def test_set_edge_label_options(test_data): G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() # Get available options avail_options = copy.deepcopy(G.edge_label_options) # Set individually to 1. for a in avail_options: G.set_edge_label_options(**{a:1}) assert G.edge_label_options[a] == 1 # Set all at once and make sure they match G.set_edge_label_options(**avail_options) for a in avail_options: assert G.edge_label_options[a] == avail_options[a] # pass bad options bad_options = ["not_a_key"] for b in bad_options: with pytest.raises(KeyError): G.set_edge_label_options(**{b:1}) # test exotic edge_label setting d = test_data[0] gpm = gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap(d["genotype"])
def test_gpm_getter(): G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() assert G.gpm is None gpm = gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap(["AA"]) G.add_gpm(gpm) assert G.gpm is gpm
def test_constructor(test_data): G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() assert isinstance(G,nx.DiGraph) assert G.gpm is None attributes = [G.node_options,G.edge_options, G.node_label_options,G.edge_label_options] for a in attributes: assert type(a) is dict assert len(a) > 0 with pytest.raises(KeyError): G.node_options["nodelist"] with pytest.raises(KeyError): G.node_options["edgelist"] assert G.node_options["node_size"] == G._default_node_size assert G.edge_options["node_size"] == G._default_node_size assert G.edge_options["arrows"] == False # Test bad gpm inputs bad_inputs = ["stupid",1,[],(1,),1.1] for b in bad_inputs: with pytest.raises(TypeError): G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph(gpm=b) # Send in good genotype phenotype map. does not have weights. d = test_data[0] gpm = gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap(d["genotype"]) G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph(gpm=gpm) G.gpm.neighbors # Pass bad edge weight columns gpm = gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap(d["genotype"]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph(gpm=gpm,edge_weight_column="not_good") gpm = gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap(d["genotype"]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph(gpm=gpm,edge_weight_column=1.1) # Should work and have weighted edges gpm = gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap(d["genotype"]) G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph(gpm=gpm) for g in G.edges: G.edges[g[0],g[1]]["weight"]
def test_set_node_label_options(): G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() # Get available options avail_options = copy.deepcopy(G.node_label_options) # Set individually to 1. for a in avail_options: G.set_node_label_options(**{a:1}) assert G.node_label_options[a] == 1 # Set all at once and make sure they match G.set_node_label_options(**avail_options) for a in avail_options: assert G.node_label_options[a] == avail_options[a] # pass bad options bad_options = ["not_a_key"] for b in bad_options: with pytest.raises(KeyError): G.set_node_label_options(**{b:1})
def test_edge_label_options_getter(): G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() assert type(G.edge_label_options) is dict
def test_node_options_getter(): G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() assert type(G.node_options) is dict
def test_add_gpm(test_data): # Check for bad value checking G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() bad_values = ["test",[],1.3,(1,2),base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph()] for b in bad_values: with pytest.raises(TypeError): G.add_gpm(b) for d in test_data: G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() assert G.gpm is None # Build with bad edge_weight_column, no neighbors gpm = gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap(d["genotype"]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): G.add_gpm(gpm,edge_weight_column="not_yet") # Build with bad edge_weight_column, pre-built neighbors G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() gpm = gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap(d["genotype"]) gpm.get_neighbors() gpm.neighbors.loc[:,"now_here"] = np.ones(len(gpm.neighbors)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): G.add_gpm(gpm,edge_weight_column="not_yet") # Add with good edge_weight_column, pre-built neighbors G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() gpm = gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap(d["genotype"]) gpm.get_neighbors() gpm.neighbors.loc[:,"now_here"] = np.ones(len(gpm.neighbors)) ret = G.add_gpm(gpm,edge_weight_column="now_here") assert ret.edge_weight_column == "now_here" # No prebuilt neighbors G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() gpm = gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap(d["genotype"]) ret = G.add_gpm(gpm) # Test return of self assert G is ret # Make sure neighbors and neighbor weight construted correctly assert G.edge_weight_column == "weight" assert G.gpm.neighbors is not None G.gpm.neighbors.weight # Make sure gpm is now attached (as pointer, not copy) assert G.gpm is gpm # Make sure data loaded into nodes as expected assert len(G.nodes) == len( keys = ["genotype","binary","n_mutations","name"] for i in range(len(G.nodes)): for k in keys: assert G.nodes[i][k] ==[i][k] # Make sure neighbors were generated. (Do not check that the neighbors # are right. For this, check the tests.) assert G.gpm.neighbors is not None # Make sure edges match neighbors assert len(G.gpm.neighbors) == len(G.edges) for i in range(len(G.gpm.neighbors)): edge = G.gpm.neighbors.edge[i] G.edges[edge] # Build neighbors differently -- make sure this still worked without # generating neighbors on the fly. G = base.GenotypePhenotypeGraph() gpm = gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap(d["genotype"]) gpm.get_neighbors("hamming",cutoff=3) pregen_edges = np.copy(gpm.neighbors.edge) G.add_gpm(gpm) assert len(pregen_edges) == len(G.gpm.neighbors.edge) for i in range(len(G.gpm.neighbors)): edge = G.gpm.neighbors.edge[i] G.edges[edge]