コード例 #1
    def get(self):
        i_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=self.request.get('img_id'))
        x = self.request.get('size')
        deg = self.request.get('deg')
        flip = str(self.request.get('flip'))
        lucky = str(self.request.get('lucky'))
        greeting = i_key.get()
        if greeting.bomma:
            if x == '':
                x = '500'
            x = int(x)
            deg = int(deg)
            self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'
            greeting.bomma = images.resize(greeting.bomma, x, x)

            greeting.bomma = images.rotate(greeting.bomma, deg)

            if flip == "flipH":
                greeting.bomma = images.horizontal_flip(greeting.bomma)
            if flip == "flipV":
                greeting.bomma = images.vertical_flip(greeting.bomma)
            if lucky == "lucky":
                greeting.bomma = images.im_feeling_lucky(greeting.bomma)
            self.response.out.write('No image')
コード例 #2
  def post(self):
    user = users.get_current_user()
    uploaded = Uploaded.get_by_key_name(str(user))
    response = "baz"
    if uploaded is None:
      response = "No image uploaded yet."
      image = uploaded.image
      if self.request.get('hflip'):
        newimage = images.horizontal_flip(image)
      elif self.request.get('vflip'):
        newimage = images.vertical_flip(image)
      elif self.request.get('rotater'):
        newimage = images.rotate(image, 90)
      elif self.request.get('rotatel'):
        newimage = images.rotate(image, 270)
      uploaded.image = newimage

コード例 #3
ファイル: apichecker.py プロジェクト: biddyweb/appscale
        health['datastore'] = RUNNING
        entry = StatusText(key_name = "bazbookey")
        entry.content = "bazbooval"
        if entry.put():
          health['datastore_write'] = RUNNING
          health['datastore_write'] = FAILED
          logging.error("Datastore write FAILED no exception given")
      except Exception, e:
        health['datastore'] = FAILED
        logging.error("Datastore FAILED %s"%(str(e)))

    if capability == "all" or capability == "images":
        image = urlfetch.fetch("http://localhost:8079/images/cloud.png").content
        images.rotate(image, 90)
        images.rotate(image, 270)
        health['images'] = RUNNING
      except Exception, e:
        health['images'] = FAILED
        logging.error("images API FAILED %s"%(str(e)))

    if capability == "all" or capability == "memcache":
        if memcache.set("boo", "baz", 10):
          health['memcache'] = RUNNING
          health['memcache'] = FAILED
          logging.error("memcached API FAILED no exception")
コード例 #4
ファイル: repo.py プロジェクト: rca/appscale
        entry = StatusText(key_name = "bazbookey")
        entry.content = "bazbooval"
        if entry.put():
          health['datastore_write'] = RUNNING
          health['datastore_write'] = FAILED
          logging.error("Datastore write FAILED no exception given")
      except Exception, e:
        health['datastore_write'] = FAILED
        logging.error("Datastore write FAILED %s"%(str(e)))

    if capability == "all" or capability == "images":
        image = urlfetch.fetch("http://localhost/images/status_running.gif").content
        images.rotate(image, 90)
        images.rotate(image, 270)
        health['images'] = RUNNING
      except Exception, e:
        health['images'] = FAILED
        logging.error("images API FAILED %s"%(str(e)))

    if capability == "all" or capability == "memcache":
        if memcache.set("boo", "baz", 10):
          health['memcache'] = RUNNING
          health['memcache'] = FAILED
          logging.error("memcached API FAILED no exception")
コード例 #5
class ImageCache(db.Model):
    url = db.StringProperty()
    image = db.BlobProperty()

    # fetches images from the internet, manipulates then, and then caches in the datastore.
    # TODO - once you can programatically write to the blobstore, we should do that, because
    # GAE will let you serve binaries directly from the blobstore without having to activate
    # a handler.
    def generate_image(cls, url):
        image_data = urlfetch.Fetch(url).content

        image = cls.weave(image_data)
        if not image:
            return None

        blob = db.Blob(image)
        cache = cls(url=url, image=blob)
        return cache

    def weave(cls, image_data):

        # where in the image to crop the box. numbers are relative to image
        # make sure max width + crop width can never be > 1 !! Likewise height.
        left = 0.0 + random.uniform(0, 0.4)
        top = 0.4 + random.uniform(0, 0.2)
        crop_width = 0.1 + random.uniform(
            0, 0.3)  # width of the box, as a proportion of the image width

        # target tile width and height. Image will be twice as wide/high
        target_width = 500 / 2
        target_height = 320 / 2

        # the box wants to be in the aspect ratio of the output file.
            image = images.Image(image_data)
            ratio = float(image.width) / image.height
        except images.NotImageError, e:
            logging.error("Can't parse image: %s" % e)
            return None  # not a lot we can do here.

        logging.info("width is %s height is %s Ratio is %s" %
                     (image.width, image.height, ratio))
        crop_height = (crop_width * ratio) * (float(target_height) /

        # don't fall outside of the bounding box. Really shouldn't happen, and it
        # messes with the nice distribution of the boxes, but it's better than dying.
        if crop_height + top > 1:
            top = 1 - crop_height
        if crop_width + left > 1:
            left = 1 - crop_width

        image.crop(left, top, left + crop_width, top + crop_height)

        tile = image.execute_transforms(images.JPEG)

        tile_image = images.Image(
            tile)  # need to do this to get width/height. Sigh.
        logging.info("image is %s by %s" %
                     (tile_image.width, tile_image.height))

        # issue here - the crop function might not produce an image of the
        # exact required aspect ratio, so when we resize to the desired tile size
        # here, we dont get an image of the exact right size. To avoid hairline
        # cracks, make sure we composite before we resize.
        w = tile_image.width - 1
        h = tile_image.height - 1
        one = images.composite([
            (tile, 0, 0, 1.0, images.TOP_LEFT),
            (images.horizontal_flip(tile), w, 0, 1.0, images.TOP_LEFT),
            (images.vertical_flip(tile), 0, h, 1.0, images.TOP_LEFT),
                images.vertical_flip(tile)), w, h, 1.0, images.TOP_LEFT),
                               w * 2,
                               h * 2,

        return images.resize(one,
                             target_width * 2,
                             target_height * 2,