def process(request: plugin.CodeGeneratorRequest, response: plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse) -> None: response.supported_features = plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse.FEATURE_PROTO3_OPTIONAL for proto_file in request.proto_file: has_service = False file = plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse.File() proto_file_name ='.')[0] = "{}.client.ts".format(proto_file_name) file_content = "" file_content += f"import * as {proto_file_name} from './{proto_file_name}';\n" file_content += "import init from '../wasm/pkg/wasm';\n" file_content += "import * as wasm from '../wasm/pkg/wasm';\n\n" file_content += "export async function WasmInit() {\n" file_content += " await init();\n" file_content += "}\n\n" for service in proto_file.service: has_service = True service_name = for method in service.method: # type names pave . as prefix input_type = method.input_type[1:] output_type = method.output_type[1:] snake_method_name = camel_to_snake( file_content += f"export function {service_name}{}(input: {input_type}): {output_type} {{\n" file_content += f" let input_bytes = {input_type}.toBinary(input);\n" file_content += f" let output_bytes = wasm.{snake_method_name}(input_bytes);\n" file_content += f" return {output_type}.fromBinary(output_bytes);\n" file_content += "}\n\n" if has_service: file.content = file_content response.file.append(file)
def main() -> None: with os.fdopen(sys.stdin.fileno(), 'rb') as inp: request = CodeGeneratorRequest.FromString( types_map: Dict[str, str] = {} for pf in request.proto_file: for mt in pf.message_type: types_map.update(_type_names(pf, mt)) response = CodeGeneratorResponse() # See # noqa if hasattr(CodeGeneratorResponse, 'Feature'): response.supported_features = ( # type: ignore CodeGeneratorResponse.FEATURE_PROTO3_OPTIONAL # type: ignore ) for file_to_generate in request.file_to_generate: proto_file = _get_proto(request, file_to_generate) imports = [ _proto2pb2_module_name(dep) for dep in list(proto_file.dependency) + [file_to_generate] ] services = [] for service in proto_file.service: methods = [] for method in service.method: cardinality = _CARDINALITY[(method.client_streaming, method.server_streaming)] methods.append( Method(, cardinality=cardinality, request_type=types_map[method.input_type], reply_type=types_map[method.output_type], )) services.append(Service(, methods=methods)) file = response.file.add() module_name = _proto2grpc_module_name(file_to_generate) = module_name.replace(".", "/") + ".py" file.content = render(, package=proto_file.package, imports=imports, services=services, ) with os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'wb') as out: out.write(response.SerializeToString())