def callback(ch, method, properties, body): start_time = time.time() print(json.loads(body.decode())) data = json.loads(body.decode())["data"] sourceCodeBasePath = "tmp/src" extractTarGz(tarGzBase64=data["sourceCodeBase64"], basePath=sourceCodeBasePath) # start docker grade = Grader(tmpPath="tmp", entryPoint=data["entry"], testcases=data["testcases"]) result = grade.grade() result['user'] = { 'projectId': data["projectId"], 'userId': data["userId"], 'courseId': data["courseId"], 'activityId': data["activityId"] } headers = {'Content-Type': "application/json"}'{os.getenv("BRIDGE_SERVICE_URL")}/callback/', data=json.dumps(result), headers=headers) end_time = time.time() - start_time with open("execution_time.log", "a+") as f: f.write(f"{end_time}\n") print("finish process message") ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag)
class GraderThread(GraderSkeleton, threading.Thread): def __init__(self, shared_counter, test_config, time_counter=SharedCounter(val_type='d'), **kwargs): super(GraderThread, self).__init__(shared_counter, test_config, time_counter, kwargs) threading.Thread.__init__(self) # initialize grader self.grader = Grader() def init(self): self.grader.init(self.test_config) def grade(self): # calculate result success_count, success_time = self.grader.test() if success_count > 0: self.shared_counter.increment() self.time_counter.increment(success_time) def run(self): while self.loop > 0: self.grade() self.loop -= 1 # only sleep when we need to do next grade if self.loop > 0: sleep(self.spawn_interval)
def main() -> None: tests = [ TestGenSentences, TestDetokenize, TestSarcasticCaser, ] grader = Grader(tests) grader.print_results()
def __init__(self, participant_id): self.participant_id = participant_id self.condition = None # Data logged from iFEED self.learning_task_data = dict() self.design_synthesis_task_data = dict() self.feature_synthesis_task_data = dict() # Concept map data self.cmap_prior_data = dict() self.cmap_learning_data = dict() self.cmap_learning_data_extended = dict() # Problem answers self.feature_classification_answer = [] self.feature_classification_confidence = [] self.feature_comparison_answer = [] self.feature_comparison_confidence = [] self.design_classification_answer = [] self.design_classification_confidence = [] self.design_comparison_answer = [] self.design_comparison_confidence = [] # Feature preference questions self.feature_preference_data = dict() # Self-assessment of learning self.learning_self_assessment_data = [] # Demographic info self.demographic_data = dict() self.prior_experience_data = dict() # Graded score and answers self.grader = Grader() self.feature_classification_score = None self.feature_classification_graded_answers = [] self.feature_comparison_score = None self.feature_comparison_graded_answers = [] self.design_classification_score = None self.design_classification_graded_answers = [] self.design_comparison_score = None self.design_comparison_graded_answers = [] # Transcript data self.transcript_problem_solving = None self.transcript_survey = None # IDG and distance to utopia self.feature_synthesis_dist2UP = dict() self.design_IGD = dict() self.design_num_designs_to_shortest_dist = -1 self.design_HV = None self.design_entropy = None
def main() -> None: tests = [ TestSampler, TestBigramSampler, TestTrigramSampler, TestSequenceProbabilityBigram, TestSequenceProbabilityTrigram, ] grader = Grader(tests) grader.print_results()
def __init__(self, shared_counter, test_config, time_counter=SharedCounter(val_type='d'), **kwargs): super(GraderThread, self).__init__(shared_counter, test_config, time_counter, kwargs) threading.Thread.__init__(self) # initialize grader self.grader = Grader()
def main() -> None: tests = [ TestGenSentences, TestNGrams, TestCounts, TestFrequencyDistributions, TestProbabilities, TestComparison, ] grader = Grader(tests) grader.print_results()
def main() -> None: tests = [ TestScoringMetrics, TestFeatureExtractor, TestInstanceCounter, TestNaiveBayesSegmentation, TestNaiveBayesSentiment, TestPerformanceSegmentation, TestPerformanceSentiment, TestTunedSegmentation, ] grader = Grader(tests) grader.print_results()
def test(): """Run the sample tests as a grader problem.""" from grader import Problem, Grader problem1 = Problem(TestSequenceFunctions, [ ('test_shuffle', 4), ('test_choice', 2), ('test_sample', 4), ('test_sleep', 5), ('test_no_docstring', 5), ('test_timeout', 5), ], timeout=3) grader = Grader([problem1]) grader.print_results()
def main() -> None: tests = [ TestMostFrequentTagTagger, TestUnigramTagger, TestInstanceCounterUnsmoothed, TestInstanceCounterSmoothed, TestSentenceCounterSpeed, TestBigramSequenceProbability, TestGreedyBigramTagger, TestViterbiBigramTagger, TestDeterminism, ] grader = Grader(tests, timeout=12) grader.print_results()
def __init__(self, jsonFilesRootPath, participant_id): self.jsonFilesRootPath = jsonFilesRootPath self.participant_id = participant_id self.condition = None # Data logged from iFEED self.learning_task_data = dict() self.design_synthesis_task_data = dict() self.feature_synthesis_task_data = dict() # Concept map data self.cmap_prior_data = dict() self.cmap_learning_data = dict() # Problem answers self.feature_classification_answer = [] self.feature_classification_confidence = [] self.feature_comparison_answer = [] self.feature_comparison_confidence = [] self.design_classification_answer = [] self.design_classification_confidence = [] self.design_comparison_answer = [] self.design_comparison_confidence = [] # Feature preference questions self.feature_preference_data = dict() # Self-assessment of learning self.learning_self_assessment_data = dict() # Demographic info self.age = None self.gender = None self.major = None self.prior_experience_data = dict() # Read JSON files self.readJSONFiles() # Graded score and answers self.grader = Grader() self.feature_classification_score = None self.feature_classification_graded_answers = [] self.feature_comparison_score = None self.feature_comparison_graded_answers = [] self.design_classification_score = None self.design_classification_graded_answers = [] self.design_comparison_score = None self.design_comparison_graded_answers = []
def grade(): # start a session to grade a project! browser = launch_browser(headless=args.headless, timeout=8) headless_grader = Grader(browser) try: headless_grader.login_refresh_grade() except Exception: err_msg = '***** FAILED {} ***** '.format(format(str( logger.error(err_msg, exc_info=True) with open('logs.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('******************************************************\n') f.write(err_msg + '\n') f.write(traceback.format_exc()) headless_grader.browser.quit()
def main(image_path): # get the final worksheet from the image ext = Extractor(image_path, False) final = # get the form code by checking the image's QR code decoded_qr_code = reader(final) # extract the cells and student's responses cells = Cells(final) # grade the worksheet by using a CNN to OCR the student's responses grader = Grader(decoded_qr_code) grader.grade(cells.student_responses) worksheet = grader.display(final, cells.sorted_contours) Helpers.save_image(f'{Helpers.IMAGE_DIRECTORY}/graded.png', worksheet)
def update(self) -> 'FormReturnStatus': """Update the form screen. This is used to update the screen every 'tick' when this function is called. """ try: if self.settings_form is not None: self.settings_form = self.settings_form.update() self.refresh_settings() self.update_after_settings_finish = True elif self.update_after_settings_finish: # Only update the grader after the settings form has closed # since it reads data files to get it's data, and we want to # limit file reading as much as possible. That's why this isn't # in refresh_settings. self.grader = Grader(Settings.active_files) self.display("-- new questions loaded --") self.update_stats() # Set that the user is reviewing, so the next question is # not automatically wrong when they hit the next button # directly after changing the settings (updating the grader). # This lets them view the next question as normal. self.is_reviewing = True self.update_after_settings_finish = False if not self.scheduled_actions.empty(): # Execute the scheduled function. self.scheduled_actions.get()() self.form.update_idletasks() self.form.update() except TclError: # The form has been destroyed (i.e. on restart) return self.return_status return FormReturnStatus.RUNNING
def __init__(self): self.settings = Settings() self.logger = Logger(self.settings.logfile) self.reporter = Reporter(self.settings) self.setup = Setup(self.settings, self.logger) self.grader = Grader(self.settings, self.logger, self.setup) self.analyser = Analyser(self.settings, self.reporter, self.logger, self.setup, self.grader)
def __init__(self): """TODO: INSERT DOCSTRING.""" # Set the exception callback to handle any of the exceptions # that are raised. tk.Tk.report_callback_exception = exception.unhandled_error # Set what the program will do when closed (stop / restart). self.return_status: FormReturnStatus = FormReturnStatus.STOP # Load all of the 'quiz' elements. self.grader: Grader = Grader(Settings.active_files) # Set form values from the settings. self.font_style: str = Settings.typeface self.font_size: int = Settings.font_size # The segment of the data objects to display. self.display_item: int = Settings.display_item self.theme: Theme = Theme() self.settings_form: SettingsForm = None # Tracks if the settings form has closed. If so preform singe action # updates, such as updating the Grader, this is to limit number # of unnessicary file reads. self.update_after_settings_finish: bool = False # Create the main form and configure it. self.form = tk.Tk() self.form.geometry(INIT_SCREEN_SIZE) self.form.minsize(MIN_SCREEN_SIZE[0], MIN_SCREEN_SIZE[1]) self.form.title(SCREEN_TITLE) # Create the main frame to hold all the elements. self.frame: Frame = Frame(self.form) # Make the main frame fit the size of the window. self.frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.theme.add_to_group(self.frame, ThemeGroup.MAIN_GROUP) # Tracks if the user is in the review state (i.e. looking at the # anwser) self.is_reviewing: bool = True # Tracks if the user is allowed to move on. This is activated # for a short time when the user gets a question wrong. This # allows them time to review the correct answer, and prevents # them from accidentaly skipping it. self.progress_blocked: bool = False # A queue that other threads can store function calls to be # executed by the main thread on a form update. self.scheduled_actions: Queue = Queue() self.create_widgets() # Populate the form. # Set the 'Enter' key to activate the submit button so the user # can submit using the keyboard. self.form.bind(RETURN_KEY, self.submit_callback) self.theme.set_theme_color() # Theme the form. self.display(INITAL_MESSAGE) # Show the user the welcome message.
def grade(name=None): grader = Grader() if not name: count = grader.calc() print "jobs done, scores of %d plugins updated" % count return try: id = int(name) except: id = 0 table = PluginTable() if id: plugin = table.findById(id) else: plugin = table.findByName(name) if plugin: grader.calc(data=plugin) else: print "Sorry, we cannot find plugin %s" % name
def main(): questions = parse.parse_test("exams/102.txt") # Example: get all questions from section 3. section_three = get_section(questions, 3) # Uncomment to print all questions. ''' for question in questions: print '--------------' for k,v in question.items(): print k,':',v ''' # Ngram search on section 1 & 2 driverinit() section_one = get_section(questions, 1) #section_tmp = [question for question in questions if 1 <= question['number'] <= 15 ] answers = [ngram_analysis(question) for question in section_one] section_two = get_section(questions, 2) #section_tmp = [question for question in questions if 28 <= question['number'] <= 28 ] answers.extend([sec2solver(question) for question in section_two]) driverclose() # Example Grader #answers = ['B']*56 answers.extend(['B']*26) nums = range(1, 57) grader = Grader("solutions/102ans.txt") # Uncomment to see example grader. grader.grade_questions(nums, answers)
def run_grader_cb(self, feedback): g = Grader(self.server) rospy.sleep(1.0) self.og.simple_obs() rospy.sleep(0.5) Ttrans = tf.transformations.translation_matrix((0.5, -0.2, 0.3)) Rtrans = tf.transformations.rotation_matrix(1.57, (0, 1, 0)) T =, Rtrans) g.goto_pose("Simple Obstacle", T, 10) self.og.complex_obs() rospy.sleep(0.5) Ttrans = tf.transformations.translation_matrix((0.4, 0.5, 0.3)) Rtrans = tf.transformations.rotation_matrix(1.57, (0, 1, 0)) T =, Rtrans) g.goto_pose("Medium Obstacle", T, 30) self.og.super_obs() rospy.sleep(0.5) Ttrans = tf.transformations.translation_matrix((0.5, 0.0, 0.5)) Rtrans = tf.transformations.rotation_matrix(1.57, (0, 1, 0)) T =, Rtrans) g.goto_pose("Hard Object", T, 120)
transactions = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'sales_train.csv.gz')) items = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'items.csv')) item_categories = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'item_categories.csv')) shops = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'shops.csv')) # The dataset we are going to use is taken from the competition, that serves as the final project for this course. You can find complete data description at the [competition web page]( To join the competition use [this link]( # ## Grading # We will create a grader instace below and use it to collect your answers. When function `submit_tag` is called, grader will store your answer *locally*. The answers will *not* be submited to the platform immediately so you can call `submit_tag` function as many times as you need. # # When you are ready to push your answers to the platform you should fill your credentials and run `submit` function in the <a href="#Authorization-&-Submission">last paragraph</a> of the assignment. # In[5]: grader = Grader() # # Task # Let's start with a simple task. # # <ol start="0"> # <li><b>Print the shape of the loaded dataframes and use [`df.head`]( function to print several rows. Examine the features you are given.</b></li> # </ol> # In[6]: shops.head() # In[7]:
def main(args): data = read(HOUGHED + args.filename) grader = Grader() new_data = grader.colour_data(data) write(new_data, HOUGHED + args.filename) print("DONE")
cf = currentframe() return cf.f_back.f_lineno path="C:/Users/anandrathi/Documents/DataScieince/Coursera/NLP/natural-language-processing-master/week1" path="C:/temp/DataScience/TextParseNLP/natural-language-processing-master/week1/" os.chdir(path) import sys sys.path.append("..") from common.download_utils import download_week1_resources download_week1_resources() from grader import Grader grader = Grader() import nltk nltk.set_proxy('http://*****:*****',)'stopwords') from nltk.corpus import stopwords from ast import literal_eval import pandas as pd import numpy as np def read_data(filename): data = pd.read_csv(filename, sep="\t") data['tags'] = data['tags'].apply(literal_eval) return data
def GradeSubmissions(config, submissions): grader = Grader() for submission in submissions.values(): grader.Grade(submission)
sys.path.append("..") from common.download_utils import download_week1_resources download_week1_resources() # ### Grading # We will create a grader instace below and use it to collect your answers. Note that these outputs will be stored locally inside grader and will be uploaded to platform only after running submiting function in the last part of this assignment. If you want to make partial submission, you can run that cell any time you want. # In[4]: from grader import Grader # In[5]: grader = Grader() # ### Text preprocessing # For this and most of the following assignments you will need to use a list of stop words. It can be downloaded from *nltk*: # In[6]: import nltk'stopwords') from nltk.corpus import stopwords # In this task you will deal with a dataset of post titles from StackOverflow. You are provided a split to 3 sets: *train*, *validation* and *test*. All corpora (except of *test*) contain titles of the posts and corresponding tags (100 tags are available). The *test* set is provided for Coursera's grading and doesn't contain answers. Upload the corpora using *pandas* and look at the data: # In[7]:
IN_COLAB = False if IN_COLAB: ! wget -O import setup_google_colab setup_google_colab.setup_week1() import sys sys.path.append("..") from common.download_utils import download_week1_resources download_week1_resources() from grader import Grader grader = Grader() import nltk'stopwords') from nltk.corpus import stopwords from ast import literal_eval import pandas as pd import numpy as np def read_data(filename): data = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t') data['tags'] = data['tags'].apply(literal_eval) return data train = read_data('data/train.tsv')
def submit_answer(self, request, pk=None): """Submit an answer to a question""" question = get_object_or_404(Question_Master, pk=pk) self.check_object_permissions(request, question) submission = User_Submissions.objects.get( user=request.user, question=question ) if submission.status == submission.CORRECT or submission.status == submission.WRONG: error = { 'status': False, 'detail': 'Question already answered' } return Response(error, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) if submission.is_answer_shown(): error = { 'status': False, 'detail': 'Question already attempted', } return Response(error, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) if submission.attempts >= question.attempts: error = { 'status': False, 'detail': 'Exceeded the maximum number of attempts' } return Response(error, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) submission.attempts += 1 attempts_remaining = question.attempts - submission.attempts serializer = serializers.AnswerSubmitSerializer(data=request.DATA) print serializer if serializer.is_valid(): submission.status = User_Submissions.ATTEMPTED submission.answer =['answer'] data = { 'status': submission.status, 'marks': submission.marks, 'attempts_remaining': attempts_remaining, 'explaination': submission.explaination } grader = Grader(submission=submission, question=question) if grader.grade(): submission = grader.submission data['status'] = submission.status data['marks'] = submission.marks data['explaination'] = submission.explaination if attempts_remaining == 0 or submission.status == User_Submissions.CORRECT: if grader.the_question is None: the_question = Question.objects.get_subclass( data['answer'] = \ the_question.get_answer() else: data['answer'] = \ grader.the_question.get_answer() serializer = serializers.FrontEndSubmissionSerializer(data) else: serializer = serializers.FrontEndSubmissionSerializer(data) # return the result of grading return Response( else: content = serializer.errors return Response(content, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
def run(test_config_file_name): test_config = YamlConfigFileHandler(test_config_file_name) if test_session == 1: # single session grade # init_log_file() grader = Grader() grader.init(test_config) grader.test() elif test_session > 1: # multi session grade # calculate thread spawn interval spawn_interval = test_length / (test_session * 1.0) # determine grader class use_process = False handler_count = test_session session_per_handler = 1 Handler_Class = GraderThread # use process to speed up grade if test_session > 512: use_process = True handler_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() session_per_handler = test_session / handler_count Handler_Class = GraderProcess # count the number of spawned sessions session_count = 0 # thread safe success counter success_count = SharedCounter() success_time_count = SharedCounter(val_type='d') # process time counter process_time = time.time() # thread group threads = [] # if not use_process and test_session <= 100: # init_log_file() "Testing {0} sessions in {1} seconds, interval: {2}, using class {3}" .format(test_session, test_length, spawn_interval, Handler_Class.__name__))"Warming up ...") warm_up_time = time.time() # Spawn threads while session_count < handler_count: grader_handler = Handler_Class(success_count, test_config, success_time_count, loop=session_per_handler, spawn_interval=spawn_interval * handler_count) grader_handler.init() threads.append(grader_handler) session_count += 1 "Warm up process finished in {0} seconds".format(time.time() - warm_up_time)) launch_time = time.time() # Start threads for grader_handler in threads: grader_handler.start() # Wait for spawn interval sleep(spawn_interval)"{0} sessions started in {1}".format( int(session_count * session_per_handler), time.time() - launch_time)) # Wait for all threads to finish for grader_handler in threads: grader_handler.join() questions_count = success_count.value() * len( test_config.get_config("questions")) "Result: {0} / {1} passed. Total time: {2}\nSuccess time: {3} Passed: {4} Success avg: {5}" .format(success_count.value(), int(session_count * session_per_handler), time.time() - process_time, success_time_count.value(), questions_count, success_time_count.value() / questions_count))
class Subject(): def __init__(self, participant_id): self.participant_id = participant_id self.condition = None # Data logged from iFEED self.learning_task_data = dict() self.design_synthesis_task_data = dict() self.feature_synthesis_task_data = dict() # Concept map data self.cmap_prior_data = dict() self.cmap_learning_data = dict() self.cmap_learning_data_extended = dict() # Problem answers self.feature_classification_answer = [] self.feature_classification_confidence = [] self.feature_comparison_answer = [] self.feature_comparison_confidence = [] self.design_classification_answer = [] self.design_classification_confidence = [] self.design_comparison_answer = [] self.design_comparison_confidence = [] # Feature preference questions self.feature_preference_data = dict() # Self-assessment of learning self.learning_self_assessment_data = [] # Demographic info self.demographic_data = dict() self.prior_experience_data = dict() # Graded score and answers self.grader = Grader() self.feature_classification_score = None self.feature_classification_graded_answers = [] self.feature_comparison_score = None self.feature_comparison_graded_answers = [] self.design_classification_score = None self.design_classification_graded_answers = [] self.design_comparison_score = None self.design_comparison_graded_answers = [] # Transcript data self.transcript_problem_solving = None self.transcript_survey = None # IDG and distance to utopia self.feature_synthesis_dist2UP = dict() self.design_IGD = dict() self.design_num_designs_to_shortest_dist = -1 self.design_HV = None self.design_entropy = None def gradeAnswers(self, confidenceThreshold=None): self.feature_classification_score, self.feature_classification_graded_answers = self.grader.gradeAnswers( "feature", "classification", self.feature_classification_answer, self.feature_classification_confidence, confidenceThreshold=confidenceThreshold) self.feature_comparison_score, self.feature_comparison_graded_answers = self.grader.gradeAnswers( "feature", "comparison", self.feature_comparison_answer, self.feature_comparison_confidence, confidenceThreshold=confidenceThreshold) self.design_classification_score, self.design_classification_graded_answers = self.grader.gradeAnswers( "design", "classification", self.design_classification_answer, self.design_classification_confidence, confidenceThreshold=confidenceThreshold) self.design_comparison_score, self.design_comparison_graded_answers = self.grader.gradeAnswers( "design", "comparison", self.design_comparison_answer, self.design_comparison_confidence, confidenceThreshold=confidenceThreshold) def getMeanConfidence(self, problemTopic=None, problemType=None, countOnlyCorrectAnswers=False, countOnlyWrongAnswers=False): if self.feature_classification_score is None or self.feature_comparison_score is None or self.design_classification_score is None or self.design_comparison_score is None: raise ValueError() gradedAnswers = [] confidences = [] if problemTopic is None and problemType is None: gradedAnswers = self.feature_classification_graded_answers + self.feature_comparison_graded_answers + self.design_classification_graded_answers + self.design_comparison_graded_answers confidences = self.feature_classification_confidence + self.feature_comparison_confidence + self.design_classification_confidence + self.design_comparison_confidence targetGrade = None if countOnlyCorrectAnswers: targetGrade = 1 elif countOnlyWrongAnswers: targetGrade = 0 if targetGrade is not None: tempConfidences = [] for i, c in enumerate(gradedAnswers): if gradedAnswers[i] == targetGrade: tempConfidences.append(confidences[i]) confidences = tempConfidences return np.mean(confidences) def printloggedDataSummary(self, task=None, loggedData=None): if task is None and loggedData is None: raise ValueError() if task is not None: if task == "learning_task": data = self.learning_task_data elif task == "feature_synthesis_task": data = self.feature_synthesis_task_data elif task == "design_synthesis_task": data = self.design_synthesis_task_data elif loggedData is not None: data = loggedData out = [ "Subject: {0} - condition: {1}".format(self.participant_id, self.condition) ] for key in data.keys(): if key in [ "participantID", "treatmentCondition", "stage", "duration", "paramsInfo" ]: continue val = data[key] if key == "designs_evaluated": val = str(len(data[key])) elif key == "features_found": val = str(len(data[key])) out.append("{0}: {1}".format(key, val)) print("\n".join(out)) def getAggregateScore(self, combineFandD=True): FScore = (self.feature_classification_score + self.feature_comparison_score) / 2 DScore = (self.design_classification_score + self.design_comparison_score) / 2 if combineFandD: total = (FScore + DScore) / 2 return round(total, 2) else: FScore = round(FScore, 2) DScore = round(DScore, 2) return FScore, DScore def printAggregateScore(self, combineFandD=True): print("Subject: {0} - condition: {1}".format(self.participant_id, self.condition)) if combineFandD: total = self.getAggregateScore(combineFandD=combineFandD) print("Total score: {0}".format(total)) else: FScore, DScore = self.getAggregateScore(combineFandD=combineFandD) print("Feature: {0}, Design: {1}".format(FScore, DScore)) def printScoreSummary(self): print("Subject: {0} - condition: {1}".format(self.participant_id, self.condition)) print("Fcl: {0}, Fpwc: {1}, Dcl: {2}, Dpwc: {3}".format( self.feature_classification_score, self.feature_comparison_score, self.design_classification_score, self.design_comparison_score)) def gradePositiveFeatures(self): return self.grader.gradePositiveOrNegativeFeatures( self.feature_classification_graded_answers, self.feature_comparison_graded_answers, positive=True) def gradeNegativeFeatures(self): return self.grader.gradePositiveOrNegativeFeatures( self.feature_classification_graded_answers, self.feature_comparison_graded_answers, positive=False) def gradeHighLevelFeatures(self): return self.grader.gradeHighVsLowLevelFeatures( self.feature_classification_graded_answers, self.feature_comparison_graded_answers, highLevel=True) def gradeLowLevelFeatures(self): return self.grader.gradeHighVsLowLevelFeatures( self.feature_classification_graded_answers, self.feature_comparison_graded_answers, highLevel=False) def getDist2Utopia(self): if len(self.feature_synthesis_task_data ) != 0 and 'features_found' in self.feature_synthesis_task_data: features = self.feature_synthesis_task_data['features_found'] self.feature_synthesis_dist2UP = 1 for count, feature in enumerate(features): x = feature['metrics'][2] y = feature['metrics'][3] dist = math.sqrt((1.0 - x)**2 + (1.0 - y)**2) if dist < self.feature_synthesis_dist2UP: self.feature_synthesis_dist2UP = dist return self.feature_synthesis_dist2UP def computeDesignEntropy(self): def rearrangeDesignInputs(inputs): inputAppearance = [] for designIndex, designInputString in enumerate(inputs): if len(inputAppearance) == 0: inputAppearance = [[] for k in range(len(designInputString))] for inputIndex, val in enumerate(designInputString): if val == "1": inputAppearance[inputIndex].append(designIndex) return inputAppearance def getEntropy(inputAppearances, base=10): N = len(inputAppearances) sig = 0 for i, appearances in enumerate(inputAppearances): if len(appearances) == 0: continue else: p = len(appearances) / N sig += p * math.log(p, base) H = -1 / math.log(N, base) * sig return H inputs = [] designs = self.design_synthesis_task_data['designs_evaluated'] for d in designs: inputs.append(d['inputs']) inputAppearances = rearrangeDesignInputs(inputs) entropy = getEntropy(inputAppearances) self.design_entropy = entropy
''' all_data['item_target_enc'] = all_data.groupby('item_id')['target'].transform( 'mean') # Fill NaNs all_data['item_target_enc'].fillna(0.3343, inplace=True) # Print correlation encoded_feature = all_data['item_target_enc'].values print(np.corrcoef(all_data['target'].values, encoded_feature)[0][1]) # See the printed value? It is the correlation coefficient between the target variable and your new encoded feature. You need to **compute correlation coefficient** between the encodings, that you will implement and **submit those to coursera**. # In[8]: grader = Grader() # # 1. KFold scheme # Explained starting at 41 sec of [Regularization video]( # **Now it's your turn to write the code!** # # You may use 'Regularization' video as a reference for all further tasks. # # First, implement KFold scheme with five folds. Use KFold(5) from sklearn.model_selection. # # 1. Split your data in 5 folds with `sklearn.model_selection.KFold` with `shuffle=False` argument. # 2. Iterate through folds: use all but the current fold to calculate mean target for each level `item_id`, and fill the current fold. # # * See the **Method 1** from the example implementation. In particular learn what `map` and functions do. They are pretty handy in many situations.
import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import slogdet, det, solve import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time from sklearn.datasets import load_digits from grader import Grader get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') # ### Grading # We will create a grader instance below and use it to collect your answers. Note that these outputs will be stored locally inside grader and will be uploaded to the platform only after running submitting function in the last part of this assignment. If you want to make a partial submission, you can run that cell anytime you want. # In[ ]: grader = Grader() # ## Implementing EM for GMM # For debugging we will use samples from gaussian mixture model with unknown mean, variance and priors. We also added inital values of parameters for grading purposes. # In[10]: samples = np.load('samples.npz') X = samples['data'] pi0 = samples['pi0'] mu0 = samples['mu0'] sigma0 = samples['sigma0'] plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c='grey', s=30) plt.axis('equal')
class Subject(): def __init__(self, jsonFilesRootPath, participant_id): self.jsonFilesRootPath = jsonFilesRootPath self.participant_id = participant_id self.condition = None # Data logged from iFEED self.learning_task_data = dict() self.design_synthesis_task_data = dict() self.feature_synthesis_task_data = dict() # Concept map data self.cmap_prior_data = dict() self.cmap_learning_data = dict() # Problem answers self.feature_classification_answer = [] self.feature_classification_confidence = [] self.feature_comparison_answer = [] self.feature_comparison_confidence = [] self.design_classification_answer = [] self.design_classification_confidence = [] self.design_comparison_answer = [] self.design_comparison_confidence = [] # Feature preference questions self.feature_preference_data = dict() # Self-assessment of learning self.learning_self_assessment_data = [] # Demographic info self.demographic_data = dict() self.prior_experience_data = dict() # Read JSON files self.readJSONFiles() # Graded score and answers self.grader = Grader() self.feature_classification_score = None self.feature_classification_graded_answers = [] self.feature_comparison_score = None self.feature_comparison_graded_answers = [] self.design_classification_score = None self.design_classification_graded_answers = [] self.design_comparison_score = None self.design_comparison_graded_answers = [] def gradeAnswers(self, confidenceThreshold=None): if confidenceThreshold is not None: self.grader.setConfidenceThreshold(confidenceThreshold) self.feature_classification_score, self.feature_classification_graded_answers = self.grader.gradeAnswers( "feature", "classification", self.feature_classification_answer, self.feature_classification_confidence) self.feature_comparison_score, self.feature_comparison_graded_answers = self.grader.gradeAnswers( "feature", "comparison", self.feature_comparison_answer, self.feature_comparison_confidence) self.design_classification_score, self.design_classification_graded_answers = self.grader.gradeAnswers( "design", "classification", self.design_classification_answer, self.design_classification_confidence) self.design_comparison_score, self.design_comparison_graded_answers = self.grader.gradeAnswers( "design", "comparison", self.design_comparison_answer, self.design_comparison_confidence) def printScoreSummary(self): print("Subject: {0} - condition: {1}".format(self.participant_id, self.condition)) print("Fcl: {0}, Fpwc: {1}, Dcl: {2}, Dpwc: {3}".format( self.feature_classification_score, self.feature_comparison_score, self.design_classification_score, self.design_comparison_score)) def readJSONFiles(self): dirname = os.path.join(self.jsonFilesRootPath, self.participant_id) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): print("Failed to load the JSON file - directory not found: {0}". format(dirname)) return # raise OSError("Directory not found: {0}".format(dirname)) jsonFiles = [ os.path.join(dirname, f) for f in os.listdir(dirname) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, f)) and f.endswith(".json") ] for filename in jsonFiles: with open(filename, newline='') as file: try: data = json.loads( if 'treatmentCondition' in data: if self.condition is None: # Condition 1: Manual - without generalization # Condition 2: Automated - without generalization # Condition 3: Interactive - without generalization # Condition 4: Manual - with generalization # Condition 5: Automated - with generalization # Condition 6: Interactive - with generalization self.condition = data['treatmentCondition'] if "learning" in os.path.basename(filename): self.learning_task_data = data elif "feature_synthesis" in os.path.basename(filename): self.feature_synthesis_task_data = data elif "design_synthesis" in os.path.basename(filename): self.design_synthesis_task_data = data elif "conceptMap-prior" in os.path.basename(filename): self.cmap_prior_data = data elif "conceptMap-learning" in os.path.basename(filename): self.cmap_learning_data = data except: print("Exception while reading: {0}".format(filename)) traceback.print_exc() def countFeatureParity(self, positive=True): return self.grader.countFeatureParity( self.feature_classification_graded_answers, self.feature_comparison_graded_answers, positive=positive)
from grader import Grader from lessons import IntroToPython, Statistics grader = Grader() itp_id = grader.register(IntroToPython) stat_id = grader.register(Statistics) grader.start_assignment("Tammy", itp_id) print("Tammy's Lesson:", grader.get_lesson("Tammy")) print( "Tammy's check:", grader.check_assignment("Tammy", "a = 1 ; b = 'hello'"), ) print( "Tammmy's other check:", grader.check_assignment("Tammy", "a = 1\nb = 'hello'"), ) print(grader.assignment_summary("Tammy")) grader.start_assignment("Tammy", stat_id) print("Tammy's Lessons:", grader.get_lesson("Tammy")) print("Tammy's check:", grader.check_assignment("Tammy", "avg=5.25")) print( "Tammy's other check:", grader.check_assignment("Tammy", "avg = statistics.mean([1, 5, 18, -3])"), ) print(grader.assignment_summary("Tammy"))
X_tr, X_val = test_df.iloc[tr_ind], test_df.iloc[val_ind] means = X_val['item_id'].map(X_tr.groupby('item_id').target.mean()) X_val['item_id_target_mean'] = means test_df.iloc[val_ind] = X_val prior = test_df['target'].mean() test_df.fillna(prior, inplace = True) corr = np.corrcoef(all_data['target'].values, test_df['item_id_target_mean'])[0][1] # You will need to compute correlation like that #corr = np.corrcoef(all_data['target'].values, encoded_feature)[0][1] #corr = 0.41645904885340546 #%% print(corr) #%% Grader.submit_tag('KFold_scheme', corr) # %% # 2. Leave-one-out-scheme test_df = all_data test_df['item_target_sum'] = test_df.groupby('item_id')['target'].sum() # %% test_df.head() #%% for i in range(0,len(test_df)): print(i) #%% test_df['LOOCV'] = 0
results = self.assignment.check(code) if results: self.correct_attempts += 1 return results def lesson(self): return self.assignment.lesson() import uuid class Grader: def __init__(self): self.student_graders = {} self.assignment_classes = {} def register(self, assignment_classes): if not issubclass(assignment_class, Assignment): raise RuntimeError( "Your class does not have the right method" ) id = uuid.uuid4() self.assignment_classes[id] = assignment_class return id # main file from grader import Grader from lessons import IntroToPython, Statistics grader = Grader() itp_id = grader.register(IntroToPython)