コード例 #1
ファイル: ga.py プロジェクト: cillianderoiste/gomobile.mobile
def track_page_view(request, response, environ, tracker_id, debug=False, synchronous=False):
    """ Make remote call / URL source to track a mobile visitors.

    @param tracker_id: String, MO-XXX something

    @param synchronous: If True use server-to-server tracking

    @return: URL to be used as image src or None if synchronous tracking is used
    time_tup = time.localtime(time.time() + COOKIE_USER_PERSISTENCE)

    x_utmac = tracker_id #environ['GET'].get('x_utmac', None)

    if not x_utmac.startswith("MO-"):
        raise BadTrackerId("Please use different tracking number for your mobile site than you normally use. Check from Google Analytics > site > check status > advanced settings > a site build for mobile phone. The number for is something like: MO-8819100-7")

    domain = environ.get('HTTP_HOST', '')

    # Get the referrer from the utmr parameter, this is the referrer to the
    # page that contains the tracking pixel, not the referrer for tracking
    # pixel.
    document_referer = environ.get("HTTP_REFERER", None)
    if not document_referer or document_referer == "0":
        document_referer = "-"

    # http://www.teamrubber.com/blog/_serverrequest_uri-in-zope/
    # http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/urlparse/index.html
    full_url = request.ACTUAL_URL + "?" + request.QUERY_STRING
    parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(full_url)

    uri = parsed[2]
    if parsed[3]:
        uri += "?" + parsed[3]

    document_path = uri

    user_agent = environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", '')

    # Generate Google session cookie for the site

    # // Try and get visitor cookie from the request.
    cookie = request.cookies.get(COOKIE_NAME, None) #environ['COOKIES'].get(COOKIE_NAME)
    visitor_id = get_visitor_id(environ.get("HTTP_X_DCMGUID", ''), tracker_id, user_agent, cookie)

    # // Always try and add the cookie to the response.
    #cookie = SimpleCookie()
    #cookie[COOKIE_NAME] = visitor_id
    #morsel = cookie[COOKIE_NAME]
    #morsel['expires'] =
    #morsel['path'] = COOKIE_PATH

    # Extract client IP from the request
    ip = get_ip(request)

    expires = time.strftime('%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z', time_tup)
    set_zope_cookie(response, COOKIE_NAME, visitor_id, expires, COOKIE_PATH)

    utm_gif_location = "http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif"

    parameters = {
                  "utmac" : tracker_id,
                  "utmn" : get_random_number(),
                  "utmr" : document_referer,
                  "utmp" : document_path,
                  "guid" : "ON"

    if ip:
        # Mae IP to GA compatible format
        ip = extract_ip(ip)
        # TODO: not sure if it works
        # parameters["utmip"] = ip

    # // Construct the gif hit url.
    utm_url = utm_gif_location + "?" + urllib.urlencode(parameters)

    if debug:
        response.setHeader('X-GA-MOBILE-URL', utm_url)

    if synchronous:
        # Call Analytics server-to-server
        response = send_request_to_google_analytics(utm_url, environ)
        return None
        # Create an image which calls GA

        # Must remain XHTML compatible
        utm_url = utm_url.replace("&", "&")

        return utm_url
コード例 #2
ファイル: ga.py プロジェクト: cillianderoiste/gomobile.mobile
def xxx_track_page_view(request, response, environ, tracker_id, debug=False, synchronous=False):
    """ Make remote call / URL source to track a mobile visitors.

    @param tracker_id: String, MO-XXX something

    @param synchronous: If True use server-to-server tracking

    @return: URL to be used as image src or None if synchronous tracking is used
    time_tup = time.localtime(time.time() + COOKIE_USER_PERSISTENCE)

    # set some useful items in environ:
    #environ['COOKIES'] = parse_cookie(environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', ''))
    #environ['GET'] = {}
    #for key, value in parse_qsl(environ.get('QUERY_STRING', ''), True):
    #    environ['GET'][key] = value # we only have one value per key name, right? :)

    x_utmac = tracker_id #environ['GET'].get('x_utmac', None)

    if not x_utmac.startswith("MO-"):
        raise BadTrackerId("Please use different tracking number for your mobile site than you normally use. Check from Google Analytics > site > check status > advanced settings > a site build for mobile phone. The number for is something like: MO-8819100-7")

    domain = environ.get('HTTP_HOST', '')

    # Get the referrer from the utmr parameter, this is the referrer to the
    # page that contains the tracking pixel, not the referrer for tracking
    # pixel.
    #document_referer = environ['GET'].get("utmr", "")
    document_referer = environ.get("HTTP_REFERER", None)
    if not document_referer or document_referer == "0":
        document_referer = "-"

    # http://www.teamrubber.com/blog/_serverrequest_uri-in-zope/

    # http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/urlparse/index.html

    full_url = request.ACTUAL_URL + "?" + request.QUERY_STRING
    parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(full_url)

    uri = parsed[2]
    if parsed[3]:
        uri += "?" + parsed[3]

    document_path = uri

    account = tracker_id
    user_agent = environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", '')

    # Generate Google session cookie for the site

    # // Try and get visitor cookie from the request.
    cookie = request.cookies.get(COOKIE_NAME, None) #environ['COOKIES'].get(COOKIE_NAME)
    visitor_id = get_visitor_id(environ.get("HTTP_X_DCMGUID", ''), account, user_agent, cookie)

    # // Always try and add the cookie to the response.
    #cookie = SimpleCookie()
    #cookie[COOKIE_NAME] = visitor_id
    #morsel = cookie[COOKIE_NAME]
    #morsel['expires'] =
    #morsel['path'] = COOKIE_PATH

    # Extract client IP from the request
    ip = get_ip(request)

    expires = time.strftime('%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z', time_tup)
    set_zope_cookie(response, COOKIE_NAME, visitor_id, expires, COOKIE_PATH)

    utm_gif_location = "http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif"

    # $urchinUrl='http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?
    # utmwv=1&
    # utmn='.$var_utmn.'&
    # utmsr='.$sr.'&
    # utmsc='.$sc.'&
    # utmul='.$ul.'&
    # utmje='.$je.'&
    # utmfl='.$fl.'&
    # utmdt='.$dt.'&
    # utmhn='.$var_utmhn.'&
    # utmr='.$var_referer.'&
    # utmp='.$var_utmp.'&
    # utmac='.$var_utmac.'&
    # utmcc=__utma%3D'.$var_cookie.'.'.$var_random.'.'.$var_today.'.'.$var_today.'.'.$var_today.'.2%3B%2B__utmb%3D'.$var_cookie.'%3B%2B__utmc%3D'.$var_cookie.'%3B%2B__utmz%3D'.$var_cookie.'.'.$var_today.'.2.2.utmccn%3D(direct)%7Cutmcsr%3D(direct)%7Cutmcmd%3D(none)%3B%2B__utmv%3D'.$var_cookie.'.'.$var_uservar.'%3B';

    #utmcc = '__utma%3D' + var_cookie '.' +
    #        var_random + '.$var_today.'.'.$var_today.'.'.$var_today.'.2%3B%2B__utmb%3D'.$var_cookie.'%3B%2B__utmc%3D'.$var_cookie.'%3B%2B__utmz%3D'.$var_cookie.'.'.$var_today.'.2.2.utmccn%3D(direct)%7Cutmcsr%3D(direct)%7Cutmcmd%3D(none)%3B%2B__utmv%3D'.$var_cookie.'.'.$var_uservar.'%3B'"

    var_random = get_random_number()
    var_cookie = visitor_id
    var_today = str(time.time())
    var_uservar = quote(user_agent)

    utmcc= '__utma%3D' + var_cookie+ '.' + var_random+ '.' + var_today+ '.' + var_today+ '.' + var_today + \
           '.2%3B%2B__utmb%3D' + var_cookie + '%3B%2B__utmc%3D' + var_cookie + '%3B%2B__utmz%3D' + \
            var_cookie+ '.' + var_today + '.2.2.utmccn%3D(direct)%7Cutmcsr%3D(direct)%7Cutmcmd%3D(none)%3B%2B__utmv%3D' + var_cookie+ '.' + var_uservar + '%3B';

    for utmac in [account, x_utmac]:
        if not utmac:
            continue # ignore empty utmacs
        # // Construct the gif hit url.
        utm_url = utm_gif_location + "?" + \
                "utmwv=" + VERSION + \
                "&utmac=" + utmac + \
                "&utmn=" + get_random_number() + \
                "&utmhn=" + quote(domain) + \
                "&utmr=" + quote(document_referer) + \
                "&utmp=" + quote(document_path) + \
                "&utmcc=" + utmcc + \
                "&utmvid=" + visitor_id

        if ip:

            # Mae IP to GA compatible format
            ip = extract_ip(ip)
            utm_url += "&utmip=" + ip

                #"&utmsr=" + environ['GET'].get('utmsr', '') + \
                #"&utme=" + environ['GET'].get('utme', '') + \

        if debug:
            # NOTE: Disabed as causes extra output during unit test run
            # dbgMsg("utm_url: " + utm_url)
        # Here you can turn on syncrhonous tracking...
        # disabled for now

    # // If the debug parameter is on, add a header to the response that contains
    # // the url that was used to contact Google Analytics.
    #headers = [('Set-Cookie', str(cookie).split(': ')[1])]

    if debug:
        response.setHeader('X-GA-MOBILE-URL', utm_url)

    if synchronous:
        # Call Analytics server-to-server
        response = send_request_to_google_analytics(utm_url, environ)
        return None
        # Create an image which calls GA

        # Must remain XHTML compatible
        utm_url = utm_url.replace("&", "&")

        return utm_url