def main(): parser = build_parser() opt, args = parser.parse_args() import sys from gpaw.atom.generator import Generator from gpaw.atom.configurations import parameters, tf_parameters from gpaw.atom.all_electron import AllElectron from gpaw import ConvergenceError if args: atoms = args else: atoms = parameters.keys() bad_density_warning = """\ Problem with initial electron density guess! Try to run the program with the '-nw' option (non-scalar-relativistic calculation + write density) and then try again without the '-n' option (this will generate a good initial guess for the density).""" for symbol in atoms: scalarrel = not opt.non_scalar_relativistic corehole = None if opt.core_hole is not None: state, occ = opt.core_hole.split(',') # Translate corestate string ('1s') to n and l: ncorehole = int(state[0]) lcorehole = 'spdf'.find(state[1]) fcorehole = float(occ) corehole = (ncorehole, lcorehole, fcorehole) if opt.all_electron_only: a = AllElectron(symbol, opt.xcfunctional, scalarrel, corehole, opt.configuration, not opt.write_files, '-', opt.points_per_node, opt.orbital_free, opt.tw_coefficient) try: except ConvergenceError: print(bad_density_warning, file=sys.stderr) continue g = Generator(symbol, opt.xcfunctional, scalarrel, corehole, opt.configuration, not opt.write_files, '-', opt.points_per_node, orbital_free=opt.orbital_free, tw_coeff=opt.tw_coefficient) if opt.orbital_free: p = tf_parameters.get(symbol, {'rcut': 0.9}) else: p = parameters.get(symbol, {}) if opt.core is not None: p['core'] = opt.core if opt.radius is not None: p['rcut'] = [float(x) for x in opt.radius.split(',')] if opt.extra_projectors is not None: extra = {} if opt.extra_projectors != '': for l, x in enumerate(opt.extra_projectors.split(';')): if x != '': extra[l] = [float(y) for y in x.split(',')] p['extra'] = extra if opt.normconserving is not None: p['normconserving'] = opt.normconserving if opt.filter is not None: p['filter'] = [float(x) for x in opt.filter.split(',')] if opt.compensation_charge_radius is not None: p['rcutcomp'] = opt.compensation_charge_radius if opt.zero_potential is not None: vbar = opt.zero_potential.split(',') p['vbar'] = (vbar[0], float(vbar[1])) if opt.empty_states is not None: p['empty_states'] = opt.empty_states try:, exx=opt.exact_exchange,, use_restart_file=opt.use_restart_file, **p) except ConvergenceError: print(bad_density_warning, file=sys.stderr) except RuntimeError as m: if len(m.__str__()) == 0: raise print(m) if opt.plot: from gpaw.atom.analyse_setup import analyse analyse(g, show=True)
plt.xlabel(r'h [\AA]') plt.ylabel('energy [eV]') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.subplot(312) plt.semilogy(h, np.abs(data['Fegg']).max(axis=1), '-o', label=r'$|\mathbf{F}_{egg}|$') plt.semilogy(h, np.abs(data['Fdimer'].sum(axis=2)).max(axis=1), '-o', label=r'$|\mathbf{F}_1 + \mathbf{F}_2|$') #plt.title('Forces') plt.xlabel(r'h [\AA]') plt.ylabel(r'force [eV/\AA]') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.subplot(313) d = ddimer0[-1] plt.plot(h, ddimer0, '-o') #plt.title('Bond length') plt.xlabel(r'h [\AA]') plt.axis(ymin=d * 0.98, ymax=d * 1.02) plt.ylabel(r'bond length [\AA]') plt.savefig('../_static/setups-data/%s-dimer-eggbox.png' % symbol, dpi=dpi) args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 0: args = parameters.keys() for symbol in args: make_page(symbol)
fit = (5, 0.02) w = 0.06 ecut = 1200 kd = 8.0 tag = 'dcdft_%s_gpaw_pw' % xc.lower() task = Task( calcfactory=Factory(xc=xc, mode=PW(ecut), occupations=FermiDirac(w), maxiter=250, kptdensity=kd, ), tag=tag, fit=fit, use_lock_files=True, ) if __name__ == '__main__': if element is None: keys = set(parameters.keys()).intersection(set(task.collection.names)) for s in elements_slow: keys.remove(s) # those are slow, run separately else: keys = [element]
# plt.title('Energy differences') plt.xlabel(u"h [Å]") plt.ylabel("energy [eV]") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.subplot(312) plt.semilogy(h, np.abs(data["Fegg"]).max(axis=1), "-o", label=r"$|\mathbf{F}_{egg}|$") plt.semilogy(h, np.abs(data["Fdimer"].sum(axis=2)).max(axis=1), "-o", label=r"$|\mathbf{F}_1 + \mathbf{F}_2|$") # plt.title('Forces') plt.xlabel(u"h [Å]") plt.ylabel(u"force [eV/Å]") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.subplot(313) d = ddimer0[-1] plt.plot(h, ddimer0, "-o") # plt.title('Bond length') plt.xlabel(u"h [Å]") plt.axis(ymin=d * 0.98, ymax=d * 1.02) plt.ylabel(u"bond length [Å]") plt.savefig("../_static/setups-data/%s-dimer-eggbox.png" % symbol, dpi=dpi) # args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 0: args = parameters.keys() for symbol in args: make_page(symbol)
fit = (5, 0.02) w = 0.06 ecut = 1200 kd = 8.0 tag = 'dcdft_%s_gpaw_pw' % xc.lower() task = Task( calcfactory=Factory( xc=xc, mode=PW(ecut), occupations=FermiDirac(w), maxiter=250, kptdensity=kd, ), tag=tag, fit=fit, use_lock_files=True, ) if __name__ == '__main__': if element is None: keys = set(parameters.keys()).intersection(set(task.collection.names)) for s in elements_slow: keys.remove(s) # those are slow, run separately else: keys = [element]
def main(): parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog [OPTION...] [SYMBOL...]', description=description) parser.add_option('--xc', metavar='FUNCTIONAL', default='PBE', help='generate basis sets for FUNCTIONAL[=%default]') parser.add_option('--from', metavar='SYMBOL', dest='_from', help='generate starting from SYMBOL if generating ' 'for all elements') opts, symbols = parser.parse_args() if len(symbols) == 0: symbols = sorted(parameters.keys()) othersymbols = [] for symbol in parameters_extra: name = parameters_extra[symbol]['name'] code = '%s.%s' % (symbol, name) othersymbols.append(code) trouble = set(['Os.8', 'Ta.5', 'V.5', 'W.6', 'Ir.9']) othersymbols = [ symbol for symbol in othersymbols if symbol not in trouble ] symbols.extend(sorted(othersymbols)) if opts._from: index = symbols.index(opts._from) symbols = symbols[index:] specifications = [] for sym in symbols: try: s = SetupData(sym, opts.xc) except RuntimeError as e: if str(e).startswith('Could not find'): #print 'No %s' % sym continue else: raise # One could include basis functions also for the ``virtual'' states # (marked with negative n) jvalues = [] jextra = [] for j in range(len(s.f_j)): if s.eps_j[j] < 0: jvalues.append(j) if s.f_j[j] == 0.0 and s.n_j[j] > 0: jextra.append(j) if len(jextra) > 0: specifications.append(BasisSpecification(s, jvalues, jextra)) #print sym, jvalues # XXX check whether automatic settings coincide with those of official # setups distribution #bm = BasisMaker(sym, '' if world.rank == 0: print('Generating basis sets for: %s' % ' '.join(spec.setup.symbol for spec in specifications)) sys.stdout.flush() world.barrier() for i, spec in enumerate(specifications): if i % world.size != world.rank: continue if world.size > 1: print(world.rank, spec) else: print(spec) gtxt = None # XXX figure out how to accept Ag.11 tokens = spec.setup.symbol.split('.') sym = tokens[0] if len(tokens) == 1: p = parameters name = 'pvalence' elif len(tokens) == 2: p = parameters_extra name = '%s.pvalence' % tokens[1] else: raise ValueError('Strange setup specification') type = 'dz' # XXXXXXXXX bm = BasisMaker(sym, '%s.%s' % (name, type), run=False, gtxt=gtxt, xc=opts.xc), use_restart_file=False, **p[sym]) basis = bm.generate(2, 0, txt=None, jvalues=spec.jvalues) basis.write_xml()
def main(): parser = build_parser() opt, args = parser.parse_args() import sys from gpaw.atom.generator import Generator from gpaw.atom.configurations import parameters, tf_parameters from gpaw.atom.all_electron import AllElectron from gpaw import ConvergenceError if args: atoms = args else: atoms = parameters.keys() bad_density_warning = """\ Problem with initial electron density guess! Try to run the program with the '-nw' option (non-scalar-relativistic calculation + write density) and then try again without the '-n' option (this will generate a good initial guess for the density).""" for symbol in atoms: scalarrel = not opt.non_scalar_relativistic corehole = None if opt.core_hole is not None: state, occ = opt.core_hole.split(',') # Translate corestate string ('1s') to n and l: ncorehole = int(state[0]) lcorehole = 'spdf'.find(state[1]) fcorehole = float(occ) corehole = (ncorehole, lcorehole, fcorehole) if opt.all_electron_only: a = AllElectron(symbol, opt.xcfunctional, scalarrel, corehole, opt.configuration, not opt.write_files, '-', opt.points_per_node, opt.orbital_free, opt.tf_coefficient) try: except ConvergenceError: print(bad_density_warning, file=sys.stderr) continue g = Generator(symbol, opt.xcfunctional, scalarrel, corehole, opt.configuration, not opt.write_files, '-', opt.points_per_node, orbital_free=opt.orbital_free, tf_coeff=opt.tf_coefficient) if opt.orbital_free: p = tf_parameters.get(symbol, {'rcut': 0.9}) else: p = parameters.get(symbol, {}) if opt.core is not None: p['core'] = opt.core if opt.radius is not None: p['rcut'] = [float(x) for x in opt.radius.split(',')] if opt.extra_projectors is not None: extra = {} if opt.extra_projectors != '': for l, x in enumerate(opt.extra_projectors.split(';')): if x != '': extra[l] = [float(y) for y in x.split(',')] p['extra'] = extra if opt.normconserving is not None: p['normconserving'] = opt.normconserving if opt.filter is not None: p['filter'] = [float(x) for x in opt.filter.split(',')] if opt.compensation_charge_radius is not None: p['rcutcomp'] = opt.compensation_charge_radius if opt.zero_potential is not None: vbar = opt.zero_potential.split(',') p['vbar'] = (vbar[0], float(vbar[1])) if opt.empty_states is not None: p['empty_states'] = opt.empty_states try:, exx=opt.exact_exchange,, use_restart_file=opt.use_restart_file, **p) except ConvergenceError: print(bad_density_warning, file=sys.stderr) except RuntimeError, m: if len(m.__str__()) == 0: raise print(m) if opt.plot: from gpaw.atom.analyse_setup import analyse analyse(g, show=True)