コード例 #1
    def build_fhir_vaccination_protocol(cls, vaccination):
        # TODO Better vaccine coding/info
        seq = vaccination.dose
        authority = vaccination.institution
        disease = safe_attrgetter(vaccination, "vaccine.indications")  # DEBUG
        description = vaccination.observations
        if seq:
            vp = {"doseSequence": seq, "description": description}

            ref = {
                "display": safe_attrgetter(authority, "name.rec_name"),
                # "reference": "".join(["Institution/", str(authority.id)]),

            target = {"text": disease}

            # Unclear if equivalent concept in Health
            status = {"text": "Counts"}
            # coding = Coding(code='count',
            # display='Counts')
            # status.coding = [coding]
            # vp["doseStatus"] = status
            vp["authority"] = ref
            vp["targetDisease"] = [target]
            return [vp]
コード例 #2
    def build_fhir_performer(cls, procedure):
        actors = []
        surgeon = procedure.name.surgeon
        if surgeon:
            ref = cls.build_fhir_reference_from_adapter_and_object(
                Practitioner, surgeon
            role = cls.build_codeable_concept(
                "304292004", "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.2.420", "Surgeon"
            actors.append({"actor": ref, "role": role})

        anesthetist = procedure.name.anesthetist
        if anesthetist:
            ref = cls.build_fhir_reference_from_adapter_and_object(
                Practitioner, anesthetist
            role = cls.build_codeable_concept(
                "158970007", "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.2.420", "Anesthetist"
            actors.append({"actor": ref, "role": role})
        for m in procedure.name.surgery_team:
            ref = cls.build_fhir_reference_from_adapter_and_object(Practitioner, m)
            if m.role:
                code, name = safe_attrgetter(
                    m, "role.specialty.code", "role.specialty.name"
                role = cls.build_codeable_concept(code=code, text=name)
                actors.append({"actor": ref, "role": role})
                actors.append({"actor": ref})
        return actors
コード例 #3
 def build_fhir_performed_period(cls, procedure):
     start, end = safe_attrgetter(
         procedure, "name.surgery_date", "name.surgery_end_date"
     if start is not None:
         period = {"start": instance(start).to_iso8601_string()}
         if end is not None:
             period["end"] = instance(end).to_iso8601_string()
         return period
コード例 #4
 def build_fhir_summary(cls, impression):
     # Shove Objective in here - evaluation_summary
     # Shove HPI in here - present_illness + chief_complaint
     # Shove Plan in here - directions
     return "CC: {}\n\nHPI: {}\n\nObjective: {}\n\nPlan: {}".format(
コード例 #5
    def build_fhir_address(cls, patient):
        # Only one currently
        du = patient.name.du
        if du:
            ad = {}
            ad["use"] = "home"
            ad["type"] = "physical"  # TODO Check for this
            ad["text"] = patient.name.du_address
            line = []
            number, street, zip_, city, state, country = safe_attrgetter(

            if number:

            if street:

            if line:
                ad["line"] = [" ".join(line)]

            if city:
                ad["city"] = city

            if state:
                ad["state"] = state

            if zip_:
                ad["postalCode"] = zip_

            if country:
                ad["country"] = country

            return [ad]
コード例 #6
 def build_fhir_expiration_date(cls, vaccination):
     date = safe_attrgetter(vaccination, "lot.expiration_date")
     if date:
         return instance(date).to_iso8601_string()
コード例 #7
 def build_fhir_lot_number(cls, vaccination):
     number = safe_attrgetter(vaccination, "lot.number")
     if number:
         return str(number)
コード例 #8
    def build_fhir_dosage(cls, med):
        # TODO Can always add more information!
        # TODO make into converter / config
        code_conv = {
            "seconds": "s",
            "minutes": "min",
            "hours": "h",
            "days": "d",
            "months": "mo",
            "years": "a",
        dose = {}
        # Amount (this should be listed, but could be patient reported)
        if med.dose:
            dose["doseQuantity"] = {
                "value": med.dose,
                "unit": med.dose_unit.name

        # Route
        #     TODO Standard route values
        route = med.route
        if route:
            cc = {}
            c = {}
            cc["text"] = c["display"] = route.name
            c["code"] = route.code
            cc["coding"] = [c]
            dose["route"] = cc

        # PRN
        if med.frequency_prn or (safe_attrgetter(
                med, "common_dosage.abbreviation") == "prn"):
            dose["asNeededBoolean"] = True
            dose["asNeededBoolean"] = False

        # TODO
        # Site and Method

        # timing
        # BID | TID | QID | AM | PM | QD | QOD | Q4H | Q6H +.
        timing = {}
        if med.frequency:  # prefer specific information
            rep = {}
            if med.duration_period != "indefinite":
                rep["duration"] = med.duration
                rep["durationUnits"] = code_conv.get(med.duration_period)

            # Health stores timing as 1 per X s/min/hr
            rep["frequency"] = "1"
            rep["period"] = med.frequency
            rep["periodUnits"] = code_conv.get(med.frequency_unit)

            timing["repeat"] = rep

        elif med.common_dosage:

            c = {
                "display": med.common_dosage.abbreviation,
                "system": "http://snomed.info/sct",
                "code": med.common_dosage.code,

            timing["code"] = {"text": med.common_dosage.name, "coding": [c]}

        else:  # No dosage information (either unknown or incomplete)
            timing = None
        if timing:
            dose["timing"] = timing

        # Rate - rateRatio
        #    Only if an infusion -- always mL/hr (I think?)
        if med.infusion:
            num = {"value": med.infusion_rate, "unit": "mL"}
            den = {"value": 1, "unit": "hr"}
            dose["rateRatio"] = {"numerator": num, "denominator": den}
        return [dose]