def __init__(self, go_window): gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.go_window = go_window self.results = [] self.cursor_position = 0 self.offset = 0 self.last_cursor_position = None self.set_app_paintable(True) self.set_keep_above(True) self.set_skip_taskbar_hint(True) self.set_skip_pager_hint(True) self.set_decorated(False) self.set_transient_for(self.go_window) self.set_default_size(420, 0) self._last_frame_time = None self.__drawing_queued = False self.tweener = Tweener(0.5, Easing.Cubic.ease_in_out) self.connect('expose-event', self.draw_window) self.do_screen_changed()
class GoResultsWindow(gtk.Window): max_results = 4 def __init__(self, go_window): gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.go_window = go_window self.results = [] self.cursor_position = 0 self.offset = 0 self.last_cursor_position = None self.set_app_paintable(True) self.set_keep_above(True) self.set_skip_taskbar_hint(True) self.set_skip_pager_hint(True) self.set_decorated(False) self.set_transient_for(self.go_window) self.set_default_size(420, 0) self._last_frame_time = None self.__drawing_queued = False self.tweener = Tweener(0.5, Easing.Cubic.ease_in_out) self.connect('expose-event', self.draw_window) self.do_screen_changed() @property def height(self): return self.get_allocation().height @property def width(self): return self.get_allocation().width def move_cursor(self, direction_or_newpos='down'): try: last = self.results[self.cursor_position] except IndexError: last = None reset = False if direction_or_newpos == 'down': newpos = self.cursor_position + 1 elif direction_or_newpos == 'up': newpos = self.cursor_position - 1 else: newpos = direction_or_newpos reset = True self.cursor_position = min(newpos, len(self.results) - 1) self.cursor_position = max(self.cursor_position, 0) try: selected = self.results[self.cursor_position] except IndexError: pass else: if selected is not last or reset == True: # print 'Moving down!' # for result in self.results: # # how far between selected.real_y and where it needs to be? # move_to = selected.real_y - self.height # print 'Moving to %s - %s = %s' % (selected.real_y, self.height, move_to) # self.tweener.add_tween(result, y=result.y + move_to, duration=0.25) #elif selected.real_y < self.get_allocation().y: # print 'Moving up!' # for result in self.results: # self.tweener.add_tween(result, y=0 - (selected.real_y), duration=0.25) new_offset = None if selected.y + GoResult.height > self.height: new_offset = max(0, self.cursor_position - 3) * (GoResult.height + GoResult.spacing) elif selected.y < self.get_allocation().y: new_offset = self.cursor_position * (GoResult.height + GoResult.spacing) if new_offset is not None: try: pass except AttributeError: pass self._move_tween = self.tweener.add_tween(self, offset=new_offset, duration=0.25, easing=Easing.Back.ease_out) normal_border = GoResult('').border_colour normal_bg = GoResult('').background_colour for other in filter(lambda r: r is not selected, self.results): other.border_colour = normal_border self.tweener.add_tween(other, background_colour=normal_bg, duration=0.25) new_bg = selected.background_colour[:] new_bg[3] = 0.95 selected.border_colour = [1, 1, 1, 1] if not reset: self.tweener.add_tween(selected, background_colour=new_bg, duration=0.25) else: selected.background_colour = new_bg self.redraw() def redraw(self): """Queue redraw. The redraw will be performed not more often than the `framerate` allows""" if self.__drawing_queued == False: #if we are moving, then there is a timeout somewhere already self.__drawing_queued = True self._last_frame_time = gobject.timeout_add(1000 / 60, self.__interpolate) # animation bits def __interpolate(self): if self.tweener: self.tweener.update(( - self._last_frame_time).microseconds / 1000000.0) self.__drawing_queued = self.tweener.has_tweens() self._last_frame_time = self.queue_draw() # this will trigger do_expose_event when the current events have been flushed return self.__drawing_queued def draw_window(self, widget, event, type="key"): c = widget.window.cairo_create() #Make the window transparent c.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) c.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) c.paint() new_height = min(len(self.results), self.max_results) * (GoResult.height + GoResult.spacing) if self.height != new_height: self.resize(GoResult.width, new_height) c.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_OVER) c.rectangle(self.get_allocation().x, self.get_allocation().y, self.width, new_height) c.clip() x = 0 for number, result in enumerate(self.results): y = (number * (GoResult.height + GoResult.spacing)) - self.offset result.x = x result.y = y #if self.cursor_position - 5 < number < self.cursor_position + 5: c.rectangle(x, y, GoResult.width, GoResult.height) c.clip() if y <= self.height + GoResult.height and y + GoResult.height + GoResult.spacing >= 0: result.draw(c) else: print result.title print 'Y', y print 'offset', self.offset print 'height', self.height print c.restore() def update_results(self, new_results): new_results = [GoResult(r['title'], r.get('caption'), r.get('thumbnail'), r.get('callback')) for r in new_results[:]] #combined_results_len = len(self.results) #for result in new_results: # if result not in self.results: # combined_results_len += 1 self.resize(GoResult.width, self.max_results * (GoResult.height + GoResult.spacing)) x = gtk.gdk.screen_get_default().get_width() / 2 - GoResult.width / 2 y = self.go_window.get_position()[1] + self.go_window.get_size()[1] + 20 self.move(x, y) # TODO: add animation and scrolling self.results = new_results self.move_cursor(0) def do_screen_changed(self, old_screen=None): screen = self.get_screen() colormap = screen.get_rgba_colormap() if colormap == None: print 'Your screen does not support alpha channels!' colormap = screen.get_rgb_colormap() self.supports_alpha = False else: print 'Your screen supports alpha channels!' self.supports_alpha = True self.set_colormap(colormap) return True