def deleteDocumet(client: firestore.Client, collection: str, document: str): """ドキュメントを削除する Arguments: client {firestore.Client} -- [description] collection {str} -- [description] document {str} -- [description] """ client.collection(collection).document(document).delete()
def addDocument(client: firestore.Client, collection: str, document: str, content: str): """コレクションへドキュメントを登録する Arguments: client {firestore.Client} -- [description] collection {str} -- collection name document {str} -- document name content {str} -- jsonライクな定義 """ client.collection(collection).document(document).set(content)
def get_people_doc_refs( db: firestore.Client, field_name: str, operator: str, field_value: Any ) -> Optional[List[DocumentSnapshot]]: """Query 'people' collection for a document whose 'field_name' has 'operator' relation with 'field_value'. Args: field_name: the field to query for. operator: determines the condition for matching ('==', ...). field_value: the value that satisfies the condition. Raises: FirestoreConnectorError: if querying matching documents returned error code. Caught by decorator to return error code. Returns: a list of matching document snapshots. None if no documents are found. Examples: >>> fc.get_people_doc_refs(db, "dealroom_id", "==", 1169416)[0].to_dict() >>> fc.get_people_doc_refs(db, "linkedin", "array_contains", "")[0].to_dict() """ people_ref = db.collection("people") matching_docs = [ doc for doc in _filtered_stream(people_ref, field_name, operator, field_value) ] # This is super weird, why return None when you can return a PERFECTLY EMPTY list? # Not changing it to avoid breaking-changes. if len(matching_docs) == 0: return None return matching_docs
def getDocument(client: firestore.Client, collection: str): """Collectioからドキュメント一覧を取得する Arguments: client {firestore.Client} -- [description] collection {str} -- [description] Returns: [type] -- [description] """ return client.collection(collection).stream()
class OldFirestoreWatcher: game_commands_template = "commands/{game_id}/commands/" def __init__(self, client: Optional[Client] = None): self._watchers = {} self._collections = defaultdict(dict) if client is None: self._client = Client() else: self._client = client self._watchers_lock = Lock() def __del__(self): for colname, watcher in self._watchers: watcher.unsubscribe() def _watch_new_collection(self, collection): with self._watchers_lock: if collection not in self._watchers: col_ref = self._client.collection(collection) col_cb = partial(self._collection_callback, collection=collection) self._watchers[collection] = col_ref.on_snapshot(col_cb) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _collection_callback( self, docs: List[DocumentSnapshot], changes: List[DocumentChange], read_time: datetime, collection: str, ): col_dict = self._collections[collection] for change in changes: if change.type in [ChangeType.ADDED, ChangeType.MODIFIED]: try: chat_command = ChatCommand(**change.document.to_dict()) except ValidationError: print(f"Error parsing change for doc {}") continue col_dict[] = chat_command elif change.type == ChangeType.REMOVED: col_dict.pop( def get_cmd(self, cmd_name: str, game_id: int = "global"): pass def get_cmds_for_game(self, collection: Optional[int]): pass
def authenticate( username: str, password: str, collection: str = "users", db: firestore.Client = None, ) -> bool: """A function to authenticate with a Firestore database. Args: username (str): The requester's username. password (str): The requester's password. collection (str): Keyword argument. Represents the the name of the collection to query. db ( Keyword argument. A custom client that can be used for testing. Returns: bool: True if successful, False otherwise. :ret type: bool """ if db is None: db = firestore.Client() user_ref = (db.collection(collection).where("username", "==", username).stream()) user_result = [user.to_dict() for user in user_ref] if len(user_result) > 1: logging.debug("Username and password combo not found in database.") return False if user_result[0]["password"] == password: return True else: logging.debug("Username and password combo not found in database.") return False
def set_status_to_down(db: firestore.Client, db_type: str, db_size: str, resource_id: str): pool_ref = (db.collection("db_resources").document(db_type).collection( "sizes").document(db_size).collection("resources")) pool_ref.document(resource_id).update({"status": "down"})
class DynamicoListener(): """ - iReCHeck class to listen to the dynamico firebase and publish the changes in the ROS node - Give the name of the collection you want to listen in the "listening_collection" in the class constructor - NOTE-> Google's server time is different from Switzerland timezone """ def __init__(self, listening_collection_1):#, listening_collection_2): # initialize ROS node rospy.init_node('dynamicolistener', anonymous=True) # initialize publishers/subscribers # rospy.Subscriber([topic_name],[topic_type],[callback_function_name]) # rospy.Publisher([topic_name],[topic_type],[max_queue_size]) self.pubMsg = rospy.Publisher('dynamicomsg', String, queue_size=10) # get credentials information from the file path = os.path.realpath(__file__).replace('','') with open(path + '/DYNAMICO_CREDENTIALS.txt') as f: # with open(path + '/DYNAMICO_CREDENTIALS_PARIS.txt') as f: data = json.load(f) print("DATA", data) = data['EMAIL'] self.password = data['PASSWORD'] self.API_KEY = data['API_KEY'] self.user_id = data['USER_ID'] self.project_id = data['PROJECT_ID'] # sign in on the Dynamico Firestore as done in self.FIREBASE_REST_API = "" response = self.sign_in_with_email_and_password(self.FIREBASE_REST_API, self.API_KEY,, self.password) self.listening_collection = listening_collection_1 # use google.oauth2.credentials and the response object to create the correct user credentials creds = Credentials(response['idToken'], response['refreshToken']) self.db = Client(self.project_id, creds) # create an event to be notified of changes in the Dynamico Firestore self.dynamicoCallback = threading.Event() # watch the changes in the listening_collection only with regards to our user doc_ref = self.db.collection(listening_collection_1).where(u'userId', u'==', self.user_id) self.doc_watch_1 = doc_ref.on_snapshot(self.on_snapshot_1) # watch the changes in the listening_collection only with regards to our user # doc_ref_2 = self.db.collection(listening_collection_2).where(u'userId', u'==', self.user_id) # self.doc_watch_2 = doc_ref.on_snapshot(self.on_snapshot_1) # [DEBUG ONLY] print("Waiting for messages") # # keep python from exiting until this node is stopped # rospy.spin() # we use the sign_in_with_email_and_password function from def sign_in_with_email_and_password(self, url, api_key, email, password): request_url = "%s:signInWithPassword?key=%s" % (url, api_key) headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"email": email, "password": password, "returnSecureToken": True}) resp =, headers=headers, data=data) # check for errors try: resp.raise_for_status() # [DEBUG ONLY] # print(resp) except HTTPError as e: raise HTTPError(e, resp.text) return resp.json() def on_snapshot_1(self, doc_snapshot, changes, read_time): print("LEN " + self.listening_collection + " : ", len(changes)) if len(changes)==1: # if True: # [DEBUG ONLY] # print("\n\nChanges after initialized --------------\n") item = changes[0].document._data #ch.document._data # correct Google's stupidity of DateTime with Nanoseconds .... (why god???) # NOTE again -> Google's server time is different from Switzerland timezone val1 = item['createdAt'] year,month,day,hour,minute,second,tzinfo = val1.year,val1.month,,val1.hour, val1.minute, val1.second, val1.tzinfo utc_time = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s"%(year, month, day,hour,minute,second) item['createdAt']=utc_time final = pd.DataFrame(item, index=[0]) # convert the dataframe in a json string and publish it as a ROS message msg = final.to_json(orient='records') rospy.loginfo(msg) self.pubMsg.publish(msg) #self.dynamicoCallback.set() # score = item['score'] # mymsg = "Foing to next phase! "#You scored {} points in the game {}".format(item['score'], item['game']) # msg_2_pub = f''' rostopic pub -1 /qt_robot/speech/say std_msgs/String "data: '{mymsg}'" ''' # os.system(msg_2_pub) # msg_2_pub = f''' rosservice call /qt_robot/behavior/talkText "message: '{mymsg}'" ''' # rosservice call /qt_robot/behavior/talkText "message: 'I am Q.T.'" # print ("MSG HERE", msg_2_pub) # [DEBUG ONLY] # print("\nEND of collection----------------\n\n") else: # [DEBUG ONLY] print("\n\n-------------- Fisrt time. No message was sent --------------\n") # create a callback on_snapshot function to capture changes in the Dynamico Firestore def on_snapshot_OLD(self, doc_snapshot, changes, read_time): # [DEBUG ONLY] # print("\n\nPublication from collection-> '{}' --------------\n".format(self.listening_collection)) # create an empty list of dataframes to be populated with the changes in database and sent over ROS final = [] if len(changes)>1: # [DEBUG ONLY] print("\n\nFisrt time '{}' --------------\n".format(len(changes))) key_list = list(changes[0].document._data.keys()) final = pd.DataFrame(columns=key_list) # item = ch.document._data # final.append(pd.DataFrame(item, index=[0])) # final = else: for ch in changes: # get the item as a dictionary item = ch.document._data # correct Google's stupidity of DateTime with Nanoseconds .... (why god???) # NOTE again -> Google's server time is different from Switzerland timezone val1 = item['createdAt'] year,month,day,hour,minute,second,tzinfo = val1.year,val1.month,,val1.hour, val1.minute, val1.second, val1.tzinfo utc_time = "%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s"%(year, month, day,hour,minute,second) item['createdAt']=utc_time #create a pandas dataframe with the current information or change in the firebase final.append(pd.DataFrame(item, index=[0])) # concatenate all the new changes in a single dataframe final = pd.concat(final, ignore_index=True) final = final.sort_values('createdAt', ignore_index=True) # convert the dataframe in a json string and publish it as a ROS message msg = final.to_json(orient='records') rospy.loginfo(msg) self.pubMsg.publish(msg) #self.dynamicoCallback.set() # [DEBUG ONLY] print("\nEND of collection----------------\n\n") # test quering the dynamico db def test(self): # diagnosesDocs = self.db.collection(u'diagnoses').where(u'userId', u'==', u"TXGCcUC6u5duIO6VRhfnYAXXwTg2").stream() # diagnosesDocs = self.db.collection(u'diagnoses').where(u'userId', u'==', u"TXGCcUC6u5duIO6VRhfnYAXXwTg2").stream() diagnosesDocs = self.db.collection('scores').where(u'userId', u'==', self.user_id) #.where(u'childId', u'==', u"75DA34CC-64C4-40C5-8639-6653FBF26FDA") # print(type(diagnosesDocs)) # convert the retrieved docs in dictionaries and extract the handwriting scores values for doc in tempDict = doc.to_dict() # scores = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1] # scores[0] = tempDict[u'kinematicScore'] # scores[1] = tempDict[u'pressureScore'] # scores[2] = tempDict[u'staticScore'] # scores[3] = tempDict[u'tiltScore'] # scores[4] = tempDict[u'totalScore'] print(tempDict) print("\n")
def set_people_doc_ref( db: firestore.Client, field_name: str, operator: str, field_value, payload: dict, ) -> StatusCode: """Updates or Creates a single document from 'people' collection with 'payload' where 'field_name' has 'operator' relation with 'field_value'. Args: field_name: the field to query for. operator: determines the condition for matching ('==', ...). field_value: the value that satisfies the condition. payload: The actual data that the newly created document will have OR the fields to update. Returns: integer signifying what the status of the operation is. Examples: >>> fc.set_people_doc_ref(db, "dealroom_id", "==", 1003809000, {"foo":"bar"}) >>> fc.set_people_doc_ref(db, "linkedin", "array_contains", "", {"foo":["bar",2]}) """ people_collection_ref = db.collection("people") _payload = {**payload} people_refs = ( get_people_doc_refs(db, field_name, operator, field_value) if field_name and operator and field_value else [] ) matching_docs = len(people_refs) if people_refs else 0 # CREATE: If there are not matching documents in people if matching_docs == 0: # Add any default values to the payload if non are already there if "dealroom_id" not in _payload and "dealroom_uuid" not in _payload: _payload["dealroom_id"] = DealroomEntity.NOT_IN_DB.value _payload["dealroom_uuid"] = DealroomEntity.NOT_IN_DB.value # Validate that the new document will have the minimum required fields try: _validate_new_people_doc_payload(_payload) except (ValueError, KeyError) as ex: # TODO: raise Custom Exception (DN-932: logging.error(ex) return StatusCode.ERROR people_doc_ref = people_collection_ref.document() operation_status_code = StatusCode.CREATED # UPDATE: elif matching_docs == 1: # Ensure that dealroom_id is type of number if it appears on the payload if "dealroom_id" in _payload: _validate_dealroom_id(_payload["dealroom_id"]) people_doc_ref = people_refs[0].reference operation_status_code = StatusCode.UPDATED # If more than one document were found then it's an error. else: # TODO: Raise a Custom Exception (DuplicateDocumentsException) with the same message when we replace ERROR constant with actual exceptions # (DN-932: logging.error("Found more than one documents to update for this payload") return StatusCode.ERROR res = set(people_doc_ref, _payload) if res == StatusCode.ERROR: # TODO: Raise a Custom Exception (FirestoreException) with the same message when we replace ERROR constant with actual exceptions # (DN-932: logging.error( f"Couldn't `set` document {}. Please check logs above." ) return StatusCode.ERROR return operation_status_code
def set_history_doc_refs( db: firestore.Client, payload: dict, finalurl_or_dealroomid: str = None ) -> StatusCode: """Updates or creates a document in history collection Args: db: the client that will perform the operations. payload: The actual data that the newly created document will have or the fields to update. Any of 'final_url', 'dealroom_id' or 'dealroom_uuid' is required to find the correct document to set. finalurl_or_dealroomid: either a domain, a dealroom ID or a dealroom UUID. Query documents that match this parameter. Returns: integer code to signify what operation was carried out. Examples: >>> db = new_connection(project=FIRESTORE_PROJECT_ID) >>> set_history_refs(db, {"final_url": "", "dealroom_id": "1111111") """ history_col = db.collection(HISTORY_COLLECTION_PATH) _payload = {**payload} history_refs = {} # lookup for the document using both identifiers, final_url & dealroom_id final_url, dealroom_id = _get_final_url_and_dealroom_id( payload, finalurl_or_dealroomid ) if isinstance(dealroom_id, DealroomIdentifier): value = dealroom_id.value else: value = dealroom_id history_refs = get_history_doc_refs(db, final_url, value) if history_refs == StatusCode.ERROR: # TODO: raise Custom Exception (DN-932: return StatusCode.ERROR operation_status_code = StatusCode.ERROR key_found = None if "dealroom_id" in history_refs and len(history_refs["dealroom_id"]) > 0: count_history_refs = len(history_refs["dealroom_id"]) key_found = "dealroom_id" elif "dealroom_id_old" in history_refs and len(history_refs["dealroom_id_old"]) > 0: count_history_refs = len(history_refs["dealroom_id_old"]) key_found = "dealroom_id_old" elif "dealroom_uuid" in history_refs and len(history_refs["dealroom_uuid"]) > 0: count_history_refs = len(history_refs["dealroom_uuid"]) key_found = "dealroom_uuid" elif ( "dealroom_uuid_old" in history_refs and len(history_refs["dealroom_uuid_old"]) > 0 ): count_history_refs = len(history_refs["dealroom_uuid_old"]) key_found = "dealroom_uuid_old" elif "final_url" in history_refs and len(history_refs["final_url"]) > 0: count_history_refs = len(history_refs["final_url"]) key_found = "final_url" elif ( "current_related_urls" in history_refs and len(history_refs["current_related_urls"]) > 0 ): count_history_refs = len(history_refs["current_related_urls"]) key_found = "current_related_urls" else: count_history_refs = 0 document_matches_by_final_url = key_found == "final_url" if document_matches_by_final_url and isinstance(dealroom_id, DealroomIdentifier): count_history_refs = check_for_deleted_profiles( history_refs[key_found], dealroom_id, count_history_refs ) count_history_refs = check_for_in_progress_profiles( history_refs[key_found], dealroom_id, count_history_refs ) # CREATE: If there are not available documents in history if count_history_refs <= 0: if isinstance(dealroom_id, DealroomIdentifier): # TODO: Add UUID/ID depending on what identifier was passed (DS2-285: _payload = { dealroom_id.field_name: dealroom_id.value, "final_url": "", **payload, } else: _payload = { "dealroom_id": DealroomEntity.NOT_IN_DB.value, "dealroom_uuid": DealroomEntity.NOT_IN_DB.value, "final_url": finalurl_or_dealroomid, **payload, } # Validate that the new document will have the minimum required fields try: _validate_new_history_doc_payload(_payload) except (ValueError, KeyError) as ex: # TODO: raise Custom Exception (DN-932: logging.error(ex) return StatusCode.ERROR history_ref = history_col.document() operation_status_code = StatusCode.CREATED # UPDATE: elif count_history_refs == 1: try: _validate_update_history_doc_payload(_payload) except ValueError as ex: # TODO: raise Custom Exception (DN-932: logging.error(ex) return StatusCode.ERROR history_ref = history_refs[key_found][0] operation_status_code = StatusCode.UPDATED # If more than one document were found then it's an error. else: # TODO: Raise a Custom Exception (DuplicateDocumentsException) with the same message when we replace ERROR constant with actual exceptions # (DN-932: logging.error("Found more than one documents to update for this payload") return StatusCode.ERROR # Ensure that dealroom_id is type of number if "dealroom_id" in _payload: _payload["dealroom_id"] = int(_payload["dealroom_id"]) res = set(history_ref, _payload) if res == StatusCode.ERROR: # TODO: Raise a Custom Exception (FirestoreException) with the same message when we replace ERROR constant with actual exceptions # (DN-932: logging.error( f"Couldn't `set` document {finalurl_or_dealroomid}. Please check logs above." ) return StatusCode.ERROR return operation_status_code
def get_history_doc_refs( db: firestore.Client, final_url: Optional[str] = None, dealroom_id: Union[int, str, None] = None, ) -> Dict[str, List[DocumentReference]]: """Match documents on certain fields and return, for each field matched, the matching document refs. Args: db: the client that will perform the operations. final_url: A domain. Query documents that match this parameter on fields "final_url" and "current_related_urls". dealroom_id: A dealroom ID or UUID. Query documents that match this parameter on fields "dealroom_id" and "dealroom_id_old", or on "dealroom_uuid" and "dealroom_uuid_old" respectively. Raises: FirestoreConnectorError: if querying matching documents returned error code. Caught by decorator to return error code. Returns: a dictionary made of lists of document references matching the input parameter (the values). The keys indicate which fields were matched: any of final_url, current_related_urls, dealroom_id, dealroom_id_old or dealroom_uuid, dealroom_uuid_old. Examples: >>> db = new_connection(project=FIRESTORE_PROJECT_ID) >>> doc_refs = get_history_refs(db, "") """ if not final_url and not dealroom_id: # TODO: raise Custom Exception (DN-932: logging.error( "Any of `final_url` or `dealroom_id` need to be used as a unique identifier" ) return StatusCode.ERROR try: dr_id = determine_identifier(dealroom_id) except InvalidIdentifier as exc: dr_id = None history_ref = db.collection(HISTORY_COLLECTION_PATH) result = {} # Add results for matched documents over `dealroom_id` if dr_id: result[dr_id.field_name] = _filtered_stream_refs( history_ref, dr_id.field_name, "==", dr_id.value ) result[dr_id.field_name_old] = _filtered_stream_refs( history_ref, dr_id.field_name_old, "==", dr_id.value ) # Add results for matched documents over `final_url` if final_url: # Extract the final_url in the required format, so we can query the collection with the exact match. try: website_url = extract(final_url) except InvalidURLFormat as exc: # TODO: raise Custom Exception (DN-932: logging.error(f"'final_url': {final_url} is not a valid url: {exc}") return StatusCode.ERROR result["final_url"] = _filtered_stream_refs( history_ref, "final_url", "==", website_url ) result["current_related_urls"] = _filtered_stream_refs( history_ref, "current_related_urls", "array_contains", website_url ) return result