コード例 #1
def verify_key(email):
    fetch user's GPG key and make sure it matches given email address
    gpgkey = None
    gpg = GPG()
    # pylint: disable=no-member
    verified = gpg.verify(gpg.sign('', keyid=email).data)
    logging.debug('verified: %s', verified)
    if not verified.username.endswith('<' + email + '>'):
        raise ValueError('%s no match for GPG certificate %s' %
                         (email, verified.username))
    gpgkey = verified.key_id
    return gpgkey
コード例 #2
ファイル: dicepass.py プロジェクト: joechrisellis/dicepass
def verify_wordlist(wordlist):
    JOECHRISELLIS_KEY_ID = "02C6372546042BC2"

        from gnupg import GPG
    except ImportError:
        print "python-gnupg is not installed."
        print "Please verify the wordlist manually."
        print "$ gpg --verify", wordlist.name

    gpg = GPG()
    verified = gpg.verify(wordlist.read())

    if verified.key_id == JOECHRISELLIS_KEY_ID:
        print "Correct signature from", verified.username
        print "Signature OK"
    elif verified.key_id:
        print "Signature was verified, however, the signing key used " \
                "is not owned by the author of this program."
        print "The wordlist was signed by '%s'" % (verified.key_id)
        print "Please continue with caution!"
        print "Invalid/no signature!"
コード例 #3
ファイル: gpgmail.py プロジェクト: LeoIannacone/goopg
class GPGMail(object):

    def __init__(self, gpg=None):
        if gpg:
            self.gpg = gpg
            self.gpg = GPG(gpgbinary="gpg2", use_agent=True)


        self.logger = logging.getLogger('GPGMail')

    def _armor(self, container, message, signature):
        Make the armor signed message
        if container.get_param('protocol') == 'application/pgp-signature':
            m = re.match(r'^pgp-(.*)$', container.get_param('micalg'))

            if m:
                TEMPLATE = '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n' \
                           'Hash: %s\n\n' \
                s = StringIO()
                text = re.sub(r'(?m)^(-.*)$', r'- \1', self._flatten(message))

                s.write(TEMPLATE % (m.group(1).upper(),
                return s.getvalue()
        return None

    def _filter_parts(sefl, m, f):
        """Iterate over messages that satisfy predicate."""
        for x in m.walk():
            if f(x):
                yield x

    def _flatten(self, message):
        """Return raw string representation of message."""
            s = StringIO()
            g = Generator(s, mangle_from_=False, maxheaderlen=0)

            return s.getvalue()

    def _signed_parts(self, message):
        """Iterate over signed parts of message yielding
        GPG verification status and signed contents."""

        f = lambda m: \
            m.is_multipart() and m.get_content_type() == 'multipart/signed' \
            or not m.is_multipart() and m.get_content_maintype() == 'text'

        for part in self._filter_parts(message, f):
            if part.is_multipart():
                    signed_part, signature = part.get_payload()
                    s = None
                    sign_type = signature.get_content_type()
                    if sign_type == 'application/pgp-signature':
                        s = self._armor(part, signed_part, signature)
                        yield self.gpg.verify(s), True, signature.get_filename()

                except ValueError:

                payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
                yield self.gpg.verify(payload), False, None

    def verify(self, message):
        """Verify signature of a email message and returns the GPG info"""
        result = {}
        for verified, sign_attached, filename in self._signed_parts(message):
            if verified is not None:
                result = verified.__dict__
        if 'status' in result and result['status'] is None:
            return None
        if 'gpg' in result:
        if sign_attached:
            result['filename'] = filename
        return result

    def _get_digest_algo(self, signature):
        Returns a string representation of the digest algo used in signature.

        Raises a TypeError if signature.hash_algo does not exists.

        Acceptable values for signature.hash_algo are:
            MD5       1
            SHA1      2
            RMD160    3
            SHA256    8
            SHA384    9
            SHA512   10
            SHA224   11
        See gnupg/include/cipher.h for more info
        values = {
            1:  "MD5",
            2:  "SHA1",
            3:  "RMD160",
            8:  "SHA256",
            9:  "SHA384",
            10: "SHA512",
            11: "SHA224"
        hash_algo = signature.hash_algo
            if isinstance(hash_algo, (str, unicode)):
                hash_algo = int(hash_algo)
            return values[hash_algo]
            raise TypeError("Invalid signature hash_algo {}".format(hash_algo))

    def sign(self, message):
        """Sign a email message and return the new message signed as string"""

        if isinstance(message, (str, unicode)):
            message = email.message_from_string(message)

        # Create the basetxt, which contains the original body message

        # If original message is multipart, take the
        # Content-Type and the Body - ignore other Headers..
        if message.is_multipart():
            content_type = 'Content-Type: {}'.format(message['Content-Type'])
                body = self._flatten(message).split('\n\n', 1)[1]
                raise ValueError("Message cannot be split in Headers and Body")
            basetxt = '{}\n\n{}'.format(content_type, body)

        # else get only the body message
            basetxt = MIMEUTF8QPText(message).as_string()

        # See RFC 3156 (Section 5.) to understand these transformations
        # 1. all the lines must end with <CR><LF>
        basetxt = basetxt.replace('\r\n', '\n')\
                         .replace('\n', '\r\n')
        # 2. remove trailing spaces
        basetxt = re.sub(r' +\r\n', '\r\n', basetxt, flags=re.M)

        # signing
        signature = self.gpg.sign(basetxt, detach=True)
        self.logger.error("signature %s %s" % (basetxt, signature))

        # create the new message as multipart/signed (see RFC 3156)
        micalg = "pgp-{}".format(self._get_digest_algo(signature).lower())
        new_message = MIMEMultipart(_subtype="signed", micalg=micalg,

        # copy the headers
        header_to_copy = [
        for h in header_to_copy:
            if h in message:
                new_message[h] = message[h]

        # attach signed_part and signature and return message as string
        return self._attach_signed_parts(new_message, basetxt, signature)

    def _attach_signed_parts(self, message, signed_part, signature):
        Attach the signed_part and signature to the message (MIMEMultipart)
        and returns the new message as str
        # According with RFC 3156 the signed_part in the message
        # must be equal to the signed one.
        # The best way to do this is "hard" attach the parts
        # using strings.

        if not isinstance(signature, (str, unicode)):
            signature = str(signature)

        # get the body of the MIMEMultipart message,
        # remove last lines which close the boundary
        msg_lines = message.as_string().split('\n')[:-3]

        # get the last opening boundary
        boundary = msg_lines.pop()

        # create the signature as attachment
        sigmsg = Message()
        sigmsg['Content-Type'] = 'application/pgp-signature; ' + \
        sigmsg['Content-Description'] = 'GooPG digital signature'

        # attach the signed_part
        msg_lines += [boundary, signed_part]
        # attach the signature
        msg_lines += [boundary,
        # return message a string
        return '\n'.join(msg_lines)
コード例 #4
class GPGMail(object):
    def __init__(self, gpg=None):
        if gpg:
            self.gpg = gpg
            self.gpg = GPG(gpgbinary="gpg2", use_agent=True)


        self.logger = logging.getLogger('GPGMail')

    def _armor(self, container, message, signature):
        Make the armor signed message
        if container.get_param('protocol') == 'application/pgp-signature':
            m = re.match(r'^pgp-(.*)$', container.get_param('micalg'))

            if m:
                TEMPLATE = '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n' \
                           'Hash: %s\n\n' \
                s = StringIO()
                text = re.sub(r'(?m)^(-.*)$', r'- \1', self._flatten(message))

                s.write(TEMPLATE %
                        (m.group(1).upper(), text, signature.get_payload()))
                return s.getvalue()
        return None

    def _filter_parts(sefl, m, f):
        """Iterate over messages that satisfy predicate."""
        for x in m.walk():
            if f(x):
                yield x

    def _flatten(self, message):
        """Return raw string representation of message."""
            s = StringIO()
            g = Generator(s, mangle_from_=False, maxheaderlen=0)

            return s.getvalue()

    def _signed_parts(self, message):
        """Iterate over signed parts of message yielding
        GPG verification status and signed contents."""

        f = lambda m: \
            m.is_multipart() and m.get_content_type() == 'multipart/signed' \
            or not m.is_multipart() and m.get_content_maintype() == 'text'

        for part in self._filter_parts(message, f):
            if part.is_multipart():
                    signed_part, signature = part.get_payload()
                    s = None
                    sign_type = signature.get_content_type()
                    if sign_type == 'application/pgp-signature':
                        s = self._armor(part, signed_part, signature)
                        yield self.gpg.verify(
                            s), True, signature.get_filename()

                except ValueError:

                payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
                yield self.gpg.verify(payload), False, None

    def verify(self, message):
        """Verify signature of a email message and returns the GPG info"""
        result = {}
        for verified, sign_attached, filename in self._signed_parts(message):
            if verified is not None:
                result = verified.__dict__
        if 'status' in result and result['status'] is None:
            return None
        if 'gpg' in result:
            del (result['gpg'])
        if sign_attached:
            result['filename'] = filename
        return result

    def _get_digest_algo(self, signature):
        Returns a string representation of the digest algo used in signature.

        Raises a TypeError if signature.hash_algo does not exists.

        Acceptable values for signature.hash_algo are:
            MD5       1
            SHA1      2
            RMD160    3
            SHA256    8
            SHA384    9
            SHA512   10
            SHA224   11
        See gnupg/include/cipher.h for more info
        values = {
            1: "MD5",
            2: "SHA1",
            3: "RMD160",
            8: "SHA256",
            9: "SHA384",
            10: "SHA512",
            11: "SHA224"
        hash_algo = signature.hash_algo
            if isinstance(hash_algo, (str, unicode)):
                hash_algo = int(hash_algo)
            return values[hash_algo]
            raise TypeError("Invalid signature hash_algo {}".format(hash_algo))

    def sign(self, message):
        """Sign a email message and return the new message signed as string"""

        if isinstance(message, (str, unicode)):
            message = email.message_from_string(message)

        # Create the basetxt, which contains the original body message

        # If original message is multipart, take the
        # Content-Type and the Body - ignore other Headers..
        if message.is_multipart():
            content_type = 'Content-Type: {}'.format(message['Content-Type'])
                body = self._flatten(message).split('\n\n', 1)[1]
                raise ValueError("Message cannot be split in Headers and Body")
            basetxt = '{}\n\n{}'.format(content_type, body)

        # else get only the body message
            basetxt = MIMEUTF8QPText(message).as_string()

        # See RFC 3156 (Section 5.) to understand these transformations
        # 1. all the lines must end with <CR><LF>
        basetxt = basetxt.replace('\r\n', '\n')\
                         .replace('\n', '\r\n')
        # 2. remove trailing spaces
        basetxt = re.sub(r' +\r\n', '\r\n', basetxt, flags=re.M)

        # signing
        signature = self.gpg.sign(basetxt, detach=True)
        self.logger.error("signature %s %s" % (basetxt, signature))

        # create the new message as multipart/signed (see RFC 3156)
        micalg = "pgp-{}".format(self._get_digest_algo(signature).lower())
        new_message = MIMEMultipart(_subtype="signed",

        # copy the headers
        header_to_copy = [
            "Date", "Subject", "From", "To", "Bcc", "Cc", "Reply-To",
            "References", "In-Reply-To"
        for h in header_to_copy:
            if h in message:
                new_message[h] = message[h]

        # attach signed_part and signature and return message as string
        return self._attach_signed_parts(new_message, basetxt, signature)

    def _attach_signed_parts(self, message, signed_part, signature):
        Attach the signed_part and signature to the message (MIMEMultipart)
        and returns the new message as str
        # According with RFC 3156 the signed_part in the message
        # must be equal to the signed one.
        # The best way to do this is "hard" attach the parts
        # using strings.

        if not isinstance(signature, (str, unicode)):
            signature = str(signature)

        # get the body of the MIMEMultipart message,
        # remove last lines which close the boundary
        msg_lines = message.as_string().split('\n')[:-3]

        # get the last opening boundary
        boundary = msg_lines.pop()

        # create the signature as attachment
        sigmsg = Message()
        sigmsg['Content-Type'] = 'application/pgp-signature; ' + \
        sigmsg['Content-Description'] = 'GooPG digital signature'

        # attach the signed_part
        msg_lines += [boundary, signed_part]
        # attach the signature
        msg_lines += [boundary, sigmsg.as_string(), '{}--'.format(boundary)]
        # return message a string
        return '\n'.join(msg_lines)