def get_utterance_semantics_pairs(self, random_source, rule_sets, branch_cap=None): all_pairs = {} rules = [self.rules[index - 1] for index in rule_sets] for rules, rules_anon, rules_ground, semantics in rules: cat_groundings = {} pairs = [] if self.semantic_form_version == "slot": pairs = generate_sentence_slot_pairs( ROOT_SYMBOL, rules_ground, semantics, yield_requires_semantics=True, branch_cap=branch_cap, random_generator=random_source) else: pairs = generate_sentence_parse_pairs( ROOT_SYMBOL, rules_ground, semantics, yield_requires_semantics=True, branch_cap=branch_cap, random_generator=random_source) for utterance, parse in pairs: all_pairs[tree_printer(utterance)] = tree_printer(parse) #for sentence, semantics in pairs: # print(tree_printer(sentence)) # print(tree_printer(semantics)) return all_pairs
def main(): random_source = random.Random(seed) grammar_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../resources/generator2018") out_file_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../data/rephrasings_data_{}_{}.csv".format( seed, groundings_per_parse)) cmd_gen = Generator(grammar_format_version=2018) generator = load_all_2018_by_cat(cmd_gen, grammar_dir) all_examples = [] for i in range(groundings_per_parse): grounded_examples = get_grounding_per_each_parse( generator, random_source) random_source.shuffle(grounded_examples) all_examples += grounded_examples with open(out_file_path, 'w') as csvfile: output = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) command_columns = [("command" + str(x), "parse" + str(x), "parse_ground" + str(x)) for x in range(1, rehprasings_per_hit + 1)] command_columns = [x for tuple in command_columns for x in tuple] output.writerow(command_columns) chunks = list(chunker(all_examples, rehprasings_per_hit)) print("Writing {} HITS".format(len(chunks))) for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): if len(chunk) < rehprasings_per_hit: needed = rehprasings_per_hit - len(chunk) # Sample from previous hits to fill out this last one chunk += random_source.sample( [pair for chunk in chunks[:i] for pair in chunk], k=needed) line = [] for utterance, parse_anon, parse_ground in chunk: line += [ tree_printer(utterance), tree_printer(parse_anon), tree_printer(parse_ground) ] output.writerow(line) # Let's verify that we can load the output back in... with open(out_file_path, 'r') as csvfile: input = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for line in input: pass
def pairs_without_placeholders(rules, semantics, only_in_grammar=False): pairs = expand_all_semantics(rules, semantics) out = {} all_utterances_in_grammar = set(generate_sentences(ROOT_SYMBOL, rules)) for command, parse in pairs: if has_placeholders(command) or has_placeholders(parse): # This case is almost certainly a bug with the annotations print( "Skipping pair for {} because it still has placeholders after expansion" .format(tree_printer(command))) continue # If it's important that we only get pairs that are in the grammar, check to make sure if only_in_grammar and not command in all_utterances_in_grammar: continue out[tree_printer(command)] = tree_printer(parse) return out
def get_annotated_sentences(sentences_and_pairs): sentences, pairs = sentences_and_pairs expanded_sentences = set([tree_printer(x) for x in sentences]) annotated_sentences = set(pairs.keys()) # Only keep annotations that cover sentences actually in the grammar useless_annotations = annotated_sentences.difference(expanded_sentences) annotated_sentences.intersection_update(expanded_sentences) return annotated_sentences
def test_nearest_neighbor_parser(self): generator = Generator(grammar_format_version=2018) rules = load_all_2019(generator, GRAMMAR_DIR) sentences = generate_sentences(ROOT_SYMBOL, rules[0]) parser = GrammarBasedParser(rules[0]) sentences = list(set([tree_printer(x) for x in sentences])) neighbors = [(sentence, parser(sentence)) for sentence in sentences] nearest_neighbor_parser = KNearestNeighborParser(neighbors) some_sentence = sentences[0] tweaked = some_sentence[:-1] expected_parse = parser(some_sentence) self.assertEqual(nearest_neighbor_parser(some_sentence), expected_parse) self.assertEqual(nearest_neighbor_parser(tweaked), expected_parse)
def test_parse_all_of_2019(self): generator = Generator(grammar_format_version=2018) grammar_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../resources/generator2019") rules, rules_anon, _, _, _ = load_all_2019(generator, grammar_dir) sentences = generate_sentences(ROOT_SYMBOL, rules) parser = GrammarBasedParser(rules) sentences = set([tree_printer(x) for x in sentences]) succeeded = 0 for sentence in sentences: parsed = parser(sentence) if parsed: succeeded += 1 self.assertEqual(len(sentences), succeeded)
def test_parse_all_2019_anonymized(self): generator = Generator(grammar_format_version=2019) grammar_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../resources/generator2019") rules, rules_anon, rules_ground, semantics, entities = load_all_2019( generator, grammar_dir) sentences = generate_sentence_parse_pairs( ROOT_SYMBOL, rules_ground, {}, yield_requires_semantics=False, random_generator=random.Random(1)) parser = GrammarBasedParser(rules_anon) # Bring me the apple from the fridge to the kitchen # ---straight anon to clusters---> # Bring me the {ob} from the {loc} to the {loc} # ---Grammar based parser---> # (Failure; grammar has numbers on locs) # Bring me the apple from the fridge to the kitchen # ---id naive number anon---> # Bring me the {ob} from the {loc 1} to the {loc 2} # ---Grammar based parser---> # (Failure; wrong numbers, or maybe) anonymizer = Anonymizer(*entities) parser = AnonymizingParser(parser, anonymizer) num_tested = 1000 succeeded = 0 for sentence, parse in itertools.islice(sentences, num_tested): sentence = tree_printer(sentence) parsed = parser(sentence) if parsed: succeeded += 1 else: print(sentence) print(anonymizer(sentence)) print() print(parser(anonymizer(sentence))) self.assertEqual(succeeded, num_tested)
def load_data(path, lambda_parser): pairs = {} with open(path) as f: line_generator = more_itertools.peekable(enumerate(f)) while line_generator: line_num, line = next(line_generator) line = line.strip("\n") if len(line) == 0: continue next_pair = line_generator.peek(None) if not next_pair: raise RuntimeError() next_line_num, next_line = next(line_generator) source_sequence, target_sequence = line, next_line try: pairs[source_sequence] = tree_printer(lambda_parser.parse(target_sequence)) except lark.exceptions.LarkError: print("Skipping malformed parse: {}".format(target_sequence)) return pairs
def test_parse_choice(self): test = self.generator.generator_grammar_parser.parse( "$test = ( oneword | two words)") print(test.pretty()) test = self.generator.generator_grammar_parser.parse( "$test = ( front | back | main | rear ) $ndoor") print(test.pretty()) top_choice = self.generator.generator_grammar_parser.parse( "$test = front | back") top_choice_short = self.generator.generator_grammar_parser.parse( "$test = (front | back)") self.assertEqual(top_choice, top_choice_short) short_mix_choice = self.generator.generator_grammar_parser.parse( "$test = aa | aa ba") print(short_mix_choice.pretty()) complex_choice = self.generator.generator_grammar_parser.parse( "$phpeople = everyone | all the (people | men | women | guests | elders | children)" ) print(complex_choice.pretty()) print(tree_printer(complex_choice))
def main(): out_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../data") grammar_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../resources/generator2018") cmd_gen = Generator(grammar_format_version=2018) generator = load_all_2018_by_cat(cmd_gen, grammar_dir) cat_sentences = [ set(generate_sentences(ROOT_SYMBOL, rules)) for _, rules, _, _ in generator ] pairs = [{ utterance: parse for utterance, parse in expand_all_semantics(rules, semantics) } for _, rules, _, semantics in generator] pairs = [ pairs_without_placeholders(rules, semantics) for _, rules, _, semantics in generator ] by_utterance, by_parse = determine_unique_cat_data( pairs, keep_new_utterance_repeat_parse_for_lower_cat=False) unique = [] for i, _ in enumerate(cat_sentences): prev_cats = cat_sentences[:i] if prev_cats: # Don't count the sentence as unique unless it hasn't happened in any earlier categories prev_cat_sentences = set().union(*prev_cats) overlapped_with_prev = cat_sentences[i].intersection( prev_cat_sentences) unique.append(cat_sentences[i].difference(prev_cat_sentences)) else: unique.append(cat_sentences[i]) # Sets should be disjoint assert (len(set().union(*unique)) == sum([len(cat) for cat in unique])) all_sentences = [tree_printer(x) for x in set().union(*cat_sentences)] all_pairs = pairs annotated = [get_annotated_sentences(x) for x in zip(cat_sentences, pairs)] unique_annotated = [ get_annotated_sentences((unique_sen, cat_pairs)) for unique_sen, cat_pairs in zip(unique, pairs) ] unique_sentence_parses = [[ pairs[ann_sen] for ann_sen in annotated ] for annotated, pairs in zip(unique_annotated, pairs)] unique_sentence_parses = [set(x) for x in unique_sentence_parses] combined_annotations = set().union(*annotated) combined_annotations.intersection_update(all_sentences) parseless = [ sen.difference(annotated_sentences) for sen, annotated_sentences in zip(cat_sentences, annotated) ] out_paths = [ join(out_root, str(i) + "_sentences.txt") for i in range(1, 4) ] for cat_out_path, sentences in zip(out_paths, cat_sentences): with open(cat_out_path, "w") as f: for sentence in sentences: assert not has_placeholders(sentence) f.write(tree_printer(sentence) + '\n') out_paths = [join(out_root, str(i) + "_pairs.txt") for i in range(1, 4)] for cat_out_path, pairs in zip(out_paths, all_pairs): with open(cat_out_path, "w") as f: for sentence, parse in pairs.items(): f.write(sentence + '\n' + parse + '\n') meta_out_path = join(out_root, "annotations_meta.txt") with open(meta_out_path, "w") as f: f.write("Coverage:\n") cat_parse_lengths = [] cat_filtered_parse_lengths = [] cat_sen_lengths = [] for i, (annotated_sen, sen, unique_parses) in enumerate( zip(annotated, cat_sentences, unique_sentence_parses)): f.write("cat{0} {1}/{2} {3:.1f}%\n".format( i + 1, len(annotated_sen), len(sen), 100.0 * len(annotated_sen) / len(sen))) f.write("\t unique parses: {}\n".format(len(unique_parses))) cat_sen_lengths.append( [len(tree_printer(sentence).split()) for sentence in sen]) avg_sentence_length = np.mean(cat_sen_lengths[i]) parse_lengths = [] filtered_parse_lengths = [] for parse in unique_parses: parse_lengths.append(len(parse.split())) stop_tokens_removed = re.sub("(\ e\ |\"|\)|\()", "", parse) filtered_parse_lengths.append(len(stop_tokens_removed.split())) cat_parse_lengths.append(parse_lengths) cat_filtered_parse_lengths.append(filtered_parse_lengths) avg_parse_length = np.mean(cat_parse_lengths[i]) avg_filtered_parse_length = np.mean(cat_filtered_parse_lengths[i]) f.write( "\t avg sentence length (tokens): {:.1f} avg parse length (tokens): {:.1f} avg filtered parse length (tokens): {:.1f}\n" .format(avg_sentence_length, avg_parse_length, avg_filtered_parse_length)) f.write("combined {0}/{1} {2:.1f}%\n".format( len(combined_annotations), len(all_sentences), 100.0 * len(combined_annotations) / len(all_sentences))) f.write("combined unique parses: {}\n".format( len(set().union(*unique_sentence_parses)))) all_sen_lengths = [length for cat in cat_sen_lengths for length in cat] all_parse_lengths = [ length for cat in cat_parse_lengths for length in cat ] all_filtered_parse_lengths = [ length for cat in cat_filtered_parse_lengths for length in cat ] f.write( "combined avg sentence length (tokens): {:.1f} avg parse length (tokens): {:.1f} avg filtered parse length (tokens): {:.1f}\n" .format(np.mean(all_sen_lengths), np.mean(all_parse_lengths), np.mean(all_filtered_parse_lengths))) print("No parses for:") for cat in parseless: for sentence in sorted(map(tree_printer, cat)): print(sentence) print("-----------------")
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s","--split", default=[.7,.1,.2], nargs='+', type=float) parser.add_argument("-trc","--train-categories", default=[1, 2, 3], nargs='+', type=int) parser.add_argument("-tc","--test-categories", default=[1, 2, 3], nargs='+', type=int) parser.add_argument("-p", "--use-form-split", action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument("-g","--groundings", required=False, type=int, default=None) parser.add_argument("-a","--anonymized", required=False, default=True, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-m", "--match-form-split", required=False, default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument("-na","--no-anonymized", required=False, dest="anonymized", action="store_false") parser.add_argument("-ra", "--run-anonymizer", required=False, default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-t", "--paraphrasings", required=False, default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument("--name", default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument("--seed", default=0, required=False, type=int) parser.add_argument("-i","--incremental-datasets", action='store_true', required=False) parser.add_argument("-f", "--force-overwrite", action="store_true", required=False, default=False) args = parser.parse_args() validate_args(args) cmd_gen = Generator(grammar_format_version=2018) random_source = random.Random(args.seed) different_test_dist = (args.test_categories != args.train_categories) pairs_out_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../.."), "data", train_out_path = os.path.join(pairs_out_path, "train.txt") val_out_path = os.path.join(pairs_out_path, "val.txt") test_out_path = os.path.join(pairs_out_path, "test.txt") meta_out_path = os.path.join(pairs_out_path, "meta.txt") if args.force_overwrite and os.path.isdir(pairs_out_path): shutil.rmtree(pairs_out_path) os.mkdir(pairs_out_path) grammar_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../resources/generator2018") generator = load_all_2018_by_cat(cmd_gen, grammar_dir) pairs = [{}, {}, {}] if args.anonymized: pairs = [pairs_without_placeholders(rules, semantics) for _, rules, _, semantics in generator] # For now this only works with all data if args.groundings and len(args.train_categories) == 3: for i in range(args.groundings): groundings = get_grounding_per_each_parse_by_cat(generator,random_source) for cat_pairs, groundings in zip(pairs, groundings): for utt, form_anon, _ in groundings: pairs[0][tree_printer(utt)] = tree_printer(form_anon) if args.paraphrasings and len(args.train_categories) == 3: paraphrasing_pairs = load_data(args.paraphrasings, cmd_gen.lambda_parser) if args.run_anonymizer: paths = tuple( map(lambda x: join(grammar_dir, x), ["objects.xml", "locations.xml", "names.xml", "gestures.xml"])) entities = load_entities_from_xml(*paths) anonymizer = Anonymizer(*entities) anon_para_pairs = {} anon_trigerred = 0 for command, form in paraphrasing_pairs.items(): anonymized_command = anonymizer(command) if anonymized_command != command: anon_trigerred += 1 anon_para_pairs[anonymized_command] = form paraphrasing_pairs = anon_para_pairs print(anon_trigerred, len(paraphrasing_pairs)) pairs[0] = merge_dicts(pairs[0], paraphrasing_pairs) #pairs_in = [pairs_without_placeholders(rules, semantics, only_in_grammar=True) for _, rules, _, semantics in generator] by_command, by_form = determine_unique_cat_data(pairs) if args.use_form_split: data_to_split = by_form else: data_to_split = by_command train_pairs, test_pairs = get_pairs_by_cats(data_to_split, args.train_categories, args.test_categories) # Randomize for the split, but then sort by command length before we save out so that things are easier to read. # If these lists are the same, they need to be shuffled the same way... random.Random(args.seed).shuffle(train_pairs) random.Random(args.seed).shuffle(test_pairs) # Peg this split to match the split in another dataset. Helpful for making them mergeable while still preserving # the no-form-seen-before property of the form split if args.match_form_split: train_match = load_data(args.match_form_split + "/train.txt", cmd_gen.lambda_parser) train_match = set(train_match.values()) val_match = load_data(args.match_form_split + "/val.txt", cmd_gen.lambda_parser) val_match = set(val_match.values()) test_match = load_data(args.match_form_split + "/test.txt", cmd_gen.lambda_parser) test_match = set(test_match.values()) train_percentage = len(train_match) / (len(train_match) + len(val_match) + len(test_match)) val_percentage = len(val_match) / (len(train_match) + len(val_match) + len(test_match)) test_percentage = len(test_match) / (len(train_match) + len(val_match) + len(test_match)) train = [] val = [] test = [] # TODO: Square this away with test dist param. Probably drop the cat params for form, commands in itertools.chain(train_pairs): target = None if form in train_match: target = train elif form in val_match: target = val elif form in test_match: target = test else: print(form) continue # assert False target.append((form, commands)) else: train_percentage, val_percentage, test_percentage = args.split if different_test_dist: # Just one split for the first dist, then use all of test split1 = int(train_percentage * len(train_pairs)) train, val, test = train_pairs[:split1], train_pairs[split1:], test_pairs else: # If we're training and testing on the same distributions, these should match exactly assert train_pairs == test_pairs split1 = int(train_percentage * len(train_pairs)) split2 = int((train_percentage + val_percentage) * len(train_pairs)) train, val, test = train_pairs[:split1], train_pairs[split1:split2], train_pairs[split2:] # Parse splits would have stored parse-(command list) pairs, so lets # flatten out those lists if we need to. if args.use_form_split: train = flatten(train) val = flatten(val) test = flatten(test) # With this switch, we'll simulate getting data one batch at a time # so we can assess how quickly we improve if args.incremental_datasets: limit = 16 count = 1 while limit < len(train): data_to_write = train[:limit] data_to_write = sorted(data_to_write, key=lambda x: len(x[0])) with open("".join(train_out_path.split(".")[:-1]) + str(count) + ".txt", "w") as f: for sentence, parse in data_to_write: f.write(sentence + '\n' + str(parse) + '\n') limit += 16 count += 1 save_data(train, train_out_path) save_data(val, val_out_path) save_data(test, test_out_path) command_vocab = Counter() parse_vocab = Counter() for command, parse in itertools.chain(train, val, test): for token in command.split(): command_vocab[token] += 1 for token in parse.split(): parse_vocab[token] += 1 info = "Generated {} dataset with {:.2f}/{:.2f}/{:.2f} split\n".format(, train_percentage, val_percentage, test_percentage) total_train_set = len(train) + len(val) if different_test_dist: total_test_set = len(test) else: total_train_set += len(test) total_test_set = total_train_set info += "Exact split percentage: {:.2f}/{:.2f}/{:.2f} split\n".format(len(train)/total_train_set, len(val)/total_train_set, len(test)/total_test_set) info += "train={} val={} test={}".format(len(train), len(val), len(test)) print(info) with open(meta_out_path, "w") as f: f.write(info) f.write("\n\nUtterance vocab\n") for token, count in sorted(command_vocab.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True): f.write("{} {}\n".format(token, str(count))) f.write("\n\nParse vocab\n") for token, count in sorted(parse_vocab.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True): f.write("{} {}\n".format(token, str(count)))
import os from os.path import join from gpsr_command_understanding.generator import Generator from gpsr_command_understanding.grammar import tree_printer from gpsr_command_understanding.loading_helpers import load_all_2018_by_cat from gpsr_command_understanding.tokens import ROOT_SYMBOL from gpsr_command_understanding.generation import generate_random_pair import random grammar_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../resources/generator2018/") common_path = join(grammar_dir, "common_rules.txt") paths = tuple( map(lambda x: join(grammar_dir, x), ["objects.xml", "locations.xml", "names.xml", "gestures.xml"])) generator = Generator() rules = load_all_2018_by_cat(generator, grammar_dir) utterance, parse = generate_random_pair(ROOT_SYMBOL, rules[0][1], rules[0][3], random_generator=random.Random()) print(tree_printer(utterance))