def test_detect_intent_flattened(): client = SessionsClient(credentials=credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), ) # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.detect_intent), "__call__") as call: # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. call.return_value = gcd_session.DetectIntentResponse() # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, # using the keyword arguments to the method. client.detect_intent( session="session_value", query_input=gcd_session.QueryInput( audio_config=audio_config.InputAudioConfig( audio_encoding=audio_config.AudioEncoding. AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR_16)), ) # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected # request object values. assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] assert args[0].session == "session_value" assert args[0].query_input == gcd_session.QueryInput( audio_config=audio_config.InputAudioConfig( audio_encoding=audio_config.AudioEncoding. AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR_16))
def test_detect_intent_field_headers(): client = SessionsClient(credentials=credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), ) # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. request = gcd_session.DetectIntentRequest() request.session = "session/value" # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.detect_intent), "__call__") as call: call.return_value = gcd_session.DetectIntentResponse() client.detect_intent(request) # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] assert args[0] == request # Establish that the field header was sent. _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] assert ( "x-goog-request-params", "session=session/value", ) in kw["metadata"]
def test_detect_intent_flattened_error(): client = SessionsClient(credentials=credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), ) # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened # fields is an error. with pytest.raises(ValueError): client.detect_intent( gcd_session.DetectIntentRequest(), session="session_value", query_input=gcd_session.QueryInput( audio_config=audio_config.InputAudioConfig( audio_encoding=audio_config.AudioEncoding. AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR_16)), )
def test_detect_intent(transport: str = "grpc", request_type=gcd_session.DetectIntentRequest): client = SessionsClient( credentials=credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport=transport, ) # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. request = request_type() # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.detect_intent), "__call__") as call: # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. call.return_value = gcd_session.DetectIntentResponse( response_id="response_id_value", output_audio=b"output_audio_blob", ) response = client.detect_intent(request) # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] assert args[0] == gcd_session.DetectIntentRequest() # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. assert isinstance(response, gcd_session.DetectIntentResponse) assert response.response_id == "response_id_value" assert response.output_audio == b"output_audio_blob"
def test_detect_intent_empty_call(): # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. client = SessionsClient( credentials=credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), transport="grpc", ) # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport.detect_intent), "__call__") as call: client.detect_intent() call.assert_called() _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] assert args[0] == gcd_session.DetectIntentRequest()
class DialogflowEsConnector(Connector): """ This is an implementation of :class:`~intents.connectors.interface.Connector` that enables Agents to work as Dialogflow projects. An Agent can be connected to Dialogflow by providing its :class:`~intents.model.agent.Agent` class and service account credentials for the the Google Cloud project that hosts the Dialogflow ES agent: .. code-block:: python from example_agent import ExampleAgent from intents.connectors import DialogflowEsConnector df = DialogflowEsConnector('/path/to/your/service-account-credentials.json', ExampleAgent) The Connector can now be used, mainly to * Export the Agent with :meth:`DialogflowEsConnector.export` * Predict an utterance with :meth:`DialogflowEsConnector.predict` * Trigger an Intent with :meth:`DialogflowEsConnector.trigger` Args: google_credentials: Path to service account JSON credentials, or a Credentials object agent_cls: The Agent to connect default_session: An arbitrary string to identify the conversation during predictions. If None, Connector will generate a random string default_language: Default language to use during predictions. If None, Connector will use the Agent's firs defined language. rich_platforms: Platforms to include when exporting Rich response messages webhook_configuration: Webhook connection parameters """ entity_mappings = df_entities.MAPPINGS rich_platforms: Iterable[str] webhook_configuration: WebhookConfiguration _credentials: google.auth.credentials.Credentials _session_client: SessionsClient _need_context_set: Set[type(Intent)] _intents_by_context: Dict[str, type(Intent)] def __init__( self, google_credentials: Union[str, google.auth.credentials.Credentials], agent_cls: type(Agent), default_session: str = None, default_language: Union[LanguageCode, str] = None, rich_platforms: Iterable[str] = ("telegram", ), webhook_configuration: WebhookConfiguration = None): super().__init__(agent_cls, default_session=default_session, default_language=default_language) self._credentials = resolve_credentials(google_credentials) assert all([p in RICH_RESPONSE_PLATFORMS for p in rich_platforms]) self._session_client = SessionsClient(credentials=self._credentials) self.rich_platforms = rich_platforms self.webhook_configuration = webhook_configuration self._need_context_set = _build_need_context_set(agent_cls) self._intents_by_context = _build_intents_by_context(agent_cls) @property def gcp_project_id(self) -> str: """ Return the Google Cloud Project ID that is associated with the current Connection """ return self._credentials.project_id def export(self, destination: str): agent_name = 'py-' + self.agent_cls.__name__ return df_export.export(self, destination, agent_name) def upload(self): agents_client = AgentsClient(credentials=self._credentials) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: export_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '') self.export(export_path) with open(export_path, 'rb') as f: agent_content = restore_request = pb.RestoreAgentRequest( parent=f"projects/{self.gcp_project_id}", agent_content=agent_content) agents_client.restore_agent(request=restore_request) def predict( self, message: str, session: str = None, language: Union[LanguageCode, str] = None) -> DialogflowPrediction: if not session: session = self.default_session if not language: language = self.default_language language = ensure_language_code(language) text_input = TextInput(text=message, language_code=language.value) query_input = QueryInput(text=text_input) session_path = self._session_client.session_path( self.gcp_project_id, session) df_result = self._session_client.detect_intent(session=session_path, query_input=query_input) df_response = DetectIntentBody(df_result) return self._df_body_to_prediction(df_response) def trigger( self, intent: Intent, session: str = None, language: Union[LanguageCode, str] = None) -> DialogflowPrediction: if not session: session = self.default_session if not language: language = self.default_language language = ensure_language_code(language) intent_name = event_name = df_names.event_name(intent.__class__) event_parameters = {} for param_name, param_metadata in intent.parameter_schema.items(): param_mapping = df_entities.MAPPINGS[param_metadata.entity_cls] if param_name in intent.__dict__: param_value = intent.__dict__[param_name] event_parameters[param_name] = param_mapping.to_service( param_value) "Triggering event '%s' in session '%s' with parameters: %s", event_name, session, event_parameters) if not event_parameters: event_parameters = {} event_input = EventInput(name=event_name, parameters=dict_to_protobuf(event_parameters), language_code=language.value) query_input = QueryInput(event=event_input) session_path = self._session_client.session_path( self.gcp_project_id, session) df_result = self._session_client.detect_intent(session=session_path, query_input=query_input) df_response = DetectIntentBody(df_result) return self._df_body_to_prediction(df_response) def fulfill(self, fulfillment_request: FulfillmentRequest) -> dict: webhook_body = WebhookRequestBody(fulfillment_request.body) intent = self._df_body_to_intent(webhook_body) context = self._df_body_to_fulfillment_context(webhook_body) fulfillment_result = FulfillmentResult.ensure(intent.fulfill(context)) logger.debug("Returning fulfillment result: %s", fulfillment_result) if fulfillment_result: return webhook.fulfillment_result_to_response( fulfillment_result, context) return {} def _df_body_to_fulfillment_context( self, df_body: DetectIntentBody) -> DialogflowPrediction: return FulfillmentContext( confidence=df_body.queryResult.intentDetectionConfidence, fulfillment_messages=intent_responses(df_body), fulfillment_text=df_body.queryResult.fulfillmentText, language=LanguageCode(df_body.queryResult.languageCode)) def _df_body_to_prediction( self, df_body: DetectIntentBody) -> DialogflowPrediction: return DialogflowPrediction( intent=self._df_body_to_intent(df_body), confidence=df_body.queryResult.intentDetectionConfidence, fulfillment_messages=intent_responses(df_body), fulfillment_text=df_body.queryResult.fulfillmentText, df_response=df_body.detect_intent) def _df_body_to_intent( self, df_body: PredictionBody, build_related_cls: Type[Intent] = None, visited_intents: Set[Type[Intent]] = None) -> Intent: """ Convert a Dialogflow prediction response into an instance of :class:`Intent`. This method is recursive on intent relations. When an intent has a :meth:`~intents.model.relations.follow` field, that field must be filled with an instance of the followed intent; in this case :meth:`_df_body_to_intent` will call itself passing the parent intent class as `build_related_cls`, to force building that intent from the same `df_body`; contexts and parameters will be checked for consistency. Args: df_body: A Dialogflow Response build_related_cls: Force to build the related intent instead of the predicted one visited_intents: This is used internally to prevent recursion loops """ if not visited_intents: visited_intents = set() contexts, context_parameters = df_body.contexts() # Slot filling in progress # TODO: also check queryResult.cancelsSlotFilling # if "__system_counters__" in contexts: if not df_body.queryResult.allRequiredParamsPresent: logger.warning( "Prediction doesn't have values for all required parameters. " "Slot filling may be in progress, but this is not modeled yet: " "Intent object will be None") return None if build_related_cls: # TODO: adjust lifespan intent_cls = build_related_cls df_parameters = { p_name: p.value for p_name, p in context_parameters.items() if p_name in intent_cls.parameter_schema } else: intent_name = df_body.intent_name intent_cls: Intent = self.agent_cls._intents_by_name.get( intent_name) if not intent_cls: raise ValueError( f"Prediction returned intent '{intent_name}', " + "but this was not found in Agent definition. Make sure to restore a latest " + "Agent export from `services.dialogflow_es.export.export()`. If the problem " + "persists, please file a bug on the Intents repository.") df_parameters = df_body.intent_parameters visited_intents.add(intent_cls) parameter_dict = deserialize_intent_parameters(df_parameters, intent_cls, self.entity_mappings) related_intents_dict = {} for rel in intent_relations(intent_cls).follow: if rel.target_cls in visited_intents: raise ValueError( f"Loop detected: {rel.target_cls} was already visited. Make sure " "your Agent has no circular dependencies") related_intent = self._df_body_to_intent(df_body, rel.target_cls, visited_intents) related_intent.lifespan = df_body.context_lifespans.get( df_names.context_name(rel.target_cls), 0) related_intents_dict[rel.field_name] = related_intent result = intent_cls(**parameter_dict, **related_intents_dict) result.lifespan = df_body.context_lifespans.get( df_names.context_name(intent_cls), 0) return result def _intent_needs_context(self, intent: Intent) -> bool: return intent in self._need_context_set