def Run(self, args): """This is what gets called when the user runs this command. Args: args: an argparse namespace. All the arguments that were provided to this command invocation. Returns: Some value that we want to have printed later. """ try: origin = uploads.UploadDirectoryIfNecessary( args.origin, args.staging_bucket) except uploads.MissingStagingBucketException: raise InvalidArgumentCombinationError( 'If --origin is provided as a local path, --staging-bucket must be ' 'given as well.') op = versions.Create(args.model, args.version, origin) if args. async: return op client = apis.GetClientInstance('ml', 'v1beta1') with progress_tracker.ProgressTracker( 'Creating version (this might take a few minutes)...'): operations.WaitForOperation(client.projects_operations, op) return op.response
def Run(self, args): """This is what gets called when the user runs this command. Args: args: an argparse namespace. All the arguments that were provided to this command invocation. Returns: Some value that we want to have printed later. """ # TODO(b/31062835): remove CloneAndSwitchAPI and extract API code to api_lib client = apis.GetClientInstance('ml', 'v1beta1') msgs = apis.GetMessagesModule('ml', 'v1beta1') reg = resources.REGISTRY.CloneAndSwitchAPIs(client) res = reg.Parse(args.version, params={'modelsId': args.model}, collection='ml.projects.models.versions') req = msgs.MlProjectsModelsVersionsCreateRequest( projectsId=res.projectsId, modelsId=res.modelsId, googleCloudMlV1beta1Version=msgs.GoogleCloudMlV1beta1Version( name=res.Name(), deploymentUri=args.origin)) op = client.projects_models_versions.Create(req) if args. async: return op with console_io.ProgressTracker('Creating version...'): operations.WaitForOperation(client.projects_operations, op, registry=reg) return op.response
def Run(self, args): """This is what gets called when the user runs this command. Args: args: an argparse namespace. All the arguments that were provided to this command invocation. Returns: Some value that we want to have printed later. """ client = apis.GetClientInstance('ml', 'v1alpha3') msgs = apis.GetMessagesModule('ml', 'v1alpha3') res = resources.REGISTRY.Parse( args.version, params={'modelsId': args.model}, collection='ml.projects.models.versions') req = msgs.MlProjectsModelsCreateVersionRequest( projectsId=res.projectsId, modelsId=res.modelsId, googleCloudMlV1alpha3Version=msgs.GoogleCloudMlV1alpha3Version( name=res.Name(), originUri=args.origin)) op = client.projects_models.CreateVersion(req) if args. async: return op with console_io.ProgressTracker('Creating version...'): operations.WaitForOperation(client.projects_operations, op) return op.response
def Run(self, args): """This is what gets called when the user runs this command. Args: args: an argparse namespace. All the arguments that were provided to this command invocation. Returns: Some value that we want to have printed later. """ op = models.Delete(args.model) client = apis.GetClientInstance('ml', 'v1beta1') with progress_tracker.ProgressTracker('Deleting model...'): operations.WaitForOperation(client.projects_operations, op) return op.response
def Run(self, args): """This is what gets called when the user runs this command. Args: args: an argparse namespace. All the arguments that were provided to this command invocation. Returns: Some value that we want to have printed later. """ op = versions.Create(args.model, args.version, args.origin) if args. async: return op client = apis.GetClientInstance('ml', 'v1beta1') with progress_tracker.ProgressTracker( 'Creating version (this might take a few minutes)...'): operations.WaitForOperation(client.projects_operations, op) return op.response
def Run(self, args): """This is what gets called when the user runs this command. Args: args: an argparse namespace. All the arguments that were provided to this command invocation. Returns: Some value that we want to have printed later. """ config = jobs.BuildTrainingConfig(path=args.config, module_name=args.module, job_name=args.job, trainer_uri=args.trainer_uri) op = jobs.Train(config) if args. async: return op return operations.WaitForOperation( apis.GetClientInstance('ml', 'v1alpha3').projects_operations, op)