def open(self): """ overwrite method, htmlbackend creates a html object that is written on close """ try: except IOError as msg: errmsg = "%s\n%s" % (_("Could not create %s") % self._filename, msg) raise ReportError(errmsg) except: raise ReportError(_("Could not create %s") % self._filename) if not os.path.isdir(self.datadirfull()): try: os.mkdir(self.datadirfull()) except IOError as msg: errmsg = "%s\n%s" % (_("Could not create %s") % self.datadirfull(), msg) raise ReportError(errmsg) except: raise ReportError( _("Could not create %s") % self.datadirfull()) self.html_page, self.html_header, self.html_body = lang=xml_lang(), title=self.title)
def start_page(self): += 1 if != 1: name = "%s-%d.svg" % (self.root, else: name = "%s.svg" % self.root try: self.file = open(name, "w", encoding="utf-8") except IOError as msg: raise ReportError(_("Could not create %s") % name, msg) except: raise ReportError(_("Could not create %s") % name) self.buffer = StringIO() width = self.paper.get_size().get_width() height = self.paper.get_size().get_height() self.file.write( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n' '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" ' '"">\n' '<svg width="%4.2fcm" height="%4.2fcm" ' 'xmlns="">\n' '<rect width="%4.2fcm" height="%4.2fcm" ' 'style="fill: %s;"/>\n' % (width, height, width, height, self._bg))
def open(self, filename): if filename[-4:] != ".rtf": self.filename = filename + ".rtf" else: self.filename = filename try: self.file = open(self.filename, "w") except IOError as msg: errmsg = "%s\n%s" % (_("Could not create %s") % self.filename, msg) raise ReportError(errmsg) except: raise ReportError(_("Could not create %s") % self.filename) style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet() self.file.write( '{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0\n' '{\\fonttbl\n' '{\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0\\fprq0 Times New Roman;}\n' '{\\f1\\fswiss\\fcharset0\\fprq0 Arial;}}\n' '{\colortbl\n' ) self.color_map = {} index = 1 self.color_map[(0, 0, 0)] = 0 self.file.write('\\red0\\green0\\blue0;') for style_name in style_sheet.get_paragraph_style_names(): style = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(style_name) fgcolor = style.get_font().get_color() bgcolor = style.get_background_color() if fgcolor not in self.color_map: self.color_map[fgcolor] = index self.file.write('\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;' % fgcolor) index += 1 if bgcolor not in self.color_map: self.file.write('\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;' % bgcolor) self.color_map[bgcolor] = index index += 1 self.file.write('}\n') self.file.write( '\\kerning0\\cf0\\viewkind1' + '\\paperw%d' % twips(self.paper.get_size().get_width()) + '\\paperh%d' % twips(self.paper.get_size().get_height()) + '\\margl%d' % twips(self.paper.get_left_margin()) + '\\margr%d' % twips(self.paper.get_right_margin()) + '\\margt%d' % twips(self.paper.get_top_margin()) + '\\margb%d' % twips(self.paper.get_bottom_margin()) + '\\widowctl\n' ) self.in_table = 0 self.text = ""
def __init__(self, database, options, user): """ Create the NumberOfAncestorsReport object that produces the report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance options - instance of the Options class for this report user - a gen.user.User() instance Menu options: name_format - Preferred format to display names incl_private - Whether to include private data """ Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, self.__db = self.database pid ='pid').get_value() self.__person = self.__db.get_person_from_gid(pid) if self.__person is None: raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid) lang ='trans').get_value() self._locale = self.set_locale(lang) stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self,
def __init__(self, database, options, user): Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) menu = self._user = user stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu) get_value = lambda name: menu.get_option_by_name(name).get_value() self.year = get_value('year') self.name_format = get_value('name_format') = get_value('country') self.anniversaries = get_value('anniversaries') self.start_dow = get_value('start_dow') self.maiden_name = get_value('maiden_name') self.alive = get_value('alive') self.birthdays = get_value('birthdays') self.text1 = get_value('text1') self.text2 = get_value('text2') self.text3 = get_value('text3') self.filter_option = menu.get_option_by_name('filter') self.filter = self.filter_option.get_filter() pid = get_value('pid') self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gid(pid) if (self.center_person == None): raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid) self._locale = self.set_locale(get_value('trans'))
def copy_file(self, from_fname, to_fname, to_dir=''): """ Copy a file from a source to a (report) destination. If to_dir is not present, then the destination directory will be created. Normally 'to_fname' will be just a filename, without directory path. 'to_dir' is the relative path name in the destination root. It will be prepended before 'to_fname'. """ #build absolute path dest = os.path.join(self._backend.datadirfull(), to_dir, to_fname) destdir = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.isdir(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) if from_fname != dest: shutil.copyfile(from_fname, dest) elif self.warn_dir: raise ReportError( _("Possible destination error"), _("You appear to have set your target directory " "to a directory used for data storage. This " "could create problems with file management. " "It is recommended that you consider using " "a different directory to store your generated " "web pages.")) self.warn_dir = False
def __init__(self, database, options, user): Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) self._user = user menu = mgobn = lambda name: stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu) # (this report has its own "living people" option ("alive") already) self.titletext = mgobn('titletext') self.relationships = mgobn('relationships') self.year = mgobn('year') = mgobn('country') self.anniversaries = mgobn('anniversaries') self.start_dow = mgobn('start_dow') self.maiden_name = mgobn('maiden_name') self.alive = mgobn('alive') self.birthdays = mgobn('birthdays') self.text1 = mgobn('text1') self.text2 = mgobn('text2') self.text3 = mgobn('text3') self.filter_option = menu.get_option_by_name('filter') self.filter = self.filter_option.get_filter() pid = mgobn('pid') lang = menu.get_option_by_name('trans').get_value() self._locale = self.set_locale(lang) stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu) self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gid(pid) if (self.center_person == None): raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)
def __init__(self, database, options, user): """ Create HourGlass object that produces the report. name_format - Preferred format to display names incl_private - Whether to include private data incid - Whether to include IDs. living_people - How to handle living people years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death """ Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) menu = lang = menu.get_option_by_name('trans').get_value() locale = self.set_locale(lang) stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu) stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, locale) self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database) self.__db = self.database self.__used_people = [] self.__family_father = [] # links allocated from family to father self.__family_mother = [] # links allocated from family to mother self.max_descend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxdescend').get_value() self.max_ascend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxascend').get_value() pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value() self.center_person = self.__db.get_person_from_gid(pid) if self.center_person is None: raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid) # Would be nice to get rid of these 2 hard-coded arrays of colours # and instead allow the user to pick-and-choose whatever colour they # want. When/if this is done, take a look at the colour-selection # widget and code used in the FamilyLines graph. FIXME colored = { 'male': 'dodgerblue4', 'female': 'deeppink', 'unknown': 'black', 'family': 'darkgreen' } filled = { 'male': 'lightblue', 'female': 'lightpink', 'unknown': 'lightgray', 'family': 'lightyellow' } self.colorize = menu.get_option_by_name('color').get_value() if self.colorize == 'colored': self.colors = colored elif self.colorize == 'filled': self.colors = filled self.roundcorners = menu.get_option_by_name('roundcorners').get_value() self.includeid = menu.get_option_by_name('incid').get_value() stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)
def __init__(self, database, options, user): """ Create the FanChart object that produces the report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance options - instance of the Options class for this report user - a gen.user.User instance This report needs the following parameters (class variables) that come in the options class. maxgen - Maximum number of generations to include. circle - Draw a full circle, half circle, or quarter circle. background - Background color is generation dependent or white. radial - Print radial texts roundabout or as upright as possible. draw_empty - draw background when there is no information same_style - use the same style for all generation incl_private - Whether to include private data living_people - How to handle living people years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death """ Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) menu = lang ='trans').get_value() rlocale = self.set_locale(lang) stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu) stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, rlocale) self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database) self.max_generations = menu.get_option_by_name('maxgen').get_value() = menu.get_option_by_name('circle').get_value() self.background = menu.get_option_by_name('background').get_value() self.radial = menu.get_option_by_name('radial').get_value() pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value() self.draw_empty = menu.get_option_by_name('draw_empty').get_value() self.same_style = menu.get_option_by_name('same_style').get_value() self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gid(pid) if self.center_person is None: raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid) self.graphic_style = [] self.text_style = [] for i in range(0, self.max_generations): self.graphic_style.append('FC-Graphic' + '%02d' % i) self.text_style.append('FC-Text' + '%02d' % i) self.calendar = 0 self.height = 0 = [None] * 2**self.max_generations self.text = {}
def __init__(self, database, options, user): """ Create the KinshipReport object that produces the report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance options - instance of the Options class for this report user - a gen.user.User() instance This report needs the following parameters (class variables) that come in the options class. maxdescend - Maximum generations of descendants to include. maxascend - Maximum generations of ancestors to include. incspouses - Whether to include spouses. inccousins - Whether to include cousins. incaunts - Whether to include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces. pid - The GID of the center person for the report. name_format - Preferred format to display names incl_private - Whether to include private data living_people - How to handle living people years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death """ Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) menu = lang = menu.get_option_by_name('trans').get_value() rlocale = self.set_locale(lang) stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu) stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, rlocale) self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database) self.__db = self.database self.max_descend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxdescend').get_value() self.max_ascend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxascend').get_value() self.inc_spouses = menu.get_option_by_name('incspouses').get_value() self.inc_cousins = menu.get_option_by_name('inccousins').get_value() self.inc_aunts = menu.get_option_by_name('incaunts').get_value() pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value() self.person = self.database.get_person_from_gid(pid) if self.person is None: raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid) stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu) self.rel_calc = get_relationship_calculator(reinit=True, clocale=rlocale) self.kinship_map = {} self.spouse_map = {}
def open(self, filename): if filename[-4:] != ".txt": self.filename = filename + ".txt" else: self.filename = filename try: self.file = open(self.filename, "w", errors='backslashreplace') except Exception as msg: raise ReportError(_("Could not create %s") % self.filename, msg) self.in_cell = 0 self.text = ""
def __init__(self, database, options, user): """ Create the EndOfLineReport object that produces the report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance options - instance of the Options class for this report user - a gen.user.User() instance This report needs the following parameters (class variables) that come in the options class. name_format - Preferred format to display names incl_private - Whether to include private data living_people - How to handle living people years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death """ Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) menu = lang = menu.get_option_by_name('trans').get_value() rlocale = self.set_locale(lang) stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu) stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, rlocale) self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database) pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value() self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gid(pid) if self.center_person is None: raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid) stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu) # eol_map is a map whose: # keys are the generations of the people # values are a map whose: # keys are person handles # values are an array whose: # elements are an array of ancestor person handles that link # the eol person handle to the person or interest # eol_map[generation][person_handle][pedigree_idx][ancestor_handle_idx] # # There is an array of pedigrees because one person could show up twice # in one generation (descendants marrying). Most people only have one # pedigree. # # eol_map is populated by get_eol() which calls itself recursively. self.eol_map = {} self.get_eol(self.center_person, 1, [])
def __init__(self, database, options, user): """ Create the TagReport object that produces the report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance options - instance of the Options class for this report user - a gen.user.User() instance This report needs the following parameters (class variables) that come in the options class. tag - The tag each object must match to be included. name_format - Preferred format to display names of people incl_private - Whether to include private data living_people - How to handle living people years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death """ Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) menu = lang = menu.get_option_by_name('trans').get_value() rlocale = self.set_locale(lang) stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu) living_opt = stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, rlocale) self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database) self._lv = menu.get_option_by_name('living_people').get_value() for (value, description) in living_opt.get_items(xml_items=True): if value == self._lv: living_desc = self._(description) break self.living_desc = self._("(Living people: %(option_name)s)") % { 'option_name': living_desc } self.tag = menu.get_option_by_name('tag').get_value() if not self.tag: raise ReportError( _('Tag Report'), _('You must first create a tag before running this report.')) stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)
def write_report(self): """ Build the actual report. """ records = find_records(self.database, self.filter, self.top_size, self.callname, trans_text=self._, name_format=self._nf, living_mode=self._lv) self.doc.start_paragraph('REC-Title') title = self._("Records") mark = IndexMark(title, INDEX_TYPE_TOC, 1) self.doc.write_text(title, mark) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.start_paragraph('REC-Subtitle') filter_name = self.filter.get_name(self._locale) self.doc.write_text("(%s)" % filter_name) self.doc.end_paragraph() if self._lv != LivingProxyDb.MODE_INCLUDE_ALL: self.doc.start_paragraph('REC-Subtitle') self.doc.write_text(self.living_desc) self.doc.end_paragraph() for (text, varname, top) in records: if not self.include[varname]: continue self.doc.start_paragraph('REC-Heading') self.doc.write_text(self._(text)) self.doc.end_paragraph() last_value = None rank = 0 for (number, (sort, value, name, handletype, handle)) in enumerate(top): mark = None if handletype == 'Person': person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(handle) mark = utils.get_person_mark(self.database, person) elif handletype == 'Family': family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(handle) # checks that the family has both # a father and a mother and also that each one is # in the filter if any filter was used, so we don't # have to do any similar checking here, it's been done f_handle = family.get_father_handle() dad = self.database.get_person_from_handle(f_handle) f_mark = utils.get_person_mark(self.database, dad) m_handle = family.get_mother_handle() mom = self.database.get_person_from_handle(m_handle) m_mark = utils.get_person_mark(self.database, mom) else: raise ReportError( _("Option '%(opt_name)s' is present " "in %(file)s\n but is not known to " "the module. Ignoring...") % { 'opt_name': handletype, 'file': '' }) # since the error is very unlikely I reused the string if value != last_value: last_value = value rank = number self.doc.start_paragraph('REC-Normal') self.doc.write_text( self._("%(number)s. ") % {'number': rank + 1}) self.doc.write_markup(str(name), name.get_tags(), mark) if handletype == 'Family': self.doc.write_text('', f_mark) self.doc.write_text('', m_mark) if isinstance(value, Span): tvalue = value.get_repr(dlocale=self._locale) else: tvalue = value self.doc.write_text(" (%s)" % tvalue) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.start_paragraph('REC-Footer') self.doc.write_text(self.footer) self.doc.end_paragraph()
def __init__(self, database, options, user): """ Create the DescendantReport object that produces the report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance options - instance of the Options class for this report user - a gen.user.User() instance This report needs the following parameters (class variables) that come in the options class. gen - Maximum number of generations to include. name_format - Preferred format to display names dups - Whether to include duplicate descendant trees incl_private - Whether to include private data living_people - How to handle living people years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death """ Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) menu = lang = menu.get_option_by_name('trans').get_value() self._locale = self.set_locale(lang) stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu) stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale) self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database) self.max_generations = menu.get_option_by_name('gen').get_value() pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value() self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gid(pid) if self.center_person is None: raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid) #Initialize the Printinfo class self._showdups = menu.get_option_by_name('dups').get_value() numbering = menu.get_option_by_name('numbering').get_value() if numbering == "Simple": obj = PrintSimple(self._showdups) elif numbering == "Henry": obj = PrintHenry() elif numbering == "Modified Henry": obj = PrintHenry(modified=True) elif numbering == "d'Aboville": obj = PrintDAboville() elif numbering == "de Villiers/Pama": obj = PrintVilliers() elif numbering == "Meurgey de Tupigny": obj = PrintMeurgey() else: raise AttributeError("no such numbering: '%s'" % numbering) marrs = menu.get_option_by_name('marrs').get_value() divs = menu.get_option_by_name('divs').get_value() stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu) self.obj_print = Printinfo(self.doc, self.database, obj, marrs, divs, self._name_display, self._locale)
def __init__(self, database, options, user): """ Create the PlaceReport object produces the Place report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance options - instance of the Options class for this report user - instance of a gen.user.User class This report needs the following parameters (class variables) that come in the options class. places - List of places to report on. center - Center of report, person or event incl_private - Whether to include private data name_format - Preferred format to display names living_people - How to handle living people years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death """ Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) self._user = user menu = lang = menu.get_option_by_name('trans').get_value() rlocale = self.set_locale(lang) stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu) living_opt = stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, rlocale) self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database) self._db = self.database self._lv = menu.get_option_by_name('living_people').get_value() for (value, description) in living_opt.get_items(xml_items=True): if value == self._lv: living_desc = self._(description) break self.living_desc = self._("(Living people: %(option_name)s)") % { 'option_name': living_desc } places = menu.get_option_by_name('places').get_value() = menu.get_option_by_name('center').get_value() stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu) self._nd = self._name_display filter_option = menu.get_option_by_name('filter') self.filter = filter_option.get_filter() self.sort = Sort(self._db) self.place_handles = [] if self.filter.get_name() != '': # Use the selected filter to provide a list of place handles plist = self._db.iter_place_handles() self.place_handles = self.filter.apply(self._db, plist) if places: # Add places selected individually self.place_handles += self.__get_place_handles(places) if not self.place_handles: raise ReportError( _('Place Report'), _('Please select at least one place before running this.')) self.place_handles.sort(key=self.sort.by_place_title_key)
def __init__(self, database, options, user): """ Create the DetAncestorReport object that produces the report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance options - instance of the Options class for this report user - a gen.user.User() instance This report needs the following parameters (class variables) that come in the options class. gen - Maximum number of generations to include. pagebgg - Whether to include page breaks between generations. pageben - Whether to include page break before End Notes. firstName - Whether to use first names instead of pronouns. fulldate - Whether to use full dates instead of just year. listchildren - Whether to list children. includenotes - Whether to include notes. incattrs - Whether to include attributes blankplace - Whether to replace missing Places with ___________. blankDate - Whether to replace missing Dates with ___________. calcageflag - Whether to compute age. dupperson - Whether to omit duplicate ancestors (e.g. when distant cousins marry). verbose - Whether to use complete sentences childref - Whether to add descendant references in child list. addimages - Whether to include images. pid - The GID of the center person for the report. name_format - Preferred format to display names other_events - Whether to include other events. incl_private - Whether to include private data living_people - How to handle living people years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death """ Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) = {} self._user = user menu = get_option_by_name = menu.get_option_by_name get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value() lang = menu.get_option_by_name('trans').get_value() self._locale = self.set_locale(lang) stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu) stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale) self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database) self._db = self.database self.max_generations = get_value('gen') self.pgbrk = get_value('pagebbg') self.pgbrkenotes = get_value('pageben') self.fulldate = get_value('fulldates') use_fulldate = self.fulldate self.listchildren = get_value('listc') self.includenotes = get_value('incnotes') use_call = get_value('usecall') blankplace = get_value('repplace') blankdate = get_value('repdate') self.calcageflag = get_value('computeage') self.dupperson = get_value('omitda') self.verbose = get_value('verbose') self.childref = get_value('desref') self.addimages = get_value('incphotos') self.inc_names = get_value('incnames') self.inc_events = get_value('incevents') self.inc_addr = get_value('incaddresses') self.inc_sources = get_value('incsources') self.inc_srcnotes = get_value('incsrcnotes') self.inc_attrs = get_value('incattrs') self.initial_sosa = get_value('initial_sosa') pid = get_value('pid') self.other_events = get_value('incotherevents') self.center_person = self._db.get_person_from_gid(pid) if self.center_person is None: raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid) stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu) self._nd = self._name_display self.gen_handles = {} self.prev_gen_handles = {} if blankdate: empty_date = EMPTY_ENTRY else: empty_date = "" if blankplace: empty_place = EMPTY_ENTRY else: empty_place = "" self.__narrator = Narrator(self._db, self.verbose, use_call, use_fulldate, empty_date, empty_place, nlocale=self._locale, get_endnote_numbers=self.endnotes) self.bibli = Bibliography(Bibliography.MODE_DATE|Bibliography.MODE_PAGE)
def run(self): """Create the output file. The derived class overrides EXT and create_cairo_surface """ # get paper dimensions paper_width = self.paper.get_size().get_width() * DPI / 2.54 paper_height = self.paper.get_size().get_height() * DPI / 2.54 page_width = round(self.paper.get_usable_width() * DPI / 2.54) page_height = round(self.paper.get_usable_height() * DPI / 2.54) left_margin = self.paper.get_left_margin() * DPI / 2.54 top_margin = self.paper.get_top_margin() * DPI / 2.54 # create cairo context and pango layout filename = self._backend.filename # Cairo can't reliably handle unicode filenames on Linux or # Windows, so open the file for it. with open(filename, 'wb') as fd: try: surface = self.create_cairo_surface(fd, paper_width, paper_height) surface.set_fallback_resolution(300, 300) cr = cairo.Context(surface) fontmap = PangoCairo.font_map_new() fontmap.set_resolution(DPI) pango_context = fontmap.create_context() options = cairo.FontOptions() options.set_hint_metrics(cairo.HINT_METRICS_OFF) PangoCairo.context_set_font_options(pango_context, options) layout = Pango.Layout(pango_context) PangoCairo.update_context(cr, pango_context) # paginate the document self.paginate_document(layout, page_width, page_height, DPI, DPI) body_pages = self._pages # build the table of contents and alphabetical index toc_page = None index_page = None toc = [] index = {} for page_nr, page in enumerate(body_pages): if page.has_toc(): toc_page = page_nr if page.has_index(): index_page = page_nr for mark in page.get_marks(): if mark.type == INDEX_TYPE_ALP: if mark.key in index: if page_nr + 1 not in index[mark.key]: index[mark.key].append(page_nr + 1) else: index[mark.key] = [page_nr + 1] elif mark.type == INDEX_TYPE_TOC: toc.append([mark, page_nr + 1]) # paginate the table of contents rebuild_required = False if toc_page is not None: toc_pages = self.__generate_toc(layout, page_width, page_height, toc) offset = len(toc_pages) - 1 if offset > 0: self.__increment_pages(toc, index, toc_page, offset) rebuild_required = True else: toc_pages = [] # paginate the index if index_page is not None: index_pages = self.__generate_index( layout, page_width, page_height, index) offset = len(index_pages) - 1 if offset > 0: self.__increment_pages(toc, index, index_page, offset) rebuild_required = True else: index_pages = [] # rebuild the table of contents and index if required if rebuild_required: if toc_page is not None: toc_pages = self.__generate_toc( layout, page_width, page_height, toc) if index_page is not None: index_pages = self.__generate_index( layout, page_width, page_height, index) # render the pages if toc_page is not None: body_pages = body_pages[:toc_page] + toc_pages + \ body_pages[toc_page+1:] if index_page is not None: body_pages = body_pages[:index_page] + index_pages + \ body_pages[index_page+1:] self._pages = body_pages for page_nr in range(len(self._pages)): cr.translate(left_margin, top_margin) self.draw_page(page_nr, cr, layout, page_width, page_height, DPI, DPI) cr.show_page() cr.restore() # close the surface (file) surface.finish() except IOError as msg: errmsg = "%s\n%s" % (_("Could not create %s") % filename, msg) raise ReportError(errmsg) except Exception as err: errmsg = "%s\n%s" % (_("Could not create %s") % filename, err) raise ReportError(errmsg)
def __init__(self, database, options, user): """ Create the DetDescendantReport object that produces the report. The arguments are: database - the GRAMPS database instance options - instance of the Options class for this report user - a gen.user.User() instance This report needs the following parameters (class variables) that come in the options class. gen - Maximum number of generations to include. pagebgg - Whether to include page breaks between generations. pageben - Whether to include page break before End Notes. fulldates - Whether to use full dates instead of just year. listc - Whether to list children. incnotes - Whether to include notes. usecall - Whether to use the call name as the first name. repplace - Whether to replace missing Places with ___________. repdate - Whether to replace missing Dates with ___________. computeage - Whether to compute age. omitda - Whether to omit duplicate ancestors (e.g. when distant cousins marry). verbose - Whether to use complete sentences. numbering - The descendancy numbering system to be utilized. desref - Whether to add descendant references in child list. incphotos - Whether to include images. incnames - Whether to include other names. incevents - Whether to include events. incaddresses - Whether to include addresses. incsrcnotes - Whether to include source notes in the Endnotes section. Only works if Include sources is selected. incmates - Whether to include information about spouses incattrs - Whether to include attributes incpaths - Whether to include the path of descendancy from the start-person to each descendant. incssign - Whether to include a sign ('+') before the descendant number in the child-list to indicate a child has succession. pid - The GID of the center person for the report. name_format - Preferred format to display names incmateref - Whether to print mate information or reference incl_private - Whether to include private data living_people - How to handle living people years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death structure - How to structure the report """ Report.__init__(self, database, options, user) = {} self._user = user menu = get_option_by_name = menu.get_option_by_name get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value() self._locale = self.set_locale(get_value('trans')) stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu) stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale) self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database) self._db = self.database self.max_generations = get_value('gen') self.pgbrk = get_value('pagebbg') self.pgbrkenotes = get_value('pageben') self.fulldate = get_value('fulldates') use_fulldate = self.fulldate self.listchildren = get_value('listc') self.inc_notes = get_value('incnotes') use_call = get_value('usecall') blankplace = get_value('repplace') blankdate = get_value('repdate') self.calcageflag = get_value('computeage') self.dubperson = get_value('omitda') self.verbose = get_value('verbose') self.numbering = get_value('numbering') self.childref = get_value('desref') self.addimages = get_value('incphotos') self.structure = get_value('structure') self.inc_names = get_value('incnames') self.inc_events = get_value('incevents') self.inc_addr = get_value('incaddresses') self.inc_sources = get_value('incsources') self.inc_srcnotes = get_value('incsrcnotes') self.inc_mates = get_value('incmates') self.inc_attrs = get_value('incattrs') self.inc_paths = get_value('incpaths') self.inc_ssign = get_value('incssign') self.inc_materef = get_value('incmateref') pid = get_value('pid') self.center_person = self._db.get_person_from_gid(pid) if self.center_person is None: raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid) self.gen_handles = {} self.prev_gen_handles = {} self.gen_keys = [] self.dnumber = {} self.dmates = {} self.numbers_printed = list() if blankdate: empty_date = EMPTY_ENTRY else: empty_date = "" if blankplace: empty_place = EMPTY_ENTRY else: empty_place = "" stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu) self.__narrator = Narrator(self._db, self.verbose, use_call, use_fulldate, empty_date, empty_place, nlocale=self._locale, get_endnote_numbers=self.endnotes) self.bibli = Bibliography(Bibliography.MODE_DATE | Bibliography.MODE_PAGE)