def __init__(self, size, player1='human_player', player2='human_player', mode=2, temp=0.01): super().__init__() self.g = GomokuBoard((size[0], size[1])) # 初始化游戏内容 self.H = size[0] self.W = size[1] self.init_ui() # 初始化游戏界面 self.last_pos = (-1, -1) self.res = 0 # 记录那边获得了胜利 self.operate_status = 0 # 游戏操作状态。0为游戏中(可操作),1为游戏结束闪烁过程中(不可操作 self.player1 = player1 self.player2 = player2 self.temp = temp self.mode = mode
def game_restart(self, res): """游戏出现开始""" self.res = res # 标记谁获胜了 # 1. 显示游戏结束的信息 if self.res == 1: # QMessageBox.about(self, '游戏结束', 'Player1获胜!') inform = QMessageBox.information(self, '游戏结束', '黑棋获胜', QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.Yes) elif self.res == 2: # QMessageBox.about(self, '游戏结束', 'Player2获胜!') inform = QMessageBox.information(self, '游戏结束', '白棋获胜', QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.Yes) elif self.res == 3: # QMessageBox.about(self, '游戏结束', '平局!') inform = QMessageBox.information(self, '游戏结束', '平局!', QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.Yes) else: raise ValueError('当前游戏结束的标志位为' + self.res + '. 而游戏结束的标志位必须为1, 2 或 3') # 2. 游戏重新开始的操作 self.res = 0 self.operate_status = 0 self.g = GomokuBoard((self.H, self.W)) # 重新初始化游戏内容 self.repaint(0, 0, self.H * 40 + 50, self.W * 40 + 50) # 重新绘制游戏界面
def __init__(self, size=(8, 8), init_model=None): # params of the board and the game print(size) self.board_width = size[1] self.board_height = size[0] self.board = GomokuBoard(size=(self.board_width, self.board_height)) = GomokuGame(self.board) # training params self.learn_rate = 2e-3 self.lr_multiplier = 1.0 # adaptively adjust the learning rate based on KL self.temp = 1.0 # the temperature param self.n_playout = 400 # num of simulations for each move self.c_puct = 5 self.buffer_size = 10000 self.batch_size = 512 # mini-batch size for training self.data_buffer = deque(maxlen=self.buffer_size) self.play_batch_size = 1 self.epochs = 5 # num of train_steps for each update self.kl_targ = 0.02 self.check_freq = 50 self.game_batch_num = 3000 self.best_win_ratio = 0.0 self.all_loss = [] # num of simulations used for the pure mcts, which is used as # the opponent to evaluate the trained policy self.pure_mcts_playout_num = 1000 if init_model: # start training from an initial policy-value net self.policy_value_net = PolicyValueNet(self.board_width, self.board_height, model_file=init_model) else: # start training from a new policy-value net self.policy_value_net = PolicyValueNet(self.board_width, self.board_height) self.mcts_player = MCTSPlayer(self.policy_value_net.policy_value_fn, c_puct=self.c_puct, n_playout=self.n_playout, is_selfplay=1)
class GomokuWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, size, player1='human_player', player2='human_player', mode=2, temp=0.01): super().__init__() self.g = GomokuBoard((size[0], size[1])) # 初始化游戏内容 self.H = size[0] self.W = size[1] self.init_ui() # 初始化游戏界面 self.last_pos = (-1, -1) self.res = 0 # 记录那边获得了胜利 self.operate_status = 0 # 游戏操作状态。0为游戏中(可操作),1为游戏结束闪烁过程中(不可操作 self.player1 = player1 self.player2 = player2 self.temp = temp self.mode = mode def init_ui(self): # """初始化游戏界面""" # # 1. 确定游戏界面的标题,大小和背景颜色 self.setObjectName('MainWindow') self.setWindowTitle('AlphaZero Gomoku with Forbidden rules') self.setFixedSize(50 + self.H * 40, 50 + self.W * 40) title = QLabel(self) title.setText('AlphaZero五子棋') title.move((self.H) * 17, 0) author = QLabel(self) author.setText('Fan Gaoyige') author.move((self.H - 1) * 40, self.W * 40) id = QLabel(self) id.setText('1728405039') id.move((self.H - 1) * 40, 20 + self.W * 40) #print(50+self.H*40 ,50+self.W*40) # self.setStyleSheet('#MainWindow{background-color: green}') palette = QPalette() # palette.setBrush(QPalette.Window, QBrush(QPixmap('img/board.jpg'))) palette.setBrush(QPalette.Background, QBrush(QPixmap("img/board.png"))) self.setPalette(palette) # 2. 开启鼠标位置的追踪。并在鼠标位置移动时,使用特殊符号标记当前的位置 self.setMouseTracking(True) # 3. 鼠标位置移动时,对鼠标位置的特殊标记 self.corner_widget = CornerWidget(self) self.corner_widget.repaint() self.corner_widget.hide() @run_with_exc def paintEvent(self, e): # """绘制游戏内容""" def draw_map(): # """绘制棋盘""" qp.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0), 2, Qt.SolidLine)) # 棋盘的颜色为黑色 # # 绘制横线 for x in range(self.H): qp.drawLine(40 * (x + 1), 40, 40 * (x + 1), self.H * 40) # # 绘制竖线 for y in range(self.W): qp.drawLine(40, 40 * (y + 1), self.W * 40, 40 * (y + 1)) # # 绘制棋盘中的黑点 # qp.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0)) # key_points = [(4, 4), (12, 4), (4, 12), (12, 12), (8, 8)] # for t in key_points: # qp.drawEllipse(QPoint(40 * t[0], 40 * t[1]), 5, 5) def draw_pieces(): # """绘制棋子""" # # 绘制黑棋子 qp.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) # qp.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0)) for x in range(self.H): for y in range(self.W): if self.g.chessboard[x, y] == 1: # if self.flash_cnt % 2 == 1 and (x, y) in self.flash_pieces: # continue radial = QRadialGradient(40 * (x + 1), 40 * (y + 1), 15, 40 * x + 35, 40 * y + 35) # 棋子的渐变效果 radial.setColorAt(0, QColor(96, 96, 96)) radial.setColorAt(1, QColor(0, 0, 0)) qp.setBrush(QBrush(radial)) qp.drawEllipse(QPoint(40 * (x + 1), 40 * (y + 1)), 15, 15) # # 绘制白棋子 qp.setPen(QPen(QColor(160, 160, 160), 1, Qt.SolidLine)) # qp.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255)) for x in range(self.H): for y in range(self.W): if self.g.chessboard[x, y] == 2: # if self.flash_cnt % 2 == 1 and (x, y) in self.flash_pieces: # continue radial = QRadialGradient(40 * (x + 1), 40 * (y + 1), 15, 40 * x + 35, 40 * y + 35) # 棋子的渐变效果 radial.setColorAt(0, QColor(255, 255, 255)) radial.setColorAt(1, QColor(160, 160, 160)) qp.setBrush(QBrush(radial)) qp.drawEllipse(QPoint(40 * (x + 1), 40 * (y + 1)), 15, 15) if hasattr(self, 'g'): # 游戏还没开始的话,就不用画了 qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) draw_map() # 绘制棋盘 draw_pieces() # 绘制棋子 qp.end() def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == Qt.Key_Space and self.mode == 2: turn = self.player1 while self.mode == 2: move = turn.get_action(self.g, self.temp) self.g.do_move(move) result = self.g.get_result() if result == 0: turn = self.player2 if turn == self.player1 else self.player1 self.repaint(0, 0, self.H * 40 + 50, self.W * 40 + 50) else: self.repaint(0, 0, self.H * 40 + 50, self.W * 40 + 50) self.game_restart(result) break @run_with_exc def mouseMoveEvent(self, e): if self.mode == 2: return # 1. 首先判断鼠标位置对应棋盘中的哪一个格子 mouse_x = e.windowPos().x() mouse_y = e.windowPos().y() if 25 <= mouse_x <= 615 and 25 <= mouse_y <= 615 and ( mouse_x % 40 <= 15 or mouse_x % 40 >= 25) and (mouse_y % 40 <= 15 or mouse_y % 40 >= 25): game_x = int((mouse_x + 15) // 40) - 1 game_y = int((mouse_y + 15) // 40) - 1 else: # 鼠标当前的位置不对应任何一个游戏格子,将其标记为(01, 01 game_x = -1 game_y = -1 # 2. 然后判断鼠标位置较前一时刻是否发生了变化 pos_change = False # 标记鼠标位置是否发生了变化 if game_x != self.last_pos[0] or game_y != self.last_pos[1]: pos_change = True self.last_pos = (game_x, game_y) # 3. 最后根据鼠标位置的变化,绘制特殊标记 if pos_change and game_x != -1: self.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) if pos_change and game_x == -1: self.setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) if pos_change and game_x != -1: self.corner_widget.move(25 + game_x * 40, 25 + game_y * 40) if pos_change and game_x == -1: self.corner_widget.hide() @run_with_exc def mousePressEvent(self, e): if self.mode == 2: return if not (hasattr(self, 'operate_status') and self.operate_status == 0): return if e.button() == Qt.LeftButton: # 1. 首先判断按下了哪个格子 mouse_x = e.windowPos().x() mouse_y = e.windowPos().y() if (mouse_x % 40 <= 10 or mouse_x % 40 >= 30) and (mouse_y % 40 <= 10 or mouse_y % 40 >= 30): game_x = int((mouse_x + self.H) // 40) - 1 game_y = int((mouse_y + self.W) // 40) - 1 else: # 鼠标点击的位置不正确 return self.g.do_move((game_x, game_y)) # # 2. 根据操作结果进行一轮游戏循环 res = self.g.get_result() # 判断游戏结果 if res != 0: # 如果游戏结果为“已经结束”,则显示游戏内容,并退出主循环 self.repaint(0, 0, self.H * 40 + 50, self.W * 40 + 50) self.game_restart(res) return self.repaint(0, 0, self.H * 40 + 50, self.W * 40 + 50) # 在游戏还没有结束的情况下,显示游戏内容,并继续下一轮循环 if self.mode == 1: move = self.player2.get_action(self.g, self.temp) self.g.do_move(move) res = self.g.get_result() # 判断游戏结果 if res != 0: # 如果游戏结果为“已经结束”,则显示游戏内容,并退出主循环 self.repaint(0, 0, self.H * 40 + 50, self.W * 40 + 50) self.game_restart(res) return self.repaint(0, 0, self.H * 40 + 50, self.W * 40 + 50) def game_restart(self, res): """游戏出现开始""" self.res = res # 标记谁获胜了 # 1. 显示游戏结束的信息 if self.res == 1: # QMessageBox.about(self, '游戏结束', 'Player1获胜!') inform = QMessageBox.information(self, '游戏结束', '黑棋获胜', QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.Yes) elif self.res == 2: # QMessageBox.about(self, '游戏结束', 'Player2获胜!') inform = QMessageBox.information(self, '游戏结束', '白棋获胜', QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.Yes) elif self.res == 3: # QMessageBox.about(self, '游戏结束', '平局!') inform = QMessageBox.information(self, '游戏结束', '平局!', QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.Yes) else: raise ValueError('当前游戏结束的标志位为' + self.res + '. 而游戏结束的标志位必须为1, 2 或 3') # 2. 游戏重新开始的操作 self.res = 0 self.operate_status = 0 self.g = GomokuBoard((self.H, self.W)) # 重新初始化游戏内容 self.repaint(0, 0, self.H * 40 + 50, self.W * 40 + 50) # 重新绘制游戏界面