コード例 #1
ファイル: datasource.py プロジェクト: maristi/mightyclient
  def __get_disk_state(self):
    """Reads the current state of the data on disk.

        A future whose result is a tuple (<version>, <data tree>).
    version_key = ndb.Key(_Version, 1, parent=self.__datasource_key)
    values_query = _Value.query(ancestor=self.__datasource_key)
    def txn():
      retval = yield version_key.get_async(), values_query.fetch_async()
      raise ndb.Return(retval)
    version_entity, value_entities = yield ndb.transaction_async(txn)
    if version_entity is None:
      version = 0
      data = {}
      version = version_entity.version
      data = get_nested_defaultdict()
      for valueEntity in value_entities:
        if valueEntity.key.id() == '/': path = []
        else: path = valueEntity.key.id().split('/')
        data_el = data
        for path_el in path: data_el = data_el[path_el]
        data_el['.'] = json.loads(valueEntity.value)
    raise ndb.Return(version, data)
コード例 #2
ファイル: txn.py プロジェクト: pombreda/luci-py
def transaction_async(callback, **ctx_options):
  """Converts all sorts of random exceptions into CommitError.

    callback: function to run in the transaction. See
        https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/ndb/functions for more

  Sets retries default value to 1 instead 3 (!)
  ctx_options.setdefault('retries', 1)
    result = yield ndb.transaction_async(callback, **ctx_options)
    raise ndb.Return(result)
  except (
      datastore_errors.TransactionFailedError) as e:
    # https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/transactions
    # states the result is ambiguous, it could have succeeded.
    logging.info('Transaction likely failed: %s', e)
    raise CommitError(e)
  except (
      RuntimeError) as e:
    logging.info('Transaction failure: %s', e)
    raise CommitError(e)
コード例 #3
def transaction_async(callback, **ctx_options):
    """Converts all sorts of random exceptions into CommitError.

    callback: function to run in the transaction. See
        https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/ndb/functions for more
        It is interesting to note that deep down in
        google/appengine/ext/ndb/context.py, Context.transaction() looks at the
        return value of callback(), and if it is an ndb.Future, will
        automatically handle it and return the yielded value.

  Sets retries default value to 1 instead 3 (!)
    ctx_options.setdefault('retries', 1)
        result = yield ndb.transaction_async(callback, **ctx_options)
        raise ndb.Return(result)
    except (datastore_errors.InternalError, datastore_errors.Timeout,
            datastore_errors.TransactionFailedError) as e:
        # https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/transactions
        # states the result is ambiguous, it could have succeeded.
        logging.info('Transaction likely failed: %s', e)
        raise CommitError(e)
    except (apiproxy_errors.CancelledError, datastore_errors.BadRequestError,
            RuntimeError) as e:
        logging.info('Transaction failure: %s', e.__class__.__name__)
        raise CommitError(e)
コード例 #4
def transaction_async(callback, **ctx_options):
  """Converts all sorts of random exceptions into CommitError.

    callback: function to run in the transaction. See
        https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/ndb/functions for more

  Sets retries default value to 1 instead 3 (!)
  ctx_options.setdefault('retries', 1)
    result = yield ndb.transaction_async(callback, **ctx_options)
    raise ndb.Return(result)
  except (
      datastore_errors.TransactionFailedError) as e:
    # https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/transactions
    # states the result is ambiguous, it could have succeeded.
    logging.info('Transaction likely failed: %s', e)
    raise CommitError(e)
  except (
      RuntimeError) as e:
    logging.info('Transaction failure: %s', e)
    raise CommitError(e)
コード例 #5
def _change_async(name,
    Asynchronous transaction helper to increment the value for a given sharded counter.

    Also takes a number of shards to determine which shard will be used.

        name: The name of the counter.
        num_shards: How many shards to use.

    logging.info("Shard: change {} by {}".format(name, value))

    def txn():

        index = random.randint(0, num_shards - 1)

        shard_key_string = SHARD_KEY_TEMPLATE.format(name, index)

        counter = yield GeneralCounterShard.get_by_id_async(shard_key_string)
        if counter is None:
            counter = GeneralCounterShard(id=shard_key_string)

        counter.count += value
        yield counter.put_async()

        if use_memcache:
            if value > 0:
                memcache.incr(name, delta=value)
            elif value < 0:
                memcache.decr(name, delta=-value)


        raise ndb.Return(True)

    if do_transaction:
        return ndb.transaction_async(txn)

        return txn()
コード例 #6
ファイル: shardcounter.py プロジェクト: iychoi/syndicate-core
def _change_async(name, num_shards, value, do_transaction=True, use_memcache=True):
    Asynchronous transaction helper to increment the value for a given sharded counter.

    Also takes a number of shards to determine which shard will be used.

        name: The name of the counter.
        num_shards: How many shards to use.
    logging.info("Shard: change {} by {}".format(name, value))

    def txn():
      index = random.randint(0, num_shards - 1)
      shard_key_string = SHARD_KEY_TEMPLATE.format(name, index)
      counter = yield GeneralCounterShard.get_by_id_async(shard_key_string)
      if counter is None:
         counter = GeneralCounterShard(id=shard_key_string)
      counter.count += value
      yield counter.put_async()
      if use_memcache:
         if value > 0:
            memcache.incr( name, delta=value )
         elif value < 0:
            memcache.decr( name, delta=-value )

         memcache.delete( name )
      raise ndb.Return( True )
    if do_transaction:
      return ndb.transaction_async( txn )
      return txn()
コード例 #7
    def upsert_async(cls):
        def txn():
            key = ndb.Key(cls, 'hoge')
            obj = yield key.get_async()

            if not obj:
                obj = cls(key=key)
            yield obj.put_async()

            logger.info('call get_parent_async')
            parent = yield obj.get_parent_async()
            parent.content = 'hogehoge'
            logger.info('put parent')
            yield parent.put_async()

            raise ndb.Return(obj)

        res = yield ndb.transaction_async(txn, xg=True)
        raise ndb.Return(res)
コード例 #8
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: zaki-yama/gae
	def upsert_async(cls):

		def txn():
			key = ndb.Key(cls, 'hoge')
			obj = yield key.get_async()

			if not obj:
				obj = cls(key=key)
			yield obj.put_async()

			logger.info('call get_parent_async')
			parent = yield obj.get_parent_async()
			parent.content = 'hogehoge'
			logger.info('put parent')
			yield parent.put_async()

			raise ndb.Return(obj)

		res = yield ndb.transaction_async(txn, xg=True)
		raise ndb.Return(res)
コード例 #9
def _change_async(name, num_shards, value):
    Asynchronous transaction helper to increment the value for a given sharded counter.

    Also takes a number of shards to determine which shard will be used.

        name: The name of the counter.
        num_shards: How many shards to use.
      A future whose result is the transaction
    def txn():
      if value != 1 and value != -1:
         raise Exception("Invalid shard count value %s" % value)

      memcache.delete( name )
      index = random.randint(0, num_shards - 1)
      shard_key_string = SHARD_KEY_TEMPLATE.format(name, index)
      counter = yield GeneralCounterShard.get_by_id_async(shard_key_string)
      if counter is None:
         counter = GeneralCounterShard(id=shard_key_string)
      counter.count += value
      yield counter.put_async()
      memcache.delete( name )
    return ndb.transaction_async( txn )
コード例 #10
 def _LocallyWhitelistForVoter(self, user_key):
   """Creates whitelist rules for a voter."""
   host_ids = sorted(list(self._GetHostsToWhitelist(user_key)))
   return ndb.transaction_async(
       lambda: self._LocallyWhitelist(user_key, host_ids))
コード例 #11
 def _update(cls, counterName, delta, deadline=3, nbShards=1, sliceId=None):
     """ Implements increment() and decrement() """
     if delta == 0:
         raise ndb.Return(True)
     if sliceId is None:
         sliceId = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
     if isinstance(counterName, unicode):
         counterName = counterName.encode('utf8')
     internalName = cls._PREFIX + counterName
     # We use one different memcache key per counter, shard and slice
     # but they will all update the same Counter entity.
     # Each key has it's own scheduled task to update the Counter entity.
     shardId = 1 if nbShards <= 1 else random.randint(1, nbShards)
     cacheOpts = {"slice": sliceId, "shard": shardId, "name": internalName}
     cacheKey = cls._buildCounterCacheKey(cacheOpts)
     ctx = ndb.get_context()
     newValueFut = cls._memcacheOffset(cacheKey, delta, deadline)
     scheduledFut = ctx.memcache_get(cacheKey + '_scheduled', deadline=deadline)
     newValue = yield newValueFut
     if newValue is None:
         logging.error("Could not update counter %s value in memcache", counterName)
         raise ndb.Return(False)
     # If memcache was empty, update the underlying entity (unless we are sharding or don't want that feature)
     if cls.AVOID_MEMCACHE_AT_LOW_RATES and newValue == delta and nbShards <= 1:
             counter = yield ndb.transaction_async(lambda: cls._updateEntity(internalName, delta, sliceId, deadline))
         except (apiproxy_errors.DeadlineExceededError, datastore_errors.Timeout, datastore_errors.TransactionFailedError) as e:
             # In case of Timeout the Counter is likely being updated and under heavy access
             # so do nothing as another request will schedule the write if it's not already scheduled.
             logging.warn("Could not persist counter %s in datastore. memcache updated. (%r)", internalName, e)
         except datastore_errors.BadRequestError as e:
             # In case of BadRequestError, this may be because we execute too many things in //,
             # and some transactions are taking too long (the tasklet taking more time to be completed as other operations are on-going).
             if 'transaction has expired' in e.message:
                 logging.warn("Could not persist counter %s in datastore. memcache updated.", internalName, exc_info=1)
             # Subtract the value previously added to memcache
             yield cls._memcacheOffset(cacheKey, -delta, deadline)
             counter._postUpdateHook(delta, sliceId)
     # If memcache is not empty this means another update is in progress.
     # => Keep the value in memcache and wait for a task to process it.
         # schedule the task if needed
         isScheduled = yield scheduledFut
         if not isScheduled:
             # Add an expiration time to plan for next time we should enqueue a task
             canSchedule = yield ctx.memcache_add(cacheKey + '_scheduled', True, time=cls._MEMCACHE_LIFE_TIME)
             # Do not schedule again if already added(=> memcache.add returns False)
             if canSchedule:
                 # If we use several shards, set countdown at +/- 20% around MEMCACHE_LIFE_TIME
                 # To avoid having all tasks trying to update the Counter entity at the same time.
                 countdown = cls._MEMCACHE_LIFE_TIME if nbShards <= 1 else cls._MEMCACHE_LIFE_TIME * (0.8 + 0.4 * random.random())
                 enqueued = yield _addTask(cls.QUEUES, cls._updateFromMemcache, cacheKey, cacheOpts, _countdown=countdown)
                 if not enqueued:
                     yield ctx.memcache_delete(cacheKey + '_scheduled')
                 logging.debug("Already scheduled: %s", internalName)
         # Otherwise, nothing to do
     raise ndb.Return(True)