def get_versions_async(module=None): """Returns a UserRPC whose result contains list of versions for a module. DEPRECATED. Please use get_versions instead. Args: module: Module to retrieve version for, if None then the current module will be used. Returns: Returns a UserRPC whose result contains the list of strings containing the names of versions associated with the specified module. """ logging.warning('The get_versions_async function is deprecated. Please ' 'use get_versions instead.') def _ResultHook(rpc): mapped_errors = [ modules_service_pb.ModulesServiceError.INVALID_MODULE, modules_service_pb.ModulesServiceError.TRANSIENT_ERROR ] _CheckAsyncResult(rpc, mapped_errors, {}) return list(rpc.response.version_list()) request = modules_service_pb.GetVersionsRequest() if module: request.set_module(module) response = modules_service_pb.GetVersionsResponse() return _MakeAsyncCall('GetVersions', request, response, _ResultHook)
def get_versions(module=None): """Returns a list of versions for a given module. Args: module: Module to retrieve version for, if None then the current module will be used. Returns: List of strings containing the names of versions associated with the module. The current version will also be included in this list. Raises: InvalidModuleError if the given module isn't valid, TransientError if there is an issue fetching the information. """ def _ResultHook(rpc): mapped_errors = [ modules_service_pb.ModulesServiceError.INVALID_MODULE, modules_service_pb.ModulesServiceError.TRANSIENT_ERROR ] _CheckAsyncResult(rpc, mapped_errors, {}) return list(rpc.response.version_list()) request = modules_service_pb.GetVersionsRequest() if module: request.set_module(module) response = modules_service_pb.GetVersionsResponse() return _MakeAsyncCall('GetVersions', request, response, _ResultHook).get_result()
def get_versions(module=None): """Returns a list of versions for a given module. Args: module: Module to retrieve version for, if None then the current module will be used. Returns: List of strings containing the names of versions associated with the module. The current version will also be included in this list. Raises: InvalidModuleError if the given module isn't valid, TransientError if there is an issue fetching the information. """ req = modules_service_pb.GetVersionsRequest() if module: req.set_module(module) resp = modules_service_pb.GetVersionsResponse() try: apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall('modules', 'GetVersions', req, resp) except apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError, e: if (e.application_error == modules_service_pb.ModulesServiceError.INVALID_MODULE): raise InvalidModuleError() elif (e.application_error == modules_service_pb.ModulesServiceError.TRANSIENT_ERROR): raise TransientError() else: raise Error()