コード例 #1
ファイル: generator2.py プロジェクト: eojons/gpaw-scme
    def make_paw_setup(self, tag=None):
        aea = self.aea

        setup = SetupData(aea.symbol, aea.xc.name, tag, readxml=False)

        nj = sum(len(waves) for waves in self.waves_l)
        setup.e_kin_jj = np.zeros((nj, nj))
        setup.id_j = []
        j1 = 0
        for l, waves in enumerate(self.waves_l):
            ne = 0
            for n, f, e, phi_g, phit_g, pt_g in zip(waves.n_n, waves.f_n,
                                                    waves.e_n, waves.phi_ng,
                setup.append(n, l, f, e, waves.rcut, phi_g, phit_g, pt_g)
                if n == -1:
                    ne += 1
                    id = '%s-%s%d' % (aea.symbol, 'spdf'[l], ne)
                    id = '%s-%d%s' % (aea.symbol, n, 'spdf'[l])
            j2 = j1 + len(waves)
            setup.e_kin_jj[j1:j2, j1:j2] = waves.dekin_nn
            j1 = j2

        setup.nc_g = self.nc_g * sqrt(4 * pi)
        setup.nct_g = self.nct_g * sqrt(4 * pi)
        setup.e_kinetic_core = self.ekincore
        setup.vbar_g = self.v0r_g * sqrt(4 * pi)
        setup.vbar_g[1:] /= self.rgd.r_g[1:]
        setup.vbar_g[0] = setup.vbar_g[1]
        setup.Z = aea.Z
        setup.Nc = self.ncore
        setup.Nv = self.nvalence
        setup.e_kinetic = aea.ekin
        setup.e_xc = aea.exc
        setup.e_electrostatic = aea.eH + aea.eZ
        setup.e_total = aea.exc + aea.ekin + aea.eH + aea.eZ
        setup.rgd = self.rgd
        setup.rcgauss = 1 / sqrt(self.alpha)

        setup.ExxC = self.exxcc
        setup.X_p = pack2(self.exxcv_ii)

        setup.tauc_g = self.rgd.zeros()
        setup.tauct_g = self.rgd.zeros()
        #print 'no tau!!!!!!!!!!!'

        if self.aea.scalar_relativistic:
            reltype = 'scalar-relativistic'
            reltype = 'non-relativistic'
        attrs = [('type', reltype),
                 ('version', 2),
                 ('name', 'gpaw-%s' % version)]
        setup.generatorattrs = attrs

        setup.l0 = self.l0
        setup.e0 = self.e0
        setup.r0 = self.r0
        setup.nderiv0 = self.nderiv0

        return setup
コード例 #2
ファイル: generator.py プロジェクト: eojons/gpaw-scme
    def run(self, core='', rcut=1.0, extra=None,
            logderiv=False, vbar=None, exx=False, name=None,
            normconserving='', filter=(0.4, 1.75), rcutcomp=None,
            write_xml=True, use_restart_file=True,

        self.name = name

        self.core = core
        if type(rcut) is float:
            rcut_l = [rcut]
            rcut_l = rcut
        rcutmax = max(rcut_l)
        rcutmin = min(rcut_l)
        self.rcut_l = rcut_l

        if rcutcomp is None:
            rcutcomp = rcutmin
        self.rcutcomp = rcutcomp

        hfilter, xfilter = filter

        Z = self.Z

        n_j = self.n_j
        l_j = self.l_j
        f_j = self.f_j
        e_j = self.e_j

        if vbar is None:
            vbar = ('poly', rcutmin * 0.9)
        vbar_type, rcutvbar = vbar

        normconserving_l = [x in normconserving for x in 'spdf']

        # Parse core string:
        j = 0
        if core.startswith('['):
            a, core = core.split(']')
            core_symbol = a[1:]
            j = len(configurations[core_symbol][1])

        while core != '':
            assert n_j[j] == int(core[0])
            assert l_j[j] == 'spdf'.find(core[1])
            if j != self.jcorehole:
                assert f_j[j] == 2 * (2 * l_j[j] + 1)
            j += 1
            core = core[2:]

        njcore = j
        self.njcore = njcore

        lmaxocc = max(l_j[njcore:])

        while empty_states != '':
            n = int(empty_states[0])
            l = 'spdf'.find(empty_states[1])
            assert n == 1 + l + l_j.count(l)
            empty_states = empty_states[2:]
        if 2 in l_j[njcore:]:
            # We have a bound valence d-state.  Add bound s- and
            # p-states if not already there:
            for l in [0, 1]:
                if l not in l_j[njcore:]:
                    n_j.append(1 + l + l_j.count(l))

        if l_j[njcore:] == [0] and Z > 2:
            # We have only a bound valence s-state and we are not
            # hydrogen and not helium.  Add bound p-state:

        nj = len(n_j)

        self.Nv = sum(f_j[njcore:])
        self.Nc = sum(f_j[:njcore])

        # Do all-electron calculation:
        AllElectron.run(self, use_restart_file)

        # Highest occupied atomic orbital:
        self.emax = max(e_j)

        N = self.N
        r = self.r
        dr = self.dr
        d2gdr2 = self.d2gdr2
        beta = self.beta

        dv = r**2 * dr

        t = self.text
        t('Generating PAW setup')
        if core != '':
            t('Frozen core:', core)

        # So far - no ghost-states:
        self.ghost = False

        # Calculate the kinetic energy of the core states:
        Ekincore = 0.0
        j = 0
        for f, e, u in zip(f_j[:njcore], e_j[:njcore], self.u_j[:njcore]):
            u = np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)  # XXX Numeric!
            k = e - np.sum((u**2 * self.vr * dr)[1:] / r[1:])
            Ekincore += f * k
            if j == self.jcorehole:
                self.Ekincorehole = k
            j += 1

        # Calculate core density:
        if njcore == 0:
            nc = np.zeros(N)
            uc_j = self.u_j[:njcore]
            uc_j = np.where(abs(uc_j) < 1e-160, 0, uc_j)  # XXX Numeric!
            nc = np.dot(f_j[:njcore], uc_j**2) / (4 * pi)
            nc[1:] /= r[1:]**2
            nc[0] = nc[1]

        self.nc = nc

        # Calculate core kinetic energy density
        if njcore == 0:
            tauc = np.zeros(N)
            tauc = self.radial_kinetic_energy_density(f_j[:njcore],
            t('Kinetic energy of the core from tauc =',
              np.dot(tauc * r * r, dr) * 4 * pi)

        lmax = max(l_j[njcore:])

        # Order valence states with respect to angular momentum
        # quantum number:
        self.n_ln = n_ln = []
        self.f_ln = f_ln = []
        self.e_ln = e_ln = []
        for l in range(lmax + 1):
            n_n = []
            f_n = []
            e_n = []
            for j in range(njcore, nj):
                if l_j[j] == l:

        # Add extra projectors:
        if extra is not None:
            if len(extra) == 0:
                lmaxextra = 0
                lmaxextra = max(extra.keys())
            if lmaxextra > lmax:
                for l in range(lmax, lmaxextra):
                lmax = lmaxextra
            for l in extra:
                nn = -1
                for e in extra[l]:
                    nn -= 1
            # Automatic:

            # Make sure we have two projectors for each occupied channel:
            for l in range(lmaxocc + 1):
                if len(n_ln[l]) < 2 and not normconserving_l[l]:
                    # Only one - add one more:
                    assert len(n_ln[l]) == 1
                    e_ln[l].append(1.0 + e_ln[l][0])

            if lmaxocc < 2 and lmaxocc == lmax:
                # Add extra projector for l = lmax + 1:
                lmax += 1

        self.lmax = lmax

        rcut_l.extend([rcutmin] * (lmax + 1 - len(rcut_l)))

        for rc, s in zip(rcut_l, 'spdf'):
            t('rc(%s)=%.3f' % (s, rc))
        t('rc(vbar)=%.3f' % rcutvbar)
        t('rc(comp)=%.3f' % rcutcomp)
        t('rc(nct)=%.3f' % rcutmax)
        t('Kinetic energy of the core states: %.6f' % Ekincore)

        # Allocate arrays:
        self.u_ln = u_ln = []  # phi * r
        self.s_ln = s_ln = []  # phi-tilde * r
        self.q_ln = q_ln = []  # p-tilde * r
        for l in range(lmax + 1):
            nn = len(n_ln[l])
            u_ln.append(np.zeros((nn, N)))
            s_ln.append(np.zeros((nn, N)))
            q_ln.append(np.zeros((nn, N)))

        # Fill in all-electron wave functions:
        for l in range(lmax + 1):
            # Collect all-electron wave functions:
            u_n = [self.u_j[j] for j in range(njcore, nj) if l_j[j] == l]
            for n, u in enumerate(u_n):
                u_ln[l][n] = u

        # Grid-index corresponding to rcut:
        gcut_l = [1 + int(rc * N / (rc + beta)) for rc in rcut_l]

        rcutfilter = xfilter * rcutmax
        self.rcutfilter = rcutfilter
        gcutfilter = 1 + int(rcutfilter * N / (rcutfilter + beta))
        gcutmax = 1 + int(rcutmax * N / (rcutmax + beta))

        # Outward integration of unbound states stops at 3 * rcut:
        gmax = int(3 * rcutmax * N / (3 * rcutmax + beta))
        assert gmax > gcutfilter

        # Calculate unbound extra states:
        c2 = -(r / dr)**2
        c10 = -d2gdr2 * r**2
        for l, (n_n, e_n, u_n) in enumerate(zip(n_ln, e_ln, u_ln)):
            for n, e, u in zip(n_n, e_n, u_n):
                if n < 0:
                    u[:] = 0.0
                    shoot(u, l, self.vr, e, self.r2dvdr, r, dr, c10, c2,
                          self.scalarrel, gmax=gmax)
                    u *= 1.0 / u[gcut_l[l]]

        charge = Z - self.Nv - self.Nc
        t('Charge: %.1f' % charge)
        t('Core electrons: %.1f' % self.Nc)
        t('Valence electrons: %.1f' % self.Nv)

        # Construct smooth wave functions:
        coefs = []
        for l, (u_n, s_n) in enumerate(zip(u_ln, s_ln)):
            nodeless = True
            gc = gcut_l[l]
            for u, s in zip(u_n, s_n):
                s[:] = u
                if normconserving_l[l]:
                    A = np.zeros((5, 5))
                    A[:4, 0] = 1.0
                    A[:4, 1] = r[gc - 2:gc + 2]**2
                    A[:4, 2] = A[:4, 1]**2
                    A[:4, 3] = A[:4, 1] * A[:4, 2]
                    A[:4, 4] = A[:4, 2]**2
                    A[4, 4] = 1.0
                    a = u[gc - 2:gc + 3] / r[gc - 2:gc + 3]**(l + 1)
                    a = np.log(a)
                    def f(x):
                        a[4] = x
                        b = solve(A, a)
                        r1 = r[:gc]
                        r2 = r1**2
                        rl1 = r1**(l + 1)
                        y = b[0] + r2 * (b[1] + r2 * (b[2] + r2 * (b[3] + r2
                                                                   * b[4])))
                        y = np.exp(y)
                        s[:gc] = rl1 * y
                        return np.dot(s**2, dr) - 1
                    x1 = 0.0
                    x2 = 0.001
                    f1 = f(x1)
                    f2 = f(x2)
                    while abs(f1) > 1e-6:
                        x0 = (x1 / f1 - x2 / f2) / (1 / f1 - 1 / f2)
                        f0 = f(x0)
                        if abs(f1) < abs(f2):
                            x2, f2 = x1, f1
                        x1, f1 = x0, f0

                    A = np.ones((4, 4))
                    A[:, 0] = 1.0
                    A[:, 1] = r[gc - 2:gc + 2]**2
                    A[:, 2] = A[:, 1]**2
                    A[:, 3] = A[:, 1] * A[:, 2]
                    a = u[gc - 2:gc + 2] / r[gc - 2:gc + 2]**(l + 1)
                    if 0:#l < 2 and nodeless:
                        a = np.log(a)
                    a = solve(A, a)
                    r1 = r[:gc]
                    r2 = r1**2
                    rl1 = r1**(l + 1)
                    y = a[0] + r2 * (a[1] + r2 * (a[2] + r2 * (a[3])))
                    if 0:#l < 2 and nodeless:
                        y = np.exp(y)
                    s[:gc] = rl1 * y

                if nodeless:
                    if not np.alltrue(s[1:gc] > 0.0):
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            'Error: The %d%s pseudo wave has a node!' %
                            (n_ln[l][0], 'spdf'[l]))
                    # Only the first state for each l must be nodeless:
                    nodeless = False

        # Calculate pseudo core density:
        gcutnc = 1 + int(rcutmax * N / (rcutmax + beta))
        self.nct = nct = nc.copy()
        A = np.ones((4, 4))
        A[0] = 1.0
        A[1] = r[gcutnc - 2:gcutnc + 2]**2
        A[2] = A[1]**2
        A[3] = A[1] * A[2]
        a = nc[gcutnc - 2:gcutnc + 2]
        a = solve(np.transpose(A), a)
        r2 = r[:gcutnc]**2
        nct[:gcutnc] = a[0] + r2 * (a[1] + r2 * (a[2] + r2 * a[3]))
        t('Pseudo-core charge: %.6f' % (4 * pi * np.dot(nct, dv)))

        # ... and the pseudo core kinetic energy density:
        tauct = tauc.copy()
        a = tauc[gcutnc - 2:gcutnc + 2]
        a = solve(np.transpose(A), a)
        tauct[:gcutnc] = a[0] + r2 * (a[1] + r2 * (a[2] + r2 * a[3]))

        # ... and the soft valence density:
        nt = np.zeros(N)
        for f_n, s_n in zip(f_ln, s_ln):
            nt += np.dot(f_n, s_n**2) / (4 * pi)
        nt[1:] /= r[1:]**2
        nt[0] = nt[1]
        nt += nct
        self.nt = nt

        # Calculate the shape function:
        x = r / rcutcomp
        gaussian = np.zeros(N)
        self.gamma = gamma = 10.0
        gaussian[:gmax] = np.exp(-gamma * x[:gmax]**2)
        gt = 4 * (gamma / rcutcomp**2)**1.5 / sqrt(pi) * gaussian
        t('Shape function alpha=%.3f' % (gamma / rcutcomp**2))
        norm = np.dot(gt, dv)
        #print norm, norm-1
        assert abs(norm - 1) < 1e-2
        gt /= norm

        # Calculate smooth charge density:
        Nt = np.dot(nt, dv)
        rhot = nt - (Nt + charge / (4 * pi)) * gt
        t('Pseudo-electron charge', 4 * pi * Nt)

        vHt = np.zeros(N)
        hartree(0, rhot * r * dr, self.beta, self.N, vHt)
        vHt[1:] /= r[1:]
        vHt[0] = vHt[1]

        vXCt = np.zeros(N)

        extra_xc_data = {}

        if self.xc.type != 'GLLB':
            Exct = self.xc.calculate_spherical(self.rgd,
                                               nt.reshape((1, -1)),
                                               vXCt.reshape((1, -1)))
            Exct = self.xc.get_smooth_xc_potential_and_energy_1d(vXCt)

            # Calculate extra-stuff for non-local functionals

        vt = vHt + vXCt

        # Construct zero potential:
        gc = 1 + int(rcutvbar * N / (rcutvbar + beta))
        if vbar_type == 'f':
            assert lmax == 2
            uf = np.zeros(N)
            l = 3

            # Solve for all-electron f-state:
            eps = 0.0
            shoot(uf, l, self.vr, eps, self.r2dvdr, r, dr, c10, c2,
                  self.scalarrel, gmax=gmax)
            uf *= 1.0 / uf[gc]

            # Fit smooth pseudo f-state polynomium:
            A = np.ones((4, 4))
            A[:, 0] = 1.0
            A[:, 1] = r[gc - 2:gc + 2]**2
            A[:, 2] = A[:, 1]**2
            A[:, 3] = A[:, 1] * A[:, 2]
            a = uf[gc - 2:gc + 2] / r[gc - 2:gc + 2]**(l + 1)
            a0, a1, a2, a3 = solve(A, a)
            r1 = r[:gc]
            r2 = r1**2
            rl1 = r1**(l + 1)
            y = a0 + r2 * (a1 + r2 * (a2 + r2 * a3))
            sf = uf.copy()
            sf[:gc] = rl1 * y

            # From 0 to gc, use analytic formula for kinetic energy operator:
            r4 = r2**2
            r6 = r4 * r2
            enumerator = (a0 * l * (l + 1) +
                          a1 * (l + 2) * (l + 3) * r2 +
                          a2 * (l + 4) * (l + 5) * r4 +
                          a3 * (l + 6) * (l + 7) * r6)
            denominator = a0 + a1 * r2 + a2 * r4 + a3 * r6            
            ekin_over_phit = - 0.5 * (enumerator / denominator - l * (l + 1))
            ekin_over_phit[1:] /= r2[1:]

            vbar = eps - vt
            vbar[:gc] -= ekin_over_phit
            vbar[0] = vbar[1] # Actually we can collect the terms into
            # a single fraction without poles, so as to avoid doing this,
            # but this is good enough

            # From gc to gmax, use finite-difference formula for kinetic
            # energy operator:
            vbar[gc:gmax] -= self.kin(l, sf)[gc:gmax] / sf[gc:gmax]
            vbar[gmax:] = 0.0
            assert vbar_type == 'poly'
            A = np.ones((2, 2))
            A[0] = 1.0
            A[1] = r[gc - 1:gc + 1]**2
            a = vt[gc - 1:gc + 1]
            a = solve(np.transpose(A), a)
            r2 = r**2
            vbar = a[0] + r2 * a[1] - vt
            vbar[gc:] = 0.0

        vt += vbar

        # Construct projector functions:
        for l, (e_n, s_n, q_n) in enumerate(zip(e_ln, s_ln, q_ln)):
            for e, s, q in zip(e_n, s_n, q_n):
                q[:] = self.kin(l, s) + (vt - e) * s
                q[gcutmax:] = 0.0

        filter = Filter(r, dr, gcutfilter, hfilter).filter

        vbar = filter(vbar * r)

        # Calculate matrix elements:
        self.dK_lnn = dK_lnn = []
        self.dH_lnn = dH_lnn = []
        self.dO_lnn = dO_lnn = []
        for l, (e_n, u_n, s_n, q_n) in enumerate(zip(e_ln, u_ln,
                                                     s_ln, q_ln)):

            A_nn = np.inner(s_n, q_n * dr)
            # Do a LU decomposition of A:
            nn = len(e_n)
            L_nn = np.identity(nn, float)
            U_nn = A_nn.copy()
            # Keep all bound states normalized
            if sum([n > 0 for n in n_ln[l]]) <= 1:
                for i in range(nn):
                    for j in range(i + 1, nn):
                        L_nn[j, i] = 1.0 * U_nn[j, i] / U_nn[i, i]
                        U_nn[j, :] -= U_nn[i, :] * L_nn[j, i]

            dO_nn = (np.inner(u_n, u_n * dr) -
                     np.inner(s_n, s_n * dr))

            e_nn = np.zeros((nn, nn))
            e_nn.ravel()[::nn + 1] = e_n
            dH_nn = np.dot(dO_nn, e_nn) - A_nn

            q_n[:] = np.dot(inv(np.transpose(U_nn)), q_n)
            s_n[:] = np.dot(inv(L_nn), s_n)
            u_n[:] = np.dot(inv(L_nn), u_n)

            dO_nn = np.dot(np.dot(inv(L_nn), dO_nn),
            dH_nn = np.dot(np.dot(inv(L_nn), dH_nn),

            ku_n = [self.kin(l, u, e) for u, e in zip(u_n, e_n)]
            ks_n = [self.kin(l, s) for s in s_n]
            dK_nn = 0.5 * (np.inner(u_n, ku_n * dr) -
                           np.inner(s_n, ks_n * dr))
            dK_nn += np.transpose(dK_nn).copy()


            for n, q in enumerate(q_n):
                q[:] = filter(q, l) * r**(l + 1)

            A_nn = np.inner(s_n, q_n * dr)
            q_n[:] = np.dot(inv(np.transpose(A_nn)), q_n)

        self.vt = vt
        self.vbar = vbar

        t('state    eigenvalue         norm')
        for l, (n_n, f_n, e_n) in enumerate(zip(n_ln, f_ln, e_ln)):
            for n in range(len(e_n)):
                if n_n[n] > 0:
                    f = '(%d)' % f_n[n]
                    t('%d%s%-4s: %12.6f %12.6f' % (
                        n_n[n], 'spdf'[l], f, e_n[n],
                        np.dot(s_ln[l][n]**2, dr)))
                    t('*%s    : %12.6f' % ('spdf'[l], e_n[n]))

        self.logd = {}
        if logderiv:
            ni = 300
            self.elog = np.linspace(-5.0, 1.0, ni)
            # Calculate logarithmic derivatives:
            gld = gcutmax + 10
            self.rlog = r[gld]
            assert gld < gmax
            t('Calculating logarithmic derivatives at r=%.3f' % r[gld])
            t('(skip with [Ctrl-C])')

                u = np.zeros(N)
                for l in range(4):
                    self.logd[l] = (np.empty(ni), np.empty(ni))
                    if l <= lmax:
                        dO_nn = dO_lnn[l]
                        dH_nn = dH_lnn[l]
                        q_n = q_ln[l]

                    fae = open(self.symbol + '.ae.ld.' + 'spdf'[l], 'w')
                    fps = open(self.symbol + '.ps.ld.' + 'spdf'[l], 'w')

                    for i, e in enumerate(self.elog):
                        # All-electron logarithmic derivative:
                        u[:] = 0.0
                        shoot(u, l, self.vr, e, self.r2dvdr, r, dr, c10, c2,
                              self.scalarrel, gmax=gld)
                        dudr = 0.5 * (u[gld + 1] - u[gld - 1]) / dr[gld]
                        ld = dudr / u[gld] - 1.0 / r[gld]
                        print >> fae, e, ld
                        self.logd[l][0][i] = ld

                        # PAW logarithmic derivative:
                        s = self.integrate(l, vt, e, gld)
                        if l <= lmax:
                            A_nn = dH_nn - e * dO_nn
                            s_n = [self.integrate(l, vt, e, gld, q)
                                   for q in q_n]
                            B_nn = np.inner(q_n, s_n * dr)
                            a_n = np.dot(q_n, s * dr)

                            B_nn = np.dot(A_nn, B_nn)
                            B_nn.ravel()[::len(a_n) + 1] += 1.0
                            c_n = solve(B_nn, np.dot(A_nn, a_n))
                            s -= np.dot(c_n, s_n)

                        dsdr = 0.5 * (s[gld + 1] - s[gld - 1]) / dr[gld]
                        ld = dsdr / s[gld] - 1.0 / r[gld]
                        print >> fps, e, ld
                        self.logd[l][1][i] = ld

            except KeyboardInterrupt:

        self.write(nt, 'nt')
        self.write(nct, 'nct')
        self.write(vbar, 'vbar')
        self.write(vt, 'vt')
        self.write(tauc, 'tauc')
        self.write(tauct, 'tauct')

        for l, (n_n, f_n, u_n, s_n, q_n) in enumerate(zip(n_ln, f_ln,
                                                          u_ln, s_ln, q_ln)):
            for n, f, u, s, q in zip(n_n, f_n, u_n, s_n, q_n):
                if n < 0:
                    self.write(u, 'ae', n=n, l=l)
                self.write(s, 'ps', n=n, l=l)
                self.write(q, 'proj', n=n, l=l)

        # Test for ghost states:
        for h in [0.05]:

        self.vn_j = vn_j = []
        self.vl_j = vl_j = []
        self.vf_j = vf_j = []
        self.ve_j = ve_j = []
        self.vu_j = vu_j = []
        self.vs_j = vs_j = []
        self.vq_j = vq_j = []
        j_ln = [[0 for f in f_n] for f_n in f_ln]
        j = 0
        for l, n_n in enumerate(n_ln):
            for n, nn in enumerate(n_n):
                if nn > 0:
                    j_ln[l][n] = j
                    j += 1
        for l, n_n in enumerate(n_ln):
            for n, nn in enumerate(n_n):
                if nn < 0:
                    j_ln[l][n] = j
                    j += 1
        nj = j

        self.dK_jj = np.zeros((nj, nj))
        for l, j_n in enumerate(j_ln):
            for n1, j1 in enumerate(j_n):
                for n2, j2 in enumerate(j_n):
                    self.dK_jj[j1, j2] = self.dK_lnn[l][n1, n2]

        if exx:
            X_p = constructX(self)
            ExxC = atomic_exact_exchange(self, 'core-core')
            X_p = None
            ExxC = None

        sqrt4pi = sqrt(4 * pi)
        setup = SetupData(self.symbol, self.xc.name, self.name,

        def divide_by_r(x_g, l):
            r = self.r
            #for x_g, l in zip(x_jg, l_j):
            p = x_g.copy()
            p[1:] /= self.r[1:]
            # XXXXX go to higher order!!!!!
            if l == 0:#l_j[self.jcorehole] == 0:
                p[0] = (p[2] +
                        (p[1] - p[2]) * (r[0] - r[2]) / (r[1] - r[2]))
            return p

        def divide_all_by_r(x_jg):
            return [divide_by_r(x_g, l) for x_g, l in zip(x_jg, vl_j)]

        setup.l_j = vl_j
        setup.n_j = vn_j
        setup.f_j = vf_j
        setup.eps_j = ve_j
        setup.rcut_j = [rcut_l[l] for l in vl_j]

        setup.nc_g = nc * sqrt4pi
        setup.nct_g = nct * sqrt4pi
        setup.nvt_g = (nt - nct) * sqrt4pi
        setup.e_kinetic_core = Ekincore
        setup.vbar_g = vbar * sqrt4pi
        setup.tauc_g = tauc * sqrt4pi
        setup.tauct_g = tauct * sqrt4pi
        setup.extra_xc_data = extra_xc_data
        setup.Z = Z
        setup.Nc = self.Nc
        setup.Nv = self.Nv
        setup.e_kinetic = self.Ekin
        setup.e_xc = self.Exc
        setup.e_electrostatic = self.Epot
        setup.e_total = self.Epot + self.Exc + self.Ekin

        setup.rgd = self.rgd
        setup.rcgauss = self.rcutcomp / sqrt(self.gamma)
        setup.e_kin_jj = self.dK_jj
        setup.ExxC = ExxC
        setup.phi_jg = divide_all_by_r(vu_j)
        setup.phit_jg = divide_all_by_r(vs_j)
        setup.pt_jg = divide_all_by_r(vq_j)
        setup.X_p = X_p

        if self.jcorehole is not None:
            setup.has_corehole = True
            setup.lcorehole = l_j[self.jcorehole] # l_j or vl_j ????? XXX
            setup.ncorehole = n_j[self.jcorehole]
            setup.phicorehole_g = divide_by_r(self.u_j[self.jcorehole],
            setup.core_hole_e = self.e_j[self.jcorehole]
            setup.core_hole_e_kin = self.Ekincorehole
            setup.fcorehole = self.fcorehole

        if self.ghost:
            raise RuntimeError('Ghost!')

        if self.scalarrel:
            reltype = 'scalar-relativistic'
            reltype = 'non-relativistic'

        attrs = [('type', reltype), ('name', 'gpaw-%s' % version)]
        data = 'Frozen core: '+ (self.core or 'none')

        setup.generatorattrs = attrs
        setup.generatordata  = data

        self.id_j = []
        for l, n in zip(vl_j, vn_j):
            if n > 0:
                id = '%s-%d%s' % (self.symbol, n, 'spdf'[l])
                id = '%s-%s%d' % (self.symbol, 'spdf'[l], -n)
        setup.id_j = self.id_j

        if write_xml:
        return setup
コード例 #3
    def run(self,
            filter=(0.4, 1.75),

        self.name = name

        self.core = core
        if type(rcut) is float:
            rcut_l = [rcut]
            rcut_l = rcut
        rcutmax = max(rcut_l)
        rcutmin = min(rcut_l)
        self.rcut_l = rcut_l

        if rcutcomp is None:
            rcutcomp = rcutmin
        self.rcutcomp = rcutcomp

        hfilter, xfilter = filter

        Z = self.Z

        n_j = self.n_j
        l_j = self.l_j
        f_j = self.f_j
        e_j = self.e_j

        if vbar is None:
            vbar = ('poly', rcutmin * 0.9)
        vbar_type, rcutvbar = vbar

        normconserving_l = [x in normconserving for x in 'spdf']

        # Parse core string:
        j = 0
        if core.startswith('['):
            a, core = core.split(']')
            core_symbol = a[1:]
            j = len(configurations[core_symbol][1])

        while core != '':
            assert n_j[j] == int(core[0])
            assert l_j[j] == 'spdf'.find(core[1])
            if j != self.jcorehole:
                assert f_j[j] == 2 * (2 * l_j[j] + 1)
            j += 1
            core = core[2:]

        njcore = j
        self.njcore = njcore

        lmaxocc = max(l_j[njcore:])

        while empty_states != '':
            n = int(empty_states[0])
            l = 'spdf'.find(empty_states[1])
            print l_j
            assert n == 1 + l + l_j.count(l)
            empty_states = empty_states[2:]

        if 2 in l_j[njcore:]:
            # We have a bound valence d-state.  Add bound s- and
            # p-states if not already there:
            for l in [0, 1]:
                if l not in l_j[njcore:]:
                    n_j.append(1 + l + l_j.count(l))

        if l_j[njcore:] == [0] and Z > 2:
            # We have only a bound valence s-state and we are not
            # hydrogen and not helium.  Add bound p-state:

        nj = len(n_j)

        self.Nv = sum(f_j[njcore:])
        self.Nc = sum(f_j[:njcore])

        # Do all-electron calculation:
        AllElectron.run(self, use_restart_file)

        # Highest occupied atomic orbital:
        self.emax = max(e_j)

        N = self.N
        r = self.r
        dr = self.dr
        d2gdr2 = self.d2gdr2
        beta = self.beta

        dv = r**2 * dr

        t = self.text
        t('Generating PAW setup')
        if core != '':
            t('Frozen core:', core)

        # So far - no ghost-states:
        self.ghost = False

        # Calculate the kinetic energy of the core states:
        Ekincore = 0.0
        j = 0
        for f, e, u in zip(f_j[:njcore], e_j[:njcore], self.u_j[:njcore]):
            u = np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)  # XXX Numeric!
            k = e - np.sum((u**2 * self.vr * dr)[1:] / r[1:])
            Ekincore += f * k
            if j == self.jcorehole:
                self.Ekincorehole = k
            j += 1

        # Calculate core density:
        if njcore == 0:
            nc = np.zeros(N)
            uc_j = self.u_j[:njcore]
            uc_j = np.where(abs(uc_j) < 1e-160, 0, uc_j)  # XXX Numeric!
            nc = np.dot(f_j[:njcore], uc_j**2) / (4 * pi)
            nc[1:] /= r[1:]**2
            nc[0] = nc[1]

        self.nc = nc

        # Calculate core kinetic energy density
        if njcore == 0:
            tauc = np.zeros(N)
            tauc = self.radial_kinetic_energy_density(f_j[:njcore],
            t('Kinetic energy of the core from tauc =',
              np.dot(tauc * r * r, dr) * 4 * pi)

        lmax = max(l_j[njcore:])

        # Order valence states with respect to angular momentum
        # quantum number:
        self.n_ln = n_ln = []
        self.f_ln = f_ln = []
        self.e_ln = e_ln = []
        for l in range(lmax + 1):
            n_n = []
            f_n = []
            e_n = []
            for j in range(njcore, nj):
                if l_j[j] == l:

        # Add extra projectors:
        if extra is not None:
            if len(extra) == 0:
                lmaxextra = 0
                lmaxextra = max(extra.keys())
            if lmaxextra > lmax:
                for l in range(lmax, lmaxextra):
                lmax = lmaxextra
            for l in extra:
                nn = -1
                for e in extra[l]:
                    nn -= 1
            # Automatic:

            # Make sure we have two projectors for each occupied channel:
            for l in range(lmaxocc + 1):
                if len(n_ln[l]) < 2 and not normconserving_l[l]:
                    # Only one - add one more:
                    assert len(n_ln[l]) == 1
                    e_ln[l].append(1.0 + e_ln[l][0])

            if lmaxocc < 2 and lmaxocc == lmax:
                # Add extra projector for l = lmax + 1:
                lmax += 1

        self.lmax = lmax

        rcut_l.extend([rcutmin] * (lmax + 1 - len(rcut_l)))

        for rc, s in zip(rcut_l, 'spdf'):
            t('rc(%s)=%.3f' % (s, rc))
        t('rc(vbar)=%.3f' % rcutvbar)
        t('rc(comp)=%.3f' % rcutcomp)
        t('Kinetic energy of the core states: %.6f' % Ekincore)

        # Allocate arrays:
        self.u_ln = u_ln = []  # phi * r
        self.s_ln = s_ln = []  # phi-tilde * r
        self.q_ln = q_ln = []  # p-tilde * r
        for l in range(lmax + 1):
            nn = len(n_ln[l])
            u_ln.append(np.zeros((nn, N)))
            s_ln.append(np.zeros((nn, N)))
            q_ln.append(np.zeros((nn, N)))

        # Fill in all-electron wave functions:
        for l in range(lmax + 1):
            # Collect all-electron wave functions:
            u_n = [self.u_j[j] for j in range(njcore, nj) if l_j[j] == l]
            for n, u in enumerate(u_n):
                u_ln[l][n] = u

        # Grid-index corresponding to rcut:
        gcut_l = [1 + int(rc * N / (rc + beta)) for rc in rcut_l]

        rcutfilter = xfilter * rcutmax
        self.rcutfilter = rcutfilter
        gcutfilter = 1 + int(rcutfilter * N / (rcutfilter + beta))
        gcutmax = 1 + int(rcutmax * N / (rcutmax + beta))

        # Outward integration of unbound states stops at 3 * rcut:
        gmax = int(3 * rcutmax * N / (3 * rcutmax + beta))
        assert gmax > gcutfilter

        # Calculate unbound extra states:
        c2 = -(r / dr)**2
        c10 = -d2gdr2 * r**2
        for l, (n_n, e_n, u_n) in enumerate(zip(n_ln, e_ln, u_ln)):
            for n, e, u in zip(n_n, e_n, u_n):
                if n < 0:
                    u[:] = 0.0
                    u *= 1.0 / u[gcut_l[l]]

        charge = Z - self.Nv - self.Nc
        t('Charge: %.1f' % charge)
        t('Core electrons: %.1f' % self.Nc)
        t('Valence electrons: %.1f' % self.Nv)

        # Construct smooth wave functions:
        coefs = []
        for l, (u_n, s_n) in enumerate(zip(u_ln, s_ln)):
            nodeless = True
            gc = gcut_l[l]
            for u, s in zip(u_n, s_n):
                s[:] = u
                if normconserving_l[l]:
                    A = np.zeros((5, 5))
                    A[:4, 0] = 1.0
                    A[:4, 1] = r[gc - 2:gc + 2]**2
                    A[:4, 2] = A[:4, 1]**2
                    A[:4, 3] = A[:4, 1] * A[:4, 2]
                    A[:4, 4] = A[:4, 2]**2
                    A[4, 4] = 1.0
                    a = u[gc - 2:gc + 3] / r[gc - 2:gc + 3]**(l + 1)
                    a = np.log(a)

                    def f(x):
                        a[4] = x
                        b = solve(A, a)
                        r1 = r[:gc]
                        r2 = r1**2
                        rl1 = r1**(l + 1)
                        y = b[0] + r2 * (b[1] + r2 * (b[2] + r2 *
                                                      (b[3] + r2 * b[4])))
                        y = np.exp(y)
                        s[:gc] = rl1 * y
                        return np.dot(s**2, dr) - 1

                    x1 = 0.0
                    x2 = 0.001
                    f1 = f(x1)
                    f2 = f(x2)
                    while abs(f1) > 1e-6:
                        x0 = (x1 / f1 - x2 / f2) / (1 / f1 - 1 / f2)
                        f0 = f(x0)
                        if abs(f1) < abs(f2):
                            x2, f2 = x1, f1
                        x1, f1 = x0, f0

                    A = np.ones((4, 4))
                    A[:, 0] = 1.0
                    A[:, 1] = r[gc - 2:gc + 2]**2
                    A[:, 2] = A[:, 1]**2
                    A[:, 3] = A[:, 1] * A[:, 2]
                    a = u[gc - 2:gc + 2] / r[gc - 2:gc + 2]**(l + 1)
                    if 0:  #l < 2 and nodeless:
                        a = np.log(a)
                    a = solve(A, a)
                    r1 = r[:gc]
                    r2 = r1**2
                    rl1 = r1**(l + 1)
                    y = a[0] + r2 * (a[1] + r2 * (a[2] + r2 * (a[3])))
                    if 0:  #l < 2 and nodeless:
                        y = np.exp(y)
                    s[:gc] = rl1 * y

                if nodeless:
                    if not np.alltrue(s[1:gc] > 0.0):
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            'Error: The %d%s pseudo wave has a node!' %
                            (n_ln[l][0], 'spdf'[l]))
                    # Only the first state for each l must be nodeless:
                    nodeless = False

        # Calculate pseudo core density:
        gcutnc = 1 + int(rcutmax * N / (rcutmax + beta))
        self.nct = nct = nc.copy()
        A = np.ones((4, 4))
        A[0] = 1.0
        A[1] = r[gcutnc - 2:gcutnc + 2]**2
        A[2] = A[1]**2
        A[3] = A[1] * A[2]
        a = nc[gcutnc - 2:gcutnc + 2]
        a = solve(np.transpose(A), a)
        r2 = r[:gcutnc]**2
        nct[:gcutnc] = a[0] + r2 * (a[1] + r2 * (a[2] + r2 * a[3]))
        t('Pseudo-core charge: %.6f' % (4 * pi * np.dot(nct, dv)))

        # ... and the pseudo core kinetic energy density:
        tauct = tauc.copy()
        a = tauc[gcutnc - 2:gcutnc + 2]
        a = solve(np.transpose(A), a)
        tauct[:gcutnc] = a[0] + r2 * (a[1] + r2 * (a[2] + r2 * a[3]))

        # ... and the soft valence density:
        nt = np.zeros(N)
        for f_n, s_n in zip(f_ln, s_ln):
            nt += np.dot(f_n, s_n**2) / (4 * pi)
        nt[1:] /= r[1:]**2
        nt[0] = nt[1]
        nt += nct
        self.nt = nt

        # Calculate the shape function:
        x = r / rcutcomp
        gaussian = np.zeros(N)
        self.gamma = gamma = 10.0
        gaussian[:gmax] = np.exp(-gamma * x[:gmax]**2)
        gt = 4 * (gamma / rcutcomp**2)**1.5 / sqrt(pi) * gaussian
        norm = np.dot(gt, dv)
        #print norm, norm-1
        assert abs(norm - 1) < 1e-2
        gt /= norm

        # Calculate smooth charge density:
        Nt = np.dot(nt, dv)
        rhot = nt - (Nt + charge / (4 * pi)) * gt
        t('Pseudo-electron charge', 4 * pi * Nt)

        vHt = np.zeros(N)
        hartree(0, rhot * r * dr, self.beta, self.N, vHt)
        vHt[1:] /= r[1:]
        vHt[0] = vHt[1]

        vXCt = np.zeros(N)

        extra_xc_data = {}

        if self.xc.type != 'GLLB':
            Exct = self.xc.calculate_spherical(self.rgd, nt.reshape((1, -1)),
                                               vXCt.reshape((1, -1)))
            Exct = self.xc.get_smooth_xc_potential_and_energy_1d(vXCt)

            # Calculate extra-stuff for non-local functionals

        vt = vHt + vXCt

        # Construct zero potential:
        gc = 1 + int(rcutvbar * N / (rcutvbar + beta))
        if vbar_type == 'f':
            assert lmax == 2
            uf = np.zeros(N)
            l = 3

            # Solve for all-electron f-state:
            eps = 0.0
            uf *= 1.0 / uf[gc]

            # Fit smooth pseudo f-state polynomium:
            A = np.ones((4, 4))
            A[:, 0] = 1.0
            A[:, 1] = r[gc - 2:gc + 2]**2
            A[:, 2] = A[:, 1]**2
            A[:, 3] = A[:, 1] * A[:, 2]
            a = uf[gc - 2:gc + 2] / r[gc - 2:gc + 2]**(l + 1)
            a0, a1, a2, a3 = solve(A, a)
            r1 = r[:gc]
            r2 = r1**2
            rl1 = r1**(l + 1)
            y = a0 + r2 * (a1 + r2 * (a2 + r2 * a3))
            sf = uf.copy()
            sf[:gc] = rl1 * y

            # From 0 to gc, use analytic formula for kinetic energy operator:
            r4 = r2**2
            r6 = r4 * r2
            enumerator = (a0 * l * (l + 1) + a1 * (l + 2) * (l + 3) * r2 + a2 *
                          (l + 4) * (l + 5) * r4 + a3 * (l + 6) * (l + 7) * r6)
            denominator = a0 + a1 * r2 + a2 * r4 + a3 * r6
            ekin_over_phit = -0.5 * (enumerator / denominator - l * (l + 1))
            ekin_over_phit[1:] /= r2[1:]

            vbar = eps - vt
            vbar[:gc] -= ekin_over_phit
            vbar[0] = vbar[1]  # Actually we can collect the terms into
            # a single fraction without poles, so as to avoid doing this,
            # but this is good enough

            # From gc to gmax, use finite-difference formula for kinetic
            # energy operator:
            vbar[gc:gmax] -= self.kin(l, sf)[gc:gmax] / sf[gc:gmax]
            vbar[gmax:] = 0.0
            assert vbar_type == 'poly'
            A = np.ones((2, 2))
            A[0] = 1.0
            A[1] = r[gc - 1:gc + 1]**2
            a = vt[gc - 1:gc + 1]
            a = solve(np.transpose(A), a)
            r2 = r**2
            vbar = a[0] + r2 * a[1] - vt
            vbar[gc:] = 0.0

        vt += vbar

        # Construct projector functions:
        for l, (e_n, s_n, q_n) in enumerate(zip(e_ln, s_ln, q_ln)):
            for e, s, q in zip(e_n, s_n, q_n):
                q[:] = self.kin(l, s) + (vt - e) * s
                q[gcutmax:] = 0.0

        filter = Filter(r, dr, gcutfilter, hfilter).filter

        vbar = filter(vbar * r)

        # Calculate matrix elements:
        self.dK_lnn = dK_lnn = []
        self.dH_lnn = dH_lnn = []
        self.dO_lnn = dO_lnn = []
        for l, (e_n, u_n, s_n, q_n) in enumerate(zip(e_ln, u_ln, s_ln, q_ln)):

            A_nn = np.inner(s_n, q_n * dr)
            # Do a LU decomposition of A:
            nn = len(e_n)
            L_nn = np.identity(nn, float)
            U_nn = A_nn.copy()

            # Keep all bound states normalized
            if sum([n > 0 for n in n_ln[l]]) <= 1:
                for i in range(nn):
                    for j in range(i + 1, nn):
                        L_nn[j, i] = 1.0 * U_nn[j, i] / U_nn[i, i]
                        U_nn[j, :] -= U_nn[i, :] * L_nn[j, i]

            dO_nn = (np.inner(u_n, u_n * dr) - np.inner(s_n, s_n * dr))

            e_nn = np.zeros((nn, nn))
            e_nn.ravel()[::nn + 1] = e_n
            dH_nn = np.dot(dO_nn, e_nn) - A_nn

            q_n[:] = np.dot(inv(np.transpose(U_nn)), q_n)
            s_n[:] = np.dot(inv(L_nn), s_n)
            u_n[:] = np.dot(inv(L_nn), u_n)

            dO_nn = np.dot(np.dot(inv(L_nn), dO_nn), inv(np.transpose(L_nn)))
            dH_nn = np.dot(np.dot(inv(L_nn), dH_nn), inv(np.transpose(L_nn)))

            ku_n = [self.kin(l, u, e) for u, e in zip(u_n, e_n)]
            ks_n = [self.kin(l, s) for s in s_n]
            dK_nn = 0.5 * (np.inner(u_n, ku_n * dr) - np.inner(s_n, ks_n * dr))
            dK_nn += np.transpose(dK_nn).copy()


            for n, q in enumerate(q_n):
                q[:] = filter(q, l) * r**(l + 1)

            A_nn = np.inner(s_n, q_n * dr)
            q_n[:] = np.dot(inv(np.transpose(A_nn)), q_n)

        self.vt = vt
        self.vbar = vbar

        t('state    eigenvalue         norm')
        for l, (n_n, f_n, e_n) in enumerate(zip(n_ln, f_ln, e_ln)):
            for n in range(len(e_n)):
                if n_n[n] > 0:
                    f = '(%d)' % f_n[n]
                    t('%d%s%-4s: %12.6f %12.6f' %
                      (n_n[n], 'spdf'[l], f, e_n[n], np.dot(s_ln[l][n]**2,
                    t('*%s    : %12.6f' % ('spdf'[l], e_n[n]))

        self.logd = {}
        if logderiv:
            ni = 300
            self.elog = np.linspace(-5.0, 1.0, ni)
            # Calculate logarithmic derivatives:
            gld = gcutmax + 10
            self.rlog = r[gld]
            assert gld < gmax
            t('Calculating logarithmic derivatives at r=%.3f' % r[gld])
            t('(skip with [Ctrl-C])')

                u = np.zeros(N)
                for l in range(4):
                    self.logd[l] = (np.empty(ni), np.empty(ni))
                    if l <= lmax:
                        dO_nn = dO_lnn[l]
                        dH_nn = dH_lnn[l]
                        q_n = q_ln[l]

                    fae = open(self.symbol + '.ae.ld.' + 'spdf'[l], 'w')
                    fps = open(self.symbol + '.ps.ld.' + 'spdf'[l], 'w')

                    for i, e in enumerate(self.elog):
                        # All-electron logarithmic derivative:
                        u[:] = 0.0
                        dudr = 0.5 * (u[gld + 1] - u[gld - 1]) / dr[gld]
                        ld = dudr / u[gld] - 1.0 / r[gld]
                        print >> fae, e, ld
                        self.logd[l][0][i] = ld

                        # PAW logarithmic derivative:
                        s = self.integrate(l, vt, e, gld)
                        if l <= lmax:
                            A_nn = dH_nn - e * dO_nn
                            s_n = [
                                self.integrate(l, vt, e, gld, q) for q in q_n
                            B_nn = np.inner(q_n, s_n * dr)
                            a_n = np.dot(q_n, s * dr)

                            B_nn = np.dot(A_nn, B_nn)
                            B_nn.ravel()[::len(a_n) + 1] += 1.0
                            c_n = solve(B_nn, np.dot(A_nn, a_n))
                            s -= np.dot(c_n, s_n)

                        dsdr = 0.5 * (s[gld + 1] - s[gld - 1]) / dr[gld]
                        ld = dsdr / s[gld] - 1.0 / r[gld]
                        print >> fps, e, ld
                        self.logd[l][1][i] = ld

            except KeyboardInterrupt:

        self.write(nc, 'nc')
        self.write(nt, 'nt')
        self.write(nct, 'nct')
        self.write(vbar, 'vbar')
        self.write(vt, 'vt')
        self.write(tauc, 'tauc')
        self.write(tauct, 'tauct')

        for l, (n_n, f_n, u_n, s_n,
                q_n) in enumerate(zip(n_ln, f_ln, u_ln, s_ln, q_ln)):
            for n, f, u, s, q in zip(n_n, f_n, u_n, s_n, q_n):
                if n < 0:
                    self.write(u, 'ae', n=n, l=l)
                self.write(s, 'ps', n=n, l=l)
                self.write(q, 'proj', n=n, l=l)

        # Test for ghost states:
        for h in [0.05]:

        self.vn_j = vn_j = []
        self.vl_j = vl_j = []
        self.vf_j = vf_j = []
        self.ve_j = ve_j = []
        self.vu_j = vu_j = []
        self.vs_j = vs_j = []
        self.vq_j = vq_j = []
        j_ln = [[0 for f in f_n] for f_n in f_ln]
        j = 0
        for l, n_n in enumerate(n_ln):
            for n, nn in enumerate(n_n):
                if nn > 0:
                    j_ln[l][n] = j
                    j += 1
        for l, n_n in enumerate(n_ln):
            for n, nn in enumerate(n_n):
                if nn < 0:
                    j_ln[l][n] = j
                    j += 1
        nj = j

        self.dK_jj = np.zeros((nj, nj))
        for l, j_n in enumerate(j_ln):
            for n1, j1 in enumerate(j_n):
                for n2, j2 in enumerate(j_n):
                    self.dK_jj[j1, j2] = self.dK_lnn[l][n1, n2]

        if exx:
            X_p = constructX(self)
            ExxC = atomic_exact_exchange(self, 'core-core')
            X_p = None
            ExxC = None

        sqrt4pi = sqrt(4 * pi)
        setup = SetupData(self.symbol, self.xc.name, self.name, readxml=False)

        def divide_by_r(x_g, l):
            r = self.r
            #for x_g, l in zip(x_jg, l_j):
            p = x_g.copy()
            p[1:] /= self.r[1:]
            # XXXXX go to higher order!!!!!
            if l == 0:  #l_j[self.jcorehole] == 0:
                p[0] = (p[2] + (p[1] - p[2]) * (r[0] - r[2]) / (r[1] - r[2]))
            return p

        def divide_all_by_r(x_jg):
            return [divide_by_r(x_g, l) for x_g, l in zip(x_jg, vl_j)]

        setup.l_j = vl_j
        setup.n_j = vn_j
        setup.f_j = vf_j
        setup.eps_j = ve_j
        setup.rcut_j = [rcut_l[l] for l in vl_j]

        setup.nc_g = nc * sqrt4pi
        setup.nct_g = nct * sqrt4pi
        setup.nvt_g = (nt - nct) * sqrt4pi
        setup.e_kinetic_core = Ekincore
        setup.vbar_g = vbar * sqrt4pi
        setup.tauc_g = tauc * sqrt4pi
        setup.tauct_g = tauct * sqrt4pi
        setup.extra_xc_data = extra_xc_data
        setup.Z = Z
        setup.Nc = self.Nc
        setup.Nv = self.Nv
        setup.e_kinetic = self.Ekin
        setup.e_xc = self.Exc
        setup.e_electrostatic = self.Epot
        setup.e_total = self.Epot + self.Exc + self.Ekin
        setup.beta = self.beta
        setup.ng = self.N
        setup.rcgauss = self.rcutcomp / sqrt(self.gamma)
        setup.e_kin_jj = self.dK_jj
        setup.ExxC = ExxC
        setup.phi_jg = divide_all_by_r(vu_j)
        setup.phit_jg = divide_all_by_r(vs_j)
        setup.pt_jg = divide_all_by_r(vq_j)
        setup.X_p = X_p

        if self.jcorehole is not None:
            setup.has_corehole = True
            setup.lcorehole = l_j[self.jcorehole]  # l_j or vl_j ????? XXX
            setup.ncorehole = n_j[self.jcorehole]
            setup.phicorehole_g = divide_by_r(self.u_j[self.jcorehole],
            setup.core_hole_e = self.e_j[self.jcorehole]
            setup.core_hole_e_kin = self.Ekincorehole
            setup.fcorehole = self.fcorehole

        if self.ghost:
            raise RuntimeError('Ghost!')

        if self.scalarrel:
            reltype = 'scalar-relativistic'
            reltype = 'non-relativistic'

        attrs = [('type', reltype), ('name', 'gpaw-%s' % version)]
        data = 'Frozen core: ' + (self.core or 'none')

        setup.generatorattrs = attrs
        setup.generatordata = data

        self.id_j = []
        for l, n in zip(vl_j, vn_j):
            if n > 0:
                id = '%s-%d%s' % (self.symbol, n, 'spdf'[l])
                id = '%s-%s%d' % (self.symbol, 'spdf'[l], -n)
        setup.id_j = self.id_j

        if write_xml:
        return setup
コード例 #4
    def make_paw_setup(self, tag=None):
        aea = self.aea

        from gpaw.setup_data import SetupData
        setup = SetupData(aea.symbol, aea.xc.name, tag, readxml=False)

        setup.id_j = []

        J = []  # new reordered j and i indices
        I = []

        # Bound states:
        j = 0
        i = 0
        for l, waves in enumerate(self.waves_l):
            for n, f, e, phi_g, phit_g, pt_g in zip(waves.n_n, waves.f_n,
                                                    waves.e_n, waves.phi_ng,
                if n != -1:
                    setup.append(n, l, f, e, waves.rcut, phi_g, phit_g, pt_g)
                    id = '%d%s' % (n, 'spdf'[l])
                    I.extend(range(i, i + 2 * l + 1))
                j += 1
                i += 2 * l + 1

        # Excited states:
        j = 0
        i = 0
        for l, waves in enumerate(self.waves_l):
            ne = 0
            for n, f, e, phi_g, phit_g, pt_g in zip(waves.n_n, waves.f_n,
                                                    waves.e_n, waves.phi_ng,
                if n == -1:
                    setup.append(n, l, f, e, waves.rcut, phi_g, phit_g, pt_g)
                    ne += 1
                    id = '%s%d' % ('spdf'[l], ne)
                    I.extend(range(i, i + 2 * l + 1))
                j += 1
                i += 2 * l + 1

        nj = sum(len(waves) for waves in self.waves_l)
        e_kin_jj = np.zeros((nj, nj))
        j1 = 0
        for waves in self.waves_l:
            j2 = j1 + len(waves)
            e_kin_jj[j1:j2, j1:j2] = waves.dekin_nn
            j1 = j2
        setup.e_kin_jj = e_kin_jj[J][:, J].copy()

        setup.nc_g = self.nc_g * sqrt(4 * pi)
        setup.nct_g = self.nct_g * sqrt(4 * pi)
        setup.e_kinetic_core = self.ekincore
        setup.vbar_g = self.v0r_g * sqrt(4 * pi)
        setup.vbar_g[1:] /= self.rgd.r_g[1:]
        setup.vbar_g[0] = setup.vbar_g[1]
        setup.Z = aea.Z
        setup.Nc = self.ncore
        setup.Nv = self.nvalence
        setup.e_kinetic = aea.ekin
        setup.e_xc = aea.exc
        setup.e_electrostatic = aea.eH + aea.eZ
        setup.e_total = aea.exc + aea.ekin + aea.eH + aea.eZ
        setup.rgd = self.rgd
        setup.rcgauss = 1 / sqrt(self.alpha)

        setup.ExxC = self.exxcc
        setup.X_p = pack2(self.exxcv_ii[I][:, I])

        setup.tauc_g = self.tauc_g * (4 * pi)**0.5
        setup.tauct_g = self.tauct_g * (4 * pi)**0.5

        if self.aea.scalar_relativistic:
            reltype = 'scalar-relativistic'
            reltype = 'non-relativistic'
        attrs = [('type', reltype), ('version', 2),
                 ('name', 'gpaw-%s' % version)]
        setup.generatorattrs = attrs

        setup.l0 = self.l0
        setup.e0 = 0.0
        setup.r0 = self.r0
        setup.nderiv0 = self.nderiv0

        setup.basis = self.basis

        if self.core_hole:
            n, l, occ = self.core_hole
            phi_g = self.aea.channels[l].phi_ng[n - l - 1]
            setup.ncorehole = n
            setup.lcorehole = l
            setup.fcorehole = occ
            setup.phicorehole_g = phi_g
            setup.has_corehole = True

        return setup
コード例 #5
    def make_paw_setup(self, tag=None):
        aea = self.aea

        from gpaw.setup_data import SetupData
        setup = SetupData(aea.symbol, aea.xc.name, tag, readxml=False)

        setup.id_j = []

        J = []  # new reordered j and i indices
        I = []

        # Bound states:
        j = 0
        i = 0
        for l, waves in enumerate(self.waves_l):
            for n, f, e, phi_g, phit_g, pt_g in zip(waves.n_n, waves.f_n,
                                                    waves.e_n, waves.phi_ng,
                if n != -1:
                    setup.append(n, l, f, e, waves.rcut, phi_g, phit_g, pt_g)
                    id = '%d%s' % (n, 'spdf'[l])
                    I.extend(range(i, i + 2 * l + 1))
                j += 1
                i += 2 * l + 1

        # Excited states:
        j = 0
        i = 0
        for l, waves in enumerate(self.waves_l):
            ne = 0
            for n, f, e, phi_g, phit_g, pt_g in zip(waves.n_n, waves.f_n,
                                                    waves.e_n, waves.phi_ng,
                if n == -1:
                    setup.append(n, l, f, e, waves.rcut, phi_g, phit_g, pt_g)
                    ne += 1
                    id = '%s%d' % ('spdf'[l], ne)
                    I.extend(range(i, i + 2 * l + 1))
                j += 1
                i += 2 * l + 1

        nj = sum(len(waves) for waves in self.waves_l)
        e_kin_jj = np.zeros((nj, nj))
        j1 = 0
        for waves in self.waves_l:
            j2 = j1 + len(waves)
            e_kin_jj[j1:j2, j1:j2] = waves.dekin_nn
            j1 = j2
        setup.e_kin_jj = e_kin_jj[J][:, J].copy()

        setup.nc_g = self.nc_g * sqrt(4 * pi)
        setup.nct_g = self.nct_g * sqrt(4 * pi)
        setup.e_kinetic_core = self.ekincore
        setup.vbar_g = self.v0r_g * sqrt(4 * pi)
        setup.vbar_g[1:] /= self.rgd.r_g[1:]
        setup.vbar_g[0] = setup.vbar_g[1]
        setup.Z = aea.Z
        setup.Nc = self.ncore
        setup.Nv = self.nvalence
        setup.e_kinetic = aea.ekin
        setup.e_xc = aea.exc
        setup.e_electrostatic = aea.eH + aea.eZ
        setup.e_total = aea.exc + aea.ekin + aea.eH + aea.eZ
        setup.rgd = self.rgd
        setup.rcgauss = 1 / sqrt(self.alpha)

        setup.ExxC = self.exxcc
        setup.X_p = pack2(self.exxcv_ii[I][:, I])

        setup.tauc_g = self.tauc_g * (4 * pi)**0.5
        setup.tauct_g = self.tauct_g * (4 * pi)**0.5

        if self.aea.scalar_relativistic:
            reltype = 'scalar-relativistic'
            reltype = 'non-relativistic'
        attrs = [('type', reltype),
                 ('version', 2),
                 ('name', 'gpaw-%s' % version)]
        setup.generatorattrs = attrs

        setup.l0 = self.l0
        setup.e0 = 0.0
        setup.r0 = self.r0
        setup.nderiv0 = self.nderiv0

        setup.basis = self.basis

        if self.core_hole:
            n, l, occ = self.core_hole
            phi_g = self.aea.channels[l].phi_ng[n - l - 1]
            setup.ncorehole = n
            setup.lcorehole = l
            setup.fcorehole = occ
            setup.phicorehole_g = phi_g
            setup.has_corehole = True

        return setup