def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('sensor_sim_gps') = rospy.Publisher("/gps_pose", PoseStamped) self.pubStat = rospy.Publisher("/gps_status", GPSStatus) # declare messages self.gps_msg = PoseStamped() self.gps_stat = GPSStatus() # Mimic GPS status message self.gps_stat.satellites_used = 7 self.gps_stat.satellites_visible = 9 self.gps_stat.position_source = 50 #setup subscriber rospy.Subscriber("base_pose_ground_truth", Odometry, self.callback) #spin rospy.spin()
def spin_once(self): def baroPressureToHeight(value): c1 = 44330.0 c2 = 9.869232667160128300024673081668e-6 c3 = 0.1901975534856 intermediate = 1 - math.pow(c2 * value, c3) height = c1 * intermediate return height # get data data = # common header h = Header() h.stamp = h.frame_id = self.frame_id # get data (None if not present) temp_data = data.get('Temperature') # float orient_data = data.get('Orientation Data') velocity_data = data.get('Velocity') position_data = data.get('Latlon') altitude_data = data.get('Altitude') acc_data = data.get('Acceleration') gyr_data = data.get('Angular Velocity') mag_data = data.get('Magnetic') pressure_data = data.get('Pressure') time_data = data.get('Timestamp') gnss_data = data.get('GNSS') # debug the data from the sensor # print(data) # print("\n") # create messages and default values "Temp message" temp_msg = Temperature() pub_temp = False "Imu message supported with Modes 1 & 2" imuraw_msg = Imu() pub_imuraw = False imuins_msg = Imu() pub_imuins = False "SensorSample message supported with Mode 2" ss_msg = sensorSample() pub_ss = False "Mag message supported with Modes 1 & 2" mag_msg = Vector3Stamped() pub_mag = False "Baro in meters" baro_msg = FluidPressure() height_msg = baroSample() pub_baro = False "GNSS message supported only with MTi-G-7xx devices" "Valid only for modes 1 and 2" gnssPvt_msg = gnssSample() gps1_msg = NavSatFix() gps2_msg = GPSFix() pub_gnssPvt = False gnssSatinfo_msg = GPSStatus() pub_gnssSatinfo = False # All filter related outputs "Supported in mode 3" ori_msg = orientationEstimate() pub_ori = False "Supported in mode 3 for MTi-G-7xx devices" vel_msg = velocityEstimate() pub_vel = False "Supported in mode 3 for MTi-G-7xx devices" pos_msg = positionEstimate() pub_pos = False # first getting the sampleTimeFine # note if we are not using ros time, the we should replace the header # with the time supplied by the GNSS unit if time_data and not self.use_rostime: time = time_data['SampleTimeFine'] h.stamp.secs = 100e-6 * time h.stamp.nsecs = 1e5 * time - 1e9 * math.floor(h.stamp.secs) # temp data if temp_data: temp_msg.temperature = temp_data['Temp'] pub_temp = True # acceleration data if acc_data: if 'accX' in acc_data: # found acceleration pub_imuraw = True imuraw_msg.linear_acceleration.x = acc_data['accX'] imuraw_msg.linear_acceleration.y = acc_data['accY'] imuraw_msg.linear_acceleration.z = acc_data['accZ'] if 'freeAccX' in acc_data: # found free acceleration pub_imuins = True imuins_msg.linear_acceleration.x = acc_data['freeAccX'] imuins_msg.linear_acceleration.y = acc_data['freeAccY'] imuins_msg.linear_acceleration.z = acc_data['freeAccZ'] if 'Delta v.x' in acc_data: # found delta-v's pub_ss = True ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.x = acc_data['Delta v.x'] ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.y = acc_data['Delta v.y'] ss_msg.internal.imu.dv.z = acc_data['Delta v.z'] #else: # raise MTException("Unsupported message in XDI_AccelerationGroup.") # gyro data if gyr_data: if 'gyrX' in gyr_data: # found rate of turn pub_imuraw = True imuraw_msg.angular_velocity.x = gyr_data['gyrX'] imuraw_msg.angular_velocity.y = gyr_data['gyrY'] imuraw_msg.angular_velocity.z = gyr_data['gyrZ'] # note we do not force publishing the INS if we do not use the free acceleration imuins_msg.angular_velocity.x = gyr_data['gyrX'] imuins_msg.angular_velocity.y = gyr_data['gyrY'] imuins_msg.angular_velocity.z = gyr_data['gyrZ'] if 'Delta q0' in gyr_data: # found delta-q's pub_ss = True ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.w = gyr_data['Delta q0'] ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.x = gyr_data['Delta q1'] ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.y = gyr_data['Delta q2'] ss_msg.internal.imu.dq.z = gyr_data['Delta q3'] #else: # raise MTException("Unsupported message in XDI_AngularVelocityGroup.") # magfield if mag_data: ss_msg.internal.mag.x = mag_msg.vector.x = mag_data['magX'] ss_msg.internal.mag.y = mag_msg.vector.y = mag_data['magY'] ss_msg.internal.mag.z = mag_msg.vector.z = mag_data['magZ'] pub_mag = True if pressure_data: pub_baro = True baro_msg.fluid_pressure = pressure_data['Pressure'] height = baroPressureToHeight(pressure_data['Pressure']) height_msg.height = ss_msg.internal.baro.height = height # gps fix message if gnss_data and 'lat' in gnss_data: pub_gnssPvt = True # A "3" means that the MTi-G is using the GPS data. # A "1" means that the MTi-G was using GPS data and is now coasting/dead-reckoning the # position based on the inertial sensors (the MTi-G is not using GPS data in this mode). # This is done for 45 seconds, before the MTi-G Mode drops to "0". # A "0" means that the MTi-G doesn't use GPS data and also that it # doesn't output position based on the inertial sensors. if gnss_data['fix'] < 2: gnssSatinfo_msg.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_NO_FIX # no fix gps1_msg.status.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_NO_FIX # no fix gps1_msg.status.service = 0 else: gnssSatinfo_msg.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_FIX # unaugmented gps1_msg.status.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_FIX # unaugmented gps1_msg.status.service = NavSatStatus.SERVICE_GPS # lat lon alt gps1_msg.latitude = gnss_data['lat'] gps1_msg.longitude = gnss_data['lon'] gps1_msg.altitude = gnss_data['hEll'] # covariances gps1_msg.position_covariance[0] = math.pow(gnss_data['horzAcc'], 2) gps1_msg.position_covariance[4] = math.pow(gnss_data['horzAcc'], 2) gps1_msg.position_covariance[8] = math.pow(gnss_data['vertAcc'], 2) gps1_msg.position_covariance_type = NavSatFix.COVARIANCE_TYPE_DIAGONAL_KNOWN # custom message gnssPvt_msg.itow = gnss_data['iTOW'] gnssPvt_msg.fix = gnss_data['fix'] gnssPvt_msg.latitude = gnss_data['lat'] gnssPvt_msg.longitude = gnss_data['lon'] gnssPvt_msg.hEll = gnss_data['hEll'] gnssPvt_msg.hMsl = gnss_data['hMsl'] gnssPvt_msg.vel.x = gnss_data['velE'] gnssPvt_msg.vel.y = gnss_data['velN'] gnssPvt_msg.vel.z = gnss_data['velD'] gnssPvt_msg.hAcc = gnss_data['horzAcc'] gnssPvt_msg.vAcc = gnss_data['vertAcc'] gnssPvt_msg.sAcc = gnss_data['speedAcc'] gnssPvt_msg.pDop = gnss_data['PDOP'] gnssPvt_msg.hDop = gnss_data['HDOP'] gnssPvt_msg.vDop = gnss_data['VDOP'] gnssPvt_msg.numSat = gnss_data['nSat'] gnssPvt_msg.heading = gnss_data['heading'] gnssPvt_msg.headingAcc = gnss_data['headingAcc'] if orient_data: if 'Q0' in orient_data: pub_imuraw = True imuraw_msg.orientation.w = orient_data['Q0'] imuraw_msg.orientation.x = orient_data['Q1'] imuraw_msg.orientation.y = orient_data['Q2'] imuraw_msg.orientation.z = orient_data['Q3'] pub_imuins = True imuins_msg.orientation.w = orient_data['Q0'] imuins_msg.orientation.x = orient_data['Q1'] imuins_msg.orientation.y = orient_data['Q2'] imuins_msg.orientation.z = orient_data['Q3'] elif 'Roll' in orient_data: pub_ori = True ori_msg.roll = orient_data['Roll'] ori_msg.pitch = orient_data['Pitch'] ori_msg.yaw = orient_data['Yaw'] else: raise MTException( 'Unsupported message in XDI_OrientationGroup') if velocity_data: pub_vel = True vel_msg.velE = velocity_data['velX'] vel_msg.velN = velocity_data['velY'] vel_msg.velU = velocity_data['velZ'] if position_data: pub_pos = True pos_msg.latitude = position_data['lat'] pos_msg.longitude = position_data['lon'] if altitude_data: pub_pos = True tempData = altitude_data['ellipsoid'] pos_msg.hEll = tempData[0] # publish available information if pub_imuraw: imuraw_msg.header = h self.imuraw_pub.publish(imuraw_msg) if pub_imuins: imuins_msg.header = h self.imuins_pub.publish(imuins_msg) if pub_mag: mag_msg.header = h self.mag_pub.publish(mag_msg) if pub_temp: temp_msg.header = h self.temp_pub.publish(temp_msg) if pub_ss: ss_msg.header = h self.ss_pub.publish(ss_msg) if pub_baro: baro_msg.header = h height_msg.header = h self.baro_pub.publish(baro_msg) self.height_pub.publish(height_msg) if pub_gnssPvt: gnssPvt_msg.header = h gps1_msg.header = h self.gnssPvt_pub.publish(gnssPvt_msg) self.gps1_pub.publish(gps1_msg) #if pub_gnssSatinfo: # gnssSatinfo_msg.header = h # self.gnssSatinfo_pub.publish(gnssSatinfo_msg) if pub_ori: ori_msg.header = h self.ori_pub.publish(ori_msg) if pub_vel: vel_msg.header = h self.vel_pub.publish(vel_msg) if pub_pos: pos_msg.header = h self.pos_pub.publish(pos_msg)
#ROS init rospy.loginfo("1") rospy.init_node('arduimu_driver') imuPub = rospy.Publisher('arduimu/imu', Imu) gpsPub = rospy.Publisher('arduimu/gps_fix', NavSatFix) velPub = rospy.Publisher('arduimu/gps_vel', TwistStamped) statPub = rospy.Publisher('arduimu/gps_status', GPSStatus) #Init Imu port arduPort = rospy.get_param('~port', '/dev/ttyUSB0') arduRate = rospy.get_param('~baud', 57600) rospy.loginfo("2") imuData = Imu() navData = NavSatFix() gpsVel = TwistStamped() gpsStat = GPSStatus() imuData.header.frame_id = "base_arduimu" navData.header.frame_id = "base_arduimu" gpsVel.header.frame_id = "base_arduimu" gpsStat.header.frame_id = "base_arduimu" rospy.loginfo("3") parser = ArduimuParser() try: rospy.loginfo("4") dataIn = serial.Serial(port=arduPort, baudrate=arduRate, timeout=.02) #Read in data sync0 = '\x00' sync1 = '\x00' while not rospy.is_shutdown():
gpsPub = rospy.Publisher('gps_fix', NavSatFix, queue_size=1) gpsStatPub = rospy.Publisher('gps_status', GPSStatus, queue_size=1) gpsVelPub = rospy.Publisher('gps_vel',TwistStamped, queue_size=1) #gpsTimePub = rospy.Publisher('time_reference', TimeReference) #Init gpsSerial port GPSport = rospy.get_param('~port','/dev/ttyUSB0') GPSrate = rospy.get_param('~baud',57600) frame_id = rospy.get_param('~frame_id','gps') if frame_id[0] != "/": frame_id = addTFPrefix(frame_id) time_ref_source = rospy.get_param('~time_ref_source', frame_id) navData = NavSatFix() gpsVel = TwistStamped() gpstime = TimeReference() gpsStatus = GPSStatus() gpstime.source = time_ref_source navData.header.frame_id = frame_id gpsVel.header.frame_id = frame_id GPSLock = False parser = NovatelParser() try: gpsSerial = serial.Serial(port=GPSport,baudrate=GPSrate,timeout=.01) #Read in gpsSerial data sync0 = '\x00'; sync1 = '\x00'; sync2 = '\x00'; while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # READ UNTIL SYNC data = sync2 = sync1; sync1 = sync0; sync0 = data;
import serial import time import rospy import numpy as np # se emplea esta para operar matrices from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3Stamped from gps_common.msg import GPSStatus, GPSFix msg = Vector3Stamped() gps = GPSFix() gps2 = GPSStatus() #gps = serial.Serial("/dev/tty_gps", baudrate = 9600) class GPS(object): def __init__(self): self.gps = serial.Serial("/dev/tty_gps", baudrate=9600) self.line = 0 = 0 #Geometria del elipsoide self.a = 6378137.0 # radius of the earth in metters self.b = 6356752.31414 self.e1 = 6.6943800229e-3 self.e2 = 6.73949677548e-3 #radio polar de curvatura = c self.c = 6399593.626 self.Long_rad = 0