コード例 #1
    def subscribe(
        """Asynchronously start receiving messages on a given subscription.

        This method starts a background thread to begin pulling messages from
        a Pub/Sub subscription and scheduling them to be processed using the
        provided ``callback``.

        The ``callback`` will be called with an individual
        :class:`google.cloud.pubsub_v1.subscriber.message.Message`. It is the
        responsibility of the callback to either call ``ack()`` or ``nack()``
        on the message when it finished processing. If an exception occurs in
        the callback during processing, the exception is logged and the message
        is ``nack()`` ed.

        The ``flow_control`` argument can be used to control the rate of at
        which messages are pulled. The settings are relatively conservative by
        default to prevent "message hoarding" - a situation where the client
        pulls a large number of messages but can not process them fast enough
        leading it to "starve" other clients of messages. Increasing these
        settings may lead to faster throughput for messages that do not take
        a long time to process.

        The ``use_legacy_flow_control`` argument disables enforcing flow control
        settings at the Cloud PubSub server and uses the less accurate method of
        only enforcing flow control at the client side.

        This method starts the receiver in the background and returns a
        *Future* representing its execution. Waiting on the future (calling
        ``result()``) will block forever or until a non-recoverable error
        is encountered (such as loss of network connectivity). Cancelling the
        future will signal the process to shutdown gracefully and exit.

        .. note:: This uses Pub/Sub's *streaming pull* feature. This feature
            properties that may be surprising. Please take a look at
            https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/pull#streamingpull for
            more details on how streaming pull behaves compared to the
            synchronous pull method.


        .. code-block:: python

            from google.cloud import pubsub_v1

            subscriber_client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient()

            # existing subscription
            subscription = subscriber_client.subscription_path(
                'my-project-id', 'my-subscription')

            def callback(message):

            future = subscriber_client.subscribe(
                subscription, callback)

            except KeyboardInterrupt:

            subscription (str): The name of the subscription. The
                subscription should have already been created (for example,
                by using :meth:`create_subscription`).
            callback (Callable[~google.cloud.pubsub_v1.subscriber.message.Message]):
                The callback function. This function receives the message as
                its only argument and will be called from a different thread/
                process depending on the scheduling strategy.
            flow_control (~google.cloud.pubsub_v1.types.FlowControl): The flow control
                settings. Use this to prevent situations where you are
                inundated with too many messages at once.
            scheduler (~google.cloud.pubsub_v1.subscriber.scheduler.Scheduler): An optional
                *scheduler* to use when executing the callback. This controls
                how callbacks are executed concurrently. This object must not be shared
                across multiple SubscriberClients.

            A :class:`~google.cloud.pubsub_v1.subscriber.futures.StreamingPullFuture`
            instance that can be used to manage the background stream.
        flow_control = types.FlowControl(*flow_control)

        manager = streaming_pull_manager.StreamingPullManager(

        future = futures.StreamingPullFuture(manager)

        manager.open(callback=callback, on_callback_error=future.set_exception)

        return future
コード例 #2
    def subscribe_experimental(
            self, subscription, callback, flow_control=(),
        """Asynchronously start receiving messages on a given subscription.

        This method starts a background thread to begin pulling messages from
        a Pub/Sub subscription and scheduling them to be processed using the
        provided ``callback``.

        The ``callback`` will be called with an individual
        :class:`google.cloud.pubsub_v1.subscriber.message.Message`. It is the
        responsibility of the callback to either call ``ack()`` or ``nack()``
        on the message when it finished processing. If an exception occurs in
        the callback during processing, the exception is logged and the message
        is ``nack()`` ed.

        The ``flow_control`` argument can be used to control the rate of at
        which messages are pulled. The settings are relatively conservative by
        default to prevent "message hoarding" - a situation where the client
        pulls a large number of messages but can not process them fast enough
        leading it to "starve" other clients of messages. Increasing these
        settings may lead to faster throughput for messages that do not take
        a long time to process.

        This method starts the receiver in the background and returns a
        *Future* representing its execution. Waiting on the future (calling
        ``result()``) will block forever or until a non-recoverable error
        is encountered (such as loss of network connectivity). Cancelling the
        future will signal the process to shutdown gracefully and exit.


        .. code-block:: python

            from google.cloud.pubsub_v1 import subscriber

            subscriber_client = pubsub.SubscriberClient()

            # existing subscription
            subscription = subscriber_client.subscription_path(
                'my-project-id', 'my-subscription')

            def callback(message):

            future = subscriber.subscribe_experimental(
                subscription, callback)

            except KeyboardInterrupt:

            subscription (str): The name of the subscription. The
                subscription should have already been created (for example,
                by using :meth:`create_subscription`).
            callback (Callable[~.pubsub_v1.subscriber.message.Message]):
                The callback function. This function receives the message as
                its only argument and will be called from a different thread/
                process depending on the scheduling strategy.
            flow_control (~.pubsub_v1.types.FlowControl): The flow control
                settings. Use this to prevent situations where you are
                inundated with too many messages at once.

            google.cloud.pubsub_v1.futures.StreamingPullFuture: A Future object
                that can be used to manage the background stream.
        flow_control = types.FlowControl(*flow_control)

        manager = streaming_pull_manager.StreamingPullManager(
            self, subscription, flow_control)

        future = futures.StreamingPullFuture(manager)


        return future
コード例 #3
 def make_future(self):
     manager = mock.create_autospec(
         streaming_pull_manager.StreamingPullManager, instance=True)
     future = futures.StreamingPullFuture(manager)
     return future