コード例 #1
    def test_grads_2(self):
        Ensure correct second derivatives.
        This is nontrivial because the gradient at squared distance~0 could get 
        erased by a .clamp() if you code it up wrong!

        x1, x2 = self._vals_1d()
        # Trick to track grads to single rows:
        x1_rows = [xi for xi in x1]
        x1 = torch.stack(x1_rows)

        r2_actual = util.squared_distance(x1, x2)
        r2_00 = r2_actual[0, 0]
        # First derivative:
        # Returns a tuple w/ one entry that's a tensor of size (1,)
        drdx = torch.autograd.grad(r2_00, x1_rows[0], create_graph=True)
        # Second derivative:
        d2rdx2_actual = torch.autograd.grad(drdx[0][0], x1_rows[0])

        # val = (x1-x2)^2
        # 1st der = 2*(x1-x2) = 2(0-0) = 0
        # 2nd der = 2  <-- but this will show up as zero instead if it got clamped!
        d2rdx2_expected = 2.0

        assert d2rdx2_actual[0].item() == d2rdx2_expected
コード例 #2
    def test_values(self):
        x1, x2 = self._vals_1d()

        r2_actual = util.squared_distance(x1, x2)
        r2_expected = util.TensorType([[0.0, 4.0, 16.0], [1.0, 1.0, 9.0],
                                       [4.0, 0.0, 4.0]])
        assert all([
            a.item() == pytest.approx(e.item())
            for a, e in zip(r2_actual.flatten(), r2_expected.flatten())
コード例 #3
    def test_grads_1_zero(self):
        Ensure correct first derivatives.
        No major challenges here...
        Case where it's zero (point1 = point2)
        x1, x2 = self._vals_1d()

        r2_actual = util.squared_distance(x1, x2)

        # val = (0-0)^2, grad=2(0-0)=0
        r2_actual[0, 0].backward(retain_graph=True)
        grad00_actual = x1.grad[0].item()
        grad00_expected = 0.0
        assert grad00_actual == grad00_expected
コード例 #4
    def test_grads_1_nonzero(self):
        Ensure correct first derivatives.
        No major challenges here...
        Case where it's nonzero (point1 and point2 are distinct)
        x1, x2 = self._vals_1d()

        r2_actual = util.squared_distance(x1, x2)

        # val = (0-2)^2, grad=2(0-2)=-4
        r2_actual[0, 1].backward(retain_graph=True)
        grad01_actual = x1.grad[0].item()
        grad01_expected = -4.0
        assert grad01_actual == grad01_expected
コード例 #5
    def test_shape(self):
        x1, x2 = self._vals_1d()

        r2_actual = util.squared_distance(x1, x2)
        assert r2_actual.shape[0] == x1.shape[0]
        assert r2_actual.shape[1] == x2.shape[0]
コード例 #6
    def test_type(self):
        x1, x2 = self._vals_1d()

        r2_actual = util.squared_distance(x1, x2)
        assert isinstance(r2_actual, util.TensorType)