コード例 #1
def create_company(project_id, tenant_id, display_name, external_id):
    """Create Company"""

    client = talent.CompanyServiceClient()

    # project_id = 'Your Google Cloud Project ID'
    # tenant_id = 'Your Tenant ID (using tenancy is optional)'
    # display_name = 'My Company Name'
    # external_id = 'Identifier of this company in my system'

    if isinstance(project_id, six.binary_type):
        project_id = project_id.decode("utf-8")
    if isinstance(tenant_id, six.binary_type):
        tenant_id = tenant_id.decode("utf-8")
    if isinstance(display_name, six.binary_type):
        display_name = display_name.decode("utf-8")
    if isinstance(external_id, six.binary_type):
        external_id = external_id.decode("utf-8")
    parent = f"projects/{project_id}/tenants/{tenant_id}"
    company = {"display_name": display_name, "external_id": external_id}

    response = client.create_company(parent=parent, company=company)
    print("Created Company")
    print("Name: {}".format(response.name))
    print("Display Name: {}".format(response.display_name))
    print("External ID: {}".format(response.external_id))
    return response.name
コード例 #2
def delete_company(project_id, tenant_id, company_id):
    """Delete Company"""

    client = talent.CompanyServiceClient()

    # project_id = 'Your Google Cloud Project ID'
    # tenant_id = 'Your Tenant ID (using tenancy is optional)'
    # company_id = 'ID of the company to delete'

    if isinstance(project_id, six.binary_type):
        project_id = project_id.decode("utf-8")
    if isinstance(tenant_id, six.binary_type):
        tenant_id = tenant_id.decode("utf-8")
    if isinstance(company_id, six.binary_type):
        company_id = company_id.decode("utf-8")
    name = client.company_path(project_id, tenant_id, company_id)

    print("Deleted company")
コード例 #3
def get_company(project_id, tenant_id, company_id):
    """Get Company"""

    client = talent.CompanyServiceClient()

    # project_id = 'Your Google Cloud Project ID'
    # tenant_id = 'Your Tenant ID (using tenancy is optional)'
    # company_id = 'Company ID'

    if isinstance(project_id, six.binary_type):
        project_id = project_id.decode("utf-8")
    if isinstance(tenant_id, six.binary_type):
        tenant_id = tenant_id.decode("utf-8")
    if isinstance(company_id, six.binary_type):
        company_id = company_id.decode("utf-8")
    name = client.company_path(project_id, tenant_id, company_id)

    response = client.get_company(name=name)
    print(f"Company name: {response.name}")
    print(f"Display name: {response.display_name}")
コード例 #4
def list_companies(project_id, tenant_id):
    """List Companies"""

    client = talent.CompanyServiceClient()

    # project_id = 'Your Google Cloud Project ID'
    # tenant_id = 'Your Tenant ID (using tenancy is optional)'

    if isinstance(project_id, six.binary_type):
        project_id = project_id.decode("utf-8")
    if isinstance(tenant_id, six.binary_type):
        tenant_id = tenant_id.decode("utf-8")
    parent = client.tenant_path(project_id, tenant_id)

    # Iterate over all results
    results = []
    for company in client.list_companies(parent):
        print("Company Name: {}".format(company.name))
        print("Display Name: {}".format(company.display_name))
        print("External ID: {}".format(company.external_id))
    return results
コード例 #5
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from google.cloud import talent
from google.cloud.talent_v4 import CompanySize, Location as CTS_Location
from proto.marshal.collections import Repeated
from pydantic import BaseModel, PrivateAttr, validator

from pytalentsolution import Tenant
from pytalentsolution.cts import CTSModel

client_company = talent.CompanyServiceClient()

class LatLng(BaseModel):
    latitude: int
    longitude: int

class PostalAddress(BaseModel):
    revision: Optional[int]
    region_code: str
    language_code: Optional[str]
    postal_code: Optional[str]
    sorting_code: Optional[str]
    administrative_area: Optional[str]