = binary_dir + filesep + str( week_number) + filesep + binary_file_name # Ionospheric scintillation detection. for prn in PRNs_to_process: # Files. input_file = CSV_dir + filesep + date + filesep + 'REDOBS_{}_{}.csv'.format( prn, date) output_file = CSV_dir + filesep + date + filesep + r'\ML_Detection\REDOBS_{}_{}_ML'.format( prn, date) # Convert date to list format (which is the input format for the run_ML function). date_list = [date[:4], date[4:6], date[6:]] # Directory to the new (ML) plots. graphs_output_dir = graphs_dir + filesep + date + filesep + 'ML' # Check that the input file exists. if not os.path.isfile(input_file): continue # ML Detection. Use try except, so that the code continues running even in the case of an error. try: # ML Detection: S4 scintillation. print( '\n ----- Ionospheric Scintillation Event Detection (ML Module). Date: {}. PRN: {}. -----' .format(date, prn)) output_files_s4 = run_ML(input_file, output_file, S4_model, prn, date_list, scintillation_type='S4', save_plot=True, save_plot_dir=graphs_output_dir + filesep + 'Amplitude', threshold=threshold, location=location) # ML Detection: sigma scintillation. output_files_sigma = run_ML(input_file, output_file, sigma_model, prn, date_list, scintillation_type='sigma', save_plot=True, save_plot_dir=graphs_output_dir + filesep + 'Phase', threshold=threshold, location=location) # Raw data period processing. output_files = output_files_s4 + output_files_sigma if output_files: success, msg = parse_file(binary_file, CSV_dir, os.getcwd() + filesep + 'parsing', [prn], week_number, week_day_number, reduced_or_raw='raw', print_header=False) if not success: print(msg) # If no output files were generated, print a message. else: print( 'No scintillation event was found for prn {}.'.format( prn)) # Print exception if an error is raised. except Exception as e: print( 'Could not process prn {}. The following exception occurred: {}.' .format(prn, e.message))
d['predicted'] = df_predict_prn['yhat'].values d['index'] = df_expect_prn['epoch_time'].values dc[column] = d original_dataframe[column] = df_expect_prn[column] final_dataframe[column] = pd.DataFrame( data=df_predict_prn['yhat'].values, columns=['m']) elif column == "OMEGA": df = pd.DataFrame() df['epoch_time'] = df_expect_prn['epoch_time'] t_len = df_final_prn.shape[0] df['OMEGA'] = df_final_prn['OMEGA'][t_len - 1:t_len][t_len - 1:t_len] prev_week, _ = gnsscal.date2gpswd( df_final_prn['epoch_time'][t_len - 1:t_len][0]) this_week, _ = gnsscal.date2gpswd( df_expect_prn['epoch_time'][0:1][0]) if this_week != prev_week: hdiff = (24 - df_final_prn['epoch_time'][t_len - 1:t_len].dt.hour.values[0] ) + df_expect_prn['epoch_time'][:1].dt.hour.values[0] df['OMEGA'][:1] = df_final_prn['OMEGA'][ t_len - 1:t_len].values[0] - hdiff * 6 * (10**-6) - 0.12 else: hdiff = (24 - df_final_prn['epoch_time'][t_len - 1:t_len].dt.hour.values[0] ) + df_expect_prn['epoch_time'][:1].dt.hour.values[0]
def Accepter(): while 1: global conn if ABS.accept()[0] or PPP.accept()[0] or RTK.accept()[0]: conn = { 'ABS': ABS.accept()[0], 'PPP': PPP.accept()[0], 'RTK': RTK.accept()[0] } eventConnection.set() today = GPSweek = gnsscal.date2gpswd(today) # init threads AccepterConnection = threading.Thread(target=Accepter) Recivers = threading.Thread(target=Reciver) RTKOptimization = threading.Thread(target=ReciveRTK) # start threads AccepterConnection.start() Recivers.start() RTKOptimization.start() def main(): time.sleep(10) RequestRTK(AproxPos)