コード例 #1
ファイル: gpsPublisher.py プロジェクト: wangbri/igvc
 def callback( packet ) :
     if rospy.is_shutdown() :
     message = GPSFix()
     message.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
     message.header.frame_id = 'base_link'
     message.latitude = packet[ 'latitude' ] * 180 / math.pi
     message.longitude = packet[ 'longitude' ] * 180 / math.pi
     message.altitude = packet[ 'height' ]
     message.time = packet[ 'time' ]
     message.pdop = packet[ 'PDOP' ]
     message.hdop = packet[ 'HDOP' ]
     message.vdop = packet[ 'VDOP' ]
     message.tdop = packet[ 'TDOP' ]
     message.position_covariance = [ packet[ 'sigma-E' ], packet[ 'cov-EN' ] , 0,
                                     packet[ 'cov-EN' ], packet[ 'sigma-N' ], 0,
                                     0, 0, packet[ 'sigma-Up'] ]
     if packet[ 'cov-EN' ] != 0 :
         message.position_covariance_type = 3
     elif packet[ 'sigma-E' ] != 0 :
         message.position_covariance_type = 2
     else :
         message.position_covariance_type = 0
     if debug :
         pp.pprint( packet )
         pp.pprint( message )
     message.status.status = (0 if (message.position_covariance_type > 0) else -1)
     message.status.position_source = 1
     message.status.header = message.header
     publisherGPSFix.publish( message )
     if message.status >= 0 :
         publisherNavSatFix.publish( NavSatFix( message.header , NavSatStatus( message.status.status, 3 ), message.latitude, message.longitude,
                                                message.altitude, message.position_covariance, message.position_covariance_type ) )
コード例 #2
ファイル: gps.py プロジェクト: ymusell/Stage2APlymouth
def publishGps(pub_gps, frame):
    message = GPSFix()

    now = rospy.get_rostime()
    message.header.stamp.secs = now.secs
    message.header.stamp.nsecs = now.nsecs
    message.header.frame_id = '/filter_send_gps'

    message.status.header.seq = message.header.seq
    message.status.header.stamp.secs = now.secs
    message.status.header.stamp.nsecs = now.nsecs
    message.status.header.frame_id = frame
    message.status.satellites_used = nbSat
    message.status.status = status

    message.latitude = latitude
    message.longitude = longitude
    message.altitude = altitude
    message.track = route
    message.speed = speed
    message.time = time
    message.hdop = hdop

コード例 #3
def run():
    expected_fleet_size = rospy.get_param('fleetSize', 1)
    receiving_freq = 10.  #Set the speed of the transmission loops

    #    Look for XBee USB port, to avoid conflicts with other USB devices
    rospy.init_node('fleetCoordinator', anonymous=True)

    rospy.loginfo("Looking for XBee...")

    context = pyudev.Context()
    usbPort = 'No XBee found'

    for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='tty'):
        if 'ID_VENDOR' in device and device['ID_VENDOR'] == 'FTDI':
            usbPort = device['DEVNAME']

    ser = serial.Serial(usbPort, baudrate=57600, timeout=2)

    #    Get local XBee ID (should be 0, convention for Coordinator)

    # Enter XBee command mode

    # Get local XBee adress
    ans = ser.read(10)
    ID = eval(ans.split('\r')[0])

    # Exit XBee "command mode"

    if ID == 0:
        rospy.loginfo("\nHello,\nI am Coordinator " + str(ID) + '\n')
        raise Exception(
            "This XBee device is not the coordinator of the network,\nlook for the XBee device stamped with 'C'."

#    Look for the boats connected in the XBee network

# To check we have all the boats connected
    connected = []  #list of connected boats IDs

    rospy.loginfo("Expecting a fleet of " + str(expected_fleet_size) +
                  " sailboats.")
    while not rospy.is_shutdown() and len(connected) < expected_fleet_size:
        #Read a connection message from a sailboat
        c = ser.read(1)
        line = ''
        while c != '#' and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            c = ser.read(1)

        while c != '=' and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            line += c
            c = ser.read(1)
        line += c

        #Transmission checks, details in the transmission loop part below
        check, msgReceived = is_valid(line)

        if check:
            words = msgReceived.split()
            IDboat = int(words[-1])

            #           if the sailboat is not connected yet, we connect it
            if IDboat not in connected:
                rospy.loginfo('|' + msgReceived + '|')

    fleetSize = len(connected)

    #link each ID to a minimal line number in the data storing structure
    linkDict = {connected[i]: i for i in range(fleetSize)}

    ser.write(str(fleetSize) + '@' + str(connected) + '@Connected' + '\n')
    rospy.loginfo("Got boats " + str(connected) + ' connected\n')


    #    Initialisation
    #Variables storing the data received by the subscribers
    global targetString, modeString
    targetString = str({boat: (0, numpy.pi / 2) for boat in connected})
    modeString = str({boat: 0 for boat in connected})

    emission_freq = receiving_freq / fleetSize  #Frequency of emission for the Coordinator
    rate = rospy.Rate(receiving_freq)
    ser.timeout = 0.1

    compteur = 0

    pub_send_connected = rospy.Publisher("xbee_send_connected",
    for i in range(2):

    pub_send_gps = [
        rospy.Publisher("xbee_send_gps_" + str(i), GPSFix, queue_size=0)
        for i in connected

    pub_send_euler_angles = [
        rospy.Publisher("xbee_send_euler_angles_" + str(i),
                        queue_size=0) for i in connected

    pub_send_line_begin = [
        rospy.Publisher("xbee_send_line_begin_" + str(i), Pose2D, queue_size=0)
        for i in connected

    pub_send_line_end = [
        rospy.Publisher("xbee_send_line_end_" + str(i), Pose2D, queue_size=0)
        for i in connected

    GPSdata = GPSFix()
    eulerAnglesData = Vector3()
    lineStartData, lineEndData = Pose2D(), Pose2D()

    #Subscribe to the topics that send the data to communicate to the sailboats.
    #This data comes from the operator's control systems (keyboard control...)

    #    Receives the data relative to the target point
    #    (depends on controlMode, common to all boats)
    rospy.Subscriber('commands', String, targetTransmission)

    #    Receives the string indicator of the control mode
    rospy.Subscriber('controlMode', String, modeTransmission)

    # Transmission Loop

    #For statistics and synchronisation
    emission = -1

    #Data storing structure
    received = ['ID@nothing@nothing@nothing@nothing@nothing@nothing'
                ] * fleetSize

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        emission += 1
        c = ''
        line = ''
        loopTime = time()
        # Receive useful data from the sailboats
        # Frame received:
        # "#####msgSize@ID@windForceString@windDirectionString@gpsString@eulerAnglesString@lineBeginString@lineEndString=====\n"

        #If available, read a line from the XBee
        while c != '#' and (time() - loopTime) < (
                1 / receiving_freq) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            c = ser.read(1)
        msgTime = time()
        if c == '#':
            while c != '=' and (time() - msgTime) < (
                    1 / receiving_freq) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
                c = ser.read(1)
                line += c

        if "Hello" in line:

#        rospy.loginfo('Line:\n|'+line+'|')

# Check message syntax and checkSum and clean the message to use only the useful data
        check, msgReceived = is_valid(line)

        if check:
            #            rospy.loginfo("Received\n|" +msgReceived+'|\n')
            compteur += 1

            #Organise the incoming data in the storing structure
            msgData = msgReceived.split('@')

            IDboat = int(msgData[0])
            received[linkDict[IDboat] - 1] = msgReceived

            GPSframe = msgData[3]

            tmpEuler = msgData[4].split(',')
            eulerAnglesData.x = float(tmpEuler[0])
            eulerAnglesData.y = float(tmpEuler[1])
            eulerAnglesData.z = float(tmpEuler[2])

            tmpStartLine = msgData[5].split(',')
            lineStartData.x = float(tmpStartLine[0])
            lineStartData.y = float(tmpStartLine[1])
            lineStartData.theta = float(tmpStartLine[2])

            tmpEndLine = msgData[6].split(',')
            lineEndData.x = float(tmpEndLine[0])
            lineEndData.y = float(tmpEndLine[1])
            lineEndData.theta = float(tmpEndLine[2])

            data = GPSframe.split(',')
            if GPSframe != "nothing" and data[0] == '$GPGGA' and data[2] != '':

                now = rospy.get_rostime()
                GPSdata.header.stamp.secs = now.secs
                GPSdata.header.stamp.nsecs = now.nsecs
                GPSdata.header.frame_id = '/xbee_send_gps'

                status = 1
                gps_time = float(data[1][0:2]) * 3600 + float(
                    data[1][2:4]) * 60 + float(data[1][4:])
                latitude = float(data[2][0:(len(data[2]) - 7)]) + float(
                    data[2][(len(data[2]) - 7):]) / 60
                if data[3] == 'S':
                    latitude = -latitude
                longitude = float(data[4][0:(len(data[4]) - 7)]) + float(
                    data[4][(len(data[4]) - 7):]) / 60
                if data[5] == 'W':
                    longitude = -longitude
                frame_type = float(data[6])
                nbSat = float(data[7])
                if data[8] != '':
                    hdop = float(data[8])
                altitude = float(data[9].split(',')[0])

                GPSdata.status.header.seq = GPSdata.header.seq
                GPSdata.status.header.stamp.secs = now.secs
                GPSdata.status.header.stamp.nsecs = now.nsecs
                GPSdata.status.header.frame_id = 'GPGGA'
                GPSdata.status.satellites_used = nbSat
                GPSdata.status.status = status

                GPSdata.latitude = latitude
                GPSdata.longitude = longitude
                GPSdata.altitude = altitude
                GPSdata.time = gps_time
                GPSdata.hdop = hdop


            if eulerAnglesData.x != -999:

            if lineStartData.x != -999:

            if lineEndData.x != -999:

        if not check:
            #            rospy.loginfo("Could not read\n|"+line+'|')

        if emission % fleetSize == 0:
            #We are supposed to have the data of every boat at this point.
            #Logically, only a transmission failure (simultaneous talk, ...)
            #can prevent that.

            # Send useful data to the sailboats
            # Frame emitted:
            # "#####msgSize@ID1@windForceString1@windDirectionString1@gpsString1@eulerAnglesString1@lineBeginString1@lineEndString1@ID2@...@targetString@modeString=====\n"

            #Collect the data from each boat and the operator and gather them in one string
            #Creating the core message
            receivedLines = ''
            for line in received:
                receivedLines += line + '@'

            msg = receivedLines + targetString + '@' + modeString

            #Generating the checkSum message control
            size = str(len(msg) + 5)
            for i in range(len(size), 4):
                size = '0' + size

            msg = "#####" + size + '@' + msg + "=====\n"

            #Emit the message
            #            rospy.loginfo("Emitted\n|" + msg + '|')

            received = ['ID@nothing@nothing@nothing@nothing@nothing@nothing'
                        ] * fleetSize

#            rospy.loginfo("Emission " + str(emission//fleetSize))

#        rate.sleep()
        if fleetSize == 1:
            rospy.sleep(0.1 / emission_freq)
            rospy.sleep(0.4 / emission_freq)

#   Deconnection signal
    rospy.loginfo("End mission, disconnection of all connected boats\n")

    rospy.loginfo("Emitted " + str(emission // fleetSize))
    rospy.loginfo("Received " + str(compteur - 2))
コード例 #4
                    # will all the information we have

                    # TODO: complete treatment of GPGSV (satellites in view)

                    if '$GPGSA' in lastmsg:
                        fields = lastmsg["$GPGSA"]
                        lockState = int(fields[2])
                        #print 'lockState=',lockState
                        if lockState == 3:
                            GPSLock = True
                            navData.status.status = GPSStatus.STATUS_FIX
                            GPSLock = False
                            navData.status.status = GPSStatus.STATUS_NO_FIX
                        navData.pdop = float(fields[15])
                        navData.hdop = float(fields[16])
                        navData.vdop = float(fields[17])
                        navData.status.satellite_visible_prn = []
                        for i in range(3, 15):
                            if fields[i] == "":
                        navData.status.satellites_visible = len(
                        # In case nobody provides better data:
                        navData.status.satellites_used = navData.status.satellites_visible
                        navData.status.satellite_used_prn = navData.status.satellite_visible_prn

                    if ("$GPRMC" in lastmsg) and GPSLock:
                        fields = lastmsg["$GPRMC"]
コード例 #5
                    # will all the information we have

                    # TODO: complete treatment of GPGSV (satellites in view)

                    if '$GPGSA' in lastmsg:
                        fields = lastmsg["$GPGSA"]
                        lockState = int(fields[2])
                        #print 'lockState=',lockState
                        if lockState == 3:
                            GPSLock = True
                            navData.status.status = GPSStatus.STATUS_FIX
                            GPSLock = False
                            navData.status.status = GPSStatus.STATUS_NO_FIX
                        navData.pdop = float(fields[15])
                        navData.hdop = float(fields[16])
                        navData.vdop = float(fields[17])
                        navData.status.satellite_visible_prn = []
                        for i in range(3,15):
                            if fields[i]=="":
                        navData.status.satellites_visible = len(navData.status.satellite_visible_prn)
                        # In case nobody provides better data:
                        navData.status.satellites_used = navData.status.satellites_visible
                        navData.status.satellite_used_prn = navData.status.satellite_visible_prn

                    if ("$GPRMC" in lastmsg) and GPSLock:
                        fields = lastmsg["$GPRMC"]
                        # Conversion to radian